Topic: Issue #773 5/25/14
5/25/14 #773 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: Trust is not easy to come by nowadays. It used to be that you could trust in your neighbor; trust in your job; trust in your church; trust in your elected officials. Now, trust is hard to find. Trust can even be dangerous. You can't trust in your neighbors, because they could be spying on you on behalf of Homeland Security. You can't trust in your job; that is what jobs are actually left that pay a living salary. You can't trust in your church as many are now playing politics in order to speed up the apocalypse. And don't get us started about our elected officials - we used to think a sex-scandal was the epitome of bad politics. Oh for the days of a simple sex-scandal. But there is one thing that you can trust in . . .Conspiracy Journal! Yes that's right. You can always trust that Conspiracy Journal will be there for you each and every week, revealing those deep, dark, dirty secrets that you won't find in your local newspaper, or hear on your nightly news. This week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such trustworthy stories as: - Aliens? Yes Please. UFOs? No Thanks - - Air Force Prepares to Dismantle HAARP - - Was This The Black Shuck? Bones of Giant Dog Discovered - - Psychic Researchers Say our Consciousness has Unexplained Powers - AND: Making Their Way in the World of Gnomes All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! Questions? Comments? Send your email to: See you next week! |