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Conspiracy Journal
Friday, June 26, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #527 6/26/09
cj#527 Welcome one and all to the greatest show on Earth! Inside the big top we have such mysteries as you've never seen before! A three-ring extravaganza of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and much, much, MORE! So sit back and relax and prepared to be amazed, because Conspiracy Journal is here once again for your viewing pleasure. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such creeping-in-the-dark stories as: - UFO Buzzes Louisville International Airport - - Dancing Plagues and Mass Hysteria - - Burmese Pythons Slithering Across South?- - Of Winged Beasts and Lizard Men - AND: Stoned Wallabies Could Be Creating Crop Circles |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 10:34 AM EDT
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #526 6/19/09
cj#526 Are you afraid of ghosts and monsters? How about aliens flying down in their space-craft to kidnap you from your bedroom at night? Do you worry that the government is listening in on your private conversations? Or that the Men-In-Black are waiting for you just around the corner? Well never fear - Conspiracy Journal is Here! Yes that's right. Conspiracy Journal, your number one source of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and more, is here once again to protect you from THEM, by keeping you informed on all the news and information that you won't hear on your local 6 o'clock news or read in your hometown newspaper. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such knee-jerk stories as: - Climate Change Already Having Impact On U.S., Expected To Worsen - - Quantum Mysticism: Gone but Not Forgotten - - Is There A Life On Mars Conspiracy?- - Life Before Birth - AND: Modern Merbeings? |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 10:25 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:30 PM EDT
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #525 6/12/09
cj#525 Strangeness abounds. Weirdness stalks the night. Craziness continues to lurk in the open. Madness meddles those who seek openness and truth. That is why we bring you Conspiracy Journal every week - to uncover the uncoverable. To reveal the unrevealable. And to enlighten the unenlightenable all the strange news that everyone else is afraid to even admit. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such brain-draining tales as: - Recycled Radioactive Metal Contaminates Consumer Products - - The Weirdest Examples of Mass Hysteria - - Southern “Little People” and Gnomes Abroad - - Illinois is Haunted By Spooky Tales - AND: Mysterious Stones and Tadpoles Fall From Sky |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 11:08 PM EDT
Friday, June 5, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #524 6/5/09
cj#524 He stays up late into the night - fearful to sleep because of those who watch in the dark. They watch from the sky. The watch from the streets. They watch with the cold, glassy stare of hidden cameras. His communications are not safe. They read all that goes in, and all that goes out. His entertainment is monitored 24 hours a day. They know what TV shows he sees and which web sites on the Internet he visits. But despite all they see and do - nothing can prevent the arrival of his favorite weekly e-mail newsletter of the strange and weird. Yes that's RIGHT! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to reveal all the deep, dark secrets that THEY don't want YOU to know! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such eye-straining tales as: - Tapping Your Cellphone - - Armada of Orange UFOs Seen Over Great Britain - - New Video Released of Strange Creature Swimming in Lake Champlain - - Bigfoot is not at all Imaginary for Many Inland Residents - AND: London's Magical History Uncorked From 'Witch Bottle' |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 12:05 AM EDT
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #523 5/29/09
cj#523 Don't touch that dial! We control your television. We know what you watch. We have control of your computer - We have your email - We know what you want to read - And that is Conspiracy Journal! Yes, once again it is time for your favorite email newsletter of the world of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and everything else weird and strange. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such vein-throbbing stories as: - The Coming Superbrain - - Help History Channel’s UFO HUNTERS Land Season Four - - Files Connected to Memory-Metal Study Are Missing - - Utah Has Mountains of Mysteries - AND: 'Allo, Allo,' Sonar Image May Be Nessie |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 10:40 PM EDT
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #522 5/22/09
cj#522 Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain - he may be trying to control your mind with microwave beams. Or he could be hiding the truth about aliens and UFOs. Or he could be selling drugs to finance some government priority that the public need not know about. Or he could be reading the latest issue of the number one, weekly conspiracy newsletter of strange stuff and high weirdness - Conspiracy Journal! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such hip-shaking stories as: - Darpa: Heat + Energy = Brains - - Australian SETI-Astronomers Detect Unknown Signal - - Hobbits and Menehunes - - Have You Heard the Hum? - AND: The Goat With the Gold Chain |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 10:26 PM EDT
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #521 5/15/09
cj#521 Once again secret information has made its way over the hidden channels that clandestinely flow throughout the deepest, darkest recesses of the planet. Information, that at times, have brought down whole governments and sent men to their torturous deaths. Information that has finally found its way once again to your email box in the form of Conspiracy Journal! Your number one source of all the news fit to be kept hidden. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Karma-cleansing stories as: - Home 'Biohackers' Discover Their Inner Frankenstein - - Markawasi: Dimensions Beyond Our Own - - Mystery Voice Encourages Treasure Hunters Not to Sell Bounty - - Hard Times Give New Life to Prague’s Golem - AND: Is Bigfoot Smarter Than We Are? |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 10:32 PM EDT
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #520 5/8/09
cj#520 It doesn't matter if you lock your doors and throw away the keys - THEY know you are home! Got a computer? THEY know you are online! And THEY know that you have just received another brain-crunching issue of the weekly newsletter of all the weird stuff and conspiracies that THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW - THE CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! So read it quickly before THEY come knocking on your door to take you away! Information is POWER! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Hurdy-Gurdy stories as: - A Battle to Preserve a Visionary’s Bold Failure - - UFO Investigators Reveal Possible Otherworldly Relic - - Scientists Say "Hobbits are a Separate Species" - - The Rebellion of The Jinn - AND: Physicists Prove That Vampires Could Not Exist |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 10:51 PM EDT
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #519
cj#519 In a dark, smoke-filled room, somewhere deep in the bowels of an secret government agency, electronic spies quietly monitor all communications throughout the planet. When key words are detected, programs go into action to trace the source and destination of the targeted communication. And now, red lights are flashing, tapes are spinning, secret intelligence operatives are scrambling, and the black helicopters are flying. All because once again, cyberspace is filled with your number one source of information on conspiracies, UFO, the paranormal, and much more - Conspiracy Journal! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such phone-tapping tales as: - The Missing Sunspots: Is This the Big Chill? - - Is Time an Illusion? - - The 10 Most Outrageous Military Experiments - - Are UFOs Real? Famous People Who Believed - AND: Freaky Phone Calls |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 11:58 PM EDT
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #518 4/24/09
cj#518 Conspiracies come in all shapes and sizes. From someone plotting to toilet paper your yard, to the New World Order plotting to toilet paper your rights and freedoms. Well don't be caught with your pants down when the conspirators come a knocking! Keep up to date and informed with your subscription to the number one free, weekly e-mail newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and a whole lot more. Yes that's right! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to fill your minds with all the news and info that THEY don't want you to hear. This week, Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such neck-snapping stories as: - NASA Astronaut Says: "Man Not Alone in Universe" - - Three Vials of Virus Samples Missing From Maryland Facility - - Reflections on Winged Humanoids - - Doctor Claims to Have Cloned Four Humans - AND: Tibetan Monks See Space Aliens Saving the World in 2012 |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 11:46 PM EDT
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