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3/2/07 #406
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Don't open the door! Don't go
into the basement! Don't look under the bed! DON'T OPEN THE CLOSET! Is
it ghosts? Is it ghouls? Is it little hairy monsters with big teeth and
claws? NO - It's another spine-tingling issue of your favorite weekly
newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, and everything else
spooky and scary - CONSPIRACY JOURNAL.
week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such riveting tales as:
- Mysterious Bones of Jesus,
Joseph and Mary -
Mystery of
the Disappearing Bees -
- UFO Science Key to Halting Climate Change
AND: 23 Fascinating Facts About
the Number Twenty-Three
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

New on DVD -

been shrouded in mystery and intrigue for centuries. Except for the
highest Cardinals and Bishops, the public and even members of the
priesthood are not privy to the inner workings of the Church. It is
rumored that there are in the secret archives centuries-old artifacts
that, if exposed, could embarrass the standard-bearers of the faith.
Searching for truth has always been the Conspiracy Journal's main goal.
With this in mind, we recently "invaded" the walls of the Vatican with
our hidden cameras on a fact finding mission. On our return, we
followed up our investigation by interviewing such astute researchers
as: Jordan Maxwell - Brad Steiger - Patricia Ress - Penny Melis - and Diane Tessman.
* Does the Vatican conceal
knowledge that the crucifixion was a fraud?
* Is there a secret cabal
of Satanists within the Vatican to further the evil conspiracy of the
New World Order?
* Learn about
the UFO sighting that occurred over the Vatican the morning of the
funeral of Pope John Paul.
* Can
exorcism be a futile effort that often results in the death of the
* What
secrets is the Vatican keeping about the perilous future of our world?
* Is the
Vatican link to the Hubble Telescope evidence that they are aware that
Planet X is headed toward Earth?
right now, you will also get the FREE
unedited audio interviews with Brad Steiger, Jordan Maxwell, Patricia
Ress, and noted psychic Penny Melis. These interviews were conducted by
Sean Casteel for use in the documentary. However, as with every
documentary, only a small portion of each interview ever makes it to
the screen. Now you can hear the complete, unedited interviews as each
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Timothy Green Beckley (Mr. UFO) on Out There TV
Watch our good friend Timothy Green Beckley on Out There TV where he talks about the
mysteries and possibilities of the hollow Earth and other strange and
weird mysteries.
This is a show not to be missed! You can now see it online at:
Mysterious Bones of Jesus,
Joseph and Mary
New scientific evidence, including DNA analysis conducted at one of the
world's foremost molecular genetics laboratories, as well as studies by
leading scholars, suggests a 2,000-year-old Jerusalem tomb could have
once held the remains of Jesus of Nazareth and his family.
The findings also suggest that Jesus and Mary Magdalene might have
produced a son named Judah.
The DNA findings, alongside statistical conclusions made about the
artifacts — originally excavated in 1980 — open a potentially
significant chapter in Biblical archaeological history.
A documentary presenting the evidence, "The Lost Tomb of Jesus," will
premiere on the Discovery Channel on March 4 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. The
documentary comes from executive producer James Cameron and director
Simcha Jacobovici.
Discovery has set up a special Web site,, to
provide related in-depth information and to allow viewers to come to
their own conclusions about the entire matter.
The Talpiot Tomb
On March 28, 1980, a construction crew developing an apartment complex
in Talpiot, Jerusalem, uncovered a tomb, which archaeologists from the
Israeli Antiquities Authority excavated shortly thereafter.
Archaeologist Shimon Gibson surveyed the site and drew a layout plan.
Scholar L.Y. Rahmani later published "A Catalogue of Jewish Ossuaries"
that described 10 ossuaries, or limestone bone boxes, found in the tomb.
Scholars know that from 30 B.C. to 70 A.D., many people in Jerusalem
would first wrap bodies in shrouds after death. The bodies were then
placed in carved rock tombs, where they decomposed for a year before
the bones were placed in an ossuary.
Five of the 10 discovered boxes in the Talpiot tomb were inscribed with
names believed to be associated with key figures in the New Testament:
Jesus, Mary, Matthew, Joseph and Mary Magdalene. A sixth inscription,
written in Aramaic, translates to "Judah Son of Jesus."
"Such tombs are very typical for that region," Aaron Brody, associate
professor of Bible and archaeology at the Pacific School of Religion
and director of California's Bade Museum told Discovery News.
Ossuary Inscriptions
At least four leading epigraphers have corroborated the ossuary
inscriptions for the documentary, according to the Discovery Channel.
Frank Moore Cross, a professor emeritus in the Department of Near
Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University, told
Discovery News, "The inscriptions are from the Herodian Period (which
occurred from around 1 B.C. to 1 A.D.). The use of limestone ossuaries
and the varied script styles are characteristic of that time."
Jodi Magness, associate department chair of religious studies at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, told Discovery News that,
based on the New Testament writings, "Jesus likely lived during the
first century A.D."
In addition to the "Judah son of Jesus" inscription, which is written
in Aramaic on one of the ossuaries, another limestone burial box is
labeled in Aramaic with "Jesus Son of Joseph." Another bears the Hebrew
inscription "Maria," a Latin version of "Miriam," or, in English,
"Mary." Yet another ossuary inscription, written in Hebrew, reads
"Matia," the original Hebrew word for "Matthew." Only one of the
inscriptions is written in Greek. It reads, "Mariamene e Mara," which
can be translated as, "Mary known as the master."
Francois Bovon, professor of the history of religion at Harvard
University, told Discovery News, "Mariamene, or Mariamne, probably was
the actual name given to Mary Magdalene."
Bovon explained that he and a colleague discovered a fourteenth century
copy in Greek of a fourth century text that contains the most complete
version of the "Acts of Philip" ever found. Although not included in
the Bible, the "Acts of Philip" mentions the apostles and Mariamne,
sister of the apostle Philip.
"When Philip is weak, she is strong," Bovon said. "She likely was a
great teacher who even inspired her own sect of followers, called
Mariamnists, who existed from around the 2nd to the 3rd century."
DNA Analysis
Jacobovici, director, producer and writer of "The Lost Tomb of Jesus,"
and his team obtained two sets of samples from the ossuaries for DNA
and chemical analysis. The first set consisted of bits of matter taken
from the "Jesus Son of Joseph" and "Mariamene e Mara" ossuaries. The
second set consisted of patina — a chemical film encrustation on one of
the limestone boxes.
The human remains were analyzed by Carney Matheson, a scientist at the
Paleo-DNA Laboratory at Lakehead University in Ontario, Canada.
Mitochondrial DNA examination determined the individual in the Jesus
ossuary and the person in the ossuary linked to Mary Magdalene were not
Since tombs normally contain either blood relations or spouses,
Jacobovici and his team suggest it is possible Jesus and Mary Magdalene
were a couple. "Judah," whom they indicate may have been their son,
could have been the "lad" described in the Gospel of John as sleeping
in Jesus' lap at the Last Supper.
Robert Genna, director of the Suffolk County Crime Laboratory in New
York, analyzed both the patina taken from the Talpiot Tomb and chemical
residue obtained from the "James" ossuary, which was also found around
1980, but subsequently disappeared and resurfaced in the antiquities
market. Although controversy surrounds this burial box, Genna found
that the two patinas matched.
"The samples were consistent with each other," Genna told Discovery
Upon examining the tomb, the filmmakers determined a space exists that
would have fit the "James" ossuary. Given the patina match and this
observation, Jacobovici theorizes the lost burial box could, in fact,
be the "James" ossuary.
Statistical Data
A possible argument against the Talpiot Tomb being the Jesus Family
Tomb is that the collection of names on the ossuary inscriptions could
be coincidental.
But Andrey Feuerverger, professor of statistics and mathematics at the
University of Toronto, recently conducted a study addressing the
probabilities that will soon be published in a leading statistical
Feuerverger multiplied the instances that each name appeared during the
tomb's time period with the instances of every other name. He initially
found "Jesus Son of Joseph" appeared once out of 190 times, Mariamne
appeared once out of 160 times and so on.
To be conservative, he next divided the resulting numbers by 25
percent, a statistical standard, and further divided the results by
1,000 to attempt to account for all tombs — even those that have not
been uncovered — that could have existed in first century Jerusalem.
The study concludes that the odds are at least 600 to 1 in favor of the
Talpiot Tomb being the Jesus Family Tomb. In other words, the
conclusion works 599 times out of 600.
Another Tomb?
The researchers discovered a second, as-yet unexplored tomb about 65
1/2 feet from the Talpiot Tomb. During the documentary, they introduced
a robotic camera into this second tomb, which captured the first-ever
recorded footage of an undisturbed burial cave from Jesus' time. The
team speculates that this other tomb could contain the remains of
additional family members, or even disciples, though further
examination and analysis are needed.
As Academy Award-winner Cameron said in a press release, "It doesn't
get bigger than this. We've done our homework; we've made the case; and
now it's time for the debate to begin."
However, the films claims have raised the ire of Christian leaders in
the Holy Land.
"The historical, religious and archaeological evidence show that the
place where Christ was buried is the Church of the Resurrection," said
Attallah Hana, a Greek Orthodox clergyman in Jerusalem. The
documentary, he said, "contradicts the religious principles and the
historic and spiritual principles that we hold tightly to."
Stephen Pfann, a biblical scholar at the University of the Holy Land in
Jerusalem who was interviewed in the documentary, said the film's
hypothesis holds little weight.
"I don't think that Christians are going to buy into this," Pfann said.
"But skeptics, in general, would like to see something that pokes holes
into the story that so many people hold dear."
Source: Discovery News
Spooks in Congress
Many Americans grumble that the U.S. Congress lacks the courage to
exert its constitutional role by challenging abuses of the Bush
administration. They may be interested in knowing how Congressmen are
selected before they are elected. Even before party primaries begin,
powerful groups select their favorites and back them with money and
media support. One of the most powerful groups in the USA is the
"intelligence community" that operates from secret budgets estimated at
$44 billion a year. One must assume that they might use their influence
and money to insert spooks into Congress to serve their needs.
This has already happened, as this debate in the halls of Congress
Congressional Record: June 23, 2004
WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2004 House of Representatives
[Excerpt from Page H4866]
Mr. SIMMONS. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 minute to my
friend and distinguished colleague, the gentleman from Illinois (Mr.
Kirk), who is also a naval intelligence officer.
Mr. KIRK. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of the
Simmons amendment. Unlike some other amendments in this bill that are
offered for partisan advantage, this amendment is offered by a former
CIA officer with detailed knowledge of how the U.S. intelligence
community works. To my knowledge, there are only three current Members
of Congress who work with the CIA: our chairman, the gentleman from
Florida (Mr. Goss), the author of this amendment; the gentleman from
Connecticut (Mr. Simmons); and me, who is detailed to the CIA from navy
To clarify this exchange, former CIA officer Congressmen Robert Simmons
(R-CT) tells the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, former
CIA officer Congressmen Porter Goss (R-FL), that he would like to yield
one minute to former CIA agent Congressmen Mark Kirk (R-IL). Kirk rose
to support an amendment to the Intelligence Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2005 to allow CIA agents access to "open records" of
Americans; e.g. telephone call records, bank and credit card records,
and airline travel records. Since CIA agents never really retire, is it
just a coincidence when three CIA agents help give the CIA greater
legal snooping authority?
Congressmen Simmons' political career is not unusual, having served as
a member of the Connecticut General Assembly for 10 years. However,
Simmons won election to Congress in a mostly Democratic state.
Moreover, he began the campaign with little name recognition outside
his New London area-based district, and was considered a long shot
since beating an incumbent in Congress is considered nearly impossible.
He retained close ties to the CIA after his short ten-year "career,"
having also served as an Army intelligence officer, the senior staffer
on the Senate Intelligence committee, which oversees CIA activities,
and later taught classes on military intelligence at Yale.
Congressmen Porter Goss graduated from Yale, served as an intelligence
officer in the U.S. Army, and then became a CIA clandestine services
officer. Ten years later, he retired early due to illness and moved to
Florida to accept an appointment to fill a vacant spot as a county
commissioner. No one has ever explained why the Democratic Governor of
Florida at the time, Bob Graham, appointed an "ill" Republican from
Connecticut with no local government experience to a county position in
south Florida. Goss somehow accumulated a lot of money to run for
Congress, was elected and eventually became chairman of the House
Intelligence committee, which oversees CIA activities. His counterpart
in the US Senate is Bob Graham, the man who gave the sickly Goss his
Florida appointment and later became a senator, and is now chairman of
the Senate Intelligence Committee. According to Carl Hulse of the New
York Times in his 2-17-02 article, Goss and Graham were together
on the morning of the 9-11 terror attack, meeting with the chief of the
Pakistani intelligence service, whom they had met while travelling
together to the region a few weeks earlier.
Congressmen Mark Kirk is a recent spook elected to Congress in 2000. He
had not revealed to Illinois voters that he was involved in clandestine
operations with the CIA. Before the CIA was formed in 1947, most
foreign espionage was performed by Naval Intelligence, which continues
such activities today. SRA readers may recall John Laughland's article
about the 1999 coup attempt in Yugoslavia where US agents supported the
KLA terrorist group to overthrow the democratically elected Slobodan
Miloševic, because he refused to open up his nation to western
corporate operations. Reporter Tim Marshall quoted naval intelligence
officer Mark Kirk as saying: “Eventually we opened up a huge operation
against Miloševic, both secret and open.” The secret part of the
operation involved not only things like stuffing the various observer
missions which were sent into Kosovo with officers from the British and
American intelligence services, but also giving military, technical,
financial, logistical and political support to the KLA, which as
Marshall himself admitted, “smuggled drugs, ran prostitution rackets
and murdered civilians.”
Kirk's exact role is unknown, although important enough to earn him the
award for US Naval intelligence officer of the year in 1999. The next
year he was elected to represent Illinois' 10th district in Congress.
This was surprising because Kirk's bio shows him jumping among
different political jobs every year while spending much time on
active-duty in the Navy in places like Panama and Haiti. He hadn't
lived in the state of Illinois since his high school days some 23 years
prior. He never held any elected office and never worked in Illinois.
He had no local name recognition until he somehow attracted large sums
of money to run for Congress. Did the Republicans in the 10th District
of Illinois select Mark Kirk to represent them because no local
Republicans were capable, or were they told to rubberstamp Kirk for
Congress by countless advertisements.
Someone noted Kirk's 2004 revelation in the halls of Congress that he
works for the CIA and tipped a newspaper in his congressional district.
Kirk’s Democratic opponent in 2004, Lee Goodman, complained that Kirk’s
employment by the CIA while serving in Congress is unethical and
illegal. When questioned about the matter by a reporter for the
Waukegan News Sun newspaper, Kirk said the Congressional Record
was wrong. Kirk said that although he used to work for the CIA while he
was also working for the U.S. State Department, he no longer works for
the spy agency. Lee Goodman, who lived in the 10th district all his
life, offered his thoughts: “If a Congressman has been secretly working
for the CIA, the whole country has a right to know about it. Congress
is supposed to be overseeing the CIA. Not the other way around.”
Mark Kirk is not concerned about lawsuits because his wife, a former
naval intelligence officer, is now a lawyer working in the CIA's
general counsel office in Washington DC. Meanwhile, there are no
Congressional investigations into the CIA's 9-11 failures, no
investigations into CIA torture prisons, and no investigations into
secret CIA "extraordinary renditions" where suspects are snatched off
the streets and flown to friendly dictatorships for painful
questioning. It concerns few in Congress that Italy has issued European
arrest warrants for 22 CIA agents for kidnapping. There are billions
of dollars in cash that have been "lost" in Iraq during CIA operations,
and few in Congress care. Is this because congressmen are afraid of
the CIA? Are their campaigns funded indirectly by the CIA? Has the CIA
blackmailed most congressmen? Don't expect the corporate press to ask
these questions, because they may find the answers unfit to print.
Source: Sanders Research Associates
Mystery of the Disappearing
Honeybees are vanishing at an alarming rate from 24 US states,
threatening the production of numerous crops.
The cause of the losses, which range from 30% to more than 70%, is a
mystery, but experts are investigating several theories.
American bee colonies have been hit by regional crises before, but
keepers say this is the first national crisis.
Bees pollinate more than $14bn (£7bn) worth of US seeds and crops
each year, mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts.
The mystery disappearances highlight the important link that honeybees
play in the chain that brings fruit and vegetables to supermarkets and
dinner tables.
The crisis threatens numerous crops, from avocados to kiwis and
California almonds - one of the most profitable in the US.
"I have never seen anything like it," California beekeeper David
Bradshaw, 50, told the New York Times.
"Box after box after box are just empty. There's nobody home."
With an industry increasingly under consolidation, some fear the
disorder could prove the breaking point for even large beekeepers.
The bee losses range from 30 to 60% on the West Coast, with some
beekeepers on the East Coast and in Texas reporting losses of more than
Beekeepers consider a loss of up to 20% in the offseason to be normal.
Researchers say the bees are presumably dying in the fields, perhaps
becoming exhausted or simply disoriented and eventually falling victim
to the cold.
"The real question is why they leave," Jerry Hayes, a bee expert for
the Florida Department of Agriculture told the Orlando Sentinel
"Bees are highly social insects. They don't leave their babies and the
The investigators are exploring a range of possibilities to explain the
losses, which they are calling "colony collapse disorder". These
include viruses, a fungus and poor bee nutrition.
They are also studying pesticides banned in some European countries to
see if they are affecting the bees' innate ability to navigate their
way back to their hives.
In some cases, bees are being raised to survive a shorter offseason, to
be ready to pollinate once the almond bloom begins in February. This
could have lowered their immunity to viruses.
Mites have also damaged bee colonies, and the insecticides used to try
to kill them are harming the ability of queen bees to spawn as many
Once the domain of hobbyists, beekeeping has become increasingly
commercial and consolidated in the US.
During the last two decades, the number of beehives has dropped by a
quarter, and is now estimated at 2.4 million. The number of beekeepers
has fallen by half during the same period.
Pressure has been building on the bee industry. The costs to maintain
hives, or colonies, are rising.
In addition, urban growth means that the areas where the insects can
forage for nectar to stay healthy and strong during the pollination
season are being squeezed.
"There are less beekeepers, less bees, yet more crops to pollinate,"
said Zac Browning, vice-president of the American Beekeeping Federation.
"With so much added loss and expense due to disease, pests and higher
equipment costs, profitability is actually falling."
Source: BBC
UFO Science Key to Halting
Climate Change

OTTAWA - A former Canadian defense minister is demanding governments
worldwide disclose and use secret alien technologies obtained in
alleged UFO crashes to stem climate change, a local paper said
"I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could
eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that
could be a way to save our planet," Paul Hellyer, 83, told the Ottawa
Alien spacecrafts would have traveled vast distances to reach Earth,
and so must be equipped with advanced propulsion systems or used
exceptional fuels, he told the newspaper.
Such alien technologies could offer humanity alternatives to fossil
fuels, he said, pointing to the enigmatic 1947 incident in Roswell, New
Mexico -- which has become a shrine for UFO believers -- as an example
of alien contact.
"We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know. Some
of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our
planet if applied quickly enough," he said.
Hellyer says he believes not only that UFOs are extraterrestrial
visitors, but that some governments - the United States at least - know
all about it and are covering up.
He says he believes American scientists have re-engineered alien
wreckage from a supposed UFO crash at Roswell, N.M. in 1947 to produce
modern technical marvels.
"I believe that UFOs are real," he said in a recent interview. "I think
that there is a fantastic coverup by the United States government and
that material recovered from the crash of an extraterrestrial UFO at
Roswell, NM was researched and applied to our technology."
Hellyer was once a political star. He was first elected to the Commons
in 1949 at the age of 25, at that time the youngest person ever to win
a seat.
He went on to become a cabinet minister, ran for the Liberal leadership
against Pierre Trudeau, switched parties to the
Conservatives and ran for that party's leadership, too. He eventually
founded two other political parties, Action Canada in 1971 and the
Canadian Action party in 1997.
He says his conviction that UFOs are real arose from reading in recent
years, not from anything gleaned from secret archives during his time
in office.
"I've been a skeptic for quite a while but I've been exposed to more
and more information recently and have just decided to take a stand,"
he said.
"I think, frankly, that the subject should be taken seriously, because
there are consequences that have real effects or could have real
effects on the people of the world and I think there should be
discussion of it."
While some believers think western governments have actually negotiated
with extraterrestrials, Hellyer doesn't go that far.
"To my knowledge, it's just visitations," he says.
Source: Yahoo News
MoD Defends Psychic Powers Study

The Ministry of Defence has defended a decision to carry out tests to
find out whether psychic powers could be used to detect hidden objects.
The previously secret tests - conducted in 2002 - involved
blind-folding volunteers and asking them about the contents of sealed
brown envelopes. Most subjects consistently failed to establish what
was in the envelopes.
The MoD said the study was to assess claims made in academic circles
and found the theories had "little value".
Revelations about the hitherto secret research is contained in a
previously classified report released under the Freedom of Information
During the tests, defence experts attempted to recruit 12 "known"
psychics who had advertised their abilities on the internet. However,
when they all refused to take part in the research, "novice" volunteers
were drafted in.
During the study, commercial researchers were contracted at a cost of
£18,000 to test them to see if psychic ability existed and could
be used for defence purposes.
Some 28% of those tested managed a close guess at the contents of the
envelopes, which included pictures of a knife, Mother Teresa and an
"Asian individual".
However, most subjects produced guesses that were not close to the
correct answer and one subject even fell asleep while he tried to focus
on the envelope's content.
The MoD refused to discuss the possible applications of psychic
techniques, but said that the study had concluded there was "little
value" in using "remote viewing" in the defence of the nation.
"The remote viewing study was conducted to assess claims made in some
academic circles and to validate research carried out by other nations
on psychic ability," said a spokeswoman.
She added: "The study concluded that remote viewing theories had little
value to the MoD and was taken no further."
In a related story by author Steve Hammons, the U.S. Navy recently
announced that up to 30 dolphins and other marine mammals may be used
to patrol Puget Sound near Seattle to protect Kitsap-Bangor Naval Base
from terrorist activities.
Dolphins and marine mammals can locate underwater swimmers and objects
and assist with a variety of additional tasks.
But what other interesting intelligence developments are emerging about
dolphins that involve sensitive and fascinating insight into human
Tucked within a declassified bibliography of “Project STARGATE” reports
on extrasensory perception (ESP), “anomalous cognition” and “remote
viewing” is a research paper titled “A Remote Action Investigation with
Marine Animals.”
The Navy has been working with dolphins and marine mammals since the
The creatures have been operationally deployed several times, including
in war zones and probably for activities not routinely disclosed.
The dolphins, sea lions and other animals are trained and coordinated
by the Navy’s Marine Mammal Program at the Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Center (SPAWAR) on San Diego’s Point Loma peninsula, home to
many Navy activities.
The dolphins and marine mammals have reportedly learned to communicate
and work well with their human counterparts.
As well as conducting various operations, Navy research on dolphins and
marine mammal intelligence and sonar-like perception has also been
Marine mammals apparently were also subjects of research as part of a
“Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena.”
This effort was conducted as part of government investigations into
remote viewing and anomalous cognition.
A declassified bibliography of research papers completed from 1976 to
1990 includes an unclassified 1987 report titled "A Remote Action
Investigation with Marine Animals" by Dr. Edwin May and Dr. Charles
The research by May and Pleass was conducted for SRI International,
Menlo Park, California. SRI has been one of the primary research
entities conducting investigations into remote viewing and anomalous
cognition for the U.S. military and intelligence services.
Most people have heard about SRI in connection with Project STARGATE,
the program that researched ESP, now often referred to as anomalous
cognition and the techniques called remote viewing. The program had
several other code names during the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s.
Remote viewing is a combination of ESP-type methods developed by the
military and intelligence agencies to gather intelligence and to assist
in counterintelligence activities.
The research report connecting remote viewing researchers to marine
mammals seems to indicate an association that many people are already
aware of, and others probably will find intriguing.
Developing ESP skills in humans is one thing. Examining telepathy and
other kinds of anomalous cognition in a highly intelligent species like
dolphins takes this kind of research in an even more interesting
People of many cultures who have lived near the sea and been exposed to
dolphins and other marine mammals have had tales to tell. Legends and
lore about dolphins offer fascinating looks at connections between our
two species.
Throughout history, dolphins have been said to be a friend to humans.
Stories of humans being rescued at sea, or being guided at sea by
dolphins can be found in many cultures too.
Much has been written about anecdotal reports, ancient and recent, of
interesting encounters between humans and dolphins. Personal authentic
experiences have been reported by many people about unique and
significant interactions with dolphins.
And, some people have written about possible telepathy among dolphins,
and between dolphins and human. Although these reports often come from
credible people, they are also difficult or impossible to verify
Many scientists have researched dolphins, whales and other marine
mammals. Probably the most well known of these is the late John C.
Lilly, M.D. (1915-2001).
Lilly was a physician and psychoanalyst who focused on biophysics,
neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, electronics and computer theory. He also
studied consciousness – human and dolphin consciousness.
The 1973 movie THE DAY OF THE DOLPHIN was based on Lilly’s work. George
C. Scott starred as a character similar to Lilly.
The 1980 film ALTERED STATES was also based on Lilly’s consciousness
Explaining his view of dolphins, whales and other cetaceans, he said,
“They (cetaceans) have been on the planet now with brains our size or
larger for 25 million years. We've only been here with our present
brain size about two-tenths of a million years. So they've been here
something on the order of 25 to 50 to 100 times the length of time we
Lilly authored many books on consciousness and other subjects which
have been read by millions worldwide. These include MAN AND DOLPHIN and
In his later years, Lilly lived on Maui, Hawaii, and spent much effort
involved with dolphin research and understanding.
We now know that dolphins have a large brain dense with neurological
wiring, comparable to the human brain. The functioning of the dolphin
brain and entire neurological system has been studied extensively.
Research indicates that these creatures are highly intelligent and may
possess powers of perception that humans do not yet fully understand.
But, maybe researchers have discovered more than the general public
knows about.
Maybe the research by Drs. May and Pleass contains important insight
into consciousness that seems especially crucial at this time.
The human-dolphin connection may be a type of inter-species
relationship that has unique aspects. It might teach us about human
beings and our often difficult human-caused problems on Earth.
The Navy dolphins and marine mammals, working so closely with humans,
may have valuable insight about us.
Maybe we should listen to them.
Source: BBC
23 Fascinating Facts About
the Number Twenty-Three

To most, it's just what comes between 22 and 24. Yet to surprisingly
many - including the makers of a new film - it means much more.
1 23 is one of the most commonly cited prime numbers - a number that
can only be divided by itself and one. Twenty three is the lowest prime
that consists of consecutive digits. Primes have been described as the
"atoms" of mathematics - the building blocks of the world of numbers.
An American businessman has put up a US$1m (£500,000) prize for
the first mathematician to find a pattern in primes - a problem known
as the Riemann hypothesis.
2 The number has been the subject of not one but two films: the 1998
German movie, 23, and The Number 23, starring Jim Carrey, released
(naturally) today. Each has a main character obsessed with the number.
3 John Forbes Nash, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who was the
subject of the film, A Beautiful Mind, starring Russell Crowe, was
obsessed with 23. It featured prominently in his battle with mental
illness. His breakdown began when he claimed that a photograph of Pope
John XXIII on the cover of Life magazine was in fact him, the proof
being that 23 was his favourite number. Nash published 23 scientific
4 More freaky numerical coincidences: Charles Darwin's Origin of
Species was published in 1859 - 1+8+5+9 = 23. Two divided by three
makes 0.666 recurring (allegedly - actually it makes 0.6666666667). The
Hiroshima bomb was dropped at 8.15am - 8+15= 23.
5 23rdians are a group of people who subscribe to the mystical power of
23 and see it in multiple combinations throughout daily life.
6 The Ancient Chinese believed numbers conveyed sexuality - evens for
feminine and odds for masculine. They considered prime numbers to be
the most masculine, conferring special status on 23 which is made up of
two consecutive prime numbers and the only even prime number - two.
7 In the disaster movie, Airport, the bomber has seat 23. The number of
crosses on Calvary at the end of the Monty Python film, The Life of
Brian, is 23. In Die Hard With A Vengeance, a train derails in subway
station 23. The lead characters in the Coen brothers' film The Big
Lebowski always used Lane 23 at the bowling alley. In the television
series Lost, one of the combination of six numbers that haunt the
characters and they have to input to a computer to avoid an unknown
fate is 23.
8 The terrorist attacks on America on 11 September 2001 have been held
up as one of the most portentous examples of the disturbing power of
23. The figures in the date (9+11+2+0+0+1) add up to 23. The
independent US commission which investigated the attacks found the date
had been chosen randomly by the hijackers and had originally been
planned for later in the year. Alternative explanations for the date
included the taking over of Palestine by Britain in 1922 and the fact
that 911 is the US emergency code.
9 Few hold 23 in more esteem than the followers of Discordianism, a
self-declared religion based on the premise that discord and chaos are
the building blocks of life. For Discordianists, 23 is the Holy Number
and a tribute to the goddess Eris, who surveys a world of chaos. The
mantra invoked by Discordianists for the Holy Number is "Invert The
Pyramid". If you invert the sentence one letter at a time - eg "dinvert
the pyramid", "id invert the pyram" etc - it takes 22 chants, finished
by the line "The Pyramid Inverts" to make 23. The last line is called
"the final energy releaser". Discordianism is described by some
followers as "a joke disguised as a religion disguised as a joke".
10 Sport stars have developed a particular affinity (and aversion) to
23. Michael Jordan, the American basketball player, wore the number
throughout his career and inspired many copy cat fans of wardrobe
vigintitriplicity. Best known is former England captain David Beckham,
who swapped his number seven Manchester United jersey for number 23
when he joined Real Madrid. Beckham, who said it was in deference to
Jordan, is expected to continue wearing 23 when he joins LA Galaxy this
summer. But the number is not always a harbinger of sporting good
fortune. Manchester City have not assigned the squad number 23 to any
player since 2003 after the last incumbent, Marc Vivien Foe, collapsed
and died while playing for the Cameroon on 26 June 2003. Marcus
Trescothick, the England cricket players, wears number 23 and was
Australian bowler Shane Warne's 600th test wicket. Warne also wears 23.
11 The Bible does not let 23 pass without conferring upon it some
significance, at least to students of the Book. Although the Old
Testament is unspecific, it is widely held that Adam and Eve had 23
daughters. The 23rd verse of the first chapter of Genesis brings the
act of creation to a close while the 23rd chapter of the book of
Genesis deals entirely with death, namely that of Abraham's wife,
Sarah. The most famous and most quoted of the Psalms is number 23: "The
Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in
green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters."
12 Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the start of human life.
The nuclei of cells in human bodies have 46 chromosomes made out of 23
pairs. Egg and sperm cells in humans have 23 chromosomes which fuse and
divide to create an embryo.
13 The most detailed account of the assassination of Julius Caesar,
written by Nicolaus of Damascus, claims numerous enemies stabbed the
Roman emperor 23 times. The wounds ranged from superficial to mortal.
14 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford Upon Avon on 23 April
1564. He died 52 years later on his birthday, 23 April 1616. Kurt
Cobain, the god of grunge, was born in 1967 and died in 1994 - 1+9+6+7=
23, 1+9+9+4 = 23.
15 In the science fantasy saga, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Luke
Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca sneak into detention block AA23 to
rescue Princess Leia. The rescue attempt is botched and Leia escapes
only by dodging Stormtroopers' laserfire. A police robot called 23 is
included in Star Wars director George Lucas' first film, THX 1138.
16 The Knights Templar, the order of soldier monks who eventually fell
foul of the Vatican and have been the subject of conspiracy theories
about the Holy Grail, had 23 Grand Masters.
17 The first morse code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was
from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23. In telegraphers code 23 means
"break the line".
18 The Birthday Paradox states that a group of 23 randomly-selected
people is the smallest number where there will be a probability higher
than 50 per cent that two people will share the same birthday.
19 The author William Burroughs was obsessed with 23. While living in
Tangiers, he met a Captain Clark who ran a ferry between Spain and
Morocco. One day, Clark told Burroughs that he had been doing the route
for 23 years without incident. Later that day, the ferry sank, killing
the captain. While Burroughs was thinking about the incident, a radio
bulletin announced the crash of a Flight 23 on the New York-Miami
route. The pilot was another Captain Clark. The events prompted an
obsession which saw Burroughs record every occurrence of the number 23
for the rest of his life.
20 The disbanded pop act KLF are one of several musical sources of
23-related lore. The two men behind KLF - Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty
- were once known as the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, which has 23
letters and comes from the novels of Robert Anton Wilson, another 23
obsessive. A police car used for the video of the KLF's number one,
"Doctorin' The Tardis", had 23 painted on the roof, their final
performance lasted 23 minutes and they incinerated £1m on a
remote Scottish island on 23 August 1994. Psychic TV, another cult act,
released 23 live albums on the 23rd day of 23 consecutive months.
21 "W" is the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet. It has two points down
and three points up. White supremacists use 23 to represent "W" as a
mark of racial superiority.
22 "23 skidoo" is an American catchphrase from the early 20th century
meaning to make a sharp exit. It was used as the title of a poem by the
occultist Aleister Crowley, another 23 aficionado. But some believe its
origins lie in Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities, where the old woman
counting the daily victims of the guillotine calls "23" as the hero is
beheaded in the last chapter.
23 The average human physical biorhythm is 23 days.
Source: The Independent
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