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2nd time to fix links
CJ #531 7/24/09
CJ #532 8/7/09
CJ #564 3/19/10
CJ - Special
Conspiracy Journal #406
Conspiracy Journal #407
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Halloween Special
Issue # 414 4/27/07
Issue # 415 5/4/07
Issue # 416 5/11/07
Issue # 426 7/20/07
Issue # 429 8/10/07
Issue # 430 8/17/07
Issue # 433 9/07/07
Issue # 449 12/28/07
Issue # 474 06/20/08
Issue # 483 8/22/08
Issue # 498 12/5/08
Issue #1000 4/14/19
Issue #1001 4/21/19
Issue #1002 4/28/19
Issue #1004 5/12/19
Issue #10046 5/27/19
Issue #1005 5/19/19
Issue #1007 6/2/19
Issue #1008 6/9/19
Issue #1009 6/17/19
Issue #1010 6/23/19
Issue #1011 6/30/19
Issue #1012 7/7/19
Issue #1013 7/14/19
Issue #1014 7/21/19
Issue #1015 7/28/19
Issue #1016 8/5/19
Issue #1017 8/11/19
Issue #1018 8/18/19
Issue #1019 8/26/19
Issue #1020 9/8/19
Issue #1021 9/15/19
Issue #1022 9/22/19
Issue #1023 9/29/19
Issue #1024 10/6/19
Issue #1025 10/20/19
Issue #1026 10/27/19
Issue #1027 11/3/19
Issue #1028 11/10/19
Issue #1029 11/17/19
Issue #1030 11/24/19
Issue #1031 12/8/19
Issue #1032 12/22/19
Issue #1033 12/29/19
Issue #1034 1/5/20
Issue #1035 1/12/20
Issue #1036 1/19/20
Issue #1037 1/26/20
Issue #1038 2/2/20
Issue #1039 2/16/20
Issue #1040 2/23/20
Issue #1041 3/1/20
Issue #1042 3/8/20
Issue #1043 3/16/20
Issue #1045 4/5/20
Issue #1046 4/13/20
Issue #1047 4/19/20
Issue #1048 4/26/20
Issue #1049 5/3/20
Issue #1050 5/10/20
Issue #1051 5/25/20
Issue #1052 5/31/20
Issue #1053 6/14/20
Issue #1054 6/28/20
Issue #1055 7/12/20
Issue #1056 7/19/20
Issue #1057 8/2/20
Issue #1058 8/9/20
Issue #1059 8/23/20
Issue #1060 8/30/20
Issue #1061 9/6/20
Issue #1062 9/20/20
Issue #1063 9/27/20
Issue #1064 10/4/20
Issue #1065 10/18/20
Issue #1066 11/1/20
Issue #1067 11/15/20
Issue #1068 11/29/20
Issue #1069 12/13/20
Issue #1070 12/20/20
Issue #1071 1/3/21
Issue #1072 1/10/21
Issue #1074 2/7/21
Issue #1075 2/21/21
Issue #1075 2/28/21
Issue #1077 3/7/21
Issue #1078 3/15/21
Issue #1079 3/27/21
Issue #1080 4/5/21
Issue #1081 4/12/21
Issue #1082 4/19/21
Issue #1083 4/26/21
Issue #1084 5/9/21
Issue #1085 5/17/21
Issue #1086 2/5/22
Issue #1087 2/6/22
Issue #1088 2/11/22
Issue #1089 2/25/22
Issue #1090 3/19/22
Issue #1091 4/4/22
Issue #403
Issue #404 - 2/16/07
Issue #405 - 2/23/07
Issue #408 March15, 2007
Issue #409 March 23, 2007
Issue #410 March 30, 2007
Issue #411 April 6, 2007
Issue #412 April 13, 2007
Issue #413 April 20, 2007
Issue #419
Issue #420 6/8/07
Issue #422 6/22/07
Issue #423 6/29/07
Issue #424 6/6/07
Issue #425 7/13/07
Issue #427 7/27/07
Issue #428 8/3/07
Issue #431 8/24/07
Issue #432 8/31/07
Issue #434 9/14/07
Issue #435 9/21/07
Issue #436
Issue #437 10/5/07
Issue #438 10/12/07
Issue #438 1012/07
Issue #439 10/19/07
Issue #440 10/26/07
Issue #441 11/2/07
Issue #442 11/9/07
Issue #443 11/16/07
Issue #444 11/23/07
Issue #445 11/30/07
Issue #446 12/7/07
Issue #447 12/14/07
Issue #448 12/21/07
Issue #450 1/4/08
Issue #451 1/11/08
Issue #452 1/18/08
Issue #453 1/25/08
Issue #454 2/1/08
Issue #455 2/8/08
Issue #456 2/15/08
Issue #457 2/22/08
Issue #458 2/29/08
Issue #459 3/7/08
Issue #460 3/14/08
Issue #461 3/21/08
Issue #462 3/28/08
Issue #463 4/4/08
Issue #464 4/11/08
Issue #465 4/18/08
Issue #466 4/25/08
Issue #467 5/2/08
Issue #468 5/9/08
Issue #469 5/16/08
Issue #470 5/23/08
Issue #471 5/30/08
Issue #472 6/6/08
Issue #476 7/4/08
Issue #477 7/11/08
Issue #478 7/18/08
Issue #479 7/25/08
Issue #480 8/1/08
Issue #481 8/8/08
Issue #482 8/15/08
Issue #484 8/29/08
Issue #485 9/5/08
Issue #487 9/19/08
Issue #488 9/26/08
Issue #489 10/3/08
Issue #490 10/10/08
Issue #491 10/17/08
Issue #492 10/24/08
Issue #493 10/31/08
Issue #494 10/7/08
Issue #495 11/14/08
Issue #496 11/21/08
Issue #497
Issue #499 12/12/08
Issue #500 12/19/08
Issue #501 12/26/08
Issue #502 1/2/09
issue #503 1/9/09
Issue #504 1/16/09
Issue #505 1/23/09
Issue #506 1/30/09
Issue #507 2/6/09
Issue #508 2/13/09
Issue #509 2/20/09
Issue #510 2/27/09
Issue #511 3/6/09
issue #512 3/13/09
Issue #513 3/20/09
Issue #514 3/27/09
Issue #515 4/3/09
Issue #516 4/10/09
Issue #517 4/17/09
Issue #518 4/24/09
Issue #519
Issue #520 5/8/09
Issue #521 5/15/09
Issue #522 5/22/09
Issue #523 5/29/09
Issue #524 6/5/09
Issue #525 6/12/09
Issue #526 6/19/09
Issue #527 6/26/09
Issue #528 7/3/09
Issue #529 7/10/09
Issue #530 7/17/09
Issue #533 8/14/09
Issue #534 8/21/09
Issue #535
Issue #536 9/4/09
Issue #537 9/11/09
Issue #538 9/18/09
Issue #539 9/25/09
Issue #541 10/9/09
Issue #542 10/16/09
Issue #544 10/30/09
Issue #545 11/6/09
Issue #546 11/13/09
Issue #547 11/20/09
Issue #548 11/28/09
Issue #549 12/4/09
Issue #550 12/11/09
Issue #551 12/18/09
Issue #552 12/25/09
Issue #553 1/1/10
Issue #554 1/8/10
Issue #555 1/15/10
Issue #556 1/22/10
Issue #557 1/29/10
Issue #558 2/5/10
Issue #559 2/12/10
Issue #560 2/19/10
Issue #561 2/26/10
Issue #562 3/5/10
Issue #563 3/12/10
Issue #565 3/26/10
Issue #566 4/2/10
Issue #567 4/9/10
Issue #568 4/16/10
Issue #569 4/23/10
Issue #570 4/30/10
Issue #571 5/7/10
Issue #572 5/14/10
Issue #573 5/21/10
Issue #574 5/28/10
Issue #575 6/4/10
Issue #576 6/11/10
Issue #577 6/18/10
Issue #578 6/25/10
Issue #579 7/2/10
Issue #580 7/9/10
Issue #581 7/16/10
Issue #582 7/23/10
issue #583 7/30/10
Issue #584 8/6/10
Issue #585
issue #586 8/20/10
Issue #587 8/27/10
Issue #588 9/3/10
Issue #590 9/17/10
Issue #591 9/24/10
Issue #593 10/8/10
Issue #594 10/15/10
Issue #595 10/22/10
Issue #596 10/29/10
Issue #597
Issue #598 11/19/10
Issue #599 12/10/10
Issue #600 12/17/10
Issue #601 12/24/10
Issue #601 12/31/10
Issue #603 1/7/11
Issue #604 1/14/11
Issue #605 1/24/11
Issue #606 1/28/11
Issue #607 2/4/11
Issue #608 2/11/11
Issue #609 2/18/11
Issue #610 2/25/11
Issue #611 3/4/11
Issue #612 3/11/11
Issue #613 3/18/11
Issue #614 3/25/11
Issue #615 4/1/11
Issue #616 4/8/11
Issue #617 4/15/11
Issue #618 4/22/11
Issue #619 4/29/11
Issue #620 5/6/11
Issue #621 5/13/11
Issue #622 5/20/11
Issue #623 5/27/11
Issue #624 6/3/11
Issue #625 6/10/11
Issue #626 6/17/11
Issue #627 6/24/11
Issue #627-RESEND
Issue #628 7/1/11
Issue #629 7/8/11
Issue #630 7/29/11
Issue #631 8/5/11
Issue #632 8/12/11
Issue #633 8/19/11
Issue #634 8/26/11
Issue #635 9/2/11
Issue #636 9/9/11
Issue #637 9/16/11
Issue #638 9/23/11
Issue #639 9/30/11
Issue #640 10/7/11
Issue #641 10/14/11
Issue #642 10/21/11
Issue #643 10/28/11
Issue #644 11/4/11
Issue #645 11/11/11
Issue #646 11/18/11
Issue #647 11/26/11
Issue #648 12/2/11
Issue #649 12/9/11
Issue #650 12/16/11
Issue #651 12/23/11
Issue #652 12/30/11
Issue #653 1/6/12
Issue #655 1/20/12
Issue #656 1/28/12
Issue #657 2/3/12
Issue #658 2/11/12
Issue #659 2/19/12
Issue #660 2/25/12
Issue #661 3/2/12
Issue #663 3/24/12
Issue #664 3/31/12
Issue #665 4/6/12
Issue #666 4/13/12
Issue #667 4/20/12
Issue #668 4/27/12
Issue #670 5/11/12
Issue #671 5/18/12
Issue #672 5/25/12
Issue #673 6/1/12
Issue #674 6/8/12
Issue #675 6/8/12
Issue #676 6/23/12
Issue #677 6/29/12
Issue #678 7/6/12
Issue #679 7/13/12
Issue #680 7/20/12
Issue #681 7/27/12
Issue #681 7/28/12
Issue #682 8/4/12
Issue #683 8/11/12
Issue #684 8/17/12
Issue #684 8/24/12
Issue #687 9/7/12
Issue #688 9/14/12
Issue #689 9/22/12
Issue #690 9/28/12
Issue #691 10/5/12
Issue #692 10/12/12
Issue #693 10/19/12
Issue #694 10/26/12
Issue #695 11/3/12
Issue #696 11/9/12
Issue #697 11/16/12
Issue #698 11/24/12
Issue #699 11/30/12
Issue #700 12/8/12
Issue #701 12/14/12
Issue #702 12/21/12
Issue #703 12/30/12
Issue #704 1/4/13
Issue #705 1/13/13
Issue #706 1/18/13
Issue #707 1/25/13
Issue #708 2/2/13
Issue #709 2/10/13
Issue #710 2/17/13
Issue #711 2/23/13
Issue #713 3/15/13
Issue #714 3/22/13
Issue #715 3/30/13
Issue #716 4/5/13
Issue #717 4/14/13
Issue #718 4/19/13
Issue #719 4/27/13
Issue #720 5/4/13
Issue #721 5/12/13
Issue #722 5/19/13
Issue #723 5/25/13
Issue #724 6/2/13
Issue #725 6/9/13
Issue #726 6/16/13
Issue #727 6/23/13
Issue #728 7/1/13
Issue #729 7/7/13
Issue #730 7/14/13
Issue #731 7/21/13
Issue #732 8/2/13
Issue #733 8/10/13
Issue #734 8/16/13
Issue #735 8/24/13
Issue #737 9/7/13
Issue #738 9/13/13
Issue #739 9/21/13
Issue #740 9/28/13
Issue #741 10/6/13
Issue #742 10/13/13
Issue #743 10/21/13
Issue #744 10/27/13
Issue #745 10/31/13
Issue #746 11/9/13
Issue #747 11/17/13
Issue #748 11/23/13
Issue #749 11/30/13
Issue #750 12/6/13
Issue #751 12/15/13
Issue #752 12/21/13
Issue #753 12/29/13
Issue #754 1/5/14
Issue #755 1/11/14
Issue #755 1/12/14
Issue #756 1/19/14
Issue #757 1/26/14
Issue #758 2/2/14
Issue #759 2/9/14
Issue #760 2/16/14
Issue #761 2/23/14
Issue #762 3/2/14
Issue #763 3/9/14
Issue #764 3/16/14
Issue #765 3/23/14
Issue #766 3/30/14
Issue #767 4/6/14
Issue #768 4/13/14
Issue #769 4/20/14
Issue #770 5/2/14
Issue #771 5/11/14
Issue #772 5/18/14
Issue #773 5/25/14
Issue #774 6/1/14
Issue #775 6/8/14
Issue #776 6/16/14
Issue #777 6/22/14
Issue #778 6/29/14
Issue #779 7/6/14
Issue #780 7/20/14
Issue #781 7/27/14
Issue #782 8/3/14
Issue #783 8/10/14
Issue #784 8/17/14
Issue #785 8/25/14
Issue #786 8/31/14
Issue #787 9/8/14
Issue #788 9/14/14
Issue #789 9/21/14
Issue #790 9/28/14
Issue #791 10/5/14
Issue #792 10/12/14
Issue #793 10/19/14
Issue #794 10/26/14
Issue #795 11/9/14
Issue #796 11/16/14
Issue #797 11/23/14
Issue #798 11/30/14
Issue #799 12/7/14
Issue #800 12/14/14
Issue #801 12/21/14
Issue #802 12/28/14
Issue #803 1/4/14
Issue #804 1/11/14
Issue #805 1/18/14
Issue #806 1/25/14
Issue #807 2/2/15
Issue #808 2/8/15
Issue #810 2/22/15
Issue #811 3/1/15
Issue #812
Issue #812 3/8/15
Issue #813 3/16/15
Issue #814 3/22/15
Issue #815 3/29/15
Issue #816 4/5/15
Issue #817 4/12/15
Issue #818 4/19/15
Issue #819 5/3/15
Issue #820 5/10/15
Issue #821 5/17/15
Issue #822 5/31/15
Issue #823 6/7/15
Issue #824 6/14/15
Issue #825 6/21/15
Issue #826 6/28/15
Issue #827 7/5/15
Issue #828 7/12/15
Issue #829 7/26/15
Issue #830 8/3/15
Issue #831 8/9/15
Issue #832 8/16/15
Issue #833 8/30/15
Issue #834 9/20/15
Issue #835 10/4/15
Issue #836 10/25/15
Issue #837 11/8/15
Issue #838 11/15/15
Issue #839 11/22/15
Issue #840 11/29/15
Issue #841 12/6/15
Issue #842 12/13/15
Issue #843 12/20/15
Issue #844 1/3/16
Issue #845 1/10/16
Issue #846 1/17/16
Issue #847 1/24/16
Issue #847 1/31/16
Issue #849 2/14/16
Issue #850 2/21/16
Issue #851 2/28/16
Issue #852 3/13/16
Issue #853 3/20/16
Issue #854 3/27/16
Issue #855 4/4/16
Issue #856 4/10/16
Issue #857 4/17/16
Issue #858 4/25/16
Issue #859 5/2/16
Issue #860 5/8/16
Issue #861 5/15/16
Issue #862 5/22/16
Issue #863 5/29/16
Issue #864 6/5/16
Issue #865 6/12/16
Issue #866 6/26/16
Issue #867 7/4/16
Issue #868 7/17/16
Issue #869 7/24/16
Issue #870 7/31/16
Issue #871 8/7/16
Issue #872 8/14/16
Issue #873 8/21/16
Issue #874 8/29/16
Issue #875 9/11/16
Issue #876 9/17/16
Issue #877 9/25/16
Issue #878 10/16/16
Issue #878 10/2/16
Issue #880 10/23/16
Issue #881 10/30/16
Issue #882 11/6/16
Issue #883 11/13/16
Issue #884 11/20/16
Issue #885 12/4/16
Issue #886 12/12/16
Issue #887 12/18/16
Issue #888 1/1/17
Issue #889 1/8/17
Issue #890 1/15/17
Issue #891 1/22/17
Issue #892 1/29/17
Issue #893 2/5/17
Issue #894 2/12/17
Issue #895 2/19/17
Issue #896 3/5/17
Issue #897 3/12/17
Issue #899 3/26/17
Issue #900 4/3/17
Issue #901 4/9/17
Issue #902 4/16/17
Issue #903 4/23/17
Issue #904 4/30/17
Issue #905 5/7/17
Issue #906 5/14/17
Issue #907 5/21/17
Issue #908 5/28/17
Issue #909 6/11/17
Issue #910 6/19/17
Issue #911 6/25/17
Issue #912 7/2/17
Issue #913 7/9/17
Issue #914 7/16/17
Issue #915 7/23/17
Issue #916 7/30/17
Issue #917 8/6/17
Issue #918 8/13/17
Issue #919 8/21/17
Issue #919 8/27/17
Issue #921 9/3/17
Issue #922 9/21/17
Issue #923 9/17/17
Issue #924 9/24/17
Issue #925 10/1/17
Issue #926 10/15/17
Issue #927 10/22/17
Issue #928 10/29/17
Issue #929 11/5/17
Issue #930 11/12/17
Issue #931 11/19/17
Issue #932 11/26/17
Issue #933 12/3/17
Issue #934 12/10/17
Issue #935 12/17/17
Issue #936 12/24/17
Issue #937 12/31/17
Issue #938 1/7/17
Issue #939 1/14/17
Issue #940 1/21/17
Issue #941 1/28/17
Issue #942 2/4/18
Issue #943 2/11/18
Issue #944 2/18/18
Issue #945 2/25/18
Issue #946 3/4/18
Issue #947 3/11/18
Issue #948 3/18/18
Issue #948 3/19/18
Issue #949 3/25/18
Issue #950 4/1/18
Issue #951 4/8/18
Issue #952 4/15/18
Issue #953 4/22/18
Issue #954 4/29/18
Issue #955 5/8/18
Issue #956 5/13/18
Issue #957 5/20/18
Issue #958 5/27/18
Issue #959 6/3/18
Issue #960 6/11/18
Issue #961 6/17/18
Issue #962 7/8/18
Issue #963 7/15/18
Issue #964 7/22/18
Issue #965 7/29/18
Issue #966 8/6/18
Issue #967 8/12/18
Issue #968 8/19/18
Issue #969 8/27/18
Issue #970 9/3/18
Issue #971 9/9/18
Issue #972 9/16/18
Issue #973 9/23/18
Issue #974 9/30/18
Issue #975 10/7/18
Issue #976 10/21/18
Issue #977 10/28/18
Issue #978 11/4/18
Issue #979 11/11/18
Issue #980 11/18/18
Issue #981 12/2/18
Issue #982 12/9/18
Issue #983 12/16/18
Issue #984 12/23/18
Issue #985 12/30/18
Issue #986 1/6/19
Issue #987 1/13/19
Issue #988 1/20/19
Issue #989 1/27/19
Issue #990 2/3/19
Issue #991 2/10/19
Issue #992 2/17/19
Issue #993 2/24/19
Issue #994 3/3/19
Issue #995 3/10/19
Issue #996 3/17/19
Issue #997 3/24/19
Issue #998 3/31/19
Issue #999 4/7/19
Issue# 486 9/12/08
Issue# 540 10/2/09
Issue#473 6/13/08
Issue#475 06/27/08
Issue#736 9/1/13
Mystery Tour Radio
Mystery Tour Radio 3/1/07
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RIP Timothy Green Beckley
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Special Book Offer
Special Report - 3/24/17
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Summer Vacation
UPDATE - #1000
Weird Show Tonight
Conspiracy Journal
Friday, March 16, 2007
Conspiracy Journal #408
Topic: Issue #408 March15, 2007

 * Conspiracy Journal *
In Association With Mysteries Magazine!

Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

Trust is not easy to come by nowadays. It used to be that you could
trust in your neighbor; trust in your job; trust in your church;
trust in your elected officials. Now, trust is hard to find. Trust
can even be dangerous. You can't trust in your neighbors, because
they could be spying on you on behalf of Homeland Security. You can't
trust in your job; that is what jobs are actually left that pay a
living salary. You can't trust in your church as many are now playing
politics in order to speed up the apocalypse. And don't get us
started about our elected officials - we used to think a sex-scandal
was the epitome of bad politics. Oh for the days of a simple sex-
scandal. But there is one thing that you can trust in . . .Conspiracy
Journal! Yes that's right. You can always trust that Conspiracy
Journal will be there for you each and every week, revealing those
deep, dark, dirty secrets that you won't find in your local
newspaper, or hear on your nightly news.

This week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such trustworthy stories as:

- The Dozen Space Weapons Myths -
- HAARP and the Current UFO Flap -
- Myths and Legends Guarded by Peru's Amazon Rainforest -
AND:  Making Their Way in the World of Gnomes

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

Take this link to read online this weeks exciting issue: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal408.html

Questions? Comments? Send your e-mail to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 7:13 PM EDT
Friday, March 9, 2007
Conspiracy Journal #407
Topic: Conspiracy Journal #407

 * Conspiracy Journal *
In Association With Mysteries Magazine!

Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

Dark forces are oozing their way into the cracks of society. Those
who proclaim themselves beloved of God are actually tap-dancing with
the devil. Evil is being used to combat evil - with the innocents as
pawns of death. We have been convinced that our jobs, education,
health care, and freedoms are unimportant and unpatriotic by those
who say that they must destroy freedom and Democracy in order to save
it. And now, we stand on the brink, high-fiving Satan and thanking
him as he pushes us all over the edge and into the abyss.

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such brain-blasting stories

- Illinois Tries To Stop Vegetable Oil Car -
- Fighting for Fusion -
- Author Mac Tonnies Makes a Case for "Cryptoterrestrials" -
AND:  Taking on the Alien Invasion

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

Take this link to read online this weeks exciting issue: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal407.html

Questions? Comments? Send your e-mail to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 10:33 AM EST
Friday, March 2, 2007
Conspiracy Journal #406
Topic: Conspiracy Journal #406

 * Conspiracy Journal *
In Association With Mysteries Magazine!

Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

Don't open the door! Don't go into the basement! Don't look under
the bed! DON'T OPEN THE CLOSET! Is it ghosts? Is it ghouls? Is it
little hairy monsters with big teeth and claws? NO - It's another
spine-tingling issue of your favorite weekly newsletter of
conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, and everything else spooky and

This week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such riveting tales as:

- Mysterious Bones of Jesus, Joseph and Mary -
- Mystery of the Disappearing Bees -
- UFO Science Key to Halting Climate Change -
AND: 23 Fascinating Facts About the Number Twenty-Three

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

Take this link to read online this weeks exciting issue: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal406.html

Questions? Comments? Send your e-mail to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 8:58 AM EST
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Mystery Tour Radio, 3/1/07 with Guests Tom & Lisa Butler
Topic: Mystery Tour Radio 3/1/07

Mystery Tour - Investigating the Unknown for March 1, 2007

This week - Lisa and Tom Butler on EVP: Voices Beyond the Grave?
Thursday, March 1 5:00PM Eastern at www.7thwavenetwork.com

Lisa and Tom Butler are the directors of the American Association of
Electronic Voice Phenomena (www.AA-EVP.com), which was founded in 1982 to provide objective evidence that we survive death in an individual conscious state.

Over the years, the Butlers have discussed the unusual phenomenon of
Electronic Voice Phenomena on both television, radio, and as consultants for the 2005 hit movie White Noise. More recently, they authored the book "There is No Death and There are No Dead." The Butlers will talk with Tim Swartz about the history of EVP, provide information on the latest research into this phenomenon, and present theories about what EVP "really" is.

Join us this week for another fascinating Mystery Tour - Investigating the
Unknown, on Thursday, March 1 at 5:00PM Eastern (2:00 Pacific) at

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 9:45 AM EST
Friday, February 23, 2007
Conspiracy Journal #405
Topic: Issue #405 - 2/23/07

 * Conspiracy Journal *
In Association With Mysteries Magazine!

Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.  CONSPIRACY JOURNAL
DOES!  And once again it is here to confound your senses and honk off
those who wish to keep everything a deep, dark secret. So sit back
and relax, take your shoes off and read the secret news that you may
not find in your local newspaper or see on the six o'clock news.

This week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such shocking stories as:

- U.S. Army to Test Paralyzing Light Beam Weapon -
- Those Damned Cattle Mutilations -
- Could Ancient Man Fly? -
AND:  Fortune Tellers: Year of Pig Will Bring Disaster

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

Take this link to read online this weeks exciting issue:


Questions? Comments? Send your e-mail to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 9:07 AM EST
Updated: Friday, February 23, 2007 9:08 AM EST
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Mystery Tour Radio, Feb 22, 2007 with guest Chris Fleming
Mystery Tour Radio, Feb 22, 2007 with guest Chris Fleming
Join us this week on Mystery Tour when we bring you 
one of the preeminent paranormal researchers in the world, 
Chris Fleming is the co-host of the popular Biography channel TV 
show Dead Famous. In it, he investigates ghostly phenomena and 
paranormal occurrences that surround famous celebrities and 
historical places. Chris will talk with us about his most interesting 
paranormal experiences both while filming his TV program and during 
his lifetime, will talk about what it is like to be able to see ghosts, and
will describe what he believes awaits us all on the other side.
Listen to Mystery Tour Live every Thursday at 5:00PM (2:00PM Pacific) at: 

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 12:32 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 22, 2007 12:36 AM EST
Friday, February 16, 2007
Conspiracy Journal #404

 * Conspiracy Journal *
In Association With Mysteries Magazine!

Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

High overhead, the black helicopter hovered soundlessly. Inside, secret high-tech monitoring equipment recorded anything that looked suspicious -- and to them, everything is suspicious! The simplest phone calls, the most innocent of e-mails, the junkiest of junk mails, all raise flags of warning to those who listen. To them, freedom means subversion. Privacy means treason. Innocence means guilt.  They watch and wait, for soon will come the time when once again, e-mail boxes all across the planet are filled with your number one source of information on conspiracies, UFO, the paranormal, and much more - Conspiracy Journal!

This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such awe-inspiring stories as:

- Chilean Army Reveals Recordings, Secret UFO Contacts -
- The Brain Scan That Can Read People's Intentions -
- Ancient Chimps "Used Stone Tools" -
AND:  Black Dogs and UFOs

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

You can now read this weeks exciting issue online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal404.html

Comments? Questions? Send your e-mail to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!


Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 5:40 PM EST
Updated: Friday, February 16, 2007 5:51 PM EST
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Mystery Tour Radio, Feb 15, 2007 with guest Sean Casteel
Topic: Mystery Tour Radio
This Week on Mystery Tour - Investigating the Unexplained.

UFO Journalist Sean Casteel talks about his new book "The Excluded Books of the Bible," and discusses his views on UFOs and theories on ETs.

Sean Casteel is a UFO journalist and author of a number of books such as "UFOs, Prophecy and the End of Time."  Sean will discuss his viewpoints and theories about UFOs, the Bible, and why he thinks that UFOs and the creatures seen coming out of them are Angelic beings who are not to be feared.

Sean Casteel on this weeks Mystery Tour with hosts Kim Guarnaccia and Tim Swartz, Thursday Feb. 15 at 5:00PM Eastern (2:00PM Pacific).

Listen live at: www.7thwavenetwork.com
Past episodes are available on demand and Podcast MP3

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 5:26 PM EST
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Conspiracy Journal Now Available as RSS Feed
Topic: Subscribe to RSS Feed

Greetings Friends,

Conspiracy Journal has been a free, weekly e-mail newsletter since 1997. We have thousands of friends and subscribers all across the globe. Since our inception, e-mail has changed drastically in that SPAM has almost overwhelmed most e-mail accounts. Because of this, many e-mail providers have implemented SPAM filters that often do not distinguish between SPAM and e-mail newsletters. The final result is that many subscribers are not getting their weekly fix of the weird and bizarre news provided by Conspiracy Journal.

In an effort to try and provide every avenue available by the Internet to let you know when every new edition of Conspiracy Journal comes out...we have now started an RSS feed, and we recommend that everyone who receives Conspiracy Journal by e-mail, also subscribe to our RSS feed. This way, if your ISP decides to bounce your e-mail newsletter, you will still know when each and every issue comes out.

Our RSS feed will direct you to our new Conspiracy Journal blog page which will have the full text of each new issue. As well, this blog will include a link to the online edition, which is in color and includes photos.

To subscribe to our RSS feed, simply go to our homepage: www.conspiracyjournal.com   In the left-hand column, you will see the RSS feed symbol and the word "Subscribe."  Simply click on that and follow the easy instructions. That's all it takes. 

You will need an RSS reader to see our feeds, but all updated Internet browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer have this feature built in.  If you do not have an RSS reader, there are many free ones available by doing a Google search.

 We have no intention of stopping our weekly e-mail deliveries, this is just another way of getting Conspiracy Journal out there to you, our dedicated fans.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to e-mail me at: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com 

Thank you for all of your kind support these past years, and we are looking forward to bringing you more conspiracies, paranormal weirdness, UFOs, monsters, ghosts and everything else strange and bizarre in the years to come.


Tim Swartz

Editor, Conspiracy Journal


Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 1:35 PM EST
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #403

Welcome to Another Exciting Issue of Conspiracy Journal!

In Association With Mysteries Magazine!

Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

In a dark, smoke-filled room, somewhere deep in the bowels of an secret government agency, electronic spies quietly monitor all communications throughout the planet. When key words are detected, programs go into action to trace the source and destination of the targeted communication.  And now, red lights are flashing, tapes are spinning, secret intelligence operatives are scrambling, and the black helicopters are flying.  All because once again, cyberspace is filled with your number one source of information on conspiracies, UFO, the paranormal, and much more - Conspiracy Journal!

This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such surveillance-society stories as:

- FBI Turns to Broad New Wiretap Method -
- UFOs Make Grand Reappearance Across U.S. -
- Roman Descendants Found in China? -
AND:  Mysterious Showers of Stone

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

Read this weeks exciting issue online at:


We always welcome your comments!

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 12:04 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, February 11, 2007 12:15 AM EST

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