7/7/13 #729 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal729.html What's
that strange light in
the sky?
Hush! Did you hear something on the
roof? Quiet! I think someone is in
the house! Could it be
extraterrestrials looking for
abductees to
experiment on?
Maybe it's the Men-In-Black seeking to
threaten and warn dire
consequences. I bet it's agents of the
New World Order looking to
implant mind control devices in our
heads to create robot killers!
No, wait! It's ALL OF THE
ABOVE! But don't worry, they're
only here to read your latest edition
of Conspiracy Journal, with all the
news and info that's
fit to suppress.
Don't forget to check out the latest Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...Number 40, full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have! - Mystery Intergalactic Radio Bursts Detected - - Geology Tries, But Doesn't Explain Loch Ness Mystery - - Can We Believe The Accounts of Crashed UFOs? - AND: Phantom Sex Noises in Phuket, Voodoo Suspected CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ Mythical, Magickal Beasts And Beings Authored by Maria D'Andrea Sean Casteel, Elliott O'Donnell, and Penny Melis Come explore the
supernatural side of man's best - and worst -
"friends" as related in the strangest stories
involving beasties of all sorts - seen and unseen.
And uppermost learn how to get them to assist in our
lives in a positive way.
HERE IS PROOF OF A PSYCHIC - OCCULT - PARANORMAL CONNECTION BETWEEN HUMANS AND EVERY MANNER OF BEAST AND BEING…FOR INDEED THERE ARE AS MANY ANIMAL PHANTOMS AS THERE ARE HUMAN SPECTERS! Master Psychic and Spiritual Teacher, Maria D' Andrea tells us that, "Mythological and magickal creatures have been with us in mythological stories, in religions, as well as, in art forms. Dating back to the cave drawings, we can see pictographs of beasts, aliens and amazing figures. Heroes, Gods, Goddesses, objects and customs (some are the base of our civilizations)." The author of Heaven Sent Money Spells and TV host states further" These stories can give us hope, expectancy, lessons, teachings, intrigue and motivation. They let us know there are things out there that we can connect to, which help make our lives easier, help us to improve our lives and work with the elemental kingdoms, spiritual planes of existence and the unseen inter-dimensional beings that have been with us for centuries". In her latest work, MYTHICAL, MAGICAL BEASTS AND BEINGS, Maria, notes that some of these beings come from our deepest imagination, our visions, from psychic "seeing," These beings are thought forms we create with the power of our minds, and they can be beneficial as well. We can in essence call upon them from within the deepness of our souls when "the time is right." Still other Magical Beings are thought forms we create with the power of our minds, and they can be beneficial as well. We can in essence call upon them from within the deepness of our souls when "the time is right." MAGICKAL BEINGS INCLUDE:
** Mermaids Of The Deep. **
Dragons. ** Elves And Manos Of The Ancients.
** Crystal Beings. ** Undines. ** Astral Beings. In addition, natural intuitive Penny Melios reveals the true nature of the Elemental Kingdom and the best times to approach for communications purposes and for assistance when needed the most. Not to be outdone, Sean Casteel says that some animals even have the gift of speech, and that according to the Bible, a talking donkey caused a wicked man to repent, while in the 1930's England a talking Mongoose moved in with a farm family and became a terrifying member of the household. Charles Fort, a British researcher and collector of "nature's oddities," dug up hundreds of cases in which it literally rained a multitude of species from the sky. With no explanation of course! Elliott O' Donnell recognizes the fact that some "animals" operate in the great unseen. There are he reports countless incidents in which phantom horses have been heard and seen, and even wild animals have put in "physical" appearances even though they might not have been there to begin with, this work of NON FICTION will enthrall and thrill. If you act now, you can get "Mythical,
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Paranoia Magazine is proud to present: ParanoiaCon 2013 in SAN DIEGO, Saturday, July 20, 11am-7pm/Sunday, July 21, 11am-7pm Special Guest Host: Dean Haglund - (The X-Files & The Lone Gunmen & The Truth is Out There) Schedule and Presenters: Saturday 11:00am………….Lenon Honor: 9/11 Fear-Based Mind Control 1:00pm…………..Andy Colvin: The Mothman and Other Anomalous Creatures 3:00pm…………..Sadiki Bakari: Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence 5:00pm…………..Adam Gorightly: Tales of Conspiracy and High Weirdness Sunday 11:00am…………..Olav Phillips: The Secret Space Race 12:30pm…………..Ralph Epperson: The Conspiratorial View Of U. S. History 2:30pm………….Cynthia Hamil: Electronic Harassment and Targeted Individuals 4:00pm………….Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness: The Truth is Out There! (Film and Discussion) Cost: $25/ per day or $40/ 2 days
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(Mr. UFO) on Beyond The Paranormal
Great interview recently with Paul and Ben Eno host of Beyond The Paranormal -- Topic: THE DREADED MEN IN BLACK (ONCE AGAIN WE GOT CUT OFF THE AIR MYSTERIOUSLY!) ...Here is your personal link. Enjoy! http://www.behindtheparanormal.com/podcasts/2013%20shows.html - TOP 40 OF THE STARS DEPARTMENT - Mystery Intergalactic Radio Bursts Detected Astronomers were on
a celestial fishing expedition for
pulsing neutron stars and other radio
bursts when they found something
unexpected in archived sky sweeps
conducted by the Parkes radio
telescope in New South Wales,
The powerful signal, which lasted for just milliseconds, could have been a fluke, but then the team found three more equally energetic transient flashes all far removed from the galactic plane and coming from different points in the sky. Analysis later indicated that, unlike most cosmic radio signals that originate in the Milky Way or a nearby neighbor galaxy, these four seem to have come from beyond. Whatever triggered the bursts has come and gone. The signals, detected between February 2011 and January 2012, were one-time events so little follow-up work can be done. What is known is that in just a few milliseconds, each of the signals released about as much energy as the sun emits in 300,000 years. “They have come such a long way that by the time they reach the Earth, the Parkes telescope would have to operate for 1 million years to collect enough to have the equivalent energy of a flying mosquito,” astronomer Dan Thornton, with the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom said. Scientists have all kinds of theories about what exotic phenomena may have triggered the bursts. The contenders include colliding magnetars, which are neutron stars with super-strong magnetic fields; evaporating black holes; and gamma ray bursts that involve a supernova. Or, as Cornell University astronomer James Cordes points out, the bursts could be from an entirely new type of high-energy astrophysical event. “It is still early days for identifying the astrophysical origins of such common but (so far) rarely detected events,” Cordes wrote in an article published in this week’s Science. Whatever is happening is probably a relatively common, though difficult to detect, phenomenon. Extrapolating from the research, astronomers estimate there are as many as about 10,000 similar high-energy millisecond radio bursts happening across the sky every day. “This might seem common, and it is, but you need a big telescope to detect them,” Thornton said. Typically, telescopes only look at a very small patch of the sky at any one time, he added, “so you have to look for a long time before seeing many. This is why we have only detected a handful so far.” Similar radio signals have been found before, but astronomers could never nail down whether they came from inside or beyond the galaxy. Thornton and his team did so by characterizing the plasma the radio waves had to travel through before reaching the telescope. The shape of the wave is impacted by the amount of plasma along the signal’s path. The astronomers found that these four signals traveled through more plasma than what could be accounted for by interstellar gas in the Milky Way. They suspect the extra gas lies between galaxies, a finding that opens the door to a potential new technique to probe the contents of distant galaxies and why lies between them. Source: Discovery http://news.discovery.com/space/astronomy/mystery-intergalactic-radio-bursts-detected-130704.htm#mkcpgn=rssnws1 - IT'S A MONSTER, GET OVER IT DEPARTMENT - Geology Tries, But Doesn't Explain Loch Ness Mystery Loch Ness Monster:
An Italian scientist blames the Loch
Ness monster sightings on seismic
activity. But that doesn't quite add
up. Some scientists offer another
In 1933, Londoner George Spicer and his wife told The Inverness Courier that they had seen something. Something strange: a dragon-like creature that quickly disappeared back into the Loch Ness lake. Since then that monster, affectionately known as “Nessie,” has been (allegedly) seen countless times. Several scientific expeditions have been launched above and below the profound waters for some sign, any sign, of the mythical being. None have been found. But if there is no scientific evidence to support the monster’s existence, there are a lot of scientific theories that attempt to explain why anyone believes in Nessie at all. Some of those theories, like the one that went viral this week, are as dubious as the creature's existence itself. At a 2001 event in Edinburgh, Scotland, put on by the Geological Societies of America and London, Italian scientist Luigi Piccardi informally argued that Loch Ness sightings could be blamed on geologic activity around the lake, which is located on the Great Glen fault in the north of Scotland. He postulated that earthquakes could have sent the water sloshing, as though a monster were seething underneath. Piccardi’s theory was repeated recently in an interview he gave to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica and has since gone viral: “Loch Ness Monster Mystery Explained,” reported Fox News. Well, no – not exactly. Earthquakes in the Loch Ness area are usually magnitude 3 or 4 – not strong enough to send the lake water shivering, the Scientific American reports. Larger quakes have been recorded in 1816, 1888, 1890 and 1901. But those dates don’t correlate to periods of high frequency monster sightings, like 1933, when “Nessie” sightings were all the rage after the Spicer couple had such an intriguing trip to the lake. And so Piccardi’s hypothesis joins a growing crop of not quite satisfying scientific theories, some more credible than others, purporting to explain what Loch Ness visitors saw – or think they saw. For example, that Nessie is actually an eel or a sea otter; that its sighting correlate to patterns in the water that birds make when they take flight; that floating, dead pine tree logs have been mistaken for a serpent; and etc. But beyond it’s scientific inaccuracy, what Piccardi’s theory lacks is something that most of those theories lack: the role of the human imagination and its spectacular, almost boundless ability to pull together fragments of information collected from the world into a meaningful, believable narrative. “People don’t want an explanation that it’s just in their head. They want a geological explanation. But that geological explanation is also just in your head,” says Brian Cronk, chair of the psychology department at Missouri Western State University. Were it accurate, Piccardi’s geologic explanation could cover what might have caused the circumstances that suggested a monster gurgling underwater. But its science does not explain what caused the viewer to see in that jiggling lake an enormous, mythical sea creature. That leap might be due to what is called "availability heuristics," says professor Cronk. That means that the human brain will, intelligently, look for the most available solution to explain a problem. And when a visitor has gone to Loch Ness Lake and is well aware of the fables of its depths, the monster is the most available solution to explain sudden waves in the water. “Humans are really smart animals. And one of the things are brains are always doing is trying to find the meaning in things,” says Cronk. “So if you’re at the lake, and you want to see the monster, and then you see a random, unexplained shape, your brain will make it into the Loch Ness monster.” And once a lake visitor believes they’ve seen the monster – and had a supremely exciting vacation – it will be difficult to convince them otherwise, given what is known as the "confirmation bias," essentially a kind of selective hearing that tunes out evidence that imperils our existing theories. “People who are believers in an unproven phenomenon will reject any plausible explanation to the contrary and only be receptive to explanations which support their views,” says Bryan Farha, director of? Applied Behavioral Studies & Counseling at Oklahoma City University, in an email interview. We might also want to believe because, well, we want to: a world full of not-quite-explainable monsters is more entertaining than one without it. "Many people believe weird things because they have a need to be entertained – and it’s far more entertaining to believe in the extraordinary than the mundane," says professor Farha. Source: CS Monitor http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2013/0703/Loch-Ness-monster-Geology-tries-but-doesn-t-explain-mystery - FROM ROSWELL TO
Can We Believe The Accounts of Crashed UFOs? By Sean Casteel In a new book from Global Communications called "The Case For UFO Crashes: From Urban Legend To Reality," author and publisher Timothy Green Beckley argues that the many stories and rumors about the UFO crash phenomenon are basically true and that the government is hiding its knowledge of that truth because of National Security concerns. And just how does Beckley make his case? By a combination of both anecdotal evidence - the stories that are told about the numerous crash incidents - and with evidence of a more concrete kind - actual government documents that have been leaked or obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests. At this point, it may be relevant to say something in defense of anecdotal evidence. Budd Hopkins, the late abduction researcher, once stated that while no one has ever provided absolute proof that UFOs and their attendant phenomena are real, nevertheless there is plenty of evidence, the kind of evidence that would convince any jury in any courtroom that the UFOs did indeed exist and represented an alien or otherworldly technology. Hopkins went on to say that ALL evidence presented in a trial is itself anecdotal. For instance, when the prosecution presents DNA evidence against a defendant, the jury never actually "sees" the DNA evidence. What they get instead is a law enforcement DNA expert telling them a "story" about that evidence. In other words, all the jury really has to go on is the anecdotal testimony of a scientist, the spoken words of an allegedly credible spokesperson who "talks" about the evidence in an attempt to bolster the prosecution's case. So it is with the UFO phenomenon. We often have only the stories people tell to go on, but ignoring those stories is a self-defeating way to close our eyes to some very important truths. In "The Case For UFO Crashes," convincing anecdotal evidence abounds, sometimes from sources that command our respect and are seemingly beyond reproach. Beckley writes about the late astronaut Gordon Cooper, who stated publicly that he first encountered UFOs in the 1950s while he served as a jet fighter pilot stationed in Germany. He and his comrades-in-arms witnessed an over-flight of strange objects that could stop on a dime and make 90-degree turns in the middle of their flight paths. Cooper later said that reports of crashed UFOs seemed credible to him and the entire subject warranted further study. Beckley also quotes movie producer Peter Kares, who claimed to have known an ex-Air Force pilot who was at the scene when a crashed disc was carted away. "Later, he was harassed," Kares said, "sent to a psychiatrist and nearly drummed out of the service because he refused to sign a pledge that he would never talk about what he had inadvertently seen. We were even able to talk with a full colonel who claims he saw with his own eyes a UFO that was being kept in storage. In one case we investigated, motion picture footage was taken of several UFOs traveling along at speeds upwards of 10,000 miles per hour." When Kares followed up on what he had heard, he was told by the government that no such film existed, which the producer attributes to the government's not wishing to cause panic in the streets. Beckley also provides a fascinating retelling of the Frank Scully story. Scully was a Hollywood reporter who found out about a saucer crash said to have happened in Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948 that left several alien corpses behind. The resulting scramble by the military and FBI to cover up the incident and discredit Scully and his sources makes for an interesting case history of just what happens in the wake of a UFO crash. (To learn more about Scully and to read the book he wrote about the Aztec crash, read the Global Communications bestseller "Behind The Flying Saucers, Updated Edition.") In chapter after chapter of "The Case For UFO Crashes," Beckley recounts the details of his own investigations into the phenomenon. The many leads he followed up on, the extensive correspondence and phone calls with witnesses and others privy to information on the subject, as well as the dead ends when important sources would apparently die or simply disappear along with whatever proof they had hidden away from their relentless pursuers. Beckley's tireless, dogged pursuit of the truth produced no dramatic "smoking gun," but it does serve as evidence that something is going on, that the tip of an iceberg of information is undeniably there. One of the more fascinating stories told in "The Case For UFO Crashes" came to Beckley when he was in Florida doing media appearances to promote his now defunct magazine, "UFO Review." One of his regular correspondents told Beckley about a health food store owner in Orlando, Florida, who made an important discovery in 1977. While jogging across the United States to promote exercise and fitness, John Peele discovered what he thought was a UFO crash site near the California desert town of Octotillo, a short distance from the Mexican border. "There, jutting up out of the desert," Peele told Beckley, "were several large pieces of what resembled Plexiglas." Peele had served in Vietnam as an army helicopter pilot and knew immediately that the Plexiglas was not from any earthly military aircraft. He also discovered pieces of lightweight metal similar to aluminum that were honeycombed on one side and refused to bend as such a light metal should. But the real surprise was Peele's finding a glove similar to the pressurized gloves worn by our high-altitude test pilots and astronauts. This would not be too unusual except for the fact that the glove was in miniature, as if it were intended to be worn by a child. "Of course, children do not pilot high-altitude planes," Beckley writes, "nor does the government allow individuals under a certain size to join the service, ruling out that the glove might have been manufactured for a midget." Peele found another glove a few feet away, but that one appeared to have been badly burned in the crash. Since Peele was jogging at the time, it was impossible for him to cart the material away, so he buried it with the intention of returning later in his vehicle to retrieve it. However, when he attempted to go and reclaim the artifacts, a peculiar storm came up, rendering the desert skies pitch black, a phenomenon unknown to even the locals. All Peele managed to return to Florida with was the badly burned glove, which he felt surely had to have been designed for a small, humanoid saucer pilot. The thumb on the glove was not positioned correctly for a space-faring primate, such as the monkeys sent into orbit in the early days of our space program. The thumb was positioned higher up, indicating it was most likely worn by a more advanced species than a chimp-astronaut. The glove was double-stitched, unlike anything issued by our military, and appeared to zip from the inside. The word "Large" in English was stamped on the innermost layer of material in the glove, but given that it was half the size of what would be worn by a normal human, this appeared to be another indication that the pressurized glove was not manufactured by our earthly military. Representatives from Martin-Marietta, NASA, and Rockwell International have all examined the glove and reached no definite conclusions, at least none they were willing to pass along to Peele. When the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" opened in late 1977, Peele offered the glove to a local movie house to put on display. The theater at first accepted his offer but then quickly declined, saying it might frighten moviegoers expecting to see only a work of science-fiction. Peele remains convinced that the glove is some kind of outer-space artifact and that the remains of a crashed saucer are likely still buried beneath the shifting sands in the California desert where he first discovered the mysterious debris. As further crash lore, there is of course the well-known belief that the government conceals a great deal of evidence in Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, or alternately, in a location on the base called "The Blue Room." The late Arizona senator, Barry Goldwater, openly declared that, "I have never gained access to the so-called 'Blue Room' at Wright-Patterson, so I have no idea what is in it. I have no idea of who controls the flow of need-to-know information because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I've never tried to make it my business since." One wonders if Goldwater's diplomatic use of the phrase "emphatic way" is a euphemism for some kind of violent threat. Just what lengths do the secret-keepers go to in order to maintain their hold on UFO information? Who, if any, among our elected officials are ever told what the military is concealing in terms of crashed UFOs, alien bodies, or anything else to do with the phenomenon? Former president Bill Clinton stated on at least two occasions that he was denied access to classified information both on the Roswell incident and alien-related activity at Area 51 in Nevada. The book also contains additional anecdotal evidence, stories that sound like science fiction but have been handed down through various sources as true. There is the night a UFO came crashing down over an Ohio shopping mall, for example, or the unbelievable eyewitness account of a UFO that fell inside New York City's bustling Central Park after being shot at by the military. One story details the rescue of a living alien from a downed spaceship as it rested on a military runway in New Jersey. The UFO pilot later died in captivity, but not before witnesses saw what happened and eventually went forward with the story. Allegedly there exist photos of an entity named "Tomato Man," another crashed UFOnaut, photos that to this day have never been satisfactorily explained. As promised, "The Case For UFO Crashes" also contains a prodigious amount of government documents from the files of the Department of Defense, the FBI, and even a bizarrely named agency called "The Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit." The reader can see actual files written by - and correspondence between - members of the military and various intelligence agents as they struggle with responding to the alien presence while at the same time keeping the truth from the very citizenry they are sworn to uphold and serve. The reprinted documents, including the legendary Majestic-12 material, are numerous and too many to go into detail about here. The book also includes an interview I did with Ryan Wood, a researcher, investigator and author who has made a career, alongside his father Robert, of vetting and authenticating leaked government documents on UFOs as well as others obtained through FOIA requests, but their main emphasis is on the MJ-12 papers. The younger Wood's interest in UFOs began at age 15, when his father brought well-known UFO researcher Stanton Friedman home for dinner. At the time, Friedman worked for Robert Wood at the McDonnell-Douglas aeronautics company researching antigravity. As an adult, Wood says he now specializes in analyzing documents while ignoring other aspects of UFOlogy. "We don't do abductions," he said. "We don't do lights in the sky. We don't do anything other than military and intelligence history as it relates to the Majestic documents. That's our focus." In the interview, Wood tells the story of how the MJ-12 documents were initially obtained when Navy and Marines veteran Timothy Cooper began to receive portions of them in his mail; Cooper has since amassed the largest collection of MJ-12 documents and original Blue Book files in the United States. It is not clear why Cooper was chosen as a conduit of the leaked files, another mystery to add to the already large pile. As of when the interview with Wood was conducted, the flow of documents to Cooper continued, giving the Woods and their team plenty to keep them busy. Woods offered one particular document as an example. "One document that is very interesting," he said, "is called The Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Document, and it's an intelligence summary. It's a draft, an assessment. It has fourteen points. It was written on 22 July 1947, after the team went to the Roswell area to deal with some of the crashes." The document is very specific, detailing the longitude and latitude of Mack Brazel's ranch, where the Roswell debris was strewn over a wide area, and pinpoints the location of a second crash near Socorro, New Mexico, around that same time. Meanwhile, Wood is confident that the saucer crash documents are not "disinformation" or "psychological warfare," saying he doesn't think that over the long haul it would be to our government's advantage to use fake documents simply to lie to us, our allies or even our enemies. Somehow, backstage and under a heavy covering of secrecy and classification, a real life drama is being acted out that supersedes any attempt to deceive those outside the loop. Given that UFO crashes happen on a worldwide basis, resulting in many headaches for governments both allied and "hostile" to the United States, the question must be asked, are the aliens simply inept pilots of their own spacecraft? "That's another good question," Wood responded. "Why do they crash? I'm speculating. The data shows that there are crashes. I think it has to do with the human anthropomorphic view of the alien agenda. We think they don't want to crash. We value human life. We rescue our pilots from the ocean or from behind enemy lines. These alien bodies are disposable, biological robots that are like toilet paper to us. Their mission in the universe is to hop from galaxy to galaxy, star system to star system, gather information and move on. "And they may be less well-equipped than with a mother-ship for interstellar space. They may be using something more like a scout ship, and when they encounter radar or some freak lighting bolt, they malfunction and have a problem. "Then of course there's the deliberate thought - that they're crashing on purpose, because it helps man develop new technologies and advances our civilization without shocking us. It may take decades or centuries to understand and catch up, but it's like you're shown the future. Then you begin to do the reverse science thing, or the reverse engineering." It's hard to imagine the UFO crashes are intentional and have the benign purpose Wood is talking about, but one quickly learns when studying UFOs that nearly anything is possible. Wood feels some of the documents may be leaked by people who regard it as a matter of conscience to do their part in revealing the UFO phenomenon to the world. "People feel that it's wrong to hide the fact that we're not alone," he reasoned, "to have hidden the greatest technological advances from the masses and in essence slow the advance of global humanity by scores of years. "What they did," he continued, "which is hide it all, forced a few cloistered scientists working in secret to push the ball down the field with a paperclip instead of hitting it with a baseball bat. That's really the great crime, that they've hidden the technology and the evidence and thwarted the standards of civilization." In the interview with Wood, he also speculates on the assassination of JFK and the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe as being connected to MJ-12. Were the two murdered to prevent them from going public with what they knew about UFOs and the government cover-up? Such questions continue to haunt us regardless of the fact that they may seem ridiculous on the surface, even crazy or in the category of "fringe beliefs." Still, what Timothy Green Beckley has achieved in "The Case For UFO Crashes: From Urban Legend To Reality" deserves an open-minded look. There are any number of reasons that flying saucers come hurtling from the sky, and just as many reasons for the truth of that to be withheld from us. RECOMMENDED READING: THE CASE FOR UFO CRASHES - FROM URBAN LEGEND TO REALITY - http://www.amazon.com/Case-UFO-Crashes-Legend-Reality/dp/1606111507/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1372118409&sr=1-1&keywords=THE+CASE+FOR+UFO+CRASHES BEHIND THE FLYING SAUCERS: TRUTH ABOUT THE AZTEC UFO CRASH EXPANDED EDITION - http://www.amazon.com/Behind-Flying-Saucers-Truth-About/dp/1606110209/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1372118500&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=BEHIND+THE+FLYING+SAUCERS+BECKLEY [To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at www.seancasteel.com] The Quantum Universe and the Soul By Martin J. Clemens Recent discussion on
the existence of the soul and the
ramifications of a conclusion in either
direction – such as you can find here –
have sparked some research into alternate
theories of consciousness. There are
many philosophical schools of thought, but
this is a discussion of quantifiable
scientific theories.
Among those theories, of which there are several, are such ideas as Ervin László’s Akashic Field Theory, or the Zero Point Field Theory, which you can read more about here and here. László says, to put it in simple terms, that there is a quantum field where consciousness originates and that our thoughts, our consciousness, is not local to our bodies, but that our brains access this field, known as the Akashic field, which holds all the information in the universe. This is a crude description of László’s theory and hardly does it justice, but it is the essence of the idea. While the Akashic Field Theory has its supporters, mostly in esoteric, metaphysical circles, it hasn’t really garnered a great deal of interest or attention from mainstream science, save for a few eccentric physicists. As discussed previously, most theories are examples of Dualism in the Philosophy of Mind. Dualism states that the body and the mind are separate entities, that there are two parts to the human condition, the body and the soul, as opposed to Physicalism, which states that consciousness is the product of local brain chemistry. László’s theory is an attempt to provide a non-local explanation under Physicalism, using quantum mechanics and wave function. If that sounds complex, it’s because it is…very. László isn’t alone in this line of thought however. Laid out in his 1994 book, Shadows of the Mind, English theoretical physicist Sir Roger Penrose, in cooperation with American anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff has presented a similar theory, also using quantum mechanics. Penrose’s theory, called Orchestrated Objective Reduction, or Orch-OR makes László’s A-field theory look like child’s play. It attempts to provide a theory of consciousness based on the quantum state of structures called microtubules in the brain. It says, basically, that there is a quantum scale energy present in the micro-structures of the brain that are the basis for consciousness, and Hameroff suggests that when a person dies, that quantum state or energy is “dissipated into the universe”. He says that near-death experiences can be explained by this quantum energy, which he claims might be able to exist in the universe indefinitely, leaving the nervous system upon death, and then returning when the patient is revived. This literally is a theory, based in Physicalism, that confirms the existence of a soul…or so it would seem. In its development, Penrose based his research on the mathematical view point of Gödel’s theorem – two theorems of mathematical logic, which ultimately state that the human mind is necessarily computational. This is a very complicated mathematical philosophy, and Penrose’s interpretation, which disagrees with Gödel’s theorem, is highly controversial and contested. Known as the Penrose-Lucas argument, his interpretation of the mathematics suggests that the human brain is non-computational, non-algorithmic, and that only wave function collapse explains this process. Don’t feel bad if you’re a little lost, even the best of us would have trouble following this thought train. GraveSoulIt turns out though, that wave function collapse doesn’t explain the process, at least according to Swedish-American physicist and cosmologist Max Tegmark. Tegmark argued in his 2000 paper in the journal Physical Review E, that wave function collapse would occur at too fast a rate for it to have any impact on neural processes. This view point is widely adopted as the biggest barrier to Orch-OR’s success as a theory of consciousness, and it essentially stops it in its tracks. It says, basically, that this quantum energy that Penrose and Hameroff claim is the basis for consciousness doesn’t stick around long enough in those microstructures to be considered a viable candidate for the basis of a soul. Those less interested in the science and more focused on the philosophical meaning behind the theory are quick to celebrate the idea that science has proven the existence of the soul, but a closer look at the research says that this lofty goal has yet to be reached. Orch-OR is attractive because, not only does it seem to provide an answer to the age old question of the soul, but it also appears to provide a structure for the afterlife and the phenomena of ghosts. To be clear, the theory has not been disproven (or proven for that matter), it’s just that many involved in the research disagree with Penrose and Hameroff and cast doubt on the viability of the theorem. Do we have a soul? The question is still very much up for debate, but as all involved continue their research we can only hope that the future holds the answer. It would be…convenient, if this theory were true. It would provide a stepping-off point for so much other research and would vindicate a great many people in both the scientific community and in paranormal, religious and metaphysical communities. But Orchestrated Objective Reduction doesn’t appear to be what we all wish it was. Source: Paranormal People http://www.paranormalpeopleonline.com/the-quantum-universe-and-the-soul/ - REACH OUT AND SPOOK SOMEONE DEPARTMENT - Mom Says Her Kids Talk To The Dead Most parents like to
boast about their children's talents, but
you might think Pam Billington would keep
her family's special abilities to herself.
The 38-year-old is convinced her two youngest Jadon 10, and Lucy, eight, can talk to dead people. Mrs Billington, from Cheshire, says they have made friends with more than ten spirits - including their own grandmother - in the past year. She says the children talk about their new friends so much it feels as if they're part of the family. 'It all started a couple of years ago when Jadon told me he had been visited by an angel in the night,' Mrs Billington said. 'At first I dismissed it as being the product of an overactive imagination. But when Lucy started talking about it too I started to listen. 'It's a gift and you either have it or you don't. It isn't a hoax, I really believe my kids can talk to spirits.' The spirit visits began in 2011 at the family's former home in Manchester where, according to the children, the ghosts lived among them and even in their attic. In March this year, the family moved to a new home in Sandbach, Cheshire, but the children claim the ghosts relocated too. Mrs Billington, a full-time mother, says she became a believer after experiencing a strange encounter of her own. She said: 'One night I was watching TV and I said to Jadon if they are really here now ask one of them to tug at my trouser leg. 'Jadon asked, then a few seconds later I felt something prod my leg and I saw with my own eyes my trousers move. 'It's incredible. Now, they touch me all the time. They'll poke me in the arm and touch me on the leg. I've even been poked in the eye by a ghost. 'They also made the television go fuzzy when Jadon asked one to prove that he was there. 'You have to experience it to understand. I've always read things but I didn't have a true appreciation of it until I went through it with my children.' She added: 'I love having spirits in the house, I think it's great. 'I think it shows that anything's possible and it gives me hope for when I pass away. I know that this is not the end and we carry on.' As an atheist, Mrs Billington says she didn't raise her children to believe in ghosts and has not nurtured their psychic ability in any way. But the children, who are home-schooled, are convinced. Among the ghostly guests are an American couple called Sam and Simon Crease, who Jadon talks to, along with an angel called Michael. Lucy has formed a bond with a young girl called Rose. And, at her new home in Cheshire, she says she has seen a ghostly woman in a neighbouring garden, believed to be the spirit of an old woman who recently passed away there. Jadon said: 'I used to have trouble sleeping because I always felt like someone was watching me. 'I would wake up in the night and run into mum and dad's room. 'Now when I see spirits I talk to them - and they talk back. I see them during the day and night.' He added: 'Mum and dad asked me if I was making this up and I'm not - there really are ghosts in the house.' Although Lucy is used to her ghostly friends she admitted she still got 'freaked' out by their late-night antics. She said: 'I used to get scared. When I first saw them I didn't know whether it was a spirit or my imagination. 'Now I see lots of them not and I'm used to it.' While Pam is convinced her children have a special gift, Daron, who was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, is still skeptical. The 40-year-old health and safety advisor said he had never experienced a ghostly encounter of his own. He added: 'I was raised in a religion that is definitely against things like spirits. 'I am still a little bit cautious with my children when we talk about ghosts but they seem okay and it keeps them happy so I leave them to it. 'I reacted with disbelief at first and a few times I thought they were based on imaginary friends. 'But the children went in to so much detail when they were talking about them that as time went by I started accepting it.' He added: 'I'm still not really 100 per cent convinced but I think there's a little bit of truth in it. 'My kids aren't liars and if you listen to how they speak they tend to be quite believable.' Pam and Daron's eldest, Emily, is the only child in the house not to have picked up a talent for talking with ghosts and has not seen any spooky goings on. She added: 'I don't mind them but I haven't seen them. If I did I think I would freak out.' Source: Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2355811/Mother-claims-children-speak-dead-people-discovered-ghost-attic-dads-convinced.html - REALLY NOISY GHOSTS
Phantom Sex Noises in Phuket, Voodoo Suspected PHUKET: An inconclusive police investigation has prompted a Phuket woman to publicly appeal for help in unravelling the mysterious “sex noises” she keeps hearing at her Chalong home. Onanong Waltham, 46, accompanied by her housemate Sujittraporn Tephabutra, made her public appeal at the Phuket Press Club yesterday afternoon. “I keep hearing moaning sounds in my house. It sounds like people making love,” said Ms Onanong, a resident at the Land & Houses Park Preuksachart Lake View housing estate, located behind Wat Chalong. “Also, late at night, my phone rings and I answer it, but all I hear is a man’s voice saying he wants to make love to me. When I call back the number, I get some guy in Rayong province,” she said. In the belief she was being stalked, Ms Onanong filed a complaint with the Chalong Police. “They came to my house and even heard the same noises, but they couldn’t find where the sounds were coming from,” she said. Ms Onanong now fears her claims are not being taken seriously. “I don’t know what to do,” she said. The incessant moaning has forced Ms Onanong to seek advice from more traditional members of the community. “I have even seen a mor doo [local soothsayer] and a spirit medium for advice, but nothing seems to have helped. I now think that someone is using black magic on me,” she said. Ms Onanong invited anyone to help establish the true cause of the moaning and the source of the phone calls. “If anyone thinks they can make the noises stop, please contact the Press Club at 076-244 047 or email phuketreporter@gmail.com,” she urged. Source: Phuket Gazette http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2013/Phantom-sex-noises-in-Phuket-voodoo-suspected-21517.html Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines Click on banner to sign up for two FREE magazines! FRIENDS OF CONSPIRACY JOURNAL Far Out Radio Free Issue of Phenomena Magazine www.mapit.kk5.org Wm Michael Mott - New Book Available on Kindle The Kevin Cook Show on Inception Radio Network Informant News-Tapping into the Multiverse for a good Story! PSI TALK-The Internets Only Paranormal Web Station! The
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