Topic: Issue #815 3/29/15
3/29/15 #815 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: The dream was real. To live in freedom without the constant worry of that knock at your front door in the middle of the night and being hauled off to rot in jail without due cause. We were innocent until proven guilty. To be able to dissent and speak out against injustice or political corruption without being branded a traitor. To be able to vote for the political party of your choice without fear of harassment from those currently in power. To have a truly free press without the pressures of government or corporations to hide the truth. To be allowed to worship, or not to worship without worry of state-sponsored religious zealots demanding you worship only their god. The dream was Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That dream has now turned into a nightmare. Don't let them take the dream away. Speak out for your freedoms and the freedoms of future generations. Do it now, because tomorrow will be too late. - Elon Musk Fears Robots Will Make Human's Their Pets - - The Mystery of the "UFO Repeaters - - Blood Miracles - AND: Policewoman Says She Was Attacked By a Ghost All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! Questions? Comments? Send your email to: See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 11:51 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, March 29, 2015 11:52 PM EDT