This week Conspiracy Journal
brings you such creeping-in-the-dark stories as:
- Attack of the Drones
- Altered and/or Changing Perceptions at Certain Locations and Formations -
- Raymond Fowler Takes Us Along For The Ultimate Abduction -
AND: The Case of the Time-Traveling PriestAll these
exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

20 of the world's leading UFOlogists establish that humans have
done battle with aliens over and over again, shooting at them,
molesting them, hitting them, running them over, unleashing dogs
upon them, and injuring -- and even killing them -- though any means
possible, as humans try to combat their fear of the unknown. In
many instances the aliens have fought back. They have sought revenge,
and more often than not, gotten it. Here are over a hundred
reports of the strangest close encounters with humanoids who use force
to defend themselves -- such as the case of the NY hunter whose rifle
was ripped from his hands, the shotgun barrel twisted, and than handed
back to him. There is also the crash landing of a UFO in Kingman, AZ
which involved 8 UFOs positioning themselves in the sky in combat
position, apparently returning to find any survivors of their
doomed craft, and to protect themselves in doing so. IS THERE A BLACK UFO EXPERIENCE?
second part of the book's "mission," is to disprove the concept held
by many that African Americans are not prone to have UFO
experiences or to hold a belief or interest in the subject. One
contributor, Prof. Stephen Finley of the University of Louisiana,
explains how UFOs are part of the overall "Black experience" of many
African Americans. Most of his fans do not realize that Muhammad Ali
had over 21 UFO sightings. A friend of researcher Tim Beckley, the late
Champ explains why he was so taken up with the subject, being a part of
his spiritual beliefs. And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Beckley 11 East 30th Street, 4R NY NY 10016
Click Here to
Order From the Conspiracy Journal Bookshop.
And as always you can send a check or money order to:
East 30th Street, 4R
NY 10016
Please make out checks
to: Timothy Green Beckley
Attack of the Drones
By Amelia Tait

At twilight on New Year’s Eve, 2020, Placido Montoya, 35, a plumber
from Fort Morgan, Colorado, was driving to work. Ahead of him he
noticed blinking lights in the sky. He’d heard rumours of mysterious
drones, whispers in his local community, but now he was seeing them
with his own eyes. In the early morning gloom, it was hard to make out
how big the lights were and how many were hovering above him. But one
thing was clear to Montoya: he needed to give chase.
As he approached the drones in his car, they “took off very fast” and
Montoya tried to follow. He confesses hitting 120mph before losing
track of them. “They were creepy, really creepy,” he says. “I don’t
know how to describe it, but it’s almost as if they were watching us.”
That night, Vince Iovinella, deputy sheriff at Morgan County Sheriff’s
Office, received more than 30 calls from locals reporting drones
“zipping around all over the place” – Iovinella himself saw one with
red, white and green lights that he also tried to chase. “It outran
me,” he recalls.
Meanwhile, neighbouring Nebraska and Kansas were also dealing with
their own mysterious drone swarms. From December 2019 to January 2020,
residents of the three states were perturbed by multiple sightings of
numerous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with wingspans of up to 6ft
flying between 6pm and 10pm in grid formations. On the same night that
Iovinella was receiving calls, a Nebraska deputy reported seeing 30 to
50 drones in the sky. Witnesses were alarmed by the size and speed of
the vehicles. “It got to the point that we were fixing to take up
arms,” says Mike, 39, from Lindon, Colorado, who wishes to retain
partial anonymity.
But as quickly as the drones came, they disappeared. “That was it, they
were gone,” Montoya says. More than a year later, no one knows who was
behind the drones. Despite an investigation involving the FBI, US Air
Force and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), there are no official
answers. Amazon, Google and Uber have denied involvement, and so did a
local air force base. “Somebody’s doing something and nobody’s saying
anything about it,” Montoya summarises. But even “somebody doing
something” is now up for debate: one reporter claims the drones never
existed at all.
What really happened in the sky above the American Midwest in those
fateful winter months, and what can the incident tell us about new
technology and old fears?
Did the mystery drones really exist and, if so, why can’t anyone find
out who was behind them? Is a new type of conspiracy theory being born?
Are drones the new UFOs?
First things first, there are videos. On YouTube, you can easily find
footage of blinking lights hovering over houses, farms and highways in
Colorado. It’s evident at least some of these lights belonged to
drones, although it’s harder to determine if these drones really were
6ft wide. In early 2020, Douglas D Johnson, a research affiliate with
the Scientific Coalition for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Studies,
used America’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to uncover reams of
FAA documentation about the drone mystery. Johnson’s research revealed
that law-enforcement officers in 16 Colorado and Nebraska counties
personally witnessed the drone activity, with one Kansas state trooper
using night-vision goggles to estimate one drone had a 10ft wingspan.
Brett Tingley is a journalist for The War Zone, a defence news
publication. He believes the documents prove something strange did
occur. “There are consistencies among the eyewitness reports that
suggest these drones possessed longer flight times than most
off-the-shelf UAS [unmanned aircraft systems],” he says. He believes
the witness testimony “appeared legitimate enough to local and state
law enforcement, and the FAA, to take the sightings seriously”.
Still, that doesn’t mean there wasn’t a frenzy. On 29 January 2020,
Vice reporter Aaron Gordon published an article claiming the mysterious
drone sightings were “a classic case of mass hysteria” – in an earlier
article he noted that the Colorado Department of Public Safety (CDPS)
flew a Multi-Mission Aircraft for nearly five hours in Colorado on 6
January that year and found no suspicious drone activity. Johnson calls
the Vice article “shoddy”, but Tingley concedes some sightings could
have been hysteria, particularly after the drones made national news.
Some officials even became a little hysterical: deputies in Nebraska
reported finding “space potatoes” after chasing drones through a field.
In actual fact, the lumpy brown objects were a farming product used to
fill irrigation ruts in fields.
Iovinella agrees that “hysteria built up quickly” and says some
witnesses were undoubtedly looking at planes. But: “I was irritated by
people saying we didn’t see nothing because that’s not true,” he says.
“I know what was happening those first few days of the drones. They
were there.”
By 6 January 2020, a multi-agency taskforce had been set up to
investigate – the FBI, Federal Aviation Authority, Air Force and local
law-enforcement officials made up the team of 70. However, the
taskforce disbanded by 22 January after drone sightings dramatically
dropped off. FAA communications manager Ian Gregor now says: “We did
not receive any information that enabled us to determine what exactly
it was that people reported seeing and, if they were drones, who was
flying them.” In a separate investigation, the CDPS examined 23 drone
sightings between 6 and 13 January and determined 13 sightings were
planets, stars, or “small hobbyist drones”. Six sightings were
determined to be “atmospheric conditions or identified commercial
aircraft”, while four sightings remained unidentified.
Witnesses such as Placido Montoya aren’t best pleased with the
taskforce’s inconclusive investigation, nor the CDPS’s explanations. “I
don’t feel safe. I looked up and I felt I was being violated,” he says.
Iovinella stresses that investigations only began after sightings had
died down and “the drones had already moved on”.
Why is it so difficult to determine who is flying a drone? In 2018,
Gatwick had to cancel hundreds of flights after drones were spotted by
the runway. Chaos reigned between 19 and 21 December while police and
the military investigated. On 21 December, a couple were arrested –
they were later awarded £200,000 compensation for false imprisonment.
On 23 December, police said it was “a possibility” there was never a
drone at all. In April 2019, police and Gatwick officials claimed the
incident was potentially an inside job.
James Scanlan is a design and engineering professor who runs
Southampton University’s Strategic Research Centre in Autonomous
Systems. He says if an individual is controlling a drone from the
ground, then radio frequencies can be used to determine where the
transmission is coming from. “The problem comes where there’s a drone
that’s flying with radio silence, so it’s not transmitting, no one’s
transmitting to it – it might have a flight plan on board so it
executes its mission and doesn’t need any control from the ground,” he
says. “It’s very hard to do anything about those.”
Clues can, of course, be found in the drones themselves – which is why
witnesses in Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas wanted to shoot them down.
Because these drones were reportedly very large and very fast, some
assumed they were military. In early January 2020, FE Warren Air Force
Base in Wyoming denied ownership of the drones after inquiries from
local newspapers.
So who could possibly possess the kind of technology seen over the
American skies last winter? Locals speculate about drug dealers, secret
government operations or foreign spies. But Scanlan notes that you or I
could purchase powerful drones. “There’s a commercial drone on the
market called the Penguin B from a Latvian company that is about 6ft in
wingspan and has a very long endurance, so I could go and fly those
To this day, Tingley still receives emails claiming the mysterious
drones never went away. Mike, the witness from Lindon, runs a
3,700-member Facebook group. “We still have people on there who’ve been
keeping a very close eye on drone activity,” he says. Mike says the
drones interfered with his mobile phone connection and believes they
were equipped with audio surveillance, “because the moment we
identified the location and pointed a camera up there, they suddenly
went blackout.” Other witnesses have made similar claims.
Mike says claims of mass hysteria are “frustrating”, but then
references ufologist and conspiracy theorist Milton William Cooper.
Asked if he himself identifies as a conspiracy theorist, Mike says:
“No, I tend to vet pretty much every lead and if I do not find credible
evidence to support that lead I will not push forward with it.” Five
minutes later, he begins discussing footage of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks. “Take the frame-by-frame footages of the towers coming down
and compare that to a controlled demolition…”
The individuals in Mike’s Facebook group encompass everyone from
curious witnesses to people who believe the drones somehow caused the
coronavirus. Some are self-confessed UFO enthusiasts – mystery drones,
after all, are unidentified flying objects by another name. In 2018,
the top two websites for reporting UFOs revealed there has been a rapid
decline in worldwide UFO sightings since 2014. In January 2019, drone
researcher Faine Greenwood claimed, “This decline coincides with the
period when relatively advanced drone technology first became truly
accessible to consumers” in a Slate article entitled, “Drones are the
new flying saucers.” In emails about the mystery drones uncovered by
Douglas, one FAA official remarked, “Not too long ago we would have
called these ‘UFOs’.” Their colleague replied: “Yep! Now everything is
a drone!”
In her article, Greenwood explains that this is likely down to good old
human psychology. “If we see something we can’t identify, we’re likely
to slot in whatever seems most plausible – and what seems plausible may
change depending on current events and modern fears.” Greenwood cites
multiple instances in which pilots mistakenly reported drone sightings.
(In 2016, police reported that a passenger plane at Heathrow collided
with a drone before the UK’s transport minister clarified, “It may have
even been a plastic bag.”)
Conspiracy theory expert Daniel Jolley, a psychology professor at
Northumbria University, says even when drone incidents are real,
mystery can breed suspicion. “When people hear about such things, they
interpret this information in line with their prior beliefs… If you
believe that powerful forces are up to shady things and generally have
a mistrust of official information, you could be more likely to see a
hidden motive.”
But Greenwood also believes, “We absolutely should be concerned about
the malevolent use of consumer drones.” Johnson says he has obtained
documents from America’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission that show there
were 57 drone-related security events at NRC-licensed facilities
between 2014 and 2019; only five of these incidents were deemed
resolved. He has also discovered that on two nights in September 2019,
security guards reported seeing a number of drones flying over the
largest power plant in the US, Palo Verde Generating Station in Arizona.
In January 2021, a year after Montoya first saw drones in the night
sky, the Pentagon released a new strategy to counter small drones, with
official documents stating, “Technology trends are dramatically
transforming legitimate applications of [small drones] while
simultaneously making them increasingly capable weapons in the hands of
state actors, non-state actors and criminals.”
Many of the FOIA documents obtained by Johnson were redacted, including
witness photographs of drones in FE Warren documents. Was the whole
thing real or imagined? A conspiracy or a covert operation? Could it
even be a bit of both? Some suspicious drone hobbyists believe the FAA
itself orchestrated the mystery so they could enforce tighter
regulations. On 26 December 2019, the FAA proposed that all but the
smallest drones should broadcast tracking signals to allow them to be
remotely identified.
One thing is evident: drones, real or imagined, are capable of causing
chaos. “What caught me off guard is we have no answers to this day and
it’s like everybody is OK with it,” Montoya says. At first, he thought
Amazon was behind the drones. Now he wonders whether it could be the
government or foreign powers. Before we end our call, he offers up one
final theory. “It could have been aliens,” he says, with a laugh.
Source: The Guardian
Solved! The Mysteries of Space, Time and UFOs, now available on Amazon.
Altered and/or Changing Perceptions at Certain Locations and Formations
by Donald C. McCullough

This topic has come to my
attention and is slowly growing in prevalence for me. I have been
encountering altered and/or changing perceptions at one of my local
locations (presumed Indian Cave) and for some of my local formations
(Cairn Trees).
I learned recently that this is an occurrence in the paranormal field
albeit a little known one that goes back for some time. Beginning at
the earliest one that I am aware of so far (The King's Men of the
Rollright Stones) I will then go on to tell about a find which I
happened a crossed about a crop circle that appeared on July 30, 1997
at Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, UK. Then I will finish by telling of my
local encounters with this phenomenon.
The Rollright Stones are located on the Oxfordshire & Warwickshire
border in England. The site consists of three main elements, The King's
Men Stone Circle, The King Stone, and The Whispering Knights. The
King's Men Stone Circle is 33 meters (108ft) in diameter, currently
composed of 77 closely spaced stones.
The legend associated with The King's Men Stone Circle says that the
stones can't be counted three times and the same number reached but if
you do you'll get your hearts desire. This indicates altered and/or
changing perceptions. The stones have been surveyed and the correct
number of them confirmed. This however is not what this article is
about and has already been used by skeptics to try an poo poo the
legend. This article is about the altered and/or changing perceptions
of people that affect their abilities. So there can be both a
scientifically confirmed number of stones and one that is very
difficult to ascertain by basic standard means.
While viewing the YouTube video, The Majesty and Mystery of Crop Circles - Concord COA posted by Minuteman Media Network
-- which is a lecture given by Naturalist John Root, he mentions in it
starting at 36:00 about a crop circle that appeared in a field at
Etchilhampton, Wiltshire in the U.K. on July 30, 1997 that consisted of
a square standing grid of crop within a circle and that some
intelligent person was experiencing difficulties in counting the
numbers of rows and columns of the standing units of crop and that it
happened more than once. The grid square was 26x26=676 grid units.
My perceived feelings that I am personally encountering this phenomenon
locally here in Johnstown, Pennsylvania started with me trying to plot
the possible locations of a purported Indian cave under Menoher Blvd.
Back when I was more interested in treasure hunting some guy in a bar
told me about it.
I thought back then and I still think that there is a good possibility
that it could be something else. We have many abandon coal and clay
mines in the area as well as scattered openings to working mines and I
also suspect different underground bases as well. I found at least one
good candidate for the purported Indian cave on the cliff face going up
to Grandview Cemetery that is a crossed the Stonycreek River from
Sandyvale Cemetery.
The opening looks cemented closed and stands out certain times of the
year when the light is right. During my infrequent viewings of this
sealed up opening it seems to change locations at times and not always
by a little. I understand that my viewing location from within
Sandyvale Cemetery will alter to some degree where the sealed opening
appears to be but at times it is way more than that could account for.
I walk the Stonycreek Riverwalk Trail here at Johnstown Pennsylvania
for my health and nature watching. I see many wonderful, amazing, and
some times mysterious things. One of the strange things that I have
came a crossed is what I call Cairn Trees. All of you have probably
seen multiple tree trunks growing from a single base.
Well that is what these are except that the space between the trunks is
filled with stones and other things. They are probably manmade but who
and why? The real mystery for me comes into play because I know that I
found two of them before but when I was just there I can only find one
now. When I get back there again will I find and see the other one? It
is feeling like the same thing with the purported Indian Cave.
* Thanks to author Donald C. McCullough for submitting this article.
Raymond Fowler Takes Us Along For The Ultimate Abduction
By Sean Casteel

Raymond Fowler has been a UFO investigator since the 1960s, and as a
researcher dedicated to the subject he has few equals. When he first
began his field research, which consisted of following up on sightings
reports that came his way near his New England home and frequently
traveling to the actual locations where flying saucers had been seen,
Fowler and his peers in Ufology were in hot pursuit of what they
believed to be physical spacecraft visiting Earth from somewhere out in
the universe that was completely unknown.
Investigators in those early years were mainly cataloging lights in the
sky and metallic airborne devices that were solid enough to show up on
radar but nevertheless exhibited flight maneuvers that manmade aircraft
were not capable of. The spacecraft would sometimes leave traces
behind, such as indentations made by landing gear or strange circular
burn marks on the grass where a UFO was seen to have touched down.
At the time, in terms of hard science, any reports of alien occupants
of the flying saucers were not given much credence, especially by
researchers who took the subject seriously. Speaking and interacting
with UFO occupants was a concept embraced by the contactees of the
1950s, who told of golden-haired space angels who took their chosen
humans on trips to Venus – a kind of “lunatic fringe” belief. No
serious researcher wanted to be tarred by the same brush as the
contactees, and Raymond Fowler shared that disdain himself at first.
In his latest book, called “ UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction,”
Fowler gives a fascinating account of his early days on the trail of
physical UFOs, providing a picture of that moment in history in which
the government, the military, the scientific community and the public
in general grappled with the mystery of just what was being seen so
frequently in our skies.
At the time, the mid-1960s, Fowler was among those advocating for
Congress to open an official inquiry into the subject and even had some
of his research entered into the Congressional Record. Fowler also
tells the story of Project Blue Book, an agency within the Air Force
tasked with collecting and compiling UFO reports from civilians that
was discontinued in 1969 based on the recommendation of the
less-than-trustworthy Condon Report, a government-contracted study of
the subject conducted by academics at the University of Colorado.
The first several chapters of “ UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction”
are an absorbing account of those earlier years, but the real
fascination the book holds is in Fowler’s telling of the story of how
the nuts-and-bolts evidence he examined initially eventually led him to
embrace a much different view of the UFO phenomenon. He was following
the data, not just the whimsy of idle speculation.
Fowler’s understanding changed over time as he began to put together a
puzzle, an alien jigsaw that combined some of the precognitive and
out-of-body experiences of his father as well as moments from Fowler’s
own youth.
At two or three years of age, he encountered a light that bathed him in
love. Other encounters with loving entities of light would follow, but
Fowler characterized those moments as “religious” experiences that were
not UFO-related. In fact, if pressed to do so at the time, Fowler would
have condemned “spiritual” or “supernatural” UFO encounters as
“demonic” and totally removed from the loving purity of what he had
Much of Fowler’s spiritual journey had its origins in his investigation
of Betty Andreasson, a devoutly Christian New England housewife and
mother who claimed grey aliens entered her home in 1967 and abducted
both her and her daughter. Fowler was present when Betty recalled her
experiences under regressive hypnosis and he would eventually write
five books on Betty and her family. The titles may already be familiar
to those reading this article: “ The Andreasson Affair,” “The Andreasson Affair Phase Two,” “The Watchers,” “The Watchers II,” and “The Andreasson Legacy.”
In a recent exchange of emails, Fowler clarified his views for me on Betty and what had happened to her.
“I believe that Betty’s extraordinarily strong fundamentalist views,’
he told me, “influenced her testimony on several occasions. In ‘The
Andreasson Affair’ series of experiences by Betty, we must remember
that they are told by a very religious person and strongly influenced
by her belief system as she sought to make sense of what she was
experiencing. I do not see any definitive connection between
Christianity and the UFO phenomenon. People tend to see and interpret
such experiences through the spectacles of what they want to believe or
“I might add that the entities associated with Betty,” Fowler
continued, “seem to have encouraged her in her faith and may even have
gone along with it in some sense so she would be more pliable in her
relations with them and also not to upset her. For myself, I would
reject the terms ‘supernatural’ or ‘spiritual,’ because every bit of
the UFO phenomenon is natural and only appears to be supernatural
because most of it is beyond our understanding.”
Taken together, the Andreasson books relate the alien-religious odyssey
of not only Betty and her family but also Fowler’s realization of his
own place in the cosmic drama that is the UFO mystery. His transition
from Christian fundamentalism to a more open – perhaps an even more
loving – view of reality also incorporates essential truths learned
from the study of Near Death Experiences, including an examination of
the research of NDEs conducted by Dr. Kenneth Ring that makes a case
for the similarity between NDEs and alien abduction experiences. There
are likewise connections between alien abduction, NDEs and the
aforementioned OBEs, or Out-of-Body Experiences.
Those three areas of study also dovetail nicely with what we have
learned from the study of Past Live Experiences, or accounts, often
also obtained from people under regressive hypnosis, of the historical
details of former lives that serve as proof of reincarnation. Fowler
offers the notion that reincarnation, while it is also not a
fundamentalist Christian belief, does give comfort to many people who
prefer to believe that human existence extends over many lifetimes and
is part of a kind of evolution of the soul, a “becoming” that consists
of more than just a one-shot attempt at getting the business of living
Another crucial component of Fowler’s scheme of reality is
synchronicity, a phenomenon he devoted an earlier book to called
“Synchrofile.” Part of his thesis is that meaningful coincidence and
the apparently nonrandom order of events show us that reality is
arranged by some higher force that does not, as Einstein said, “play
dice with the universe.” Nothing is left to chance, perhaps, but human
consciousness still perceives its reality through a veil of free will.
In “ UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction,”
Raymond Fowler has stitched together a continuum of phenomena whose
elements harmonize beautifully and serve to make a wonderful kind of
sense out of our admittedly limited glimpses into the Ultimate Truth.
Perhaps it is his mission not only to learn the lessons God has laid
out for him but to teach them to the rest of us as well.
Source: Spectral Vision

By Brian Allan
In this remarkable book the author and editor of Phenomena Magazine,
Brian Allan, introduces the idea that Heresy (the word is taken from
the Greek language and only means ‘one who chooses’), not only decided
the frequently bloody fate of free-thinkers in the Dark Ages, but still
affects us in many surprising ways to this very day. Drawing on
hard-to-find sources, the author shows that at one time the charge of
heresy was used as a brutal and particularly heavy-handed form of
control by various religious groups.
Heretics like Aleister Crowley, Anton Szandor laVey,
Kenneth Grant, Charles Manson and others are discussed in these pages
and show that heresy was and is part and parcel of how magic and
Satanism began and perhaps even lies at the origins of the human race.
Discover how the intelligence services, through people like the
enigmatic Col. John Alexander, have successfully weaponised former
heretical beliefs such as magic, remote viewing and mind control and
used them to kill. Even today among scientists, particularly in quantum
physics, the charge of heresy is a very real threat and can bring
promising careers to an abrupt halt, because even although the
perceived heresy is correct, it dares to challenge the status-quo.
This reasonably priced book can and will change how
you see the world and it is available from any good bookseller, from
‘O’ Books or through Amazon.
UFO Reports Surged in the Pandemic
By Sarah Maslin Nir

In the years since
she says extraterrestrial beings took her from her suburban yard
outside Rochester, N.Y., Virginia Stringfellow has kept her story
mostly within a close-knit community of people who say they have also
encountered U.F.O.s.
But over the past year, that pool has grown: Each of
her monthly locals-only U.F.O. meet-ups average about five new people
who believe they have seen a mysterious object in the sky — not
including about 50 out-of-towners who have tried to join.
“I have to turn away people,” said Ms. Stringfellow, 75.
Sightings of unidentified objects in 2020 nearly
doubled in New York from the previous year, to about 300, according to
data compiled by the National U.F.O. Reporting Center. They also rose
by about 1,000 nationwide, to more than 7,200 sightings.
But according to ufologists (pronounced
“yoof-ologists”), as those who study the phenomena call themselves, the
trend is not necessarily the result of an alien invasion. Rather, it
was likely caused in part by another invader: the coronavirus.
Pushed to stay home by lockdown restrictions, many
found themselves with more time to look up. In New York, droves of
urbanites fleeing the virus took up residence in places like the
Catskills and the Adirondacks, where skies are largely free from light
pollution. About a quarter of the reports nationally came in March and
April of last year, when lockdowns were at their most strict. Glimmers
wobbling across the sky have gone viral on TikTok, racking up millions
of views.
Longtime U.F.O. enthusiasts say the pandemic clearly
has more people scanning the night skies. But there is another reason
that the public might be newly receptive to the idea that the flicker
on the horizon is worth reporting: The Pentagon revealed over the
summer that it would soon convene a new task force to investigate
so-called “unidentified aerial phenomena” observed from military
aircraft. Last year, it declassified three videos of such sightings.
In addition, the $2.3 trillion appropriations package
signed by former President Donald J. Trump late last year includes a
provision that the secretary of defense and director of national
intelligence collaborate on a U.F.O. report and release it to the
“It’s encouraging to many of us in the field of
ufology that the government is willing to confirm that they are aware
of these circumstances, that they are conceding that people are
reporting these events,” said Peter Davenport, the director of the
U.F.O. reporting center, known as NUFORC.
Previously, he said, the government appeared to have believed “that people like me are just crazy — and we’re not.”
Mr. Davenport and his peers are quick to point out
that any uptick in sightings does not mean a spike in flying saucers.
Unidentified flying objects are just that — airborne phenomena that
have not yet been identified. The vast majority of sightings called in
to the reporting center are swiftly determined to be things like birds,
bats, satellites, planes and drones, he said.
A number of sightings in Northern Idaho last year
were quickly identified as satellites launched by SpaceX, Elon Musk’s
private space company, which launched a large number of small internet
satellites that were temporarily visible from the ground after they
reached orbit. One viral TikTok video of an object hovering in New
Jersey last year turned out to be a Goodyear blimp.
“A skilled U.F.O. investigator is one of the most skeptical people around,” Mr. Davenport said.
Only a small fraction of reports scrutinized by
NUFORC, which is based in Washington State, are truly not identifiable.
That proportion has not changed even as more calls have poured in,
according to the director.
Ufologists are frequently prickly when it comes to
the subject of apparent increases in U.F.O. sightings, warning that
bumps occur with regularity over the years, and are a favorite subject
of news reports. The coverage itself may also drive up so-called
sightings, they warn.
In New York, as city dwellers have tried to escape
the virus by relocating to the countryside, they have driven up rural
sightings, said Chris DePerno, the assistant director of the New York
State branch of the Mutual U.F.O. Network, a nonprofit organization
that uses civilian investigators to study reports of U.F.O.s.
Absent urban light pollution, he said, the transplants are taking new notice of the night sky and whatever may be in it.
“They come up toward the Hudson Valley, it’s
beautiful up there, you get clear skies and then all of a sudden you
see this thing zipping through the sky, that stopped on a dime, goes
straight up, takes off again, stops, comes back — we’re talking
incredible speeds,” said Mr. DePerno, a retired police detective.
“With the Covid thing, more people are looking up,” he said.
The seeming uptick in reports has come as a relief to
some who say they’ve seen mysterious floating craft, but feared they
were alone.
“Because of the Pentagon being outed, there is more
news now, there is more reporting now,” said Ms. Stringfellow, who goes
by Cookie. “People aren’t so afraid to say, ‘Oh, jeez, I was in the
woods now, or I was by the lake, and this thing came down.’”
But for a 65-year-old retired New York State Park
Police officer from Granville, along the state border with Vermont —
who asked not to be named because he worried about going public with
his belief in U.F.O.s and extraterrestrial life — full acceptance still
feels a ways off. The lingering fear of ridicule may be suppressing the
true numbers of U.F.O. sightings, he suggested; there might in fact be
more out there.
He urged city folks to stay calm should they see a
U.F.O., just as he did one evening about 30 years ago, when, he said,
he spotted a football-fields-long object floating beside the Taconic
State Parkway as he finished a patrol shift. And most importantly, he
said, people should not let fear of being mocked prevent them from
reporting what they see.
If enough people report U.F.O.s when they see them,
the retired officer added, the world will believe they are telling the
Source: NY Times

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Canada's UFO Notification System
By Daniel Otis

Canada’s military is being notified when pilots spot UFOs in Canadian airspace, VICE World News has found.
According to an aviation incident report viewed by VICE World News, the
crew of a medical transport flight over northern Manitoba “reported
that an inexplicable bright light followed them… at the same altitude
and speed” well before sunrise on Jan. 6, 2019.
That morning, civilian air traffic controllers alerted the 21 Aerospace
Control and Warning Squadron, a nearly 200-strong Air Force unit at the
CFB North Bay military base in northeastern Ontario. The unit’s mission
is to protect Canada under NORAD, the joint Canada-U.S. air defence
pact. It then faxed an unclassified intelligence report to Ottawa.
The intelligence report, obtained by an access to information request,
is official proof the Canadian military is documenting unidentified
aerial phenomena—a significant finding that puts Canada in line with
other countries. The existence of a U.S. UFO-tracking program was
revealed in 2017 by the New York Times.
“The document confirms to me that the Government of Canada, the Royal
Canadian Air Force (RCAF), and seemingly NORAD have a process for
reporting sightings of both unidentified and identified flying
objects,” professor Timothy Sayle told VICE World News. Sayle is the
director of the University of Toronto’s International Relations Program
and a historian whose research focuses on intelligence, security, and
declassified records.
“It concerns me that there is so much secrecy around this,” he said.
Emblazoned with a pair of prickly thistles and the motto “Intruder
Beware,” 21 Squadron’s badge appears on the fax’s cover page with the
words “No threat CIRVIS Report.” CIRVIS stands for Communication
Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings. According to a
Canadian aviation incident reporting manual, vital intelligence
sightings include “airborne and ground objects or activities that
appear to be hostile, suspicious, unidentified, or engaged in possible
illegal smuggling activity,” like “suspicious ground parties in Polar
regions” and “unidentified flying objects.”
The report itself, which cites the Winnipeg Air Control Centre (ACC) as
its source, describes a “light moving parallel” to the twin-turboprop
plane in a “partly cloudy” night sky for three minutes as it travelled
at more than 425 km/h and at an altitude of 7,500 feet.
Coordinates listed in the report show the incident occurred over rugged
forests in a region aptly called Mystery Lake as the flight approached
the small city of Thompson, Manitoba.
The report does not describe the colour, size, or shape of the light,
nor does it say how it arrived or disappeared. In a section for
“preliminary analysis,” its author writes, “ACC assumes report is of
another A/C,” or aircraft. It does not say if the incident was analyzed
An RCAF spokesperson said Transport Canada is the primary investigative
authority for CIRVIS reports. “The RCAF and NORAD take all credible
threats seriously,” they told VICE World News in a statement. “Neither
the Royal Canadian Air Force, nor the Canadian NORAD Region track
CIRVIS reports, as they are referred to NAV Canada.”
NAV Canada is the private company that owns and operates Canada’s
civilian air navigation infrastructure, such as radar installations and
air traffic control centres like the Winnipeg ACC. The company is also
the source of Canada’s CIRVIS reporting procedures.
In an email to VICE World News, a NAV Canada spokesperson confirmed in
certain cases, it provides data on “instances of unauthorized or
unknown aircraft in NAV Canada managed airspace” to the military,
NORAD, and Transport Canada.
According to a Transport Canada spokesperson, CIRVIS “reports are
infrequently reported to Transport Canada as the reports received are a
result of natural phenomena such as fireballs, weather balloons, and
“Reports of unidentified objects can rarely be followed up on as they are as the title implies, unidentified,” they added.
That, Sayle argued, is precisely why they should be investigated.
“With today’s defence capabilities, any unidentified object in our
airspace should be treated as a matter of concern,” Sayle said. “They
should be tracking identified and unidentified objects in Canadian
airspace and determining what they are and if they pose a threat.”
In the U.S., high-ranking officials and politicians have openly
admitted to studying UFOs, including Trump’s Director of National
Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s
current head, Democratic Senator Marc Warner of Virginia.
In December, the U.S. even passed a bill that requires intelligence and
defence officials to create a report on “Advanced Aerial Threats” by
June 1.
“While not common—I judge that there are maybe a handful (of CIRVIS
reports) filed each year—they are indications that pilots do observe
and report UFOs in North American airspace,” Winnipeg-based UFO
researcher Chris Rutkowski told VICE World News.
Canada’s leading expert on the topic, Rutkowski has collected
information on more than 22,000 UFO sightings over the past three
decades and has included data from CIRVIS reports in his longstanding
annual Canadian UFO Survey.
“The fact that NORAD and the Canadian Forces pass these reports to
Transport Canada as unclassified documents suggests to me that the
Department of National Defence is indeed not interested in these
cases,” Rutkowski said. “In fact, it implies that they do not regard
them as security or defence issues.”
As recently as last August, a spokesperson from Canada’s Department of
National Defence told the Globe and Mail it “wouldn't really
comment on speculative matters” like UFO reports. Winnipeg-based
Vanguard Air Care, which operated the Jan. 6, 2019 flight, did not
respond to multiple requests for comment.
Source: Vice
The Case of the Time-Traveling Priest
Pellegrino Ernetti was unquestionably a man of parts. The Italian
Benedictine monk was not merely a renowned religious and archaic music
scholar; he held a degree in quantum and subatomic physics. On a
more curious note, Ernetti was also one of his country's most
accomplished exorcists.
In short, Ernetti was a man to be taken seriously. Which is why
the world was so befuddled when, during the 1950s, Father Ernetti
announced that he had succeeded in building a time machine.
His alleged invention, which he called “the Chronovisor,” was not a
“time machine” in the sense that it allowed the user to physically
travel to other eras. Rather, it was sort of a Fortean television
set which gave one the ability to view on a screen events in the past
as they happened. According to Ernetti, he had been working on
the machine since 1950 in collaboration with a group of 12 other
scientists who, perhaps unsurprisingly, wished to remain
anonymous. (Rumor had it that Ernetti’s cohorts included Enrico
Fermi and Wernher von Braun.)
Ernetti calmly and unhesitatingly talked of his trips through history
via the Chronovisor. He witnessed a performance in 169 B.C. Rome
of Quintus Ennius’ now-lost tragedy “Thyestes.” (Ernetti provided
a transcription he had made of the play.) He toured a first
century AD Roman market. He viewed speeches by Mussolini,
Napoleon, and Cicero. (Regarding the latter, Ernetti noted that
the Latin pronunciation taught in schools today is incorrect.)
Most startlingly, Ernetti claimed he had used his Chronovisor to watch
the final days of Jesus. He presented a photo he claimed to have
taken of Christ dying on the cross, which, it must be said, did little
to convince skeptics. (It was eventually identified as a close-up
photo of a wooden crucifix on display in the Sanctuary of Merciful Love
at Collevalenza.)
Unfortunately, Ernetti never provided many details about his
astonishing creation. The Chronovisor was said to be made up of
antennae of various alloys, a sort of steering wheel driven by
electromagnetic radiation which enabled the user to hone in on their
chosen time and place, and recording devices to copy the sights and
sounds of our distant past.
Ernetti told friends that he came to believe his device was just too
successful. He and his team dismantled the Chronovisor, fearing
what could result if it fell into the wrong hands. It had the
potential, he said, to create "the most fearsome dictatorship the world
has ever seen." Despite the complete lack of hard evidence for
Ernetti’s claims, he never retracted his story. Although the
priest became increasingly silent about his alleged invention, he went
to his grave in 1994 content to let the world think he might--just
might--have been a time-traveler.
It was after Ernetti’s death that the Chronovisor story really got
weird. In 2002, a French Jesuit priest, Francois Brune published
a book, “Le nouveau mystère du Vatican,” (“The Vatican’s New Mystery,”)
asserting that, yes, Ernetti’s machine really had existed. Brune,
who had been friends with Ernetti since 1962, accused the Vatican of
suppressing all information about the Chronovisor. The Church not
only ordered Ernetti to shut up about the damn thing, but covered up
all proof of its existence, such as Ernetti’s research notes and
blueprints. (Regarding the dubious photo of Christ on the cross,
Brune said that Ernetti had an explanation for its resemblance to the
Collevalenza crucifix: the artist who made the icon was guided by a nun
who had many visions of the Crucifixion. Probably, he asserted,
the nun had herself been mystically transported through time, enabling
her to see the exact same scene that Ernetti had photographed.)
Brune didn’t blame anyone for assuming that Ernetti was merely a
particularly wild fabulist. However, he argued that it was
impossible to believe that this brilliant and accomplished man of high
moral integrity would be insane enough to make up such an implausible
A further complication to our little tale emerged in 2000. New
Paradigm Books published an English-language translation of Viennese
journalist Peter Krassa’s 1997 book about Ernetti under the title
“Father Ernetti’s Chronovisor.” This edition included a
previously-unknown “deathbed confession.” This document was sent
to New Paradigm by an anonymous source claiming to have been a relative
of Ernetti’s present at the priest’s final hours. In this
“confession,” Ernetti admits that although he had been working on the
Chronovisor for many years, he had never perfected it sufficiently to
actually travel through time. It took a near-death experience for
him to realize that he, and not Quintus Ennius, had composed the text
of “Thyestes” he had supposedly copied from an ancient
performance. In the “confession,” Ernetti revealed that he had
spent many previous lifetimes struggling to create the Chronovisor, and
he vowed to be reincarnated once more in order to try, try again.
Naturally, Brune dismissed this document as a forgery. He pointed
out, correctly, that the “confession” contained many inconsistencies
and errors. He also noted that the description of the Chronovisor
allegedly provided by the dying Ernetti did not match in the slightest
what the priest had told Brune and others about his device. Brune
scoffed that the document’s author “had read a little bit too much
science fiction.” He believed that the document was evidence that
there are powerful forces who want all of us to doubt that the
Chronovisor was real. And, perhaps, Brune mused, it was “for the
good of humanity” that the Chronovisor should remain hidden, as “such
an invention would run the risk of overturning all of our social
In other words, if the Chronovisor ever existed, perhaps it shouldn’t have.
Source: Strange Company
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