Now Playing: Issue # 417 5/18/07
* Conspiracy Journal *
In Association With Mysteries Magazine!
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The crystal ball glimmered with an iridescence of days of future
past. The nearby flickering candles threw shadows of things yet to
be upon the orbs crystalline matrix. The prophet, withered and aged,
breathed deeply of the smokey air and continued to gaze deeply into
the heart of the crystal. Deep within his brain, universal
connections that bind us all in a web of wholeness are stimulated by
the hypnotic shapes that danced faintly in the ball. Time and space
are one and all information contained within reality are available to
those who can master their intellect and allow the stream of
information to be downloaded directly into the brain -- bypassing the
rational mind that would block anything received through such
unconventional methods. The prophet sighs in contentment -- because once again his crystal ball has brought him his subscription to Conspiracy Journal, the free weekly e-mail newsletter of everything weird and strange from the past present and future.
This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such teeth-clenching stories
- Scientists Cast Doubt on JFK Bullet Analysis -
- UFOs Over Hispaniola -
- The Secrets of Fatima -
- 007's Creator Was in Plot to Frame Witch -
AND: We've Yet to Meet a Yeti
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of
Take this link to read online this weeks exciting issue:
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See you next week!