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8/31/07 #432
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It has been going on for
The dark, secret places have been their meeting rooms. Behind
closed, locked doors they weave their plans. Like the
web from a hideous spider, their connections are complex and
far-reaching. Their nefarious activities seem disjointed and
random -- effectively hiding their ultimate goal. Those who dare
oppose them are branded as "conspiracy nuts" and ignored.
It is all part of the grand plan. But there is one small kink in
their web of deceit...CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! Here each and every
week to let you know what is really going on behind the wizards curtain.
week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Karmic stories as:
A Message From Italy to the
Worldwide UFO Community -
- Energy Beam Weapon Could Be Used
in Iraq -
Alien Disclosure from an
Astronaut -
- Mysterious Noise Annoys Indiana Couple -
AND: Egyptian Tomb Raider Dies from "Curse"
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


Unlock the Occult Wisdom Of Antiquity And
Experience The Awesome Miracle Of Egyptian Magic.
From the records of the prestigious "Keeper of the Egyptian and
Assyrian Antiquities" (circa 1895) at the British Museum comes long
forgotten knowledge of how to make use of dreams, tap the power of
lucky and unlucky days, and utilize talismans and charms initially
designed in the distant past and still useful and beneficial today.
Every man, woman and child in ancient Egypt who could afford it wore
either a charm or talisman, and for centuries their land was regarded
as a nation of powerful magicians and sorcerers who guided their
citizens in all matters mystical and spiritual. Hebrew, Greek and Roman
writers referred to them as experts in the occult sciences and as
possessors of arcane wisdom and knowledge which could, according to the
given circumstances, be employed to do either good or harm to man.
Saint Stephen boasts that the great Moses "was learned in all the
wisdom of the Egyptians" and declared that he was "mighty in words and
deeds." There are numerous moments in the life of this remarkable
Biblical prophet that demonstrate that he was acquainted with many of
the practices of Egyptian magic. It was even said that Moses possessed
a "wonderful staff" with which he could work wonders, take control over
man and beast and destroy enemies. Here are the actual spells and
formulas utilized by the wizards of this ancient paradise along the
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In This Fantastic Issue:
Mental Armageddon: The Quest for Mind Control
Radionics: Mind Machines for Better Health
Mark David Chapman: Lone Nut or CIA Assassin?
America and Bio-Weapons: A Troubling Ethos
The Healing Sounds of Jonathan Goldman
And so much more, including book, music, and movie reviews,
exhibit listings, your fall horoscope, and conference listings!
your issue TODAY at your favorite bookstore
or magazine stand.
A Message From Italy to the Worldwide UFO Community

Why does this magnificent
Italian Renaissance masterpiece have an object in it that looks like a
space satellite?
No-one knows, but there it is. And there’s a problem, which is why we
are contacting you and other like-minded persons throughout the world
known to be interested in the UFOs. We are the organization "Save San
Pietro" of the village Montalcino in Tuscany, Italy. The ancient church
which houses the “Salimbeni Sputnik” – as the painting is sometimes
known – is our church. But the church is falling down, and the painting
is deteriorating. Nor can the painting be removed; it is fused to the
very wall of the church.
That is the problem, and it is urgent.
A Renaissance painting with an inexplicable technological object in it,
a 400-year old Italian art treasure – which appears to be evidence of a
hidden history of man’s contact with advanced extraterrestrial races –
and it is deteriorating in a collapsing church in an Italian village.
We need your help restore and preserve the painting. That is why we are
contacting you.
Save San Pietro has produced 1000 full color prints of the painting
which look just like the reproduction in this email. In exchange for a
donation to the restoration of the church and the painting, we will
send you one of these gorgeous prints. See below for more details about
the print, but first let us tell you more about the painting.
It is huge, 240x360 cent. (120x180 in.), in oil, on silk, on a wooden
board framed in a golden arch. It was painted in the year 1600 by the
Renaissance Italian artist Ventura Salimbeni. It is a world-recognized
masterpiece, catalogued in many books. Look closely at the upper
portion of the painting. The two robed figures represent God and
Christ, but what is that strange object between them? Is it not a
shiny metallic sphere? What are those two rods attached to the sphere?
Do they not look like antennae? And what is the small round
protrusion at the bottom left of the sphere? Can you almost see, if not
sense, the presence of a lens? Is it a telescope? A telecamera?
Recall the sputnik satellite launched by Russia in 1956? The
metallic sphere in the painting is uncannily similar to the Russian
sputnik. Did Ventura Salimbeni see something in the sky above
Tuscany? What on earth, or in space, prompted him to depict a sputnik
among the Holy Trinity? We believe the painting has significance beyond
the confines of Italy and Italian art.
Does the “Salimbeni Sputnik” have a message for the entire world? We
think it might, we hope you agree, and we hope you will help us save it.
Let me tell you who we are and how we are working to save this
magnificent painting. Our organization is called “Save San Pietro”
because the painting is in the Church of San Pietro. We are a municipal
organization of the village of Montalcino, Tuscany, and we citizens
have banded together to save our historic church and Salimbeni’s
The greatest immediate problem is the church itself. The roof is
in a bad state of repair and rain water has soaked into the walls and
the altar where Salimbeni’s work sits. It is not a free standing work.
The painting is literally built into the marble and plaster altar. Art
restoration experts from Siena, Italy have presented their report. The
church can be saved, and the painting can be returned to its former
glory, but we must act now! If the church roof collapses and we cannot
save the church, that will mean disaster for the painting. Both
the church and the painting must be saved and we need your help to do
Save San Pietro has produced 1000 full colour, Limited Edition,
Numbered prints on high quality paper measuring 66x84 cent. (33x82 in.)
of the Salimbeni Sputnik. For a donation of US $270.00 you will receive
one of only 1000 of these Limited Edition prints, Numbered and
Authenticated. This is a real collector’s piece! If getting the
print is not right for you at this time, Save San Pietro would be
extremely grateful for contributions in any amount.
Please visit our website:
for more
information about Salimbeni, the painting, the Church of San Pietro,
the village of Montalcino and our organization, Save San Pietro. Then
click at the bottom of the page for the order form and details of how
to make your donation. You can help us save this 400 year old piece of
art and become the owner of one of only 1000 of these numbered prints
depicting historical evidence of human contact with advanced
extraterrestrial races.
As well, when our project is completed your name will be inscribed on a
plaque permanently mounted next to the beautifully restored Salimbeni
painting. Because we know you care, we will also send you periodic
email reports keeping you informed about the progress of the
restoration of the church and the painting.
Visit our website! Read the expert opinions about this famous painting,
and on the web you’ll find plenty by searching Montalcino Sputnik,
Explorer in Paradise or Satellite in Montalcino.
Guided by our President, Save San Pietro is a group of volunteers drawn
from the village of Montalcino. We have taken on the work of raising
the money to restore the church and the inexplicable work of Salimbeni.
We operate under legal Articles governing non-profit organizations set
down by the Comune of Montalcino. Under these Articles our
transactions are monitored and controlled by the President, Alessandro
Faneschi, and the Office of the Mayor, and every dollar that goes in or
out of our account is transparently visible.
In our village, over the last three years, the people of Montalcino
from their own pockets have raised US $48,000 towards our goal, but the
church and the painting are threatened with every season that passes.
Our immediate goal is to raise US$270,000 through distribution of the
valuable Limited Edition prints of the painting. When that amount is
reached, the Italian Bank of Monte Paschi di Siena has agreed to give
us another US$ 110,000. That will bring us to a grand total of
US$428,000. The most urgent repairs to the roof will then be carried
out, and the precious Salimbeni painting will be in the expert hands of
professional art restorers.
I encourage you to take another look at the painting.
Think of its historical and cultural importance, and think of what it
may tell us about the hidden history of humankind. I hope you
will feel as I do that we simply cannot allow Salimbeni's mysterious
and provocative masterpiece to fall into ruin. Save San Pietro
looks forward to receiving your donation and to sending you your print
in a protective tube by priority mail. Please contact me with any
A più presto…….Isabella Best Dusi, President, Non-Profit
Volunteer Committee of the citizens of the Tuscan village of
Montalcino. Write to me at
P.S. - Come to Italy and see the Salimbeni sputnik! We will
welcome you at any time to visit Tuscany and Montalcino and see your
name beside Salimbeni’s masterpiece in the church of San Pietro.
UFO Researchers Try to go Mainstream

Some reach out for scientists’
assistance; others see a cosmic cover-up.
With so much planet-hunting and planet-spotting going on, we are in a
showdown to see whether the universe is perhaps chock-full of
extraterrestrial life.
Distant starfolk is one thing. Having E.T. stopovers here on Earth, via
UFOs, is another. And that was just the topic du jour here at the 38th
Annual International UFO Symposium, subtitled "An Estimate of the
Situation: The E.T. Hypothesis," held August 10-12 and sponsored by the
Denver-based Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON for short.
As a yearly affair, the symposium provides a platform for specialists
and investigators who delve into UFOs, purported military cover-ups and
denials, physical evidence surrounding UFOs, as well as those "high
strangeness" encounters with alien visitors.
The MUFON summit brought together more than 500 people — a true gabfest
for the flying saucer devotee.
James Carrion, MUFON's international director, said the organization is
fervent about resolving the scientific enigma known as unidentified
flying objects.
"To me, it's all about the truth. I have a passion for the truth,"
Carrion told
Still, after decades of pursuing "the truth" behind UFOs, Carrion
admitted that the quest is befuddling. "Why is it always within out of
reach ... kind of there, but it's not there?"
This year, MUFON is implementing a new initiative to reach out to
mainstream scientists and seek their assistance for a more detailed
look at the data, Carrion said. An open letter to the professional
scientific community is now being drafted, to be issued before year's
end, he said.
"We have to gain respectability here ... so we're trying to kick-start
intellectual curiosity out there," Carrion added. "We know that there
are folks in academia who have an interest, but they don't know what to
do with it."
The MUFON strategy will start by centering on the hypothesis that UFOs
are human-manufactured, and then evaluate the data amassed to date
against that premise, Carrion said. "If this triggers your intellectual
curiosity ... help us out," he said.
Carrion said that MUFON is also forming two research teams: one to dive
into the history of "UFOlogy" and government archives, the other to
probe into the abduction encounters.
"I'm a skeptical believer," Carrion pointed out. "I've never seen a
UFO. But I've read enough of our own evidence. There's something real
to this. To me, it's an issue of what is it?"
For nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, there is no doubt that some
UFOs are alien spacecraft. In his view, the subject of flying saucers
represents a "Cosmic Watergate" — a colossal government cover-up.
Friedman is a globe-trotting lecturer on UFOs and is the original
civilian investigator of the celebrated UFO crash case in Roswell, N.M.
That out-of-the-blue happening supposedly occurred 60 years ago, in
1947, involving no less than two crashed saucers, strewn debris and
recovered alien bodies, he reported at the MUFON meeting.
"I come on very, very strong. I'm not an apologist UFOlogist ... I tell
it like it is," Friedman told He senses that a "big sea
change" is taking place on several fronts.
"My overall impression is that people are more ready to accept [UFO
visitation] because the world has changed ... space travel being an
important part of that," Friedman noted. "What I'm saying is that the
notion that most people don't believe in UFOs isn't true."
Also, the media is giving UFO sightings a much fairer shake than in the
past, Friedman suggested, citing not only Roswell coverage, but the
reporting of UFO sightings made at Chicago's O'Hare International
Airport late last year, and more revelations concerning the Phoenix
lights saga of March 1997.
"I don't look for advocacy ... I want fairness," Friedman added. "I
feel the world is ready. I'm outspoken, yes. But I try to make it a
rule: Fact in hand before mouth in gear."
UFOs as visitors from afar would be a simple, easy-to-grasp
explanation, suggested George Knapp, an investigative reporter for
KLAS-TV in Las Vegas. But he wonders if there isn't a mind-bending
finding waiting at the bottom of the UFO barrel.
"It seems to stay one or two steps ahead of what we can do ... from
airships to the saucers, to giant flying triangles ... almost teasing,
taunting, or inspiring," Knapp told Given cutting-edge
physics, talk of the multiverse and parallel universes, along with
threshold biological and computer work, there are fundamental paradigm
shifts ahead, he said.
"Although we can't figure out a way to get there ... doesn't mean they
can't figure out a way to get here," Knapp said. Involved in UFO
reporting for some two decades, Knapp said he's committed to the
journalistic credo that the public has a right to know.
"But you know what? Maybe not! It goes against everything in my
professional life that I believe. What if it's not something we should
know? That the truth is so unsettling that our social institutions
would, in fact, crumble," Knapp confided.
Knapp underscored the prospect that perhaps we Earthlings live in the
middle of some other kind of intelligence. Perhaps our planet is
nothing more than a cosmic drive-in theater, he added, and UFOs skim in
and out of our skies just to watch goofy movies.
"And if it's something else — like they live here among us and
everything we do is like being in a glass shower — people are going to
go crazy. So maybe there is a reason for keeping this secret ... and a
need for government cover-up, which I believe there is," Knapp said.
Knapp's on-air investigative work focuses primarily on government
corruption and organized crime. But when he was asked about the angle
that his next investigative piece on the UFO phenomenon will take, he
quickly responded, "Nothing I'm going to tell you about."
Source: MSNBC
Energy Beam Weapon Could Be Used
in Iraq

But officials refuse, concerned non-lethal effects could be seen as
Saddam Hussein had been gone just a few weeks, and U.S. forces in
Fallujah, west of Baghdad, were already being called unwelcome
invaders. One of the first big anti-American protests of the war
escalated into shootouts that left 18 Iraqis dead and 78 wounded.
It would be a familiar scene in Iraq's next few years: Crowds gather,
insurgents mingle with civilians. Troops open fire, and innocents die.
All the while, according to internal military correspondence obtained
by The Associated Press, U.S. commanders were telling Washington that
many civilian casualties could be avoided by using a new non-lethal
weapon developed over the past decade.
Military leaders repeatedly and urgently requested — and were denied —
the device, which uses energy beams instead of bullets and lets
soldiers break up unruly crowds without firing a shot.
It's a ray gun that neither kills nor maims, but the Pentagon has
refused to deploy it out of concern that the weapon itself might be
seen as a torture device.
Perched on a Humvee or a flatbed truck, the Active Denial System gives
people hit by the invisible beam the sense that their skin is on fire.
They move out of the way quickly and without injury.
On April 30, 2003, two days after the first Fallujah incident, Gene
McCall, then the top scientist at Air Force Space Command in Colorado,
typed out a two-sentence e-mail to Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.
"I am convinced that the tragedy at Fallujah would not have occurred if
an Active Denial System had been there," McCall told Myers, according
to the e-mail obtained by AP. The system should become "an immediate
priority," McCall said.
Myers referred McCall's message to his staff, according to the e-mail
McCall, who retired from government in November 2003, remains convinced
the system would have saved lives in Iraq.
"How this has been handled is kind of a national scandal," McCall said
by telephone from his home in Florida.
A few months after McCall's message, in August 2003, Richard Natonski,
a Marine Corps brigadier general who had just returned from Iraq, filed
an "urgent" request with officials in Washington for the energy-beam
The device would minimize what Natonski described as the "CNN Effect" —
the instantaneous relay of images depicting U.S. troops as aggressors.
A year later, Natonski, by then promoted to major general, again asked
for the system, saying a compact and mobile version was "urgently
needed," particularly in urban settings.
Natonski, now a three-star general, is the Marine Corps' deputy
commandant for plans, policies and operations. He did not respond to an
interview request.
In October 2004, the commander of the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force
"enthusiastically" endorsed Natonski's request. Lt. Gen. James Amos
said it was "critical" for Marines in Iraq to have the system.
Senior officers in Iraq have continued to make the case. One December
2006 request noted that as U.S. forces are drawn down, the non-lethal
weapon "will provide excellent means for economy of force."
The main reason the tool has been missing in action is public
perception. With memories of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal still fresh,
the Pentagon is reluctant to give troops a space-age device that could
be misconstrued as a torture machine.
"We want to just make sure that all the conditions are right, so when
it is able to be deployed the system performs as predicted — that there
isn't any negative fallout," said Col. Kirk Hymes, head of the Defense
Department's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate.
Reviews by military lawyers concluded it is a lawful weapon under
current rules governing the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan,
according to a Nov. 15 document prepared by Marine Corps officials in
western Iraq.
Private organizations remain concerned, however, because documentation
that supports the testing and legal reviews is classified. There's no
way to independently verify the Pentagon's claims, said Stephen Goose
of Human Rights Watch in Washington.
"We think that any time you have an emerging technology that's based on
novel physical principles, that this deserves the highest level of
scrutiny," Goose said. "And we really haven't had that."
Another issue for the weapon is cost. the Pentagon has spent $62
million developing and testing the system over the past decade, a scant
amount compared to other high-profile, multibillion-dollar military
Still, officials say the technology is too expensive, although they
won't say what it costs to build. They cite engineering challenges as
another obstacle, although one U.S. defense contractor says it has a
model ready for production.
For now, there's no firm schedule for when the system might be made and
delivered to troops.
Commanders in Iraq say the go-slow approach has had devastating
There's no way to calculate how many civilian deaths could have been
avoided had the energy beam been available in Iraq. The bulk of the
civilian casualties are due to sectarian warfare.
According to AP statistics, more than 27,400 Iraqi civilians have been
killed and more than 31,000 wounded in war-related violence just since
the new government took office in April 2005.
The Active Denial System is a directed-energy device, although it is
not a laser or a microwave. It uses a large, dish-shaped antenna and a
long, V-shaped arm to send an invisible beam of waves to a target as
far away as 500 yards.
With the unit mounted on the back of a vehicle, U.S. troops can operate
a safe distance from rocks, Molotov cocktails and small-arms fire.
The beam penetrates the skin slightly, just enough to cause intense
pain. The beam goes through clothing as well as windows, but can be
blocked by thicker materials, such as metal or concrete.
The system was developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory in New
Mexico. During more than 12 years of testing, only two injuries
requiring medical attention have been reported; both were second-degree
burns, according to the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate Web site.
Prototype units have been assembled by the military, the most promising
being a larger model that sits on the back of a flatbed truck. This
single unit, known as System 2, could be sent to Iraq as early as next
year, according to Hymes of the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate.
Hymes' office, which nurtures promising technologies that can be used
by the military branches, plans to spend $9 million over the next two
years on the effort.
Money for additional systems isn't likely to be available until 2010,
when an Air Force command in Massachusetts is expected to take control
of the program, he said.
Recognizing the potential market, defense contractor Raytheon has
invested its own money to build a version that the company calls
"Silent Guardian." Although Hymes said the Raytheon product "is not
ready yet," company representatives say it is.
Mike Booen, Raytheon's vice president for directed energy programs,
said the company has produced one system that's immediately available.
"We have the capacity to build additional systems as needed," he said.
Raytheon has not sold any Silent Guardians to U.S. or foreign
customers, and Booen would not discuss the product's price.
American commanders in Iraq already have asked to buy Raytheon's device.
A Dec. 1, 2006, urgent request signed by Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Robert
Neller sought eight Silent Guardians.
Neller, then the deputy commander of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force
in Iraq, called the lack of such a non-lethal weapon a "chronic
deficiency" that "will continue to harm" efforts to resolve showdowns
with as little firepower as possible.
Other requests from officers in Iraq asked for the system as part of a
broader weapons package on wheels, one that could shoot bullets as well
as the non-lethal beam.
Such a versatile system would let troops deal with "increasingly
complex operational environments where combatants are routinely
intermixed with noncombatants," Army Brig. Gen. James Huggins said in
an April 2005 memo to Pentagon officials.
Huggins, then chief of staff of the Multi-National Force in Iraq and
now deputy commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, wanted 14 vehicles
for missions ranging from raids to convoy escorts.
U.S. Central Command, which oversees military operations in Iraq from
its base in Tampa, Fla., backed the request, saying it was "critical to
build upon our success in the counterinsurgency battle," according to
its memo to the Pentagon.
The vehicles were not delivered, however. Robert Buhrkuhl, a senior
Pentagon acquisition official, said during congressional testimony in
January that combining the various fixtures on a single vehicle
presented major technical challenges.
In an interview, Franz Gayl, who was Neller's science adviser until the
unit returned in February, blamed an entrenched, "risk-averse" military
acquisition system for moving too slowly.
Gayl calls the system a "disruptive innovation" — an unconventional
piece of equipment that breaks new ground and therefore is viewed
skeptically by the offices that buy combat gear.
If the energy-beam weapon had been fielded when U.S. forces invaded
Iraq, "many innocent Iraqi lives would have been spared," Gayl said.
Source: MSNBC
Alien Disclosure from an

By Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, Kennedy Space
Center, Florida (1958-1992)
Prior to the fateful launch of the space shuttle Challenger on January
28, 1986, I had the honour and pleasure of sharing conversations with
several members of that crew.
During one of many pre-mission preps for the Challenger mission, I came
upon Lt. Col. Ellison Onizuka in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at
launch complex 39. I had an assignment to assess some problems at the
Launch Control Center (LCC) and needed to access the main drawing
files. A file operator was there and I went to her for assistance.
Ellison walked in on our conversation and we exchanged greetings.
Jokingly, I asked him if he had important business with her, and he
said "yes, Clark" with a big smile. I told her to help Lt. Colonel
Ellison first, and I would wait. She opened a plastic bag that had a
packet of goodies for this very important customer. Ellison "loved"
those chocolate-peanut butter brownies that she baked for him when he
was at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) on training assignments.
Many astronauts at the KSC knew of my interest in the study of possible
Extraterrestrial (ET) intelligence, and my association with Major
Donald Keyhoe, Dick Hall and the National Investigations Committee on
Aerial Phenomena (NICAP since 1958), and the Mutual UFO Network
(MUFON), at Cape Canaveral and KSC.
Another evening while off-site, I once again accidentally came upon
Ellison. He asked if I could give him an opinion regarding a topic that
was sparking his curiosity. Ellison had a great interest in ET life and
asked me my belief concerning aliens, and if I believed they have been
here on earth? His question caught me by surprise.
As we walked slowly towards our destinations, I briefly explained what
I had learned since 1947, the initial year I entered my UFO research. I
briefly related what I knew regarding the Roswell case and that I had
become more aware of it many years later at the Cape through several
discussions with ABMA (Army Ballistic Missile Agency) personnel who
were at White Sands Proving Grounds near Roswell, New Mexico in July,
1947. These men had worked directly with Dr. Wernher von Braun and his
team of German Scientists who were at that base at that time. Onizuka
said he was aware of that case.
I then told him my belief that life does exist among the stars and that
it has visited earth throughout human history. He smiled in agreement.
I thought to myself, what else does he know? Soon it became very clear.
Onizuka asked me if my surname had any connection with McClellan Air
Force Base in California? I said not as far as I was aware. I asked him
why? Ellison said he had a surprising experience along with other USAF
aerospace flight engineers and pilots while on military training duty
at McClellan AFB, about eight or nine years prior to his astronaut
He and this group were at this base for specialized training when they
were directed to report to a viewing room. As they were seated, the
room darkened and a movie began without the usual official introduction
by a USAF officer.
They were all startled when a view of a facility similar to a medical
examination room appeared on the screen and small bodies were observed
lying on slabs. He heard several excited comments by the other officers
seated near him. The small, strange looking creatures were humanoid in
shape, and appeared similar to those described by alleged witnesses at
the well-known Roswell site in the Southwest USA in 1947. They all had
large heads, large eyes, slight torsos, arms, and legs. They did not
appear to be of earthly origin.
Ellison then said, " Clark, my God, these highly trained officers and I
were shocked by what we saw. We were not made privy to what we would
see until it happened. We were all caught off guard. Perhaps it was a
test of our psyche to determine our overall reaction. Well, we were all
caught by surprise ".
Needless to say, I was also caught off guard hearing this revelation
from a highly intelligent USAF officer and NASA astronaut. One who flew
his initial space mission 51-C in the space shuttle Discovery a highly
classified U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) mission under top secret
conditions. It made me wonder what else Ellison knew, or perhaps had
seen, during his first shuttle mission and USAF career?
I said "that’s amazing, Ellison! Were all of you given any opportunity
to question what you saw?" He said, "No! We were then asked to exit the
room and continued our scheduled technical activities as if nothing
special had occurred. In my opinion, I have considered the possibility
that the group was evaluated for individual reactions to what they saw.
Perhaps it was a planned USAF psychological test for military reasons.
Who knows, NASA may have evaluated it in my selection as an astronaut
in 1978. You know, what would my reaction be if I actually saw an alien
We arrived at our separate building destinations and briefly discussed
his approaching second space mission in Challenger 51-L. He said he was
anticipating a successful flight with Judy Resnik, Christa McAuliffe,
and crew. I asked if we could discuss this topic again; and he agreed.
Unknown to us both, this would be the last time we would speak. He,
Judy, Christa and the other crew members would be making their final
mission on January 28, 1986. I was at the Kennedy Space Center and
watched in disbelief as they and space shuttle Challenger fell into the
Atlantic Ocean.
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Upon leaving KSC for the night after being on duty for about 15 hours,
I was driving home to my Port St. John Apartment when the disaster
finally caught up with my emotions. I pulled to the side of the main
NASA causeway crossing the Indian River and sobbed my eyes out for
about ten minutes. God, how horrible it was, and still is to this day,
in my memory.
God bless you Judy Resnik, Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Dick
Scobee, Michael Smith, Gregory Jarvis and Ronald McNair. Thank you God
for the honour of knowing all of them. And, please, if you would - - -
make sure Ellison gets those chocolate-peanut butter brownies up there
in heaven.
Source: The Canadian Nation
Mysterious Noise Annoys Indiana Couple

To Paul Porcaro, it sounds like
the idling engine of a faraway car. His wife, Sadie, hears moving
water. However it is described, “The Sound” can’t be found.
For the past two years, the Porcaros have been troubled by a strange
and unexplained noise at their home on Anderson’s east side.
“We keep the radio on during the day just to drown it out,” Paul said.
“At night, it’s hard to sleep.”
It is worth noting that Paul and Sadie are not crazy and that the
couple have investigated every plausible explanation. “The Sound” is
certainly not the hum of a refrigerator, the buzz of fluorescent
lighting or the drone of a neighbor’s television set.
In fact, “The Sound” is a relatively new phenomenon. The Porcaros moved
into the house on Lansdown Way in December 1988. Everything was fine
for 17 years, until “The Sound” appeared and never went away.
“I was concerned that something was wrong,” said Joseph Porcaro, Paul
and Sadie’s son, who relocated his parents from New York when he
accepted a job at Community Hospital. “I called several professionals.”
The Porcaros called Sweigart’s Plumbing to have the pipes inspected and
the sump pump replaced, but it didn’t help. They called an electrician
to check the wiring, a building inspector and even Mustin Builders,
which erected the home in 1973, but “The Sound” persisted. They had the
air conditioning and furnace inspected. They even called Anderson City
Utilities, which provides the home with water, sewer and electrical
services. “The Sound” would not die.
Paul said everyone who listened heard the sound, but none could find
the source or offer an explanation. Set foot outside the Porcaro’s
home, and “The Sound” disappears. But at night, the couple says, it
grows louder.
Paul wears hearing aids in both ears, but he’s convinced that has
nothing to do with it.
“When I take out the hearing aids, it gets even louder,” Porcaro said.
“It’s a vibration.”
“The Sound” bears more than a passing resemblance to the “Kokomo Hum.”
First reported in 1999, it was heard by dozens of residents of the town
and, many believe, caused them to fall ill with fatigue, nosebleeds,
headaches and diarrhea. More than 80 complaints were submitted to the
office of Sen. Richard Lugar and the curiosity received media attention
from ABC News and others.
Things got so bad the town hired a consultant, Jim Cowan of
Massachusetts-based Acentech, to undertake a 10-month study of the
sound. He traced the hum to low-frequency and infrasonic tones
generated by industrial sources, namely a cooling tower fan on the roof
of Kokomo’s DaimlerChrysler Casting Plant and an air compressor fan at
Haynes International.
“This phenomenon is not isolated to Kokomo, Indiana, USA,” Cowans told
the Kokomo Tribune. “I have been contacted by people across the
country, as well as from other countries around the world, who are
having similar experiences to those in your community. To adequately
solve this problem, any further study into this phenomenon should
therefore be on a national, if not international, level.”
“Hums” have been reported in Taos, N.M., Auckland, New Zealand and the
United Kingdom. A Web site pertaining to the “Taos Hum” has been
created and lengthy entry about “The Hum” is available through
I visited the Porcaros to hear “The Sound” for myself. Paul hears the
sound throughout the entire house, but Joseph said it is strongest in
the bedroom near a west-facing window. I stood, strained my ears and
distinctly heard it.
The sound I heard was very distant; if it were a car running, it would
have to be blocks away. In fact, I didn’t so much hear it as feel it.
It had a hollow quality, like air passing through a length of pipe.
Once I knew what to listen for, I heard the sound all over the house,
“It doesn’t bother you after a while,” said Sadie, 86.
Joseph pointed out that “The Sound” is constant, but it changes at
irregular intervals.
“It modulates a little bit,” Joseph said. “It’s not constant. It
changes frequency.”
There is little commercial activity near the Porcaro home and no
industrial operations. But power lines have been known to emit a
humming sound, and there is a substation behind East Side Middle
School, just a few hundred yards away. Power lines run behind the
Porcaro home, between Lansdown and Roby. There appears to be a utility
easement just 50 yards or so north of the Porcaro home.
But the Porcaros have not considered moving.
“We love the area; we love the house,” Paul said. “But this is
terrible. It’s like we have a haunted house.”
But Joseph has wondered whether, when the day comes, he must inform the
buyer or real estate agent about “The Sound.”
“Maybe it’s part of those disclosure agreements, I don’t know,” he
said. “Whoever buys it will be buying a mystery. They should pay more
for that.”
“Hums,” low-frequency sound phenomena similar to the one experienced by
Paul and Sadie Porcaro, have been reported in Taos, N.M., the United
Kingdom and New Zealand. In the case of the “Kokomo Hum,” the sound was
traced to local industry. But here are some more interesting
explanations that have been suggested:
• Man-made noise: Low-frequency sounds generated by industry or stereo
subwoofers can be amplified by walls and structural geometry
• Infrasound: Geological changes and plate tectonics can generate
sounds too low to be perceived by the human ear, called infrasound
• Pulsed microwaves: Similar to the microwave auditory effect, in which
audible clicks are produced by microwave frequencies generated inside
the human head
• Extremely low-frequency communication systems: Submarines communicate
using ELF radio transmissions that may produce other audio effects
• Ionospheric heaters: Antennae in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Norway and
Russia used to heat the ionosphere create light effects similar to the
aurora borealis and may create sound, as well
• Tinnitus: A hearing condition that produces ringing or “whooshing” in
the ear when no actual sound is present
• Tensor tympani: According to a German study, vibration of the tensor
tympani, a muscle that tightens the eardrum, may cause a humming effect
Source: The Anderson Herald Bulletin
Chupacabra Craze Goes Global
It’s not a mangy coyote, but is it a chupacabra?
That’s the question that’s been on the minds of many in Texas and
beyond ever since the strange critter was found in Cuero in July.
“They seem to think it’s not just a mangy coyote,” Cuero resident and
alleged chupacabra catcher Phylis Canion said.
Nearly a month has passed since Canion picked up the bluish roadkill
off the road on Highway 183. She claims the animal was taking her
cats and sucking the blood out of her chickens.
Locals immediately wondered if she’d stumbled upon a creature of
folklore – the chupacabra.
While that’s still unclear – KENS-TV is awaiting results of DNA tests
on the carcass – what’s certain is Canion has stumbled upon a flood of
international attention. She’s even got the T-shirts to prove it.
“These shirts, four of them, are going to Sicily. We have sent shirts
to Guam, we have sent shirts to Iraq, California, Memphis,” Canion said.
The shirts started as a joke among family, but they’ve become a
pop-culture commodity and have been shipped as far as Australia.
“We have not been able to keep up with them. So we have done four
orders and we’re over a thousand now,” Canion said.
It all started when Phylis Canion, a rancher in South Texas, reported
that a weird animal had been lurking around her ranch for years. She
said it first snatched cats, then chickens right through a wire cage.
“[It] opened it reached in pulled the chicken head out, sucked all the
blood out, left the chicken in the cage,” she said.
Canion says two dozen chickens were sucked dry. The meat, she says, was
left on the bone.
Neighbors speculate the blue-colored animal that was doing all that
damage was a chupacabra, a mythical creature that sucks the blood of
Canion says not one, but three chupacabras were spotted outside the
town in recent days. All of them, she says, were blue-skinned, had no
hair and had strange teeth.
Although Canion and her neighbors feel she captured a chupacabra,
others -- like State Mammalogist John Young -- say she captured a grey
“When mange goes untreated it causes this type of reaction. they start
to itch, lose all their hair, blue grey coloration. and the animal
usually dies from it,” he said.
And the mysterious beast isn’t just drumming up interest on the
Internet or late-night TV -- it’s also the talk of the town where it
was found.
“People come in here and talk about it, and they ask me if I’ve heard
of any sighting or anything. I’ve had people say they’ve seen sighting
of that around here,” Joe Gonzales of Don Bravo’s Restaurant said.
All the fuss has some joking that it’s time for Cuero to consider
changing the town mascot.
“There are stories on the Internet, videos on YouTube. Just so
crazy, just all the publicity that we’re getting. It’s good for this
little bitty town,” Cuero resident Alex Proctor said.
Cuero may be a tiny map dot, but it’s growing in celebrity by chasing
the tale of a legendary beast.
Source: KVUE
Egyptian Tomb Raider Dies
from "Curse"

Legend has it that the royal tombs of ancient Egypt were sealed with
monstrous curses against all those who trespassed into the domain of
the afterlife.
In the tomb of the boy pharaoh, Tutankhamun, hieroglyphs were said to
have spelled out a dreadful end for all those who entered.
Howard Carter, the lead archaeologist who opened the tomb in 1923,
wrote that "all sane people should dismiss such inventions with
But a German man has decided the curse of the mummies is definitely not
a myth - and has therefore returned a plundered ancient Egyptian
carving which he says has fatally cursed his family.
The relic was stolen three years ago from the Valley of Kings, near
Luxor, home to the tombs of dozens of Pharaohs and Egyptian nobles who
were buried there some three millennia ago.
The unnamed man decided to take it home to Germany with him as a
souvenir of his trip.
It was on his return to Europe that the trouble began, according to an
anonymous note that accompanied the carving when it was recently
returned to the Egyptian embassy in Berlin.
Instead of enjoying his stolen treasure, the thief was struck down with
an inexplicable fatigue and fever, progressing to paralysis, and
ultimately death.
Following his demise, the stolen piece was returned to the Egyptians by
his stepson, who believed that the thief's torment would not end merely
with death.
By returning the carving to its rightful home, Egypt's Supreme Council
for Antiquities said this week, he hoped his stepfather's soul could
rest in peace.
The apparent curse is the latest in a long series of bedevilments that
have menaced the explorers and plunderers of the Valley of the Kings
over the years.
King Tut's "curse" is by far the most famous of those attached to the
ancient pharaohs.
The team that excavated his tomb is rumoured to have suffered a bizarre
series of unexplained deaths in the months and years after its
treasures were uncovered.
Its primary victim was said to be the expedition's main financial
backer, George Herbert, Earl of Carnarvon, who was found dead soon
after revealing the tomb's still unsurpassed bounty.
His death is now frequently ascribed to blood poisoning rather than a
millennia-old curse.
But potential toxins in the tombs, and the hieroglyphic warnings
against disturbing the peace of the pharaohs, have perpetuated the
The antiquities council, which has now received the stolen carving
after it was flown back by diplomatic bag from Germany, has formed a
committee to study the artefact.
Source: The Telegraph
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