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4/06/07 #411
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Welcome one and all to the
greatest show on Earth! Inside the big top we have such mysteries
as you've never seen before! A three-ring extravaganza of
conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and much, much, MORE! So sit
back and relax and prepared to be amazed, because Conspiracy Journal is
here once again for your viewing pleasure.
week Conspiracy Journal brings you such knee-knocking tales as:
AP Diary Adds Clue to Earhart Mystery -
Soviets Built German UFOs -
- Are GM Crops Killing Bees? -
- French Architect Says Great
Pyramid Built From Inside Out -
AND: Do Animals Have Telepathy?
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

The Incredible Search
for Dr. Halsey
By Sean Casteel With Original Material by Michael X Barton
In 1965, renowned
researcher and author, Michael X. Barton, began a quest to find the
remains of one of his dearest friends, Dr. Wallace Halsey. A
respected UFO and occult researcher himself, Dr. Halsey had
disappeared two years earlier while flying a small plane from
Logan, Utah to Sunset Beach, California. Along with his flying
companion, Harry Ross, Halsey was presumed dead but, since no bodies or
wreckage had ever been found, Halsey's widow could not collect the
much-needed life insurance monies until seven years had passed.
This is one of the things that gave Barton a sense of
prove for legal reasons that Halsey and Ross had, indeed, died in a
plane crash enroute to California. But there was soon an added
dimension that spurred Michael Barton onward. He began to receive
strange messages through which the spirit of Halsey seemed to be
leading him to the exact location where the wreckage and bodies could
be found!
What follows is an inspiring story of courage, both physical and
psychic, as Michael Barton ventures into the desert and mountains
beyond, with the spirits of the dead and an aerial display of UFOs as
his guide!
GONE FOREVER IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE contains the full text of Michael
X. Barton’s 1965 book on the spiritual journey, THE INCREDIBLE SEARCH
FOR DR. HALSEY, as well as new material written by Sean Casteel that
delves into the history of other mysterious disappearances down through
the ages.
Gone Forever in the Blink of an Eye is only $20.00
(plus $5.00 for shipping) and
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at 5:00 PM EST at
In This Issue:
The Enduring Quest for Eternal Youth
* Interview with Dead Famous TV
Chris Fleming
* Doppelgangers: Seeing Double
* The Mystery of Astral
* Cattle Mutilations Continue to
And Much, Much More!
AP Diary Adds Clue to Earhart
It's the coldest of cold cases, and yet it keeps warming to life.
Seventy years after Amelia Earhart disappeared, clues are still turning
up. Long-dismissed notes taken of a shortwave distress call beginning,
``This is Amelia Earhart...,'' are getting another look.
The previously unknown diary of an Associated Press reporter reveals a
new perspective.
A team that has already found aircraft parts and pieces of a woman's
shoe on a remote South Pacific atoll hopes to return there this year to
search for more evidence, maybe even DNA.
If what's known now had been conveyed to searchers then, might Earhart
and her navigator have been found alive? It's one of a thousand
questions that keep the case from being declared dead, as Earhart
herself was a year and a half after she vanished.
For nearly 18 hours, Earhart's twin-engine Lockheed Electra drummed
steadily eastward over the Pacific, and as sunrise etched a molten
strip of light along the horizon, navigator Fred J. Noonan marked the
time and calculated the remaining distance to Howland Island.
The date was July 2, 1937, and the pair were near the end of a
2,550-mile trek from Lae, New Guinea, the longest and most perilous leg
of a much-publicized ``World Flight'' begun 44 days earlier in Oakland,
At the journey's end there a few days hence, Earhart, already the most
famous aviator of the decade, was to become the first female pilot to
circumnavigate the globe.
Noonan, a former Pan American Airways navigator, estimated when the
plane would reach an imaginary ``line of position'' running
northwest-southeast through Howland, where they were to land, rest and
refuel for the onward flight to Hawaii.
Earhart pushed the talk button on her radio mike and said, ``200 miles
Her voice - described as a ``whispery drawl,'' evoking her Kansas roots
- was heard by the Coast Guard cutter Itasca, rocking gently in calm
seas off Howland. The U.S. government had built an airstrip on the
treeless, 500-acre coral spit, and at the request of Earhart's husband
and manager, publisher George Putnam, dispatched the cutter from Hawaii
to help her find her way.
During the night, Itasca's radio operators had become increasingly
exasperated. Earhart's voice had come through in only a few, brief,
static-marred transmissions - ``sky overcast'' was one - and hadn't
acknowledged any of Itasca's messages or its steady stream of Morse
code A's sent as a homing signal: dot-dash, dot-dash... They decided
the glamorous 39-year-old ``Lady Lindy'' was either arrogant or
What nobody knew - not Earhart, and not Itasca - was that her plane's
radio-reception antenna had been ripped away during the takeoff from
Lae's bumpy dirt runway. The Itasca could hear Earhart, but she was
unable to hear anything, voice or code.
Also listening in the Itasca's radio room was James W. Carey, one of
two reporters aboard. The 23-year-old University of Hawaii student had
been hired by The Associated Press to cover Earhart's Howland stopover.
His job was to send brief radiograms to the AP in Honolulu and San
But during the eight days since arriving at Howland, Carey also had
been keeping a diary.
In small notebooks, he jotted down comments about the island's ``gooney
birds,'' beachcombing and poker games in Itasca's wardroom. He also
noted how Earhart's delayed departure from Lae was affecting
crewmembers' morale, writing on June 30: ``They are getting tired of
waiting for a `gooney' dame who doesn't seem to be aware of the
annoyance the delays have made.''
Carey's diary was unknown to Earhart scholars until last September,
when a typewritten copy turned up on eBay and was bought by a member of
The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery, or TIGHAR. The
non-profit organization believes Earhart and Noonan were not lost at
sea, but landed on an uninhabited atoll called Gardner Island, and
lived for an unknown period as castaways.
``Even though the diary doesn't answer the big question, it's an
incredible discovery,'' said TIGHAR executive director Ric Gillespie,
who has led eight expeditions to the island since 1989, and plans
another this July if his group can raise enough money.
``We have long had the transcripts of the radio traffic, but this is
the first document that puts a real person aboard Itasca and tells us
something from a firsthand witness about what went on during those
desperate hours and days.''
On July 1, word came from New Guinea that the Electra was finally
Early on Friday, July 2, Carey wrote in his diary: ``Up all last night
following radio reports - scanty ... heard voice for first time 2:48
a.m. - `sky overcast.' All I heard. At 6:15 am reported `200 miles
By the time Earhart, her voice stronger, reported she was ``100 miles
out,'' a welcoming committee had gone ashore and was ``waiting
restlessly,'' Carey wrote.
If Noonan's dead-reckoning did not bring the plane directly over
Howland at the ``line of position,'' Earhart would fly up and down the
337-157 degree line until she found the island.
``To the north, the first landfall is Siberia,'' says Gillespie, ``so
if they didn't find it soon, they'd have turned back south, knowing
that even if they missed Howland, there were other islands beyond it -
Baker, McKean and Gardner - on that same line.''
But nothing was that simple. By now, Earhart would be burning into her
five-hour fuel reserve, and even in daylight, islands could be obscured
by billowy clouds and their shadows on the water.
At 7:42 a.m. local time, Earhart's voice suddenly came loud and clear:
``KHAQQ to Itasca. We must be on you but cannot see you. But gas is
running low. Been unable to reach you by radio. We are flying at 1,000
At 7:58 a.m., there was a nervous edge to Earhart's normal calm. A log
entry had her saying, ``we are drifting but cannot hear you.'' An
operator changed this to ``we are circling.'' Gillespie believes she
actually said, ``we are listening.''
As birds wheeled over the Howland shoreline, human ears strained for
the sound of engines, and binoculars scanned for any sign of the silver
Electra. Itasca continued sending Morse code A's.
About 8:30 a.m., believing Earhart must be out of gas, Itasca's
captain, Cmdr. Warner K. Thompson, ordered the welcoming committee back
to the ship. ``Flash news from ship Itasca: `Amelia down,''' Carey
wrote in his diary.
Suddenly, at 8:55 a.m., Earhart was back on: ``We are on the line 157
337... we are running on line north and south.'' The radiomen agreed
she sounded distraught; one thought she was near hysteria.
Then the radio went silent.
Having won a coin-toss with his United Press rival, Howard Hanzlick, to
decide whose news bulletin would go first, Carey had prepared two
versions: ``Earhart landed -- Howland time,'' and ``Flash Earhart
crackup landing -- Howland time.''
He had not anticipated a third alternative, that she might not land at
Now, with all frequencies reserved for possible distress calls, neither
reporter could send anything. While AP broke the ``Earhart missing''
story from Honolulu, quoting Coast Guard officials there, it would be
18 hours before Carey's first report reached San Francisco.
In the meantime, he kept busy with the diary: ``Itasca set off `full
speed ahead' to search the northwest quadrant off Howland,'' the most
likely area for the plane to be afloat on empty gas tanks.
Nothing was sighted, and by evening the ship's mood, Carey wrote, had
``taken a turn to the more serious side.''
Seventy years later, the mystery lingers. Millions have been spent on
expeditions and deep-sea probes, and although legally declared dead by
a California court in early 1939, Earhart has been the subject of more
than 50 nonfiction books.
``In 1937 she was a celebrity - today she's an icon,'' says Gillespie,
of Wilmington, Del., whose own book, ``Finding Amelia: The True Story
of the Earhart Disappearance,'' was published last year.
Theories have ranged from the official version - that the Electra ran
out of gas and crashed at sea - to the absurd, including abduction by
aliens, or Earhart living in New Jersey under an alias.
A 1943 Hollywood movie, ``Flight for Freedom,'' echoed groundless
claims that the pair were on a secret government spying mission against
the Japanese and were captured and executed. A 1999 book asserted,
without proof, that ``the solution to the Earhart mystery lies on the
ocean floor under 17,000 feet of water.''
Gillespie's book, along with ``Amelia Earhart's Shoes,'' a 2001 book
written by four other TIGHAR volunteers, offers a bold, reasoned thesis
that Earhart and Noonan crash-landed on a flat reef on Gardner, in the
Phoenix Islands, 350 miles south of Howland, and survived, perhaps for
months, on scant food and rainwater.
Searches of the remote atoll, now called Nikumaroro, have produced a
tantalizing, if inconclusive, body of evidence.
In 1940, Gerard Gallagher, a British overseer on Gardner, recovered a
partial human skeleton, a woman's shoe and an empty sextant box at what
appeared to be a former campsite, littered with turtle, clamshell and
bird remains.
Earhart being his first thought, Gallagher sent the items to Fiji,
where a British doctor, examining the human bones secretly to avoid
``unfounded rumors,'' decided they belonged to a stocky European or
mixed-blood male, ruling out any Earhart-Noonan connection.
The bones later vanished, but in 1998, TIGHAR investigators located the
doctor's notes in London.
Dr. Karen Ramey Burns, a forensic osteologist at the University of
Georgia, found the Fiji doctor's bone measurements were more
``consistent with'' a female of northern European descent, about
Earhart's age and height. Burns' report was independently seconded by
Dr. Richard Jantz, a University of Tennessee forensic anthropologist.
On their own visits to Gardner, TIGHAR teams recovered an aluminum
panel that could be from an Electra, another piece of woman's shoe and
``Cat's Paw'' heel dating from the 1930s; another shoe heel, possibly a
man's, and an oddly cut piece of clear Plexiglas.
The sextant box might have been Noonan's. The woman's shoe and heel
resemble a blucher-style oxford seen in a pre-takeoff photo of Earhart.
The plastic shard is the exact thickness and curvature of an Electra's
side window.
The evidence is promising but, as Gillespie is careful to note, remains
circumstantial. ``We don't have serial numbers,'' he says.
As the news that the aviators were missing flashed around the world,
confusion, official bungling and missed opportunities had only begun.
Itasca searched along the ``line of position'' northwest of Howland,
wrongly assuming the plane's empty fuel tanks would keep it afloat.
The Navy ordered six warships into the hunt, including the battleship
USS Colorado from Pearl Harbor and the aircraft carrier USS Lexington
from San Diego, 4,000 miles away.
On July 3, a day after Earhart vanished, her technical adviser, Paul
Mantz, suggested to reporters that she had crash-landed in the Phoenix
Islands. Even if the plane's undercarriage was damaged, Mantz said,
``the fliers could have walked away ... uninjured.''
Meanwhile, several shortwave radio listeners as far away as the U.S.
mainland were picking up the faint voices of a woman and a man, sending
apparent distress calls. And both the Itasca and a New Zealand cruiser,
HMS Achilles, reported what seemed to be Morse code ``dashes.''
When Pan Am's Pacific stations triangulated the signals to the Phoenix
Islands, the Achilles, less than 48 hours away at its top speed of 32
knots, was ignored. Instead, the Colorado was sent south, but by the
time it reached the area a week later, the radio calls had ceased.
After a float-plane search of eight atolls, senior pilot Lt. John O.
Lambrecht reported that ``signs of recent habitation were clearly
visible'' at Gardner Island, but ``repeated circling and zooming failed
to elicit any answering wave from possible inhabitants, and it was
finally taken for granted that none were there.''
Had Lambrecht known that the island had been uninhabited for more than
40 years, he might have looked more closely. In an interview years
later, he described the signs only as "markers," without elaboration.
Inexplicably, the final report by Colorado's captain said no sign of
habitation had been found.
Among reports of voice messages, two from teenagers using shortwave
antennas rigged by their fathers were most disturbingly credible.
In Rock Springs, Wyo., Dana Randolph, 16, heard a voice say, "This is
Amelia Earhart. Ship is on a reef south of the equator." Radio experts,
aware that "harmonic" frequencies in mid-ocean often could be heard far
inland, viewed the report as genuine.
Turning the shortwave dial in St. Petersburg, Fla., 15-year-old Betty
Klenck was startled to hear a woman say, "This is Amelia Earhart
Putnam," followed by pleas for help and agitated conversation with a
man who, the girl thought, sounded irrational.
Having heard Earhart's voice in movie newsreels, she had no doubt that
it was her.
"In my mind, a picture of her and what she was saying lasted for years.
I remembered it every night of my life," Betty Klenck Brown, now 84 and
widowed, said in a recent telephone interview from her home in
The man, she recalls, "seemed coherent at times, then would go out of
his head. He said his head hurt ... She was trying mainly to keep him
from getting out of the plane, telling him to come back to his seat,
because she couldn't leave the radio.
"She was trying to get somebody to hear her, and as the hours went by
she became more frantic."
Betty listened for nearly two hours, taking notes in a school
composition notebook as the signals faded in and out. They ended when
the fliers "were leaving the plane, because the water was knee-deep on
her side," she said.
She believes she may be the last living person to have heard Earhart's
distress calls.
Her father, Kenneth, who also heard the voices, contacted the Coast
Guard at St. Petersburg, but was brushed off with assurances that the
service was fully engaged in searching for the fliers, she said. "He
got mad and chucked the whole thing because of the way he was treated."
Both teenagers' accounts would support TIGHAR's premise that Earhart
crash-landed on Gardner's flat reef at low tide, was able to run its
right engine to power the radio, and escaped the aircraft before tides
eventually carried it off the reef into deep water.
On July 18, 16 days after Earhart and Noonan disappeared, the Navy and
Coast Guard ended what the AP called "the greatest search ever
undertaken in behalf of a lost flier." To justify the official finding
that the Electra was lost at sea, the government dismissed the radio
distress calls as hoaxes or misunderstandings.
Betty Klenck Brown's response today: "I know I am right."
Last September, Arthur Rypinski, a TIGHAR volunteer who regularly scans
the Internet for Earhart-related material, found a woman in West
Virginia offering an "Amelia Earhart Original Flight Plan" for sale on
"I was deeply intrigued," says Rypinski, of Rockville, Md., and he
bought the document for $26.
The "flight plan" proved instead to be a copy of Carey's diary, along
with news clippings and other items. Stamps showed it was once owned by
the U.S. Army Military History Institute in Carlisle, Pa. The seller,
Dolores Brown, told Rypinski she probably had found it at a Goodwill
According to Carey's son, Tim Carey of Woodbridge, Va., his father
served as a naval officer in the Pacific in World War II and had a
career in public relations before his death in 1988.
His role as an AP reporter on the Earhart story became part of family
history, his son says. And he adds: ``The diary was completely in
character for him. He was a real note-keeper.''
Now raising funds for a ninth TIGHAR expedition to Nikumaroro in July,
Gillespie says the Carey diary serves as a reminder to always "expect
the unexpected" in the Earhart case.
"Pacific islanders don't wear shoes, so we know there was one foreign
castaway, and maybe two, a man and a woman, on Gardner ... We hope this
summer to recover human remains for DNA testing and find aircraft
pieces that could be conclusively identified as from Amelia's plane.
"This is the expedition that could at last solve the mystery. I think
we are right on the edge of knowing for a certainty what happened."
Source: The Guardian,,-6523626,00.html
Soviets Built German UFOs
On the summer morning of July 16, 1951 part of the La-11 1619-Northern
Fleet out of Murmansk was on a routine patrol in the coastal territory.
The first 30 minutes of the flight proceeded normally, and then lead
Captain Peter Vusov, flying at an altitude of about 4000 meters above
the sea, spotted a slowly moving object. "But, by getter closer, I saw
a strange object-dark disc 20 meters in diameter and unmarked, but
armed with powerful cannons below. I have never seen such a machine and
immediately contacted the base and reported the craft. At that point
the pilot of the unknown probably noticed our planes and dramatically
changed course." The fighters on this patrol were armed and Vusov
decided to attack the strange object. They fired 23mm shells, which
apparently caused no damage so he went around for a second attack, but
the results were the same. The commander then radio them, Vusov and
lieutenant Ivanchenko who was piloting a second plane, were ordered to
cease-fire and immediately return to base.
The pilots waited to be debriefed and to their surprise a stranger not
in military uniform accompanied the senior officers. This man was
obviously an important person who worked for the government. "I was
scared", recalls Vusov. The pilots were told not to tell anyone about
what they saw and that the matter was of national security. After the
debriefing both pilots were transferred: Vusov to the Pacific fleet,
and Ivanchenko to Khabarovsk. Both pilots were also promoted.
In the early 1930s, a young German, Oregon Irman Mayer designed an
aircraft with an inverted shape with ringbolts in the center. Such a
design would protect vital engineering components from possible enemy
fire and the area was of sufficient size to accommodate the onboard
weapons. However, it was only a theoretical design, and he was well
aware of its shortcomings. Fortunately, the young and talented aircraft
designer noticed the work of his colleague Heinrich Zimmermann, who was
involved with unusual aircraft, of which the most promising was based
on the so-called thin wings. Both designers created the Brian Zimmerman
Mayer project to design new and innovative aircraft. Mayer proved to be
an excellent collaborator and he generated ideas that were an important
element of their future designs.
In 1942-1943 eyewitnesses claim to have seen what looked like a turned
upside down disk. The centre was designed with a transparent cockpit.
The disk was powered by turbojet engines (Jumo-004B) that could be
steered and had a flying speed of about 700 km/h and a landing speed of
60 km/h.
This craft has been extremely unstable in flight. It was tested at
concentration camp KT-4A, and one of the disks successfully took off,
but because of strong wind overturned, crashed, caught fire and
From 1943 to 1945 the designer team solved the instability problems
caused by the operation of the engine and built a larger version.
In the spring of 1945, with the project almost finished, the Allied
forces defeated Germany. The German military ordered that all paper,
models, designs be destroyed. They even ordered the executions of all
of the engineers involved in the project. Fortunately, the designers
managed to escape.
After the defeat of Germany, the allies did not find any evidence of
the existence of this system. Soviet search teams were luckier. The
Soviet Union not only discovered all of the documentation on the
project, they found Irmana Mayer and his entire team of engineers who
have taken refuge in a wine cellar on the outskirts of Berlin. They
were then taken to the Soviet Union to continue their work.
In 1946, a talented graduate of Leningrad military engineering academy
Mikhail Dubik received an unusual request. He was to be tested on his
knowledge of the German language, which he passed, and to sign a
non-disclosure agreement. Designer Mayer Mikhail Yuryevich Dubik had
for more than half a century kept the secrets regarding the unusual
craft. Only now, he agreed to share his memories and Mikhail was there
to translate.
Originally the Jumo 004V1 engine was planned to be used by the German
team to power the craft, which went into mass production under the
symbol RD-10 at the on Ufimskom aircraft factory No. 26. But this
engine proved to be too small and therefore they decided to use the new
engine British Nene I, which went into production in 1947 in the USSR
at the factory No. 45 under the symbol RD-45 with a thrust 2,040 kg.
The first flight took place in total secrecy at one of the northern
airfields. The deafening roar of the three rocket engines easily
propelled the craft from the ground and into the sky, recalls Mikhail
Dubik. The disk had outstanding characteristics, notably the minimum
cruising speed that could easily reach 100 km/h, and manoeuvre
beautifully, which traditional fighters of the time could not. Mindful
of the roots of the German machines, pilots called this craft Strausa,
or simply strausom.
After so spectacular a demonstration, it was decided to design and
build a craft suitable for combat. The development was a veritable
masterpiece as the huge military craft had a diameter of 25 metres and
a special pilot turret on top, radar equipment and four tank turret
guns below. German engineers, with a depth of talent and wealth of
experience on the development of these craft, made the entire dish into
a flying wing. The craft had three directional turbojet engines and
biased nozzles with variable vector control. This was complimented by a
dynamic side bow, which provided sustainability and the fantastic
manoeuvrable flying at low speeds.
The central purpose of the craft was to cause total destruction of
American heavy bombers, the B-29s. One of the most likely paths for the
Americans was considered to be by flying over the North Pole. It seemed
logical to combat the enemy slightly farther from the frontiers of the
Soviet Union, so they decided to put squadron at a point belonging to
the Union, but based on the Line of America-North Pole-Moscow. This
point was the Svalbard archipelago.
In 1948, the Soviet Union began work on the rehabilitation of coalmines
on Svalbard. This seemed odd because of the minerals available on the
mainland, but they proceeded with the development and transportation of
coal from this remote island in the Arctic Ocean. It proved to be
astronomically expensive. But what the commanders of the ships
transporting the coal and others didn't know was that along with mining
equipment on board was also a super secret weapon.
It was decided to use combat aircraft platforms so that in the event of
an alarm a squadron could quickly be sent airborne and gain altitude of
10 km and with the assistance of on-board radar systems track B-29s,
which potentially could drop atomic bombs on Moscow. After visual
detection of the enemy the disks would rise above the bombers and shot
37-millimetrovykh AA down on the American bombers. In theory, a
squadron of only six craft could easily wipe out up to hundreds of
bombers in a single battle.
In total 12 disks were built and tested. The crew of each disk
originally consisted of eight people: four artillery operators, the
operator radar navigator, the co-pilot and commander. Tests were
completed to determine maximum speed range and the maximum altitude
ceiling. In order to maintain secrecy these disks did not display any
identification or nationality. This was quickly changed and red stars
were added after being almost shot down by their own aircraft.
By the fall of 1952, the flying "plates" had completed the testing
program, according to available reports and documents.
On November 27, 1952, the North 1st squadron went active and captain
Gregory Savichenko was assigned as chief of the new squadron.
But in March 1953, Stalin died, and the situation changed radically.
Khrushchev came to power, and set about building missiles to launch
nuclear bombs and anti-aircraft missiles capable of destroying hostile
aircraft. Squadrons of MiG-15 fighters were deemed unnecessary and many
were crashed and destroyed by bulldozers.
It is not surprising that the same fate befell the Soviet flying disks.
All prototypes, equipment and valuable instruments were sunk off the
coast of Svalbard where they lay at a depth of 300 metres waiting to be
Original source - Russian text:
Source: UFO Digest/Dirk Vander Ploeg
Are GM Crops Killing Bees?
A mysterious decimation of bee populations has German beekeepers
worried, while a similar phenomenon in the United States is gradually
assuming catastrophic proportions. The consequences for agriculture and
the economy could be enormous.
Walter Haefeker is a man who is used to painting grim scenarios. He
sits on the board of directors of the German Beekeepers Association
(DBIB) and is vice president of the European Professional Beekeepers
Association. And because griping is part of a lobbyist's trade, it is
practically his professional duty to warn that "the very existence of
beekeeping is at stake."
The problem, says Haefeker, has a number of causes, one being the
varroa mite, introduced from Asia, and another is the widespread
practice in agriculture of spraying wildflowers with herbicides and
practicing monoculture. Another possible cause, according to Haefeker,
is the controversial and growing use of genetic engineering in
As far back as 2005, Haefeker ended an article he contributed to the
journal Der Kritischer Agrarbericht (Critical Agricultural Report) with
an Albert Einstein quote: "If the bee disappeared off the surface of
the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more
bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more
Mysterious events in recent months have suddenly made Einstein's
apocalyptic vision seem all the more topical. For unknown reasons, bee
populations throughout Germany are disappearing -- something that is so
far only harming beekeepers. But the situation is different in the
United States, where bees are dying in such dramatic numbers that the
economic consequences could soon be dire. No one knows what is causing
the bees to perish, but some experts believe that the large-scale use
of genetically modified plants in the US could be a factor.
Felix Kriechbaum, an official with a regional beekeepers' association
in Bavaria, recently reported a decline of almost 12 percent in local
bee populations. When "bee populations disappear without a trace," says
Kriechbaum, it is difficult to investigate the causes, because "most
bees don't die in the beehive." There are many diseases that can cause
bees to lose their sense of orientation so they can no longer find
their way back to their hives.
Manfred Hederer, the president of the German Beekeepers Association,
almost simultaneously reported a 25 percent drop in bee populations
throughout Germany. In isolated cases, says Hederer, declines of up to
80 percent have been reported. He speculates that "a particular toxin,
some agent with which we are not familiar," is killing the bees.
Politicians, until now, have shown little concern for such warnings or
the woes of beekeepers. Although apiarists have been given a chance to
make their case -- for example in the run-up to the German cabinet's
approval of a genetic engineering policy document by Minister of
Agriculture Horst Seehofer in February -- their complaints are still
largely ignored.
Even when beekeepers actually go to court, as they recently did in a
joint effort with the German chapter of the organic farming
organization Demeter International and other groups to oppose the use
of genetically modified corn plants, they can only dream of the sort of
media attention environmental organizations like Greenpeace attract
with their protests at test sites.
But that could soon change. Since last November, the US has seen a
decline in bee populations so dramatic that it eclipses all previous
incidences of mass mortality. Beekeepers on the east coast of the
United States complain that they have lost more than 70 percent of
their stock since late last year, while the west coast has seen a
decline of up to 60 percent.
In an article in its business section in late February, the New York
Times calculated the damage US agriculture would suffer if bees died
out. Experts at Cornell University in upstate New York have estimated
the value bees generate -- by pollinating fruit and vegetable plants,
almond trees and animal feed like clover -- at more than $14 billion.
Scientists call the mysterious phenomenon "Colony Collapse Disorder"
(CCD), and it is fast turning into a national catastrophe of sorts. A
number of universities and government agencies have formed a "CCD
Working Group" to search for the causes of the calamity, but have so
far come up empty-handed. But, like Dennis vanEngelsdorp, an apiarist
with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, they are already
referring to the problem as a potential "AIDS for the bee industry."
One thing is certain: Millions of bees have simply vanished. In most
cases, all that's left in the hives are the doomed offspring. But dead
bees are nowhere to be found -- neither in nor anywhere close to the
hives. Diana Cox-Foster, a member of the CCD Working Group, told The
Independent that researchers were "extremely alarmed," adding that the
crisis "has the potential to devastate the US beekeeping industry."
It is particularly worrisome, she said, that the bees' death is
accompanied by a set of symptoms "which does not seem to match anything
in the literature."
In many cases, scientists have found evidence of almost all known bee
viruses in the few surviving bees found in the hives after most have
disappeared. Some had five or six infections at the same time and were
infested with fungi -- a sign, experts say, that the insects' immune
system may have collapsed.
The scientists are also surprised that bees and other insects usually
leave the abandoned hives untouched. Nearby bee populations or
parasites would normally raid the honey and pollen stores of colonies
that have died for other reasons, such as excessive winter cold. "This
suggests that there is something toxic in the colony itself which is
repelling them," says Cox-Foster.
Walter Haefeker, the German beekeeping official, speculates that
"besides a number of other factors," the fact that genetically
modified, insect-resistant plants are now used in 40 percent of
cornfields in the United States could be playing a role. The figure is
much lower in Germany -- only 0.06 percent -- and most of that occurs
in the eastern states of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg.
Haefeker recently sent a researcher at the CCD Working Group some data
from a bee study that he has long felt shows a possible connection
between genetic engineering and diseases in bees.
The study in question is a small research project conducted at the
University of Jena from 2001 to 2004. The researchers examined the
effects of pollen from a genetically modified maize variant called "Bt
corn" on bees. A gene from a soil bacterium had been inserted into the
corn that enabled the plant to produce an agent that is toxic to insect
pests. The study concluded that there was no evidence of a "toxic
effect of Bt corn on healthy honeybee populations." But when, by sheer
chance, the bees used in the experiments were infested with a parasite,
something eerie happened. According to the Jena study, a "significantly
stronger decline in the number of bees" occurred among the insects that
had been fed a highly concentrated Bt poison feed.
According to Hans-Hinrich Kaatz, a professor at the University of Halle
in eastern Germany and the director of the study, the bacterial toxin
in the genetically modified corn may have "altered the surface of the
bee's intestines, sufficiently weakening the bees to allow the
parasites to gain entry -- or perhaps it was the other way around. We
don't know."
Of course, the concentration of the toxin was ten times higher in the
experiments than in normal Bt corn pollen. In addition, the bee feed
was administered over a relatively lengthy six-week period.
Kaatz would have preferred to continue studying the phenomenon but
lacked the necessary funding. "Those who have the money are not
interested in this sort of research," says the professor, "and those
who are interested don't have the money."
Source: Spiegel,1518,druck-473166,00.html
Skull for Scandal
Temples, human sacrifices and a mysterious crystal skull draw visitors
to Nim Li Punit, Lubaantun.
LUBAANTUN, BELIZE–It's a nondescript area of the Mayan ruins here, the
original entrance to what is now known as Lubaantun, or "place of
falling stones." But it's the site of an enduring modern mystery.
Mayan guide Nathaniel Mas gestures beyond a stone altar towards to a
grassy corner. "The crystal skull was found there," he says, casually.
And thereby hangs a tale.
The mystical skull was supposedly discovered on New Year's Day of 1924,
by Anna Mitchell-Hedges, an orphan from Port Colborne, Ont. Anna had
been adopted by British adventurer and story-spinner Frederick
Mitchell-Hedges, who was excavating the Lubaantun ruins, looking for
clues about the lost city of Atlantis.
Remarkably, it just happened to be Anna's 17th birthday.
She had spotted something shining deep inside a chamber of the ruins
and was lowered by ropes to investigate. What she found was a wondrous
piece of quartz crystal carved in the shape of a skull. The detachable
crystal jawbone was found later.
Now aged 100, Anna Mitchell-Hedges still has the skull, though it is
mostly kept locked away in a bank vault. Anna moved away from her
Kitchener home more than a decade ago and now stays with friends in the
United States.
"She's in good health," Bill Homann, one of those friends, told the
Star in a recent telephone interview. "She has some aches and pains but
we all have that."
There's still intense interest in the skull, Homann says – he and
Mitchell-Hedges are planning to give a couple of lectures on it in New
York and Arizona later this year.
But controversy continues to swirl around the skull and the story of
its discovery, particularly after it was revealed that Frederick
Mitchell-Hedges had bought the skull at a Sotheby's auction in 1943.
It is one of 13 such crystal skulls apparently discovered in Mayan and
Aztec ruins. The Lubaantun skull, however, is remarkable for the
clarity of the crystal and the skill and detail of the carving. Other
examples, including one in the British Museum in London, are cruder,
more stylized and lack the detachable jawbone.
"It's a remarkable piece of craftsmanship but that's all it is,"
paranormal investigator Joe Nickell told the Kitchener-Waterloo
Record's Colin Hunter in 2005, adding that he doubted Anna's story: "I
would say (Anna's) veracity seems no better than her father's."
Nathaniel Mas gives a dismissive shrug when I ask him what he thinks.
"There are different stories and lots of rumours," he says.
Tucked away in southern Belize, neither Lubaantun or nearby Nim Li
Punit are as well known as some of the major Mayan sites in Mexico and
Guatemala. Nor have they been as extensively restored; you need to
bring your imagination with you, along with a bottle of water and some
stout shoes.
"They are fairly small scale but well worth visiting," says Canadian
Sherry Gibbs, a Belize-based archaeologist who has been to both sites
several times and worked Pusilha, another southern Belize site.
"The architecture in the south is very different. At Nim Li Punit you
have that gorgeous sandstone and at Lubaantun you have beautifully cut
stone, so perfectly done that they didn't have to use mortar," says
Gibbs, who lives in San Ignacio with husband Fernando and
nine-month-old son Joaquin and works as a consultant.
"Nim Li Punit is one of my very favourites. In fact, the first time I
saw it, I told my boss I really wanted to work there."
Earlier archaeologists displayed little such affection for Mayan ruins.
Lubaantun, in fact, was miserably treated by some of those who worked
there and there's no mystery about how it got its modern name.
The site was first excavated in 1903 by Thomas Gann who seemed to
favour dynamite rather than gentle exploration with a trowel and brush.
"He couldn't get into the temples very easily and was wondering what
was in the centre and the easiest thing was to blow it up," says Mas.
"Perhaps that's why they named the site the falling stones. Everything
collapsed and he didn't find anything. It's a shame."
Then there was Harvard University's R.E. Merwin who visited the site in
1914 and made off with three priceless ball-court markers, which are
now on display in Harvard's Peabody Museum.
Interestingly, the markers depict a singles match between two men,
rather than a team game. "At this site, they sacrificed the loser,
pulling out his heart and then burying the body," says Mas.
Lubaantun, which flourished between 730 and 860 AD, has three ball
courts and five plazas. It's unusual for several reasons – the
buildings have rounded corners; an unusual number of pottery figurines
were found during excavations; and there are no carved stone monuments
Lubaantun was probably an administrative headquarters for trade; Nim Li
Punit, on the other hand, is thought to have been the religious and
ceremonial centre of the area. And it's full of stelae – 25 or more of
In fact, the name Nim Li Punit or Big Hat comes from a figure wearing a
large headdress made of Quetzal bird feathers, carved on the site's
tallest stela.
The 9.5-metre stela was discovered in 1976 by a company oil worker,
says Mas, as we wander through the small museum built to house several
stelae and other artifacts.
"This is the second-largest stela in the Mayan world," he says. (The
first, the 10.75-metre Stela E, is at Quirigua, in Honduras.)
Shockingly, several of the stelae have chip marks on them – the work of
vandals and the reason why the museum was built in 1997.
It's something of a treat to visit the site with Mas – it's not often
you get to visit Mayan ruins with someone who actually made a major
find there.
Mas was part of a small team reconstructing a wall here in 1998 when
they noticed the ground nearby had a hollow sound.
"There was a little tiny hole there, so what we decided to do was to
cut a piece of stick about five or six feet long and shove it in the
hole," Mas recalls. "It went right in.
"We told the guy in charge that there could be a tomb so he gave us an
extra guy and we started to clear. We found two tombs on that day.
Everything was covered with bedrock, which had collapsed inside, so we
just moved it out, carefully."
Inside the tombs were some pieces of ceramic, including a bowl, and
human and animal bones.
The first tomb had been discovered in 1986 by Richard Levington and it
was thought to date back to 800 AD.
"It belonged to the ruler, the highest person of his time. Jadeite was
buried with him and a mask pendant was discovered there, too."
It's a beautiful spot, about 65 metres high and nestled in the
foothills of the Maya Mountains. The views are spectacular; on a clear
day you can see the Caribbean Sea.
We wander towards yet another ball court, with stepped sides. "The
rubber ball was five to six pounds," says Mas, showing me a rubber tree
on site. "And the players were well equipped with helmets, gloves and
knee pads."
Goals were scored by shooting the ball through a hoop. "Many people
think the hoop was made out of wood and that's why they haven't
But at least here at Nim Li Punit, the loser apparently escaped with
his life.
"He wasn't sacrificed here, unlike Lubaantun," says Mas. "The high
priest gave blood which was collected and used as the sacrifice."
Gibbs says archaeologists have many different theories about the ball
"They may have been used for different purposes. One may have been for
theatre-like spectacle, another for religious ceremonies. Maybe they
were used for exercise and maybe the game was like tennis, keeping the
ball moving rather than putting it through a hoop.
"Each theory is as good as the other."
It's yet another mystery swirling around these fascinatingly enigmatic
Source: The Star
French Architect Says Great
Pyramid Built From Inside Out
A French architect said yesterday that he had cracked a 4,500-year-old
mystery surrounding Egypt's Great Pyramid, saying it was built from the
inside out.
Previous theories have suggested Pharaoh Khufu's tomb, the last
surviving example of the seven great wonders of antiquity, was built
using either a vast frontal ramp or a ramp in a corkscrew shape around
the exterior to haul up the stonework.
But flouting previous wisdom, Jean-Pierre Houdin said advanced 3-D
technology had shown the main ramp that was used to haul the massive
stones to the apex was contained 10 to 15 yards beneath the outer skin,
tracing a pyramid within a pyramid.
"This is better than the other theories, because it is the only theory
that works," Houdin said after unveiling his hypothesis using 3-D
computer simulation.
To prove his case, Houdin teamed up with a French company that builds
3-D models for auto and airplane design, Dassault Systemes, which put
14 engineers on the project for two years.
Now, an international team is being assembled to investigate the
pyramid using radars and heat detecting cameras supplied by a French
defense firm, as long as Egyptian authorities agree.
"This goes against both main existing theories. I've been teaching them
myself for 20 years but deep down I know they're wrong," Egyptologist
Bob Brier said at the unveiling.
"Houdin's vision is credible, but right now this is just a theory.
Everybody thinks it has got to be taken seriously," said Brier, a
senior research fellow at Long Island University.
Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities was not immediately available
for comment.
Dassault said Brier and other Egyptologists attending the ceremony were
supporters of Houdin's theory but had no financial links to him or the
Houdin began working full-time on the riddle eight years ago after a
flash of intuition passed to him by his engineer father, and five years
before actually visiting the site.
He found that a frontal, mile-long ramp would have used up as much
stone as the pyramid, while being too steep near the top. He believes
an external ramp was used only to supply the base.
An external corkscrew ramp would have blocked the sight lines needed to
build an accurate pyramid and been difficult to fix to the surface,
while leaving little room to work.
Houdin, 56, also says he has shed light on a second enigma surrounding
the purpose of a Grand Gallery inside the pyramid.
The Frenchman believes its tall, narrow shape suggests it accommodated
a giant counter-weight to help haul five 60-ton granite beams to their
position above the King's Chamber.
The architect also thinks that no more than 4,000 people would have
built the pyramid using these techniques rather than the 100,000 or so
assigned by past historians to the task of burying the pharaoh.
Source: Boston Globe
Spirits on the Information

Do you believe that a spirit can haunt a person via the internet? If I
were asked that question before January 2006, I would have probably
smirked and answered "impossible". What happened to me may just bea
case of a spirit conjured up by thought; not necessarily a haunting by
computer. Either way, the medium at hand was the internet. I've always
been a believer in the paranormal despite never having had an
outstanding encounter.
I love to roam around the net browsing the plethora paranormal sites,
relishing the many spine tingling stories of ghostly experiences. This
chilly winter day was different than no other, except that I took a
look at some sites devoted to ghost towns and abandoned mines. I came
across the site for The Bureau of Land Management that gives statistics
on abandoned mines as well as safety reminders for those who are out
exploring. There is also a section devoted to the unfortunate souls who
failed to heed the warnings posted at the entrances to dangerous mines.
There were a few stories that were particularly shocking, but the one
that really bothered me was about a man who had fallen down a shaft
that was about eight stories high. When his remains were found some
time later, the medical examiner stated that the man more than likely
survived the fall with nothing more than a broken leg. What killed him
was a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
This person was a well prepared explorer who packed plenty of survival
gear including a gun. I began to imagine, very vividly, the man at the
bottom of this mine shaft in complete complete agony. His
pain, both emotional and physical, must have been unbearable.
As the hours passed and his anxiety escalated, he began to accept that
he was too far out in the terrain for someone to come by. The chance of
rescue was nil. He began having thoughts about his family, his life. I
could picture the man completely breaking down and sobbing, knowing
that there was only one way to end his suffering. I felt so saddened,
and wondered to myself what I would have done.
I immersed myself in these feelings of terror and hopelessness for some
time, so much so that I began to feel a sickening feeling in my body.
Although I was shocked and moved by this tragic story, I proceeded on
to another site. That's when the lamp on the desk next to me began
flickering, making a buzzing noise that sounded like an electrical
I figured the bulb was loose, so I checked it and found that that
wasn't the case. At that point, my stomach dropped to my knees when I
began to feel the presence of someone or something around me. I sat
back down and carried on, not wanting to tip off my "visitor" that I
was aware of what was going on. The lamp flickered again. I ignored it.
A short time later, I went into the bathroom when the light in the
ceiling did the same strange flickering as the lamp. At this point, I
became frightened and bolted.
Over the next few days more bizarre electrical occurrences happened. I
was at the stove cooking when suddenly the oven timer went on, scaring
the you know what out of me! That same day the bathroom light went on
the fritz again and this time I was already, um, seated.
I became angry (and brave)yelling out "Do you mind?! I'm trying to use
the bathroom here!!" With that, a tiny little flicker of the light, and
then it ceased.
My pet cat was also acting strangely, his eyes seemingly following
something or someone who was not there. At other times he would awaken
out of a sound sleep with a jolt; focusing on one part of the room
blinking in curiosity. I eventually smudged my house with a sage stick
and the activity abruptly stopped. Could it have been that my strong
feelings and thoughts about this man enticed his spirit to me? Or
perhaps another random entity I picked up on the information highway
that day? Who knows. I firmly believe that the human mind is even more
powerful than we realize, and that those on the other side can tune
into that power.
So I'll ask again: Do you believe that it's possible a spirit can
haunt a person via the internet? I do.
Source: Unexplained Mysteries/Melyssa Glennie-Puckett
Do Animals Have Telepathy?

A cat disappears when her owners go on vacation each year, yet arrives
back at the house right before they return.
A man sits on the couch, his dog asleep in the next room. He thinks, "I
should take Daisy for a walk," and suddenly his dog comes bounding in
the room, leash in mouth.
A cat curls up next to the phone just before a family member calls, but
never when anyone else is about to call. These stories are told by many
pet owners from all over the world.
Most dogs and cats are attuned to their owners and learn their
patterns, read their body language and anticipate what's going to
happen next.
But there are so many stories of pets seeming to know more than their
natural senses would allow that it has been the subject of study and
debate for years. Are their natural senses even greater than we ever
imagined? Or do they have a sixth sense?
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake, author of "Dogs That Know When Their Owner
is Coming Home," believes that animals have perceptive abilities of
telepathy and premonitions. Veterinarian and author Dr. Allan Schoen
says in his book, "Kindred Spirits," that people and animals are
intimately connected. Pets whom we feel especially close to seem to
understand our needs, read our moods, and even communicate with us on a
level that transcends words or body language.
Can pets be so connected and attuned to their owners when they are far
apart, even when there is no possible way they could be using their
sense of smell or hearing?
Physician and author Dr. Larry Dossey says there is a connection
between all species, which is not limited by locality. He refers to it
as a "nonlocal mind." Consciousness is not restricted to the brain or
the body, or time or place. Therefore, people and animals can have an
effect on each other, even when miles apart.
Traditional scientists remain skeptical about psychic abilities among
people -- let alone pets. They say much of the phenomenon can be
explained in other ways, through pets' acute senses of hearing and
smell, reading human body language, or noting other cues.
Dogs and cats live mostly in a scent and sound world. It may be that
when an owner thinks about taking her dog for a walk, this happy
thought causes a change in her body chemistry, which the dog can smell
and associate with walks. Some who swear their dog knows when their
owner is coming home may find their pets are unable to do so when they
come home in a different car.
A simpler explanation is that owners notice their pets' mysterious
behaviors only when related events coincide. The cat may curl up by the
phone now and then, but the owner doesn't notice. If the cat happens to
sit by the phone when "dad" calls, the owner is more likely to take
There is no dispute that our pets live on a sensory level that's
different from our own. Though we share the same five known senses,
dogs and cats take in their world mostly through scent and sound and
act on instinct. We take in our world mostly through sight and act on
intellect and emotion. So it's not surprising that our pets are able to
clue in on things that we can't imagine could be possible. But
sometimes, hard science has no explanation for extraordinary pet
The debate goes on.
Source: The Herald News,4_5_JO02_
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