In Association With
3/16/07 #408
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Trust is not easy to come by
nowadays. It used to be that you could trust in your neighbor; trust in
your job; trust in your church; trust in your elected officials. Now,
trust is hard to find. Trust can even be dangerous. You can't trust in
your neighbors, because they could be spying on you on behalf of
Homeland Security. You can't trust in your job; that is what jobs are
actually left that pay a living salary. You can't trust in your church
as many are now playing politics in order to speed up the apocalypse.
And don't get us started about our elected officials - we used to think
a sex-scandal was the epitome of bad politics. Oh for the days of a
simple sex-scandal. But there is one thing that you can trust in . .
.Conspiracy Journal! Yes that's right. You can always trust that
Conspiracy Journal will be there for you each and every week, revealing
those deep, dark, dirty secrets that you won't find in your local
newspaper, or hear on your nightly news.
week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such trustworthy stories as:
- The Dozen Space Weapons
Myths -
and the Current UFO Flap -
- Myths and Legends Guarded by
Peru’s Amazon Rainforest
AND: Making Their Way in the
World of Gnomes
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

The Incredible Search
for Dr. Halsey
By Sean Casteel With Original Material by Michael X Barton
In 1965, renowned
researcher and author, Michael X. Barton, began a quest to find the
remains of one of his dearest friends, Dr. Wallace Halsey. A
respected UFO and occult researcher himself, Dr. Halsey had
disappeared two years earlier while flying a small plane from
Logan, Utah to Sunset Beach, California. Along with his flying
companion, Harry Ross, Halsey was presumed dead but, since no bodies or
wreckage had ever been found, Halsey's widow could not collect the
much-needed life insurance monies until seven years had passed.
This is one of the things that gave Barton a sense of
prove for legal reasons that Halsey and Ross had, indeed, died in a
plane crash enroute to California. But there was soon an added
dimension that spurred Michael Barton onward. He began to receive
strange messages through which the spirit of Halsey seemed to be
leading him to the exact location where the wreckage and bodies could
be found!
What follows is an inspiring story of courage, both physical and
psychic, as Michael Barton ventures into the desert and mountains
beyond, with the spirits of the dead and an aerial display of UFOs as
his guide!
GONE FOREVER IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE contains the full text of Michael
X. Barton’s 1965 book on the spiritual journey, THE INCREDIBLE SEARCH
FOR DR. HALSEY, as well as new material written by Sean Casteel that
delves into the history of other mysterious disappearances down through
the ages.
Gone Forever in the Blink of an Eye is only $20.00
(plus $5.00 for shipping) and
if you order RIGHT
NOW, we will throw in for FREE the
audio CD - Tim Beckley as Mr
Creepo reads Tales of the Unknown and Unexplained.
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at 5:00 PM EST at
In This Issue:
The Enduring Quest for Eternal Youth
* Interview with Dead Famous TV
Chris Fleming
* Doppelgangers: Seeing Double
* The Mystery of Astral
* Cattle Mutilations Continue to
And Much, Much More!
The Dozen Space Weapons
The successful Chinese anti-satellite missile test two months ago, the
launch on Thursday of the Pentagon’s robot rendezvous craft that can
service—or terminate—other satellites, and an impending US test of an
orbiting rocket-tracking sensor package (the controversial NFIRE
mission) have blasted “space warfare” back into the front of national
attention. The timing is critical, too, with changing political winds
in Congress and new agendas still taking shape.
Probably the greatest impediment to productive debate over alternative
national security strategies for space is the torrent of misinformation
and disinformation that seethes around the subject. Sometimes
deliberately contrived, but more often innocently ignorant and
enthusiastic, these myths and misconceptions can short-circuit and
detour news media coverage, public debate, political maneuvering, and
even international diplomacy.
Some of the most alarming accusations in recent official speeches by
ambassadors, delegates, and even heads of state seem to be based not on
sound research, technical intelligence agency analyses, or even direct
face-to-face inquiries, but on unwarranted reliance on the most
inflammatory and off-base news media reports. It’s “diplomacy by
headline”, and it’s frighteningly off course. The consequences of such
carelessness could be even more serious miscalculations.
As an attempt at a roadmap through this space minefield, here is my own
take on the ideas that need to be avoided or discarded on the trek
towards a useful plan for handling the subject and for developing a
workable, reality-based response to the problem.
1. The United States already has satellite killers, why shouldn’t
anyone else?
It’s not just the hard-line Russian commentators or the North Korean
press that alleges that US military forces are already armed to the
teeth for space warfare: the same explicit assumption often appears in
the mainstream Western press as well. Sometimes the argument even goes,
“Well, there’s no official acknowledgement of them—that proves they
exist in secret” (as if the absence of evidence were transformed into
evidence of presence).
But since the 1985 air-launch satellite intercept, a project cancelled
by Congress (see “Blunt arrows: the limited utility of ASATs”, The
Space Review, June 6, 2005), there is no evidence that a new
satellite-killer technology has been developed. Laser tests seem
focused on interfering with satellite observation equipment, as well as
to determine how to develop US countermeasures against other countries
using lasers to interfere with US observation satellites.
Non-destructive radio spoofing seems to be the limit of the amount of
force—short of setting off a nuclear weapon in space, which would be
suicidal—the US is currently prepared to use against space objects.
2. The latest United States “space policy” declares that it will “deny
access to space” to those players it deems hostile, which translates to
pre-emptive attack on non-US space objects and their supporting ground
Western news dispatches from Moscow, reporting on Russian official
complaints about the policy, stated that it asserted the right “to deny
adversaries access to space for hostile purposes,” and that it claimed
the right (some say “tacitly”) for the US to deploy weapons in space.
Vitaly Davidov, deputy head of the Russian Space Agency, complained:
“They [the US] want to dictate to others who is allowed to go there.”
But the actual policy document makes no such claim and displays no such
intent to “deny” access. The Russian anxiety, echoed on the editorial
pages and in news stories around the world, is apparently based on some
over-wrought page 1 stories in US newspapers, written by people too
careless to actually read the original US document and subsequent
official US government clarifications, or too eager to misinterpret it
in the most alarmingly stark terms.
3. The US is planning to deploy space-based weapons (including nuclear
weapons) to attack other objects in space and on the ground.
Many of these stories deal with weapons that travel through space on
their way to surface targets—as military missiles have done since about
1944. Stationing weapons in space for use against ground targets has
long ago been recognized as far more expensive and less flexible than
basing them on Earth, say, in a submarine. Even planning a
space-to-space attack can take hours or days or longer for the moving
attacker and target to line up in a proper position. This goes double
for nuclear weapons: putting them into space on a permanent basis was
last taken seriously in the Sunday comics in the late 1950’s. So these
accusations seem to confuse proposed projects (usually already
rejected—that’s why the proponents go public with their ideas) or even
Hollywood science fiction for actual hardware.
4. The embryonic US “National Missile Defense” (NMD) system will give
the US an unfairly asymmetric and destabilizing military advantage by
threatening low-orbit satellites.
References to the “latent antisatellite capability” of the embryonic US
anti-missile system in Alaska are somewhat disingenuous since Russia
has a deployed anti-missile system with launchers around Moscow and in
Kazakhstan, with much the same capability and nobody seems to complain.
Most discussions leave the impression the Russian system simply doesn’t
exist. Furthermore, range and tracking systems and warhead lifetimes
restrict anti-missile systems to very low satellites, if any.
5. Sensor tests of a proposed space-based missile interception system
are first steps on the road to using such a weapon as an anti-satellite
Equating a boost-phase anti-missile weapon (based at sea, on an
aircraft, or even in space) to an anti-satellite weapon overlooks a
fundamental design difference, their guidance mode. To kill a missile
during ascent, before it has a chance to deploy its warheads and
decoys, relies on chasing down its most visible feature: its hot rocket
plume. Russian and US space tests have observed such rocket plumes for
decades: there were tests from the Mir space station, and from at least
one Space Shuttle mission, and there are ongoing tests from new
satellite projects.
Their purpose isn’t just to develop a kill vehicle, but also to examine
how an opponent might do so, and thus what features of one’s own
missiles might be modified to make them more survivable. But these
experiments shouldn’t deflect attention from one key fact: satellites
don’t have hot rocket plumes, and sensors developed to chase such plume
generators (i.e., attacking missiles) wouldn’t even see a passively
orbiting satellite. It can’t be a target if it’s invisible to the
weapon system under development.
6. The Soviet Union opted out of the “space arms race” in 1983 by
declaring—and following—a moratorium on further testing of
anti-satellite weapons.
“Moratorium” is the wrong word, often deliberately so, because Moscow
insisted it had never done anything it now had to stop. Once it became
clear that the Reagan Administration was going to respond to a decade
of space-to-space combat tests of an operational Soviet
“killer-satellite”, Soviet premier Andropov applied diplomatic and
propaganda pressure (to encourage Western political forces) by
announcing that “the USSR would never be the first to test
anti-satellite weapons”—a cynically-phrased promise that belied the
fact that they had already been the first many years earlier. The
promise was widely described in the West as a declared cessation of
acknowledged space weapons testing, but Moscow insisted it was not,
since it claimed that since it had never began testing, there was
nothing it was doing that it was obligated to stop. That sounds like
the way space lawyers (and space propagandists) quibble.
7. The Soviet “killer satellite” of the Cold War was big, clunky, and
ineffective, so no US response was needed.
While Western advocates of not developing space weapons could not, with
a straight face (as Moscow did), proclaim there were no Soviet space
weapons, they found a next-best-thing argument. Sure, the weapons
existed, but they didn’t work, so they were nothing to worry about. But
the widely-reported “low reliability” numbers were generated by often
guessing about a test’s success, and then conflating results from
operational, deployed models with research missions with more advanced
and experimental guidance systems (which did fail a few times before
working right, at which point tests of that variant were stopped).
Following the Soviet collapse, Russian military space historians were
able to release documentation that demonstrated the high reliability of
the operational Soviet “killer satellite” and thus the wish-away
delusions of many Western experts. Determining it was operational into
the early 1990s was also easy: US spy satellites observed that the rail
lines from the hangars to the launch pads were the first areas plowed
of new-fallen snow.
8. A “killer satellite” (like the Soviet weapon) is no more of a threat
than any other kind of “satellite killer”.
Some experimental ASATs in the 1980s and 1990s were ground launched
(like the recent Chinese shot), and some (all Soviet) were
space-to-space by an attacking craft already in orbit. The enormous
advantage of an orbital system (even if launched only hours or days
before making its attack) is that simply by selecting a larger booster,
the weapon can be sent into nearly any orbit of potential interest, at
any altitude. With proven support hardware from other space projects, a
killer satellite with a lifetime in years could be quickly built for
deployment in orbits close to potential targets. These days, much
smaller vehicles could be launched and then maneuvered, undetected,
into such ambush orbits. They could even use the Moon’s gravity to
surreptitiously slip into the high-altitude orbits of key US
observation, communications, and navigation satellites.
9. The Outer Space Treaty (1967) prevented the development of orbital
nuclear weapons and this success is an example for new treaties to do
the same for anti-satellite weapons.
This treaty is widely touted as having outlawed the placing of nuclear
weapons in orbit. The USSR went and built and tested and deployed a
system to do exactly that: to place warheads in low atmosphere-skimming
orbits that could approach their targets “below the horizon” of defense
radars (or approach them from unexpected directions), paving the way
for a thermonuclear first strike. The weapons were not explicitly
forbidden by the treaty, so building them was not illegal, and using
them in wartime would have entirely mooted the question of “legality”.
The treaty allowed Western specialists to convince themselves they had
kept the genie in the bottle, but the Soviets had their fingers on the
10. Without new treaties there is no legal protection for US military
space assets.
Proponents of an anti-weapons treaty are essentially saying that the
rest of the world is dying to formally agree to leave the United States
in possession of an overwhelming military advantage based on
space-based assets, and to willingly submit to any future utilization
of those capabilities. If the military forces of at least half a dozen
other nations are not at this time working out ways to neutralize the
US space-based military advantage, they should be court-martialed for
incompetence and lack of imaginative planning. And if they are making
such plans, the efforts become even more potentially effective if the
US can be persuaded that they are not making such preparations.
Experience has shown that paper makes a very poor shield against
potential attack, and parties that thought so have almost always been
eventually faced with unpleasant and costly surprises.
11. Rules and treaties can be helpful, even if they “leak”, because
anyone breaking them can be identified and punished by the
international community.
This rationalization of the tacit confession that treaties can be
disregarded, with the claim that it doesn’t really matter, ignores the
one-time criticality and “single-use-sensitivity” of a reliable space
weapons treaty. An enemy really only needs to break it once to gain
enormous temporary military advantage, and after having done so, and
exploited that advantage, who will be around to “punish” them? It’s not
like a fine for littering, as some arms control advocates have
analogized: it’s like hoping some all-powerful referee will declare a
“do-over” after Pearl Harbor. Prime example: the Soviet Union’s orbital
nuclear weapon, built and tested and deployed while the 1967 Outer
Space Treaty expressly forbade its use—and once used, it would render
the legal proscription obsolete. Yet this 1967 treaty is widely held up
as a “model” for broader space treaties to emulate.
12. Other nations are justified in building “space weapons” because the
US has done so, or is about to do so.
This argument never seems to work both ways. It always justifies any
other country’s space weapons, laying the blame on something the US has
done, may do, is thinking about doing, or is merely accused of doing in
the mass media. But it never seems to justify any US
hardware-development response to actual space weapons deployed by other
countries, from the cannon mounted on a Soviet manned space station, to
its operational killer satellites and orbital nuclear weapon launchers,
to the recent Chinese anti-satellite missile test. The US did not
respond in kind to those weapons because they made no military
sense—there was no mindless reflex, but instead a rational assessment
of security requirements. Those assessments usually can be made
regardless of the actions of other parties, especially regarding the
level of required space weapons.
Perhaps as befits a subject related to outer space, there seems no
limit to the use of misinformation and disinformation in public
arguments about “space weapons”. One final example is from Russian
complaints in recent weeks about US plans to deploy anti-missile
systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. The US says they are focused
at potential Iranian missiles aimed at North America. Russian spokesmen
insist they are intended to destroy Russian missiles retaliating
against the US in a nuclear exchange.
The Russian statements are so preposterous one has to wonder either at
the intelligence of the speakers, or at their estimate of the lack of
intelligence in their target audience (true, the complaints have been
taken seriously in much of the Western mass media). The technological
flaw is simple: missiles launched from the Czech Republic, say, cannot
ever hope to intercept missiles launched from Russia against America,
because—now, pay attention, Western mass media—Earth is round.
If you look at a flat map and use a ruler, a missile flight path from
Russia to North America might indeed seem to fly directly westwards and
cross Poland and the Czech Republic. But run the path on a globe, with
a string, and you can see that the true paths run to the northwest from
Russia, out over Iceland. The only destinations of long-range
Russian-based rockets that cross the Czech Republic would be Brazil or
Venezuela: not likely enemies.
Russian military missiles are fast-burn boosters, so there is only a
two- or three-minute interval when an infrared-guided anti-missile
could actually see and hope to hit its target. The flight path is so
far north of the proposed bases that to reach the missile in that
interval would require a rocket able to achieve 20 to 40 G’s and a
burnout velocity four times escape velocity from Earth’s gravity: far
greater power than any rocket ever built or even just imagined. If this
interval is missed, the would-be anti-missile would then be in a
hopeless “tail chase” of the Russian missile, requiring the
anti-missile to be much bigger and much faster than its target.
Nobody is building such an anti-missile, and probably nobody knows how
to even start. So by principles of rocket science, the recent Russian
complaints can be exposed as fraudulent. Is it too much to expect that,
fifty years after Sputnik, diplomats and journalists and policy wonks
begin to get a few clues about how rockets really work, and how
propagandists play to baseless fears and ignorance?
If we can’t even get verifiable facts and limits correct, there’s no
hope of developing a trustworthy set of international reality-based
agreements regarding constraints on future actions in space or on Earth.
James Oberg ( is a 22-year veteran of NASA mission
control. He is now a writer and consultant in Houston.
Source: The Space Review
HAARP and the Current UFO Flap

inescapable--we're in the midst of a weird flap right now. Though UFO
reports circulate the world every day, I can't remember getting so many
emails each week. Even stranger is that just before it all started,
November of 2006, several friends and colleagues mentioned having an
unusual feeling that "something" outstanding was about to happen in the
UFO world. It seems some people are more sensitive to whatever forces
accompany those brilliant lights in the sky. Though it's easier to spot
illuminated anomalies at night, plenty are seen in the day, as well.
Though I've mentioned it many times on the air, here's my opinion of
what may be happening right now.
In 1993, the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and University of
Alaska began a project called HAARP (the High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Project). It basically consists of an Alaskan field packed
with a grid of broadcasting antennas. These antennas produce an
enormous amount of energy. A huge radio station pumps around 100,000
watts. Imagine putting 100 of those together, and focusing all the
energy on a spot a few inches in diameter. HAARP is apparently capable
of doing this (and more), pinpointing sections of the earth's
ionosphere. Why? There are lots of reasons. The official literature is
vague, but the government states they are "studying the properties and
behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to
understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance
systems for both civilian and defense purposes."
To see the array, you can visit the official
government HAARP site:
The awesome weapons potential is clear. Imagine the
earth as a big battery. The ground is negative and the ionosphere (sort
of force field around it) is positive. If you short-circuit the system
temporarily, by piling too much charge on one terminal, unimaginable
bolts of electricity will join the two, probably capable of vaporizing
entire cities in-between. Jerry E. Smith writes about such
weaponization of the environment in his books like Weather Warfare and
HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy. Regardless of such
sensational scenarios, manipulation of weather is almost inescapable
when playing around with the earth's electric field. After all,
variations of only a few degrees can have immense global repercussions.
Katrina devastated the American south in 2005. In 2006, HAARP was
finally completed.
In 2006, most experts predicted a terrible hurricane
season. However, everyone was surprised. Not only was the hurricane
season mild, but other U.S. weather patterns were unexpected. Snows in
New Mexico and California were unusual. More snow than usual fell on
places like Colorado. And weather in parts of the American southeast
was so poorly predicted that forecasts became even more useless. Yet
simultaneously, strange lights began to appear in the skies.
The official start of the new UFO flap may have been
the daylight saucer seen over the O'Hare International Airport in
Chicago, November 2006. But afterward, the sighting intensity aligned
from the northwest down through the southeast--prominently over North
Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. In those areas, green lights
were seen zipping through the night sky, especially on Wednesday,
January 24, 2007. The 24th sightings made national news (such as Fox
& Friends) and garnered major coverage in The Charlotte Observer.
While most people were joking about "little green men," I was recalling
a HAARP experiment done, with results publicly released, on March 10,
2005 (I just realized that was exactly two years ago to this day). They
created green speckles in the night sky. You can find the official
report, with pics, on the Live Science site: click HERE.
Furthermore, the Feb. 22-28 edition of The
Weaverville Tribune (North Carolina, Vol. 5, No. 8) had a front page
photo of more "mysterious lights" over Western North Carolina. I
immediately identified them as appearing like the Northern Lights, or
aurora borealis. Once in a blue moon, aspects of the Northern Lights
drop low enough to be seen in North Carolina as vertical,
reddish-purple streaks in the sky. As a lifelong resident of Asheville,
I've only seen it twice, and most residents have never seen it. Though
I know this happens naturally sometimes, I was intrigued to see it
occurring now, in the midst of these other anomalies.
So let's put all this in order based on my
conspiratorial mindset:
1) Terrible hurricane hits U.S. in 2005
2) HAARP is completed in 2006, according to expert
Jerry E. Smith
3) 2006 is predicted to be a bad hurricane season,
but is actually very mild
4) If HAARP was attempting to diffuse the 2006
hurricane season, the system would presumably broadcast from Alaska,
southeast across the U.S., and right through the skies of TN, NC, SC,
GA, toward spots in the Atlantic where storms are spawned.
5) We know HAARP can produce green lights in the sky,
and green lights are seen shooting across the sky in this pathway
6) The Northern Lights are an attribute of the
earth's electrical field, and they also make a rare appearance in the
area where green lights have recently been seen
I don't mean to suggest that all the extraordinary
lights have been the product of HAARP. Some are described as physical
craft, and may be ETs coming here to check out the HAARP activity. And
the Chinese shot a satellite from orbit in early January of 2007, so
some may have seen falling debris. But most of these reports detail
abstract, green or greenish-blue blobs in the sky, usually shooting
across like a meteor. Some may say we're simply seeing an increase in
meteors. But green?
Whatever's happening, I suspect there's more to come.
For the latest, stay tuned to Speaking of Strange Saturday nights. And
be sure to sign up for our free, and spam-free, e-newsletter for
personal emails from me once in a while. You can do that, and find
breaking weird news, at:
Source: Josh Warren/News Radio 570am WWNC
Author of Weather
Warfare: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature
This Weeks Guest on:

Take this link to
find out more about Weather Warfare, and how to order your own copy!
Subliminal Images Impact on
The brain does register subliminal images even if a person is unaware
they have seen them, UK researchers report.
The research, in Current Biology, suggests subliminal advertising is
probably effective.
The practice, which was first used in the 1950s, has been banned in the
UK, but is still permitted in the US.
Using brain scans, a team from University College, London, showed
people only registered the images if the brain had "spare capacity".
Subliminal images may be contained in other information, which people
are aware of receiving.
The researchers cite the example of the film Fight Club, where a
character who works as a cinema projectionist inserts a single frame of
pornography into the 24 frames of a film shown each second.
In the movie, those watching were unaware of the split-second shot, but
felt depressed or aggressive afterwards.
Although it has long been thought that subliminal images can be
detected without people being aware of them, and have been used in
techniques such as subliminal advertising, this is the first time
researchers have provided physiological evidence of the impact.
The seven participants in the study wore red-blue filter glasses that
projected faint images of everyday objects, such as an iron, on to one
eye and a strong flashing image on the other.
The strong flashing image meant the participants were not consciously
aware of the faint images projected on to the other eye.
At the same time, they were asked to carry out an easy task, such as
picking out the letter T from a stream of letters, or a harder task of
picking out a white N or a blue Z.
Using functional MRI brain scanning, the researchers found that during
the easy task the brain registered the 'invisible' object although the
participants were unaware they had seen it.
This was highlighted by activity in a part of the brain called the
primary visual cortex.
But during the harder task, which required more concentration, the fMRI
scan did not pick up any relevant brain activity suggesting the
participants had not registered the subliminal image.
Dr Bahador Bahrami, UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, said:
"What's interesting here is that your brain does log things that you
aren't even aware of and can't ever become aware of.
"The brain is open to what's around it. So if there is 'spare
capacity', in terms of attention, the brain will allocate that resource
to subliminal activity.
"These findings point to the sort of impact that subliminal advertising
may have on the brain.
"What this study doesn't address is whether this would then influence
you to go out and buy a product."
Dr Bahrami is set to carry out more research to evaluate the further
impact of subliminal words and images.
Source: BBC
Myths and Legends Guarded by
Peru’s Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon, apart from housing the most amazing biodiversity, is also
home to a myriad of magical myths and mysterious occurrences. I was
fortunate enough to have lived in the southern part of the Peruvian
Amazon in the Madre de Dios region for 5 months, and I was always
captivated by the many mysterious stories and anecdotes locals told me.
I would like to narrate some of these tales which will hopefully have
the same enchanting effect on you as they had on me, perhaps even to
the extent that you may begin sensing the rainforest’s hot and humid
air; hear the buzz, chirp and growl of the animals; and you want to
pull out your machete and cut down that ripe bunch of bananas.
El Tunchi
This is one of the spirits that protects the rainforest, and more
specifically it is said to be the spirit of people that took their last
breath inside the rainforest. The technique of El Tunchi is to whistle
a certain tune, always the same short melody, and if you chime in by
whistling the exact same tune, the spirit will appear, its wrath will
fall upon you and terrorize you.
If you are well-behaved and respect nature by not harming flora and
fauna, El Tunchi will just scare you a little and move on. However, if
you mow down trees like there’s no tomorrow, pollute the air or
displace animals from their habitat, then watch out and take heed! The
best advice that even the locals follow religiously, is not to answer
its whistle, thus not giving it a chance to “play” with you.
La lupuna
The lupuna is a tree found in various parts of the Amazon. It is one of
those beautiful giants of the Amazon, grand, imposing, and well rooted
in the jungle’s soil. Its trunk can be as wide as 10 meters (33 ft)
when given the time to grow. The lupuna distinguishes itself from other
tropical trees because of its “belly”, a part of the trunk that is
wider than the rest and bears some resemblance to a human abdomen.
And it has another characteristic: its spirit is also widely known to
be a protector of the rainforest. Unfortunately, it is not entirely
safe from deforestation but local loggers and lumberjacks are very
careful about which lupuna to cut down, because if they choose the
wrong species, the tree will take revenge…
You must also show your respect for the lupuna in other ways, which is
reflected by the following story:
A local woman was hiking through the jungle and felt a basic human
urge. She squatted down near a big tree and relieved her bladder. She
returned to town, unaware of what was about to unfold. At nighttime her
stomach began to hurt and swelled up to painful proportions. The
discomfort kept her from sleeping that night and throughout the next
day the pain got worse and the swelling increased.
She called for the help of a shaman, who asked her what she had been
doing before the pain started. Had she, by any chance, urinated near a
lupuna? The poor woman confirmed and the shaman explained that the
lupuna was punishing her for showing such disrespect. “The only
solution”, he said, “is to ask the lupuna for forgiveness. If you don’t
your stomach will burst and you will die”.
And with these words he went on his way looking for the moody lupuna.
The woman waited in agony, hoping that the shaman would succeed in his
mission. He found the tree according to her description and spent the
night at the lupuna’s feet carrying out his rituals, asking the
powerful tree for forgiveness. He took a knife and carefully cut the
lupuna’s “belly” and took some of the juice that trickled from the
wound. In the morning he returned with this potion and told the
punished woman to drink it. Almost immediately the swelling and
agonizing pain subsided. By the evening she was up on her feet again,
good as new, and with a very important lesson learned!
Many rivers feed the Amazon, serving as water highways to transport
people and goods. They are intricate eco-systems and home to many fish
species. They are also the natural habitat of the infamous, dreaded
anaconda. These rivers have their own myths and legends, including the
enigmatic sirens.
Traditionally, men are working in the forest for weeks on end, whether
to collect Brazil nuts, taking out rubber or trees, or mining gold.
During all this time there is not a single woman in sight. Surrounded
by nothing but dense forest and male colleagues for weeks, one can
imagine their longing for little female contact. Many have reported
that they saw beautiful women singing to them from the opposite shore,
trying to lure them to the other side of the river. Some couldn’t
resist and drowned in the river’s swift currents. The one’s who
withstood the attraction told us this tale.
During the rubber boom at the beginning of the 20th century, legends
also tell of lonely and desperate men who trapped pink dolphins living
in these rivers and lakes, and made love to them. This would then
transform the men into male sirens who went to live with the dolphins
in the depths of the river. This is said to be the reason why numerous
rubber extractors simply disappeared and their bodies were never found.
El Chullanchaqui
This little creature known as Chullanchaqui is also there to protect
the rainforest. He is a farmer, and if you come across a clearing in
the forest, you might be standing on one of Chullanchaqui’s farms known
as “chacras”. If you return to the same place months later, you will
find that it is still a clear area, as if someone had been weeding it
and took care of it. Chullanchaqui is said to have a very unique
appearance: a tiny midget-like man that leaves a peculiar trace. Those
who have seen his tracks say he has a tiny left foot and his right side
leaves a round hole behind, apparently the mark of a wooden leg. When
he appears out of nowhere, it is often to confuse you, he could be
calling you, you will barely get a glimpse of him every now and then,
so you keep following him. And when you realize that you’ve lost his
trail, you are utterly and completely lost in the dense forest.
A farmer told me this story about an encounter he had with
Chullanchaqui one night:
“I was on my way back from a hunting trip. It was about 9 o’clock at
night, it was dark, and this is a dangerous time to be in the jungle
since it also marks the time when animals like snakes and tigers begin
their own hunt for prey. I was moving as fast as I could. It was then
when I heard someone call my name. It startled me and I held my lantern
in the direction from where I had heard the voice. There it was: a
small, sturdy little person walking away from me. Because of the
darkness and the distance I couldn’t see him very well.
At first I thought it was my neighbor playing a joke on me, so I called
out his name and started following him. He moved very fast ans brisk
for a little fella that he was and I had a hart time keeping up with
him. I told him to slow down, still thinking it could be my neighbor,
and I kept running after him as fast as I could. This went on for some
time when suddenly I stumbled over something and brought me to my
knees. I looked down for a moment trying to find out what it was. When
I raised my head again, the creature was gone. Not a sound, not a
trace, gone. It seems as if he had fallen off the face of the earth.
Then it dawned on me: I just had an encounter with Chullanchaqui.”
What are these creatures really telling us?
All creatures in these myths have one thing in common: They are there
to protect flora and fauna of the rainforest from mankind’s harm and
exploitation. Whether you believe in these myths or not, they teach us
to respect and care for the mighty jungle, and if we do so, it will
continue sharing its benevolent powers with us. Don’t forget that the
rainforest filters the world’s polluted air, and it is one of the most
important parts of the world’s ecosystem. Thus it is our responsibility
to listen to the message of these creatures and protect the “lungs of
the planet”.
Source: Journal Peru
Psychic Researchers Say our
Consciousness has Unexplained Powers

As we travel through life we are all seekers after something larger
than ourselves, a truth known to seers, healers and book publishers
through the ages. For Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer, a prominent clinical
psychologist at Berkeley, her quest began in 1991 with the theft of a
rare and valuable harp belonging to her daughter. On the advice of a
friend, she sought help from a professional psychic named Harold McCoy,
who, with only a street map and a photograph of the harp—he never left
his home in Arkansas—told her exactly the address in Oakland where it
could be found. For the rest of her life Mayer was obsessed with this
feat, as who wouldn't be? So last month, 15 years after the harp was
returned, I sent McCoy a picture of a lock—a cast-iron padlock my
grandfather had used to lock up his pushcart at night—and a set of New
York City street maps. Find the lock, I told him.
Mayer's quest took her into a world where the ordinary rules of time
and space don't apply—of dowsers like McCoy, who ordinarily searches
for water underground but asserts he can find almost anything by tuning
in to the "vibrations" that pervade the universe; of clairvoyants who
claim to read minds over the telephone or to be able to see what
someone else is looking at, hundreds of miles away; of laboratories
where people stare at a pendulum, trying to slow it down with their
minds. She compiled her research into a just-published book,
"Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism and the Inexplicable Powers
of the Human Mind," that she finished just before her death in 2005, at
the age of 57.
Her work took her to Princeton, where for more than 25 years
engineering professor Robert G. Jahn has been testing the ability of
people to influence physical objects by their thoughts. (His lab closed
last month.) In thousands of experiments, he has found that they can,
but only by tiny amounts—a few hundredths of a percent, a level that
achieves statistical significance only because of the very large number
of trials involved. Mostly he used electronic devices, such as
random-number generators, but he also used a machine of the sort you
see in science museums, in which balls tumble down an array of pegs and
pile up in slots at the bottom, illustrating how random processes
create a bell-shaped distribution.
Volunteers, staring at the display, would try to nudge the falling
balls to favor the left or the right side—and it worked! In fact, it
worked if the volunteer was in another room, or even in Australia.
Another machine, a small robot programmed to travel in a random zigzag
pattern, appeared to move in response to the mental activity of a flock
of chickens. These facts will either strike you as even more amazing,
or else prompt you to call the whole business into question. Even
assuming there is a force, unknown to science, that emanates from the
brain and can affect a falling Ping-Pong ball, what directs it to a
precise location on the other side of the globe? How does the volunteer
avoid screwing up a science fair down the street instead?
Mayer consulted with psychics, one of whom, a woman named Ellen Tadd,
gave her some startling psychological insights about her own daughter,
and later about five strangers she was interviewing for a job. I called
Tadd myself, and in the course of a 20-minute phone call she gave me a
quick psychic reading of my personality. The crux of it was this:
I see you being very sensitive and in some ways getting overwhelmed by
the harshness and negativity and insensitivity in the world. When that
reaction happened, there became this decision deep inside your soul to
be strong and not be overwhelmed by this sensitivity.
I leave it to those who know me better to judge the accuracy of that
assessment, but it struck me as a fairly generic description of a
journalist, or a human being.
It seemed to me, reading Mayer's obviously sincere and earnest account
of her investigations, that the distinguished physicist Freeman Dyson,
who has long harbored an interest in the paranormal, had it exactly
right in his foreword to her book: "As a scientist, I don't believe the
story," he wrote about McCoy's dowsing for the harp, "but as a human
being I want to believe it." It is part of the human condition to seek
wonder in the world, to seek communion with a higher power that links
us all together with our machines and our chickens. If there is
anything stronger than belief itself, it is the desire to believe.
As for McCoy, after several hours of poring over the street maps I gave
him, he called to say that the lock was in the Bronx.
It was in Queens.
Source: MSNBC
Mystery of the Alien

"Our homeland Sun is Epsilon Bootes. It is a double star.
We live on sixth of seven planets, counted from the sun… Our sixth
planet has a moon, our fourth planet has three moons. Our first and
third planet has no moon.
Our satellite is in a circular path around your Moon… "
Did we pick up the signals from an artificial satellite sent to our
planet by an extraterrestrial intelligence?
In December 1927, Carl Stoermer, the Norwegian Professor of Mathematics
at University in Olso, and explorer of echo radio was contacted by two
American scientists, Leo C. Young, radio engineer and Dr. A. Hoyt
Taylor, chief consultant of electronics at the naval research
During their experiments with radio waves, Young and Taylor observed
unnatural signals coming from space.
On August 25 1928, the scientists along with Carl Stoermer and the
workers of Philips Company began to send their own radio signals of
various wave lengths.
While sending a series of signals, the researchers received two series
of echoes instead of only one, normally coming back after a delay of
one seventh of a second.
Weeks passed and on October 11, 1928, the same repeating signals with
delays from 3 to 15 seconds were systematically received during several
sessions. On October 24, as many as 48 such signals were picked up.
The interval from 3 to 15 seconds was a real puzzle to the scientists.
Could they mean a code, an intelligent coded message from an unknown
extraterrestrial sender? But from whom? What was the location of the
The observations of incoming signals were still conducted in 1934,
1947, 1949, and 1970.
At the beginning of the 70s, Duncan Lunan, a Scottish astronomer,
President of the Scottish Association of Technology and Research, being
interested in the phenomenon undertook a thorough research.
The puzzling phenomenon required an explanation of some kind, but all
attempts to solve it did not bring any satisfying results. Lunan's
approach was different.
Instead of to register the deceleration time in the Y-axis (as the
scientist usually practise), Lunan drew the time delay on October 11,
1928, of the received indications… in the X-axis.
The obtained results were shocking.
The signals received on October 11, 1928, originated from the
constellation of Bootes (the Herdsman - the Bear Watcher, in Greek),
located in the northern sky, dominated by the bright orange giant star
Arcturus of magnitude 0.04 is the fourth brightest star in the sky.
The constellation of Bootes is suggested to be the oldest known
constellation listed by Ptolemy (ca. AD 140). Not as widely known as
for example Cassiopeia or Orion, Bootes still has its impressive past
recorded in history.
The ancient Egyptians pictured Bootes as a constellation they called
the Hippopotamus. Both the Hindus and ancient Chinese regarded Arcturus
as a pearl-star. The Greeks knew Bootes as the Bear Watcher.
Based on the results, Duncan Lunan created six detailed sky maps,
depicting the set of stars in the constellation of Bootes. However, he
came upon yet another mystery…
Comparing all data available from his and earlier observations, he
discovered two important though strange deviations in the view of star
positions. Such deviations could not be, but they were.
Looking at the first deviation, Lunan noticed that the point that
should represent the star Artcturus, the brightest one in the
constellation was outside of its current position.
He was surprised. He analyzed once again the star positions and found
the answer. He was looking at the position of the star Arcturus as it
was registered 12,500-13,000 BC!
That was the time at the end of the last large Ice Age.
A new chapter of our planet's history has just begun then. Time
of the Sphinx, the pyramids, and perhaps the city of Tiahuanaco,
however the last could be even older…
The other deviation was related to the star Izar, a yellow K1 giant
star, a binary companion to Arcturus. The point, which should represent
the star Izar was not noted on the design, but outside of the
constellation lines. This point was the exact result of radio echo of 3
seconds delay, while the other points were represented by radio echoes
from 8 to 15 of delay.
Was the star Izar referring to the sun of the unknown civilization in
the constellation Bootes?
Perhaps a technologically advanced intelligence from there built and
sent an artificial satellite to our solar system. Radio signals sent on
separate occasions from the alien satellite reached the Earth's surface
and bounced back to the alien satellite. After being registered and
deliberately delayed, they were repeatedly sent back to the Earth.
Already in 1960, Professor R.N. Bracewell of Stanford University,
California suggested that if an extraterrestrial civilization decided
to contact us, they would probably choose to do it by using delayed
radio signals.
No doubt, the probe was dispatched to orbit in the vicinity of Earth.
The question is: For what purpose? For listening and watching our
technological and social progresses? For future contact with us?
Perhaps this contact has already been established. We do not know...
Source: UFO Area
Making Their Way in the
World of Gnomes
Grandmas everywhere own a coffee-table book called "Gnomes," perhaps
our culture's most revered account of the mystical forest creatures.
The book, first published 30 years ago and aimed at the toddler set,
illuminates the child-rearing, dietary and fashion habits of the
pointy-hatted people.
But it glosses over at least one important detail, a bit of information
that could help endear the little guys to an older, more mature
audience: Gnomes love chicken wings and beer.
At least according to a couple of guys who recently took their gnomes
to The Cheesecake Factory for supper.
Christian von Lahr and Christopher Valentine work in a different realm
than you and I -- that is, they communicate with dead people, as well
as gnomes, leprechauns and fairies. Last weekend, they brought their
extended "nature people" family to Raleigh for the new age Body Mind
Spirit Expo at the State Fairgrounds.
Aside from private readings, in which the men worked to communicate
with the dead on behalf of customers, they held a lecture and peddled
their books, which include one called "Seeing and Sensing Gnomes."
The men say that in writing the book, they simply channeled what the
gnomes wanted them to get across. Their lecture's promotion included
the promise of tips on seeing the gnomes in your own life, and with
that, about 30 people gathered in the back of the Kerr Scott Building
to hear it.
Von Lahr began the presentation by asking how many in the audience
sensed gnomes, leprechauns and fairies, all of which fall under the
broad category of "nature people." Maybe six or seven raised their
hands. Nature people, he said, are of our physical plane. One needn't
have any special powers to see them.
"We can all see them if we want to," he said. "They are absolutely
And they want to be involved with your life. Have you ever misplaced
car keys, only to find them later in the exact place where you thought
they should be, a place where you had already looked? That was
leprechauns, teasing you a little.
"Nature people are not goldfish," he said in advocating communication
with them. "You don't put them in a bowl and just look at them."
Later, von Lahr had Valentine stand against a wall. He inhaled and
exhaled a bit, and then von Lahr pointed to a spot against the wall, a
few inches above Valentine's shoulder.
Do you see that? It's an elf.
A couple of audience members nodded when asked if they saw a blue blur
near his shoulder. I saw only the wall. Soon, Valentine was waving his
hand above his head, helping people to try and see the unicorn that had
appeared there.
Again, I got only the wall.
But Deb Dougherty of Clayton saw something unusual, namely, the horn of
a unicorn above Valentine's head. Why do some see unicorns where others
see a wall?
"If you open your heart," she said, "you can see all of it."
After the lecture, von Lahr and Valentine stepped outside for a chat.
The men, who are partners in business as well as life, live in Piney
Creek, about 45 miles northeast of Boone. They relocated not long ago
from south Florida because their nature family, well, enjoys nature.
Von Lahr, 57, said that everyone is accompanied by at least two gnomes
at all times. Because he and Valentine are more attuned than most to
the nature people around them, the men have thousands of gnomes and
leprechauns in their lives.
Most people don't see them, von Lahr said, "because of peer pressure
growing up. You're told not to believe the things you see."
For example, kids are discouraged from having imaginary friends.
Valentine, 37, said they took the whole family to the Cheesecake
Factory at Crabtree Valley Mall, where the wings are a favorite of the
gnomes. But don't be confused. The foot-tall gnomes don't usually leave
tiny teeth marks in the chicken. Rather, they feed on the "etheric"
energy surrounding the wings.
The men encourage those who want a connection with nature people to set
out food for them, but more often than not, one shouldn't expect any to
be missing, even after a gnome feast.
"When they put out milk for them," Valentine said, "they shouldn't be
upset when they still see it out the next day, because the nature
people have enjoyed it thoroughly."
Kind of like my conversation with the gnome-knowers.
Source: The News Observer
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