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Conspiracy Journal
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1020 9/8/19
cj#1020 What's that strange light in the sky? Hush! Did you hear something on the roof? Quiet! I think someone is in the house! Could it be extraterrestrials looking for abductees to experiment on? Maybe it's the Men-In-Black seeking to threaten and warn dire consequences. I bet it's agents of the New World Order looking to implant mind control devices in our heads to create robot killers! No, wait! It's ALL OF THE ABOVE! But don't worry, they're only here to read your latest edition of Conspiracy Journal, with all the news and info that's fit to suppress. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such lip-smacking stories as: - Loch Ness Monster May Be a Giant Eel, Say Scientists - - "Phantom Chimera" Spotted Near Rockton, Illinois - - Hercules and the Space Gods - AND: Jo Wood Suggests She's an Alien After UFO Sighting All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1020.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 9:56 PM EDT
Monday, August 26, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1019 8/26/19
cj#1019  8/26/19 #1019 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1019.html He stays up late into the night - fearful to sleep because of those who watch in the dark. They watch from the sky. The watch from the streets. They watch with the cold, glassy stare of hidden cameras. His communications are not safe. They read all that goes in, and all that goes out. His entertainment is monitored 24 hours a day. They know what TV shows he sees and which web sites on the Internet he visits. But despite all they see and do - nothing can prevent the arrival of his favorite weekly e-mail newsletter of the strange and weird. Yes that's RIGHT! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to reveal all the deep, dark secrets that THEY don't want YOU to know! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Chakra unblocking tales as: - Oregon Cattle Mutilations Alarm Ranchers - - Champ Hunter Captures Unusual Sonar Image - - A Gnome By Any Other Name - AND: The Ghost in the Mirror All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1019.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 3:36 PM EDT
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1018 8/18/19
cj#1018  8/18/19 #1018 Greetings one and all from your number one source of all things weird and strange. It is time once again to put all else aside and find out what is REALLY going on in the world this week. Time once again for news and interesting stories that you may not find in your daily newspaper or on the 6 o'clock news. This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such eyebrow plucking tales as: - AATIP is Making Politicians Demand Answers - - Police Raid Thailand UFO Meditation Center - - Sentient Fireballs and Biting Lights - AND: The Men in Black are Really Bad at Their Jobs All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1018.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:29 PM EDT
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1017 8/11/19
cj#1017 8/11/19 #1017 Don't touch that dial! We control your television. We know what you watch and stream. We have control of your computer and phone - We have your email and texts - We know what you want to read - And that is Conspiracy Journal! Yes, once again it is time for your favorite email newsletter of the world of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and everything else weird and strange. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such curtain-climbing stories as: - Russian Nuclear Agency Confirms Role in Rocket Test Explosion - - The Shroud of Turin: Latest Study Deepens Mystery - - The Hidden Roots of the 23 Enigma - AND: Woman Divorces "Ghost Husband" All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:05 PM EDT
Monday, August 5, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1016 8/5/19
cj#1016  8/5/19 #1016 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1016.html Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. He is only secretly controlling everything. He is only in league with extraterrestrials from UFOs. He is only out to invade your privacy in the name of national security. He does these things because he, like everyone else, wants to read your latest edition of Conspiracy Journal! Yes, that's right! Once again we have confounded those who want the news of conspiracies, UFOs, and the paranormal kept secret from the rest of humanity. But this is where Conspiracy Journal steps in! Leaping buildings in a single bound – Fighting secrets and censorship to keep you informed on what is really going on in the world around us. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such heat-stroke stories as: - First Human-Monkey Chimera Raises Concern - - Identity of 19th-Century "Vampire" Revealed - - Man Shoots at "Bigfoot" in a Kentucky National Park - AND: Strange Creature with Glowing Eyes Haunts Pakistan Market All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1016.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 2:04 PM EDT
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1015 7/28/19
cj#1015 SHHHH - Be Vewy, Vewy qwiet! We's hunting CONSPIRACIES! Yes that's right! Watch out secret government cabals! Look over your shoulders Men-In-Black! Check your altitude variance you silly flying saucer folks! Because once again Conspiracy Journal is here to rip off the veils of intrigue and secrecy from those dedicated to keeping mankind in the dark. This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such clavicle-breaking stories as: - U.S. Embassy Workers in Cuba Show Changes in Brains - - TTSA Says it Has Metals of "Exotic Origin" - - Loch Ness Monster ‘Spotted on Sonar’ Beneath Tourist Boat - AND: Woman Shares Amazing Story of Aliens in Kentucky All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 3:49 PM EDT
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1014 7/21/19
cj#1014 Did you ever feel that you were being watched? Did you ever think that you were being followed and closely monitored? Is your mail and e-mail being tampered with and read? Are there unknown forces manipulating our existence? If you answered YES(or even maybe) to any one of these questions then CONSPIRACY JOURNAL is the answer to your woes. Each and every week, Conspiracy Journal wings its way into your e-mail box with the latest news of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, strange creatures and just plain weird stuff. All the things that THEY don't want you to know. This weeks exciting edition brings you such knuckle-dragging tales as: - Pentagon May Have Released Weaponized Ticks - - The Unexplained Noise 2 Percent of People Can Hear - - Darrel Sims Warns Against Trying to Contact ExtraterrestrialS - AND: Time Traveler Story Was a Hoax All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1014.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:41 PM EDT
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1013 7/14/19
cj#1013 Hovering high overhead, the UFO and its otherworldly occupants scan the Earths communications -- silently awaiting word that they have finally intercepted the secret information that has eluded them all week. Yes that's right! They are waiting for this weeks exciting issue of the newsletter of conspiracies, secrets, the paranormal and MORE - Conspiracy Journal is here once again to inflame your senses and question your beliefs. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Psyche-Racking Stories as: This week, Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such spine-cracking stories as: - Famous Bigfoot Film Given 4K HD Makeover - - Infrared Sensors on Jets Could Help UFO Reporting - - Haunted By His Paranormal Past - AND: Mysterious Noise Causes Hangover-Like Headaches In Brooklyn All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1013.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:06 PM EDT
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1012 7/7/19
cj#1012 7/7/19 #1012 It comes in the soul-rending blackness of night - eager for the sweet taste of fresh, innocent psyches who live unaware in the bright forgiving daylight. Unaware of clotting truths that infect the less-tangible voids that nestle alongside our own world. Surrounded by empty form, eyes that glow blood-red linger in a state of forever within the darkness reserved for our most secret, anguished nightmares. However, the good news is that Conspiracy Journal is here once again to heal your shattered soul with all the news and info that THEY don't want you to know. This week, Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such spine-cracking stories as: - Harry Reid Happy To Talk About UFOs and Science - - Meet Silicon Valley's UFO Hunters - - Is Something Lurking in Lake Washington? - AND: Welsh Couple Flee Home Because of Underground Screams All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1012.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:23 PM EDT
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #1011 6/30/19
cj#1011  6/30/19 #1011 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1011.html The darkness, like living flesh corrupted, envelops us with its icy embrace. Thoughts that once burned fire-like in their complexities, now smolders in the stygian emptiness. Invisible terrors, once consigned to the back roads of consciousness, now eagerly seek prey to feed an eternal hunger. Horrors of the night now reach out across the threshold into the once safe light. But there is one light that pierces the darkness, one shining example of freedom of information. One weekly, e-mail newsletter that is not afraid to publish that which everyone else fears to even think. That's right! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to split the darkness of ignorance and fill your world with the pure, white light of truth. This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such hand-wringing tales as: - Persistent UFO Encounters With Navy Pilots - - Navy 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning of Chinese Tech Advances - - Harry Price: The Original Ghost Hunter - AND: Pennsylvania Man Builds Bomb to Warn About Aliens All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal1011.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:29 PM EDT
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