2/11/22  #1088
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A great big "Thank You" to everyone who reported that they were, in fact, receiving the newsletter via Follow.It.  Our old email delivery service, FeedBurner, despite the fact they said they were shutting down last July, still seems to be running and sending out the newsletter.

For everyone still getting this through Feedburner, since I don't know when they might suddenly halt service, I recommend going to our home page and signing up for the newsletter using Follow.It (on the right, near the top of the home page. It reads "Get the Conspiracy Journal Newsletter By Email") You will be sent a confirmation that you have to acknowledge you did indeed sign up for this, so confirm and you will be on our new Follow.It list. You will probably be getting double email issues until Feedburner decides to quit, but you can send your extra to a friend if you like.

For those getting the Follow.It notice of new editions of this newsletter by email, you will see the words "Conspiracy Journal" twice, click on the second, larger "Conspiracy Journal" and this will link you to this newsletter. 

Also, check out our new book from author Kangan Sinha called "Secrets of Telepathic Control."  This is our first published book since the death of our friend and publisher, Timothy Green Beckley.  We will be carrying on the tradition of publishing fascinating and thought-provoking books and would appreciate your support by getting a copy and telling your friends as well.

I am so happy hearing from all of our loyal subscribers, and I look forward to hearing from all of our new subscribers. As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or run across an interesting story that you think others would like to read, send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com

Argentina: Strange UFO Abduction the La Pampa/San Luis Border

Village Haunted by a Ghost Horse That 'Rises From the Road'

Man Claimed He Was Given Tour of UFO Base Beneath Ocean and a Trip into Deep Space

USAF Confirmed 'Mystery Metal' UFO Debris Tested

German University's Camera System is Designed to Detect UFOs

Pilot Has Bizarre Encounter With Unidentified Aircraft Over Atlantic City

Navy Releases Timeline For Mysterious 2019 “UAS Swarm” Off California

I Was Attacked By a Poltergeist During a Trip to the Highlands


See You Space Cowboys