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And don't get us started about our elected officials - we used to think
a sex-scandal was the epitome of bad politics. Oh for the days of a
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- Halloween: A Scary Season Rooted in Reality
- UFOs Unexplained Ability To Change Shape -
AND: 'Vampire Grave' Found in Bulgaria
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How to Send a Message to the Past By Tara MacIsaac

the Follow the Truth: The Conspiracy Show Summit in Oshawa, Ontario,
Canada, on Nov. 16, Dr. Ron Mallett will talk about his work on sending
information into the past. The summit will bring together researchers
exploring the power of the mind, past lives, time travel, and more.
Ron Mallett is a celebrated theoretical physicist at the University of
Connecticut, but he was once a little boy with a copy of “The Time
Machine” by H.G. Wells. Mallett’s father died when Mallett was 10 years
old, and when he read this book a year later the idea of traveling back
in time to prevent his father’s death gripped his imagination.
wasn’t a passing fancy. He studied physics in college, with a special
interest in black holes. He figured that understanding black holes
could help him understand time travel. At the time, black holes were
considered “crazy, but at least it was a legitimate crazy,” Mallett
said; time travel, on the other hand, was considered “crazy crazy.”
“I used black holes as a cover story,” he said with a laugh.
Einstein described time as a 4th dimension and he said that time and
space are connected, thus physicists talk of space-time. It is said
that space-time bends and twists around rotating black holes. Mallett
wondered if he could replicate these conditions here on Earth.
A couple of coincidences helped him figure out how.
he graduated college, he wanted to start his research right away, but
it was a time of recession and colleges weren’t readily hiring. He
ended up working with lasers, learning about their cutting capabilities
for industrial use. After two years of this work, he got the job he
originally wanted at the University of Connecticut.
To understand the progress of his research, one must understand two of Einstein’s theories:
According to Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory, time is affected by
speed. It’s already been proven in the lab that subatomic particles can
be hurled into the future at high speeds. An accelerator has been used
on particles known to disintegrate after a certain amount of time. The
particles appear in the future, in a young state, without having
disintegrating over the usual time period. The particles’ aging slows
down as they speed up.
2. According to Einstein’s General
Relativity Theory, time is also affected by gravity. It’s already been
proven that clocks on satellites in orbit show a slight difference in
time than clocks on Earth if they aren’t adjusted to compensate.
Mallett knew that gravity could affect time, and that light could
create gravity. He pondered and pondered, and then his “Eureka” moment
hit. Lasers!
He remembered from his earlier work with lasers
that a ring laser creates circulating light. “Maybe circulating light
will do the same thing to gravity that a rotating black hole would do,”
he thought. He wondered if a ring laser could be used to twist
space-time into a loop—present, future, and back to the past.
concept illustration of how a time machine could look. The lasers would
create a circular movement of light, bending the time-space within the
machine. (Screenshot of footage in Professor Chandra Roychoudhuri's
laboratory, courtesy of Dr. Ron Mallett)
If the laser could
create such a loop, information could be sent to the past in binary
form. Neutrons spin, Mallet explained. A string of neutrons could be
arranged so that some are up and some are down, representing 1s and 0s
respectively, thus creating a binary message.
If Dr. Mallett had
found the research job he wanted right out of college, he wouldn’t have
worked with lasers and gained this knowledge that helped him so many
years later. “I had something in my background that my colleagues who
work in this area didn’t, so it was having that in my background that
led me to that breakthrough, which I may not otherwise have had,” Dr.
Mallett said.
Now for the hard part—testing this theory in
mathematical equations. That’s where the second coincidence came in.
Dr. Mallett was diagnosed with a heart condition shortly before he was
struck with his inspiration to use ring lasers for time travel. He was
on medical leave from many of his duties at work.
Without having to teach classes or perform committee duties, he was free to concentrate wholeheartedly on his research.
I hadn’t had that time, I don’t know if I would have been able to not
only have the breakthrough, but also the time to work it out,” he said.
took him six months to prove that circulating light could twist space.
It took another couple of years to prove that the twisting of space
could also twist time. Though it was a long, laborious effort, Dr.
Mallett noted that it took Einstein 10 years to show that gravity
affects time.
“It was worth it … to actually see the equations
and to see that they predict that [time travel is possible] is a
thrilling thing,” Dr. Mallett said.The next thrill came when a refereed
journal published his first article on time travel.
trepidation, he presented his findings to relativity experts at a
conference held by The International Society on General Relativity and
Gravitation. He was particularly nervous to talk about time travel in
front of Dr. Bryce DeWitt, a prominent no-nonsense physicist who worked
with Einstein. Dr. DeWitt spoke right before Dr. Mallett, a tough act
to follow.
At the end of Dr. Mallett’s presentation, however,
Dr. DeWitt got up in front of the whole audience and said, “I don’t
know if you’ll get a chance to see your father again, but he’d be proud
of you.”
In one short sentence, years of labor were validated,
his aspirations realized, and his initial purpose fulfilled. Though
he’d dreamt as a child of preventing his father’s death, he feels the
discoveries he’s made, motivated by his father’s memory, are more than
His father was the object of great love and
admiration in the young Dr. Mallett’s life. His mother worked hard to
support Mallett and his three siblings in the Bronx borough of New York
City. It wasn’t easy especially in the 1950s as an African American
woman to earn a living and the family fell into poverty. He realizes
how hard it must have been for her, only 30 years old at the time, to
lose her husband to a heart attack so young and to work to raise her
Dr. Mallett wrote about his personal journey as well
as his discovery in his book, “Time Traveler: A Scientist’s Personal
Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality.”
How Long Will It Take to Make a Time Machine?
must make it clear that Dr. Ron Mallett is not tinkering in his garage
with a Delorean and a flux capacitor like Doc Brown in “Back to the
Future.” He’s a theoretical physicist, not an experimental physicist.
That means he’s developed the mathematical evidence that time travel to
the future should work, but it remains to experimental physicists to
get the hardware and build the time machine.
That could cost
some $250,000 just to get started, he said. The $250,000 would cover
the feasibility study, and the feasibility study would determine how
much the experimental phase would cost.
Donations are being made
to the University of Connecticut Foundation. “Over time nearly $11,000
in funding has been received from a great many generous contributors
ranging from $15 to $25 from enthusiastic middle school and high school
students to $500 from a concerned young couple to $1,000 from a
grieving parent,” Dr. Mallett said.
He expects that once the feasibility study starts, the whole process would take about five years.
Philosophical Questions
one day a time machine is built based on Dr. Mallett’s design, what may
happen when the switch is flipped? A message from the future could
instantly appear.
The time machine would only be able to send
information along the timeline from when the machine is first turned on
until when it is turned off. So, if it stays on for 100 years, binary
messages could be sent to any time within those 100 years. Someone from
the future may know that the machine will be activated on a given date
and send a message through to that time.
In a BBC-Discovery
Channel documentary featuring Dr. Mallett’s work, the narrator said
that with time travel, “At stake is nothing less than what it means to
be a human being.”
If we could go back in time and fix all the
suffering of the world, if we could go back and prevent the bad things
that happen in our lives, what would that do for personal growth and
wisdom? How would our society change?
Dr. Mallett said the movie
“Time Cop,” starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, explored this idea well.
Van Damme’s character was tasked with regulating time travel so that
people couldn’t use it for their own purposes. His wife had died and he
had to restrain himself from going back to save her.
“It’s up to
society to decide how time travel is used, it’s not up to an
individual,” Dr. Mallett said. The Large Hadron Collider, the world’s
largest and most powerful particle accelerator, is run by a consortium
of nations. He imagines a time machine would be controlled in a similar
manner. He doesn’t imagine time machines will become any more common
than nuclear reactors. People won’t have time machines in their
backyards for casual use.
For Dr. Mallett, the best use of time
travel would be to warn people of natural disasters—to prevent, for
example, the thousands of deaths caused by tsunamis and hurricanes.
Source: Epoch Times how-to-send-a-message-to-the-past/ - THE PARANORMAL BEHIND THE HOLIDAY DEPARTMENT -
Halloween: A Scary Season Rooted in Reality By Melissa Newman

YEAR, AMID the excitement of Halloween-related fun, conversations
commonly turn toward scary and unnerving talk of the mysterious world
of paranormal and supernatural phenomena. Unlike the entertaining “safe
scares” that Halloween brings, for those who encounter “real paranormal
phenomena,” the encounters can be truly terrifying and even
life-changing. And while these otherworldly phenomena have been a part
of the human experience since the dawn of humankind – and,
incidentally, is where Halloween originates – not even western
society’s modern-day cynical culture of scientific analysis could
dismiss and suppress the existence of these elusive phenomena. On the
contrary, whether you are a believer or a hardened skeptic, an
avalanche of experiences involving paranormal and supernatural
phenomena continues to be reported worldwide.
According to
several polls and surveys conducted around the world, belief in the
paranormal and supernatural is at an all time high and shows no
evidence of decline. In the U.S. alone, a recent Gallop poll showed
that 75% of Americans have some sort of paranormal belief; a Harris
poll showed that half of Americans believe in ghosts; a CBS poll showed
that one in five Americans have seen or physically encountered a ghost;
and still another survey taken from more than 400 college students with
the highest GPAs found seniors and grad students more likely to believe
in the paranormal then their “uneducated” freshman counterparts.
Paranormal beliefs include such phenomena as extraterrestrial and UFO
close encounters, all types of psychic phenomena, miracles and demonic
possession, ghosts and poltergeists, witchcraft and metaphysics, and
encounters with extraordinary life forms, including Bigfoot and the
notorious chupacabra.
Thanks to the
World Wide Web, encounters with the paranormal and supernatural are
more easily reported, communicated, and documented around the world.
Here are a few recent accounts:
While walking
home from the store at twilight, Mrs. Wajda of Poland and her three
children were attacked by several creatures that emerged from the
ground. “They looked like monkeys,” she said, “but their skin was rough
and prickly, like some sort of lizard. We fought them off until one of
them let out a high-pitched shriek and they quickly crawled back into
the ground.” Local authorities were dumbfounded by the report and the
injuries that were sustained by the family, as well as the strange
animal tracks that were left behind. Exploration of the fissure that
the creatures originated from showed that it had recently collapsed or
been sealed from within. During a hike in the
mountains near Tibet, Mr. Ferguson of Australia, and friends, were
jolted awake by a huge, luminous craft that hovered over their
campsite. “I woke to screams, a blinding light and a rumbling noise
that sounded like static,” Mr. Ferguson reported. “I tore through my
tent to see what it was, but it was so huge and brilliant, we couldn’t
make out any detail. The light that came from it burned and prickled
our skin, like it was raining boiling water. It lowered to about
fifty-feet above out campsite then suddenly shot straight up into the
night sky and disappeared.” Mr. Ferguson, his friends, and guides cut
short their trip and returned to the nearest village, and after
receiving medical attention discovered that they were all suffering
from a mild case of radiation burns. While Chinese authorities stated
that nothing appeared on radar and air defenses, several reports were
made over a wide area claiming to have seen a brilliant light
performing phenomenal aerodynamics. “At first we
rationalized away the strange events happening around our home, until
we all began to witness ghostly figures moving through our house and
they began to physically injure us in clear view of others,” states
Terry, a 35-year-old wife and mother of two from upstate New York.
“While I’m open-minded, my husband is an atheist and a skeptic and
insisted that there must be some sort of rational explanation for the
incidents. He refused to listen to others about ‘ghosts’ and
‘poltergeists’ and tried to dismiss the incidents. Then one Saturday
morning, he woke me up frantic with a black eye and bloody nose and
insisted that they all get out of the house.” Terry and her family were
claiming to be under attack of what is referred to as “poltergeist
phenomena.” While thousands of haunts and poltergeists are continually
reported around the world, the actual number that are as violent as
Terry’s case is unknown since the majority of people who have these
experiences prefer to keep them private.
a psychological and physiological standpoint, these people (those who
have encountered phenomena) have been deeply affected by their real or
perceived experiences,” comments Christopher Chacon, one of the world’s
leading experts on paranormal and supernatural phenomena. Chacon adds,
“In some cases, they are seriously traumatized by these experiences, so
it is imperative to first and foremost address the well-being of the
‘experiencers’ before further exploration of the claimed phenomenon.”
addition to his background in magic and illusion, Chacon is a former
scientific investigator from the Office of Scientific Investigation and
Research (O.S.I.R.) with over twenty years of experience and has
conducted thousands of investigations, traveling the world exploring
every type of phenomena imaginable. Among the phenomena he has dealt
with includes haunts and poltergeists, UFO close encounters, miracles
and experiences of divine-intervention, possessions and exorcisms,
encounters with extraordinary life-forms and all manner of psychic
phenomena, from reincarnation and remote viewing to psychokinesis.
Chacon has also participated on highly sensitive expeditions dealing
with ancient rituals and artifacts, mysticism and the occult. While he
has no doubt encountered phenomena that the majority of us cannot even
fathom, Chacon approaches every situation with an open mind, typically
refraining from defining it until otherwise determined.
would be irresponsible to conjecture on the true nature of any specific
phenomenon that is being experienced until I am at least able get a
first-hand experience of it myself,” says Chacon. “I cannot emphasize
enough the importance of belief systems when dealing with these
Chacon reiterates that the “mindset” and method of
approaching these phenomena is as crucial as every other element and
dynamic involving the experience itself. “Belief systems, both yours
and the experiencer’s are certainly a pivotal key when exploring any
phenomena,” he says. “From the analyzing of how beliefs affect the
perception of such claimed experiences or exploring the possible
connections to origins in quantum physics.”
Chacon points out
that belief systems can also blind the observer from the true nature of
a situation, stating, “Just as the complexities of predispositions and
beliefs can cause a believer to perceive experiences that are not
there, they can equally cause the nonbeliever to perceptually deny that
an experience is taking place.” Chacon adds that the inclination and
overemphasis to logically separate the “normal” from the “paranormal”
could very well cause one to unknowingly lose sight on the real issue.
“This might be a matter of semantics,” he says, “but one could
certainly argue that there is no ‘true’ supernatural phenomena; there
is only natural phenomena (things we can comprehend) and preternatural
phenomena (things we have yet to grasp). Of course, whether we call it
supernatural or preternatural, paranormal or anomalous, it doesn’t take
away the fact that people of all walks of life, of all ages and belief
systems are having these ‘experiences’, and it would be illogical and
irresponsible to simply address and label the phenomena – explainable
or real – without tending to the state of the ‘experiencer’.”
certainly has his work cutout for himself, with a backlog of hundreds
of cases and requests for his assistance coming in daily from all over
the world. These inquiries are as wide-ranging as the phenomena
themselves and vary from an ordinary family on a South Pacific Island
to an industrial company in the Middle East, from high-ranking
religious officials to a law enforcement agency in South America.
the paranormal and supernatural continue to be reported in more
frequency, there has been much conjecture about the cause behind the
massive popularity of these phenomena. A few skeptics have claimed that
the media and Hollywood’s most popular movies on the paranormal are
solely responsible for proliferating many of the beliefs in such
phenomena. And while the media can certainly have an effect on
reinforcing beliefs and the propagation of them, sociologists and
psychologists disagree, stating that Hollywood’s creations are not
responsible for originating beliefs, but rather have created an
environment that allows for a more open dialogue for discussion of
them. One only needs to look at the origin and source material that
inspires paranormal-themed media to see that the overwhelming belief of
these phenomena is based in actual experiences rather then what is
later experienced on the big or little screen.
Many of the most
successful Hollywood paranormal blockbusters, such as Poltergeist and
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, are actually inspired by
pre-existing research and real-life accounts taken from hundreds of
sources. The phenomena in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, for
example, was inspired by a mountain of research, both anecdotal and
scientific, and then dramatically spun by Spielberg into his phenomenal
smash hit. Spielberg himself had thanked many sources in the
UFO-research community for their assistance, including Dr. J Allen
Hyneck, who made a cameo in the film. The evidence that the media is
solely responsible for paranormal belief is weak at best. This is
additionally supported by the millions of people around the world, some
in third world countries, who have never seen a Hollywood movie or
western television for that matter, and yet have substantial belief
systems and experiences associated with ghosts, extraterrestrials,
strange creatures, and psychic phenomena. This goes to show that we
certainly don’t need TV or movies to instill a belief or maintain the
fascination in the paranormal and supernatural.
one is a believer or a skeptic, Halloween in the U.S. might be the one
time of the year that both stand united in simply having a good time in
the shadow of such reported phenomena. The origins of Halloween itself
lay in supernatural beliefs and an ancient Celtic festival that dates
back some 2,000 years. Originally called Samhain (pronounced sow-in),
the festival originated amidst the region now known as the United
Kingdom and celebrated the one night each year that the boundary
between the worlds of the living and the dead became indistinguishable.
On this night, the Celts believed that the ghosts of the dead returned
to Earth for good or for bad and allowed Druid priests to additionally
interact with them for the well being of them all.
Over the
course of hundreds of years, early Christianity would attempt to
suppress and replace the Celtic festival with All Saints' Day, which
was celebrated on November 1, a holy day of obligation to honor saints
and martyrs in the Christian faith. The celebration was also called
All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning
All Saints' Day) and the night before it, the night of Samhain, began
to be called All-hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween. But even the
powerful influence of the church was unable to squelch the supernatural
festival, and Halloween endured and flourished over the centuries to
become the sensationalistic celebration it is today in the U.S.
many ways, Halloween has become an outlet and a celebration of the
paranormal and a creative way of putting a fun spin on mysterious
phenomena that might usually invoke fear. During Halloween, which is
now a multi-billion-dollar industry that comes second only to
Christmas, the demand for entertainment, merchandise, and assorted
supernatural, horror-themed supplies have skyrocketed. In addition to
the traditional movie and TV entertainment that features spine-tingling
chills, live-event haunted attractions have become the biggest rage,
commonly selling-out. Several metropolitan areas in the U.S., including
New York City, Chicago, the San Francisco Bay area, Miami, and Los
Angeles all possess hundreds of horror-themed mazes and attractions,
several of them major theme parks that have been transformed into fully
integrated “scream attractions.”
While Halloween is still mostly
an American commercial phenomenon, little by little every year,
evidence that the spooky holiday is being embraced globally is being
seen more and more. UNICEF itself has a special “Trick-or-Treat for
UNICEF” program aimed to empower kids, not just in the U.S., but in
other countries as well, by trick-or-treating for donations to help
their counter-parts in need all over the world. The reluctance to
embrace Halloween in other countries has been primarily due to the
seriousness that the supernatural and paranormal is taken in other
cultures. While the western world can make light of beliefs, both
religious and metaphysical, other old-world cultures are very sensitive
to and deeply immersed in their beliefs and find such playfulness like
the Amercanized version of Halloween to be considered as taboo and, in
some cultures, even sacrilegious.
Whether or not you are
believer in other-worldly phenomena, one thing is for certain: with
every passing year, the popularity of this spooky season grows to new
heights along with the global, year-round fascination in the paranormal
and supernatural. And while the majority of us will be reveling in a
fun-filled Halloween season where scarier is often considered better,
the knowledge that researchers like Christopher Chacon will be dealing
with real-life paranormal phenomena somewhere in the world is an eerie
reminder of what this scary season is based on.
Werewolves: Not Transformed Humans By Nick Redfern

I was at the Original Texas Bigfoot Conference this past weekend, a
couple of people came up to me and asked what I really think about
werewolves. Clearly, the questions were prompted by the fact that it’s
no secret I have written extensively on this particularly controversial
subject. I replied by saying that, to answer the question, it’s
important to have an understanding of what werewolves are not.
people learn that I do think there is a real werewolf phenomenon, many
of them assume I mean werewolves of the folkloric and Hollywood
variety. That’s to say, people who shape-shift into wolves, or into
bipedal wolf-like creatures that are half-wolf and half-human. I should
stress I believe no such thing – at all.
Yes, movies like An American Werewolf in London, The Howling, Underworld, and The Wolfman are great fun – but they are fiction.
idea that the human body can be physically morphed into that of a wolf
(or into the form of a wolf-like animal) and then back to its original
state is not just unlikely. It’s nuts. It cannot happen – period. The
massive, physical changes that would have to occur to the body are
impossible to achieve.
The problem when it comes to werewolves,
and the matter of their existence, is that so many people cannot
disassociate themselves from the movie versions and from those tales of
centuries-old folklore and legend. Too bad for them. They need to step
back from their Hollywood fantasies and get a bloody grip.
I do believe, is the following: (a) that people absolutely do see
creatures that resemble the popular image of werewolves: and (b) that
some of those cases – but most certainly not all of them – have
paranormal overtones attached to them, even if we don’t have a full
understanding of what that term – “paranormal” – really means.
have, for example, investigated a number of highly credible reports of
werewolf-like beasts seen in the Cannock Chase woods of Staffordshire,
England (situated very close to where I used to live, and currently in
the spotlight because of the “Black Eyed Kids” controversy). In these
cases, all of the sightings occurred in areas that we might consider
significant and somewhat out of the ordinary – such as cemeteries and
sites of archaeological significance.
In not a single one of
these cases, however, is there even the remotest reference to these
creatures being transformed people. Not a solitary one!
very much the same here in the United States – and particularly in the
state of Texas, where I have lived for almost a decade and a half. I
have literally dozens of stories from Texas alone. They are split into
two specific camps: (a) those in which people see bipedal, wolf-like
animals; and (b) those that see wolf-like creatures that alternate
between a bipedal stance and a four-legged stance.
parallel between the British and the American cases is that here in the
United States there are also reports of these beasts seen at sacred
sites – graveyards, burial mounds, and the like.
something is going on; something deeply weird. And it’s something that
researchers of anomalous activity like myself need to try and get to
the bottom of. But, no-one should be going down the path of thinking
(or trying to prove) that the werewolf phenomenon is linked to
shape-shifting humans.
It might sound absurd to think that, in
the United States, there could be a wolf (or, more likely, a wolf-like
animal) that has the ability to walk on four legs, but which can also
rear up onto its hind limbs. And, yet, that is exactly what numerous
people have reported – check out the works of Linda Godfrey to see what
I mean.
As for the beasts seen in the US near sacred sites, like
their UK cousins, not only are they not transformed humans; they are
clearly not animals either – period. Or, at least, they’re not animals
in the accepted sense of the term. Of the American creatures, Linda
Godfrey says: “I do find more and more sightings are near cemeteries
and old sacred burial and effigy mound sites — also crossroads,
churches, and military areas.”
So, to get back to the questions
put to me this past weekend at the Original Texas Bigfoot Conference,
yes, I do believe in werewolves. The phenomenon is undeniably real.
People see these things. They provoke fear, torment, stress, and
nightmares for those that encounter them. But, trying to tackle the
mystery with silver-bullets, or at the time of a full moon, is
ridiculous and very stupid. Unless, that is, you have no life or brain.
exist. But they are as far away from being human shape-shifters as it’s
conceivably possible to get. And we need people to understand that the
reality is far stranger than anything coming out of Tinseltown.
Source: Mysterious Universe
Psychic Researchers Say our
Consciousness has Unexplained Powers

As we travel through life we are all seekers after something larger
than ourselves, a truth known to seers, healers and book publishers
through the ages. For Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer, a prominent clinical
psychologist at Berkeley, her quest began in 1991 with the theft of a
rare and valuable harp belonging to her daughter. On the advice of a
friend, she sought help from a professional psychic named Harold McCoy,
who, with only a street map and a photograph of the harp—he never left
his home in Arkansas—told her exactly the address in Oakland where it
could be found. For the rest of her life Mayer was obsessed with this
feat, as who wouldn't be? So last month, 15 years after the harp was
returned, I sent McCoy a picture of a lock—a cast-iron padlock my
grandfather had used to lock up his pushcart at night—and a set of New
York City street maps. Find the lock, I told him.
Mayer's quest took her into a world where the ordinary rules of time
and space don't apply—of dowsers like McCoy, who ordinarily searches
for water underground but asserts he can find almost anything by tuning
in to the "vibrations" that pervade the universe; of clairvoyants who
claim to read minds over the telephone or to be able to see what
someone else is looking at, hundreds of miles away; of laboratories
where people stare at a pendulum, trying to slow it down with their
minds. She compiled her research into a just-published book,
"Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism and the Inexplicable Powers
of the Human Mind," that she finished just before her death in 2005, at
the age of 57.
Her work took her to Princeton, where for more than 25 years
engineering professor Robert G. Jahn has been testing the ability of
people to influence physical objects by their thoughts. (His lab closed
last month.) In thousands of experiments, he has found that they can,
but only by tiny amounts—a few hundredths of a percent, a level that
achieves statistical significance only because of the very large number
of trials involved. Mostly he used electronic devices, such as
random-number generators, but he also used a machine of the sort you
see in science museums, in which balls tumble down an array of pegs and
pile up in slots at the bottom, illustrating how random processes
create a bell-shaped distribution.
Volunteers, staring at the display, would try to nudge the falling
balls to favor the left or the right side—and it worked! In fact, it
worked if the volunteer was in another room, or even in Australia.
Another machine, a small robot programmed to travel in a random zigzag
pattern, appeared to move in response to the mental activity of a flock
of chickens. These facts will either strike you as even more amazing,
or else prompt you to call the whole business into question. Even
assuming there is a force, unknown to science, that emanates from the
brain and can affect a falling Ping-Pong ball, what directs it to a
precise location on the other side of the globe? How does the volunteer
avoid screwing up a science fair down the street instead?
Mayer consulted with psychics, one of whom, a woman named Ellen Tadd,
gave her some startling psychological insights about her own daughter,
and later about five strangers she was interviewing for a job. I called
Tadd myself, and in the course of a 20-minute phone call she gave me a
quick psychic reading of my personality. The crux of it was this:
I see you being very sensitive and in some ways getting overwhelmed by
the harshness and negativity and insensitivity in the world. When that
reaction happened, there became this decision deep inside your soul to
be strong and not be overwhelmed by this sensitivity.
I leave it to those who know me better to judge the accuracy of that
assessment, but it struck me as a fairly generic description of a
journalist, or a human being.
It seemed to me, reading Mayer's obviously sincere and earnest account
of her investigations, that the distinguished physicist Freeman Dyson,
who has long harbored an interest in the paranormal, had it exactly
right in his foreword to her book: "As a scientist, I don't believe the
story," he wrote about McCoy's dowsing for the harp, "but as a human
being I want to believe it." It is part of the human condition to seek
wonder in the world, to seek communion with a higher power that links
us all together with our machines and our chickens. If there is
anything stronger than belief itself, it is the desire to believe.
As for McCoy, after several hours of poring over the street maps I gave
him, he called to say that the lock was in the Bronx.
It was in Queens.
Volcano Could Leave Japan 'Extinct' in Next Century

could be wiped off the face of the earth by a massive volcanic eruption
some time in the next century killing almost all of its 127million
inhabitants, according to a new study.
Experts analysing the
eruption patterns of volcanoes on the island nation say it is 'not an
overstatement' to predict that a natural disaster could leave the
country 'extinct'.
Scientists at Kobe University looked at a
massive volcanic crater on Kyushu Island, which has erupted seven times
in the last 120,000 years.
They predicted that another eruption
on the southern island would bury 7 million underneath lava flows,
while westerly winds would carry a huge pall of ash and dust to Honshu.
toxic cloud would make the neighbouring island 'unliveable', they said,
while saving the 120million living in major cities and towns would be
Professors Yoshiyuki Tatsumi and Keiko Suzuki
calculated that the risk of such an eruption occurring in the next 100
years was around 1 per cent.
However, they said that figure
could not be ignored, as the chance of a major earthquake striking Kobe
within 30 years was estimated at about one percent just a day before a
7.2-magnitude quake destroyed the Japanese port city in 1995, killing
6,400 people.
'Therefore, it would be no surprise if a colossal eruption occurs at any moment,' the study added.
news comes just weeks after Mount Ontake, in central Japan, erupted
suddenly in September, killing 51 people, some of whom were children.
of those who died were hikers who were standing and taking pictures
near the summit when the mountain erupted in the country's worst
volcanic disaster for 90 years.
It also comes amid warnings that
a volcano in southern Japan located 40 miles from a nuclear plant was
showing signs of increased activity that could possibly lead to an
Ioyama, a mountain on the south western island of
Kyushu, has also been shaken by small tremors and other signs of rising
volcanic activity recently, indicating that it might also erupt.
One tremor lasted as long as seven minutes, an official at the Japan Meteorological Agency's volcano division said.
Source: New Zealand Herald
UFOs Unexplained Ability To Change Shape By Tim R. Swartz

There is no doubt
that UFOs are strange. The fact that they are usually seen silently
zipping around in our skies is weird enough; but throw in the fact that
many UFOs that appear solid are seen to be constantly changing shape
and size, it's enough to drive any serious UFO researcher to take up
butterfly collecting instead.
It is one of the great mysteries of UFOs, how can
something that looks so real not behave like a solid object and change
shape as rapidly as smoke in the wind? This has led to wild
speculations on the true nature of UFOs and allowed skeptics to dismiss
the entire phenomenon as simply misinterpreted natural events.
What hard-core skeptics fail to take into
consideration is the thousands of diverse UFO sightings that have come
in over the years that exhibit the same shape-changing characteristics.
A reported sighting of a weird object that changes shape can be a good
way to distinguish a real UFO from one that is fraudulent.
UFOs are seen to come in all kinds of different
shapes and sizes, ranging from saucers, ovals, cigars, spheres, rocket
and triangular shaped. They can suddenly appear and disappear, only to
reappear in a completely different location. They can split in two and
rejoin again instantly. This has led to all sorts of heated
arguments between UFO researchers who have a preferred shape, choosing
to throw out cases that don't meet their criteria. However, if you take
into account all of the reports of UFOs seen to morph from one shape
into another, then possibly the vast diversity of UFOs is not so
difficult to explain after all.
Classic Report of a Morphing UFO
On June 29, 1954, A British Overseas Airways
Corporation (BOAC) Stratocruiser Centaurus left New York Idlewild
airport bound for London. Just after 9:00pm the aircraft passed 170
miles southwest of Goose Bay, Labrador, flying northeast at 19,000ft.
The crew suddenly noticed an object to the west of the plane that was
roughly five degrees aft of the port wing at a distance of about five
miles. As they drew closer, the crew could see a large pear-shaped UFO
flying in formation with six other smaller objects.
Against the sunset these objects appeared dark with
the six smaller UFOs changing their positions around the larger craft
which seemed to change from its original pear shape to a telephone
handset shape and, in the words of Captain Howard: "what looked like a
flying arrow - an enormous delta-winged plane turning in to close with
us." The anomalous shape-shifting object seemed to be solid with
definite, clearly-defined edges.
As the jetliner drew closer the smaller UFOs formed
into a regular line and seemed to merge into the larger object.
Then the remaining large UFO appeared to suddenly shrink and vanish
right before the eyes of the startled crew.
Captain Howard remarked later: "...they were
obviously not aircraft as we know them. All appeared black and I will
swear they were solid. There was a big central object that appeared to
keep changing shape. The six smaller objects dodged about either in
front or behind..."
In another case a Baptist Pastor while traveling with
his family in the western part of the U.S. on June 8, 2002, observed a
silver aluminum object flying above the mountains.
The Pastor says, "When I first noticed the object it
was in the shape of a box and about the size of a small private plane.
I tried to show it to my family and I was pointing where to look.
Taking my eyes off of it for a moment, it changed to a round bottom cup
shape without the handle (the round section being at the top). The
sighting lasted about 30 seconds. The craft was not in a hurry really
but seemed to be just cruising around. I don't know how it disappeared.
I lost sight of it trying to point it out to my family after looking
away for just a second."
UFO Changes Shape Right Before Witnesses Eyes
On June 5, 2005 a man was stopped at a traffic light
on route 422 in Niles Ohio when he noticed a bright silver, metallic
UFO in the clear blue sky in front of his car.
"It was thin, cigar shaped with rounded ends and
there was a large spot of sun glare shining from the left (back end).
With my arm completely extended, its length would have been about the
width across of a quarter."
About six to seven seconds after he first spotted the
unusual object, it seemed to change shape with the front end moving
slightly inward so that the object took on more of a boomerang shape
with one side shorter than the other. The glare from the sun that had
been so bright at the left end moved in a quick flash and settled more
in the center of the object and there seemed to be a darker spot right
in the middle.
At that point the UFO was seen to ripple and get
fuzzy at the edges. After the hazy ripple, it completely vanished
leaving the eyewitness wondering what he had just seen.
This odd shape-shifting was actually captured on
camera in 1994 at an undisclosed location within the Nellis Air Force
Base Bombing and Gunnery Range Complex, Nevada. The videotape is said
to have been smuggled out by contractor personnel who had operated
tracking stations on the Nellis range. Even though the UFO was
photographed by a very good remote controlled fixed mounted camera, it
still has that fuzzy, cotton-ball look about it which seems to be
common among UFOs.
The Nellis Test Range UFO footage is an excellent
example of what seems to be a real UFO caught on tape. This object,
tracked by military radar and cameras, flies boldly around in a bright,
clear sky seemingly unconcerned that it is being watched and
The object recorded on videotape flying over the
dessert terrain that day appears to be constantly changing shape. At
first it appears to be disc-shaped, then it looks somewhat like a small
jet with round stubby wings, then it changes into three-balls, all the
while the object is never clearly defined. It is as if it is surrounded
by fog or mist, keeping it just out of focus. What kind of object are
we dealing with that is never still, is always changing shape, and
seems to be not quite solid?
As the object slowly spins a projection of some kind
can also be seen. There is also a shifting "coal black" region. More
often than not, the craft has a morphing, indefinite profile that
appears to be self-luminous.
Strikingly similar UFOs have been videotaped over
Mexico City, showing the same multi-lobed, cotton ball effect with
darkened areas. Ed Walters also shot photos of two similar lobed craft
over Gulf Breeze, Florida, one being pursued by a jet interceptor.
Steve Neeley photographed a brilliant three-lobed object surrounded by
a glowing "cloud" over Hardin County, Ohio. Neeley called the craft a
"triangle" and a faint triangular zone can be seen within the lobes.
Physicists have speculated that what we see around
shape-shifting UFOs may not be the UFO itself, but rather the energy
change occurring around the UFO as it moves between dimensions.
Apparent "vehicles" that seem to change shape while in the air may not
be spacecraft at all, but cross-sections of four-dimensional objects
that bisect familiar 3-D reality. For example, a 3-D cross section of a
4-D tube would appear spherical. If the tube was irregular in shape, we
would expect it to "change shape" in our three dimensions as it moved,
much how a sphere passing through a two-dimensional plane would appear
like a rapidly growing disk to any watching flatlanders.
Alan Holt and David Froening at the end of the 1970s
worked on an extension of Einstein's Unified Field Theory involving
what they referred to as a "field propulsion" craft. This spacecraft
would change color and shape as it entered different stages of flight -
this is similar to many UFOs that are reported around the globe.
Have UFOs Inspired Morphing Aircraft Designs?
Rumors have circulated among the UFO community that
modern aircraft designs have been influenced by back-engineered
extraterrestrial spacecraft. According to, NASA and
Department of Defense engineers are trying to create a plane that can
morph into new shapes during flight by flexing or twisting, due to
being made of new metals that form a kind of "flexible skin."
Amazing advances are being made in the development of
new metal alloys. These alloys have remarkable characteristics, in that
they will change shape upon the application of an electric current or
magnetic field. They change shape, or morph rapidly and with some
considerable force. They are termed "compact hybrid actuators," alloys
that incorporate advanced nano-technology that is designed to enable
them to mimic living systems in their versatility and dynamism.
The list of potential applications seems endless, and
the U.S. military is funding a variety of related research programs
exploring the full range of options. Self-healing wings that flex and
react like living organisms, versatile bombers that double as agile jet
fighters, and swarms of tiny unmanned aircraft are just a few of the
science-fiction-like possibilities that these next-generation
technologies could make feasible in the decades ahead.
In his 1997 book "The Day After Roswell", the late
Col. Philip J. Corso described his own experience of examining unusual
material alleged to come from the 1947 UFO crash site in New Mexico:
There was a dull, grayish-silvery foil-like swatch of
cloth among these artifacts that you could not fold, bend, tear, or wad
up but that bounded right back into its original shape without any
creases. It was a metallic fiber with physical characteristics
that would later be called 'supertenacity,' but when I tried to cut it
with scissors, the arms just slid right off without even making a nick
in the fibers. If you tried to stretch it, it bounced back, but I
noticed that all the threads seemed to be going in one direction.
When I tried to stretch it width-wise instead of length-wise, it looked
like the fibers had re-orientated themselves to the direction I was
pulling in. This couldn't be cloth, but it obviously wasn't
metal. It was a combination, to my unscientific eye, of a cloth
woven with metal strands that had the drape and malleability of a
fabric and the strength and resistance of a metal."
Corso claimed in his book that he "seeded" the alien
material to the research departments of Monsanto and Dow.
Furthermore, Corso claims that the material had previously been
delivered to the Air Material Command at Wright Field. Wright Patterson
Air Force Base is famous in UFO circles for its Foreign Technology
division, purported to hold extra-terrestrial craft and artifacts. It
could be that the new morphing technologies being used in new, top
secret aircraft are the results of years of study on the UFO debris
captured by the U.S. in the 1940s.
The entire UFO phenomenon is always changing and
never clearly defined. When you think that you finally have something
definite, the phenomenon changes again and you are back at square one.
For more than fifty years, this is what has constantly confounded UFO
researchers - when it comes to shape changing UFOs, there appears to be
no real truths or answers. Anything goes, and often does.
'Vampire Grave' Found in Bulgaria
discovery recently of a 700-year-old skeleton with metal stakes where
his heart had been has stirred a bout of vampire-mania in Europe and
attracted flocks of tourists to the churchyard grave site in Bulgaria's
Black Sea port of Sozopol. Professor Nikolai Ovcharov – a
crusading archaeologist who has dedicated his life to unearthing
mysteries of ancient civilisations – said that he had made the
discovery while excavating the ruins of Perperikon, an ancient Thracian
city located in southern Bulgaria, close to the border with Greece. The
city, inhabited since 5,000 BC but only discovered 20 years ago, is
believed to be the site of the Temple of Dionysius – the Greek God of
wine and fertility. And among the finds at the site, which includes a
hilltop citadel, a fortress and a sanctuary, are a series of "vampire
graves". The skeleton, thought to be of a man aged between 40
and 50, had a heavy piece of ploughshare – an iron rod, used in a
plough – hammered through its chest. The left leg below the knee had
also been removed and left beside the skeleton. "The
ploughshare weighs almost two pounds and is dug into the body into a
broken shoulder bone. You can clearly see how the collarbone has
literally popped out." Professor Ovcharov added that he thought the grave dated back to the first half of the 13th Century. So
keen is the interest, the Bulgarian newspaper Standart reported, that
Bulgarian authorities have moved the disinterred remains to a special
display case at the Bulgarian Natural History Museum in Sofia. At
least 100 graves have been discovered during modern-day archaeological
excavations in which the remains appeared to have been pinned down with
iron rods or stakes, the newspaper said. As recently as a
century ago, Balkan peoples held to the belief that staking down the
corpses of people who they regarded a evil would prevent them from
rising from the dead and continuing to torment the living,
archaeologist and museum director Bozhidar Dimitrov told journalists in
Sofia, the Bulgarian capital. "A group of brave men would reopen
their graves and pierce the corpses with iron or wooden rods. Iron rod
was used for the richer vampires," Dimitrov told journalists gathered
around the skeleton, which he said was probably that of a notorious
Black Sea pirate known as Krivich, or "Crooked." Historically,
vampire lore has spread from Transylvania in neighboring Romania, where
a brutal 15th century ruler known as Vlad the Impaler dealt with his
enemies by skewering them on stakes and posting them to suffer their
gruesome deaths in public. Vlad the Impaler was believed to be the
real-life inspiration for novelist Bram Stoker's fictional vampire,
Dracula. Bulgarian media have reported the discoveries of two
other staked skeletons this month, both 700 to 800 years old -- more
than a century before Vlad the Impaler's reign. The global
tourism news site eTN reported that travel agencies have been hit with
a surge of interest in "vampire vacations." A photo accompanying the
Standart story from the Bulfoto agency showed tourists in shorts and
sun hats strolling through ruins of the nearby Black Sea town of
Nessebar, noting that many have been asking to see the grave where the
pirate's remains were found. Agencies said interest from Britain
and Germany was especially high, but they had also received enquiries
from Russia and the United States, eTN reported. Source: LA Times dracula-transylvania.html
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