1/5/20  #1034
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What's the matter bucko...has the new year already started out wrong?  Are you tired of those flying saucer people pestering you every day with their tales of woe and Armageddon? Are you scared of the government and their corporate cronies looking for new ways to spy on you and take away your personal rights and freedoms? Are you sick to death of those pesky Men-In-Black harassing you because of those unwanted contacts with those flying saucer folks and government agents? Well cheer up, because once again, like a bolt of awareness and enlightenment from the sky, Conspiracy Journal is here to uncover all those dirty little secrets that THEY are trying to hide! So sit back and relax and enjoy another thought-provoking issue of the number one e-mail newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs the paranormal and more.

This week, Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such New Year Blues Stories as:

- FAA Probes Mysterious Drones Flying Over Colorado -

- Astrophysicist on How to Build a Time Machine -

- Nikola Tesla From The Fringe -

The Strange Patterson-Gimlin Massacre Story -

AND: Aladino Félix: From Contactee to Terrorist

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~



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FAA Probes Mysterious Drones Flying Over Colorado
By Keith Coffman

New developments with the mystery drones being seen over Colorado and now Nebraska. The Federal Aviation Administration has now launched an investigation into these mysterious nighttime maneuvers of the unidentified drones.

The cluster of drones, technically known as unmanned aircraft systems, have been spotted in at least four counties in Colorado, garnering national media attention.

FAA spokesman Ian Gregor said that “multiple FAA divisions and government agencies are investigating these reports,” adding that the agency does not comment on the details of its open investigations.

No private companies nor government agencies have claimed the drones.

The Phillips County, Colorado Sheriff’s Office said in a Dec. 20 Facebook post it was investigating “multiple reports of drone sightings in the county over the last week.”

On that day, deputies from Phillips and Yuma counties “tracked over 16 drones between the two counties. We believe that the drones, though startling, are not malicious in nature.”

Phillips County Sheriff Thomas Elliot said in a phone interview that the drones with blinking lights are flying in square grid patterns nearly every night between 5 and 10 p.m., and appear to be widening their path.

“They now have moved into Morgan County (Colorado) and have been spotted in Perkins County, Nebraska,” he said.

Elliot said he had spoken to FAA investigators about whether the agency could determine if the aircraft were being used to map the area for possible oil and gas exploration purposes.

Wyatt Harman, who chased the drones when they flew over his Washington County, Colorado, property, told NBC’s Today show on Tuesday that seeing the mysterious aircraft was “unnerving.”

“They can sit there and hover,” Harman said. “They can descend very fast. They can take off very fast.”

U.S. Senator Cory Gardner, a Colorado Republican and a member of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Aviation and Space, said in a Tuesday statement that he had been in contact with the FAA.

“I’m encouraged that they’ve opened a full investigation to learn the source and purpose of the drones,” said Gardner, who is from Yuma County.

Last week, the FAA proposed requiring nearly all drones operating in U.S. airspace to be remotely tracked, a move which Sheriff Elliot said he would welcome.

“I could put all this to rest if whomever is doing this would come forward and identify themselves,” Elliot said.

Inside the Lincoln County, Colorado Sheriff’s Office in Hugo, Sheriff Tom Nestor and Capt. Yowell stared at a county map hanging in a narrow hallway.

It’s dotted with blue and yellow thumbtacks, depicting sightings from across the county of just under 5,500 people. There’s a series of tacks clustered around Interstate 70 in Limon, with a few scattered north and south of the interstate. Some people reported the drones flying in packs. Others saw solo flights.

“This one here just sat overhead for 90 minutes,” Yowell said, pointing toward a tack pinned near Limon.

Yowell and Nestor thought they had figured out a pattern: The drones first were seen after Christmas in the northern part of the county and worked their way south, mostly flying in rigid, grid-like patterns. They traveled across the county horizontally, down a bit, then made their way back across in the other direction.

The Lincoln County officials expected sightings to grow in the southern part of the county as the drones made their way down the state. Those reports never came.

“There’s just no rhyme or reason to any of this,” Yowell said.

On a desolate dirt road just north of Limon, the sky is lit by stars and a waxing crescent moon. Then, a small set of red-and-white lights blink rapidly, punctuating the rural Colorado landscape. The aerial object travels briskly across the sky at several hundred feet above the fields and wind turbines. Minutes later, another one creeps onto the horizon. And then another one.

The drones hover above a vast expanse of land outside a small, mostly empty Colorado town: Last Chance.

“We just coexist with them now,” said Capt. Yowell. “You see ’em and just tip your cap.”

Source: Reuters


Astrophysicist on How to Build a Time Machine
By Kristin Houser

Astrophysicist Ron Mallett believes he’s found a way to travel back in time — theoretically.

The tenured University of Connecticut physics professor recently told CNN that he’s written a scientific equation that could serve as the foundation for an actual time machine. He’s even built a prototype device to illustrate a key component of his theory — though Mallett’s peers remain unconvinced that his time machine will ever come to fruition.

To understand Mallett’s machine, you need to know the basics of Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which states that time accelerates or decelerates depending on the speed at which an object is moving.

Based on that theory, if a person was in a spaceship traveling near the speed of light, time would pass more slowly for them than it would for someone who remained on Earth. Essentially, the astronaut could zip around space for less than a week, and when they returned to Earth, 10 years would have passed for the people they’d left behind, making it seem to the astronaut like they’d time traveled to the future.

But while most physicists accept that skipping forward in time in that way is probably possible, time traveling to the past is a whole other issue — and one Mallett thinks he could solve using lasers.

As the astrophysicist explained to CNN, his idea for a time machine hinges upon another Einstein theory, the general theory of relativity. According to that theory, massive objects bend space-time — an effect we perceive as gravity — and the stronger gravity is, the slower time passes.

“If you can bend space, there’s a possibility of you twisting space,” Mallett told CNN. “In Einstein’s theory, what we call space also involves time — that’s why it’s called space time, whatever it is you do to space also happens to time.”

He believes it’s theoretically possible to twist time into a loop that would allow for time travel into the past. He’s even built a prototype showing how lasers might help achieve this goal.

“By studying the type of gravitational field that was produced by a ring laser,” Mallett told CNN, “this could lead to a new way of looking at the possibility of a time machine based on a circulating beam of light.”

As optimistic as Mallet might be about his work, though, his peers are skeptical that he’s on the path to a working time machine.

“I don’t think [his work is] necessarily going to be fruitful,” astrophysicist Paul Sutter told CNN, “because I do think that there are deep flaws in his mathematics and his theory, and so a practical device seems unattainable.”

Even Mallet concedes that his idea is wholly theoretical at this point. And that even if his time machine does work, he admits, it would have a severe limitation that would prevent anyone from, say, traveling back in time to kill baby Adolf Hitler.

“You can send information back,” he told CNN, “but you can only send it back to the point at which you turn the machine on.”

Source: Futurism


Nikola Tesla From The Fringe
By Sean Casteel

** There are many who believe that the inspiration that drove inventor Nikola Tesla to create the AC motor, remote control, even radio, was not summoned forth out of nothing. Was Tesla sent to this planet by aliens sympathetic to humanity in order to improve the quality of life here? Where would we be without things like affordable, workable electricity?

** Tesla claimed to be hearing a faint but audible broadcast from the Planet Mars on equipment he had designed to track lightning and thunderstorms. He said it was the sound of one planet greeting another. Did those same Martians guide his later achievements as an inventor?

** Emmy Award-winning journalist Tim R. Swartz has been on the forefront of research into Tesla for decades. Swartz contributes chapters to two new books that deal with the “fringe” approach to Tesla, both as a star-seed child given as a gift to our world and as an early “contactee,” on the receiving end of an alien transmission. The two volumes complement each other nicely in their approaches to a paranormal perspective on Tesla.

** Read Tim Swartz’s description of Tesla’s “visions,” involuntary moments when a new invention would appear in three dimensions in the space just in front of him. Tesla seldom wrote down even his most complex plans, preferring to trust his inner visual sense and photographic memory. Were these visions sent to him by means of alien telepathy?

In a never-ending quest to achieve an ultimate understanding of all things Nikola Tesla, publisher Timothy Green Beckley of Global Communications/Inner Light has recently released two new volumes that take up the daunting task of understanding the celebrated genius in both supernatural and prosaic terms. One new book is entitled “Nikola Tesla: Cosmic Voyager” and the other is “Nikola Tesla: Signals from the Stars.”

The “Cosmic Voyager” tome includes a long section by Margaret Storm, originally written in 1957, that takes a decidedly New Age perspective on Tesla. For one thing, she believes Tesla’s birth in what is now Yugoslavia was the result of extraterrestrial planning.

“Historians agree that Nikola Tesla was born at midnight, between July 9 and 10, in the year 1856,” Storm writes. “Nikola himself hinted on a few occasions that this was not the date of his birth. These hints were disregarded along with hundreds of other statements made by Tesla, because in most quarters he was regarded as being a bit impractical. This was not a criticism, for his genius was so highly respected that it was generally conceded that he did not have to measure up to conventional standards. He was to be allowed his little eccentricities, his passing fancies. The space people have now stated that Nikola was born onboard their ship on a flight from Venus, and that they landed on the Earth at midnight, between July 9 and 10, 1856.”

Storm is making use of what is called in the study of mythology and religion a “birth legend,” such as in the case of Jesus being born to a virgin, the Immaculate Conception.

“When the space people say that Nikola was BORN onboard one of their ships,” Storm explains, “they do not mean it was a physical birth. Physical conception and the birthing processes known on this planet are not used elsewhere. On other planets, positive and negative light rays are used to produce a physical form which can be occupied by an evolving life stream.”


Djouka Tesla, the Earth mother who cared for Nikola with a rare tenderness, was a most remarkable woman and assuredly possessed advanced spiritual powers, according to Storm.

 “It has been said,” Storm continues, “that she, too, was a Venusian, and, if this is true, it accounts for her very unusual abilities.  She was the eldest child in a family of seven children. Her father was a minister of the Serbian Orthodox Church. She never attended school, nor did she learn even the rudiments of reading and writing at home. Yet she moved with ease in cultured circles, as did her family.

“Tesla himself never wearied of talking about his remarkable mother, and described how she had absorbed ‘by ear’ all the cultural riches of her community and her nation. Like Nikola, she apparently had the power of instant recall. Nikola said that she could easily recite, without error, long passages from the Bible; she could repeat thousands of verses of the national poetry of her country. She had an excellent grasp of philosophy and apparently a practical understanding of mechanical and technical devices. In addition, she was so skillful in handling business and financial matters that she managed all accounts for her household as well as for her husband’s church.”

Meanwhile, Tesla’s Earth father was the son of an army officer and likewise joined the army as a young man. But he was soon disillusioned, being irked by the rigors of military discipline. His true calling was in the literary field. He wrote poetry, articles on current problems and philosophical essays. From there he was led to the ministry, using his literary talent to write sermons spoken from the pulpit. He did not limit himself to the usual church topics, but covered subjects of local and national interest concerning labor, social and economic problems.

“This then was the childhood environment of the boy from Venus,” Storm writes. “It was a life filled with joy. He had an ideal home with a loving, understanding family. He lived in a magnificent countryside, close to nature. He was a boy like other little boys, up to a certain point, the point at which he became the superboy, foreshadowing the superman. And so it was that he lacked human companions, a state, not of loneliness, but of aloneness, that was to continue throughout his physical incarnation. To the end of his time in a physical body, he lived at the very center, the very core, of a magnificent solitude, listening always to the Voice of the Silence.”


A further indication of Tesla’s dual status as a star-seed child with a channel directly to the heavens is his ability to visualize his future inventions in exacting detail.

In “Nikola Tesla: Cosmic Voyager,” Tesla expert Tim Swartz writes, “Much has been made over Tesla’s amazing ability to visualize images in his mind. This talent came mostly involuntarily and often at inopportune moments. When he was younger, Tesla worried that he was suffering from some sort of madness when his visions would appear. Later he came to realize that this particular trait was a gift and the basis of all his inventions.”

Tesla’s visions were so vivid, he was sometimes confused by what was real and what was imaginary.

“Strong flashes of light often accompanied these images,” Swartz recounts. “He would wave his hand in front of his eyes to determine whether the objects were simply in his mind or outside. In 1919, Tesla wrote of these images and his efforts to find an explanation for them. He had consulted with several doctors and psychologists, but no one was able to help.”

Tesla himself wrote, “The theory I have formulated is that the images were the result of a reflex action of the brain on the retina under great excitation. They certainly were not hallucinations, for in other respects I was normal and composed.

“To give an idea of my distress,” he continued, “suppose that I had witnessed a funeral or some such nerve-wracking spectacle. Then, inevitably, in the stillness of the night, a vivid picture of the scene would thrust itself before my eyes and persist despite all my efforts to banish it. Sometimes it would even remain fixed in space though I pushed my hand through it.”

It is well known, Swartz writes, that Tesla’s conception of his AC motor came to him during one of his visions.

“One afternoon, I was enjoying a walk with my friend in the city park and reciting poetry,” Tesla recalls. “At that age, I knew entire books by heart, word for word. One of these was Goethe’s ‘Faust.’ The sun was just setting and reminded me of a glorious passage: ‘The glow retreats, done is the day of toil; It yonder hastes, new fields of life exploring; Ah, that no wing can lift me from the soil, upon its tract to follow soaring!’

“As I uttered these inspiring words, the idea came like a flash of lightning, and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand the diagram shown six years later in my address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. The images were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal.”

Tesla would use this incredible ability throughout his amazing career. He disliked drawing his ideas on paper because that method seemed less grounded in reality than his own internal drawing board. For Tesla, drawing was utterly unrealistic and a nuisance. He did not have to make plans and jot down dimensions because of his power of instant recall. He could store any designs in his mind, to be retrieved intact years later.

But did Tesla acknowledge any of this as being supernatural?

“Despite his unusual abilities,” Swartz writes, “Tesla at first had little patience with those who believed in psychic powers or spirits. Tesla often denied that he had supernatural powers or origins from beyond the Earth. Such allegations, along with his conviction of the reality of extraterrestrials, almost certainly hurt Tesla’s reputation in later life. Tesla felt so strongly about such claims that he frequently wrote about his frustrations with people who wanted to believe that he was more than an ordinary human being.”


But while he denied being some kind of supernatural entity, there was an aloneness to Tesla’s life that was his constant companion.

Tesla writes of himself in “Nikola Tesla: Signals From The Stars”: “From childhood, I was compelled to concentrate attention upon myself. This caused me much suffering, but to my present view, it was a blessing in disguise, for it has taught me to appreciate the inestimable value of introspection in the preservation of life, as well as a means of achievement. Most persons are so absorbed in the contemplation of the outside world that they are wholly oblivious to what is passing on within themselves.”

Tesla seems to be describing a sense of being isolated from the everyday world of normal reality, a condition that was perhaps necessary to permit his prodigious output of new ideas and inventions. Maybe whoever was guiding Tesla’s creative talents found it easier to operate with Tesla as a solitary channel for what would reveal itself as evidence of unparalleled genius.    


The idea that Tesla was led to new heights of scientific discovery by extraterrestrials is one that he might himself accept.

“Many years ago,” Swartz writes, “long before the days when, to many of us, the idea of communication with other planets was strictly a Buck Rogers fantasy, Nikola Tesla was already conducting serious research experiments and inventing devices for communication with intelligent life on other planets. Furthermore, he was possibly the first man to go on record claiming that he received what he believed to be intelligent signals from outer space.”

The story behind those intelligent signals began in 1899, when Tesla had set up a laboratory in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to research, in part, how the Earth naturally produced electricity. His experimental station was built near Pike’s Peak, to take advantage of Colorado’s abundance of thunderstorms.

While these storms, with their incredible displays of lightning, rolled overhead, Tesla would take measurements using his own unique equipment designed specifically for this purpose. He found that the planet was “literally alive with electric vibrations.”

In an attempt to better understand how lightning was created and how it could be used as a source of unlimited energy, Tesla set up radio receivers to calculate the distance between lightning strikes and his laboratory.

“One night, Tesla noticed a strange repeating signal,” Swartz writes, “being picked up by his receivers. Since there were no other radio transmitters on the planet, Tesla had to conclude that he was receiving a signal from outer space. In 1900, the Red Cross asked Tesla to predict man’s greatest possible achievement in the new century. He replied by admitting he may have already achieved it by receiving a message from ‘another world.’”

Tesla went on to say that, “I have observed electrical actions which have appeared inexplicable. Faint and uncertain though they were, they have given me a deep conviction and foreknowledge that ere long all human beings on this globe, as one, will turn their eyes to the firmament above, with feelings of love and reverence, thrilled by the glad news: ‘Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: one . . . two . . . three . . . ‘”

Tesla sent a letter to the “New York Times” in 1910, claiming the sounds could have originated from Mars.

“Most certainly, some planets are not inhabited,” Tesla wrote, “but others are, and among these must exist life under all conditions and phases of development. Personally, I base my faith on the feeble planetary electrical disturbances which I discovered in the summer of 1899, and which, according to my investigations, could not have originated from the sun, the moon or Venus. Further scientific study has satisfied me that they must have emanated from Mars. All doubt in this regard will soon be dispelled.”

The public declaration of faith in the reality of Martians brought widespread ridicule for Tesla, but it continues to be possible that he was the first man to detect radio waves from space. One is reminded of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in our own time, where many millions have been spent in the hope of receiving radio signals from outer space. Was Tesla more than a century ahead of the game on this one?

TIME Magazine, on the occasion of Tesla’s 75th birthday in 1931, quoted Tesla as saying, “I think that nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication. It will certainly come someday and the certitude that there are other human beings in the universe, working, suffering, struggling like ourselves, will produce a magic effect on mankind, and will form the foundation of a universal brotherhood that will last as long as humanity itself.”

“Unfortunately, little else is known about how Tesla planned to communicate across the stars,” Swartz writes. “Most of his notes and journals disappeared after he died, leaving only whispered rumors of government greed and conspiracies.”

However, a man named Arthur Matthews would later claim to have been an apprentice to Tesla and that Tesla had, in 1938, built two large “magnifying transmitters” and permitted Matthews to operate one of them. Tesla gave Matthews the design for the interplanetary communication device as well as the task of whipping up public interest in conversing with the inhabitants of other planets. In the book “Nikola Tesla: Signals from the Stars,” publisher, editor and author Timothy Green Beckley even offers an easy how-to chapter on building your own interplanetary communicator.  No need to spend millions on your own radio telescope, eh?

So, with these two new volumes on Tesla, one which focuses on the great genius being sent as the child of an alien race to aid in the service of mankind and the other, which reveals the happy fact that those same aliens are sending radio signals that announce the salvation of all humanity, Beckley and his Global Communications/Inner Light publishing house have doubly blessed us with gifts of fascination and hope.

Source: Spectral Vision


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Strange Rod-Like Lights Spotted In The Sky Over Iraq
By paulsacca

There are swiftly escalating tensions between the United States and Iran, and unfortunately for Iraqis, they are caught in the middle. Shortly after the attack of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and the drone strike of an Iranian general, people in Iraq spotted strange rod-like lights in the sky, prompting fears of a possible out-of-this-world military operation.

There are unverified reports of unusual lights spotted over Duhok, Iraq. Duhok is located in northern Iraq, about 40 miles from the border of Turkey, where the U.S. has two airbases: Incirlik Air Base and the Izmir Air Force Base.

In 2008, U.S. military members used night vision to film similar “big vertical streaks” over the sky in Iraq. “I have no idea what the hell they are,” says the soldier on video. They mentioned a “red haze.”

Many conspiracy theorists claimed that the lights were part of a U.S. military directed energy weapons program (D.E.W.). Others speculated that the lights originated from satellites orbiting Earth and may have been a weapon that is involved with President Donald Trump’s new Space Force. The new military branch was signed into law on December 20, 2019, as part of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act.

Another conspiracy theory was that the lights were from Rods from God or Project Thor. This weapon system could potentially fire 24,000-pound tungsten rods from a satellite in orbit over the planet. The projectiles are not nuclear, but once they hit the Earth, they would penetrate the surface and dig hundreds of feet into the ground. The explosion would be on par with a nuclear weapon, but would skirt the Outer Space Treaty that was signed by 107 countries in 1967 that prohibits nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons from being placed or used from Earth’s orbit.

The tungsten projectile gets its power from the excessive speed at which it travels from orbit to Earth. Plummeting to the Earth gives the telephone-pole sized (20 feet long, one foot in diameter) rods more and more velocity, with the potential of reaching a speed of up to ten times the speed of sound (767 mph). It would take 15 minutes for the Rods from God to go from the satellite to their target on Earth. However, this is extremely doubtful since there has been no reported damage on the ground.

There were also people saying that the lights were part of an alien invasion and lasers being fired from UFOs.

Meanwhile, gamers recognized the red streaks in the sky immediately, saying it was The Hammer of Dawn, which is the satellite-based weapon system in the video game Gears of War.

Since there was no damage on the ground, the most logical explanation is that they are light pillars, an “atmospheric optical phenomenon in which a vertical beam of light appears to extend above and/or below a light source. The effect is created by the reflection of light from tiny ice crystals that are suspended in the atmosphere or that comprise high-altitude clouds.”

The reason for the hysteria over lights in the sky is because the entire region is on edge. After the U.S. embassy was attacked by a violent mob, who attempted to breach the walls and burn down the complex, U.S. officials blamed Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and secretive Quds Force for supporting and orchestrating the attack by facilitating the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). The U.S. retaliated by killing the Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani with a drone strike after he had entered Iraq.

Since Soleimani’s death, Iran has promised to hit back with harsh repercussions. President Trump has also guaranteed resounding blowback if American assets or military members are harmed by Iraq or their proxy armies. Let’s hope that all we see is a harmless light show.

Source: Brobible


The Strange Patterson-Gimlin Massacre Story

The Patterson-Gimlin film is a famous short motion picture of an unidentified bipedal creature that is said to have been filmed on October 20, 1967, by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin on the Klamath River outside of Orleans, California. The footage is one of best pieces of Bigfoot evidence in existence and has been examined by many researchers.

The official story surrounding the video is that it was filmed by Patterson and Gimlin as they stumbled upon a large Bigfoot by the river.

In 2009, another theory emerged which proposed that the famous clip shows a Bigfoot massacre carried out by Patterson, Gimlin, and six other men.

Unlike other Bigfoot videos, the Patterson-Gimlin film is unique because it captures a Sasquatch in the open. In most Bigfoot videos made available, the creatures are viewed hiding behind trees or camouflaged on the ground.

This makes the Patterson footage a bit unique and out of the ordinary. As the massacre theory goes, in 2006, a new version of the Patterson-Gimlin film emerged. The copy was much longer and showed eight men killing a family of Bigfoot.

According to the story, the film starts off shaky and three Sasquatch are seen entering the picture. The creatures are digging in the sand when they are attacked by a sudden hail of gunfire which comes from the tree line. One of the Bigfoot is instantly shot dead and another bolts for the woods.

The remaining Sasquatch strangely just walks off in the direction of the tree line. As the Bigfoot moves, the men continue to take shots at it from a distance. The walking Bigfoot is said to be the one you see in the popular film.

In 2008, Bigfoot researcher M. K. Davis, who specializes in video stabilization, began to endorse the massacre story and claimed that he found evidence for the event. He says that a bloody Sasquatch corpse can be seen in a hole at the beginning of the film, in the earliest frames.

Davis also points to a picture which shows Bob Titmus, Dale Moffit, and a white dog named White Lady next to a pile of red material.

Davis has speculated that the Bigfoot seen the video was shot twice (once in the leg) and then hunted down. The story also mentions another film which is said to show a bunch of men dragging one of the lifeless bodies, placing it on a tarp or a pool cover, and then cutting it up.

Source: Cool, Interesting Stuff


Aladino Félix: From Contactee to Terrorist
By Tristan  Shaw  

I imagine few people have a  résumé as colorful as Aladino Félix’s. This Brazilian Renaissance man was an author, translator, World War II veteran, contactee, psychic, cult leader, messiah, and a terrorist. Félix’s journey to greatness began with the events in My Contact with Flying Saucers, a book he wrote under the name Dino Kraspedeon in 1959. Like Buck Nelson and other contactees in the United States, Félix claimed to be on good terms with extraterrestrial beings. His first book is presented mostly as a dialogue, featuring the usual contactee tropes of spirituality, warnings about the atomic age, and a poor understanding of science.

According to Félix, his first encounter with a UFO occurred in November 1952. It was a rainy day, and Félix had just reached the top of a mountain with a friend when the two pals noticed a squadron of five UFOs in the sky. After the sighting, Félix  spent three days waiting at the same spot, hoping to see a saucer again. On the third night, the earthling’s wish was granted. Not only did a UFO appear and land, but the captain of the ship invited Félix inside. The visit lasted over an hour, and it ended with the captain promising Félix that he’d be back soon.

Some four or five months passed. While sitting at home one Sunday afternoon, Félix’s wife heard the doorbell ring three times. After finding a traveling parson at the door, Mrs. Félix fetched her husband. At the time, Félix was an atheist. He dreaded listening to preachers, but let the parson in to be polite. The stranger was dressed up enough to put a Jehovah’s Witness to shame, wearing a nice cashmere suit, a white shirt and blue tie, and an impressively clean pair of shoes. As Félix came face-to-face with the man, he realized the handsome parson was no stranger. Just as he promised, the UFO captain had returned.

The captain stressed that he’d come in peace. He only wanted Félix’s friendship, and apologized for showing up in a disguise. (Mrs. Félix apparently couldn’t handle the thought of a spaceman sitting in her kitchen.) Over the course of five conversations, the captain revealed a myriad of things, including that he was from Jupiter. He was also a strong believer in the Christian God, convincing Félix to turn away from his atheism. By the time the captain said goodbye, leaving Félix at a São Paulo train station, the enlightened Brazilian was taught everything from the working of UFOs to the “fact” that gravity didn’t actually exist.

My Contact with Flying Saucers was a surprising success, and it was even translated into English. Félix published another alien-themed book in 1959, using the Dino Kraspedeon pseudonym one last time. That same year, he embarked on a translation of Centuries, a collection of vague prophecies by the infamous Nostradamus. While translating the text, Félix became convinced that the book contained references to his own life and relatives. Later, a disembodied voice told Félix that it was Jehovah, and it was his destiny to unite the Jews. Reinventing himself, Félix passed on his revelations in the 1960 Message to the Jews, published under the name Dunotas Menorá.

As the decade went on, Félix’s ideas grew more bizarre and grandiose. Insisting that he was a messiah, Félix adopted yet another new name, Sábado Dinotos. As he popped up on TV and made predictions about the future, Félix gathered up a base of fans and followers. In 1967, the self-proclaimed reincarnated King David elaborated his doctrine in The Antiquity of Flying Saucers. In Félix’s baffling history, Earth was the battleground of two opposing extraterrestrial forces. The good guys, the inhabitants of Jupiter, bequeathed us the Old Testament. The bad guys, a bunch of villains from Venus, gave us the New Testament.

Along these lines, Christianity was evil. As a matter of fact, Jesus was a freak spawned from artificial insemination, a Venusian agent to lead humanity astray. Fortunately, Félix revealed, this dark age was almost over. The Jews would take complete control of Jerusalem, sparking the Catholic Church to call for a crusade. Jupiter would then intervene and send a fleet of UFOs, leading Félix to victory as master of the world. There was nothing anybody could do to stop it. Félix predicted disaster after disaster, claiming great violence was about to shake up Brazil and the rest of the planet.

Between 1964 and 1985, Brazil was ruled by a brutal military dictatorship. When Félix issued his prophecy, the Brazilian government was getting ready to clamp down on critics and dissidents harder than ever before, a period of repression and violence known as the Years of Lead. Beginning in December 1967, a wave of mysterious terrorist attacks swept São Paulo. The terrorists stole weapons and bombed a number of important places, including a stock exchange building and a police headquarters. The crime spree continued for months, only coming to a stop when police nabbed the culprits after a bank robbery in August 1968.

To the superstitious, the whole episode proved Félix’s prophecies were correct, but there was a tiny problem. As the authorities interrogated the terrorist group, which consisted of policemen, they realized the ringleader was a familiar face on Brazilian television. The mastermind behind the attacks, the man who had plotted to overthrow the government, was none other than Sábado Dinotos, otherwise known as Aladino Félix. The true messiah was duly imprisoned, before escaping from prison and getting thrown in jail again. Félix was ultimately let off lightly, and was released in 1972. His last days were spent away from the public, writing, pondering, and wondering why his Jovian allies never arrived.

The great prophet died in 1985, leaving behind several loose ends. Why, for example, did Félix receive such a light punishment? And why were his co-conspirators acquitted, some of whom were allowed to go back to work? In 2018, the saga of Aladino Félix took another wild turn when investigators discovered that he had links to elements in the old military dictatorship. Félix and his right-wing group were actually encouraged to carry out their spree of terror, in the hope that left-wing terrorists would strike back, and the government would be justified in tightening its control. Of course, the plan worked, but one has to wonder why Félix’s military buddies entrusted a lunatic to help them. Were they, perhaps, afraid that the communists would team up with Venus?

* Check out Tristan Shaw's book Forgotten Lives at Amazon.com.

Source: Bizarre and Grotesque

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