11/23/14  #797
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Don't open the door! Don't go into the basement! Don't look under the bed! DON'T OPEN THE CLOSET! Is it ghosts? Is it ghouls? Is it little hairy monsters with big teeth and claws? Is it the anti-Christ here to make bad movies? NO - It's another spine-tingling issue of your favorite weekly newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, and everything else spooky and scary - CONSPIRACY JOURNAL.

This weeks issue of Conspiracy Journal looks at such 666 stories as:

Does Our Military Know Something We Don't About Global Warming? 
On the Trail of the Dagg-Shawville Poltergeist -
Mob Hitman Claims He Shot JFK - 
AND: Mysterious Booms in Ohio Unexplained

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


Here is a direct link to Issue # 43

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For centuries, man has sought to reach out to God’s servants and messengers in a real-world, palpable way that leaves no room for spiritual doubt. In the time of Queen Elizabeth I in England, world famous occultist Dr. John Dee and his helper, Edward Kelley, developed a system for contacting angels that came to be called “Enochian Magick.” Dee’s system has survived the centuries and been passed down to us.

“ANGEL SPELLS – THE ENOCHIAN OCCULT WORKBOOK OF CHARMS, SEALS, TALISMANS AND CIPHERS” offers the reader a history lesson on Dee’s method for contacting angels, including its origins in the Jewish and Christian mystical traditions. The book includes an exclusive interview with author Aaron Leitch, who still practices Dee’s methods over 400 years later.

For those not quite ready to dive into the more complex aspects of Enochian Angel magick, simpler – but just as effective – methods are taught here by psychic Maria D’Andrea, who provides step-by-step instructions to petition specific angels for help with any problem, large or small. A dozen talismans created my Ms D' Andrea are provided each corresponding with a different Arch Angel.

And as a bonus supplement, we have included Bishop Allen Greenfield’s classic work, “SECRET CIPHER OF THE UFONAUTS,” to assist in contacting angelic aliens in their own language and to aid in decoding what they have spoken to us!

This fascinating work includes all the talismans and symbols and ciphers you need to set up your own angel alter so that you may proceed with contacting the celestial kingdom in an organized effort.
For subscribers of the Conspiracy Journal Newsletter this book is on sale for the special price of only $20.00 (plus $5.00 shipping).  This offer will not last long so ORDER TODAY!  

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Also: Check Out W.M. Mott's latest blog at: http://mottimorphic.com/blog/2014/09/10/the-footprints-of-the-damned/


Does Our Military Know Something We Don't About Global Warming?
By James Conca

Every branch of the United States Military is worried about climate change. They have been since well before it became controversial. In the wake of an historic climate change agreement between President Obama and President Xi Jinping in China this week (Brookings), the military’s perspective is significant in how it views climate effects on emerging military conflicts.

China will be our biggest military and political problem by the middle of this century. It would be nice to understand what issues will exacerbate our struggles.

At a time when Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bush 41, and even British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, called for binding international protocols to control greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S. Military was seriously studying global warming in order to determine what actions they could take to prepare for the change in threats that our military will face in the future.

The Center for Naval Analysis has had its Military Advisory Board examining the national security implications of climate change for many years. Lead by Army General Paul Kern, the Military Advisory Board is a group of 16 retired flag-level officers from all branches of the Service.

This is not a group normally considered to be liberal activists and fear-mongers.

This year, the Military Advisory Board came out with a new report, called National Security and the Accelerating Risks of Climate Change, that is a serious discussion about what the military sees as the threats and the actions to be taken to mitigate them.

“The potential security ramifications of global climate change should be serving as catalysts for cooperation and change. Instead, climate change impacts are already accelerating instability in vulnerable areas of the world and are serving as catalysts for conflict.”

Bill Pennell, former Director of the Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, summed up the threat in recent discussions about climate and national security:

“The environmental consequences of climate change are a significant threat multiplier, which by itself, can be a cause for future conflicts. Global warming will affect military operations as well as its theaters of operations. And it poses significant risks and costs to military and civilian infrastructure, especially those facilities located on the coastline.”

“The countries and regions posing the greatest security threats to the United States are among those most susceptible to the adverse and destabilizing effects of climate change. Many of these countries are already unstable and have little economic or social capital for coping with additional disruptions.”

“Whether in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, or North Korea, we are already seeing how extreme weather events – such as droughts and flooding and the food shortages and population dislocations that accompany them – can destabilize governments and lead to conflict. For example, one trigger of the chaos in Syria has been the multi-year drought the country has experienced since 2006 and the Assad Regime’s ineptitude in dealing with it.”

So why is the country as a whole, and those who normally support our military, so loathe to prepare for possible threats from this direction?

In 1990, Eugene Skolnikoff summarized the national policy issues surrounding global warming and why it has been so difficult to rationally develop policy to address it.

“The central problem is that outside the security sector, policy processes confronting issues with substantial uncertainty do not normally yield policy that has high economic or political costs. This is especially true when the uncertainty extends not only to the issues themselves, but also to the measures to avert them or deal with their consequences.”

“The climate change issue illustrates – in fact exaggerates – all the elements of this central problem. Indeed, no major action is likely to be taken until those uncertainties are substantially reduced, and probably not before evidence of warming and its effects are actually visible. Unfortunately, any increase in temperature will be irreversible by the time the danger becomes obvious enough to permit political action.”

And this was in 1990!

General Gordon Sullivan put the issue of uncertainty where it should be: “People are saying they want to be perfectly convinced about climate science projections…But speaking as a soldier, we never have 100 percent certainty. If you wait until you have 100 percent certainty, something bad is going to happen on the battlefield.”

And as Rear Admiral David Titley, former Oceanographer of the Navy, stated in a 2013 testimony to Congress, “I tell people, this is cutting-edge 19th-Century science that we’re now refining.”

The Military Advisory Board is dismayed that discussions of climate change have become so polarizing and have receded from the arena of informed public discourse and debate.

“While the causes of climate change and its impacts continue to be argued or ignored in our nation, the linkage between changes in our climate and national security has been obscured. Political concerns and budgetary limitations cannot be allowed to dominate what is essentially a salient national security concern for our nation. Our Congress, the administration, and all who are charged with planning and assuring our security should take up the challenge of confronting the coming changes to our environment.”

What makes this week’s U.S.-China climate agreement so important is its announcement in the run up to the 2015 United Nation’s global climate summit in Paris.  Since most of humanity’s emissions come from our two countries, international pressure has mounted on both of us to get serious about reductions. Our military was knee-deep in these negotiations.

The world was thinking that the U.S. and China was ready for a game of GHG chicken, each waiting for the other to instigate steep cuts.  By announcing a common plan in advance of the Paris summit, the two Presidents have undercut the acrimony anticipated for these negotiations and set a do-something tone for the conference that the rest of the world will find hard to ignore.

Our Military Advisory Board concluded that “coordinated and well-executed actions to limit heat-trapping gases and increase resilience to help prevent and protect against the worst projected climate change impacts are required — now.”

Whatever your thoughts on the relative human and natural influences on climate change, ignoring our military is not prudent. They understand the dangers of not being prepared.

Source: Forbes


On the Trail of the Dagg-Shawville Poltergeist
By Chris Lackner

In a burst of streaking flame. That’s how the Ottawa Valley’s legendary talking poltergeist is said to have vanished 125 years ago.

The dramatic farewell was apparently witnessed on Nov. 18, 1889, by the children of farmers George and Susan Dagg, on their farm in Clarendon, 10 kilometres from Shawville, Que. A flight of youthful fancy, perhaps? Possibly. But harder to explain is the witness statement signed by George and 16 farmers and community leaders — from local politicians to clergymen — outlining the spirit’s three-month campaign of torment on the Dagg farm. Those manifestations attracted media coverage and wagonloads of curiosity seekers. Especially when the phantom started speaking.

“There are loads of ghosts around, but this is the only one that talked,” explains Venetia Crawford, an author and historian with the Pontiac Archives. “And lots of people heard it talk.”
Venetia Crawford looks over some files in the Pontiac Archives. Crawford is expert in the story of the Dagg family ghost, a well-known ghost story from Shawville.

Citizen photographer Darren Brown and I visited Crawford in Shawville as part of our mission: To track down the notorious farmhouse, and find out whether any trace of the Dagg poltergeist lingers today.

Between official records, media coverage, gossip and local lore, there are many variations to the eerie tale. But two things are consistent: the disturbing events centred around 11-year-old adopted orphan Dinah McLean, and they began on Sept. 15, 1889, escalating through to the fall.

“Dinah was the magnet that drew the ghost,” Crawford says. According to the 1889 group statement, Dinah’s presence attracted everything from unexplained, spontaneous fires — eight once occurring in a single day, it is said — to such objects as a water jug, butter tub and wash basin being tossed around the property by an “invisible agency.” Other happenings included stones being thrown through windows, a mouth organ playing on its own and an empty rocking chair moving vigorously.

“When the child Dinah is present, a deep gruff voice like that of an aged man has been heard at various times, both in the house and outdoors,” the witnesses attested. “And when asked questions (it) answered so as to be distinctly heard, showing that he is cognizant of all that has taken place.”

The Dagg spirit was the subject of 1957 National Film Board movie, The Ghost That Talked. In 1889, it found its loudest voice upon the arrival of Percy Woodcock, a journalist who covered the strange events for the Brockville Recorder & Times.

Woodcock engaged the spirit in an epic debate, according to Greg Graham, a local playwright and amateur historian.

“With witnesses gathered, Woodcock … argued for the soul of Dinah or asking this ghost — or whatever it was — to leave her alone,” he says. “They began debating about philosophy, theology, the nature of God, and right and wrong. … And when he made the ghost mad, Dinah would react as if she was slapped, kicked, hit, punched or scratched. It got very violent against Dinah and he’d have to back off.”

We visited Graham at Coronation Hall Cider Mills, which Graham operates in nearby Bristol. He wrote and staged a play called The Dagg Haunting here in 2010. “There would be a small, thriving industry around this story if we were in the U.S.,” Graham says. “Maybe there will be yet?”

Indeed, this tale could make for some creepy souvenirs. The spirit only ever physically appeared to the children: Mary, 4, John Dagg, 2, and the troubled Dina. It took on various guises: A tall man with a cow’s head, cloven feet and horns; a big black dog; and finally as an angelic figure with long white hair and a crown, Crawford says.

“He wanted to upset everybody there and he did a good job of it, so whatever he could think of that was unusual that day, he did,” Crawford says. “He had a very unique personality … he was such a strange ghost.”

The mischievous spirit also appeared to have an identity crisis. At various points, it claimed to be a devil, The Devil, a spirit of a man who died 20 years earlier, and later — before its dramatic exit — it even claimed to be an angel, Graham says. In most incidents, the spirit seemed like a mischievous prankster. In others, a terrifying force — such as one account in which it asked one of the Daggs’ children, “Would you like to go to hell with me?” or a woodshed encounter with Woodcock in which it claimed, “I am the devil and I’ll have you in my clutches.” It even had a sense of humour, once advising a clergyman trying to perform an exorcism that “he’d better stick to photography,” according to a Nov. 25, 1889, report in the Ottawa Free Press.

“I don’t think he was either good or bad,” adds Crawford. “I think he was whatever he wanted to be in the moment.”

Toward the end, witnesses heard the spirit’s voice change from demonic to angelic, and join in the singing of hymns. Graham says no more disturbances were noted after its fiery disappearance into the sky — an act intended to prove its heavenly nature to the Dagg children. But the spectre may have its mark on the family. Some say John Dagg died during the First World War, and that the phantom had predicted it. Dinah herself mysteriously disappears from the history books — with no marriage or burial records, Graham says. But there is a tale of her working as a teen on different farm, and being called upon by a mysterious man one night and never seen again.

While those mysteries can never be solved, we could answer one question in 2014: Was the Dagg poltergeist still up to his old tricks? Armed with a map, an old photograph, and rough directions from Graham, we sought out the old Dagg home. Our journey under a cold, grey sky was met with seemingly endless fields, roughshod gravel roads and a few wrong turns. Finally we spotted the familiar old white farmhouse. It was now or never. Ghost hunting is not for the faint of heart.

As we pulled to the end of the long, winding driveway, nothing seemed to move. Even the day’s wind had subsided. A rusted old swing seat sat ominously in the yard. A brief jostling of the window curtains offered a sign that someone — or something — waits for us inside.

Of course, I’ve watched too many X-Files episodes. My photographer wasn’t the least bit perturbed. He’s the Scully to my Mulder. We knocked on the door and were met with Charlene Labombard and her adult daughter, Danielle, who have lived in the home since 1984.

They were amused by the ongoing local interest in their property. But Danielle was the first to admit it could still be home to things that go bump in the night.

She recalled hearing, as a teenager, someone climb the creaky old stairs and stop outside her door. Thinking it was a sibling prank, she flung the door open — only to find herself alone. And terrified. Her siblings claim an upstairs door also had a habit of opening-and-closing of its own volition.

“I don’t have a superstitious mind,” Charlene explained. The family matriarch said she has never felt or seen anything. But some of her children claim to have seen what appears to be a little girl in a white gown or dress come down the stairs in the original part of the hold farmhouse, and cross down the hall through the kitchen door.

Charlene’s late husband swore he saw the apparition once, too. Pointedly, some Dagg family stories indicate that a young daughter, Eliza Jane, died at the farm under mysterious circumstances, scalded by a pot of boiling water. Though most lore places that event after the famous haunting, the tragedy has been linked in spirit.

The only other oddity noted by the Labombards, a strange sound of crawling and scratching in the attic, solely focused above the original house, and not the extension. If the world’s chattiest ghost is still hanging around, he’s taken a vow of silence.

Are the odd happenings reported by the current residents some strange remnant of the Dagg haunting? What really happened 125 years ago?

Graham suggests it could be case of superstition or gossip run rampant. Local theories have included fraud and ventriloquism — with the blame placed on everyone from Eliza to the Dagg’s spiteful neighbour, to the journalist Woodcock — who initiated the witness statement. The Ottawa Free Press ended its report with the biting line: “It seems a pity that Mr. Woodcock’s visit and the ghastly pranks should cease at the same time.” Graham even mentioned telekinesis as an alternative explanation, positioning Eliza as a young Carrie.

But if it was a genuine otherworldly force, maybe it’s simply satiated. All it seemed to crave was attention. And it’s still getting that generations later.

“Depending on your world view, there are lots of different explanations,” Graham says. “But something very strange, creepy and unpleasant happened to that family. It was very real and it happened right here.”

Source: Ottawa Citizen


Physicist Says Human Intention Exists, Can Be Imprinted Into a Machine
By Tara MacIsaac

Dr. William Tiller had a successful and prestigious career in the world of conventional science. He was chair of Stanford’s material science and engineering department in 1996; he published numerous orthodox scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. However, he had a nagging urge to study “crazy-seeming kind of stuff.”

He was intrigued by the experiments on human psychic abilities conducted by Soviet scientists. He knew his colleagues found the topic preposterous, yet he asked himself, “How might the universe be constructed to allow this crazy-seeming kind of stuff to naturally coexist with the orthodox science I am doing at Stanford with my Ph.D. students every day?”

He lightened his workload at Stanford, in order to make time for independent research to answer this important question. His colleagues staged an intervention to try and stop him from doing this.

Dr. Tiller was undeterred. “There are thousands of people over the last 150 years who have done such remarkable things that are put in the category of parapsychology, which orthodox science has wanted to sweep under the rug, because the results are not internally consistent with their results,” he said. “Anything that doesn’t fit their kind of results and the methodology of getting those results, they think is crapola.”

What Tiller discovered, however, and even the way he discovered it, could spur a Copernican-scale paradigm shift.

When Epoch Times learned that Dr. Tiller had developed a machine that could hold and dispense human intention, we eagerly contacted him to see how it works.

He doesn’t know the specific details of how it works!

But he knows it does work. So how does he know it works?

Firstly, his experiments show that human intention can significantly change the pH-levels of water up or down (with no chemical additions) or change the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production in fruit fly larvae (and thus enable them to mature more quickly). Secondly, he’s shown that test subjects can direct their intention to  his Intention Host Device and that device can later emit this intention, having the same effect without the person being present. It holds and dispenses intention. It works!

But if he doesn’t have a serious inkling of how it works, how in the world did he come to use it in the first place? Why did Dr. Tiller use this device and not, say, a toaster or an alarm clock, or any other electronic device to try and capture a specific intention?

He was working on research unrelated to human intention, his conventional studies. This device was being used in those studies for a more mundane purpose. On a whim, Tiller decided to use it for informal intention experiments, just for fun. It worked!

It gets weirder. Unbeknownst to Dr. Tiller, this wasn’t the device he was supposed to be using for his conventional studies. A manufacturer’s error had landed the incorrect device in his lap. When he received the device originally sought, it didn’t work as an Intention Host Device. No other device he’s tried has worked either. Only this particular device that came to him by accident and which he decided, on a whim to test with human intention, works as an Intention Host Device.

“I think of it as a divine mistake,” he said.

After his informal experiments, he began serious research on it. He’s gone well beyond changing the pH-levels of water. He says he has helped enhance the skill sets and integration of 34 autistic children with the good intentions broadcast by the device. He summarized some of the accomplishments of the device in an email to Epoch Times:

1. Relieved depression and anxiety for several hundred people, located about 1500 miles away at p<0.001 over an eight-month broadcast period.
2. Enhanced the skill sets and integration of 34 autistic children located all over the world, and relieved the depression and anxiety of their parents at p<0.001 over a 12-month broadcast period.
3. Started an experiment to wean 74 humans, located in the US, away from self-judgment and to enhance compassion for self and others.

His development of the device was spawned by a fateful coincidence. He has used meditation to make leaps forward in his understanding of the physical existence of human intention and other levels of existence in the universe. His starting points have diverged greatly from the mainstream, but as a bridge between empirical science and crazy stuff, he’s followed up with more traditional scientific investigations.

When he began studying intention, he concentrated on his quest to understand the universe before his daily hour-long meditation. He would emerge with new concepts, then he would consider whether these concepts violated any existing scientific principles or experimental data. He found that they did not.

The Vacuum Space Isn’t Empty

He’s discovered that the vacuum space commonly understood as empty, is actually filled with immensely powerful substances that we can’t physically see. Dr. Tiller has found that human intention affects this unseen substance. An in-between substance made of particles he calls deltrons are thus activated and affect the substances we can see. That’s how he is able to observe and measure the impact of human intention on this otherwise undetected substance.

The power in vacuum space is immense.

Dr. Tiller explained: “In order for quantum mechanics and relativity theory to be internally self-consistent [Seeking consistency between quantum mechanics and relativity theory is the major task theoretical physicists have been grappling with since quantum mechanics emerged], the physical vacuum has to contain 10^94 grams equivalent of energy per cubic centimeter. What that means is, if you take just a single hydrogen atom, which is one proton and one electron and all the rest of the atom is ‘empty space,’ if you take just that volume of empty space, … you find that you end up with a trillion times as much vacuum energy as  all the electromagnetic energy in all the planets, all the stars, and all the cosmic dust in a sphere of radius 15 billion light-years.”

To summarize, the subtle energy in the vacuum space of a single hydrogen atom is as great as all the electromagnetic energy found in everything within 15 billion light-years of our space-time cosmos. Furthermore, human intention can act on this powerful realm. But conventional science views it as empty space.

He gave an analogy to illustrate what’s possible when groups of people are cohesive, when we broadcast coherent intent: “If you look at a 100-Watt light bulb, it gives a bit of light, but not a lot of light. That’s because the photons coming out of it destructively interfere with each other, and that cuts down the amount of light. But for the same number of photons coming out per unit time, if you could cohere them so that they … are in phase with each other, then the energy density or intensity coming out of the light bulb for the same number of photons per unit time would be greater than the surface of the sun.”

“People have the potential to become coherent, but they just need to develop it,” he said. “The potential is there.”

“That’s where our future is, that explains sort of why I was so maverick-like to give up what seemed like a golden future for myself to do this. This is a better future, as far as I’m concerned, for humanity.”

Source: Epoch Times


Mob Hitman Claims He Shot JFK

A former mob hitman is coming forward once again to say that he is the man who killed President John F. Kennedy.

James Files says that he was the man on the grassy knoll back on November 22, 1963, and that he fired the bullet into Pres. Kennedy's head that ultimately killed him.

He says the other shot that hit Pres. Kennedy came from his boss, Charles 'Chuckie' Nicoletti, who was hiding out in the book depository, the same place Lee Harvey Oswald is believed to have been at the time of the shooting.

Files also says that Oswald, who was charged, but then shot dead before he could be tried or convicted in the killing, never filed a single shot.

He described what happened in a new documentary that aired on Newsmax TV, I Killed JFK.

He says he chose the grassy knoll so he could pretend to be a worker at a nearby rail yard, and come and go without being noticed.

Then, as Pres. Kennedy's motorcade approached, he sprung into action.

'I was aiming at his right eye. When I pulled the trigger it was almost like looking from six feet away through the scope,' he explains.

'As I squeezed his head moved forward. I missed and got it right along the temple, right behind the eye. I squeezed off my round. I hit him and blew his head backward. I fired one shot and one shot only.'

He then walked off with no one noticing, not even the two police officers he claims were standing 25 feet away.

He did however leave a trinket, biting down on the shell casing that came from his gun.

The documentary claims that casing matches one a young boy and his father found buried in the knoll over 20 years later.

At least one former FBI agent, Zack Shelton, believes Files story, including the location from which he shot Pres. Kennedy.

'I have tried to verify Files' story. A lot of that story I have been able to verify,' says Shleton.

Five government investigations since the assassination have determined it was Oswald who shot Pres. Kennedy.

Files, who has told this story many times before, including in a 2010 interview with Playboy, is currently serving a 50 years sentence following a 1991 conviction for the attempted murder of two police officers during a roadside shootout.  

Source: Daily Mail


Children's Imaginary Friends - Imagination Versus Spiritual

Do children's imaginary friends only exist in a child's imagination?

Next time you are in the company of a child, just watch. Suppose the child is holding a small cardboard box in their hand: one moment the child is talking to you, the next they are rushing off to play because Aggis has arrived. The excitement draws you in but you see no one around; and the child is full of excitement as they explain that mischievous friend Aggis has come to play trains and planes using the cardboard box as the main prop. The child is suddenly transported from our physical "real" world and into their magical imaginary world - a world where friends like Aggis exist.

Imagination can be a child's best friend as well as worst enemy. From imaginary playmates to scary bedtime monsters, the world of pretend is a very important and real part of developing and growing up. The question we, as adults, need to ask ourselves is whether children are simply entering their world of imaginary friends or whether they are connecting to a spiritual world and talking to a dead relative or friend who has come to see them.
What is Imagination?

The word comes from the Latin "imago," meaning "picture". Imagination is, by a very general definition, "the power or process of producing mental images and ideas". Imagination is a hugely powerful learning tool for children starting at ages two and upward encouraging creativity, focus of mind and increase in concentration.

Imagination gives children the freedom to follow their ideas and interests in the way they wish and for their own personal reasons. Imagination can be fundamental in helping children explore, learn and question the world around them, helping them find a meaning for their own lives and existence on Earth.

How would life be without Imagination?

Life would lack poignant drama without the use of imagination and people would be less likely to follow their dreams and desires. People would be condemned to live predominantly instinctive lives lacking in social compassion and understanding. Without imagination, people would have no food for thought and never think to question or analyse the world around them as well as their human existence.

Without imagination the world would be devoid of beautiful man made constructions such as the pyramids, the Great Wall of China or Stonehenge. The world would exist without the technology of computers, the genius of transport, and the marvel of medical science.

Imagination IS a wonderful thing to have - it is an inner power which has been used throughout history by all the greatest thinkers, artists, musicians, scientists, philosophers, healers and inventors. Imagination has nurtured those people who have tried to solve problems and succeeded, who have overcome obstacles and who have pushed the creative boundaries to achieve the impossible.

"The man who has no imagination has no wings." - Muhammad Ali

Imagination or spirituality?

Childhood is the earliest phase in our life whereby we consciously choose to explore our imagination. It is a time of magic, of wonder and illusion; a time when the stairs carrying us to bed become our space rocket to Mars in search of alien life along the way "to boldly go where no child has gone before"; when the space under our bed is the hiding place for monsters and ghosts waiting to come out and scare us.

I was introduced to my eldest daughter's imaginary friend five years ago when I picked her up from nursery. Then two years old she announced that "Sammy" was her brother and that he was going to live with us and sleep under her bed. I remember being curious as to whether my daughter's friend was imaginary or whether it really was the spirit of the child I miscarried many years before she was born. Whatever the answer, I always encouraged my daughter's relationship with her "brother" Sammy.

There are many parents out there who adopt the opposite approach to mine, instead telling their children that imaginary friends are not real but only figments of their overactive imagination. Yet, how many parents embrace the possibility that their child's imaginary friend might be a ghost, a spirit guide, a deceased grandparent, a relative or even a family friend? How many parents analyse their child's bad dream(s), their strange images seen during the night, their imaginary friendships? How many parents wonder whether their child's imaginary friend might actually be a ghost who, for whatever reason, has chosen to communicate with the child?

When we tell our children "it was just a bad dream", are we accidentally teaching them to mistrust their personal thoughts and experiences and to constantly question themselves. Some parents unknowingly teach their children to dismiss "imaginary" experiences as being just that - imaginary. Other parents are terribly protective of their children, not wanting to see them upset or showing weird characteristics to separate them from the norm of most children. Many parents are ignorant to the strong likelihood that children might have spiritual experiences and connections with dead loved ones more than their adult counterparts. I know that all of us as parents are guilty of reassuring our children that their bad dream was just that - a bad dream. That we, as parents, are known to tuck our little ones back into bed with words we believed to be reassuring each and every time: "there are no such things as ghosts"..."you just had a bad dream"..."it wasn't real"..."it was just your imagination".

Yet the existence of ghosts or spiritual supernatural beings has been debated for centuries. Throughout history a primary question always comes back to haunt the professionals - why can some children see ghosts and yet others can't? There have been numerous theories to answer this question - some leaning towards the child's overactive imagination, others leaning towards the spiritual and supernatural realm. My own theory argues that children can and do see and sense imaginary or spiritual presences - with loved ones, spiritual guides or other paranormal connections. My theory believes that children have wonderful imaginations which should be nurtured, but also that children are natural intuitives or psychics.

Many experts have put forward varying reasons as to why children create imaginary friends and such reasons usually centre on the child's emotional and physical needs and wants at that particular time. Some declare that imaginary friends help to boost a child's creativity and where necessary prevent feelings of isolation or loneliness. Others suggest imaginary friends help to ease the anxieties of a child as the child confides their likes, dislikes and worries to their invisible friend. All experts agree that imaginary friends allow children to test the boundaries between right and wrong by breaking rules and placing the blame not on themselves but on their invisible friend.

An imaginary friend can help a child to feel more in control of their life, as they are seen to help out when the child feels particularly vulnerable (perhaps during the birth of a new sibling, during a house move or change of school). Whatever the extent of their purpose, most imaginary friends have names, personalities and vivid physical characteristics, are usually harmless and serve as an emotional outlet, conscience protector or alter ego for each child in question. Grace, aged six, talked about her imaginary friend in greater detail as she explained, "she does not like pizza because she does not like cheese".

Children can play highly imaginative games with their imaginary friend and the friend may even take up space in the child's bed - although you will be warned by your child not to sit on them if they do!

Most children tend to forget their imaginary friends once they have started school and even if they do not, the friend does not usually go to school with them. Some imaginary friends disappear before a child turns six, but most usually disappear between the third and fifth birthdays. The invisible friends - whether child, adult or animal - are around this time either forgotten, sent on a distant / permanent trip or 'die' in a horrible accident.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world" - Albert Einstein

A Few Stories to Share

When Robert Adams was a small boy he dreamt about a small girl who later became his imaginary friend. Robert went around telling his friends that he had a new invisible friend. He became very upset when his mother did not believe him, but was pleased that some of the children around him did believe him.

Rachel Ashcroft's imaginary friends were three little dragons - one red, one green and one purple. Rachel's purple dragon was the pest of the three as she (Rachel) always had to 'clean up after it'. Her mum tolerated Rachel's imaginary friends but drew the line at bringing them shopping saying that the "No Dogs" sign also meant "No Dragons" as well.

Peter Hill had two childhood imaginary friends who looked like Jerry, the mouse from Tom and Jerry cartoon. One mouse was Diggy, who was red in colour, the other was Gog, a blue mouse. Peter said Gog was responsible for all the naughty things and the Diggy was good, always telling Gog off. Diggy was also there at Peter's side whenever Peter has to tell his parents how Gog had done everything that was wrong. Peter believed his parents could see Gog and Diggy even if they blamed Peter anyway.

By paying attention to how and when imaginary friends appear in your child's life, you can learn a lot about your child as a little person. The occurrence of imaginary companions and fantasy play show you that the child is beginning to think abstractly. And this, I can tell you, is a remarkable event.

Infants and toddlers tend to be afraid of such things as a growling dog or a thunderstorm, normally things that are actually there and real at that moment in time - such fears are known as "concrete fears". That said, children could also show different fears as they talk about ghosts in the cupboard, monsters under the bed or burglars breaking into their room. These are called "abstract fears", fears that are not necessarily real or there at that moment in time.

Psychologists believe, that from a developmental perspective, a child's fear of monsters under the bed is actually a reason for celebration for it tells you that your child is struggling to master the intricacies of abstract thinking. It also explains why using a concrete approach to the fear, such as suggesting that the two of you check under the bed or in the closet for monsters or ghosts to eliminate them, doesn't always work. Your child will simply reply that the monsters are hiding and will come out later. Unlike a fear that's real and in front of them at the time (such as the dog growling), the monsters under the bed fear resides in the child's head and can scare them at any time.

Famous people with vivid imaginations

Princess Margaret is said to have used her imaginary friend to avoid blame. Whenever her nanny confronted her about something she had or hadn't done, Princess Margaret would place the blame on 'Cousin Halifax'.

Robert Louis Stevenson also had imaginary friends. Because he suffered chronic health problems throughout his childhood, he spent much of his youth bedridden. To amuse himself whilst bedridden, Stevenson created his own world of friends and playmates. As an adult, Stevenson's interest in children's imaginations together with his own childhood experiences, may have contributed to his many successes as author and poet. One particular poem, is particularly fitting within this article - The Unseen Playmate.

The Unseen Playmate

When children are playing alone on the green,
In comes the playmate that never was seen.
When children are happy and lonely and good,
The Friend of the Children comes out of the wood.
Nobody heard him, and nobody saw,
His is a picture you never could draw,
But he's sure to be present, abroad or at home,
When children are happy and playing alone.
He lies in the laurels, he runs on the grass,
He sings when you tinkle the musical glass;
Whene'er you are happy and cannot tell why,
The Friend of the Children is sure to be by!
He loves to be little, he hates to be big,
'T is he that inhabits the caves that you dig;
'T is he when you play with your soldiers of tin
That sides with the Frenchmen and never can win.
'T is he, when at night you go off to your bed,
Bids you go to sleep and not trouble your head;
For wherever they're lying, in cupboard or shelf,
'T is he will take care of your playthings himself!

Imagination is truly important for all of us, whether young or old. Without it we are truly non-existent and with it we are truly exceptional. With just a little imagination our dreams can develop into reality, our lives can become more fulfilling, and our loved ones of the spirit world can perhaps communicate with us.

During the research undertaken the last seven years for my forthcoming book, I have found that some children's imaginary friends do actually turn out to be their Grandmother or Grandfather who passed away before they were born. Jade, my eldest daughter always maintained that Sammy was her elder brother and I believed then as I believe now that maybe there is some truth in that. I also believe that children as early as two years old can meet real spiritual friends as well as one or two "made up" imaginary friends.

Source: Alternative Approach/by Kylie Holmes


Boy Accidentally Electrocuted Now Claims Special ‘Super Powers’

Move over, X-Men, here comes 12-year-old Nikolai Kryaglyachenko with what he claims are real super powers. A near-death experience, the boy claims, has left him with the ability to attract objects with his now-magnetic body.

Nikolai nearly died when he leaned against a metal lamp post in his home country of Russia. Inside the live lamp post was a faulty wire that sent Nikolai literally flying across the pavement when he touched it and electrocuted himself. But that awful moment, Nikolai maintains, changed his life. When he awoke the next morning, Nikolai claims that coins had stuck to his body overnight. It was then that Nikolai realized that his body attracts objects in a way that is super-human, and that his electrifying experience had left him with a superpower.

“I can do things I couldn’t do before,” Nikolai says. “But I don’t have a lot of control over it. Even when I do not want to do it, I still attract things. Once I even attracted a glass — it just moved towards me.”

His new superpower has also catapulted Nikolai into the upper echelons of his school, and he is now one of the most popular kids. There are lots of 12-year-old boys who would think that popularity itself is something of a superpower.

As odd as his alleged newly-found magnetic superpower may sound, Nikolai is not the first boy to claim to be magnetized. In fact, it happens a lot more often than one thinks, and, according to NBC News, the stories are just that — stories. In addition to Nikolai’s claim, there was a report of two boys, cousins from Serbia, who also claimed to be magnetic. The two boys showed doctors and journalists their ability to hang forks and spoons from their bodies, and a radiologist even said he could think of no scientific or medical explanation for the phenomenon.

But Benjamin Radford, author of Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries, has an explanation for the boys’ magnetic superpowers, and it is pretty simple: They do not exist.

NBC News reported, “The explanation is that kids are particularly good at attaching things to their bodies, because you have one smooth, sticky surface (hairless skin, with a slight sheen of sweat) adhering to another smooth surface.”

And, as Radford pointed out in the interview, all the objects that the boys attract have one common property.

“When you look at the things involved in these cases, they’re all smooth,” Radford said. “They’re glass, they’re plates, they’re metal. You don’t see rough surfaces. You don’t see steel wool.”

In addition to that, the boys may employ a slight backwards lean, to keep the cutlery from falling off their bodies. Or the cutlery may be set along the collar bones. And the magnetic effect isn’t limited to just metallic objects, but can be done with any smooth item, such as plates or glass because, as Radford says, the trick relies on bare, sticky skin, and it’s spoiled if talcum powder is used or the kid puts on a shirt. Neither talcum powder nor clothing would spoil an actual magnetic effect.

So Nikolai may claim to have superpowers, but it seems as though the phenomena of “magnetic children” has been debunked.

Here’s to hoping his classmates don’t figure it out.

Source: Inquisitr


Mysterious Booms in Ohio Unexplained
By Lawrence Budd

Authorities were unable to explain what went boom Sunday night along the Montgomery-Warren county line in Ohio.

Clearcreek Twp. firefighters responded to a call at 6:17 p.m. call from a resident alarmed by a boom outside his home near the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport. The homeowner on Kitty Hawk Drive suggested a transformer could have exploded.

“Our guys didn’t find anything,” Fire Chief Bob Kidd said, adding his department had no other similar calls.

At the airport, an employee heard a boom Sunday night, but was unable to identify the cause.

“It wasn’t airport related,” airport spokesperson Linda Hughes said. “It didn’t seem to affect anybody there.”

On Monday, Duke Energy and Dayton Power & Light were dealing with outages around the area, but none could explain the booms Sunday night, officials said.

“I don’t think DPL had anything to do with it,” said Debbie Carity with DP&L corporate communications.

Residents in southern Montgomery County and northern Warren County reported as many as three booms between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. in calls to dispatchers and the Cox Media Group Ohio newsroom.

One Miamisburg man said the loud booms sounded like an explosion, and that the last one sounded louder than the first.

“Our neighbors were in the street trying to determine what was going on,” he wrote in an email to the newsroom.

“Loud booms being heard … Springboro, Miamisburg, Centerville, Kettering areas … any ideas?” read another email.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office sent deputies out to investigate, but there were no additional booms and there was no sign of damage in the area, according to the sheriff’s office.

Officials at Wright Patterson Air Force Base said that no aircraft were flying in the area that could have caused a sonic boom by breaking the sound barrier.

WHIO-TV’s Storm Center 7 Meteorologist Rich Wirdzek said the booms could have been weather related, “but the setup for thundersnow was not very favorable.”

Wirdzek said lightning bolts could have been triggered with “enough atmospheric and instability to create cloud growth.”

The atmospheric setup determines the direction and audible level of the thunder or “audio channel,” according to Wirdzek.”It’s conceivable that the audio channel could have been directed toward the ground and slowed…making it sound longer and louder.”

Almost every state in the U.S. has reported unnerving sounds similar to the ones heard in Ohio. But is it truly so mysterious or is there a scientific explanation that has been overlooked or possibly not completely accepted and understood?

These unusual groans may be very commonplace and its simply because communications are instant around the world that its become such a modern phenomena. In a 1913 pamphlet published by the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science titled Phenomenal Sounds in the Interior of Australia Are they Terrestrial or Atmospherical? similar sounds are discussed.

Reports from explorers and settlers are recounted about mysterious booms being heard and described as sounding similar to canon fire. In 1829, Australian Captain Sturt, a renowned explorer, wrote about hearing thunder-like sounds on a cloudless sunny afternoon.

He described the sound as a sharp crackling like thunder but extremely loud with no visible cause. He also experienced a similar event in 1844 in Central Australia in the morning that sounded like a great gun discharging.

As recently as June 16, 2013, Londoners heard whats identified by the Royal Air Force (RAF) as a sonic boom. Skeptics arent convinced that a Typhoon jet was responsible for a tree toppling over from the blast wave or windows being shattered. The boom was heard and felt all the way from Central London to Cambridgeshire, some 70 miles North.

Two of the most plausible theories explain these sounds as natural phenomena with scientific causations.

One of the first investigators of these metallic sounds was Linda Moulten Howe. Highly respected for her investigative prowess, Howe has filed numerous reports on these sounds that can be read on her website, Earthfiles.

Howe last reported from an interview she conducted with an anonymous government geologist who revealed the cause of these phenomena is the Earth itself.

According to Howe, the scientist explained that the Earths core is shifting and massive bursts of electromagnetic energy are being released and bouncing off the atmosphere and vibrating back to the ground.

This is a very logical and plausible explanation since witnesses have reported that the sounds appear to come from the sky.

Skyquakes is an explanation being discussed on the Internet to explain these strange sounds. Skyquakes is actually a misnomer for Spacequakes that were discovered in 2007 and first reported in 2010.

They are plasma waves that are being stretched by solar flare emissions. These waves eventually must either pop back towards the earth or break.

The waves then bombard the Earths atmosphere. These spacequakes have been documented at a 6.0 on the seismograph.

The intensity of the snap back determines the intensity of the atmospheric boom. This could explain why some people hear booms while others hear the resounding metallic groaning. Spacequakes can spark auroras and the impact sets off a rebounding process, in which the incoming plasma actually bounces up and down on the reverberating magnetic field until they dissipate in a process called repetitive flow rebuffing. Spacequakes can also generate plasma vortices.

This also seems like a highly likely explanation for the way the sounds reverberate and then slowly diminish in intensity. They often end in bright flashes of light and then the sounds stop.

Until someone can definitively prove what these sounds are, speculation will continue.

Source: Dayton Daily News
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