Conspiracy Journal
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #703 12/30/12
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:59 PM EST
Friday, December 21, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #702 12/21/12
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 12:35 PM EST
Friday, December 14, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #701 12/14/12
Welcome again to your number one source of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, and everything else weird and strange. Is your local newspaper afraid to print the truth? Does your 6:00pm television news leave you bloated with nonsense? Are website blogs filled with extremist, political baloney? Then Conspiracy Journal is the weekly conspiracy newsletter for you! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such bizarre stories as: - Bizarre Creatures and Spirits Attract Interest on Navajo Nation - - Bizarre Experimentation's - - Evidence Noah's Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard - - Creatures of the Psychic Kind - AND: 'Indiana Jones' Makers Sued Over Crystal Skull Movie All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! Questions? Comments? Send your email to: See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 5:46 PM EST
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #700 12/8/12
 12/8/12 #700 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: Why is it so hard to believe that things may not be as they seem? Behind the frozen smiles and empty eyes lie the decaying dreams of a better world. Where once was a promise of fairness and quiet noble ideals, is replaced with fear that grasps with rabid desperation for fictional pasts, tribal gods and all-to-real prejudices. And freedom, sweet freedom, its desire demands a watchful eye as treason blooms from the root of our forefathers. Fear and security are the new mandate. With fear comes control. From control comes power. This is what we have to offer our bearers of new light. Is this the legacy we want to leave after our lives have disappeared into dust? A bold, free future; or a shattered promise of yesterdays forgotten dreams. Why is it so hard to believe that things may not be as they seem? This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such mind-blowing stories as: - Solar Warden: The Secret Space Program - - Company Aims To Take The World Back To The Moon - - Time-Traveling UFOnauts? - - Ghosts of Salem County Insane Asylum - AND: Man Forced Into Exile After Debunking "Miracle" All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! Questions? Comments? Send your email to: See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 5:23 PM EST
Monday, December 3, 2012
Free Kindle Ebook: Men of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr
Topic: Free Kindle Ebook
Free Kindle Edition of Men of Mystery
FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME!  Kindle Ebook Edition of "Men of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr" By Tim R. Swartz and Timothy Green Beckley THEIR INCREDIBLE STORIES... THE UNTOLD STORIES OF INVENTOR AND WIZARD NIKOLA TESLA AND FREE ENERGY FLYING SAUCER BUILDER OTIS T. CARR Here are plans for a "Telephone" to call other planets. . .An apparatus that can read the human aura. . .a disc-shaped craft that can take us to the moon in under an hour. NIKOLA TESLA - Though chosen to share the 1912 Nobel Prize in Physics with Edison, Tesla refused the award and during his life tore up royalty contracts which would have earned him millions of dollars. Not much is known about this "strange" loner as Tesla spent most of his life in total seclusion. However, those who did know him even slightly say he was not a normal human, but a real SUPERMAN, either a reincarnated master -- or a spaceman with superior mental powers placed here to assist in earth's technological development. OTIS T. CARR - A student of Tesla, the Baltimore-based engineer believed that every person should have the opportunity to travel to other planets which he believed to be inhabited by human-looking space people as physical as you and I. Based on conversations with his mentor, Carr constructed a flying saucer-shaped device that he believed would take us to the moon and beyond. He received much ridicule and harassment that eventually landed him in jail under bogus charges of fraud -- the government claiming that it is impossible to create an operational free energy device. History has made Tesla out to be merely a scientist and an engineer when he was really MUCH MORE. There is an entirely different part of his live story -- and it is an UNEARTHLY ONE! HURRY - This Kindle Ebook Offer is Available For A Short Time Only! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 11:28 AM EST
Friday, November 30, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #699 11/30/12
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 11:32 AM EST
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #698 11/24/12
 11/24/12 #698 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: Did you ever feel that you were being watched? Did you ever think that you were being followed and closely monitored? Is your mail and e-mail being tampered with and read? Are there unknown forces manipulating our existence? If you answered YES(or even maybe) to any one of these questions then CONSPIRACY JOURNAL is the answer to your woes. Each and every week, Conspiracy Journal wings its way into your e-mail box with the latest news of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, strange creatures and just plain weird stuff. All the things that THEY don't want you to know. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such knuckle-dragging stories as: - Jim Moseley 1931 -2012 - - Big News From Mars? Curiosity's Scientists Mum For Now - - Brazilian Mediums Shed Light on Brain Activity During Trance - - Weird War: Strange Stories of the Military - AND: Serbian Council Issues Vampire Warning All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! Questions? Comments? Send your email to: See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 5:59 PM EST
Friday, November 16, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #697 11/16/12
 11/16/12 #697 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: The north wind blows with fresh visions of arboreal sleep. Where green once danced in harmony with the Earth's loving breath, vibrations of matter freed of material concerns reveal the browns, gold and orange of weary leaves. Restless wings stretch in anticipation of the open sky and the siren call of lands over the horizon. Soon, the quiet serenity of frozen slumber will draw itself over the land with sweet promises of carefree dreams and Persephone’s return. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such nerve-wracking stories as: - Human Intelligence 'Peaked Thousands of Years Ago - - Yes, The FBI and CIA Can Read Your Email. Here's How - - Poltergeists: Teen Angst & Telekinesis - - Still Haunted by Amityville - AND: Werewolves in Myth and Legend Questions? Comments? Send your email to: See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 2:33 PM EST
Friday, November 9, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #696 11/9/12
 11/9/12 #696 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: “The popular notion that ghosts are likely to be seen in a graveyard is not borne out by psychical research... A haunting ghost usually haunts a place that a person lived in or frequented while alive... Only a gravedigger's ghost would be likely to haunt a graveyard.” - John H. Alexander, Ghosts! Washington Revisited: The Ghostlore of the Nation's Capitol This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such fantastic tales of weirdness as: - Indian Army Photographed UFO Over Himalayas - - Unraveling the Secret Life of the Mysterious George Hunt Williamson- - New Ebook Examines "Unified Field Theory" In Non-Human Encounters - - Vampire Skeleton Rediscovered in Britain - AND: Prince Charles, Heir to Dracula's Blood Line All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! Questions? Comments? Send your email to: See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 10:55 PM EST
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #695 11/3/12
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 11:08 AM EDT
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