7/2/17  #912
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In a dark, smoke-filled room, somewhere deep in the bowels of an secret government agency, electronic spies quietly monitor all communications throughout the planet. When key words are detected, programs go into action to trace the source and destination of the targeted communication.  And now, red lights are flashing, tapes are spinning, secret intelligence operatives are scrambling, and the black helicopters are flying.  All because once again, cyberspace is filled with your number one source of information on conspiracies, UFO, the paranormal, and much more - Conspiracy Journal!

This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such dog-day stories as:

 Anonymous Says NASA Is About to Announce Evidence of Alien Life-  
When the Beast of Gévaudan Terrorized France -
The Lost Civilization of Antarctica -
AND: Village in Thailand Asks Police to Protect Village From Ghost

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~






You Have Doubtlessly Seen The Movies Based Upon What We Have All Come to Believe Are Exceptionally Brilliant Science Fiction Novels Written By The Late Philip K. Dick . . .


But what you probably didn’t know is that their creator was living out some of the same incredibly bizarre scenarios that he wrote about. One can easily compare Philip to the character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Total Recall,” who found himself in a parallel universe on a faraway planet, despite the fact that he was only supposed to be hooked up in a laboratory to a machine that creates realistic dream-like images. Which reality is the character really living in?

At a sci-fi press conference held in France in 1977, Philip tried to explain some of his bewildering thoughts about the existence of a parallel or self-contained – Matrix-like – universe created by “someone” who has the ability to alter the course of time and our concept of reality:

“People claim to remember past lives,” Philip told the throng of reporters and fans. “I claim to remember a different – very different – present life. I know of nobody who has ever made this claim before but I rather suspect that my experience is not unique. What perhaps is unique is my willingness to talk about it. We are living in a computer-programmed reality and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed and some alteration in our reality occurs . . . and because of this a variable WAS changed – reprogrammed as it were – and an alternative world branched off.”

Drawing on the masterful mind of creative genius Philip K. Dick we offer up dozens of his personal experiences, as well as those of others in the UFO and paranormal fields, where synchronicities seem to abound. This is NOT science fiction. This is a universe that cannot be so easily grasped or explained.

This amazing book has been compiled by Tim Beckley and Sean Casted with an Introduction by Tessa Dick and added contributions by such esteemed researchers as: Philip K. Dick, Tim Swartz, Nick Redfern, Diane Tessman, Hercules Invictus, Brad Steiger, Brent Raynes, Cynthia Cirile, Valarie D. Orazio, and others who have come to conclude we are living in a computerized simulation, and like PKD acknowledge the existence of the Matrix.

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Anonymous Says NASA Is About to Announce Evidence of Alien Life

The world's leading hacking group has claimed that NASA is about to announce they have found intelligent alien life. Anonymous has released a video claiming that "NASA says aliens are coming".

Anonymous, famous for hacks and attacks on big websites, claimed NASA has said that aliens are on their way:

"Latest anonymous message in 2017 just arrived with a huge announcement about the Intelligent Alien Life!" Anonymous wrote in the caption of their video, "NASA says aliens are coming!"

The video, which has almost been viewed 900,000 times, makes that claim based on a recent meeting of the US Science Space and Technology Committee. They quote Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, as saying:

"There are many who claim that unofficially, mankind has already made contact with aliens and not just little micro-organisms floating around inside a massive alien ocean, but advanced space-faring civilizations.

"Twenty-five years ago, we didn't know that planets existed beyond our solar system."

"Today we have confirmed the existence of over 3,400 exoplanets that orbit other suns, and we continue to make new discoveries."

Professor Zurbuchen is then quoted as saying the world is "on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented, discoveries in history".

The man presenting the video – in full Anonymous Guy Fawkes dress – hints that NASA has been trying to get the population ready for the announcement that they've found fully intelligent life. The kind that travels around in spaceships and probes you whilst you sleep.

The group went on to post a second follow up video titled "Anonymous Multiple Sightings of UFOs 2017", in which they post "evidence" of UFOs visiting Earth.

Laurie Cantillo, NASA Lead Communications Specialist, said in a statement: "While we’re excited about the latest findings from NASA’s Kepler space observatory, there’s no pending announcement regarding extraterrestrial life.

"For years NASA has expressed interest in searching for signs of life beyond Earth.

"We have a number of science missions that are moving forward with the goal of seeking signs of past and present life on Mars and ocean worlds in the outer solar system.

"While we do not yet have answers, we will continue to work to address the fundamental question, ‘are we alone?’”

Source: News.au


When the Beast of Gévaudan Terrorized France
By Lorraine Boissoneault

The monster’s first victim was Jeanne Boulet, a 14-year-old girl watching her sheep. Her death was followed by others, almost exclusively women and children. Throughout 1764, the brutal attacks—victims with their throats torn out or heads gnawed off—riveted France. The violence was so shocking, news of it traveled from the countryside all the way to the royal palace in Versailles. What was this beast of Gévaudan, and who could stop its reign of terror?

Gévaudan, a region in southern France (in modern-day Lozère), was just as mysterious as its monster. “It had the reputation for being a remote, isolated backwater where the forces of nature had not been full tamed, where the forests were indeed enchanted,” says Jay M. Smith, a historian and the author of Monsters of the Gévaudan: The Making of a Beast. “It’s fascinating, it’s powerful, it’s scary, it’s sublime.”

It was the perfect place for a Grimm-like fairy tale starring a possibly supernatural creature. But for villagers under attack, reality was more brutal than any book. In three years time, the beast racked up nearly 300 victims, and its legacy lasted long beyond the 18th century.

France of 1764 was in miserable condition. The Seven Years’ War had ended a year earlier, with France suffering numerous defeats at the hands of the British and the Prussians. The king, Louis XV, had also lost the bulk of his country’s overseas empire, including Canada. The economic situation was dire and the country was in disarray. Despite the carnage the beast wrought, it served as a perfect foe for a nation with something to prove, a country in need of a cause to rally around.

The beast and its victims might have gone virtually unnoticed if not for a burgeoning press. Because political news was mostly censored by the king, newspapers had to turn to other sources of information—and entertainment—to bolster subscriptions. François Morénas, creator and editor of the Courrier d’Avignon, used a new type of reporting called faits divers—stories of everyday incidents in small villages similar to today’s true crime—to tell the tale. His reportage in particular transformed the beast from a backwater calamity into a national affair.

As the headcount rose in 1764, local officials and aristocrats took action. Étienne Lafont, a regional government delegate, and Captain Jean Baptiste Duhamel, a leader of the local infantry, organize the first concerted attack. At one point, the number of volunteers rose to 30,000 men. Duhamel organized the men along military models, left poisoned bait, and even had some soldiers dress as peasant women in hopes of attracting the beast. A reward for killing the beast eventually equaled a year’s salary for workingmen, writes historian Jean-Marc Moriceau in La Bête du Gévaudan.

For men like Duhamel, the hunt was a way to redeem his honor after the war. “There are many signs of wounded masculinity among the lead huntsmen,” Smith says, especially Duhamel. “He had a highly sensitive regard for his own honor and had some bad experiences in the war, and looked at this challenge of defeating the beast as a way to redeem himself.”

The press also created popular stories out of the women and children who survived attacks by defending themselves, emphasizing the virtue of the peasantry.

Take Jacques Portefaix. The young boy and a group of children were out in a meadow with a herd of cattle on January 12, 1765, when the beast attacked. Working together, they managed to scare it off with their pikes. Portefaix’s courage was so admired that Louis XV paid a reward to all the children, and had the boy educated at the king’s personal expense.

And then there’s Marie-Jeanne Vallet, who was attacked on August 11, 1765, and managed to defend herself and wound the beast, earning herself the title “Maiden of Gévaudan.” Today a statue stands in her honor in the village of Auvers in southern France.

Individuals may have had some success defending themselves, but official hunters had none. In February 1765, the d’Ennevals, a father-son hunter duo from Normandy, announced they would travel to Gévaudan to eliminate the beast. Jean-Charles, the father, boasted he’d already killed 1,200 wolves, relevant information assuming the predator was, in fact, a wolf. But no one was sure of that. “It is much bigger than a wolf,” wrote Lafont in an early report. “It has a snout somewhat like a calf’s and very long hair, which would seem to indicate a hyena.”

Duhamel described the animal as even more fantastical. In his words, it had a “breast as wide as a horse,” “a body as long as a leopard’s,” and fur that’s that was “red with a black stripe.” Duhamel concluded, “You will undoubtedly think, like I do, that this is a monster [hybrid], the father of which is a lion. What its mother was remains to be seen.”

Other witnesses claimed the beast had supernatural abilities. “It could walk on its hind feet and its hide could repel bullets and it had fire in its eyes and it came back from the dead more than once and had amazing leaping ability,” Smith says.

Whatever its origins or appearance, the hunters were determined to score their prize. But again and again, they failed. The d’Ennevals eventually gave up at which point the king sent his own gun-bearer and bodyguard, François Antoine. Along with his son and a detachment of men, Antoine traipsed around the forested countryside in search of the beast. At last, in September 1765, he shot and killed a large wolf. He had the body sent to the court at Versailles, received a reward from Louis XV, and accepted the villagers’ gratitude

Two brief months later the attacks recommenced.

For another 18 months, something continued to stalk the villagers of Gévaudan, with a reported 30 to 35 fatalities in that period. The king, believing the beast had already been slain, offered little aid.

With no assistance coming from outside the region, locals took matters into their own hands—an option that may have been wiser from the beginning, since the previous hunters were unfamiliar with the landscape and had trouble communicating with locals.

Local farmer Jean Chastel had been involved in a previous hunt, but was thrown in prison by Antoine for leading his men into a bog. But his past crimes turned to bygones when he managed, at last, to bring the creature down with a bullet on June 19, 1767.

The end of the savagery did little to answer the burning question: What was the beast? It’s been up for debate ever since. Historians and scientists have suggested it was an escaped lion, a prehistoric holdover, or even that Chastel himself trained an animal to attack people and deflect attention from other crimes. Smith thinks the answer is more mundane.

“The best and most likely explanation is Gévaudan had a serious wolf infestation,” Smith says. In other words, there may not have been one single beast of Gévaudan, but many large wolves attacking the isolated communities.

Wolf attacks occurred throughout France during this period. Moriceau estimates that wolf attacks caused as many as 9,000 fatalities across the country between the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 19th. What made the attacks in Gévaudan memorable, even to today, were their violence and higher-than-average fatalities, as well as the press’s ability to turn them into a riveting national story. Even 250 years since the Beast of Gévaudan last stalked the forests and fields of southern France, its fairy-tale-like legacy looms large.

Source: Smithsonian Magazine
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California Gave Arizona Free Solar Power

On 14 days during March, Arizona utilities got a gift from California: free solar power.

Well, actually better than free. California produced so much solar power on those days that it paid Arizona to take excess electricity its residents weren’t using to avoid overloading its own power lines.

It happened on eight days in January and nine in February as well. All told, those transactions helped save Arizona electricity customers millions of dollars this year, though grid operators declined to say exactly how much. And California also has paid other states to take power.

The number of days that California dumped its unused solar electricity would have been even higher if the state hadn’t ordered some solar plants to reduce production — even as natural gas power plants, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, continued generating electricity.

California is the poster child for solar energy: in 2016, 13% of the state's power came from solar sources. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, California is in the lead for the cumulative amount of solar electric capacity installed in 2016.

The state, which produced little to no solar energy just 15 years ago, has made strides — it single-handedly has nearly half of the country’s solar electricity generating capacity. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, California reached a milestone: for a few hours, more than half the state's power needs were sourced from solar energy. This put wholesale energy prices in the negative.

When there's too much solar energy, there is a risk of the electricity grid overloading. This can result in blackouts. In times like this, California offers other states a financial incentive to take their power.

But it’s not as environmentally friendly as one would think. Take Arizona, for example. The state opts to put a pin in its own solar energy sources instead of fossil fuel power, which means greenhouse gas emissions aren’t getting any better due to California’s overproduction.

Why doesn’t California, a champion of renewable energy, use all the solar power it can generate?

The answer, in part, is that the state has achieved dramatic success in increasing renewable energy production in recent years. But it also reflects sharp conflicts among major energy players in the state over the best way to weave these new electricity sources into a system still dominated by fossil-fuel-generated power.

No single entity is in charge of energy policy in California. This has led to a two-track approach that has created an ever-increasing glut of power and is proving costly for electricity users. Rates have risen faster here than in the rest of the U.S., and Californians now pay about 50% more than the national average.

Perhaps the most glaring example: The California Legislature has mandated that one-half of the state’s electricity come from renewable sources by 2030; today it’s about one-fourth. That goal once was considered wildly optimistic. But solar panels have become much more efficient and less expensive. So solar power is now often the same price or cheaper than most other types of electricity, and production has soared so much that the target now looks laughably easy to achieve.

At the same time, however, state regulators — who act independently of the Legislature — until recently have continued to greenlight utility company proposals to build more natural gas power plants.

These conflicting energy agendas have frustrated state Senate Leader Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles), who opposes more fossil fuel plants. He has introduced legislation that would require the state to meet its goal of 50% of its electricity from renewable sources five years earlier, by 2025. Even more ambitiously, he recently proposed legislation to require 100% of the state’s power to come from renewable energy sources by 2045.

“I want to make sure we don’t have two different pathways,” de Leon said. Expanding clean energy production and also building natural gas plants, he added, is “a bad investment.”

Environmental groups are even more critical. They contend that building more fossil fuel plants at the same time that solar production is being curtailed shows that utilities — with the support of regulators — are putting higher profits ahead of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

However, because no one can be sure when clouds might block sunshine during the day, fossil fuel electricity is needed to fill the gaps. Utility officials note that solar production is often cut back first because starting and stopping natural gas plants is costlier and more difficult than shutting down solar panels.

With solar power surging so much that it is sometimes curtailed, does California need to spend $6 billion to $8 billion to build or refurbish eight natural gas power plants that have received preliminary approval from regulators, especially as legislative leaders want to accelerate the move away from fossil fuel energy?

The answer depends on whom you ask.

Utilities have repeatedly said yes. State regulators have agreed until now, approving almost all proposals for new power plants. But this month, citing the growing electricity surplus, regulators announced plans to put on hold the earlier approvals of four of the eight plants to determine if they really are needed.

Big utilities continue to push for all of the plants, maintaining that building natural gas plants doesn’t conflict with expanding solar power. They say both paths are necessary to ensure that California has reliable sources of power — wherever and whenever it is needed.

Source: Mic


Rocks Rain Down on Village in India

A bizarre incident involving rocks raining down from the sky has some residents in an Indian village wondering if something supernatural could be behind the strange event.

The village of Phulasagar in the Mandla district experienced a "rain of rocks" on Monday, June 26, which left the population in a panic.

According to reports, the rocks damaged rooftops and freshly washed clothes left hanging outside to dry.

The odd thing about these "rock rains" is that even though buildings and property have been damaged, no person has been struck by the rocks.

Religious leaders in the community dubbed the event a "divine outbreak" and began praying in the hopes that their actions would thwart whatever was causing the weird "weather."  

They said this was the first time in their lives that they had witnessed such a strange phenomenon.

Meanwhile, skeptical government officials, who told the local presssay that they do not believe in superstitions, ventured to the village to investigate the situation. However, as they were interviewing the villagers, they were shocked to also see huge stones falling from the sky.

While there very well may be a natural reason for the rocks to have falling from the sky, the phenomenon sounds eerily similar to cases of poltergeist activity.

Unfortunately, it appears that there is little that the villagers can do other than hope that Monday's 'rainfall' was an isolated incident and, if it wasn't, cover their heads the next time it happens.

Source: Coast to Coast


The Lost Civilization of Antarctica

When we think of Antarctica, the place immediately conjures up an image of a magnificent glacial wilderness at the bottom of the world.

But could it be that long before it was claimed by the ice and snow, Antarctica was once a temperate land filled with rivers and mountains and where one of the earliest advanced civilisations once thrived?

It may be that such a civilisation, one forgotten by time and long hidden by the ice, originally called Antarctica their home. While Antarctica remains hidden beneath a two mile thick layer of ice we can only speculate at what might be there, but there are a few pieces of evidence that point to such a scenario as being a possibility, prompting the exodus of a people that could no longer remain in their homeland.

The Piri Re’is Map

One of the biggest clues to suggest that our understanding of Antarctica may be incomplete is the legendary Piri Re'is Map which was found in Constantinople in 1929. The map is thought to have been drawn in the 15th century by an Admiral of the Ottoman Navy, Admiral Piri Ibn Haji Memmed, known as Piri Re'is. Notes made in the map’s margins sourced a set of around twenty maps dating back to the time of Alexander the Great as being the sources for the Piri Re’is. What makes the map unique, besides its age and history, is that it seems to show that the ancients knew a great deal more about the shape and proximity of the continents than conventional history suggests and that even more remarkably, it mapped Antarctica as a land mass. For that to have been correct this information would have had to have been obtained at a much earlier time than that of Alexander the Great which was around 323BC., which suggests that Alexander’s maps were copies of even older documents.

Antarctica was officially unknown to the world until 1820, when the lieutenant of the Russian Imperial Fleet, Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev discovered what appeared to be a new continent; yet this ‘new’ continent is clearly identifiable on the Piri Re’is map, which is dated 1513. Many suggest that rather than discovering a new continent, Lazarev had rediscovered a lost continent.

One of the best-known and controversial features in the Piri Re'is map is the Antarctic coastline, which it shows in extraordinary detail. The problem is that not only does it show Antarctica before it was discovered, it seems to represent the coast of the continent at a time before it was covered in glaciers; at a time when it was just a regular landmass like any other.

Information that confirmed the size and shape of the landmass in the Antarctic was only gleaned in the 20th century, many years after the map was discovered and even longer since it was drawn. There is much disagreement as to the last time Antarctica was free of ice with some experts suggesting that it was as recent as around 6,000 years ago, while other geologists point to ice cores that are 500,000 years old being recovered from Antarctica. Nevertheless, cartographers and historians alike are baffled as to how the people responsible for drawing up this map could have known that this land existed, but if Antarctica was once free of ice it is fairly logical to assume that it was populated.

It is not surprising then, that the Piri Re'is map is one of the cornerstones of the growing body of evidence to support the case for there having been an unknown pre Ice Age civilization living on this land. One researcher who took an enormous amount of interest in the map was historian and geographer, Professor Charles Hapgood. Hapgood, a respected albeit controversial scholar in his own right, spent a great deal of time studying the map and reached the conclusion that it had been drawn by a civilization with advanced seafaring and mapping skills who had surveyed the entire Earth in the ancient past.

In 1949, a combined British and Swedish expedition conducted intensive seismic measurements of the South Pole through the ice cap. When shown a copy of the Piri Re’is map for comparison, the commander of the 8th Technical Investigation Squadron of the US Armed Force Strategic Command, Colonel Harold Olmayer, is quoted as having said, “the geographical details of the bottom part of the map; the shore of Antarctica, correspond with the results of the seismic measurements. We cannot correlate these data with the supposed level of geography in 1513." Thus confirming what many researchers already thought; that the source map was far older than anything drawn up in the last few hundred years.

The Oronteus Finaeus Map

Charles Hapgood also worked with another well known and ancient map that supports the pre-glacial Antarctic theory; the Oronteus Finaeus Map, which was found in the Library of Congress, Washington DC in 1960, but which dates back to 1531. As with the Piri Re’is map, much of Antarctica appears to be free of ice, with flowing rivers and mountain ranges being represented; the presence of which has only recently been verified by modern technology. According to the map, the centre of the land was without geographical features which some believe points to the fact that it was already covered in ice at the time the map was drawn. In the early 1960s, Hapgood had the opportunity to study the Oronteus Finaeus map alongside Doctor Richard Stratchen of the Massachusetts Technology Institute (MIT). Both men concluded that the Oronteus Finaeus map had indeed depicted Antarctica’s coast at a time when it was free of ice.

Opponents of the idea that these ancient maps show an ice free Antarctica counter that the Oronteus Finaeus Map fails to show the Amery Basin. In either a partially or completely deglaciated Antarctica, this basin would have been occupied by a 700 to 800 kilometers (430 to 490 miles) long bay and would have been a major physiographic feature that would have been mapped had the area been ice free. Even though this basin forms a prominent bay along the coast of modern Antarctica, it is missing from the Oronteus Finaeus Map. What these criticisms fail to take into account is the numerous transcriptions that might have occurred since the original source map was drawn. If the map is indeed based on an original source map that is between 6,000 and 500,000 years old, it is quite conceivable that errors and omissions did occur as various copies of the map were made over perhaps thousands of years. The fact that Antarctica exists at all on these maps has never been explained, let alone the fact that features such as rivers and mountains have been mapped on the land.

A third map of Antarctica, this time drawn by the 18th century French geographer Philippe Bauche, a member of the French Academy of Science, was completed in 1737; well before the continent was discovered. This map cast more confusion onto our preconception of ancient seafaring and geographical knowledge, because it showed Antarctica as being divided in two by a narrow band of water. When the first seismic survey was undertaken in 1958, it confirmed that Antarctica as a land mass is divided in two by an ancient waterway. Many geologists think that the last time that this was obvious would have been not thousands of years ago, but millions of years ago. The survey seems to confirm that the person who originally drew the map somehow had knowledge that would not be common knowledge until the twentieth century, yet the map was drawn some 200 years earlier, presumably from an even earlier version.

The Destruction of Eden

Antarctica was ice free in the past, forming a temperate and thus habitable environment, then it is highly likely and perfectly logical that it would have been inhabited by people, given that every other continent in the world was. There are many different theories as to how often and how quickly these ice ages occur, but very little common agreement. As the ice began to form, first in the centre of the continent and then gradually moving out, that temperate climate would have been replaced by a cold and hostile one where it would have become impossible to survive.

Any civilisation living there would have been faced with the choice between remaining, and facing certain death through cold and starvation or migrating as far away as possible from the encroaching ice. Without knowing how far the ice would reach, the equator would probably have seemed like the safest bet.

The Birth of Egypt and Sumer

The Piri Re’is, Oronteus Finaeus, and Bauche maps all seem to show a representation of Antarctica before it was lost beneath the ice and snow, which according to some was around 6,000-10,000 years ago. Coincidentally, this is the time when many think that the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations appeared; civilisations that seemed to be able to progress from nomadic tribesmen to a technologically advanced structured society in a fairly short period of time, forming organised and sophisticated cultures.

The big question is of course, is there any evidence to suggest that Egypt was founded by seafaring migrants. Interestingly, in 1991, US and Egyptian archaeologists working in Abidos, Egypt, discovered 14 large boats that belonged to Pharaohs of First Dynasty. The boats were estimated to be at least 5,000 years old, each vessel being about 75 feet long and 7 to 10 feet wide at the widest part, with narrowing prow and stern and a shallow draft. They are believed to be the most ancient but also the most advanced sailing vessels ever discovered in the world, and owed their preservation to the dry Egyptian climate. Unlike other boats of that era, they were made from planks of wood, rather than being carved from hollowed out tree trunks, suggesting that the Egyptians had very advanced boat building skills.

According to Dr. Cheryl Ward, a nautical archaeologist at Florida State University: "In the ancient world, boats were the most complex machines produced."

A fleet of the oldest built wooden boats in the world located in the desert sands of Abydos, more than eight miles from the river Nile.If you couple that boat building expertise with an advanced geographical knowledge of the Earth – one that until recently exceeded modern understanding, and an advanced knowledge of maths and astronomy, which would have been required to draw such detailed maps with such precision and navigate the world’s oceans, then it is interesting to ponder upon the possibility that Egypt was indeed founded by an established civilisation that was perhaps forced to abandon their own continent and start anew. Could it be that these boats or ones like them were used to ferry refugees from a civilisation that was being destroyed by an increasingly hostile climate, enabling them to forge a new civilisation in Egypt, and indeed other parts of the world?

But if there really was a lost civilisation living on Antarctica, surely some evidence for it must survive in Antarctica itself? According to Congressional investigators, a spy satellite image taken of Antarctica reportedly revealed an anomalous structure two miles beneath the ice. Details about the nature of the structure remain scant, but clearly there is something there.

In addition, magnetic anomalies have been recorded and a substantial liquid water lake, nicknamed Lake Vostok (after the Russian base), has been identified beneath the ice. According to researchers from the enterprise mission, although there are natural explanations to account for the magnetic anomalies, such as the thickness of the Earth’s crust, an anomaly like this could also be caused by an accumulation of metals - the kind you would get if you found the ruins of an ancient, buried city. Until we are in a position to explore the Antarctic region more thoroughly, the idea of a lost city hidden below miles of ice sheets remains little more than a tantalising possibility.


It seems more than a little odd that several ancient maps have recorded a continent that no one at the time knew that it existed. The fact that they show the Antarctic landmass without its icy covering is even more mysterious and doesn’t fit in with anything you will find in a text book about climate changes or cartography, yet the indisputable fact is that these maps exist.

There is land below the ice of Antarctica, we have established that much, all we need to ask now, is, was that land occupied and what happened to the people who lived there when the climate changed? Perhaps only time will tell.

Source: Thothweb


Christians and Witches Are Waging Spiritual War Over Trump
By Diana Tourjee

As witches around the world perform rituals to bind the President of the United States, Christians and other religious organizations have retaliated with prayers of protection.

Witches have been casting spells against President Donald Trump since his inauguration. But while there have been numerous reports detailing the efforts of pagan, Wiccan, and Satanic groups against the president, there have been fewer detailing the efforts of Christians to counteract these magical actions with the power of prayer.

Since February, magic practitioners around the world have been notoriously congregating by the light of the waning crescent moon in order to bind Trump from doing further harm. The mass ritual, which was widely reported at the time, garnered an alarmed response from the Intercessors for America (IFA), a prayer and fasting Christian organization, which issued a global call to the cult of Christ: "Whether or not this call for spells pans out and people act on it, we feel compelled, as the body of Christ and intercessors, to come against this evil with immediate and powerful prayer," the group said in a statement.

This month, it seems, the witches and Christians are at it again. On June 20, the former group mobilized against Trump again—taking advantage of the summer solstice, a time when magical powers are believed to be heightened. Earlier this week, multiple Christian outlets reported that both Jewish and Christian believers had started rallying in support of the Trump administration, and the IFA put out another urgent call for prayer.

Michael Hughes, one of the witches who initiated the so-called "magical resistance" against Trump, is skeptical that the pro-Trump prayers will work. "Jesus advocated for the poor, the sick, the hungry, and refugees," he tells Broadly. "These so-called Christians are praying for a narcissistic, crass, hateful, bullying, hypocritical, pussy-grabbing grifter and a party itching to yank health care from the most vulnerable to hand over more bags of cash to their wealthy friends. Jesus would go full moneylenders-in-the-temple on all of their asses."

Hughes further suggests that these prayer warriors are fighting a futile battle, as Jesus would never answer "their prayers to protect the president, no matter how much time they spend on their knees." He also says that witches are already working with a "large number of Christians," who he considers to be more authentic because they "care about the poor, the sick, and the oppressed."

Aerinn, a New York based witch who also identifies as a Catholic, emphasizes that taking magical action against Trump is crucial. "Trump is surrounded by fear, hate, and blunt, aggressive charisma and these are powerful emotions that make for powerful magic whether intentional or unintentional," she says, adding that Trump is "nestled in a vortex of hate."

In fact, Aerinn continues, she has heard "through the witchvine" that Trump may actually have "actively engaged a number of Old World, Eastern European, and Russian witches to help him attain power and combat anyone who tries to work against him." (However, she cautions that this obviously needs to be taken with a grain of salt, and is likely just a rumor.) "As for the Christians working against these witches to keep Trump safe and sound," she says, speaking as a Catholic witch, "maybe someone should be trying to bind them—because they are contributing more to the evils of America than witches ever will."

As for the rumors, propagated by outlets like the Christian Broadcasting Network, that Satanists are also taking up magical arms against Trump? Lucien Greaves, the founder of The Satanic Temple, says they're not true. "Casting spells to make Trump fail is really no different from performing rituals at night to help the sun rise in the morning," he said in an emailed statement, suggesting that the President's failure is a "natural occurrence," and any magical attempt to bring it on is merely a "delusion."

However, he notes that such "symbolic expressions of ritualized discontent" are not without value, as they are valid forms of protest. "Done in the religious context, these expressions of protest challenge the moral authority of the theocratic Evangelical narrative: the notion that 'God' is on the administration's side," he wrote.

For Hughes, though, the spell work is far from a delusion, and the battle has just begun. He's not intimidated by the Christians trying to usurp the power of the craft. "I'm willing to see whose magic is stronger," he affirms. "So far, I think we're winning."

Source: Broadly


Village in Thailand Asks Police to Protect Village From Ghost

A district chief in Amnat Charoen province on Wednesday clarified his request for police protection for a village haunted by a "ghost".

Chakkri Thongcharoen, chief of Pathumrat Wongsa district, wrote an official letter dated June 22 to the local police commander, asking him to send police to Phudankoy village to boost morale for residents stricken by fears of the legendary ghost "phee pob".

"Please consider sending police and tambon police volunteers to provide security for people and their belongings in the village," read the letter, which was seen by the Bangkok Post.

After the police station chief agreed with the request on Tuesday, police were sent to the village and ordered to patrol it regularly. Public health and livestock officials were also dispatched to the village.

Mr Chakkri said he felt the need to help after the Phudankoy village chief filed a complaint, claiming that "phee pob" was haunting the village and was responsible for the deaths of four animals and the sickness of four residents.

According to Thai folklore, once "phee pob" inhabits a human body, the person becomes ravenous for raw food - including the organs of live animals.

The district chief defended his actions, saying he did not over-react to the fears of the villagers and was not obsessed with the supernatural.

Officials were trying to help boost villagers' morale and ensure their safety, he said, after they started suspecting one another of being the ghost.

"Let me explain this clearly: I did not ask police to go to the village to drive away 'phee pob'," he told a news programme on Channel 3 on Wednesday. "Leave that matter to monks."

The district chief and Amnat Charoen governor Sirirat Chumuppakan both said on Wednesday that the situation in the village has returned to normal.

"The cattle died simply from complications that arose while they were giving birth, and the people who fell ill have recovered," Mr Chakkri said, without elaborating on the cause of the illness.

Village chief Boonmak Srirarit, however, on Wednesday insisted that the ghost was to blame.

Source: Bangkok Post

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