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2nd time to fix links
CJ #531 7/24/09
CJ #532 8/7/09
CJ #564 3/19/10
CJ - Special
Conspiracy Journal #406
Conspiracy Journal #407
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Halloween Special
Issue # 414 4/27/07
Issue # 415 5/4/07
Issue # 416 5/11/07
Issue # 426 7/20/07
Issue # 429 8/10/07
Issue # 430 8/17/07
Issue # 433 9/07/07
Issue # 449 12/28/07
Issue # 474 06/20/08
Issue # 483 8/22/08
Issue # 498 12/5/08
Issue #1000 4/14/19
Issue #1001 4/21/19
Issue #1002 4/28/19
Issue #1004 5/12/19
Issue #10046 5/27/19
Issue #1005 5/19/19
Issue #1007 6/2/19
Issue #1008 6/9/19
Issue #1009 6/17/19
Issue #1010 6/23/19
Issue #1011 6/30/19
Issue #1012 7/7/19
Issue #1013 7/14/19
Issue #1014 7/21/19
Issue #1015 7/28/19
Issue #1016 8/5/19
Issue #1017 8/11/19
Issue #1018 8/18/19
Issue #1019 8/26/19
Issue #1020 9/8/19
Issue #1021 9/15/19
Issue #1022 9/22/19
Issue #1023 9/29/19
Issue #1024 10/6/19
Issue #1025 10/20/19
Issue #1026 10/27/19
Issue #1027 11/3/19
Issue #1028 11/10/19
Issue #1029 11/17/19
Issue #1030 11/24/19
Issue #1031 12/8/19
Issue #1032 12/22/19
Issue #1033 12/29/19
Issue #1034 1/5/20
Issue #1035 1/12/20
Issue #1036 1/19/20
Issue #1037 1/26/20
Issue #1038 2/2/20
Issue #1039 2/16/20
Issue #1040 2/23/20
Issue #1041 3/1/20
Issue #1042 3/8/20
Issue #1043 3/16/20
Issue #1045 4/5/20
Issue #1046 4/13/20
Issue #1047 4/19/20
Issue #1048 4/26/20
Issue #1049 5/3/20
Issue #1050 5/10/20
Issue #1051 5/25/20
Issue #1052 5/31/20
Issue #1053 6/14/20
Issue #1054 6/28/20
Issue #1055 7/12/20
Issue #1056 7/19/20
Issue #1057 8/2/20
Issue #1058 8/9/20
Issue #1059 8/23/20
Issue #1060 8/30/20
Issue #1061 9/6/20
Issue #1062 9/20/20
Issue #1063 9/27/20
Issue #1064 10/4/20
Issue #1065 10/18/20
Issue #1066 11/1/20
Issue #1067 11/15/20
Issue #1068 11/29/20
Issue #1069 12/13/20
Issue #1070 12/20/20
Issue #1071 1/3/21
Issue #1072 1/10/21
Issue #1074 2/7/21
Issue #1075 2/21/21
Issue #1075 2/28/21
Issue #1077 3/7/21
Issue #1078 3/15/21
Issue #1079 3/27/21
Issue #1080 4/5/21
Issue #1081 4/12/21
Issue #1082 4/19/21
Issue #1083 4/26/21
Issue #1084 5/9/21
Issue #1085 5/17/21
Issue #1086 2/5/22
Issue #1087 2/6/22
Issue #1088 2/11/22
Issue #1089 2/25/22
Issue #1090 3/19/22
Issue #1091 4/4/22
Issue #403
Issue #404 - 2/16/07
Issue #405 - 2/23/07
Issue #408 March15, 2007
Issue #409 March 23, 2007
Issue #410 March 30, 2007
Issue #411 April 6, 2007
Issue #412 April 13, 2007
Issue #413 April 20, 2007
Issue #419
Issue #420 6/8/07
Issue #422 6/22/07
Issue #423 6/29/07
Issue #424 6/6/07
Issue #425 7/13/07
Issue #427 7/27/07
Issue #428 8/3/07
Issue #431 8/24/07
Issue #432 8/31/07
Issue #434 9/14/07
Issue #435 9/21/07
Issue #436
Issue #437 10/5/07
Issue #438 10/12/07
Issue #438 1012/07
Issue #439 10/19/07
Issue #440 10/26/07
Issue #441 11/2/07
Issue #442 11/9/07
Issue #443 11/16/07
Issue #444 11/23/07
Issue #445 11/30/07
Issue #446 12/7/07
Issue #447 12/14/07
Issue #448 12/21/07
Issue #450 1/4/08
Issue #451 1/11/08
Issue #452 1/18/08
Issue #453 1/25/08
Issue #454 2/1/08
Issue #455 2/8/08
Issue #456 2/15/08
Issue #457 2/22/08
Issue #458 2/29/08
Issue #459 3/7/08
Issue #460 3/14/08
Issue #461 3/21/08
Issue #462 3/28/08
Issue #463 4/4/08
Issue #464 4/11/08
Issue #465 4/18/08
Issue #466 4/25/08
Issue #467 5/2/08
Issue #468 5/9/08
Issue #469 5/16/08
Issue #470 5/23/08
Issue #471 5/30/08
Issue #472 6/6/08
Issue #476 7/4/08
Issue #477 7/11/08
Issue #478 7/18/08
Issue #479 7/25/08
Issue #480 8/1/08
Issue #481 8/8/08
Issue #482 8/15/08
Issue #484 8/29/08
Issue #485 9/5/08
Issue #487 9/19/08
Issue #488 9/26/08
Issue #489 10/3/08
Issue #490 10/10/08
Issue #491 10/17/08
Issue #492 10/24/08
Issue #493 10/31/08
Issue #494 10/7/08
Issue #495 11/14/08
Issue #496 11/21/08
Issue #497
Issue #499 12/12/08
Issue #500 12/19/08
Issue #501 12/26/08
Issue #502 1/2/09
issue #503 1/9/09
Issue #504 1/16/09
Issue #505 1/23/09
Issue #506 1/30/09
Issue #507 2/6/09
Issue #508 2/13/09
Issue #509 2/20/09
Issue #510 2/27/09
Issue #511 3/6/09
issue #512 3/13/09
Issue #513 3/20/09
Issue #514 3/27/09
Issue #515 4/3/09
Issue #516 4/10/09
Issue #517 4/17/09
Issue #518 4/24/09
Issue #519
Issue #520 5/8/09
Issue #521 5/15/09
Issue #522 5/22/09
Issue #523 5/29/09
Issue #524 6/5/09
Issue #525 6/12/09
Issue #526 6/19/09
Issue #527 6/26/09
Issue #528 7/3/09
Issue #529 7/10/09
Issue #530 7/17/09
Issue #533 8/14/09
Issue #534 8/21/09
Issue #535
Issue #536 9/4/09
Issue #537 9/11/09
Issue #538 9/18/09
Issue #539 9/25/09
Issue #541 10/9/09
Issue #542 10/16/09
Issue #544 10/30/09
Issue #545 11/6/09
Issue #546 11/13/09
Issue #547 11/20/09
Issue #548 11/28/09
Issue #549 12/4/09
Issue #550 12/11/09
Issue #551 12/18/09
Issue #552 12/25/09
Issue #553 1/1/10
Issue #554 1/8/10
Issue #555 1/15/10
Issue #556 1/22/10
Issue #557 1/29/10
Issue #558 2/5/10
Issue #559 2/12/10
Issue #560 2/19/10
Issue #561 2/26/10
Issue #562 3/5/10
Issue #563 3/12/10
Issue #565 3/26/10
Issue #566 4/2/10
Issue #567 4/9/10
Issue #568 4/16/10
Issue #569 4/23/10
Issue #570 4/30/10
Issue #571 5/7/10
Issue #572 5/14/10
Issue #573 5/21/10
Issue #574 5/28/10
Issue #575 6/4/10
Issue #576 6/11/10
Issue #577 6/18/10
Issue #578 6/25/10
Issue #579 7/2/10
Issue #580 7/9/10
Issue #581 7/16/10
Issue #582 7/23/10
issue #583 7/30/10
Issue #584 8/6/10
Issue #585
issue #586 8/20/10
Issue #587 8/27/10
Issue #588 9/3/10
Issue #590 9/17/10
Issue #591 9/24/10
Issue #593 10/8/10
Issue #594 10/15/10
Issue #595 10/22/10
Issue #596 10/29/10
Issue #597
Issue #598 11/19/10
Issue #599 12/10/10
Issue #600 12/17/10
Issue #601 12/24/10
Issue #601 12/31/10
Issue #603 1/7/11
Issue #604 1/14/11
Issue #605 1/24/11
Issue #606 1/28/11
Issue #607 2/4/11
Issue #608 2/11/11
Issue #609 2/18/11
Issue #610 2/25/11
Issue #611 3/4/11
Issue #612 3/11/11
Issue #613 3/18/11
Issue #614 3/25/11
Issue #615 4/1/11
Issue #616 4/8/11
Issue #617 4/15/11
Issue #618 4/22/11
Issue #619 4/29/11
Issue #620 5/6/11
Issue #621 5/13/11
Issue #622 5/20/11
Issue #623 5/27/11
Issue #624 6/3/11
Issue #625 6/10/11
Issue #626 6/17/11
Issue #627 6/24/11
Issue #627-RESEND
Issue #628 7/1/11
Issue #629 7/8/11
Issue #630 7/29/11
Issue #631 8/5/11
Issue #632 8/12/11
Issue #633 8/19/11
Issue #634 8/26/11
Issue #635 9/2/11
Issue #636 9/9/11
Issue #637 9/16/11
Issue #638 9/23/11
Issue #639 9/30/11
Issue #640 10/7/11
Issue #641 10/14/11
Issue #642 10/21/11
Issue #643 10/28/11
Issue #644 11/4/11
Issue #645 11/11/11
Issue #646 11/18/11
Issue #647 11/26/11
Issue #648 12/2/11
Issue #649 12/9/11
Issue #650 12/16/11
Issue #651 12/23/11
Issue #652 12/30/11
Issue #653 1/6/12
Issue #655 1/20/12
Issue #656 1/28/12
Issue #657 2/3/12
Issue #658 2/11/12
Issue #659 2/19/12
Issue #660 2/25/12
Issue #661 3/2/12
Issue #663 3/24/12
Issue #664 3/31/12
Issue #665 4/6/12
Issue #666 4/13/12
Issue #667 4/20/12
Issue #668 4/27/12
Issue #670 5/11/12
Issue #671 5/18/12
Issue #672 5/25/12
Issue #673 6/1/12
Issue #674 6/8/12
Issue #675 6/8/12
Issue #676 6/23/12
Issue #677 6/29/12
Issue #678 7/6/12
Issue #679 7/13/12
Issue #680 7/20/12
Issue #681 7/27/12
Issue #681 7/28/12
Issue #682 8/4/12
Issue #683 8/11/12
Issue #684 8/17/12
Issue #684 8/24/12
Issue #687 9/7/12
Issue #688 9/14/12
Issue #689 9/22/12
Issue #690 9/28/12
Issue #691 10/5/12
Issue #692 10/12/12
Issue #693 10/19/12
Issue #694 10/26/12
Issue #695 11/3/12
Issue #696 11/9/12
Issue #697 11/16/12
Issue #698 11/24/12
Issue #699 11/30/12
Issue #700 12/8/12
Issue #701 12/14/12
Issue #702 12/21/12
Issue #703 12/30/12
Issue #704 1/4/13
Issue #705 1/13/13
Issue #706 1/18/13
Issue #707 1/25/13
Issue #708 2/2/13
Issue #709 2/10/13
Issue #710 2/17/13
Issue #711 2/23/13
Issue #713 3/15/13
Issue #714 3/22/13
Issue #715 3/30/13
Issue #716 4/5/13
Issue #717 4/14/13
Issue #718 4/19/13
Issue #719 4/27/13
Issue #720 5/4/13
Issue #721 5/12/13
Issue #722 5/19/13
Issue #723 5/25/13
Issue #724 6/2/13
Issue #725 6/9/13
Issue #726 6/16/13
Issue #727 6/23/13
Issue #728 7/1/13
Issue #729 7/7/13
Issue #730 7/14/13
Issue #731 7/21/13
Issue #732 8/2/13
Issue #733 8/10/13
Issue #734 8/16/13
Issue #735 8/24/13
Issue #737 9/7/13
Issue #738 9/13/13
Issue #739 9/21/13
Issue #740 9/28/13
Issue #741 10/6/13
Issue #742 10/13/13
Issue #743 10/21/13
Issue #744 10/27/13
Issue #745 10/31/13
Issue #746 11/9/13
Issue #747 11/17/13
Issue #748 11/23/13
Issue #749 11/30/13
Issue #750 12/6/13
Issue #751 12/15/13
Issue #752 12/21/13
Issue #753 12/29/13
Issue #754 1/5/14
Issue #755 1/11/14
Issue #755 1/12/14
Issue #756 1/19/14
Issue #757 1/26/14
Issue #758 2/2/14
Issue #759 2/9/14
Issue #760 2/16/14
Issue #761 2/23/14
Issue #762 3/2/14
Issue #763 3/9/14
Issue #764 3/16/14
Issue #765 3/23/14
Issue #766 3/30/14
Issue #767 4/6/14
Issue #768 4/13/14
Issue #769 4/20/14
Issue #770 5/2/14
Issue #771 5/11/14
Issue #772 5/18/14
Issue #773 5/25/14
Issue #774 6/1/14
Issue #775 6/8/14
Issue #776 6/16/14
Issue #777 6/22/14
Issue #778 6/29/14
Issue #779 7/6/14
Issue #780 7/20/14
Issue #781 7/27/14
Issue #782 8/3/14
Issue #783 8/10/14
Issue #784 8/17/14
Issue #785 8/25/14
Issue #786 8/31/14
Issue #787 9/8/14
Issue #788 9/14/14
Issue #789 9/21/14
Issue #790 9/28/14
Issue #791 10/5/14
Issue #792 10/12/14
Issue #793 10/19/14
Issue #794 10/26/14
Issue #795 11/9/14
Issue #796 11/16/14
Issue #797 11/23/14
Issue #798 11/30/14
Issue #799 12/7/14
Issue #800 12/14/14
Issue #801 12/21/14
Issue #802 12/28/14
Issue #803 1/4/14
Issue #804 1/11/14
Issue #805 1/18/14
Issue #806 1/25/14
Issue #807 2/2/15
Issue #808 2/8/15
Issue #810 2/22/15
Issue #811 3/1/15
Issue #812
Issue #812 3/8/15
Issue #813 3/16/15
Issue #814 3/22/15
Issue #815 3/29/15
Issue #816 4/5/15
Issue #817 4/12/15
Issue #818 4/19/15
Issue #819 5/3/15
Issue #820 5/10/15
Issue #821 5/17/15
Issue #822 5/31/15
Issue #823 6/7/15
Issue #824 6/14/15
Issue #825 6/21/15
Issue #826 6/28/15
Issue #827 7/5/15
Issue #828 7/12/15
Issue #829 7/26/15
Issue #830 8/3/15
Issue #831 8/9/15
Issue #832 8/16/15
Issue #833 8/30/15
Issue #834 9/20/15
Issue #835 10/4/15
Issue #836 10/25/15
Issue #837 11/8/15
Issue #838 11/15/15
Issue #839 11/22/15
Issue #840 11/29/15
Issue #841 12/6/15
Issue #842 12/13/15
Issue #843 12/20/15
Issue #844 1/3/16
Issue #845 1/10/16
Issue #846 1/17/16
Issue #847 1/24/16
Issue #847 1/31/16
Issue #849 2/14/16
Issue #850 2/21/16
Issue #851 2/28/16
Issue #852 3/13/16
Issue #853 3/20/16
Issue #854 3/27/16
Issue #855 4/4/16
Issue #856 4/10/16
Issue #857 4/17/16
Issue #858 4/25/16
Issue #859 5/2/16
Issue #860 5/8/16
Issue #861 5/15/16
Issue #862 5/22/16
Issue #863 5/29/16
Issue #864 6/5/16
Issue #865 6/12/16
Issue #866 6/26/16
Issue #867 7/4/16
Issue #868 7/17/16
Issue #869 7/24/16
Issue #870 7/31/16
Issue #871 8/7/16
Issue #872 8/14/16
Issue #873 8/21/16
Issue #874 8/29/16
Issue #875 9/11/16
Issue #876 9/17/16
Issue #877 9/25/16
Issue #878 10/16/16
Issue #878 10/2/16
Issue #880 10/23/16
Issue #881 10/30/16
Issue #882 11/6/16
Issue #883 11/13/16
Issue #884 11/20/16
Issue #885 12/4/16
Issue #886 12/12/16
Issue #887 12/18/16
Issue #888 1/1/17
Issue #889 1/8/17
Issue #890 1/15/17
Issue #891 1/22/17
Issue #892 1/29/17
Issue #893 2/5/17
Issue #894 2/12/17
Issue #895 2/19/17
Issue #896 3/5/17
Issue #897 3/12/17
Issue #899 3/26/17
Issue #900 4/3/17
Issue #901 4/9/17
Issue #902 4/16/17
Issue #903 4/23/17
Issue #904 4/30/17
Issue #905 5/7/17
Issue #906 5/14/17
Issue #907 5/21/17
Issue #908 5/28/17
Issue #909 6/11/17
Issue #910 6/19/17
Issue #911 6/25/17
Issue #912 7/2/17
Issue #913 7/9/17
Issue #914 7/16/17
Issue #915 7/23/17
Issue #916 7/30/17
Issue #917 8/6/17
Issue #918 8/13/17
Issue #919 8/21/17
Issue #919 8/27/17
Issue #921 9/3/17
Issue #922 9/21/17
Issue #923 9/17/17
Issue #924 9/24/17
Issue #925 10/1/17
Issue #926 10/15/17
Issue #927 10/22/17
Issue #928 10/29/17
Issue #929 11/5/17
Issue #930 11/12/17
Issue #931 11/19/17
Issue #932 11/26/17
Issue #933 12/3/17
Issue #934 12/10/17
Issue #935 12/17/17
Issue #936 12/24/17
Issue #937 12/31/17
Issue #938 1/7/17
Issue #939 1/14/17
Issue #940 1/21/17
Issue #941 1/28/17
Issue #942 2/4/18
Issue #943 2/11/18
Issue #944 2/18/18
Issue #945 2/25/18
Issue #946 3/4/18
Issue #947 3/11/18
Issue #948 3/18/18
Issue #948 3/19/18
Issue #949 3/25/18
Issue #950 4/1/18
Issue #951 4/8/18
Issue #952 4/15/18
Issue #953 4/22/18
Issue #954 4/29/18
Issue #955 5/8/18
Issue #956 5/13/18
Issue #957 5/20/18
Issue #958 5/27/18
Issue #959 6/3/18
Issue #960 6/11/18
Issue #961 6/17/18
Issue #962 7/8/18
Issue #963 7/15/18
Issue #964 7/22/18
Issue #965 7/29/18
Issue #966 8/6/18
Issue #967 8/12/18
Issue #968 8/19/18
Issue #969 8/27/18
Issue #970 9/3/18
Issue #971 9/9/18
Issue #972 9/16/18
Issue #973 9/23/18
Issue #974 9/30/18
Issue #975 10/7/18
Issue #976 10/21/18
Issue #977 10/28/18
Issue #978 11/4/18
Issue #979 11/11/18
Issue #980 11/18/18
Issue #981 12/2/18
Issue #982 12/9/18
Issue #983 12/16/18
Issue #984 12/23/18
Issue #985 12/30/18
Issue #986 1/6/19
Issue #987 1/13/19
Issue #988 1/20/19
Issue #989 1/27/19
Issue #990 2/3/19
Issue #991 2/10/19
Issue #992 2/17/19
Issue #993 2/24/19
Issue #994 3/3/19
Issue #995 3/10/19
Issue #996 3/17/19
Issue #997 3/24/19
Issue #998 3/31/19
Issue #999 4/7/19
Issue# 486 9/12/08
Issue# 540 10/2/09
Issue#473 6/13/08
Issue#475 06/27/08
Issue#736 9/1/13
Mystery Tour Radio
Mystery Tour Radio 3/1/07
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RIP Timothy Green Beckley
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Special Report - 3/24/17
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Summer Vacation
UPDATE - #1000
Weird Show Tonight
Conspiracy Journal
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #724 6/2/13

6/2/13  #724
Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

Be placid. Don't complain. Spy on your neighbors and report everything. Let the politicians do your thinking for you. Don't read the paper or watch the news. Don't form opinions. Accept that in order to be safe you must give up your personal freedoms.

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such tongue-tickling stories as:

 Will We Ever Understand Consciousness? -
- New Sighting of Botswana’s Little Hairy Hominoid -
The Cannock Chase Panther -
Brownies of Bangor
All these exciting stories and MORE in this issue of


Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 7:16 PM EDT
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Conspiracy Journal

5/25/13  #723
Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

Sorry everyone.  Yesterday's notice had the link to last weeks issue and not this weeks...that has now been fixed.  Enjoy!

He stays up late into the night - fearful to sleep because of those who watch in the dark. They watch from the sky. The watch from the streets. They watch with the cold, glassy stare of hidden cameras.  His communications are not safe. They read all that goes in, and all that goes out. His entertainment is monitored 24 hours a day. They know what TV shows he sees and which web sites on the Internet he visits. But despite all they see and do - nothing can prevent the arrival of his favorite weekly e-mail newsletter of the strange and weird. Yes that's RIGHT! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to reveal all the deep, dark secrets that THEY don't want YOU to know!

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such eye-straining tales as:

 - Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device -
- The Missouri Spook Light-
Residents in Wales 'Tortured' by Mystery Low Frequency Noise -
10 Amazing Examples of Mind Over Matter

All these exciting stories and MORE in this issue of


Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 4:43 PM EDT
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #723 5/25/13

5/25/13  #723
Subscribe for free at our subscription page:
You can view this newsletter online at:

He stays up late into the night - fearful to sleep because of those who watch in the dark. They watch from the sky. The watch from the streets. They watch with the cold, glassy stare of hidden cameras.  His communications are not safe. They read all that goes in, and all that goes out. His entertainment is monitored 24 hours a day. They know what TV shows he sees and which web sites on the Internet he visits. But despite all they see and do - nothing can prevent the arrival of his favorite weekly e-mail newsletter of the strange and weird. Yes that's RIGHT! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to reveal all the deep, dark secrets that THEY don't want YOU to know!

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such eye-straining tales as:

 - Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device -
- The Missouri Spook Light-
Residents in Wales 'Tortured' by Mystery Low Frequency Noise -
10 Amazing Examples of Mind Over Matter

All these exciting stories and MORE in this issue of


Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 4:46 PM EDT
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #722 5/19/13

5/19/13  #722
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Due to computer issues this week's newsletter is somewhat shorter than usual.  I will send all of our loyal subscribers individual stories this week as they come across my desk.  Hopefully next weeks edition will be back to its normal length.

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such lip-smacking stories as:

 - Has Forrest J Ackerman Communicated From the Great Beyond?
- The Time Travelers-
AND: Mass. City Plagued by Odd Aircraft and Awful Smells
Enjoy these stories in this issue of


Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 5:30 PM EDT
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #721 5/12/13

5/12/13  #721
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What's that strange light in the sky? Hush! Did you hear something on the roof? Quiet! I think someone is in the house!  Could it be extraterrestrials looking for abductees to experiment on? Maybe it's the Men-In-Black seeking to threaten and warn dire consequences. I bet it's agents of the New World Order looking to implant mind control devices in our heads to create robot killers!  No, wait!  It's ALL OF THE ABOVE!  But don't worry, they're only here to read your latest edition of Conspiracy Journal, with all the news and info that's fit to suppress.

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such lip-smacking stories as:

 - UFOs Tampering With Nukes is "Smoking Gun" of Government Cover-Up -
- Artificial Telepathy to Create Pentagon’s Telepathic Soldiers -
Crowdfunding Puts Spark of Life in Tesla's Old Lab-
AND: Spooky True Accounts of Pregnant Paranormal Activity
All these stories and MORE in this issue of


Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 3:21 PM EDT
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #720 5/4/13

5/3/13  #720
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Lock your doors. Hide the children and pets. Don't answer the phone!  Because THEY are  HERE!  They're trying to get in!  They're trying to listen in!  They're trying to read your newest issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL!  Yes that's right! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to inflame your senses and feed your brain.

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such migraine-inducing stories as:

 - 'Time Crystals’ Could Upend Physicists' Theory of Time -
- The Phenomenon of UFO Channelers -
- In Search Of The Wolf-Man -
AND: The Unsolved Mystery of the Van Meter Visitor
All these stories and MORE in this issue of

Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 7:57 PM EDT
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #719 4/27/13

4/26/13  #719
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They live deep underground in the stygian caverns carved from the virgin rock millions of years ago.  They are the Old Ones, the first to call Earth their home -- but their original home, somewhere in the vast curtain of stars in the heavens, has been lost in antiquity.  They now sit and watch their descendants on the surface who talk of love and forgiveness,  but scheme to kill each other for the love of profit and power.  They wonder how people who talk of peace and freedom are now considered evil and wrong,  fit only to be taken to concentration camps for the ultimate walk down the fiery path.  Blessed are the peace makers it was once written -- but now, such words are considered blasphemous and must be silenced. The Old Ones are glad that they live underground, free from the madness that envelopes the surface.

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such soul-searching stories as:

 - Nikola Tesla’s Amazing Predictions for the 21st Century -
- Family 'Hit By Flying Chairs' in Haunted House -
- When Paranormal Entities Change Their Own Rules -
AND: Anna Kingsford, Psychic Assassin?

Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 3:07 PM EDT
Friday, April 19, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #718 4/19/13

4/19/13  #718
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Welcome o' seekers of the truth. Once again the agents of disinformation and those who keep the truth from us are rushing about in fear and panic, because Conspiracy Journal is here with its weekly dose of news and information about conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, and anything else that's strange, bizarre and interesting.

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such kundalini - raising stories as:

 - Moore’s Law and the Origin of Life -
- Encounters with Gnomes -
- Former KGB Agent Reveals Soviet UFO Studies -
AND: Rangers Sight "Pygmies" in Sumatra

Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 8:20 PM EDT
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #717 4/14/13

4/14/13  #717
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Despite the best efforts of our elected officials who strive to take away all of our personal freedoms - even though the Men-In-Black have been harassing us on a daily basis - and not even abductions from the reptilian greys in their UFOs will stop another issue of Conspiracy Journal from reaching your email box! So sit back and relax because Conspiracy Journal is here once again to make it all better.

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week, Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such eyebrow furrowing stories as: 

- DOE Finalizing Plans to Dump Man-Made Uranium in Nevada -
In Search Of The Blue Crystal Skull Part Two  -
- Cosmic Cars and Other Road Oddities -
AND: Scientist Says His Invention Can 'Predict the Future'


Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 1:53 PM EDT
Friday, April 5, 2013
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #716 4/5/13

4/5/13  #716
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The next time secret government intelligent agents, aliens from UFOs, the Men-In-Black, or anyone else from the New World Order, come knocking on your door asking personal questions and wanting to bug your mail, phone and computer...You tell them that you are protected by the good folks at Conspiracy Journal!  Yes, that's right! Watch as they flee in fear from our intrepid reporters and field investigators, striving everyday to bring you the latest in weird, suppressed news and information that you won't see on your local six o'clock news.

Don't forget to check out the new Conspiracy Journal/Bizarre Bazaar Catalog...full of our newest books, DVDs, and other interesting products that THEY don't want you to have!

This week, Conspiracy Journal takes a fresh look at such stories as:
Air Force Wants New Energy Weapons to Cause Non-Lethal ‘Bioeffects’ -
A Conversation With Joshua Shapiro: In Search Of The Blue Crystal Skull -
- Searching for Russia's ‘Loch Ness’ -
AND: Bakery 'Haunted by Little Girl Ghost'
All in this issue of


Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

See you next week!

Posted by Tim R. Swartz at 1:15 PM EDT

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