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Are you afraid of ghosts and
monsters? How about aliens flying down in their spacecraft to kidnap
you from your bedroom at night? Do you worry that the government
is listening in on your private conversations ready to charge you with
dissent and treason? Or that the Men-In-Black
are waiting for you just around the corner? Well never fear -
Journal is Here! Yes that's right. Conspiracy Journal, your
one source of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and more, is here once
again to protect you from THEM, by keeping you informed on all the news
and information that you won't hear on your local 6 o'clock news or
read in your hometown newspaper.
This week Conspiracy Journal
brings you such paranoia-producing stories as:
- Detectives Perplexed by Oregon Cattle Mutilations
- Dashcam footage Shows "Ghost child" on Dark Highway-
- Time Slips and Teleportation -
AND: Woman Plans To Marry Chandelier Named LuminereAll these
exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

20 of the world's leading UFOlogists establish that humans have
done battle with aliens over and over again, shooting at them,
molesting them, hitting them, running them over, unleashing dogs
upon them, and injuring -- and even killing them -- though any means
possible, as humans try to combat their fear of the unknown. In
many instances the aliens have fought back. They have sought revenge,
and more often than not, gotten it. Here are over a hundred
reports of the strangest close encounters with humanoids who use force
to defend themselves -- such as the case of the NY hunter whose rifle
was ripped from his hands, the shotgun barrel twisted, and than handed
back to him. There is also the crash landing of a UFO in Kingman, AZ
which involved 8 UFOs positioning themselves in the sky in combat
position, apparently returning to find any survivors of their
doomed craft, and to protect themselves in doing so. IS THERE A BLACK UFO EXPERIENCE?
second part of the book's "mission," is to disprove the concept held
by many that African Americans are not prone to have UFO
experiences or to hold a belief or interest in the subject. One
contributor, Prof. Stephen Finley of the University of Louisiana,
explains how UFOs are part of the overall "Black experience" of many
African Americans. Most of his fans do not realize that Muhammad Ali
had over 21 UFO sightings. A friend of researcher Tim Beckley, the late
Champ explains why he was so taken up with the subject, being a part of
his spiritual beliefs. And as always you can send a check or money order to: Timothy Beckley 11 East 30th Street, 4R NY NY 10016
Click Here to
Order From the Conspiracy Journal Bookshop.
And as always you can send a check or money order to:
East 30th Street, 4R
NY 10016
Please make out checks
to: Timothy Green Beckley
Detectives Perplexed by Oregon Cattle Mutilations
By Garrett Andrews
The udders appeared to have been removed with precision — straight, even cuts, as if made by a sharp object.
The reproductive systems had been cut out cleanly as well, and without disturbing other organs.
There was no indication of predator activity and perhaps strangest of
all, scavenging animals appeared to have hardly touched these six cow
carcasses found in a seven-day span this year on ranchland in rural
Crook County.
Detectives with the Crook County Sheriff’s Office, longtime ranchers
and a Prineville veterinarian who reviewed evidence from an ongoing
case say they’re stumped by the “unnatural” deaths.
But the mutilated cattle might be more ordinary than they seem,
according to Brian Dunning, a Bend-based podcaster committed to
deflating wild claims.
“This reads like a very typical case,” he said.
Crook County Sheriff John Gautney said his office has no leads but cautioned there’s “no reason to panic.”
“We’ve had cases like this over the years,” Gautney said. “They seem to
come in groups and then go away. We are not speculating on how these
are happening, as we try to keep an open mind and look at all
Mutilated cattle have been reported in the American West since at least
the 1960s. There have been multiple recent cases of bull mutilations in
Harney, Wheeler and Umatilla counties in Eastern Oregon. But now, beef
cattle have turned up dead in the remote ranchlands outside Prineville
bearing signs common to the cattle mutilation phenomenon.
The current string of cases began Feb. 27, when Crook County Sheriff’s
Office deputy Scott Durr was dispatched to suspicious circumstances at
the 96 Ranch on Southeast Van Lake Road. Owner Rickey Shannon said one
of his herd had been discovered dead two days earlier with an odd cut
down its spine.
Shannon, who lives on the ranch with his two sons, reported no
predators or birds had touched the cow. There were no tracks, and no
blood surrounding it. The cow’s left cheek, tongue and three of its
teats had been cut away cleanly. But the eyes, usually the first body
part to be scavenged after death, were untouched. There were no bullet
holes and a scan of the cow by a metal detector turned up none.
The cow was about 200 yards from the road, near the edge of a field and
some juniper trees. There were no vehicle tracks near the dead animal,
no footprints of any kind.
The mystery deepened a few days later. On March 4, Casey Thomas,
manager of the GI Ranch on Lister Road in Paulina, reported that one of
his herd of around 5,000 appeared to have suffered a strange death.
Crook County detective Javier Sanchez arrived to find a deceased Black
Angus cow lying on its side. Hair had been removed near the stomach.
All four udders were cut off and its left cheek, tongue and sex organs
removed. Between the front legs an uneven patch of hair was missing and
in the middle was a prick mark, Sanchez wrote in his report.
The next day, Crook County’s Sgt. Timothy Durheim was dispatched to a
report of a wolf kill at the McCormack Ranch on Southeast Bear Creek
Road. But it was apparent no wolf took down this cow.
Durheim noted several straight incisions on the animal. One udder had
been removed and a circular cut was made around the anus and the
reproductive organs removed without puncturing the gut. The left cheek,
left eye and tongue had been removed.
“Again, I noted straight, clean incisions where the cheek had been,” Durheim wrote in his case report.
Durheim examined the carcass and found a puncture wound between the neck and shoulder. He found no bite marks.
“There were no apparent animal or human tracks immediately surrounding
the carcass, and only minimal blood in the area,” Durheim wrote. “I
know from personal experience that if an animal is killed or scavenged
by predators, there is typically a large bloody messy area surrounding
the carcass.”
On March 6, Casey Thomas called police back to report finding another
dead cow bearing the same strange injuries. This one was more badly
decomposed than the first but its left cheek was also removed and a
2-inch patch had been cut into the hair on its neck.
Detectives took photos of the dead cows to Prineville veterinarian Dr.
Taylor Karlin for her perspective. She agreed the deaths appeared
unnatural and her opinion was included in a search warrant request
filed in the case to scan for cell phone activity near where the cows
were found.
Charges in any of the cases could include trespassing and aggravated
animal abuse. With the cattle valued at $1,250 to $1,400 each, criminal
mischief also might be charged.
As a vet with an interest in large animals, Karlin has performed many
post-mortem examinations on deceased livestock. When, and if, another
mutilated cow turns up in Crook County, Karlin has agreed to perform an
appropriate necropsy so she can personally examine a fresh specimen if
another turns up.
“I wish I had an answer,” she said. “We’re kind of at a loss.”
One possible explanation is these were, in fact, natural deaths.
Podcast host Dunning’s long-running show Skeptoid devoted an episode to
debunking cattle mutilation in 2015. Dunning, who read the 28-page
search warrant request, called the recent Crook County case typical of
numerous accounts often attributed to aliens or satanic rituals.
“This is almost certainly the same kind of bird predation we’ve seen in
so many similar cases,” he wrote to The Bulletin. “In my opinion, there
is nothing here that suggests anything but normal and expected bird
predation had occurred, and ... no justification for a search warrant
to seek out an apocryphal human responsible for the wounds.”
Dunning said he’s learned there’s actually a short window of time
between when the animal dies and when its body is scavenged when it’s
obvious what killed the animal.
“Most particularly birds, and also some insects, will always go first
for the exposed soft tissue: eyes, tongue, lips and mouth area,
genitals. The animal is dead with zero blood pressure so there is never
significant bleeding from post mortem wounds. The body is in the
process of drying and decaying, so skin pulls tight from around the
excised area, giving the impression of a perfect surgical cut.”
Karlin is awaiting the results of liver and blood samples she’s sent
away for lab testing. Police have sent hair samples to the state crime
lab on the chance they don’t belong to the bovine.
Last year, the FBI in Oregon started receiving questions about cattle
mutilations in Central and Eastern Oregon, according to Beth Anne
Steele, spokesperson for the FBI Portland office. But despite sporadic
media inquiries, the office does not have a current role in the cattle
mutilation investigations, Steele wrote to The Bulletin.
Source: Oregon Live
Solved! The Mysteries of Space, Time and UFOs, now available on Amazon.
Dashcam footage Shows "Ghost child" on Dark Highway

Eerie dashcam footage of what
is believed to be a young child standing in the middle of a Sydney
highway at night has been shared to social media.
Mitch Kuhne was driving back to the Gold Coast along the Hume Highway
near Bardia just before 8pm on Sunday when he claims to have spotted a
small child standing on the road.
Dashcam footage of the incident shows what appears to be a child-like
figure wearing a big jacket or wrapped in a blanket standing in the
middle of one of the lanes. The figure appears to step towards the car
as it passes.
Kuhne said he was unable to stop as he was towing a toy hauler and said
it would have caused an accident. His mother, who was sitting in the
passenger seat, immediately called Triple Zero and reported what they
had seen. The call was reportedly placed at 7.41pm (AEST), according to
the Daily Mail.
Kuhne said they were told by police that they were "putting patrols out immediately".
Less than an hour later at 8.29pm, Kuhne called Macquarie Fields Police
Station to offer his dashcam footage but said he was told the child had
been found
"I called the local station after realising the dash cam would have
footage and called to see where I could send it to help them so they
know what it is we saw and could pin point the location," he wrote on
"I was told on the phone by the officer that there is no need to send
it as the child had been collected safely and was on its way home.
"I felt absolutely sick when all this happened I instantly felt so much better when I was told the kid had been collected."
However, NSW Police have since told the Daily Mail that no child was
found, despite officers searching the area until 3.45am on Monday.
Kuhne was shocked by this revelation, writing on Facebook: "To see that
they are claiming I was never told [the child was found] makes me sick
as I have the exact time and station I called on record!"
Source: NZ Herald
Time Slips and Teleportation

What if these missing people
are walking into a disturbance in our atmosphere? A disturbance that
causes a portal to manifest and swallow them up instantly.
It seems like the demons of the world are out in full force, because I
was telephonically contacted by Monique Navarette of Dallas, Texas. She
tells me that for one week now a demon has been harassing her. The
demon will touch her feet while she is asleep. He will watch her sleep,
which makes her go into a state of depression. The demon is a grayish
black smoky figure. Her father has seen it and her little brother has
seen it. One night the demon was angry and threw a water bottle at her.
He moved the shower curtain and violently shook the closet doors.
Monique was terrified. She called me in desperation and asked if there
is anything I can do for her. I suggested the following steps. That she
goes out and purchase angelic figurines. Each angel figurine should be
blessed with holy water.
Each angel figurine should be strategically placed on window sills and
all entrances of the home. I told her to consult her clergyman and have
him bless the home. I said some prayers with Monique, asking for a
protection of God's angels to watch over her home, family and Monique.
I will be telephonically in touch with Monique, until she can get out
of this dire situation.
Now let's look at some strange paranormal phenomenon. Let's talk about
time slips. Did you know that an eminent naturalist named Ivan T.
Sanderson, his wife and his assistant Frederick G. Allsop were doing a
biological survey in Haiti, when they found themselves going from Haiti
to Paris, France. Not only did they go to Paris, France from Haiti,
they were in 15th Century France. Ivan was able to survey the streets
of France and determine that the buildings were of 15th Century
architecture. The three of them were amazed at what they were seeing
and had no idea how they could be in an open field in the island of
Haiti and find themselves in France. After walking around for a while
in France, they decided to take a seat. Frederick who carried
cigarettes for all three of them, started lighting up three cigarettes.
As he finished lighting all three cigarettes, the landscape of 15th
Century France changed back to present day Haiti. How did this time
slip happen? Perhaps there are certain portals throughout the world in
which rare time slips can occur that will take you into the past and
even into the future. Scientists determine that time is actually
parallel with the past, present and future. That in one linear line,
one could walk from the past into the present and into the future.
Perhaps through these time portals are where strange interdimensional
beings come from. Perhaps UFOs use these portals to get from our world
to another world.
A teacher in Holt, Norfolk actually time slipped into the future. The
teacher saw a laundry mat that was once under construction, now
completed and open for business. People were going in and out of the
laundry mat utilizing the services that a laundry mat provides. The
teacher was thrilled that there was now a completed laundry mat in his
neighborhood and went home to tell his wife. His wife with 5 loads of
laundry hurried over to the laundry mat only to find that the building
was still under construction. The teacher actually went into a time
slip and was probably 3 months out into the future.
Fortunately these people went into time slips and returned back to the
present time safely. But, what happened to Isaac Martin, a farmer who
walked into his field on April 25, 1885 and vanished in front of
He never returned. In broad daylight he simply walked into the field to
conduct his tasks and vanished. When witnesses went to the area where
he vanished they could hear his fading voice yelling for help. Where
was he headed? Did he go into a time slip or was he taken to another
dimension? From July to August of 1892 many people in Montreal simply
vanished. No sign of foul play, they were gone. Were they abducted? Did
they get consumed by a dimensional portal? In November 2, 1926, 8
people went missing in 3 days in Southend, England. Again, no sign of
foul play, they were just gone. A really bizarre case was in August 5,
1920 in Belfast, 8 girls all age 12 vanished within a few days time.
Where did they go? Why all girls? Why all the age of 12? An abduction
experiment by extraterrestrials?
I will never forget back in 1988, I was driving in downtown Sacramento.
I noticed a very good looking blonde in a short skirt walking down the
sidewalk. Of course, I had to take notice. I turned my head for maybe a
half a second and looked back and the blonde girl was no where to be
seen. It was impossible for her to vanish so quickly. It was an open
sidewalk with no places for her to hide. Where did she go? I know what
I was seeing. I don't imagine hot looking girls walking down sidewalks.
I will never forget that strange sighting.
What if these missing people are walking into a disturbance in our
atmosphere? A disturbance that causes a portal to manifest and swallow
them up instantly. What if this portal is a time passage, or a
dimensional passage? What if they teleported to another world? Case
example, the Pansini boys ages 7 and 8 were walking around Bari, Italy
and found themselves teleported to the town of Ruvo near a relative's
house. When they arrived to the relative's house, both boys were
A very famous case is Kaspar Hauser. Kaspar wandered into Nurnberg,
Germany on May 1828. He could only say a few sentences. People
suspected he was either 17 or 18 years old. No one knew where he came
from. He seemed to have problems walking. He seemed very disoriented.
Kaspar became a sensation throughout Europe. No one knew where he came
from, but for some reason he was now there in Nurnberg. It was
perplexing and mysterious for many. Many theories were brought forth.
Kaspar later revealed that he was kept in a dark cell and his keeper
was known as The Man. Later in life, he was mysteriously attacked. The
attack that finally killed him was done in the snow. He claimed he was
stabbed in the forehead by a masked man. After the stabbing, he soon
died. The odd thing of this attack is the only footprints they could
find in the snow, were those of Kaspar Hauser. How did he get stabbed
in the forehead? Why would someone want to murder Kaspar? What people
learned about Kaspar is that he had an uncanny ability to see and
maneuver in the dark. Rumors circulated that he was once the Crown
Prince of Bavaria and he was held in a dungeon, so he could not obtain
his powers of ruler ship. Could the answer actually be that Kaspar was
being kept prisoner by extraterrestrials. When Kaspar started learning
the language, maybe it was time for his captors to take him out. If
there were no outside footprints at the murder scene and Kaspar didn't
stab himself in the forehead, you only have one option left. Something
paranormal took Kaspar out. But what was it?
I feel ancient civilizations knew about these portals, they knew about
the magnetic balances of this world through ley lines and strategically
placed monuments at key areas such as Stonehenge or the great Pyramids
in Giza.
Just like there is a Great Red Spot on Jupiter, there is the Bermuda
Triangle on Earth. Strange planet anomalies that can be doorways from
one world to another world. The universe is mysterious and I can only
wonder if one day we will have all the answers.
For more interesting stories of time slips and other weird mysteries,
read Tim R. Swartz's article: On The Edge of Time:
The Mystery of Time Slips
Source: Alien Seeker News

By Brian Allan
In this remarkable book the author and editor of Phenomena Magazine,
Brian Allan, introduces the idea that Heresy (the word is taken from
the Greek language and only means ‘one who chooses’), not only decided
the frequently bloody fate of free-thinkers in the Dark Ages, but still
affects us in many surprising ways to this very day. Drawing on
hard-to-find sources, the author shows that at one time the charge of
heresy was used as a brutal and particularly heavy-handed form of
control by various religious groups.
Heretics like Aleister Crowley, Anton Szandor laVey,
Kenneth Grant, Charles Manson and others are discussed in these pages
and show that heresy was and is part and parcel of how magic and
Satanism began and perhaps even lies at the origins of the human race.
Discover how the intelligence services, through people like the
enigmatic Col. John Alexander, have successfully weaponised former
heretical beliefs such as magic, remote viewing and mind control and
used them to kill. Even today among scientists, particularly in quantum
physics, the charge of heresy is a very real threat and can bring
promising careers to an abrupt halt, because even although the
perceived heresy is correct, it dares to challenge the status-quo.
This reasonably priced book can and will change how
you see the world and it is available from any good bookseller, from
‘O’ Books or through Amazon.
Giant and Out-of-Place Reptiles in Oklahoma

An ice storm, the flu, and a
computer virus have kept me out of the blogsphere for a while—when it
rains, it pours (and in this case it rains ice). But one good thing
came out of trekking twice a day to the only outlet still serving food:
about two days into the storm one of my fellow refugees approached me
during dinner with a very strange story.
Adam Meirs of Kansas, Oklahoma (another in a long line of creative Okie
names) had an encounter of the slithery kind in the summer of 2005.
Kansas is a small town in Delaware County, just off the Cherokee
Turnpike. It has a population of 685, according to the last census.
Meirs states:
“I was riding my four-wheeler at dusk behind my uncle’s house where
there’s a lot of trees. Back behind his house there’s a dip that leads
to a pond that he also owns and before you reach the pond there’s a
turnaround point.”
It was dusk, and Meirs began to get spooked. He continues:
“I turned around and right at the dip my four-wheeler immediately shuts
off. I’m trying to pull-start it, and I started getting a little more
freaked out because I heard some rustling off to the side. I look over
and see a human-like shadow standing off to the side, but instead of
being a normal human he had a snake-like head.”
The being approached Meirs, who struggled more and more frantically to
start his vehicle:
“I gave one final pull on the starter while pressing on the gas at the
same time and my four-wheeler starts, and I haul out of there and go
tell my friend Joe what I seen.”
Joe took the four-wheeler and returned to the site, but headed back to
the house after hearing a noise that “did not seem normal”.
The most interesting thing about Meirs’s snake-headed humanoid is the
resemblance it bears to the Seminole tribe’s “human snakes”, legendary
malevolent creatures that lived in dens full of giant snakes. I asked
Meirs if he was familiar with the legend, and he said he was not. Human
snakes are either half-snake half-human or can shape shift between the
Human snakes aren’t the only breed of strange snake the Native
Americans believe in. The Cherokee tribe tells of Ukena, giant horned
reptiles that live in the water, and perhaps most interesting are the
Creeks’ tie-snakes, strong, dark snakes that live in caves alongside
riverbanks and are capable of pulling unsuspecting humans to a watery
Of the forty-six species of known snake native to Oklahoma, only a few
are aquatic, and none are powerful enough to prey on humans. The
Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake and the Coachwhip hold the title of
OK’s largest snakes, both clocking in just shy of seven feet long.
But could there be monsters hiding in the forests and lakes, as the
Native legends hold?
Snake Creek, near Tenkiller Lake, appears to have been named for good
reason. Edna Stubblefield recalls in the Stubblefield memoirs that
sometime in the 1890s she and her family spotted a snake at the Creek
that “looked like a big old fence post” crawling across the road.
A nine-foot Burmese python turned up in a Tulsa driveway, and on
October 25, 2001, another Burmese python, this one seven feet long,
appeared in a Stillwater neighborhood. And according to this article,
more giant snakes may be on their way to Oklahoma.
While we’re on the subject of out of place reptiles, how about
rampaging alligators? The official range of the American alligator is
restricted to extreme Southeastern Oklahoma, particularly Choctaw and
McCurtain counties, and yet they just seem to keep turning up in other
parts of the state.
In August 2002 a South American caiman, of all things, was netted in
Lake Tenkiller. Another caiman, this one two to four feet long,
appeared in a Tulsa backyard in February 2004. And in July 2006 animal
control officers spent two days trying to capture a four-foot-long
alligator that appeared in the Battle Creek Golf Course in Tulsa. The
gator was never caught, and apparently vanished. (Note of interest—the
Battle Creek housing edition was also home to another out-of-place
creature in 2005—a “mountain lion” reportedly terrorized the
neighborhood, preying on household pets. It was also never caught and
eventually just faded away.)
And of course the strange case of the “fugitive” gator. In the summer
of 2003 a 350-pound reptile dubbed the Truck Traveling Alligator was
caught in a pond, sent to a breeder, and then sent to Safari Joe’s, a
wildlife sanctuary in Adair. The gator promptly vanished from its pen
and reappeared in a pond just south of Interstate 44, and then turned
up in yet another pond, this one behind the Big Cabin Truck Plaza,
where he was finally recaptured. He was relocated to prime gator
habitat in McCurtain County.
Granted, giant reptiles are nothing new to Oklahoma. The Sam Noble
Museum in Norman hosts the world’s largest Apatosaurus
(http://www.rareresource.com/images/apatosaurus.jpg)—93 feet long—found
in the Panhandle. And if that’s not big enough for you, the world’s
largest dinosaur to date also once called Oklahoma home. In 1994
fossils that were first thought to be tree trunks were discovered. The
“trunks” turned out to be neck bones, each four feet long. The sauropod
the bones belonged to stood an estimated 60 feet and weighed 60 tons,
and was dubbed Sauroposeidon—the “earthquake God lizard”.
This monster went extinct 110 million years ago, but perhaps some of
the God lizard’s smaller cousins stuck around.
Source: OK? Awesome!

Bizarre Bazaar/Conspiracy Journal Catalog #51
Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the
Bizarre Bazaar/Conspiracy Journal Catalog (#51) is now available online.
Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now
Available for Your Pleasure!
Ghosts in the Machine
The human brain is, in surprising part, an appliance powered by
electricity. It constantly generates about 12 watts of energy, enough
to keep a flashlight glowing. It works by sending out electrical
impulses — bursts of power running along the cellular wires of the
nervous system — to stimulate muscles into motion or thought into
being. We’re mostly aware of this when the machine falters, when it
short-circuits into epilepsy or frays into the tremors of Parkinson’s
So when scientists wrote in a recent issue of the journal Nature that
they could induce phantom effects — the sensation of being haunted by a
shadowy figure — by stimulating the brain with electricity, it made
perfect neurological sense. One could even argue that the existence of
such sensations explains away the so-called supernatural. In fact, as
The Times reported, the researchers promptly concluded that ghosts are
mere “bodily delusions,” electrical misfirings and nothing more.
The report does look like a kind of proof — albeit very small proof, as
this was a study of two people — if one happens already to believe that
ghosts are no more than biological quirks. But what’s fascinating is
that it can also look like proof that ghosts are real entities, to
those inclined to believe as much. And so the findings also present a
case study in two very different perspectives.
The scientific study of the supernatural began in the late 19th
century, in synchrony with the age of energy. It’s hardly coincidental
that as traditional science began to reveal the hidden potential of
nature’s powers — magnetic fields, radiation, radio waves, electrical
currents — paranormal researchers began to suggest that the occult
operated in similar ways.
A fair number of these occult explorers were scientists who studied
nature’s highly charged circuits. Marie Curie, who did some of the
first research into radioactive elements like uranium, attended
séances to assess the powers of mediums. So did the British
physicist J. J. Thomson, who demonstrated the existence of the electron
in 1897. And so did Thomson’s colleague, John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh,
who won the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work with atmospheric
Rayleigh would later become president of the British Society for
Psychical Research. And he would be joined in that organization by
other physicists, including the wireless radio pioneer Sir Oliver
Lodge, who proposed that both telepathy and ghostly appearances were
achieved through energy transmissions connecting living minds to one
another and perhaps even to the dead.
Lodge argued that the human brain could function as a kind of receiver,
picking up signals at a subconscious level. These were powered by some
undiscovered energy, traveling perhaps in waves, perhaps in currents.
Such transmissions lay behind telepathic experiences, including shared
thoughts. Along the same lines, he thought it possible that a spirit’s
appearance was really just its specific energy signal stimulating a
response from the receiver’s brain.
The theories developed by Lodge and his colleagues dovetail rather
neatly with the electricity-produced hauntings that Olaf Blanke, a
Swiss neuroscientist, reports in Nature. For example, he used an
implanted electrode to send a current into a region of the brain called
the angular gyrus. The test was focused on language processing. But as
a side effect, one of the test subjects nervously reported sensing
another person in bed with her, silent and shadowy. Her creepy
companion came and went with the ebb and flow of current.
It would be compelling — and more convincing — if the same result could
be exhibited in a few more subjects. But Dr. Blanke believes that even
this one subject’s experience serves as an example of how we may
mistake errant signals in the brain for something more. Humans tend, he
points out, to seek explanation, to impose meaning on events that may
have none. The pure rationalists among us suggest that our need to add
meaning to a basic, biological existence easily accounts for the way we
organize religions and find evidence of otherworldly powers in the
stuff of everyday life.
The nonpurists suggest a different conclusion: willful scientific
blindness. And there’s no reason Dr. Blanke’s study can’t support their
theories of the paranormal. Perhaps his experimental electric current
simply mimics the work of an equally powerful spirit. Much of the
psychical research done today applies similar principles: brain-imaging
machines highlight parts of the brain that respond to psychic
phenomena, while other devices are used to search for infrared
radiation or increased electrical activity in haunted houses.
The American psychologist and philosopher William James, also a leader
in the Victorian paranormal research movement, remarked even then on
the culture clash: “How often has ‘Science’ killed off all spook
philosophy, and laid ghosts and raps and ‘telepathy’ underground as so
much popular delusion?” he wrote in 1909. And how often, James wondered
rhetorically, had such efforts stopped people from seeing ghosts and
believing in supernatural powers? Because in the end, of course, the
conclusion has nothing to do with science at all and everything to do
with how one sees the world.
I suspect that we’ll dwell forever in the haunted landscape of our
beliefs. To many people it’s a world more interesting — bigger,
stranger, more mysterious — than the one offered by science. Why choose
instead to be creatures of chemical impulse and electrical twitch? We
would rather gamble on even a tiny, electrical spark of a chance that
we are something more.
Deborah Blum, a professor of journalism at the University of Wisconsin
who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1992, is the author of “Ghost Hunters:
William James and the Scientific Search for Life After Death.”
Source: NY Times
Woman Plans To Marry Chandelier Named Luminere

Amanda Liberty was invited to Channel 4's daytime show Steph's Packed Lunch for an episode on love and relationships.
The woman from Leeds opened up about having objectophilia, the feeling of love and romantic commitment to inanimate objects
For some, including Amanda, the idea of sexual or close emotional relationships with humans is simply not on the radar.
Speaking to host Steph McGovern, she said: "I don't view them as inanimate objects as most people do.
"You know the term animism, it's more common in Japan, it's when people sense an energy from an object.
"It's not just a sitting object, it has an energy you can get to know. That's how I feel, it's never a moment that I'm in love.
"It was never a lightbulb moment. It was more like something that happened over time."
Amanda explained how she first fell in love with a drum kit and is now
planning to get married to a German chandelier named Luminere.
When asked about her discovery of having feelings for objects, Amanda
replied: "I didn't understand it for a long time to be honest but I
always accepted myself even though I didn't understand it.
"Even now it's hard to explain because I don't know why I fall in love with objects, I can't explain it.
"But I've accepted myself for who I am and this is why I came here,
because I want everybody else to just accept and be happy - because it
makes me feel happy and content."
While acknowledging that objectophilia is a difficult concept for some
to understand, Amanda compared it to the way some people see or feel
energy in crystals.
She went on to explain her connection with Luminere: "I feel loved by
them [chandeliers], just an amazing connection I can't explain, I think
they're beautiful."
After seeing the nearly 100-year-old chandelier, Amanda said she
'couldn't get it her out of her mind for two weeks' and she eventually
had the item shipped over from Germany.
Now she's hoping to tie the knot with the fixture, adding: "When I say
marriage I don't mean compare it to a marriage of another human.
"It's more of a commitment, just an expression of my love and a celebration."
Despite the fact that some of Amanda's friends and families can't quite
understand her connection to objects, ultimately they're happy that she
is happy and feels in a good place mentally.
"I think that is what's important in life, to be happy and to feel loved," she said.
Damn straight, Amanda - you do you.
Source: Lad Bible
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