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9/14/07 #434
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Tired of being kept in the dark
what is really going on in the world today? Are you sick of
stories on your local news about how Britney messed up on TV? Worried
that you're missing out on all of the
strange stories out there about conspiracies, UFOs, and the paranormal?
cheer up! Because once again the Conspiracy Journal has arrived in your
e-mail box to keep you informed on all the news and info that THEY
want you to know.
This week Conspiracy Journal brings
you such chakra-opening stories as:
- Americans Still Have Questions On 6th
Anniversary of 9/11 -
Thinking of Words Can Guide
Wheelchair -
- The Lost Civilization of
Antarctica -
Robertson Panel: The CIA Considers UFOs -
AND: Alex, The Brainy Parrot Dies
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


Unlock the Occult Wisdom Of Antiquity And
Experience The Awesome Miracle Of Egyptian Magic.
From the records of the prestigious "Keeper of the Egyptian and
Assyrian Antiquities" (circa 1895) at the British Museum comes long
forgotten knowledge of how to make use of dreams, tap the power of
lucky and unlucky days, and utilize talismans and charms initially
designed in the distant past and still useful and beneficial today.
Every man, woman and child in ancient Egypt who could afford it wore
either a charm or talisman, and for centuries their land was regarded
as a nation of powerful magicians and sorcerers who guided their
citizens in all matters mystical and spiritual. Hebrew, Greek and Roman
writers referred to them as experts in the occult sciences and as
possessors of arcane wisdom and knowledge which could, according to the
given circumstances, be employed to do either good or harm to man.
Saint Stephen boasts that the great Moses "was learned in all the
wisdom of the Egyptians" and declared that he was "mighty in words and
deeds." There are numerous moments in the life of this remarkable
Biblical prophet that demonstrate that he was acquainted with many of
the practices of Egyptian magic. It was even said that Moses possessed
a "wonderful staff" with which he could work wonders, take control over
man and beast and destroy enemies. Here are the actual spells and
formulas utilized by the wizards of this ancient paradise along the
Nile, as well as the designs of their most powerful amulets and
talismans that have made Egyptian Magick the most commanding form of
occultism ever performed at any time during the history of humankind.
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In This Fantastic Issue:
Mental Armageddon: The Quest for Mind Control
Radionics: Mind Machines for Better Health
Mark David Chapman: Lone Nut or CIA Assassin?
America and Bio-Weapons: A Troubling Ethos
The Healing Sounds of Jonathan Goldman
And so much more, including book, music, and movie reviews,
exhibit listings, your fall horoscope, and conference listings!
your issue TODAY at your favorite bookstore
or magazine stand.
Americans Still Have Questions On 6th Anniversary of 9/11

Solemn ceremonies took place in
the United States on Tuesday to mark six years since the September 11
attacks. Public opinion in the United States has much changed since the
tragedy. Any doubts about the official theory of the attack would be
considered blasphemy two years ago. But now Americans distrust the
current administration so much that the commemoration day turned into a
public discussion of alternative accounts of the 9/11 attacks.
Unusual Anniversary
Tuesday’s remembrance ceremonies to mark the sixth anniversary of the
September 11 attacks looked quite traditionally. In New York, families
of the dead, officials and visitors came to pay their respects near
ground zero. New York’s former Mayor Rudolf Giuliani was among those to
give a reading at the ceremony. His presence this time has sparked
criticism from the families of those killed who accused him of making
political capital out of the attack, although Mr. Guiliani has attended
every year. Another presidential contender, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton
also took part the ceremony, but he gave no speeches.
Elsewhere, head of the Department of Homeland Security, Michael
Chertoff, FBI Director Robert Mueller and National Intelligence
Director Mike McConnel spoke at the U.S. Congress with reports on the
fight on terror. Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden used the anniversary to
praise one of the al-Qaeda hijackers, Walid al-Shehri, in his second
video released this week. Al-Shehri was on American Airlines Flight 11,
the first jet to crash into the World Trade Center in New York.
Unlike all previous years, the sixth anniversary was marked by a storm
of accusations from nongovernmental organizations against the U.S.
administration and intelligence. Reputation of incumbent authorities is
so bad that an increasing number of Americans question the official
account of the attack. 51 percent of Americans demand additional
investigations into actions of the Bush administration during the
attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, according to an August
opinion poll by Zogby International. 30 percent of those surveyed call
for the administration’s immediate resignation.
Not all official probes into the 9/11 events are over. It is still
unclear why a third New York skyscraper collapsed several hours after
two Twin Towers fell down. Footage shows how it goes down glowingly in
several seconds, which presumably came as a result of a fire. However,
it looks like the building was packed with explosives. The National
Institute of Standards and Technology has yet to establish it.
America is marking the sixth 9/11 anniversary with an increasing number
of web-sites which gather and analyze information about the attacks.
The 9/11 Truth Movement has become a sort of umbrella organization for
all those who doubt the official account of the attack. Its adherents
contend three assumptions – that terrorists flew into the Twin Towers
on commercial jets, that New York skyscrapers collapsed as a result of
a fire and that the attacks were orchestrated by al-Qaeda.
The Wrong Jets
French filmmaker Jules Naudet, who was making a documentary about New
York firefighters in the morning on September 11, was the only one to
capture Flight 11 plow into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
The other jet, Flight 175 was filmed by dozens of cameras. But none of
them caught details that would prove that it was exactly Flight 175
jet. Footage of the collision gave food for widespread speculation. It
all began with a live on Fox News. A journalist who was on the site
said that the jet had no windows and had a blue emblem on its tail,
meaning that the plane was either a military or transportation one.
This assumption is also supported by shots which allegedly show some
additional equipment fixed onto the fuselage. Adherents of this theory
believe that the passenger jets landed somewhere safely, their
passengers were poisoned with gas while military planes were sent to
crash into the buildings. Authors of the documentary 9/11 In Plane Site
not only try to prove that the plans had additional equipment but they
also show “rare footage” showing missiles strike the building just a
moment before the collision. The quality of the footage is very poor
but the authors boldly conclude that the World Trade Center was
attacked by jets with adaptations which also fired missiles to make an
additional explosion.
Another theory has been voiced by Morgan Reynolds, former chief
economist in the George Bush administration. He said that the collision
of flights 11 and 117 with the skyscrapers could be just product of
computer animation, while the building was blown up by explosives.
Secondary Explosions
Perhaps the most contentious issue around the 9/11 tragedy is why the
Twin Towers collapsed. No steel skyscraper was destroyed completed by
the fire before 2001. Conspiracy theorists believe that the building
crumbled down because of explosives triggered at order of the U.S.
administration. This opinion has become widespread. Theologist David
Ray Griffin promoted this idea in his book, The New Pearl Harbor.
Physicist Steven Jones claims that the World Trade Center collapsed in
controlled explosions which were caused by cumulative shells with
extremely high temperature of combustion. This theory also gains
support at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
Testimony of some witnesses of the attacks proves this idea.
Firefighters and rescuers say that they heard something like secondary
explosions. What is more, the molten metal found in the heaps of
concrete at the site suggests that jet fuel could not have been the
only incendiary used that day.
The strangest theory of the WTC collapse come from Scholars for 9/11
Truth. James Fetzer, head of the group, has endorsed the exploration of
all possible theories. In one of these theories, Judy Wood and Morgan
Reynolds suggest that the widespread damage and collapse of the Twin
Towers was caused by energy weapon.
The molten metal found at ground zero have pushed some participations
of the organization to a conclusion that the building were bombed with
mini-nukes. Steven Johns, however, refuted this theory.
Terrorism Cover-Up
9/11 conspiracy theories can be largely divided in three types. In the
first form, theorists say that the U.S. administration ignored
intelligence about an upcoming attack and covered up its inadequate
counter-terrorism strategies. Another version suggests that authorities
deliberately ignored the warnings and failed to ensure that the
hijackers were not intercepted. The most radical theories go further
and say that several high-ranking officials within the government
planned the attacks and collaborated with al-Qaeda in carrying them out.
All these accusations find breeding ground in discrepancies in reports
by special services and paradoxical coincidences. For example, George
Bush’s surprisingly calm behavior when he was informed of the attacks
could be attributed to the fact that he had known about the plans. An
incident with FBI agent John O’Neill also gave a lot of food for
speculation. The agent warned of an al-Qaeda threat back in 2000, but
his attempts to launch the investigation were blocked. He retired from
the FBI in mid-2001, and he was offered to head security at the World
Trade Center. His first working day in a new place – on September 11 –
became his last one.
However, not everyone view the Bush administration as the key link in
the conspiracy. There is also a theory that the attacks on the United
States were plotted by Israel. In a reply to these allegations
Anti-Defamation League published a paper with refutation.
Constant refutations of conspiracy theories do not make the number of
their adherents less. Quite on the contrary, the 9/11 Truth Movement is
growing. It held a rally in more than 20 cities across the United
States on Tuesday to protest the mainstream account of the events. The
number of those in doubt is likely to increase next year when America
will be two months away from U.S. presidential elections. It is,
however, not likely that all these efforts will find an explanation for
all controversies around the 9/11 attacks.
Source: Kommersant
UC Davis Statistician Analyzes Validity of Paranormal

Did you ever dream about an
event before it happened to you? Or, perhaps you knew what another
person was going to say before they said it? These events, examples of
anomalous cognition, are part of our everyday experience but still
remain to be understood scientifically.
Jessica Utts, professor of statistics at UC Davis, has been one of the
few statisticians to work in the field of parapsychology, analyzing
data and helping with experimental design.
Gathering statistics for parapsychology still uses the same methods,
Utts said.
"As a statistician we can work on data in any field and it's still the
same statistical methods," she said.
Utts earned a bachelor's degree in math and psychology at the State
University of New York at Binghamton in 1973 and a doctorate in
statistics from Penn State University in 1978. She has since worked as
a professor and statistician at UC Davis, catching a few breaks to work
as a visiting professor at Stanford University and as a senior research
fellow at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
In 1995, Utts was hired by the American Institutes of Research, an
independent research firm, along with psychologist Ray Hyman from the
University of Oregon to analyze data from a 20-year research program
sponsored by the U.S. government to investigate paranormal activity.
After doing initial research, Hyman and Utts found statistical support,
she said.
"The two of us did this review and we both concluded that there were
really strong statistical results there, but [Hyman] still didn't
believe that it could be explained by something psychic - he thought
there would be some explanation [that he] can't provide," Utts said.
The research program involved remote viewing, in which test subjects
were asked to describe or draw an unknown target. The target could be
anything and could be located anywhere. According to Utts'
meta-analysis of the 966 studies performed at Stanford Research
Institute, subjects could identify the target correctly 34 percent of
the time. The probability of these results occurring by chance is
Utts compared these results to a similar meta-analysis of aspirin
treatment for heart disease. In 2002, researchers published a
meta-analysis in the British Medical Journal of 188 studies. The
results demonstrated that aspirin reduced the number of heart attacks
in people likely to have heart disease by 25 percent, with a
probability of it occurring by chance equaling .0003.
"The evidence for [remote viewing] is much stronger than [aspirin
preventing heart attacks] and yet we have people taking aspirin
everyday to try to prevent heart attacks," Utts said. "People aren't
willing to either look at this evidence or aren't willing to believe it
when they see it."
Utts' study of paranormal activity should not be dismissed, said Keith
Widaman, UCD professor of psychology and chair of the department.
"The way [Utts] is analyzing and portraying the data sounds
reasonable," he said. "Most psychologists would say, 'Those things have
never stood up,' but that doesn't mean [that] we should automatically
[react the same]. What it means is, there's something here that
deserves attention and it's an interesting hypothesis. It would be
interesting to see if it holds up."
In 2005, Utts taught a class for the integrated studies honors program,
"Testing Psychic Claims," in which Kyle Davis, senior biological
sciences major, conducted an experiment using a random number generator.
Each test subject played rock-paper-scissors against the random numbers
presented in the study, he said.
"We came up with significant data," Davis said. "It made us re-think it
a little bit. [Utts] provided a number of examples where it wasn't
probable by chance alone, so something else had to explain it to a
Davis was doubtful of the field of parapsychology before the class and
is still unsure, he said.
"I'm still leaning a little bit on the skeptic side, but I see where
more study is needed to convince me either way," Davis said. "So I'd
say, yeah, I think [parapsychology] is a valid field and that we need
to learn more about it before we can say one thing in either direction."
Utts presented statistics in a straightforward manner for Nick
Schroeder, senior international relations major, he said.
"I entered the class a skeptic, and I stayed a skeptic," Schroeder
said. "I learned a lot about the statistical analysis of 'psi.' The
statistical data presented to us suggests that there is something
metaphysical, but no one knows what it is."
Utts is currently working with Ellen Gold, chair of the department of
epidemiology and preventive medicine at the UCD School of Medicine,
analyzing data in the use of alternative and complementary medicine
among women going through menopause, she said.
Source: The California Aggie
Thinking of Words Can Guide Wheelchair

A motorised wheelchair that
moves when the operator thinks of particular words has been
demonstrated by a US company The wheelchair works by intercepting
signals sent from their brain to their voice box, even when no sound is
actually produced.
The company behind the chair, Ambient, is developing the technology
with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, in the U.S.
The wheelchair could help people with spinal injuries, or neurological
problems like cerebral palsy or motor neurone disease, operate
computers and other equipment despite serious problems with muscle
control. The system will work providing a person can still control
their larynx, or "voice box", which may be the case even if the lack
the muscle coordination necessary to produce coherent speech.
The larynx control system, called Audeo, was developed by researchers
Michael Callahan and Thomas Coleman at University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, US, who together also founded Ambient.
The system works via a sensor-laden neckband which
eavesdrops on electrical impulses sent to larynx muscles. It then
relays the signals, via an encrypted wireless link, to a nearby
computer. The computer decodes these signals and matches them to a
series of pre-recorded "words" determined during training exercises.
These "words" can then be used to direct the motorised wheelchair.
Callahan and Coleman say they can also be sent to a speech synthesiser,
allowing a paralysed person to "speak" out loud. Recent refinements to
the algorithms used may make it possible to interpret whole sentences
thought out by the user. This could potentially restore near-normal
speech to people who have not spoken for years, the researchers say.
"Everyone working on brain-computer interfaces wants to be able to
identify words," says Niels Birbaumer from Eberhard Karls University in
Tübingen, Germany, who is developing similar systems for use by
stroke victims. "If this works reliably I would be very impressed, it
is very hard to record signals from nerves through the skin."
Birbaumer adds that measuring brain waves using
an electrode cap or implants placed directly in the brain has been used
to control computers and wheelchairs before, but so far there is little
evidence that either method can reproduce either single words or
continuous speech. "Recording from outside the brain like this may the
only way to do it," he says.
On the other hand, reading information directly from the brain is the
only way to help people with very severe spinal injuries. "I have some
patients not even able to send nerve signals to the muscles in their
face," he told New Scientist. "In those cases you have to try and
interface with the brain."
Ramaswamy Palaniappan, who works on EEG-based brain computer interfaces
at Essex University, agrees this is a limitation. "The main advantages
of their device are that it is very portable, not cumbersome to
set-up, and the ease of use," he told New Scientist.
NASA produced a similar system to Audeo system in 2004. This can
recognise a handful of short words and numbers, and the individual
letters of the alphabet. The agency hopes to eventually integrate the
technology into spacesuits.
Source: New Scientist
The Lost Civilization of

When we think of Antarctica, the place immediately conjures up an image
of a magnificent glacial wilderness at the bottom of the world.
But could it be that long before it was claimed by the ice and snow,
Antarctica was once a temperate land filled with rivers and mountains
and where one of the earliest advanced civilisations once thrived?
It may be that such a civilisation, one forgotten by time and long
hidden by the ice, originally called Antarctica their home. While
Antarctica remains hidden beneath a two mile thick layer of ice we can
only speculate at what might be there, but there are a few pieces of
evidence that point to such a scenario as being a possibility,
prompting the exodus of a people that could no longer remain in their
The Piri Re’is Map
One of the biggest clues to suggest that our
understanding of Antarctica may be incomplete is the legendary Piri
Re'is Map which was found in Constantinople in 1929. The map is thought
to have been drawn in the 15th century by an Admiral of the Ottoman
Navy, Admiral Piri Ibn Haji Memmed, known as Piri Re'is. Notes made in
the map’s margins sourced a set of around twenty maps dating back to
the time of Alexander the Great as being the sources for the Piri
Re’is. What makes the map unique, besides its age and history, is that
it seems to show that the ancients knew a great deal more about the
shape and proximity of the continents than conventional history
suggests and that even more remarkably, it mapped Antarctica as a land
mass. For that to have been correct this information would have had to
have been obtained at a much earlier time than that of Alexander the
Great which was around 323BC., which suggests that Alexander’s maps
were copies of even older documents.
Antarctica was officially unknown to the world until 1820, when the
lieutenant of the Russian Imperial Fleet, Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev
discovered what appeared to be a new continent; yet this ‘new’
continent is clearly identifiable on the Piri Re’is map, which is dated
1513. Many suggest that rather than discovering a new continent,
Lazarev had rediscovered a lost continent.
One of the best-known and controversial features in the Piri Re'is map
is the Antarctic coastline, which it shows in extraordinary detail. The
problem is that not only does it show Antarctica before it was
discovered, it seems to represent the coast of the continent at a time
before it was covered in glaciers; at a time when it was just a regular
landmass like any other.
Information that confirmed the size and shape of the landmass in the
Antarctic was only gleaned in the 20th century, many years after the
map was discovered and even longer since it was drawn. There is much
disagreement as to the last time Antarctica was free of ice with some
experts suggesting that it was as recent as around 6,000 years ago,
while other geologists point to ice cores that are 500,000 years old
being recovered from Antarctica. Nevertheless, cartographers and
historians alike are baffled as to how the people responsible for
drawing up this map could have known that this land existed, but if
Antarctica was once free of ice it is fairly logical to assume that it
was populated.
It is not surprising then, that the Piri Re'is
map is one of the cornerstones of the growing body of evidence to
support the case for there having been an unknown pre Ice Age
civilization living on this land. One researcher who took an enormous
amount of interest in the map was historian and geographer, Professor
Charles Hapgood. Hapgood, a respected albeit controversial scholar in
his own right, spent a great deal of time studying the map and reached
the conclusion that it had been drawn by a civilization with advanced
seafaring and mapping skills who had surveyed the entire Earth in the
ancient past.
In 1949, a combined British and Swedish expedition conducted intensive
seismic measurements of the South Pole through the ice cap. When shown
a copy of the Piri Re’is map for comparison, the commander of the 8th
Technical Investigation Squadron of the US Armed Force Strategic
Command, Colonel Harold Olmayer, is quoted as having said, “the
geographical details of the bottom part of the map; the shore of
Antarctica, correspond with the results of the seismic measurements. We
cannot correlate these data with the supposed level of geography in
1513." Thus confirming what many researchers already thought; that the
source map was far older than anything drawn up in the last few hundred
The Oronteus Finaeus Map
Charles Hapgood also worked
with another well known and ancient map that supports the pre-glacial
Antarctic theory; the Oronteus Finaeus Map, which was found in the
Library of Congress, Washington DC in 1960, but which dates back to
1531. As with the Piri Re’is map, much of Antarctica appears to be free
of ice, with flowing rivers and mountain ranges being represented; the
presence of which has only recently been verified by modern technology.
According to the map, the centre of the land was without geographical
features which some believe points to the fact that it was already
covered in ice at the time the map was drawn. In the early 1960s,
Hapgood had the opportunity to study the Oronteus Finaeus map alongside
Doctor Richard Stratchen of the Massachusetts Technology Institute
(MIT). Both men concluded that the Oronteus Finaeus map had indeed
depicted Antarctica’s coast at a time when it was free of ice.
Opponents of the idea that these ancient maps show an ice free
Antarctica counter that the Oronteus Finaeus Map fails to show the
Amery Basin. In either a partially or completely deglaciated
Antarctica, this basin would have been occupied by a 700 to 800
kilometers (430 to 490 miles) long bay and would have been a major
physiographic feature that would have been mapped had the area been ice
free. Even though this basin forms a prominent bay along the coast of
modern Antarctica, it is missing from the Oronteus Finaeus Map. What
these criticisms fail to take into account is the numerous
transcriptions that might have occurred since the original source map
was drawn. If the map is indeed based on an original source map that is
between 6,000 and 500,000 years old, it is quite conceivable that
errors and omissions did occur as various copies of the map were made
over perhaps thousands of years. The fact that Antarctica exists at all
on these maps has never been explained, let alone the fact that
features such as rivers and mountains have been mapped on the land.
A third map of
Antarctica, this time drawn by the 18th century French geographer
Philippe Bauche, a member of the French Academy of Science, was
completed in 1737; well before the continent was discovered. This map
cast more confusion onto our preconception of ancient seafaring and
geographical knowledge, because it showed Antarctica as being divided
in two by a narrow band of water. When the first seismic survey was
undertaken in 1958, it confirmed that Antarctica as a land mass is
divided in two by an ancient waterway. Many geologists think that the
last time that this was obvious would have been not thousands of years
ago, but millions of years ago. The survey seems to confirm that the
person who originally drew the map somehow had knowledge that would not
be common knowledge until the twentieth century, yet the map was drawn
some 200 years earlier, presumably from an even earlier version.
The Destruction of Eden
Antarctica was ice free in the past, forming a temperate
and thus habitable environment, then it is highly likely and perfectly
logical that it would have been inhabited by people, given that every
other continent in the world was. There are many different theories as
to how often and how quickly these ice ages occur, but very little
common agreement. As the ice began to form, first in the centre of the
continent and then gradually moving out, that temperate climate would
have been replaced by a cold and hostile one where it would have become
impossible to survive.
Any civilisation living there would have been faced with the choice
between remaining, and facing certain death through cold and starvation
or migrating as far away as possible from the encroaching ice. Without
knowing how far the ice would reach, the equator would probably have
seemed like the safest bet.
The Birth of Egypt and Sumer
The Piri Re’is, Oronteus
Finaeus, and Bauche maps all seem to show a representation of
Antarctica before it was lost beneath the ice and snow, which according
to some was around 6,000-10,000 years ago. Coincidentally, this is the
time when many think that the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian
civilizations appeared; civilisations that seemed to be able to
progress from nomadic tribesmen to a technologically advanced
structured society in a fairly short period of time, forming organised
and sophisticated cultures.
The big question is of course, is there any evidence to suggest that
Egypt was founded by seafaring migrants. Interestingly, in 1991, US and
Egyptian archaeologists working in Abidos, Egypt, discovered 14 large
boats that belonged to Pharaohs of First Dynasty. The boats were
estimated to be at least 5,000 years old, each vessel being about 75
feet long and 7 to 10 feet wide at the widest part, with narrowing prow
and stern and a shallow draft. They are believed to be the most ancient
but also the most advanced sailing vessels ever discovered in the
world, and owed their preservation to the dry Egyptian climate. Unlike
other boats of that era, they were made from planks of wood, rather
than being carved from hollowed out tree trunks, suggesting that the
Egyptians had very advanced boat building skills.
According to Dr. Cheryl Ward, a nautical archaeologist at Florida State
University: "In the ancient world, boats were the most complex machines
A fleet of the oldest built wooden boats in the world located in the
desert sands of Abydos, more than eight miles from the river Nile.If
you couple that boat building expertise with an advanced geographical
knowledge of the Earth – one that until recently exceeded modern
understanding, and an advanced knowledge of maths and astronomy, which
would have been required to draw such detailed maps with such precision
and navigate the world’s oceans, then it is interesting to ponder upon
the possibility that Egypt was indeed founded by an established
civilisation that was perhaps forced to abandon their own continent and
start anew. Could it be that these boats or ones like them were used to
ferry refugees from a civilisation that was being destroyed by an
increasingly hostile climate, enabling them to forge a new civilisation
in Egypt, and indeed other parts of the world?
But if there really was a lost civilisation living on Antarctica,
surely some evidence for it must survive in Antarctica itself?
According to Congressional investigators, a spy satellite image taken
of Antarctica reportedly revealed an anomalous structure two miles
beneath the ice. Details about the nature of the structure remain
scant, but clearly there is something there.
In addition, magnetic anomalies have been recorded and a substantial
liquid water lake, nicknamed Lake Vostok (after the Russian base), has
been identified beneath the ice. According to researchers from the
enterprise mission, although there are natural explanations to account
for the magnetic anomalies, such as the thickness of the Earth’s crust,
an anomaly like this could also be caused by an accumulation of metals
- the kind you would get if you found the ruins of an ancient, buried
city. Until we are in a position to explore the Antarctic region more
thoroughly, the idea of a lost city hidden below miles of ice sheets
remains little more than a tantalising possibility.
It seems more than a little odd that several ancient maps have recorded
a continent that no one at the time knew that it existed. The fact that
they show the Antarctic landmass without its icy covering is even more
mysterious and doesn’t fit in with anything you will find in a text
book about climate changes or cartography, yet the indisputable fact is
that these maps exist.
There is land below the ice of Antarctica, we have established that
much, all we need to ask now, is, was that land occupied and what
happened to the people who lived there when the climate changed?
Perhaps only time will tell.
Source: Thothweb
Christian Mystics

Mysticism is usually associated
with the occult or eastern religions today, but Christianity had a
number of mystics. Indeed, the monastic system was ideally designed to
allow such mystics to exist.
The father of western monasticism was St Benedict. Born about 480, he
was sent to Rome for an education but was horrified by its decadence.
At age 14 he fled to a village called Subiaco where he met a monk who
took him to a cave.
Over the next three years he lived as a hermit and developed
miraculous powers from deep meditation. Going on to gain many
followers, he organised 12 monasteries of 12 monks, each under a prior.
In 525 he went to Monte Casino where he destroyed the pagan temple
there and began to build the famous monastery.
Going about the country curing the sick, he also wrote ‘The Rule,’
laying down the guidelines for monastic life, including a probationary
year, obedience to an abbot, asceticism and a life of work and prayer.
He described his mystical experiences as a taste of heavenly food
following a flood of shining light. Seeing the whole world before his
eyes, he could look down from above and see how small everything was.
Another early mystic was St Hildegard of Bingen, born to a noble German
family near Bingen in 1098. Influenced by local Celtic traditions, she
had visions from an early age before being educated by Benedictines
from age eight. A prioress by 38, she was often ill and became an early
feminist, believing in gender equality and even downplaying Eve’s role
in the Fall. From her early 40s she began having illuminations about
God, the soul and the interconnectedness of the universe.
Advising, in her ‘Scivias’, that all living things are sparks of
radiance from God, she records 26 ‘illuminations’. With an interest in
science and love of music, she travelled throughout Europe denouncing
corruption and criticising monotheistic faiths as dried up, even
celebrating human sexuality. She died in 1179 in her eighties.
Julian of Norwich was an English mystic born about 1342. In her work,
‘The Revelation of Divine Love’, we read that in her youth she asked
God for a severe illness to purge herself of worldly desires, as well
as a vision of the Passion of Christ.
When she was 31 she fell gravely ill, prompting a number of visions.
She described in one how she saw God in a twinkling of an eye. Propped
up so she could gaze on a crucifix, she saw the crucified Christ. Then
her chamber filled with blood before being grasped by the throat by the
Devil, the damned all about her. Then she saw a cathedral on a
mountaintop with Christ on a throne.
For the next 20 years she became a hermit within a convent to
contemplate her visions, deciding that faith consisted of God’s love
for his elect, and the soul’s need to return that love. Her revelation
drew people to her, and she gained a reputation as a healer. When she
died is unknown.
A further Christian mystic worthy of mention is St Teresa of Avila,
born in 1515 to a noble family near Avila in Castille. Her mother died
when she was 15 and shortly after she became ill, beginning a series of
illnesses that would plague her throughout her life.
At 20 she left home against her father’s wishes and became a nun. Due
to improper care she experienced a coma for three days and upon
recovery began intense daily meditations. In 1555 she began having
visions. Many more were to follow. She called them a ‘delectable death’
and included terrifying visions of hell. St Teresa classed the visions
as the soul lifted out of the body and becoming awake to God. Writing a
number of books about her visions, she claimed to experience a
spiritual marriage with Christ. Going on to found some 17 convents, she
died in 1582.
It was natural that the monastic system would create such mystics, and
in their visions we can see many classic elements of the mystical
experience, from symbolism of the Divine, to a feeling of Oneness with
The Church itself was often suspicious of such mystics. After all,
Christianity was based on the idea that ‘oneness’ with God could not
come until death. In this way, Christianity demanded good Christian
obedience in life so as to deserve heaven rather than hell.
Of course, it would have been inappropriate to take action against such
obviously ‘good’ Christians, so they were given a special category by
being blessed. But it is important to note, had such experiences been
admitted by ‘normal’ people, the Inquisition and death would be the
result, for they would have been possessed by the Devil.
Source: Beyond the Blog
Robertson Panel: The CIA Considers UFOs

1918-1939 is sometimes called “the golden age of aviation” because of
the much technological advancement made in aircraft. With World War II
came better, faster airplanes and more experienced pilots. By the time
the war was over, air travel was becoming firmly established across the
world. The skies became the highways of the future. People started
looking up in curiosity. What they saw in the skies was sometimes
mundane, but sometimes astonishing. The UFO age had begun.
The early 1950s saw a surge of civilian UFO reports. So serious had the
problem become, that normal intelligence duties in the CIA were being
seriously impacted. Authorities were worried that if the Soviet Union
or another adversary attempted to invade the US, the lines would be
clogged and the government would be unable to act, so serious had UFO
hysteria become. Clearly, something had to be done.
The CIA responded by forming a committee to investigate the thousands
of UFO reports and choose a course of action. The committee, headed by
Howard Percy Robertson came to be known as The Robertson Panel.
Robertson was a distinguished physicist, a CIA employee, and a director
of the Defense Department Weapons Evaluation Group. He drew upon six
friends and colleagues of scientific importance to fill the panel. Some
of the more famous scientists on the board were Luis Alvarez, who won
the Nobel Prize for physics in 1968; and Samuel A. Goudsmit, who was a
head of one division of the Manhattan Project and jointly proposed the
theory of the electronic spin. Other members were Frederick C. Durant,
missile expert; Thornton Page, astrophysicist; Lloyd Berkner,
physicist; and Allen Hynek, astronomer.
From the beginning, the panel was biased against the idea of UFOs. In
their first briefing, Robertson explained that their purpose was to
“debunk” UFOs. At least one committee member, Thornton Page, was
reprimanded for his “excessive levity.” There has also been some
criticism that, while the scientists on the panel were leaders in their
respective fields, these scientists specialized in outer space. No
scientists were consulted who had expertise in atmospheric
conditions—which is where UFOs are seen.
The panel met in secret for four consecutive days. During this time
they viewed two amateur motion pictures: The 1950 Montana and the 1952
Utah UFO Films, which had already undergone 1,000 man hours of detailed
analysis by Navy officers who had concluded that the depicted objects
were not any known aircraft, creature, or weather phenomenon. Air Force
Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and Major Dewey J. Fournet then addressed the
panel, summarizing the extensive work they had been involved with in
UFO affairs over the preceding years. Ultimately, the panel spent
twelve hours considering reports and investigations that Project Blue
Book and other committees had spent years investigating. They speedily
found "explanations" for the reports. When there was no answer to be
found, they swept the case under the table.
The Robertson Panel wasted no time in formulating their official
report. They concluded that 90% of UFO sightings could be readily
identified with meteorological, astronomical, or natural phenomenon,
and that the remaining 10% could be explained with detailed study. They
furthermore stated that such study would be a waste of time. Their
final recommendation stated “That the national security agencies take
immediate steps to strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of the special
status they have been given and the aura of mystery they have
unfortunately acquired.”
Based on their recommendations, a public relations committee was
assembled to reduce public interest in UFOs. Believers subscribing to
such notions were painted as foolish and irrational. This effort drew
upon the resources of renowned scientists as well as celebrities and
mass media. Even the influential Disney Corporation was involved in the
debunking effort. From this point forward UFology has been seen in
disrepute among scholarly circles, and UFOs have become a subject of
the fringe communities.
Finally, due to the suggestions of the committee, groups studying UFOs
were monitored by government agents and spies in order to keep them
from influencing mass thinking. As late as 1976 a CIA memo was
discovered telling how the agency was still having to report on the
activities of UFO groups.
In the years following the Robertson Panel at least two members
expressed disappointment with its proceedings. Because of the panel's
conclusions, the attention needed to acquire the data to even decide
the nature of the UFO phenomenon has not been given the subject.
Thornton Page and J. Allen Hynek both lamented that the subject had not
been treated with more seriousness. While Page expressed passing
interest, Hynek went on to become a scientifically respected voice in
There can be no doubt that the Robertson Panel opened the era of
government cover-up regarding the UFO phenomenon. And yet, stripped of
credibility and respect, there are still those who insist on sharing
their experiences. For no matter the cost, there are still those who
look up into the sky with curiosity.
Source: Articles Base
Alex, The Brainy Parrot Dies

He knew his colors and shapes, he learned more than 100 English words,
and with his own brand of one-liners he established himself in
television shows, scientific reports and news articles as perhaps the
world’s most famous talking bird.
But last week Alex, an African gray parrot, died, apparently of natural
causes, said Dr. Irene Pepperberg, a comparative psychologist at
Brandeis University and Harvard who studied and worked with the parrot
for most of his life and published reports of his progress in
scientific journals. The parrot was 31.
Scientists have long debated whether any other species can develop the
ability to learn human language. Alex’s language facility was, in some
ways, more surprising than the feats of primates that have been taught
American Sign Language, like Koko the gorilla, trained by Penny
Patterson at the Gorilla Foundation/ in Woodside, Calif., or
Washoe the chimpanzee, studied by R. Allen and Beatrice Gardner at the
University of Nevada in the 1960s and 1970s.
In 1977, when Dr. Pepperberg, then a doctoral student in chemistry at
Harvard, bought Alex from a pet store, scientists had little
expectation that any bird could learn to communicate with humans, as
opposed to just mimicking words and sounds. Research in other birds had
been not promising.
But by using novel methods of teaching, Dr. Pepperberg prompted Alex to
learn scores of words, which he could put into categories, and to count
small numbers of items, as well as recognize colors and shapes.
“The work revolutionized the way we think of bird brains,” said Diana
Reiss, a psychologist at Hunter College who works with dolphins and
elephants. “That used to be a pejorative, but now we look at those
brains — at least Alex’s — with some awe.”
Other scientists, while praising the research, cautioned against
characterizing Alex’s abilities as human. The parrot learned to
communicate in basic expressions — but he did not show the sort of
logic and ability to generalize that children acquire at an early age,
they said.
“There’s no evidence of recursive logic, and without that you can’t
work with digital numbers or more complex human grammar,” said David
Premack, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of
Dr. Pepperberg used an innovative approach to teach Alex. African grays
are social birds, and quickly pick up some group dynamics. In
experiments, Dr. Pepperberg would employ one trainer to, in effect,
compete with Alex for a small reward, like a grape. Alex learned to ask
for the grape by observing what the trainer was doing to get it; the
researchers then worked with the bird to help shape the pronunciation
of the words.
Alex showed surprising facility. For example, when shown a blue paper
triangle, he could tell an experimenter what color the paper was, what
shape it was, and — after touching it — what it was made of. He
demonstrated some of his skills on nature shows, including programs on
PBS and the BBC. He shared scenes with the actor Alan Alda on the PBS
series “Look Who’s Talking.”
As parrots can, he also picked up one-liners from hanging around the
lab, like “calm down” and “good morning.” He could express frustration,
or apparent boredom, and his cognitive and language skills appeared to
be about as competent as those in trained primates. His accomplishments
have also inspired further work with African gray parrots; two others,
named Griffin and Arthur, are a part of Dr. Pepperberg’s continuing
research program.
Even up through last week, Alex was working with Dr. Pepperberg on
compound words and hard-to-pronounce words. As she put him into his
cage for the night last Thursday, she recalled, Alex looked at her and
said: “You be good, see you tomorrow. I love you.”
He was found dead in his cage the next morning, Dr. Pepperberg said.
Source: NY Times
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