7/21/19  #1014
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Did you ever feel that you were being watched? Did you ever think that you were being followed and closely monitored? Is your mail and e-mail being tampered with and read? Are there unknown forces manipulating our existence? If you answered YES(or even maybe) to any one of these questions then CONSPIRACY JOURNAL is the answer to your woes. Each and every week, Conspiracy Journal wings its way into your e-mail box with the latest news of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, strange creatures and just plain weird stuff. All the things that THEY don't want you to know.

This weeks exciting edition brings you such knuckle-dragging tales as:

- Pentagon May Have Released Weaponized Ticks - 
- The Unexplained Noise 2 Percent of People Can Hear -
- Darrel Sims Warns Against Trying to Contact ExtraterrestrialS -
AND: Time Traveler Story Was a Hoax

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~



Act now to get in on our Hollow Earth special...two books for the price of one.  Our latest book: Our Hollow Earth: An Inner World Paradise, or A Gateway to Hell?  and Secret Exploits of Admiral Richard E. Byrd.

There is said to be a vast world beneath our feet, a civilization located at the innermost core of our planet. Some call it the Hollow Earth or the Inner Earth. It has been described as a virtual paradise by some and a horrifying, hellish nightmare by others.

Doorways into this mystery realm have been sought for centuries. Some say they have actually “slipped inside” our planet. A number have given extraordinary accounts of their voyage, while others have vanished, never to be seen by another living soul again.

Frankly, the text books – according to the experts consulted for this volume – are all wrong! For, if you think life exists only on the surface of the planet, you have been listening to the “party line” way too long. There are those who see the Earth as being multilayered, and that what goes on “above” definitely goes on “below” – and maybe more so to the extreme.

There are also official agencies that are aware that the objects we know as UFOs originate from inside this Inner World, and that a “privileged” group of Nazis escaped to the Hollow Earth through entrances at the South Pole. America’s aviation ace, Admiral Richard Byrd, ventured across this icy hidden stronghold but left without confronting the potential menace concealed there. There are even possible links to the assassination of John F. Kennedy associated with the Inner Earth. Yes, there were giants in the Earth in Biblical times – and they possibly still exist, not far from where we live, mere miles below our towns and homes.

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Pentagon May Have Released Weaponized Ticks
By Aristos Georgiou

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives quietly passed a bill requiring the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (DoD) to conduct a review into whether the Pentagon experimented with ticks and other blood-sucking insects for use as biological weapons between 1950 and 1975.

If the Inspector General finds that such experiments occurred, then, according to the bill, they must provide the House and Senate Armed Services committees with a report on the scope of the research and "whether any ticks or insects used in such experiments were released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design," potentially leading to the spread of diseases such as Lyme.

The amendment was put forward by Rep. Chris Smith, a Republican from New Jersey, who was "inspired" by several books and articles claiming that the U.S. government had conducted research at facilities such as Fort Detrick, Maryland, and Plum Island, New York, for this purpose.

However, some Lyme disease experts are warning that Smith's claims should be viewed with plenty of caution. They include Phillip Baker, Executive Director of the American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF), who says Smith has been "terribly misinformed" with "false and misleading information."

One of the books that Smith refers to—called Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons—was published earlier this year, authored by Stanford University science writer and former Lyme suffer Kris Newby. It features interviews with late Swiss-born scientist Willy Burgdorfer—the man credited with discovering the bacterial pathogen that causes Lyme disease—who once worked for the DoD as a bioweapons specialist.

"Those interviews combined with access to Dr. Burgdorfer's lab files suggest that he and other bioweapons specialists stuffed ticks with pathogens to cause severe disability, disease—even death—to potential enemies," Smith said during the debate on the House floor.

"With Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases exploding in the United States—with an estimated 300,000 to 437,000 new cases diagnosed each year and 10-20 percent of all patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease—Americans have a right to know whether any of this is true," he said. "And have these experiments caused Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases to mutate and to spread?" Smith asked.

Bitten suggests that military scientists dropped weaponized insects which had been deliberately infected from the air during tests. It also claims that uninfected bugs were released into residential areas in the U.S. to see how they spread, The Guardian reported.

Newby contends that these experiments could have—accidentally or deliberately—led to the spread of Lyme disease in the 1960s. And even though Richard Nixon banned biological weapons research in 1969, such experiments may have continued, Roll Call reported.

According to Smith, the investigation into the claims should attempt to address several questions:

"What were the parameters of the program? Who ordered it? Was there ever any accidental release anywhere or at any time of any diseased ticks? Were any ticks released by design? Did the program contribute to the disease burden? Can any of this information help current-day researchers find a way to mitigate these diseases?"

Despite the passing of the recent bill by the House, the American Lyme Disease Foundation's (ALDF) Phillip Baker says Smith's claims are unfounded.

"I think that Rep. Chris Smith is terribly misinformed by the Lyme disease activists and by the false and misleading information contained in the book written by Newby," Baker told Newsweek. "He would be well advised to check the facts by consulting the experts on Lyme disease at the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] for accurate and reliable information before proposing such legislation."

In a piece for the ALDF website, Baker noted that some people claim Lyme disease was introduced into the northeastern region of the U.S. after a strain of Borrelia burgdorferi—the bacterium that causes Lyme disease—escaped from the Plum Island biological warfare facility.

"However, there is ample evidence to indicate that both Ixodes ticks and B. burgdorferi were present in the U.S. well before the Plum Island facility was ever established," he wrote, adding that the center says it has never researched Lyme disease.

The symptoms of what is now known as Lyme disease were potentially first described in Scotland in 1764. Recent research has indicated that the Lyme disease bacterium was present in America in pre-Columbian times, many thousands of years before Europeans arrived on the continent.

Furthermore, Baker says the rationale for believing that Lyme disease was used as an agent of biowarfare is "flawed."

"Note that about 95 percent of cases of Lyme disease reported to the CDC occur in 12 states," he told Newsweek. "Based on what we know concerning the pathology of Lyme disease—and we know a lot—does anyone seriously think that people living in those 12 states are any more vulnerable to an enemy attack because of the high incidence of Lyme disease than those living in the remaining areas of the U.S.? That would be 'quite a stretch' to say the least."

"The main reason for considering a given pathogen for possible use as an agent of biowarfare is its ability to create terror and or havoc by causing serious incapacitating illness and/or death within a short time interval after its release," he said. "The bacterium that causes Lyme disease is not such an agent. If one were to prioritize a list of agents to be considered for use as biowarfare agents, the organisms that cause smallpox, plague, Ebola and anthrax would be at the top of the list. Only a fool would ever consider adding Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, to such a list. If it ever was given any consideration, and I have no knowledge that it ever was, it would not have been for more than a nanosecond!"

Source: Newsweek


The Unexplained Noise 2 Percent of People Can Hear

Some describe it as sounding like an engine idling just outside the house. Others report hearing a low-frequency rumble. But almost everyone who can hear it—2 percent of the population, by some estimates—agrees on one thing: “the hum,” as it has come to be called, is a persistent, maddening noise for which the scientific world has no known explanation.

Since it was first reported in Bristol, England, in 1970, this elusive phenomenon has plagued thousands of people across the globe, slowly eroding their sanity. One of them is Steve Kohlhase, an industrial-facilities mechanical engineer living in Brookfield, Connecticut. In Garret Harkawik’s short documentary Doom Vibrations, Kohlhase describes the noise: “Your ears are ringing real bad. If it’s a bad day, it feels like your brain is being squeezed. It’s nauseating.” Kohlhase says his dog, too, seems to suffer from the noise; once Kohlhase started hearing it, the canine became lethargic, and has never recovered.

In the film, Kohlhase lays out the extensive evidence he has collected on the unexplained noise pollution. The quest for answers has consumed him; he estimates that he has spent $30,000 on legal fees and equipment related to his independent investigation. The single through line in all reported cases Kohlhase has studied, he says, is that the locations are along high-pressure gas pipelines, or at least in close proximity to them.

The phenomenon has spawned many conspiracy theories. Sufferers, known as “hummers,” have pointed fingers at sources such as electrical power lines, wireless communication devices, and low-frequency electromagnetic radiation. For decades, doctors dismissed patients’ complaints as tinnitus, an auditory problem that affects 15 percent of people. But the latest research suggests that the noise is not a hallucination and that many hummers do not suffer from impaired hearing.

Dr. David Baguley, an audiologist at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, estimates that about a third of cases can be attributed to environmental causes, such as industrial machinery at a nearby factory. But the majority of cases remain unexplained. Baguley himself believes that many of his patients suffer from extreme sensitivity to signals outside the normal range of human hearing.

“I think most people view the hum as a fringe belief,” Harkawik told me, “because it’s so subjective—people say they hear something that most people can’t hear. But when you look at the vast number of people who say they hear it, it’s obvious that there’s something going on.”

So, does the filmmaker subscribe to Kohlhase’s gas-pipeline theory? “Some parts are definitely believable; others less so,” Harkawik said. He admits that some of Kohlhase’s wilder extrapolations veer into conspiracy-theory territory. “I don’t think we will ever know for sure, though, since it would require an extraordinary amount of coordination and work to prove it.”

But Harkawik was drawn to Kohlhase’s story regardless of the relative plausibility of his claims. “When I make something about a person with unusual beliefs, I no longer go into it thinking, What will it be like if they realize they’re wrong?” he said. “I spend more time on how they arrived at their beliefs and what of myself I see in them.”

In this case, the filmmaker identified with Kohlhase’s obsessive devotion to his project, despite the fact that it had very little broad appeal. “The response to his research was underwhelming to him, but the people he has positively impacted keep him going,” Harkawik said. “I often feel the same way about documentary film—I spend years on a project, inevitably feel underwhelmed by the response, but ultimately keep working because one or two people email me to say it meant something to them. I think most creative people would identify with Steve’s story.”

Source: The Atlantic


Darrel Sims Warns Against Trying to Contact Extraterrestrials
By Inigo Monzon

Darrel Sims, a UFO abduction expert and former CIA operative, warned against initiating contact with alien lifeforms during a recent interview. According to Sims, extraterrestrial beings are malevolent creatures and contacting them could result in physical injury and even death.

In his website Alien Hunter, Sims noted that his first encounter with the strange beings began in 1952 when he was only 4 years old. He said the alien appeared inside his bedroom and tried to manipulate his mind into thinking that the creature was actually just a clown.

According to Sims, this was the alien’s way of altering his memory so he wouldn’t remember his encounter and abduction.

Through his other similar experiences, Sims began to get an idea of the exact nature of the extraterrestrial beings. For him, aliens are manipulative creatures who victimize humans through various means. This is one of the main reasons why he is strongly against initiating contact with UFOs and aliens.

During a recent interview with the YouTube channel UAMN TV, Sims noted that contacting aliens could result could have dangerous consequences.

“It’s an uninformed position for them to get in contact with whoever’s out there,” he said. “Some people have done that and died as a result. Some people have been injured.”

Sims recalled that in 1994, he met a movie and television production group who deliberately initiated contact for a project. According to Sims, the crew did so by flashing powerful lights into the sky at an area known for UFO sightings.

The producer of the group reportedly told Sims that his entire crew vanished following the event. According to the producer, something allegedly showed up after the crew members flashed the lights into the sky. Both the producer and Sims have no idea what happened to the crew after the incident.

Sims likened the search for alien life as something similar to a dog chasing a car. Eventually, the car will stop and the dog may not like the driver once he steps out of the car. Similarly, Sims noted that UFO enthusiasts who are hoping to interact with alien beings might regret doings so once it happens.

Source: International Business Times


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Woman Has Chilling Encounter With Yowies, and Something Else

A woman in Australia says that her family was tormented by Yowies after they had moved into their new home and that, at one point, she saw a mysterious entity lurking alongside the creatures.

Jackie Liversidge recalled the 2016 experience for the first time in a report to the Australian Yowie Research organization. According to her, it all began when they rented a cottage in the town of Tarzali, Queensland and immediately felt like something was amiss after rocks were thrown onto her roof in the first week of moving into her new home.

'(Then) my oldest son was walking out of the bathroom at night and said he heard a very loud demonic animal growl and he ran inside and said, "Mum, something is out there" and I had heard it before but I ignored it,' she told The Courier Mail.

Jackie said she had been experiencing feelings of being watched in the bathroom and one evening, after purchasing a high-powered torch,  shone it out into the field after hearing a unsettling noise.

She was gobsmacked with what she saw.  

'It was pitch black, hairy and the size of a chimpanzee,' she said.

Before Liversidge could process what she was seeing, she realized that there were "two other sets of glowing eyes" which suggested that the mysterious animal was not alone.

Based on the height of the eyeshine, she said, it appeared that the creature's companions were considerably bigger than it was and she surmised that this was probably a family of Yowies. Liversidge managed to get a good look at the trio, observing that they "walked with big, long strides," seemed to have arms longer than a human's, and sharp, black nails.

While her story would be strange enough as it is, the account reportedly got exponentially weirder by way of a follow-up article from an Australian newspaper in which Liversidge revealed that the trio of Yowies were not alone.

"There was another creature with them," she explained, "he was a strange-looking pale white guy, like the one all over the internet," referring to a hoaxed 'demon' image that went viral in 2010. Describing the features of this entity, she said that "the cheekbones were sunken and hollow but they never glowed, they were completely black."

Liverside only lasted 10 months in the home before promptly moving elsewhere.

Yowie hunter and founder of Australian Yowie Research, Dean Harrison, who interviewed the woman about her encounter, said that yowies are known to reveal themselves to single women with young children living in isolated rural areas.

He revealed that Liverside had kept the chilling tale to herself since 2016, adding that it's not as easy as simply going to the police to report these encounters.

Harrison said that people call him up 'every single day of the year' with stories of encounters.

'We hear reports of people who have kept it secret of 60 or 70 years but want to come forward before they die,'he said.

Liverside's report has prompted yowie hunter Professor of History Dr Rex Gilroy and his wife Heather to search for fosslised yowie footprints on the Tablelands and surrounding areas.

Source: Daily Mail


The First Chiropractor Started After Message from a Spirit
By Sharon Kirkey and Brice Hall    

Approximately 4.5 million Canadians visit a chiropractor each year to have their spines cracked, popped or adjusted.

In addition to back pain, some chiropractors claim to fix an astonishing array of problems, including allergies, appendicitis, diabetes, ADHD, colic, crossed eyes, heart disease and, in babies, the “trauma” of passing through the birth canal. Some chiropractors even offer adjustments on pets.

The practice of chiropractics is playing a bigger role in health care, but few people know it started with a message from a ghost.

Daniel David (DD) Palmer, who was born in Port Perry, Ont., in 1845, invented the field of chiropractic care. Palmer moved to Davenport, Iowa, when he was 20, where he took up magnetic healing. He also worked as a schoolteacher, raised bees and opened a grocery store.

Palmer was a spiritualist. He said the idea for chiropractic came to him from the “other world” during a séance where he communicated with the spirit of a doctor, Jim Atkinson, who died 50 years earlier.

According to Palmer, 95 per cent of all disease is due to “subluxations.” In chiropractic, subluxations occur when one or more of the bones of the spine move out of position and create pressure on spinal nerves, causing all sorts of diseases by interfering with the flow of nerve impulses between the brain and the body.

Palmer considered chiropractic a kind of religion, stating in 1911 that the practice “must have a religious head, one who is the founder, as did Christ, Mohamed … and others who have founded religions. I am the fountain head.” The local paper referred to him as a quack who claimed, “He can cure the sick and crippled with his magnetic hands.”

He opened the Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport in 1897.

Since then, chiropractic medicine has become a widely used form of alternative treatment in Canada.

But skeptics say there’s no evidence to support the subluxation theory or the use of spinal manipulation for anything other than uncomplicated neck or back pain.

They worry that, in rare cases, people could be harmed, and that people who go to chiropractors who push the subluxation concept and claim they can help with nearly any medical problem, could also be exposed to anti-science beliefs, like the debunked notion that vaccines cause autism.

In 1906, Palmer, who also called himself a “doctor,” was convicted of practising medicine without a license, and went to jail. Legend has it he married at least five times. He died in 1913, at the age of 68. The official cause of death was typhoid fever.

Source: The National Post


Time Traveler Story Was a Hoax
By Tim Binnall

A Minnesota teenager claims that he was a prominent YouTube 'time traveler' and, to the surprise of very few, he says that his entire tale was an elaborate hoax. The not-altogether-shocking revelation comes by way of a young man named Denis Bel, who posted a video this past Saturday with his account of allegedly portraying a man from 2030 that went by the name of 'Noah.' For those unfamiliar with the cast of characters in the weird world of 'whistleblowing time travelers,' this particular individual was one of the first to appear on the scene and starred in numerous videos for the YouTube channel Apex TV.

According to Bel, he decided to come forward and unmask because being 'Noah' had become too stressful for him as people were beginning to figure out that he was the person in the videos. "I can't do this stupid character anymore," he declared, musing that "I have to get rid of this looming that's above me that keeps making me scared of being exposed." The young man also reportedly expressed regret for his role in what he described as a long-running hoax. However, Bel's video was subsequently flagged by YouTube for what they said was copyrighted footage of the time traveler videos that starred 'Noah.'

Fortunately, Bel gave an interview with another channel and provided even more details about his experience. In the video, the faux time traveler claims that he was paid only $20, plus a $100 'bonus' when the footage went viral, for his first 'performance,' which amassed millions of viewers and in many ways sparked the trend which really rose to prominence in 2018. Bel lamented that, over course of several videos featuring 'Noah,' he had to keep track of all the plot details which he conjured up for the time traveler's story, resulting in a situation that proved to be quite exhausting as the tale grew increasingly complex. "At first it was fun to play Noah, because it was just a big joke," Bel said, "but eventually I stopped laughing."

In his initial confessional video, Bel backed up his bombshell claims by providing a few 'behind the scenes' clips from his 'Noah' videos which appear to show him portraying the popular time traveler without the character's face censored. Ironically and possibly in a testament to the veracity of his story, these particular segments, which did not originally appear online in their uncensored form, were what Apex TV called a copyright violation in order to have his video removed from YouTube. Beyond that, the controversial channel has not responded to Bel's claims and, for the record, neither has 'Noah.'

Source: Coast to Coast

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