week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such
awe-inspiring stories as:
- Unknown "Drones" Swarmed Navy Destroyers
- Military and Spy Agencies Ignore Inquiries About UFOs -
- Ghost Ships Circling Off California -
AND: "Ghost Girl" Seen on Security Camera Footage in Ohio All these
exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

20 of the world's leading UFOlogists establish that humans have
done battle with aliens over and over again, shooting at them,
molesting them, hitting them, running them over, unleashing dogs
upon them, and injuring -- and even killing them -- though any means
possible, as humans try to combat their fear of the unknown. In
many instances the aliens have fought back. They have sought revenge,
and more often than not, gotten it. Here are over a hundred
reports of the strangest close encounters with humanoids who use force
to defend themselves -- such as the case of the NY hunter whose rifle
was ripped from his hands, the shotgun barrel twisted, and than handed
back to him. There is also the crash landing of a UFO in Kingman, AZ
which involved 8 UFOs positioning themselves in the sky in combat
position, apparently returning to find any survivors of their
doomed craft, and to protect themselves in doing so. IS THERE A BLACK UFO EXPERIENCE?
second part of the book's "mission," is to disprove the concept held
by many that African Americans are not prone to have UFO
experiences or to hold a belief or interest in the subject. One
contributor, Prof. Stephen Finley of the University of Louisiana,
explains how UFOs are part of the overall "Black experience" of many
African Americans. Most of his fans do not realize that Muhammad Ali
had over 21 UFO sightings. A friend of researcher Tim Beckley, the late
Champ explains why he was so taken up with the subject, being a part of
his spiritual beliefs. And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Beckley 11 East 30th Street, 4R NY NY 10016
Click Here to
Order From the Conspiracy Journal Bookshop.
And as always you can send a check or money order to:
East 30th Street, 4R
NY 10016
Please make out checks
to: Timothy Green Beckley
Unknown "Drones" Swarmed Navy Destroyers
By By Kyle Mizokami

Several U.S. Navy guided missile destroyers sailing off the coast of
southern California reportedly encountered a mysterious fleet of flying
objects that were referred to as "drones" in 2019. Even though the
strange craft did not perform like any known drone, the reports did not
want to call the objects UFOs or UAP for the obvious reasons.
The Navy investigated the bizarre incident, which filmmaker David
Beatty and The War Zone both reported, but came away without a
satisfactory explanation.
On the night of July 14, 2019, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers USS
Kidd, USS Rafael Peralta, and USS John Finn were sailing approximately
100 miles off the coast of Los Angeles when crew members sighted the
strange craft.
Ship logs indicate the USS Kidd spotted two “UAVs,” or unmanned aerial
vehicles, and called out the ship’s Ship Nautical Or Otherwise
Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation (SNOOPIE) team to
investigate. SNOOPIE teams are typically made up of sailors equipped
with commercially available, consumer-grade cameras that take pictures
of objects of interest and possible threats to the ship.
Accord to Kidd’s log, Peralta and Finn also called out their SNOOPIE
teams, with Finn explicitly announcing it had spotted two UAVs. Kidd
saw a red light and observed another visible white light above its
helicopter flight deck.
On the next night, Peralta and another Burke-class destroyer, USS
Russell, spotted the UAVs again. Two other destroyers, USS Pinckney and
USS Paul Hamilton, were also in the area, but the ships didn’t observe
the drones.
Kidd recorded more sightings of the mysterious drones on July 25 and July 30.
Although the crews of multiple warships saw the drones, their source
remains unknown. The drones weren’t identified as civilian drone
models, and despite a nearby cruise ship flying drones on the days of
the encounter, the ship’s drones didn’t match the description of the
mystery UAVs and weren’t airborne at the exact time of the sightings.
In fact, the cruise ship, Carnival Imagination, called the Navy to
report the sightings and declare the drones weren’t theirs.
Intriguingly, the sightings took place roughly near the location of the
USS Nimitz’s now-infamous 2004 encounter with Navy-confirmed UFOs. Crew
members who saw the 2019 drones described them as “Tic Tac-shaped,”
which is exactly how the Nimitz fighter pilots described their own
perplexing UAVs in 2004.
The drones are still a complete mystery. They reportedly demonstrated
capabilities far exceeding commercial drones, including flight time.
The destroyers also encountered the drones 100 miles from the
California coastline—far beyond the reach of most commonly available
drones—and there were no vessels in the vicinity that could have
controlled them.
In one case, a drone paced a destroyer as it sailed at 16 knots, so the
drone operator was clearly capable of observing the drone’s
The bigger question: Who operates the drones, and why they would choose
to interact with a large group of Navy destroyers? At one point,
according to Beatty, the drones were “almost eye level with the bridge,
hovering.” Whoever was operating the drones was clearly trying to
ensure they caught the crews’ attention—and they certainly did.
The Navy’s 2019 drone sightings were not isolated incidents. That
September, observers spotted five to six drones in and around the Palo
Verde nuclear power plant. And in January 2020, a wave of mystery drone
sightings took place over Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming.
But the Burke-class destroyers’ sightings are simply baffling. Who do
the drones belong to? And why would someone operating advanced drones
off the coast of California intentionally seek out—and intentionally
reveal themselves to—U.S. Navy destroyers?
One thing is for sure: If the Navy doesn’t know the answer to these questions, neither will we.
Source: Popular Mechanics
Solved! The Mysteries of Space, Time and UFOs, now available on Amazon.
Military and Spy Agencies Ignore Inquiries About UFOs
By Bryan Bender
The truth may be out there. But don't expect the feds to share what they know anytime soon on the recent spate of UFO sightings.
Some military and spy agencies are blocking or simply ignoring the
effort to catalog what they have on "unidentified aerial phenomenon,"
according to multiple current and former government officials. And as a
result, the Biden administration will likely delay a much-anticipated
public report to Congress.
The Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the director of national
intelligence to work with the Defense Department to provide a public
accounting by June 25 on unexplained sightings of advanced aircraft and
drones that have been reported by military personnel or captured by
radar, satellites and other surveillance systems.
The request came after revelations in 2017 that the Pentagon was
researching a series of unexplained intrusions into military airspace,
including high-performance vehicles captured on video stalking Navy
But those advising the investigations are advocating for significantly
more time and resources to retrieve information from agencies that in
some cases have shown reluctance, if not outright resistance, to
sharing classified information. And they worry that without high-level
involvement, it will be difficult to compel agencies to release what
they have.
"Just getting access to the information, because of all the different
security bureaucracies, that's an ordeal in itself," said Christopher
Mellon, a former Pentagon intelligence official who lobbied for the
disclosure provision and is continuing to advise policymakers on the
For example, he asserts that a Pentagon task force established last
August and led by the Navy has had few personnel or resources and only
modest success acquiring reports, video or other evidence gathered by
military systems.
The Pentagon task force is expected to be the primary military organization contributing to the wider government report.
"I know that the task force has been denied access to pertinent
information by the Air Force and they have been stiff-armed by them,"
Mellon said in an interview. "That is disappointing but not unexpected."
The Air Force, which is historically most associated with UFOs from its
investigations during the Cold War, deferred all questions on the
subject to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, which has similarly
said little publicly about the effort.
"To protect our people, maintain operational security and safeguard
intelligence methods, we do not publicly discuss the details of the UAP
observations, the task force or investigations," said Pentagon
spokesperson Susan Gough, who declined to address the criticism.
The report due to Congress will include "a detailed analysis of
unidentified phenomena data collected by" a host of means, including
imaging satellites, eavesdropping equipment and human spies.
It also must include "a detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was
derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial
phenomena data over restricted United States airspace." The report must
contain "a detailed description of an interagency process for ensuring
timely data collection and centralized analysis of all unidentified
aerial phenomena reporting for the federal government, regardless of
which service or agency acquired the information."
Gathering such information from across the national security bureaucracy is enormously challenging, Mellon said.
"They have to repeat that painful process with scores of different
agencies," he said, citing the Army, CIA, National Reconnaissance
Office, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
A spokesperson for Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines told
POLITICO the report to Congress is in the works, but declined to offer
further details. “We are aware of the requirement and will respond
Any delay in delivering it is likely to be perceived by a large segment
of the public as an attempt by the government to hide what it knows.
But there is growing pressure from Congress for a more organized effort
to compile what the government has learned and reveal how it is trying
to solve the mysteries.
Sen. Marco Rubio, who was responsible for requesting the report, told
Fox News this week that he does not believe military and intelligence
agencies have come to any solid conclusions about the origin of the
UFOs. But he insisted that the reports demand a more comprehensive
intelligence-gathering effort.
"We have to try to know what it is," the Florida Republican said.
"Maybe there's a logical explanation. Maybe it's foreign adversaries
who made a technological leap?"
Rubio also held up the prospect that agencies will need more time to
complete the report. "I'm not sure they are going to come in on time,"
he said. "I'm not sure by June 1 they have reached a hard conclusion
about what they are dealing with and there may be more questions, or
new questions, than full answers ..."
"I can tell you it is being taken more seriously now that it ever has been," he added.
The pressure to disclose what the government is doing has only
intensified after recent comments from the former top intelligence
"We have lots of reports about what we call unmanned aerial
phenomenon," John Ratcliffe, who served as director of national
intelligence under former President Donald Trump, said in an interview
with Fox News last week. "When we talk about sightings, we are talking
about objects that have [been] seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or
have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions
that are difficult to explain."
He cited "movements that are hard to replicate that we don't have the
technology for ... or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier
without a sonic boom."
One such recent case, involving a swarm of unidentified "drones" that
bedeviled a flotilla of Navy destroyers off the California coast in
2019, was revealed this week by the technology website The Drive.
But there has been enormous resistance inside the bureaucracy to being
forthcoming, said Lue Elizondo, who led research on UAPs in the
Pentagon until 2017 and publicly resigned in frustration that the issue
was not being treated seriously enough.
"You have all the stigma and the taboo that is associated with it,"
said Elizondo, who serves as an informal adviser to the military.
"Organizations whose mission this might fall squarely into are
resisting adopting this mission. There's been so much public taboo
about this for decades that no one wants to risk their professional
careers and that of their bosses on a topic like this without being
He also sees what he called "passive resistance," or "they're just not
going to do anything to support it," such as applying resources or
personnel to the activity.
Others see a lack of cooperation among different agencies and a desire
to protect sensitive information that could benefit adversaries.
"One of the challenges that [the Defense Department] has had in the
past is that a lot of these intelligence-gathering organizations, a lot
of the military services' organizations that gather data on intrusions,
are all extremely stovepiped and federated," said Ellen Lord, who
served as undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment
until January and was briefed on the Pentagon efforts.
She also said there may be valid reasons not to make it all public. "I
think it is sometimes easy ... to go down a rabbit hole for the sci-fi,
alien piece of this," she said in an interview. "In reality, there is a
lot of technology that has been leveraged by our adversaries and we
have ways to deal with that.
"But that is something that is not typically spoken about in public
forums. Therein lies the challenge of some of these things," she added.
The secrecy surrounding the effort has been demonstrated by the
Pentagon's refusal to even discuss any details of its UAP task force,
not even how many personnel are assigned to it or what budget it has
been given.
Elizondo believes there is little chance such obstacles can be overcome
by June under the current level of effort and is advocating for an
interim report that requests more time and resources. "We can do this
right or we can do it right now," he said.
"It's certainly not sufficient time to provide a comprehensive,
government-wide report that Congress not only expects, but that
Congress deserves and frankly, so does the American people," he added.
Mellon thinks it could take months or longer. "In addition to the
onerous job of trying get everyone to come clean," he said, "there will
be a sensitive and probably difficult process of getting all the
players ... to agree on the language and approve it. That process alone
could take weeks or months."
Mellon also said the direct involvement of senior executive branch
officials, including Haines and Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen
Hicks, "is likely to prove necessary to compel the cooperation needed
to do the job properly."
The good news," he added, "is the leadership on both sides appear to be
taking this issue seriously and are acting in good faith."
Source: Politico

By Brian Allan
In this remarkable book the author and editor of Phenomena Magazine,
Brian Allan, introduces the idea that Heresy (the word is taken from
the Greek language and only means ‘one who chooses’), not only decided
the frequently bloody fate of free-thinkers in the Dark Ages, but still
affects us in many surprising ways to this very day. Drawing on
hard-to-find sources, the author shows that at one time the charge of
heresy was used as a brutal and particularly heavy-handed form of
control by various religious groups.
Heretics like Aleister Crowley, Anton Szandor laVey,
Kenneth Grant, Charles Manson and others are discussed in these pages
and show that heresy was and is part and parcel of how magic and
Satanism began and perhaps even lies at the origins of the human race.
Discover how the intelligence services, through people like the
enigmatic Col. John Alexander, have successfully weaponised former
heretical beliefs such as magic, remote viewing and mind control and
used them to kill. Even today among scientists, particularly in quantum
physics, the charge of heresy is a very real threat and can bring
promising careers to an abrupt halt, because even although the
perceived heresy is correct, it dares to challenge the status-quo.
This reasonably priced book can and will change how
you see the world and it is available from any good bookseller, from
‘O’ Books or through Amazon.
Mystery Unsolved: Ghost Ships Circling Off California
By Frank Jacobs

On June 5, 2019,
the Nigerian crew boat Princess Janice made an impossible journey.
Instead of ferrying crews to and from oil rigs in the Gulf of Guinea,
it was somehow transported thousands of miles to the Pacific coast of
northern California, just off Point Reyes. Even more amazingly, after a
while it started to sail inland, ploughing across mountains and deserts
all the way to Utah.
The Princess Janice was just one of a dozen ghost
ships observed circling the seas off Point Reyes. And circling is the
right word, as some ships seemed to ply the Pacific waters in
mysteriously elliptical movements, at a constant speed of exactly 20
knots. Except that they didn't. The Princess Janice never left its home
waters. Nor did any of the other ships, which all continued to sail the
seas off Equatorial Guinea, Malaysia, Norway, and other far-flung
It wasn't the actual, physical ships that flew
halfway across the globe, just their virtual positions, as reported by
their AIS (1) transponders. Some ships were displaced for just a few
hours, but the Princess Janice's virtual trip to North America lasted
about two weeks. And not all hung around Point Reyes. Some showed up
near Madrid or Hong Kong.
The Point Reyes incident, publicized by Bjorn
Bergman, a researcher for environmental watchdogs SkyTruth and Global
Fishing Watch, was the latest example of a phenomenon known as 'circle
spoofing', a refined and as yet unexplained cousin of GPS (2) spoofing.
It is unclear what–or who–caused these circles, and why: malfunction or
Now, messing with GPS signals is not new. It's been
part of the electronic warfare arsenal for decades. Russia, notably,
has been singled out as a 'pioneer' in this area. A report by the
Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS) in Washington DC claims the
Russians have a mobile electronic warfare team that jams GPS signals
whenever and wherever President Putin appears in public.
One step up from mere jamming is spoofing: tricking
someone that a GPS-geolocated object is somewhere else than it actually
is. The AIS transponders of ships seem particularly prone to this.
Russia has used GPS spoofing in a number of places,
notably Crimea, Syria, and the Black Sea, says the C4ADS report. For
example, in 2017, 20 ships in the Black Sea reported a position 32 km
inland, near Gelendzhik Airport. It's also been claimed Russia uses
'spoofing' to hide Putin's now-infamous Black Sea palace, the existence
of which was revealed by controversial dissident Alexei Navalny.
GPS spoofing has obvious strategic implications. Iran
in particular has proved a quick student and seems to have learned to
use spoofing to its advantage.
In 2011, Iran claimed to have used GPS spoofing to trick a Lockheed
Martin RQ-170 'Sentinel' drone, operated by the CIA above Afghanistan,
to land at an Iranian airfield. The capture helped Iran clone its own
drone within a year.
In 2016, Iran probably used GPS spoofing to lure two US Navy boats into
Iranian territorial waters, where the Iranian Navy appeared to be ready
and waiting for them.
And in
2019, British intelligence warned merchant vessels in the Gulf that
Iran might use GPS spoofing to lure them into Iranian waters, as a
pretext to seizing them.
And then there's one step up from GPS spoofing:
circle spoofing. In 'regular' GPS spoofing, the location (typically of
a ship) is 'transported' to a static point somewhere else. In circle
spoofing, the location is moved to a dynamic position, rotating in a
circular pattern. This makes circle spoofing more difficult to read,
and potentially more dangerous – although the actual intention behind
the phenomenon remains unclear.
Circle spoofing came to light after July 2019
(3).That's when the American container ship MV Manukai, upon entering
Shanghai harbor, experienced total failure of both its AIS transponder
and its two GPS units. Just before all the alarms went off, its AIS
display behaved in a very peculiar manner. It showed another ship
approaching, disappearing, showing up docked, and then again moving
towards the Manukai. All the while, a visual check confirmed, the other
ship had been at dock.
The crew of the Manukai reported the incident
stateside, where analysts discovered an epidemic of spoofing attacks in
Shanghai harbor which had started the previous summer and culminated on
the day the Manukai was attacked, just one of around 300 vessels that
were being 'spoofed' that day.
It's unclear who's doing the spoofing. Could it be
the Chinese government testing out cyberweapons? Or perhaps criminals
trying to confound the authorities? Illegal sand dredgers and oil
smugglers are desperate to use any means to evade capture. The latter
option would explain why one particular patrol boat operated by the
Maritime Safety Authority, Shanghai's river police, was spoofed almost
400 times over a nine-month period.
But what was even more remarkable than the sheer
volume of the spoofing was its cartographic shape: the ships jumped
from one location to another in a circular movement, centered on the
eastern bank of the Huangpu River.
Why? How? Those questions have yet to be answered
satisfactorily, but C4ADS found an ingenious way to discount the
possibility that the ships' AIS was somehow at fault. Analysts looked
at anonymized location data provided by the Strava fitness app, used by
a considerable number of Shanghai's 10 million cyclists.
Turns out they too were apparently going in circles,
when approaching the waterfront. This proved the spoofing attacks
targeted all GPS devices, not just the ships' AIS transponders.
But that still did not resolve the mystery of the
circular spoofs, which were quickly dubbed 'crop circles' – an allusion
to the mysterious figures that regularly appear in the grain fields of
southern England.
Do the positions at which the circles are centered
offer any clue? One such circle is positioned exactly around the
Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company. Does that suggest state
involvement cloaked as private enterprise, or rather a rogue
'commercial' venture? Or are the circles themselves clever
misdirections, activated by devices stationed elsewhere?
What does seem certain, is that circle spoofing is
catching on. Following the incidents in Shanghai (involving vessels
close by) and off Point Reyes (involving ships very far away), a report
came in from Iran in March of 2020, where a GPS device was observed
moving in a large circle in downtown Tehran (so nowhere near any
coast), at a constant speed of 22 miles per hour.
The spoofing occurred near the AJA University of
Command and Staff – the staff college for Iran's Army, also known as
the country's 'War University'. Again, a Strava heat map showed local
athletes running (or cycling) in circles in that same area, apparently
oblivious to local roads and buildings.
Meanwhile, the mysteries of circle spoofing–who is
doing it, how and why–have yet to be cracked. Reports of circle
spoofing near various oil terminals in China suggests that it may be a
way to defend these installations from attack – in fact, a Saudi oil
facility suffered major damage in an attack by an unidentified drone
(rumored to be Iranian in origin) in 2019.
Another theory is that circle spoofing could be a
sign that GPS spoofing, once so complex and expensive that it must have
required state involvement, has now been 'commoditised': it can now be
used by low-power, short-range devices that can target single ships
instead of having to cover a wider area.
And that's a scary thought: it could open up maritime
traffic to a whole new kind of piracy – spoofing luxury yachts or ships
with valuable cargo right into the lair of the 21st-century disciples
of Long John Silver, armed with keyboards instead of cutlasses.
Source: Big Think

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Air Force Chaplain Cleanses Base Homes Where 'Odd Things Occur'
By Erica Earl

Japan -- The headquarters of U.S. Forces Japan may also be home to
supernatural activity, according to a couple who claim to help anyone
dealing with paranormal disturbances to rid their homes of unwanted
Chaplain (Capt.) Lance Brown, of Yokota's 374th Wing
Staff Agency, and his wife, Karen Brown, who is working on a master's
in counseling, have been performing home cleanses, or anointings, for
the past eight years in homes where "odd things occur."
Supernatural activity is reported so often at this
base in western Tokyo that it inspired a Facebook group, Yokota Ghost
Hunter Club. Its members post about paranormal phenomena they've
experienced at their homes and workplaces.
Lance is endorsed by the Pentecostal Church of God,
and the home cleanses are not officially sanctioned by the Air Force,
he told Stars and Stripes in an interview March 1.
"Ghosts or spiritual demonic activity, things of an
evil nature, God combats that," he said. "We have the ability to be
that beacon of hope as people invite us."
The Browns said their cleansings are sometimes about
helping someone cope with anxiety, heartbreak or a troubled past than
about literal evil spirits, though Lance said they are not suggesting
the supposed presence of spirits is "all in the person's head."
Laurie Pope, who lives in one of Yokota's garden units, said she started to feel uncomfortable in her home last year.
"My 3-year-old daughter has been experiencing sleep
regression the past year," she told Stars and Stripes over Facebook
Messenger on March 1. "There have been several times when I would be
watching her video monitor and I would see orbs of light in her room.
There have been a few instances where I'd be in my bedroom and I would
see a white streak of light run past the foot of my bed. And, more
recently, my daughter has been saying she's seeing monsters and that
she's scared."
Pope and her husband, Master Sgt. Austin Pope of the
374th Maintenance Squadron, decided that since Laurie is six months
pregnant, they needed to do something to help their daughter feel less
afraid and sleep through the night before bringing a new baby home.
The family found the Browns on Facebook, and, despite not identifying with any religion, decided to give it a try.
"I know it won't happen overnight, but I'm hoping we
can all live more comfortably in our home regardless if there was a
spirit existing here," Laurie said.
The Browns' anointing process starts with talking to the family about what is happening at home.
"We discuss what they are seeing, hearing and sensing
to determine if it's just a creaky house or if something evil is going
on here," Lance said. "Some people call it a 'spidey sense,' but we
refer to it as a discernment of spirits, a heightened sense of things
that are different or off."
They then apply anointing oil -- a mixture of
frankincense, myrrh, aloes and herbs -- to anything that needs to be
blessed, including people and objects. They also use incense and holy
"It's not as intense as movies like 'The Exorcist' or
anything like that," Karen said. "After we have left, the situation has
never gotten worse, ever."
The Popes, who had their home anointed March 1, are hopeful that the process worked for her family.
"My daughter still isn't sleeping through the night,"
Laurie said. "But I feel a much greater sense of peace being home
alone, especially at night."
The Browns do the cleanses free of cost, judgment or
disclosure, they said. People need not be religious to have a home
cleansing, and the Browns said their objective is not to convert
anyone's belief systems.
The couple said they received more calls at Yokota
over the past year than they did at their previous assignment in Fort
McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The Browns weren't certain exactly
how many calls they have received on Yokota but explained that they
receive a steady flow of requests, and had a cleansing arranged for
right after their interview with Stars and Stripes.
Belief in hauntings, dark spirits and exorcisms is
rooted in several factors, including religious beliefs about the
afterlife and people's desire to connect and find patterns and
significance in unusual or seemingly inexplicable incidents, according
to Michael Shermer, a science historian and the founder of The Skeptics
Society in Altadena, Calif.
"Incidents seem significant when you are looking for it," he said in a phone interview on March 9.
The uncertainty and restrictions associated with the
yearlong coronavirus pandemic possibly amplifies stress and emotion,
Lance said. Add to that the feeling of isolation and separation from
family and friends that comes with living in a foreign country.
"These feelings can make someone more heightened to portals for spiritual activity," Lance said.
The Browns declined to share the details of specific
cleansings, but said they have experienced fear and emotional responses
themselves during some visits.
"It's not anything of Hollywood, but evil is a very
real thing," Lance said. "You just sense an absolute darkness, and your
skin tingles and the hair on the back of your neck raises and you get a
sense of 'I don't want to be here.'"
The Mystery of 'Mel's Hole'

Somewhere in the
wilds of Washington State is a bizarre
geographic anomaly that locals believe may well
be a gateway into another dimension. While the
legend of the Devil’s Hole allegedly goes back
for decades…if not centuries…the public at large
did not become aware of the phenomenon until
1997, when legendary radio host and paranormal
enthusiast, Art Bell, invited a man named Mel
Waters to be interviewed on his globally
syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM.
Ellensburg, located in eastern Washington, and
its surrounding valleys and Manastash Ridge are
beautiful in any season. Some believe what lies
beneath is a deep, dark hole with supernatural
For decades residents from the Manastash Ridge
region have talked about one of the most unusual
aspects of the sprawling landscape that haloed
their hometown. Hidden nearby, on a densely
forested parcel of private property, was a
seemingly bottomless well that was surrounded by
an aura of mystery and danger.
This unfathomably deep pit was said to be about
9-feet in diameter and was shored up with hand
placed bricks to a depth of nearly 15-feet until
it gave way to earthen walls. The hole had been
known to locals for generations — and to Native
Americans before them — and had been used as an
unofficial dumping ground for everything from
defunct refrigerators to old tires and
television tubes to livestock and pet carcasses.
A man named Red Elk is one of the only people
alive known to have ever seen the mysterious
hole. A Native American Shaman, or medicine man,
Red Elk said his dad first showed him the hole
in 1961.
"He said 'This is an endless hole,'" Red Elk
Red Elk's been back many times and said strange
things happen every time he goes near it.
"People get it confused with what I call the
devil's hole," he said.
According to Red Elk, the hole was well known to
the indigenous peoples, as well as local and
federal authorities, and was believed to be an
unbelievable 24 and 28-miles deep.
The medicine man also speculated that pit served
as a tunnel which connected to Mt. Rainier and
that it might be associated with both UFOs and
vile, quasi-reptilian entities that allegedly
dwell deep within the bowls of the Earth known
as “reptoids.” A Washington native by the name
of Jay Nickell also claimed to have stumbled
across the Devil’s Hole while exploring the
region as a teen.
Other folks who stumbled across the site notice
an eerie sensation that would wash over them
when they neared the pit. They also noted that
birds and other crearures seemed to give the
allegedly “evil” hole a wide berth and that the
rim of the pit was lined with the bones of small
animals. Over the years visitors would
come and go, but none of them would make a mark
quite as deep as the next owner of the
property…a man named Mel Waters.
Waters, who claims he and his wife bought the
property sometime in 1993, discovered the hole
soon afterwards and — much like all those who
came before him — used it as a convenient (if
environmentally unfriendly) rubbish bin.
It wouldn’t be long, however, before he became
irresistably drawn to this strange hollow. In
particular Waters became fascinated by the its’
inexplicable ability to “devour” all that was
thrown within.
"I brought the dogs with me." Waters said on the
show. "They wouldn't go anywhere near the damn
Waters said the hole had a three-foot stone wall
around it. It seemed bottomless to him, so he
used an old shark fisherman's trick -- sending
thousands of feet of fishing line down.
"What I did, was I sent down a roll of
lifesavers," he said. "So when it hit water the
lifesavers would dissolve."
But the lifesavers came back up whole -- no
water -- so how deep was this hole? Waters said
he believed it descended miles into the earth
and he heard strange stories about its powers.
"One guy claims that he threw his departed
canine down into the hole," he said. "He swears
the dog actually came back to him."
In the winter of 1997, Waters sent a FAX to a
man who was, at the time, the preeminent
disseminator of paranormal information, radio
presenter and Coast to Coast AM founder, Art
Bell. Bell became intrigued by Waters and his
“never ending hole” and on February 21st, 1997,
Waters was invited to speak on Bell’s hugely
popular late night program.
Bell and Waters discussed some of the more the
scintillating secrets — though not the precise
and clandestine location — of the Devil’s Hole
and it soon became apparent that millions of
listeners were enthralled by Waters and his
unusual tale. Within a few short hours this
weird cavity graduated from local legend to
legitimate paranormal phenomenon. The story
proved so popular that Waters again spoke to
Bell just three nights later.
Within months of appearing on Coast to Coast,
Waters and the Devil’s Hole — which would soon
be re-dubbed “Mel’s Hole” by Bell’s enormous fan
base — would gain a significant amount of
notoriety. Waters claimed that he was beset by a
series of odd events not long after he went
public with his information regarding the hole.
The first strange incident occurred while Waters
was on his own property en route to the Devil’s
Hole. Waters planned to continue his research
when he was suddenly stopped by a pair of men
identifying themselves as “government agents.”
These agents — one in plain clothes and two in
military regalia — informed him that there had
been a plane crash nearby and that the area had
been cordoned off.
The plainclothes further stated that no one but
military personnel would be allowed into the
restricted area. Waters then noticed men wearing
yellow hazard suits milling around behind the
trio that were blocking his path. Waters,
angered at being denied access to his own
property, demanded that they let him pass and
that’s when these so-called agents got down to
brass tacks. According to Waters the agents
proceed to inform him that if he did not follow
their instructions he would be falsely accused
and arrested for concealing a meth lab on his
land. It is presumable that the evidence of this
lab would have been manufactured if necessary.
Red Elk claims the government has a secret base
"An underground base, a very small, underground
base," he said.
That's how Red Elk explains the white boxes
covering the area on some satellite images.
He also said he's seen "alien activity" in the
"A huge space craft, one, will appear and hover
over the hole," he said.
That's what he said happens during Summer
Solstice, when space men load and unload things
at the hole before flying away.
In the years that have followed Waters
revelations concerning the first Devil’s Hole,
there have been sporadic expeditions into the
woods around Manastash Ridge, but no one has
ever managed to find the mystical pit… and
Waters himself seems just as enigmatic.
Some say that the government filled the hole in
when they were finished using it for whatever
arcane purposes they had, others suggest that a
shed like structure has been erected over the
site to hide it from prying eyes. There are also
some who feel that aliens protect the space with
a sort of “cloaking device” and still others who
are, understandably, convinced that the darn
thing never existed in the first place and that
Waters, for reasons known only to him, made the
whole thing up.
Believers in the existence of the Devil’s Hole
have posted satellite images from Google Earth,
which indicate that the area where the 9-foot
pit in should be was “covered up” with white
Skeptics counter by saying that the satellite
photos have been altered to protect the
military’s training facilities. They also add
that there is no official record of Waters ever
living, voting or owning property in the region.
In fact, there seems to be little evidence that
a man named Mel Waters ever existed.
Of course, if Waters’ admittedly bizarre tales
are true and there actually is a top secret
geographic anomaly of apparent military
significance located in the proximity of the
Yakima Firing Range and the Hanford Nuclear
Reservation, then it goes without saying that
military officials would go to great lengths to
conceal what actually exists in the expanse,
even to the point of doctoring photos and
erasing identity, registration and tax records.
Ellensburg Public Library Historian Milton Wagy
said the story became a sensation after Waters
went on the radio.
He said the phone rang off the hook with all
kinds of stories about the hole -- some
explainable -- some not.
He's still trying to solve the mystery of what
happened to the library's file on Mel's Hole.
"Well it just disappeared, which lends itself to
the mysteriousness of Mel's Hole," Wagy said.
"Did Mel take it? Did it just kind of rise out
of the locked file cabinet."You never know there
might be a hole out there."
Now the question who, is anyone can find Mel's
Hole and prove its existence?
Source: KOMO News
"Ghost Girl" Seen on Security Camera Footage in Ohio
By Kelly Matter, Hope Sloop

MENTOR, Ohio — Do you believe in ghosts?
It's a question that many Lake County residents have
found themselves asking over the past few weeks due to "supernatural
haunts" caught on video.
In recent weeks, members in Mentor, Ohio Facebook
groups have posted videos and images of a "mysterious" object or
person. This mysterious image appears to be all white and moving very
quickly. WKYC was able to obtain some of those images and videos from
3News spoke with officials from the Mentor Police
Department and were even able to retrieve the police report based on
information that was sent.
In the report, it states that police officers were
dispatched on March 10 around 10:40 p.m., to the area of Bellflower
Elementary in reference to a suspicious incident.
The caller reported seeing a 7-year-old girl running
northbound in the area. As one officer approached Wyatt's Greenhouse,
he spotted a child fitting the description from the caller.
"I was surprised by what I saw, the person appeared
to be a small child, running rather erect and too quickly for a child,"
the report says.
When the officer got out of the vehicle to try and
catch the child, nobody was in the area. The officer continued along
the building expecting to see a child crying, or scared, but still no
signs of anyone.
Multiple other departments were searching the area
and had no luck finding a child. After the search, the responding
officer checked the dashcam video and found no child on the dashcam
video, which was saved as an "investigative encounter."
Shortly after trying to find the child on foot and
the use of a K9, the drone team was deployed to search the responding
area and did not locate anything suspicious.
Is it really ghosts? Could it just be young pranksters? Who knows!
Source: WKYC
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