![]() 9/28/13 #740 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal740.html ![]() Did
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THEY don't want you to have!- UFOs, Nazis, and Secret Projects - -Texas A Hotbed of UFO Activity- - Teen's Hairy Run-In Probed as Bigfoot Encounter - - Pyramid Found Off the Coast of the Azores - AND: Top 5 Celebrity Ghost Encounters CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ READ THIS FRIGHTENING NEW BOOK! ![]() UFOs - Wicked This Way Comes: The Dark Side Of The Ultra-Terrestrials EXPOSING THE UFO “FEAR FACTOR”. . . Stories of encounters with the
supposedly friendly "all-too-cute" ETs are NOT
always the norm and represent only one side of the
coin. Little Elliot may have befriended Steven
Spielberg's cozy, cuddly alien, but all too often
our almond-eyed visitors have their own agenda,
which frequently puts them at odds with our earthly
well-being. They have been known to abduct, dice and
slice and put us through a universe of utter
Not only can the Ultra-Terrestrials be damned ornery but they have the power to interfere with both our physical and mental states and put dread into our hearts. Thus the term “UFO Fear Factor.” They can oftentimes wreak havoc on an entire household following what might seem like a benign close encounter but which ends up going well beyond a cosmic one-night stand. The Ultra-Terrestrials possess various characteristics in common with spirits from the dark corridors of demonology and have been known to produce the same sort of phenomena at UFO landing sites as you would find in a haunted house or at a seance. HERE ARE AUTHENTIC ACCOUNTS FROM THE “TWILIGHT ZONE” OF UFOLOGY * Witness grows 5 inches
following close encounter! Hair of observer changes
color overnight!
* West Virginia man abducted by weird “vegetable”-like Ultra-Terrestrials. * Valuable objects vanish upon arrival of strange shadow beings in New Jersey home. * The mystery of the “Crawling Stumps” in Oregon. * Giants bully youngsters in Brazilian UFO terror attack. * “Fireballs” cause massive blackout. * A man named “Fred” (a pseudonym) recalls under hypnosis a horrifying sexual experience involving a half human/half animal creature. * Dr. Karla Turner, who passed away from breast cancer after she started reporting on the negative aspects of the UFO abduction phenomenon, noted: *** A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn’t have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can’t identify. *** Some abductees experience a degeneration of their mental, social and spiritual well-being. Excessive behavior frequently erupts, such as drug abuse, alcoholism, overeating and promiscuity. Strange obsessions develop and cause the disruption of normal life and the destruction of personal relationships. * Noted author/researcher Brad
Steiger offers evidence that many individuals hear
the guttural voices of Ultra-terrestrials commanding
them to do demonic deeds, such as the case of a
self-declared prophet of a new religion linked to
the slain bodies of a family of five—all victims of
human sacrifice necessary to persuade the “forces”
to present the Ohio-based cult with a magical golden
* Some of the human implications of what the Ultra-terrestrial “invasion” represents are so potentially disturbing and disruptive that well-known talk show personality/investigator Peter Robbins declares that he has no doubt that there are “those” who are capable of just about anything in their efforts to keep the subject from us, including possibly being involved in the untimely deaths of certain truth seekers whose lives have been decidedly entangled with the Unknown. BE FOREWARNED – WICKED THIS WAY THEY COME! For subscribers of the Conspiracy Journal Newsletter this book is on sale for the special price of only $18.00 (plus $5.00 shipping). This offer will not last long so ORDER TODAY! You can also phone in
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UFOs, Nazis, and Secret Projects By Nick Redfern ![]() Although such things are less common today, in decades-past there were far more than a few UFO encounters in which the witnesses reported how their vehicles – whether cars, trucks, or even motorbikes - were adversely affected by the presence of a UFO. Such events have become known in Ufology as “vehicle interference” cases. Typically, engines, lights, and radios are mysteriously affected by the presence of the unknown craft. Only when the strange vehicle exits the area does normality return. One classic case that falls firmly into this particular category – and which will give you an idea of the nature of the phenomenon – was investigated by the British Royal Air Force Police in early 1962. In part, the now-declassified file on the affair states: “Mr. Ronald Wildman of Luton, a car collection driver, was traveling along the Aston Clinton road at about 0330 hrs. on 9th February 1962 when he came upon an object like a hovercraft flying approximately 30 feet above the road surface. As he approached he was traveling at 40 mph but an unknown force slowed him down to 20 mph over a distance of 400 yrd., then the object suddenly flew off.” I could go on and on with numerous other, similar cases, but I’m sure you get the picture. Instead, I’m going to do something else – namely, I am going to offer data that suggests so-called vehicle interference events are not the work of all-powerful extraterrestrials, after all. Their origins may be much closer to home than many might suspect possible. In 1957 – as documentation which has surfaced under the Freedom of Information Act shows – intelligence agents of the US Government interviewed a man who (and I quote from the official records), was “…born February 19, 1926, in the State of Warsaw, Poland, and was brought from Poland as a Prisoner of War to Gut Alt Golssen approximately 30 miles east of Berlin, Germany, in May, 1942, where he remained until a few weeks after the end of World War II. “He spent the following years at Displaced Persons Camps at Kork, Strasburg, Offenburg, Milheim and Freiburg, Germany. He attended a radio technician school at Freiburg and for about a year was employed in a textile mill at Laurachbaden, Germany. He arrived in the United States at New York, May 2, 1951, via the SS General Stewart as a Displaced Person.” The document continues that at some point in 1944, while still a POW, the man was en-route to work in a field a short distance north of Gut Alt Golssen. A tractor - being driven to the field by a German - suddenly stalled on a stretch of road that ran through a dense, swampy area. No machinery or other vehicle was visible, although a noise was heard described as a high-pitched whine, similar to that produced by a large electric generator. A German SS guard quickly appeared and talked briefly with the German driver of the tractor, who waited five to ten minutes, after which the noise stopped and the tractor engine started normally. Approximately 3 hours later in the same swampy area, but away from the road where the POW crew was cutting hay, the source of the story surreptitiously observed a circular enclosure, approximately 100 to 150 yards in diameter. It was protected from full view by a tarpaulin-type wall, around 50 feet high, behind which a very strange vehicle was seen to rise slowly and vertically to a height sufficient to clear the wall. It then moved horizontally, a short distance out of the man’s view, which was partly obstructed by trees. According to the U.S. Intelligence files: ”This vehicle, observed from approximately 500 feet, was described as circular in shape, 75 to 100 yards in diameter, and about 14 feet high, consisting of dark gray stationary top and bottom sections, five to six feet high. The approximate three foot middle section appeared to be a rapidly moving component producing a continuous blur similar to an aeroplane propeller, but extending the circumference of the vehicle so far as could be observed. “The noise emanating from the vehicle was similar but of somewhat lower pitch than the noise previously heard. The engine of the tractor again stalled on this occasion and no effort was made by the German driver to start the engine until the noise stopped, after which the engine started normally.” Official records on this curious matter continue: “Uninisulated metal, possibly copper, cables one and one-half inch to two inches in diameter, on and under the surface of the ground, in some places covered by water, were observed on this and previous occasions, apparently running between the enclosure and a small concrete column-like structure between the road and enclosure.” The documents add that the area in question was not visited by the man again until shortly after the end of the war, when it was observed the cables had been removed and the previous locations of the concrete structure and the enclosure were now covered by water. The man stated to the interviewing intelligence agents that he had not been in communication, since 1945, with any of the other work crew of 16 or 18 men, which consisted of Russian, French and Polish POWs, and who had, the files note, ”discussed this incident among themselves many times.” Here we have not just one, but two, cases of vehicle interference in 1944, seemingly provoked by the presence of a highly unusual, and very large, aerial vehicle of a definitive flying saucer-style. The implication, however, is that this engine-stalling technology did not originate in the domain of outer space, but with the Nazis. Those who can’t bare to think that UFOs don’t have alien origins will likely dismiss the case, or label it as disinformation – chiefly because doing so will help them to sleep better at night and keep their belief systems (which also double as their comfort-blankets) intact. Too bad for them. The fact is that the Nazis were indeed working on far more than a few highly advanced and unusual projects during the Second World War. Just maybe, as these particular files strongly suggest, one of those projects involved the development of a circular-shaped aircraft that employed a form of technology that had a side-effect of disabling engines. Source: Mysterious Universe http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/09/ufos-nazis-and-secret-projects/ - EVEN THE UFOS
Texas A Hotbed of UFO Activity By James
![]() The night was clear, a perfect backdrop for the strange, floating object that lit up the sky. Two witnesses, jailers at the Johnson County Correctional Facility in Cleburne, described it as triangular in shape with a dark surface and a series of circular lights. They said it hovered above them as they talked in the parking lot. “The object flew over them very slowly, appearing to be going only about 5 mph,” according to an account released by the California-based Mutual UFO Network, a nonprofit group of UFO sleuths. That sighting, another in North Texas and one in Central Texas were among the “strongest 10 cases” from 2012 that a MUFON science review board determined “cannot be identified as any known object.” But the peculiar sightings aren’t just cropping up in our own backyard — the whole Lone Star State is a hotbed of UFO activity. “Texas is one of the top five states every month for UFOs,” said Roger Marsh, a MUFON spokesman. He attributed the high volume of sightings to the state’s large population and its many airports and military installations. Most sightings turn out to be readily identifiable, sometimes even a Chinese lantern. Across the country, MUFON reported a record 7,182 sightings of unidentified flying objects last year — a 27 percent increase over the year before. Texas trailed only California in the number of sightings. The other two strong Texas cases identified by MUFON occurred in the Milam County town of Milano in Central Texas, and in Van Alstyne, near the Texas-Oklahoma border. All involved triangular or pentagon-shaped objects with mysterious lights hovering above. The Johnson County case was reported about 3 a.m. on March 25, about 50 miles southwest of Dallas. “The primary witness said that as they walked through the parking lot, the lights over them turned on. The object then sped up and was gone north in a second,” the MUFON report said. The witness, 45-year-old Kerry Snell, said in an interview last week that he was taken aback by what he saw. “You could plainly and clearly see this thing — a huge triangle with no lights, no sound,” Snell said. “There was no interaction. I didn’t feel frightened. I didn’t feel scared. “I was just soaking in all the information. I’m just sitting there looking up at it.” The review board, made up of scientists with degrees in physics, geology, chemistry and electrical engineering, was formed last year to help MUFON take a closer look at the most intriguing UFO sightings and draw attention to them. Their expertise and earnestness notwithstanding, the board and MUFON still face an uphill battle in getting folks to treat their body of work seriously. They’re often met with skepticism — and giggles. And media portrayals often make the UFO buffs, even the ones with impressive credentials, look like crackpots, they say. “It’s constant,” said Robert Powell, 59, a retired engineering manager from Austin who serves as director of the eight-member scientific body. “The media wants something that’s way out there. “So they are not interested in dry facts of unexplained objects. They want to interview the guy with the alien on the back porch.” Two members of the review board are so worried about public perception that they don’t even want their names disclosed, Powell said. “It could actually hurt their career,” he said. Countless sightings go unreported, Powell said, because people don’t want to be labeled “crazy,” he said. Still, the public remains fascinated, and UFO authorities are steadfast in their effort to determine if otherworldly creatures actually exist. “When TV shows [about UFOs] come on like National Geographic, reporting goes up. People will send in reports from years and years ago,” Powell said. Although there have been scattered reports of mysterious flying or floating objects for centuries, the UFO phenomenon really took off after World War II. “If you go back when this started, no one thought you were crazy for reporting something,” Powell said. “That didn’t start until about the ’70s.” Powell said the federal government, apparently weary of being accused of hiding extraterrestrials in secret locations and of refusing to divulge information to the public, “actually had a program to debunk UFOs through the public and media.” And many a crackpot played right into their hands. “You have enough people who come up with this crazy, stupid stuff,” Powell said. Bogus reports, which still crop up periodically and, these days, go viral on the Internet, “make it that much more difficult” for the general public to accept authentic sightings of the unusual. “The level of hoax is probably down to about 1 percent,” Powell said. Most UFO sightings turn out to be readily identifiable aircraft, meteors or other celestial objects, sometimes seen at weird angles that rouse suspicion, experts say. For example, Powell said, a security camera in Florida captured a mysterious light beaming down on a swimming pool. “That turned out to be a drop of water on a camera lens,” Powell said. “They didn’t fake it. They thought they had something there and it was just moisture on the lens.” Steve Hudgeons, MUFON’s national director of investigations, said most sightings are explainable. “But there’s a percentage that remain unknown,” he said. Hudgeons, who lives in Fort Worth, said he believes “most of this stuff that’s flying around here that we call unknown is our own government’s” aircraft. Snell, the Johnson County jailer, said what he saw in Cleburne last year was unlike any commercial or military aircraft he’s ever seen. And he still has no clue what it was. “It’s a little frustrating,” he said. AT A GLANCE: Three major Texas UFO cases The Mutual UFO Network included three reported sightings in North and Central Texas in its list of the strongest 10 cases that “cannot be identified as any known object.” Case 36765 When: March 25, 2012 Where: Near the Johnson County Correctional Facility in Cleburne Sighting: Two officers reported seeing a dark triangular object about 3 a.m. flying 4,000 to 6,000 feet above ground. It had a series of dim circular lights, they said. Case 41918 When: July 14 and Dec. 20, 2012 Where: Along State Highway 36 near the Milam County town of Milano Sighting: Two men reported seeing a pentagon-shaped black object with lights about 5:20 a.m. hovering over the highway about 30 feet above their vehicle. Two more witnesses reported seeing a similar object Dec. 20 along the same stretch of road. The main witness said the object was about 100 feet across with five sides and flashing lights on each corner. Cases 37562, 37585, 37604 When: April 17-19, 2012 Where: Van Alstyne Sighting: Three different witnesses reported seeing a triangular object with white lights hovering near the Texas-Oklahoma border. In the center was a ruby-colored light, they said. Source: Dallas News http://www.dallasnews.com/news/metro/20130922-reported-ufo-activity-rose-last-year-with-major-sightings-in-texas.ece?ssimg=1209071 - LET ME HEAR
Poltergeist Runs Riot at Hair Salon ![]() A poltergeist is giving customers at a Birmingham salon a hair-raising experience by spooking them as they get their locks cut. Both staff and customers at Nokes’z Hair in Church Road, Northfield, have been subject to the weird goings-on over the last four years. They have reported seeing a ghostly face staring at them in the darkness – while a spooky image has also been captured on film. John Conway, from West Midlands Ghost Club, was photographed seated at the salon, with a strange swirling mist near his face. The catalogue of creepy incidents have stretched back to 2009, when Sarah Nokes first opened the salon. Other potential paranormal activities include: * A strange mist forming in the back of the salon, spotted by a customer; * Staff opening up in the morning to find vases and mirrors stacked up on the floor; * A dustpan and brush being thrown across the room; * Strange voices calling out – and hairdryers switching themselves on. In other chilling incidents, a coin dating back to the 1700s mysteriously appeared on the salon doorstep – while a 5p coin was also once thrown at Sarah. Hairdresser Laura Shaw, 18, saw one apparition while closing up one night. She said: “We had just switched off the lights and were in darkness. Then it just appeared – a huge face of a man, made out of lights. ‘‘I didn’t hang around long enough to see any features in close detail. It really shook me up and I just ran.” Fellow worker Louise Fisher, 19, added: “We were once talking about tucking into a pack of digestive biscuits in the kitchen. Next thing you know we heard a thud – and the pack of biscuits had been thrown off the shelf onto the floor.” Owner Sarah, 36, says she had heard rumours that a family had died in a fire in the property in the early 1900s, yet says no pesky poltergeist will force her out. She added: “I don’t feel threatened by whoever or whatever is haunting this place. I don’t get a sense that it is malevolent, just mischievous. ‘‘Customers have experienced strange things going on here but they keep coming back.” Nick Duffy, from West Midlands Ghost Club, is now set to carry out an investigation at the hair salon. He added: “This is a fascinating case as there have been so many incidents witnessed by lots of different people. It sounds like the behaviour of a mischievous spirit or poltergeist.” Source: Birmingham Mail http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/poltergeist-at-birmingham-hair-salon-6065679 - STRANGE CREATURES
Teen's Hairy Run-In Probed as Bigfoot Encounter ![]() LINCOLN — Before July, Saunders County Sheriff Kevin Stukenholtz had never fielded a call about Bigfoot over a lifetime in law enforcement. Now he has a big mystery on his hands. Stukenholtz, along with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, investigated a reported sighting of an unidentified “hairy” creature in late July on a country road that parallels the Platte River. A hair sample found at the site was still being analyzed. A 15-year-old reported seeing the creature, which he said stood about 7 feet tall on two legs as it ran in front of the vehicle the youth was driving about 5:30 a.m. The creature then disappeared into the trees along the river. Stukenholtz, who became county sheriff six years ago after a long career with the Nebraska State Patrol, said he has no reason to believe the report was a hoax. His office is awaiting a report about hair gathered from the scene, between Morse Bluff and Linwood, about 60 miles west of Omaha. The sheriff said that even though he thinks it's highly unlikely that Sasquatch has shown up in Saunders County, his office has an obligation to check out credible reports. “We aren't sure what it was, but we're looking into it,” Stukenholtz said. The sighting comes as Sasquatch is enjoying a run in the media spotlight. “Finding Bigfoot,” a reality show on the Animal Planet cable channel, follows a group of investigators trying to confirm the existence of the 7-foot-tall reclusive giant creatures. There's a Sasquatch Music Festival in central Washington, a Sasquatch Brewing Co. in Portland that features Hairy Knuckles Stout, and a string of hilarious TV commercials for a beef jerky company based on the gag “Messin' with Sasquatch.” But Bigfoot sightings are no joking matter for some. Jeff Meldrum, an anthropology and anatomy professor at Idaho State University who has extensively studied Bigfoot sightings, said he's skeptical of any reports from Nebraska because the state doesn't have the expansive wilderness necessary for a large primate. But Meldrum, author of the 2009 book “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science,” said that despite some Bigfoot hoaxes, people shouldn't discount that such creatures might exist. “There's ample evidence to indicate there has to be something out there,” Meldrum said in a telephone interview. “What it is exactly is yet to be determined.” The report wouldn't be the first for Nebraska, according to the Montana-based Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, which lists reported Sasquatch sightings on its website. The group lists 14 reported sightings in the state going back to 1957. The most recent sighting listed was in October 2006 at Chadron State Park in northwest Nebraska, where three hikers reported seeing an “unusually tall” two-legged animal covered from head to toe in black fur. There were also “various sightings” listed from August 2005 “near the Missouri River” close to Omaha. The website does not list who saw the creatures. The organization has four Nebraska-based investigators, but an official with the group said they have not probed the Platte River sighting because it was not reported to them. Meldrum, the Bigfoot author, said he's skeptical about the Nebraska sighting because it could not be corroborated by another person. But Meldrum said he's convinced that in the Pacific Northwest and other heavily wooded U.S. areas with proper rainfall there might be a “relic population of a rare primate.” Meanwhile, rumors are flying in the Linwood-Morse Bluff area that tracks were found and that people have heard unexplained screams. No tracks were found, according to Conservation Officer Mark Luben of Game and Parks, who investigated the Bigfoot report. The officer said he turned over the matter to the Sheriff's Office once he determined the report did not involve a game or nongame animal under the agency's jurisdiction. Luben said he has fielded two previous reports of Bigfoot sightings in his nearly 24 years with Game and Parks. One, he said, turned out to be a rabbit that had left big tracks in the snow. The tracks were misidentified by a Dwight-area resident who had recently moved to the area from Chicago. Luben and Stukenholtz both said the teen who reported the creature sighting does not want to be identified or interviewed. “When anyone ever says the term (Bigfoot), it's immediately followed up by a joke,” Stukenholtz said. “They're certainly not looking for any public ridicule.” Source: Omaha.com http://www.omaha.com/article/20130908/NEWS/130908877/1707 - ATLANTIS RISING
Pyramid Found Off the Coast of the Azores ![]() An underwater pyramidal structure was identified at a depth of 40 meters off the coast of Terceira Island. The perfectly squared structure was sighted by a private yacht owner, Diocleciano Silva, during a recreational trip. Estimated to be approximately 60 meters high, the enigmatic structure was recorded through GPS digital technology. “The pyramid is perfectly shaped and apparently oriented by the cardinal points,” Silva told Diário Insular, the local newspaper. Most recently, archeologists from the Portuguese Association of Archeological Research (APIA) have identified archeological evidence on Pico island that supports their belief that human occupation of the Azores predates the arrival of the Portuguese by many thousands of years. The evidence comprises of a great variety of protohistoric pyramidal rock structures, some of them 13 meters tall. The structures may have been built according to an oriented plan, aligned with the summer solstices, which suggests they were built with an intended purpose. The Azorean archipelago was discovered uninhabited by the Portuguese around 1427. Last year, archeologists claimed to have found rock art on the island of Terceira, which they believe to be many thousands of years old. In the last three years, a variety of ancient archeological remains have been identified on all the nine islands of the Azorean archipelago. They include an epigraph from Roman times, Carthaginian sanctuaries, cave art, and megalithic structures. Source: Portuguese-American-Journal http://portuguese-american-journal.com/terceira-subaquatic-pyramidal-shaped-structure-found-azores/ - FAMOUS HAUNTS
Top 5 Celebrity Ghost Encounters ![]() Have you ever heard something go bump in the night, see a strange dark shadow out of the corner of your eye, or just come face to face with what you believe is some sort of ghostly spirit? If you have ever endured some sort of paranormal encounter then take comfort in knowing that the spirit world also on occasion stops by to visit with some of the biggest names in Hollywood also. Here is a list of the top five biggest celebrity ghost stories to enjoy. 5. Kate Hudson Kate Hudson, the daughter of celebrity actress Goldie Hawn and known for her hit film “How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days” reveals that while she was filming the horror thriller “Skeleton Key” she had a ghostly encounter of her own. Hudson claims that she has seen a ghost with no face, which paranormal activity specialist call a “ghostly archetype.” Kate stated that she came in contact with this ghost several times, Kate believes she has also been visited by the spirit of her grandmother, who is watching out for her from beyond. 4. Nicholas Cage Nic Cage claims that he also has several ghostly tales but the one that comes to his mind first involves the time he was vacationing at Francis Ford Coppola’s home in Napa. Cage claims he was staying in the attic bedroom at the estate when he was visited by the ghost of a woman with a big teased up hair style. Cage claims his first thought was that he was being visited by his dead aunt, until she got to close to him and left the “Face Off” star frightened beyond belief. 3. Matthew McConaughey McConaughey confessed he was was visited by a ghost, and that it really “freaked” him out back in 2003.the “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” star described the encounter saying that he kept hearing noises that sounded like someone was dropping a dime from the ceiling to the floor. Matthew stated he jumped from his bed and began searching room to room for whatever was making the ghostly noises.Now he claims he is at ease with his ghost and even named her calling her Madame Blue, and he says reveals that they all get along very well together. 2. Keanu Reeves Reeves claims that his ghost tale is fairly simple, but equally creepy. Keanu claims that when he was just a small child of five, he and his sister had a run in with a ghost that was haunting their home, describing it as a ghostly apparition who was wearing a double-breasted suit, the spirit however had no legs. 1. Anna Nicole Smith We saved the oddest celebrity ghost encounter for last and it involves the late Anna Nicole Smith. Those of you who are familiar with the eccentricities of the deceased model know that Anna did not do anything in her life in a small nature. So, not only was Ann Nicole Smith being haunted by a spirit she claims she was also having sex with her ghostly visitor, who she first thought was a deceased boyfriend from her past, she late reveals that it was not a familiar past spirit, but a spirit that she became intimately familiar with, who she also stated was a great lover! Source: Hollywood News Daily http://www.hollywoodnewsdaily.com/2013/6907/6907 Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines ![]() Click on banner to sign up for two FREE magazines! FRIENDS OF CONSPIRACY JOURNAL ![]() Far Out Radio ![]() Free Issue of Phenomena Magazine www.mapit.kk5.org ![]() Wm Michael Mott - New Book Available on Kindle ![]() The Kevin Cook Show on Inception Radio Network ![]() Informant News-Tapping into the Multiverse for a good Story! ![]() PSI TALK-The Internets Only Paranormal Web Station! The
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