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2/9/07 #403
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In a dark, smoke-filled room,
somewhere deep in the bowels of an secret government agency, electronic
spies quietly monitor all communications throughout the planet. When
key words are detected, programs go into action to trace the source and
destination of the targeted communication. And now, red lights
are flashing, tapes are spinning, secret intelligence operatives are
scrambling, and the black helicopters are flying. All because
once again, cyberspace is filled with your number one source of
information on conspiracies, UFO, the paranormal, and much more -
Conspiracy Journal!
week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such surveillance-society
stories as:
- FBI Turns to Broad New
Wiretap Method -
UFOs Make
Grand Reappearance Across U.S. -
- Roman Descendants Found in China?
AND: Mysterious Showers of Stone
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

New on DVD -

been shrouded in mystery and intrigue for centuries. Except for the
highest Cardinals and Bishops, the public and even members of the
priesthood are not privy to the inner workings of the Church. It is
rumored that there are in the secret archives centuries-old artifacts
that, if exposed, could embarrass the standard-bearers of the faith.
Searching for truth has always been the Conspiracy Journal's main goal.
With this in mind, we recently "invaded" the walls of the Vatican with
our hidden cameras on a fact finding mission. On our return, we
followed up our investigation by interviewing such astute researchers
as: Jordan Maxwell - Brad Steiger - Patricia Ress - Penny Melis - and Diane Tessman.
* Does the Vatican conceal
knowledge that the crucifixion was a fraud?
* Is there a secret cabal
of Satanists within the Vatican to further the evil conspiracy of the
New World Order?
* Learn about
the UFO sighting that occurred over the Vatican the morning of the
funeral of Pope John Paul.
* Can
exorcism be a futile effort that often results in the death of the
* What
secrets is the Vatican keeping about the perilous future of our world?
* Is the
Vatican link to the Hubble Telescope evidence that they are aware that
Planet X is headed toward Earth?
right now, you will also get the FREE
unedited audio interviews with Brad Steiger, Jordan Maxwell, Patricia
Ress, and noted psychic Penny Melis. These interviews were conducted by
Sean Casteel for use in the documentary. However, as with every
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the screen. Now you can hear the complete, unedited interviews as each
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at 5:00 PM EST at
Timothy Green Beckley (Mr. UFO) on Out There TV
Watch our good friend Timothy Green Beckley on Out There TV where he talks about the
mysteries and possibilities of the hollow Earth and other strange and
weird mysteries.
This is a show not to be missed! You can now see it online at:
FBI Turns to Broad New
Wiretap Method

The FBI appears to have adopted an invasive Internet surveillance
technique that collects far more data on innocent Americans than
previously has been disclosed.
Instead of recording only what a particular suspect is doing, agents
conducting investigations appear to be assembling the activities of
thousands of Internet users at a time into massive databases, according
to current and former officials. That database can subsequently be
queried for names, e-mail addresses or keywords.
Such a technique is broader and potentially more intrusive than the
FBI's Carnivore surveillance system, later renamed DCS1000. It raises
concerns similar to those stirred by widespread Internet monitoring
that the National Security Agency is said to have done, according to
documents that have surfaced in one federal lawsuit, and may stretch
the bounds of what's legally permissible.
Call it the vacuum-cleaner approach. It's employed when police have
obtained a court order and an Internet service provider can't "isolate
the particular person or IP address" because of technical constraints,
says Paul Ohm, a former trial attorney at the Justice Department's
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. (An Internet Protocol
address is a series of digits that can identify an individual computer.)
That kind of full-pipe surveillance can record all Internet traffic,
including Web browsing--or, optionally, only certain subsets such as
all e-mail messages flowing through the network. Interception typically
takes place inside an Internet provider's network at the junction point
of a router or network switch.
The technique came to light at the Search & Seizure in the Digital
Age symposium held at Stanford University's law school on Friday. Ohm,
who is now a law professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder,
and Richard Downing, a CCIPS assistant deputy chief, discussed it
during the symposium.
In a telephone conversation afterward, Ohm said that full-pipe
recording has become federal agents' default method for Internet
surveillance. "You collect wherever you can on the (network) segment,"
he said. "If it happens to be the segment that has a lot of IP
addresses, you don't throw away the other IP addresses. You do that
after the fact."
"You intercept first and you use whatever filtering, data mining to get
at the information about the person you're trying to monitor," he added.
On Monday, a Justice Department representative would not immediately
answer questions about this kind of surveillance technique. (Late
Tuesday, the Justice Department responded with a statement taking issue
with this description of the FBI's surveillance practices.)
"What they're doing is even worse than Carnivore," said Kevin Bankston,
a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation who attended the
Stanford event. "What they're doing is intercepting everyone and then
choosing their targets."
When the FBI announced two years ago it had abandoned Carnivore, news
reports said that the bureau would increasingly rely on Internet
providers to conduct the surveillance and reimburse them for costs.
While Carnivore was the subject of congressional scrutiny and outside
audits, the FBI's current Internet eavesdropping techniques have
received little attention.
Carnivore apparently did not perform full-pipe recording. A technical
report - "Independent Technical Review of the Carnivore System" -
from December 2000 prepared for the Justice Department said that
Carnivore "accumulates no data other than that which passes its
filters" and that it saves packets "for later analysis only after they
are positively linked by the filter settings to a target."
One reason why the full-pipe technique raises novel legal questions is
that under federal law, the FBI must perform what's called
Federal law says that agents must "minimize the interception of
communications not otherwise subject to interception" and keep the
supervising judge informed of what's happening. Minimization is
designed to provide at least a modicum of privacy by limiting police
eavesdropping on innocuous conversations.
Prosecutors routinely hold presurveillance "minimization meetings" with
investigators to discuss ground rules. Common investigatory rules
permit agents to listen in on a phone call for two minutes at a time,
with at least one minute elapsing between the spot-monitoring sessions.
That section of federal law mentions only real-time interception--and
does not explicitly authorize the creation of a database with
information on thousands of innocent targets.
But a nearby sentence adds: "In the event the intercepted communication
is in a code or foreign language, and an expert in that foreign
language or code is not reasonably available during the interception
period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after
such interception."
Downing, the assistant deputy chief at the Justice Department's
computer crime section, pointed to that language on Friday. Because
digital communications amount to a foreign language or code, he said,
federal agents are legally permitted to record everything and sort
through it later. (Downing stressed that he was not speaking on behalf
of the Justice Department.)
"Take a look at the legislative history from the mid '90s," Downing
said. "It's pretty clear from that that Congress very much intended it
to apply to electronic types of wiretapping."
EFF's Bankston disagrees. He said that the FBI is "collecting and
apparently storing indefinitely the communications of thousands--if not
hundreds of thousands--of innocent Americans in violation of the
Wiretap Act and the 4th Amendment to the Constitution."
Marc Rotenberg, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center
in Washington, D.C., said a reasonable approach would be to require
that federal agents only receive information that's explicitly
permitted by the court order. "The obligation should be on both the
(Internet provider) and the government to make sure that only the
information responsive to the warrant is disclosed to the government,"
he said.
Courts have been wrestling with minimization requirements for over a
generation. In a 1978 Supreme Court decision, Scott v. United States,
the justices upheld police wiretaps of people suspected of selling
illegal drugs.
But in his majority opinion, Justice William Rehnquist said that broad
monitoring to nab one suspect might go too far. "If the agents are
permitted to tap a public telephone because one individual is thought
to be placing bets over the phone, substantial doubts as to
minimization may arise if the agents listen to every call which goes
out over that phone regardless of who places the call," he wrote.
Another unanswered question is whether a database of recorded Internet
communications can legally be mined for information about unrelated
criminal offenses such as drug use, copyright infringement or tax
crimes. One 1978 case, U.S. v. Pine, said that investigators could
continue to listen in on a telephone line when other illegal
activities--not specified in the original wiretap order--were being
discussed. Those discussions could then be used against a defendant in
a criminal prosecution.
Ohm, the former Justice Department attorney who presented a paper on
the Fourth Amendment, said he has doubts about the constitutionality of
full-pipe recording. "The question that's interesting, although I don't
know whether it's so clear, is whether this is illegal, whether it's
constitutional," he said. "Is Congress even aware they're doing this? I
don't know the answers."
Source: ZDnet
UFOs Make Grand Reappearance Across U.S.
From southeastern Wisconsin to
as far as Des Moines, Iowa and St. Louis, people reported seeing balls
of fire, possibly meteors, streaking across the sky Sunday night
February 4.
No major meteor showers were expected in the northern hemisphere on
Sunday night, said Jim Lattis, director of the University of
Wisconsin-Madison astronomy department's Space Place. But he said it
was possible that a minor shower may have been what prompted calls to
The National Weather Service's Sullivan office said reports were called
in from Iowa, northern Illinois and on up to Green Bay.
Dozens of people throughout the St. Louis region and Illinois reported
small objects that looked like bright lights or something burning, with
flaming tails behind some of them, said Ken Tretter, with the Missouri
State Highway Patrol in St. Louis.
In Wisconsin, a Waukesha County dispatch supervisor said two callers
reported a sighting around 8:15 p.m.
The Winnebago County Sheriff's Department said it received calls from
Oshkosh, Ripon, Appleton, Neenah, and Pulaski, among others.
A preliminary report Sunday indicated that the lights were from a
meteor, said Maj. April Cunningham, a spokeswoman for North American
Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, which watches for airborne threats
to the United States and Canada.
"We had a pilot reporting seeing a meteor and that's really all the
information we have tonight," Cunningham said.
Mysterious Lights Spotted Over Phoenix, Again
Nearly a decade after the highly publicized ‘Phoenix Light Phenomenon’,
more strange lights have appeared in the night sky over downtown
Tuesday night, mysterious lights lit up the western skies over Phoenix
and soon after, phones began ringing off the hook at radio, television
and police stations from witnesses wondering what the lights were.
The Yuma Marine Base claims it has the answer. Base officials said the
amber-colored flares came from training flights on the Goldwater
Gunnery Range. They went on to explain that the amber flares are used
as targets.
Witnesses said it appeared the flares were flying in a formation and
base officials explained that the flares float down to Earth attached
to parachutes.
Back in March of 1997, a huge object was spotted over parts of Arizona
that many witnesses believed to be an extraterrestrial spacecraft that
was drifting slowly and silently over the region. The ‘Phoenix Light
Phenomenon” became one of the most publicized and well-documented UFO
sightings in recent history.
The Air Force said they were flares from an A-10 but many critics said
flares couldn’t fly on their own over such a large distance.
The Discovery Channel has done a special on the lights. A movie has
even been made about them which recently came out on DVD.
Sources: Chicago Tribune/CBS-4 Phoenix,1,5366402.story
Falling Ice Generates
Conspiracy Theories

A large block of ice plummets from the Florida heavens, wrecking a Ford
Mustang parked on a Tampa neighborhood street and triggering theories
on its origin from across the country.
Readers fascinated by the 18-inch frozen chunk that smashed into Andres
Javage's car Jan. 28 have suggested investigators not overlook "the UFO
angle" and check whether there might be a connection with China
"blowing up" a satellite.
Still, others were convinced the falling ice was simply a hoax.
Weather experts said weather conditions that day wouldn't create such a
large ice brick. Meanwhile, the Federal Aviation Administration is
checking whether a passing airplane might be to blame.
As authorities puzzle over what caused the phenomenon, Javage, 20, can
take heart in knowing his smashed car is not alone.
News reports tell of similar tales of mayhem from falling ice chunks,
including one that crashed into a California gymnasium last year and
another striking a house in Pennsylvania only weeks ago.
Nina Gambone knows how mysterious ice can disrupt a life.
The 33-year-old Massachusetts woman thought she heard a bomb explode
outside her home in Leominster on Jan. 27, 2005. "I was sort of scared
to go outside," she said.
She discovered a beach-ball size piece of ice ripped into the roof of
her 1991 Toyota Corolla. Moments earlier, she and her 14-year-old son
had parked the car and gone inside.
"If my son had still been sitting there, he would have been killed,"
she said.
Gambone said her insurance company wouldn't cover the damage, and the
FAA never identified whether an airplane was responsible.
The graphic artist and Web designer built a Web site detailing her
frustrating situation, complete with pictures of the wreckage and
tracking images showing the airplane that she thinks caused the damage.
Kathleen Bergen, an FAA spokeswoman in Atlanta, said investigators are
researching what aircraft were overhead about the time the Mustang was
struck in Tampa.
Javage's father, Carlos, said his son has full insurance coverage on
his car.
"To me it came off an aircraft, no doubt in my mind," Carlos Javage
John Young, who lives across the street from where the Mustang was
struck, said some of the ice remains in his freezer for safekeeping -
particularly if any testing needs to be done on it.
Roman Descendants Found in China?
Residents of a remote Chinese
village are hoping that DNA tests will prove one of history's most
unlikely legends — that they are descended from Roman legionaries lost
in antiquity.
Scientists have taken blood samples from 93 people living in and around
Liqian, a settlement in north-western China on the fringes of the Gobi
desert, more than 200 miles from the nearest city.
They are seeking an explanation for the unusual number of local people
with western characteristics — green eyes, big noses, and even blonde
hair — mixed with traditional Chinese features.
"I really think we are descended from the Romans," said Song Guorong,
48, who with his wavy hair, six-foot frame and strikingly long, hooked
nose stands out from his short, round-faced office colleagues.
"There are the residents with these special features, and then there
are also historical records about the existence of these people long
ago," he said.
Studies claiming that Liqian has Roman ancestry have greatly excited
the impoverished county in which it is situated. The village is now
overlooked by a pillared portico, in the hope of attracting tourists. A
statue at the entrance of the nearby county town, Yongchang, shows a
Roman legionary standing next to a Confucian scholar and a Muslim
woman, as a symbol of racial harmony.
Even entrepreneurs have caught on: in "Imperial City Entertainment
Street" there is a Caesar Karaoke bar.
The town's link with Rome was first suggested by a professor of Chinese
history at Oxford in the 1950s. Homer Dubs pulled together stories from
the official histories, which said that Liqian was founded by soldiers
captured in a war between the Chinese and the Huns in 36BC, and the
legend of the missing army of Marcus Crassus, a Roman general.
In 53BC Crassus was defeated disastrously and beheaded by the
Parthians, a tribe occupying what is now Iran, putting an end to Rome's
eastward expansion.
But stories persisted that 145 Romans were taken captive and wandered
the region for years. Prof Dubs theorised that they made their way as a
mercenary troop eastwards, which was how a troop "with a fish-scale
formation" came to be captured by the Chinese 17 years later.
He said the "fish-scale formation" was a reference to the Roman
"tortoise", a phalanx protected by shields on all sides and from above.
Gu Jianming, who lives near Liqian, said it had come as a surprise to
be told he might be descended from a European imperial army. But then
the birth of his daughter was also a surprise. Gu Meina, now six, was
born with a shock of blonde hair. "We shaved it off a month after she
was born but it just grew back the same colour," he said. "At school
they call her 'yellow hair'. Before we were told about the Romans, we
had no idea about this. We are poor and have no family temple, so we
don't know about our ancestors."
Another resident, Cai Junnian, 38, said his ruddy skin and green eyes
meant he was now nicknamed Cai Luoma, or Cai the Roman, by friends. He
has become a local celebrity, and was recently flown to the Italian
consulate in Shanghai to meet his supposed relatives. The professor's
hypothesis took almost 40 years to reach China. During Chairman Mao's
rule, ideas of foreign ancestry were not ideologically welcome and the
story was suppressed.
Mr Cai said his great-grandfather told him that there were Roman tombs
in the Qilian mountains a day and a half's walk away, but he had never
connected them to the unusual appearance he inherited from his father.
"People thought I had a skin problem," he said.
The blood tests are part of a project undertaken by scientists and
historians after local authorities loosened control over genetic
research. The results will be published in a scientific journal. But
Prof Xie Xiaodong, a geneticist from Lanzhou University, cautioned
against over enthusiasm.
"Even if they are descendants of the Roman empire, it doesn't mean they
are necessarily from the Roman army," he said. "The empire covered a
large area. Many soldiers were recruited locally, so anything is
The issue has split the university's history department, with some
scholars supporting the claim, some rejecting it. Prof Wang Shaokuan
poured scorn on Prof Dubs's thesis, saying the Huns themselves included
Caucasians, Asians and Mongols.
Source: The Telegraph
On the Surface of it, UFOs
Could Lurk

For nearly 60 years, rumors have circulated of strange flying objects
emerging from the ocean off our coast and disappearing in a fantastic
flash of speed and light.
Sailors, fishermen, dockworkers, police officers, coastal residents and
others have reported eerie otherworldly ships emerging from and
submerging into local waters.
UFOs, it seems, have established an underwater base somewhere in the
deep, dark recesses between the Channel Islands and the coastline
between Long Beach and Santa Barbara.
Despite a tendency to scoff at such conspiracies, I decided to do a
little investigating. You know, just to be sure.
To learn more, I contacted UFO researcher Preston Bennett of Los
Angeles, who appeared on the recent History Channel special "Deep Sea
Bennett reports more than 40 documented sightings off SoCal's coast
since 1947, including several in and around Long Beach-San Pedro.
"In these types of cases, UFOs are seen moving into and out of the
water, floating on the surface and also traveling beneath the surface,"
Bennett said via e-mail. "Many of these cases are well-verified, with
witnesses including police officers, lifeguards, military personnel and
other professionals."
Intrigued, I contacted Lt. Chuck Engbring of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Engbring wasn't familiar with any recent UFO sightings at his agency,
but recalled an incident not long ago where passengers on a commercial
flight departing LAX reported seeing an unfamiliar object ascend from
the sea to the sky off Point Vicente in Rancho Palos Verdes.
That incident sounded strangely similar to a sighting in early November
at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. I called LAX.
Although no one could recall the Pointe Vicente incident, I was
referred to a July 22, 2002, sighting of a flying triangle off the
My next inquiry was to the LBPD.
They had nothing recent to report, but there's always the famous images
captured by LBPD helicopter pilots on Dec. 25, 2004.
At around 11:30 p.m. that night, the chopper's videocamera recorded a
strange glowing object floating through the Long Beach sky. They
forwarded the tape to local military officials, who couldn't - or
wouldn't - identify it.
A copy of the tape was even given to KABC and broadcast around the
world, but nobody could figure out what it was.
Maybe there was something to this UFO stuff after all?
My next inquiry was at Long Beach Airport.
Airport Spokeswoman Sharon Diggs-Jackson said that in December, a
resident reported seeing unusual lights moving erratically across the
night sky.
Airport officials couldn't explain it.
As I learned during my research, such sightings date back to World War
II, when reports of UFOs and USOs (unidentified submarine objects)
began surfacing around the area.
The mother of all sightings probably occurred on the night of Feb.
24-25, 1942, in what became known as the "Battle of Los Angeles."
Jittery from the recent attack on Pearl Harbor, military personnel
manning anti-aircraft weapons along the coast were ready for action
when reports spread of "unidentified aircraft" approaching from sea.
When a bright object was spotted above Santa Monica Bay, shooting
began, and "the air over Los Angeles erupted like a volcano," according
to press reports at the time.
No enemy plane was ever found.
Many more incidents followed in the succeeding decades, though
thankfully none involved heavy weapons.
On Aug. 8, 1954, a Japanese steam ship, Aliki, was floating off the
coast of Long Beach when several crew members observed an underwater
UFO, Bennett reported in a February 2006 article titled "Is There an
Underwater UFO Base Off the Southern California Coast?"
As the intercepted radio message from the ship reads, "Saw fireball
move in and out of sea without being doused. Left wake of white smoke;
course erratic; vanished from sight."
This was all getting a bit too weird.
The Press-Telegram's new offices high above downtown Long Beach provide
a perfect view of the port, harbor and beyond to Catalina Island.
Despite my deep skepticism during research into this column, I found
myself staring out the window across the bay, hoping to catch a glimpse
of something strange emerging from beneath.
I'll let you know if anything pops into view.
Source: Press-Telegram
No Answer to Bird Death

A month after thousands of birds died around Esperance, in Western
Australia's south, investigating authorities still have not established
a cause.
WA's Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) said post-mortem
examinations into the cause of the deaths had been inconclusive.
Up to 4000 nectar-eating birds are estimated to have died in the area
between December 7 and January 2.
The birds, mostly yellow-throated miners, wattle birds, new holland
honeyeaters and silvereyes, plus some seagulls and pigeons, were found
dead near water sources such as sprinklers and water tanks.
The DEC said bird viruses and bacteriological causes had been ruled out
as the cause of death and toxins were still the most likely culprit.
DEC nature protection branch manager David Mell said because the
post-mortem examinations had been inconclusive more birds were needed
for testing.
"Any person coming across clusters of eight or more dead birds or other
fauna is asked to report the matter to their local DEC office," Mr Mell
The department already has arranged to collect another 15 birds for
Tests have so far been carried out for some heavy metals and pesticides
with other toxilogical tests continuing.
"We appreciate the patience of the local community while a thorough
investigation takes place," Mr Mell said.
The DEC has ruled out any connection between the Esperance bird deaths
and the death of about 200 treemartins at a house in Narembeen, 240km
east of Perth and 380km from Esperance, in early January.
The treemartins died because of "extreme weather" at Narembeen at that
time, the DEC said.
Normally hot summer temperatures fell to about 16C on January 5 in
Narembeen as storms swept through the region.
(Thanks to Craig McLaren for sending this to us. If you would like to
be a stringer for Conspiracy Journal, send interesting and weird
stories to:
Mysterious Showers of Stones

The catalog of unexplained events includes many strange instances of
stones falling from the sky - or somewhere. Showers of stones, often
from clear skies and in areas where rockslides from mountains cannot be
blamed. Hails of stones pummeling rooftops and people, often causing
damage and injury. Investigations of these events usually end with
unnerved victims and with officials scratching their heads in
puzzlement or, out of desperation, inventing "explanations" that are
sometimes as outlandish as the events themselves.
Reports of this particular type of mystery go back centuries and come
from all over the world. One of the earliest written accounts was by
Robert Kirk in 1690, who attributed the throwing of "great stons" to
subterranean inhabitants that he called the "invisible wights." And an
unexplained stone-throwing incident that took place in New Hampshire
was recorded in a pamphlet entitled "Lithobolia, or the Stone-throwing
Devil," published in London in 1698.
In some of these bizarre cases, the rain of stones occurs in connection
with other paranormal phenomena, such as a haunting or poltergeist
In the famous Bell Witch haunting of 1817, which included a host of
strange goings-on, neighbors of the beleaguered Bells were pelted with
stones thrown by an unseen entity.
The phenomenon is defined by the inability of investigators to identify
any assailants or vandals, and usually by the lack of any motive for
such an assault. So the questions arise: Where do these phantom stones
come from? Who or what is responsible for throwing or dropping them?
Are there natural explanations for the phenomenon? Consider these
remarkable cases and draw your own conclusions:
• Harrisonville, Ohio, 1901 - The stone attack on this small village
began on the Sunday afternoon of October 13 when, as the Buffalo
Express reported, "a small boulder came crashing through the window of
Zach Dye's house." No culprit could be found around the isolated
house... and this was just the beginning. The next day, dozens of
stones rained down in the heart of the village, breaking windows and
striking citizens. Were mischievous kids to blame? The next day, all of
the male children of the village were gathered together (how could
girls do such a thing?), and stones fell for a third day. None of the
villagers could detect where the stones were coming from.
• Sumatra, 1903 - W. G. Grottendieck wrote about how small black
stones, hot to the touch, came raining down in his bedroom as 1 a.m.
The most bizarre aspect of this case is that the stones seemed to come
through the roof without making holes in it, and they fell, he said, in
a motion that was slower than would be normal.
• Marcinelle, Belgium, 1913 - For four days in January one house was
besieged by an invisible stone thrower with remarkable accuracy. Police
officers began to watch the house in an attempt to catch the vandal,
but one wrote in his report: "I have seen a stone arriving in the
middle of a large window-pane and then came others in spiral round the
first point of impact.... I even saw, in another window, a projectile
caught in the fragments of the glass of the first hole it made, and
subsequently ejected by another passing through the same point." No
stone-thrower was ever seen, although an estimated 300 stones struck
the house.
• Ardeche, France, 1921 - Most of these events are short-lived, lasting
only a few days at most. But beginning in September, a farmhouse in
France was victimized for four months. The stones dropped at all hours
of the day, sometimes striking the family's children and a clergyman
who was called in to investigate. In this case, apples were also thrown
and, again, with inhuman accuracy: apples came speeding in through
small holes in the shudders made by previous apples.
• Sumatra, 1928 - One of the most astonishing cases was experienced and
reported by the renowned paranormal investigator Ivan T. Sanderson.
While sitting on the veranda of an estate house as a guest one evening,
a shiny black pebble dropped onto the veranda out of nowhere. Dozens
more followed. Sanderson, who was familiar with the phenomenon, tried
an experiment. He ordered the stones gathered up and marked with chalk,
paint or whatever else could be used. They then threw the stones back
out randomly into the garden and shrubbery. "We must have thrown over a
dozen such marked stones," Sanderson wrote. "Within a minute they were
all back! Nobody, with a powerful flashlight or super-eyesight, could
have found those little stones in that tangled mess... and thrown them
back on to the veranda.
Yet, they came back, all duly marked by us!"
• Oakland, California, 1943 - In August of that year, Mrs. Irene
Fellows finally called the police after two weeks of stones pelting her
house at various times of the day. At first skeptical, the police
inquiry became serious when their investigation clearly identified the
pockmarks of the falling stones on Mrs. Fellows' roof and walls, and by
the litter of stones on her lawn. Mrs. Fellows and members of her
family were frequently hit by the stones, although to no serious
injury. The thorough police investigation could offer no explanation
for the stones, which seemed to materialize out of nothingness.
• Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand, 1963 - Stones and apples are one
thing, but what about money? Why would a vandal throw money? On March
24, a guest house was inexplicably battered by a hail of stones and a
few coins. Police were called and unsuccessfully searched for the
perpetrator of the assault, which lasted for seven hours. Windows were
smashed and people were struck, but none injured. The coins included
New Zealand pennies and a large copper coin. The mysterious attack
occurred again for two more nights, then stopped.
• Skaneateles, New York, 1973 - Most often, a particular house is the
target for this phenomenon, but in this highly unusual case, two
fisherman became the victims of the falling stones - a paranormal storm
that followed wherever they went! The rain of pebbles began as they
were finishing their fishing expedition and followed them as they made
their way to their car. The shower ceased for a while, then resumed
when they stopped briefly on their way home. Deciding they needed a
drink, they went to a bar, and when they came out some time later, the
rain of pebbles began again. As they were about to go their separate
ways in their hometown of Liverpool (about 25 miles northeast of
Skaneateles), the little stones dropped on them one last time.
• Arizona, 1983 - The attack on the Berkbigler family began in
September, just as they moved into their new home. Large rocks crashed
down on the house every night, usually between the hours of 5:30 and
7:00 p.m. The local sheriff's department could determine no assailant,
even with helicopter surveillance. The authorities became reluctant to
visit the Berkbigler home when they too were struck by the falling
rocks. This went on for weeks, culminating on December 4 while two
newspaper reporters were interviewing the family. Rocks slammed into
the side door of the house for two hours. What's most mysterious here
is that to strike this door, the rocks had to pass through the garage
where a van was parked, through a narrow two-foot space.
This is just a small sampling of the hundreds of such cases that have
taken place over the last century. There is no easy explanation for
these rains of rocks and stones. Something supernatural is most
definitely taking place, and most researchers theorize that it is a
form of poltergeist phenomena - a physical manifestation caused most
likely by the minds (or powerful electromagnetic brain activity) of the
victims themselves. But this meager explanation poses more questions
than it answers, especially in the cases in which the very physical
stones seem to materialize out of thin air.
Source: Wagner
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