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them that you are protected by the good folks at Conspiracy
Journal! Yes, that's right! Watch as they flee in fear from our
intrepid reporters and field investigators, striving everyday to bring
you the latest in weird, suppressed news and information that you won't
see on your local six o'clock news.
This week, Conspiracy Journal takes a
look at such joint-cracking tales as:- Rescuers Heard Mysterious Voice at Deadly Car Crash -
- Edison Planned to Build Device to Record Voices of Spirits - - Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness -
AND: Argentina: Woman Nearly Battered
to Death by "Imp"
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
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Two Book Houdini Special
Get This Amazing Deal Before It Vanishes Before Your Very Eyes!
History Channel recently rewrote the life of Harry Houdini. Here,
Conspiracy Journal sets the record straight with two amazing books
containing the research of both Houdini and the creator of Sherlock
Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Revealing The Bizarre Powers of Harry Houdini and The Paranormal World of Sherlock Holmes
Harry Houdini a closet Psychic? Clairvoyant? Or Spirit Medium?
His friend Sir Arthur Conan Doyle insisted he had the evidence that the
world's greatest escape artist was not the skeptic he made himself out
to be. At his burial some curious and suggestive words were
used by the presiding rabbi: "HOUDINI POSSESSED A WONDROUS POWER THAT
creator of Sherlock Holes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Harry Houdini
were strange bedfellows. Doyle was a contemporary of the world's
greatest magician and escape artist, who continually battled his friend
over the legitimacy of life after death, and the reality of
spiritualism. Doyle was a "true believer," while Houdini made it his
"mission" to denounce just about all things preternatural. . . Doyle
was convinced - from what he personally witnessed and what others
confided to him - that Houdini could read minds, dematerialize,
possessed supernatural strength, and was guided by angelic forces which
shielded him from harm even during the most dangerous of escape
performances which likely would have caused death to others. Doyle
stated that Houdini had once remarked, "There are some of my feats
which my own wife does not know the secret of." And a famous Chinese
conjurer who had seen Houdini perform added, "This is not a trick, it
is a gift." Sadly, many of Houdini's feats died with him, even
though they would have been an invaluable asset. "What can cover all
these facts," states Doyle, "save that there was some element in his
power which was peculiar to himself, that could only point to a psychic
element -- in a word, that he was a medium." Here, is both
sides of the story -- in the actual words of the famed Sherlock Holmes
originator and Houdini himself, who went out of his way to create the
impression that fakes and phonies were afoot everywhere in the "shady
world" of table tapping, levitating trumpets, spirit photography, slate
writing, as well as the materialization of ectoplasmic forms in the
darkening shadows of the séance room.
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Rescuers Heard Mysterious Voice at Deadly Car Crash

police officers and two firemen outside Salt Lake City, Utah, say they
heard a mysterious voice asking for help before they knew a toddler was
in a submerged car for 13 hours.
Officers Tyler Beddoes, Jared
Warner and Bryan Dewitt, who responded to the incident in the Spanish
Fork River Saturday, say they heard an adult voice say, "Help me,"
Spanish Fork Police officer Lt. Matt Johnson told ABC News.
said the two firefighters, Paul Tomadakis and Lee Mecham, also heard
the voice before realizing there was a toddler in the car.
me, it was plain as day," Warner told "I remember hearing a
voice that didn't sound like a child, just saying, 'Help me.'"
partially submerged car was upside-down when it was discovered at
around 12:30 p.m. Saturday in the Spanish Fork River, about 50 miles
south of Salt Lake City, the Spanish Fork Public Safety Department
said. Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck, 25, did not survive, but her
18-month-old daughter, Lily, is now in stable condition, the Spanish
Fork City Police Department told ABC News.
The police officers and firemen declined to comment to ABC News.
were some individuals on top of the bridge, but all three stated [the
voice] came from the vehicle," Johnson said. "It prompted us to lift
the car between the three officers and firemen. They physically lifted
the car from the side, and they located the infant in the car seat at
that time."
Johnson said the police don't believe the voice came from Groesbeck.
to the trauma she sustained, we suspect she was deceased upon impact. I
don’t believe she survived the impact of the car crash. There was
massive trauma," Johnson said.
“The only people in there were the deceased mother and the child,” Officer Bryan Dewitt told the paper.
Hill, the editor of Doubtful News, a site that collects and analyzes
news stories about weird and unexplained events, explained how
this incident fits into pop culture narratives.
“The appearance
of mysterious stranger who helps car crash victims, or the apparent
sighting or sign suggesting the intervention of a guardian angel are
very common cultural stories,” Hill said.
“These types of
colorful flourishes to the event are a result of the person relating
the story interpreting it in a comforting way,” she said. “It’s nice to
think miracles happen, and we interpret the event in the framework of
our beliefs but often that’s not what happened but instead how we’d
like to remember the stressful, chaotic situation. When people are
spared from a plane crash or are revived from a near-death scare, it
affirms their faith in the supernatural and they often are eager to
share that affirmation.”
Hill also notes that the guardian angel
aspect of the story is odd for several reasons including that “the
mysterious voice did not actually save the child since rescuers were
already on the scene and checking for survivors. What saved this child
was the car seat, the person who called emergency services, and the
rescuers who got her out.”
Officer Tyler Beddoes said he
doesn't care what the skeptics are saying, no one involved in the
rescue can explain what happened, but have no doubt they heard the
"It wasn't just something that was just in our heads. To
me it was plain as day cause I remember hearing a voice," Beddoes told
the Deseret News. "I think it was Dewitt who said, 'We're trying. We're
trying our best to get in there.' How do you explain that? I don't
know," he said.
Beddoes said the family has thanked him and the
other officers for helping to save little Lily. As he recalls the
events of those chaotic moments, on a frigid but sunny day, Beddoes
still can't believe the girl survived — and still can't make sense of
that undeniable voice coming from the car.
"We all got together and we all heard the same type of thing," Beddoes said. "We just can't grasp what we were hearing."
Source: ABC News id=29531199
Edison Planned to Build Device to Record Voices of Spirits By Paul Seaburn

long-lost chapter of the memoir of Thomas Edison has been found and
published in France and it contains details of the great inventor’s
plans to build a device to record the voices of the newly departed.
original memoir is called “Diary And Sundry Observations” and was
published in 1948, 16 years after his death. The first edition of the
book contained a last chapter called “Spiritualism,” a collection of
essays in which Edison talks about his beliefs in an afterlife and a
way to communicate with the dead.
"I believe,
rightly or wrongly, that life is undestructable … I am inclined to
believe that our personality hereafter will be able to affect matter.
If this reasoning be correct, then, if we can evolve an instrument so
delicate as to be affected, or moved, or manipulated – whichever term
you want to use – by our personality as it survives in the next life,
such an instrument, when made available, ought to record something … I
have been at work for sometime building an apparatus to see if it is
possible for personalities which have left this earth to communicate
with us."
Edison worked on what has come to be called the
“Telephone to the Dead” during the last ten years of his life. Part of
the work involved amplifying the sounds from his phonograph in hopes
the background noise would contain spirit voices. As an insurance
policy, he made a deal with He also made a deal with engineer William
Walter Dinwiddie that whoever died first would attempt to leave a
message on the machine. The device has never been found and his family
had the chapter removed from all subsequent editions of the book.
now. In cooperation with Philippe Baudouin, a French radio presenter
and philosopher, a French publisher is releasing the entire text with
the missing chapter included in a book titled “Le Royaume de l’Au-dela”
(The Kingdom of the Afterlife). Baudouin summarized Edison’s quest in
this way:
"(Edison) imagined being able to
record the voice of another being, to be able to make audible that
which isn’t — the voice of the dead."
Some skeptics have said
the entire "Edison's Phone for the Dead" was either a hoax made up long
after Edison had died, or that his comments were satirical in nature.
Either way, this new revelation will no doubt resurrect this
Was Edison on the brink of what would truly have
been his greatest invention? Crank up your phonograph and see if he’s
left you a message.
Source: Mysterious Universe
Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness By Dr. Frank Lipman

Interview with Dr. Larry Dossey about his new book 'One Mind'
I am honored to interview Dr Larry Dossey about his new book, One Mind.
Larry is is one of the fathers of the holistic medicine movement and a mentor of mine.
Dr Lipman: What is your book about?
Dossey MD: It’s about the nature of our mind. I show that our
mind is not confined to our brain or body, as we’ve been taught, but it
extends infinitely outside them. Our minds have no boundaries or
limits, so they merge with all other minds to form what I call the One
Mind. This greater mind appears to be boundless in time, so it’s
immortal and eternal. It’s also a source of great wisdom and
creativity. This picture is based on many lines of evidence as well as
a variety of people’s experiences, which I explore at length in the
So, basically the book is about the size of our mind —
whether it is small, medium, large, extra large, or even infinite in
It’s about how our individual minds are not just individual, but connected in the One Mind.
about our relationships — how our minds are connected with one another
and with all of life on earth, and why this is crucial for our survival.
saying that you, your spouse, children, siblings, your lover, your
ancestors, your descendants, even your mother-in-law and your dog and
cat, are all members of a larger consciousness: the One Mind.
During the 20th century, we took the mind apart. I’m putting it back together.
been taught that our mind is fragmented, that it is divided into the
preconscious, the sub-conscious, the unconscious, and the collective
unconscious. This book looks through the other end of the
telescope. It shows that our individual minds are part of a
greater whole, a dimension of consciousness that encompasses all minds
— past, present, and future, human as well as non-human.
Dr Lipman: Why is this important?
Dossey MD: This realization is our best hope for our survival on
earth. Only by realizing, at the deepest emotional level,
our connections with one another and the earth itself can we summon the
courage necessary to make the tough choices that are required in order
to survive. So this book is about staying alive — saving the
earth and our own skins.
Alice Walker said, “Anything we love
can be saved” — including, I suggest, the earth itself, ourselves, our
children, and generations yet unborn. The One Mind facilitates our
connectedness and oneness with all else, therefore our love for all
else. The One mind helps us re-sacralize the world.
How do
we know the One Mind exists? Hints of our One Mind are all around
us. This is not mere philosophy. From time to time, we all
experience events that make sense only if we are connected with one
another mentally.
The love of a mother for her baby is a study
in oneness, in which boundaries and isolation are overcome.
Anyone who has been deeply in love experiences the same thing: a
fusion of two people in which the concept of “the other” is set
aside. The recent explosion of interest in genealogy, the study
of one’s family origins, can be seen as attempt to restore connections
and a yearning for oneness.
Moreover, people often exchange
thoughts, emotions, and even physical sensations at a distance.
This is particularly common between people who are emotionally
close. The classic example is a mother who “just knows” that her
child is in danger, even though far away — as if the mother and child
have a common mind, a common consciousness.
example: People often acquire knowledge of things in ways that
that are inexplicable. For example, the great inventor Thomas
Edison once said, “I have never created anything. I get
impressions from the Universe at large and work them out.”
example: Savants, who are often profoundly mentally handicapped,
cannot read, and are incapable of learning, demonstrate detailed
information they could not possibly have learned. Where
does it come from? I suggest they connect with a reservoir of
wisdom that is the One Mind.
People frequently have detailed dreams of future events, which I devoted an entire book to, The Power of Premonitions.
experiences are a portal to the One Mind. Ten million Americans have
experienced an NDE. The hallmark of the experience is a sense of
oneness with all there is — an awareness that is so profound that their
life is transformed after recovery.
I discuss a huge variety of
experiences of this kind. There simply is no way happenings such
as these can be explained by our conventional view that our mind is
confined to our brain, that we acquire information only through the
physical senses, and that our minds are separate from all other
minds. Some larger view of consciousness is required — what I’m
calling the One Mind.
The evidence shows that our mind is not
limited to our brain and body. And if it is not limited or
confined to specific places in space, then our individual minds must in
some way come together — again, I suggest, in the One Mind.
benefits are enormous. If our individual minds don’t have boundaries
and mix with all other minds, this means we have access to all possible
wisdom and creativity. And since the One Mind is infinite not
just in space but also in time, it must be, in some sense,
immortal. So the One-Mind view provides us indirect assurance of
the survival of bodily death.
Dr Lipman: Where did you come up with this idea?
Dossey MD: The concept of the One Mind has been around for a long
time. We can trace it back 3,000 years to the philosophy of
ancient India, where it was called the Akashic Records. It is
echoed in the Hindu concept of the union of the human and the
divine: tat tvam asi of “thou art that.”
Many traditions
honor the experience of the One Mind. It has been variously
called satori in Zen, samadhi in Yoga, fana in Sufism, and Christ
consciousness in Christianity. Other terms include cosmic
consciousness, illumination, awakening, enlightenment, and so
on. The experience of the One Mind, however it is named,
involves a direct apprehension of the universe and all in it as being
One with no real dividing lines or divisions in it. Everything is
connected with everything else. Partition and separation are
illusions. As psychologist Lawrence LeShan wrote, “There is
no separation between entities, neither by time nor by space. The
whole universe is perceived as ‘a one without a second.” This
experience carries with it the sense that one has apprehended
ineluctable Truth. (Source: Lawrence LeShan, Landscapes of the
Mind. Guilford, CT: Eirini Press; 2012: 91).
are allusions to the idea in the New Testament. St. Paul spoke of
“the peace of God that passes all understanding.” As
mythologist Joseph Campbell put it, Jesus said that the kingdom of
heaven is within. Who is in heaven? God. This means, Campbell said,
that God is within each person — infinite, boundless, immortal, one.
The American transcendentalists advocated a One-Mind concept — Emerson’s idea of the Over-soul.
The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious is a version of the One Mind.
William James, the founder of American psychology, was a proponent of a single, collective mind.
great scientists in a variety of fields have endorsed the idea. It has
surfaced in modern physics in the writings of Nobel Prize winner Erwin
Schrödinger, whose wave equations lie at the heart of quantum
physics. The eminent physicist David Bohm also strongly supported
the idea of a single, over-arching mind that includes all individual
So the idea of the One Mind began millennia ago and
persists to the present day, and it is supported by some of the
outstanding figures in modern science and psychology.
Dr Lipman: You’re a physician. Does this have anything to do with your interest in the One Mind?
Dossey MD: Yes, definitely. During my early career as an
internist, I experienced several events that turned my views of
consciousness upside down and inside out. I found these
experiences unnerving.
I was a typical believer that mind and
brain were essentially the same. But when I began experiencing
precognitive dreams, gaining information from the future before the
event happened, I began to question the dogma that says these events
can’t happen. It wasn’t just me; my patients, as well as nurses
and other doctors, shared similar experiences with me.
In the
late 1980s, experiments began to be published in medical journals
assessing the impact of healing intentions and prayers on the clinical
course of patients in distant hospitals and coronary care units.
Similar experiments were done non-humans and with organs and
cells. These experiments strongly implied that our mind is not
confined to our brain. Our intentions, thoughts, and wishes can
reach out beyond the body and make a difference in “the world out
Several evaluations of this field have been published,
called systematic or meta-analyses. This is a way of combining
the results of many studies in order to take an overall look at a
particular field . Many of these analyses have been published in
peer-reviewed journals. Most of them are positive, indicating
that these effects are real. Still, they have not penetrated our
awareness as they should.
It is vital to realize — and this is
almost always ignored by skeptics — that scores of these experiments
deal with effects not just in humans but in animals, plants, microbes,
and even chemical reactions. Why important? Skeptics
generally say that if a person responds to, say, the healing intentions
of a distant individual, it is merely a placebo effect — the result of
positive thinking, suggestion, or expectation. But if an animal,
plant, microbes, or biochemical reactions are affected, the distant
effect cannot be dismissed as a placebo even because, as far as we
know, animals, plants, microbes, and chemicals don’t think
positively. They don’t have placebo responses. So these
non-human studies strongly suggest that the remote, distant,
consciousness-mediated healing effects and similar nonlocal phenomena
are real, and that we are not fooling ourselves.
These various
experiments point toward the One Mind. They show that some aspect
of our consciousness operates outside the human brain and body, and
cannot be confined or limited, but is nonlocal or limitless. And
if limitless, the mind has no boundaries and must come together with
all other minds.
Other studies called “presentiment” experiments
or experiments in “anticipatory awareness,” show that we can acquire
information from the future, before an event even happens.
this evidence together, a nonlocal picture of consciousness emerges,
which means that our minds are not localized or confined to particular
points in space or time. And if our minds are unbounded, they
must in some dimension come together to form a single mind, a single
entity: the One Mind.
Dr Lipman: This sounds pretty radical, don’t you think?
Dossey MD: I used to think so, but not anymore. New ideas in science,
art, music, math, education, etc. often sound radical when first
proposed. This is especially true where consciousness is
concerned. As one skeptical scientist said about nonlocal,
unbounded consciousness, “This is the sort of thing I would not
believe, even if it were true.”
Physicist Max Planck, the main
founder of quantum physics, faced this resistance. He said that
the older generation of scientists would die off and younger, more
open-minded individuals would take their place. Planck’s view has
been paraphrased as, “Science changes funeral by funeral.”
Radical change in any field is nearly always resisted.
the same way in science. Many skeptics seem to think our
conventional concepts of consciousness are set in stone — or the brain.
new views of consciousness have continually arisen historically.
In the twentieth century we saw a flurry of new ideas about
consciousness — the unconscious, the pre-conscious, the
sub-conscious, and the collective unconscious. The One Mind is a
version of the collective conscious, which was glimpsed by the great
psychologist Carl Jung, psychologist William James, and many
others. But we have something Jung and James did not have:
a great deal of empirical evidence supporting the idea.
Dr Lipman: What difference in your own life has awareness of the One Mind made?
Larry Dossey MD: Awareness of the One Mind has contributed enormously to my peace, tranquility, and joy.
see, I’m an introvert by nature, inclined toward aloneness.
Awareness of my place in the One Mind has helped me overcome my innate
tendency for isolation. I feel I’ve found a more authentic place in the
Universe. It’s rather like coming home and realizing that you never
left. It’s a sense of belonging, of finding your natural fit in
the great scheme of things.
The great human dread of death goes
out the window. As a physician, this is important to me, because
I believe the fear of death and annihilation has caused more suffering
throughout human history than all the physical diseases combined.
The One Mind reduces that fear and the suffering that goes with it.
Why? The One Mind mandates immortality by way of our infinitude in
space and time.
One-Mind awareness has affected the way I relate
to other people. I’ve become much less competitive, more giving,
more supportive, more understanding of other people’s difficulties and
problems, and more interactive with others. (I still have a way to go!)
awareness helps me see how I can make a difference. In today’s
world, we can feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face. What
difference can my efforts as a single individual possibly make? The One
Mind increases our sense of adequacy and what is possible, because
through it we have access to all wisdom and knowledge. We realize we
don’t need to know and do everything individually, because we are a
part of the Great Connect. We are never alone. We are an infinite
team, not a lone wolf. The pressure eases. A lightness of
mind and spirit arises, and perhaps a sense of humor. Now that is
Source: Dr. Frank Lipman
Ghostly Figure Appears in Teenager's Selfie
Irish woman got quite the scare when her friends noticed a ghostly
visitor with her in the background of one of her Snapchat photos
recently. The young woman took a photo with her nephew and behind them
is the ghost of a girl, MTV news reported yesterday. Bethany
Harvey of Northern Ireland took a photo of with her nephew and in the
selfie is a strange pair of legs in the background. In the photo,
Harvey can be seen with her nephew as her sister photobombs them. In
the background, what appears to be a young girl in a purple dress can
be seen with her hands in her lap. "A friend of mine came to my
house that night and pointed out what looks to be a woman with her
hands folded on her knees in the background, baring in mind the picture
was taken facing the living room door. Although we can't see the face
of the figure the rest of it is as clear as day. There was nobody else
in the living room at the time, except for the ghost girl in the purple
dress," she said. Harvey claims that she was in the house with
her sister and her nephew when she took the photo. She took the pic
from her cell phone to upload onto Snapchat. Although nothing out of
the ordinary happened the night when she took the image, Harvey says
she has had strange things happen in the living room before. "A
lot of creepy things have happened in the house, I don't go into the
living room in the dark anymore because I fear I might see something,"
Harvey said. According to Harvey, she is afraid to go into the living room now. She is terrified to come in contact with the spirit.  Strange
figures appearing in photographs is nothing new. However, with
cellphone cameras now so predominant, it is no surprise that "ghosts"
are being photographed more than ever before. Shortly before her
death, Peaches Geldof took a picture of herself and her son Astala and
was puzzled by a out-of-place hand that appeared next to her face. "The
presence I feel isn't malignant or angry, rather maternal and friendly
- the house has a lovely atmosphere," she said. "Maybe she's just
making her presence known because she loves having babies around."  In October, 2014, two young women, Victoria Greeves, 22, and Kayley Atkinson, 23, took a
picture of themselves in the ‘virtually empty’ Slug and Lettuce pub and
were horrified to see a spooky figure standing beind them in the photo.
"It is so clear, and it looks like what can only be described as a Victorian woman, laughing behind us," said Victoria. The radio station Lite Rock 105 in Rhode 
Island made public a creepy picture of what appears to be the ghost of
an older woman behind the daughter of one of its employees in August
2009. The photo was taken by a babysitter, a teenager named Kasey,was
babysitting her niece, Penny (age 22 months) and snapped several
pictures of the little girl with her cellphone. A couple days later,
Kasey was going through the images and noticed there was someone behind
her niece in one of the photos, despite the fact they were alone in the
house at the time. Source: Examiner
The Medium Taped Some Messages

Voices from beyond the grave come to rest in Manitoba.
WINNIPEG -- Winston Churchill sounds sleepy. Or maybe he's been
drinking. Or perhaps his voice was a bit distorted as it travelled all
the way from the afterlife, through a British psychic, onto a cassette
tape and across the Atlantic in a battered suitcase.
The voice, which vaguely resembles a lugubrious version of the former
British prime minister's, is just one among thousands that arrived at
the University of Manitoba's archives this week.
The university already has a reputation for collecting paranormal
artifacts. It even has a research fund dedicated to the purchase of such
Jim Ellis, a retired Canadian pilot living in England, shipped several
suitcases and trunks containing an estimated 1,700 to 2,000 audio tapes,
along with 300 books and reams of typewritten notes.
The material documents three decades of meetings with Leslie Flint, who
was among the last surviving practitioners of independent direct-voice
mediumship, a technique by which psychics claimed to speak with the
disembodied voices of the dead.
Such séances had been wildly popular during the 1920s and 1930s,
and Mr. Flint's client list was rumoured to include Hollywood starlets
and British royalty. But by the time Mr. Ellis met Mr. Flint in 1971,
the renowned psychic's business was dwindling.
"I realize of course it's not easy for you to appreciate or
understand," the purported voice of Mr. Churchill says. "Not being able
to see the person concerned, sometimes it must be really disconcerting."
Rather than reacting with skepticism or fear, Mr. Ellis was strangely
attracted to Mr. Flint's gifts.
"I learned that there's another world, another level of consciousness
we all live on," Mr. Ellis, now 83, said from his home in London.
The former member of the Royal Air Force spent much of his retirement
sitting in the living room of a large house in London that Mr. Flint
used as a meeting place. (The house had belonged to one of Mr. Flint's
clients, and he inherited the property when she died.)
With the drapes drawn and the lights out, Mr. Ellis said, the rotund
psychic would sit motionless in his jacket and tie, concentrating on
spirits. Mr. Ellis said he never saw Mr. Flint move at all, although he
says the voices were generally louder when it was dark.
"The voices seemed to come from the air, from no place at all," Mr.
Ellis said.
An endless variety of characters spoke to the gatherings: Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle, Marilyn Monroe, Rudolph Valentino, even Archimedes.
Some of them brought messages about their lives, such as Ms. Monroe's
assertion that she hadn't committed suicide but, in fact, swallowed too
many sleeping pills by accident. But mostly the spirits talked about the
afterlife, Mr. Ellis said, describing a parallel world in which people
can walk through walls and travel by teleportation.
Although his client roster shrank, Mr. Flint was still holding regular
gatherings until a few years before his death in 1994.
Records about his life might have been lost or forgotten, if not for a
recent resurgence of interest in studying the paranormal.
"Fifteen years ago, I can't see anybody following up on this," said
Shelley Sweeney, head archivist for the University of Manitoba.
Research into life after death gained popularity after many people
suffered through the First World War, Ms. Sweeney said, and similar
concern now about death might be playing a role in rekindling interest
in Mr. Flint.
"It's really gaining in popularity again. Maybe it has something to do
with people's fear, whether it's global terrorism or wars."
Source: The Globe and Mail TPNational/Canada
Argentina: Woman Nearly Battered
to Death by "Imp"

SAENZ PEÑA (Agencia)-While the generalized commotion over the
appearance of an Aguara Guazú was still fresh in the public's
mind, after relating it to the legendary "Lobizon", a woman and
neighbors from Barrio Santa Teresita reported that a strange being
"short and black, like a dwarf" had appeared. It was linked to the
legendary "Pombero", but the possibility that it could be a product of
black magic was not dismissed out of hand, according to the protagonists
of this case.
The only person who managed to see this alleged "Pombero" is Liliana
Nieves, 26, who was allegedly assaulted by the entity. She described it
as small man, completely black, that "battered her and wanted to drag
her away". Until yesterday, this woman was confined in the mental ward
of the 4 de Junio Hospital.
The story gains credibility because over 10 eyewitnesses agree on the
events which commenced on Tuesday night, repeated on Thursday and were
expected to reoccur on Saturday night. And they are all the more
interesting because they occurred in a neighborhood considered tranquil
by its residents.
According to numerous statements collected by NORTE, the beginning of
the story must be traced to last Tuesday, when a shower of stones fell
over the home located at 31 and 0000 street in Santa Teresita. No one
could see who was throwing them. "She," --meaning Liliana Nieves -- "saw
something ripping out mandarin and tomato plants in the back yard. She
said a person ran out. This was on Tuesday. Her husband and another man
who was with her gave chase," said Norma Cordoba, Liliana's sister in
law, who lives on the same property as the battered woman.
"While the two of us were alone, a brick hit the roof. She told me come
here, there's another one, and a shadow shot out toward the back of the
property. It kept throwing stones at the roof until 4 in the morning,
when I had a breakdown. They took me to the hospital because I broke
Nothing happened on Wednesday evening. Just when the family started to
think Tuesday's ordeal was just a prank, the events repeated on
Thursday night, but with more serious consequences.
"Liliana and her husband were sitting the patio and I was in bed.
Stones were hitting the roof again, and when I went out, all of my
neighbors were up, because they'd heard the ruckus. The stones kept
falling on my house and neighboring houses alike. All the lights were
on, all of the people were in the back yard, and the stones keep
The neighbors' houses are joined by a common patio filled with trees
whose branches reach the ground. The alleged attack took place in back
of the dwellings, and residents claim that the shower of stones came
from the same area, but no assailant could be seen. "She [Liliana] went
back to see who was throwing the stones. And she wouldn't come back. And
we called out to her, until another man found her spread on the ground
with a blow to her face, part of her eye and mouth. It's all broken
"She says that it was a man this tall," the woman indicates the height
of her waistline, "who covered her mouth, dragged her to the bushes and
beat her. He let her go when he heard neighbors calling her name, when
they searched for her," said the battered woman's sister in law.
"Later, when they brought her in, she fell to the floor. She asked her
brother and the neighbors to remove what ever was grabbing on to her
feet. They would stand her up and she would fall down as if her feet
were being pulled out from under her. No one could see anything, and
they rained machete-blows around her. She was desperate saying that
someone was there."
The woman remained in this frenzied state until the police arrived to
take her to the hospital where she remains in the Psychiatric Ward.
"She said that [it] would come back every so often, saying it wanted to
take her away," according to Mario Obregon, the young woman's brother.
"I would stand in front of her and would try to defend her as best I
could, but I couldn't see "it", and she would see it even more. Then a
neighbor came with a crucifix to pray, and the thing came back even
more. Liliana said it would grab her even more fiercely."
"This was the scene that impressed neighbors the most, because it
seemed that a strange and invisible force was pushing the woman and
tried to drag her away. She said it was a little man, all black, that
she could see and who looked like an imp. We took her outside, because
it said that it wanted to take her away and beat her."
Midday yesterday, deacon Dionisio Castagna of the San José
Parish visited the locals, spoke to them and prayed with them, agreeing
to bless their homes. The clergyman didn't question whether the event
was true or not, but asked them to strengthen their faith in God and
reaffirm family ties.
The police reported yesterday that around 02:00 on Friday--curiously,
at the same time that the Aguara Guazu appeared in the downtown streets
-- they received a report from neighbors claiming that a woman had been
the victim of a brick attack. Police personnel reported there and
"witnessed brick shards at the site".
An hour later, the police returned to the site and undertook an
operation led by deputy sheriff Aldo Fernandez, who found an unusually
large number of peolpe who claimed that the woman in question "was
lifted and thrown against the wall, but we could not see who was
throwing her. She was bruised and had to be hospitalized."
Source: El Norte Digital - February 22, 2004
Translation (C) 2004. Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Gloria
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