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10/05/07 #437
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They live deep underground in
stygian caverns carved from the virgin rock millions of years ago.
They are the Old Ones, the first to call Earth their home -- but
their original home, somewhere in the vast curtain of stars in the
heavens, has been lost in antiquity. They now sit
watch their descendants on the surface who talk of love and
but scheme to kill each other for the love of profit and power.
They wonder how people who talk of peace and freedom are now
considered evil and wrong, fit only to be taken to concentration
camps for the ultimate walk down the fiery path. Blessed are the
peace makers it was once written -- but now, such words are
considered blasphemous and must be silenced. The Old Ones are glad
that they live underground, free from the madness that envelopes
the surface.
This week,
Conspiracy Journal takes a
look at such hair-pulling tales as:
- An Interview with Timothy Green Beckley -
The Majestic Hall of Mirrors -
- Can NDE's Reveal Something About
The Monster
Files -
AND: Is This the Proof that Spirits do Exist?
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


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Radionics: Mind Machines for Better Health
Mark David Chapman: Lone Nut or CIA Assassin?
America and Bio-Weapons: A Troubling Ethos
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An Interview with Timothy Green Beckley
By Brent Raynes

Publisher, Reporter, Movie
Producer, and UFO Paranormal Researcher and Experiencer!
Timothy Green Beckley, editor, publisher, movie producer,
UFO-paranormal-conspiracy researcher, began reading FATE magazine back
in 1957, at age ten, the same year he sighted two UFOs over his New
Jersey home. He hasn’t stopped thinking, researching, investigating and
writing about the subject of UFOs and things that go “bump in the
night” since (he also had some classic paranormal experiences back in
his childhood as well) and is today regarded as an internationally
acclaimed authority on practically all things strange, unexplained and
Editor: Your interest in the realms of the supernatural, unexplained
phenomena, and UFOs really goes back to your childhood. Living in New
Jersey, you grew up in a haunted house with poltergeist phenomena.
Could you recount a little about that for us?
Tim Beckley: I guess the paranormal probably came pretty easy for me.
My mother had an unusually high level of interest in the subject. I
won’t say that she was psychic, but she seemed to believe in a lot of
this and read a lot of the literature that was available at the time.
Around the age of six, I recall having like poltergeist phenomena
occurring spontaneously around the house. Lights would go on and off,
doors would open and close. This would not be on a nightly basis. I
wouldn’t want anybody to think that it was the Amityville Horror. It
wasn’t by any means, but things did occur from time to time. I remember
in particular I was seated at the dinner table and this big dish slid
across the table and kind of floated to the floor, and it didn’t break.
Maybe it didn’t break because it was a heavy dish. I don’t know. I
mean, you could read something into this. Whatever you want. But it
We also had the peculiar phenomena of a baby crying around the house. I
remember one night in the middle of the winter hearing the sound of a
baby crying and my mother and I went to the back door, opened it up,
and there in the snow, leading down to the few steps to the driveway,
was what appeared to be little baby booty prints, and we followed them
in the back and they just disappeared in the snow.
My godmother, who was a real staunch Catholic and not prone to believe
in any of this stuff at all apparently was there one day and she heard
the sound of a baby crying (I guess maybe she had been babysitting me
at that point) and opened the door and there was a woman with a baby in
her arms, rocking the baby and the baby was crying. My godmother knew
that there was no such person in the house (there was only my
grandparents) so she got kind of spooked and closed the door, and when
she opened it again there was nobody there. Later on we found (I guess
my mother and somebody did some research) and we found that there was
an incident going back, I don’t know what year, but this was during
some epidemic, maybe around 1914, 1918. There were thousands of people
dying around the world, and apparently a mother and her daughter had
died in the house. They had a wake and they put the baby in the same
coffin as the mother. So maybe this was the ghost that we were
encountering, if it was a ghost indeed. But there were supernatural
things happening in the Beckley residence I would certainly say.
Anyway these things were happening, and at the age of ten I had my
first of three UFO sightings.
Editor: Right, and I recall from reading a previous interview that even
though you were just ten you knew that this was something unusual.
Tim Beckley: Well, with the UFO sighting there was no doubt about it.
That’s even clearer than any of these other experiences that I just
told you about. I’ve told this story so many times it’s almost like
repeating a record really, but it was a warm summer evening in 1957. We
were all sitting outside because in those days nobody had air
conditioning. So we all sat outside until it cooled off. It was just
after twilight, as I recall, and somebody had come up the stairs where
I was seated with four or five people sitting around chatting, and
somebody pointed out these two objects in the sky.
Now I can’t tell you that I saw any landing gear. There were no little
men and I was not abducted. But there were two bright lights up above
the clouds. I would estimate that they were maybe 30-35 feet in
diameter, very brightly lit objects, or orbs I guess you’d call them.
You can’t say objects because I didn’t see any metallic hull or
anything like that. One of them was across the street over an abandoned
factory building and the other one was directly over the house, and
they kept rotating in the sky so that the one over the house would go
over to where the one over the manufacturing building had been, and
that one would move over to the house, and they would kind of like
circle overhead. I think this went on for a period of maybe 15 minutes
or so, until the one across the street it looked like someone had
pulled the light switch because it just disappeared.
People ask me, “What do you think UFOs are?” I say, “Well UFOs are
unidentified. It doesn’t necessarily even have to be flying, and
there’s probably more than one phenomenon.” It’s obvious that we’re not
talking about one thing here. Brad Steiger has his list of 17 different
UFO origins and theories, so I’m sure that some are spiritual
phenomena, some physical craft from other planets (although I don’t
think there are many of those here, but maybe every once and awhile).
Then others of them are intelligently controlled earth lights. I have
written about this, and you’ve written about this as well, and I wrote
about this subject extensively in my book Our Alien Planet: This Eerie
The Majestic Hall of Mirrors

Secrets of U.S. flying saucer recoveries revealed?
It is now hard to believe that it is 20 years since the Majestic 12 or
MJ-12 documents were released to the public by William Moore in the
United States, and Timothy Good in the United Kingdom.
For the first time these documents seemed to officially confirm that
the U.S. government did recover a crashed saucer at Roswell in the
summer of 1947 and that the Majestic 12 committee was formed by
President Harry Truman on Sept 24, 1947, to investigate the
implications of this incident. Since then more MJ-12 documents have
surfaced that indicate the United States has secretly worked with
aliens and utilized their technology.
Through the stories of whistleblowers, and the recovered memories of
abductees, it seems that our planet has attracted all manner of aliens.
They range from humanoids, the notorious grays, to "reptoids" and
praying mantis creatures. In secret underground bases they keep vats of
human body parts to produce medication for their genetically deficient
They have mutilated cattle and abducted thousands of people against
their will. Some are peace loving, others are war-like and
bloodthirsty. Some are solid, physically real beings with "nuts and
bolts" craft; others are ghostly entities that skip into and out of our
physical universe. World governments, and especially the U.S.
government, have worked hard at keeping this all secret through the use
of debunking, disinformation and ridicule.
Ufology, like any other subject, goes through great changes. The belief
that UFOs are vehicles piloted by aliens from outer space has dominated
ufology since the 1950s. The contactees of the 1950s told of meeting
friendly humanoid aliens who took them for rides to the Moon, Mars and
Venus. Their claims were either ignored or dismissed by the more
scientifically inclined UFO investigators, who only considered
sightings of UFOs by reliable witnesses.
By the 1960s, sightings of UFOs landing and disgorging their occupants
became more acceptable but were still viewed with some suspicion. This
all changed when the story of Betty and Barney Hill's abduction was
published in John Fuller's book The Interrupted Journey in 1966.
"Exopolitics" is an area of ufology that has emerged over the last
decade, but its origins are rooted in the 1970s. One of the key factors
was the release of Steven Spielberg's film "Close Encounters of the
Third Kind" (CE3K) in 1977. In the post-Watergate period, its story
about a secret government project devoted to contacting aliens and
spreading disinformation about UFOs certainly hit a nerve.
The media publicity surrounding CE3K, which was based on real UFO
reports and stories, brought forward more alien abduction reports.
Simultaneously, the long-forgotten crash of a flying saucer at Roswell,
New Mexico, and many other similar crash cases were re-examined and
The late 1970s seems to have been a fertile time for the spreading of
information and disinformation. Lieutenant Colonel George Edwards
(retired, U.S. Air Force), spoke about his involvement in the
development of the Avrocar VZ-9, which was an 18-foot diameter flying
saucer-like aircraft. There were high hopes that this would be a
"flying jeep" for the Army. Unfortunately, it did not fly very well and
the project was cancelled in 1961. It was Edwards' view that the U.S.
Air Force was really testing an alien flying saucer elsewhere and that
they used the Avrocar project as an explanation for any saucer
During this period Jacques Vallee came into contact with a shadowy
character called "Major Murphy." He had worked for the U.S.
Intelligence services and advised Vallee to look beyond the organized
UFO groups. They were probably influenced and controlled by official
agencies. To do this they could easily feed rumors that they wanted to
be circulated to "useful idiots." In this sense Moore can be regarded
as having been a useful idiot in the promotion of the MJ-12 documents.
Vallee's Major Murphy explained that the Germans had developed
disc-shaped aircraft in 1943 along with electrical discharge weapons.
After the war this technology and the scientists who created it were
scooped up by the Soviet Union and the United States to carry on this
In the next decade reports of abductions became an established part of
ufology mainly due to the writings of Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs and
John E. Mack. Starting with The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and
William L. Moore in 1980, the stories of people who claim to have seen
recovered flying saucers and even alien bodies proliferated.
According to John Lear, in a document posted on the Internet on Dec. 29
1987, huge crashed saucers were either taken to Wright-Paterson Air
Force Base, or buried at the spot. To tackle the situation President
Truman set-up MJ-12, which was a panel of the best military minds of
the time and still exists to this day. They referred to the aliens as
EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities).
Lear became interested in UFOs when he was told that three aliens met
U.S. Air Force personnel from Bentwaters Air Force Base at Rendlesham
Forest in 1980. Becoming fascinated by UFOs he discovered that Germany
recovered a crashed saucer as early as 1939. After World War II more
saucer crashes occurred in the United States and they contained ugly
praying-mantis creatures that were a billion years more advanced than
Lear also noted that the aliens created Jesus Christ and that they
possess holograms of the history of Earth. In October 1987 Moore and
several newsmen were invited to interview an alien, but this meeting
was cancelled. Interestingly enough, Michael Applewhite, the notorious
leader of the Heaven's Gate cult, was regarded as a Jesus-like figure
whose biological structure was transformed by aliens in the 1970s.
Lear has since said that there is intense rivalry between the Nordic,
human-like aliens and the grays, and that aliens influenced Adolph
Hitler's Third Reich, the Trilateral Commission and the "New World
In all the stories by whistleblowers and "leaked" documents there seems
to be the recurrent theme that the Nazis had contact with alien
technology that was used and exploited by the Soviet Union and the
United States. The retrieval of crashed saucers and their occupants
began in the late 1940s and a secret treaty with the aliens was made in
the 1950s. Since then the aliens have broken this treaty and continued
abducting people for the purposes of research and nutrition.
It is now part of UFO lore that CE3K was part of a program to get the
public used to the idea of friendly aliens. MJ-12 realized they could
not reveal the "horrible truth." In response they decided to develop
weaponry against the aliens through the Strategic Defense Initiative
(SDI). This was sold to the public as a defense system against Soviet
missiles, and appropriately enough it was popularly known as the Star
Wars project.
Vallee's informant, Major Murphy, noted that much of the early
government research concerned mind control and the use of
electromagnetic fields on the body. He wondered if the UFOs could be
"psychotropic weapons" that could cause hallucinations and paralyze
anyone who gets near them. Furthermore, they could be used as a
propaganda weapon to stimulate UFO sightings and reinforce belief in
extraterrestrial visitors.
Murphy encouraged Vallee to look at off-the-wall contactee and occult
groups that were likely to be ignored by officialdom and scientists.
Here could be the breeding ground for manipulation that could instigate
long-term social changes. Vallee summarized this esoteric hypothesis by
It could enlist the resources of leading corporations. It could try to
manipulate public opinion for its own ends. It could not control
science, but it could certainly influence it. And it could produce many
of the effects UFOs seem capable of manifesting. The persons
controlling such a "psychotropic" technology might even have already
achieved contact with other forms of consciousness and might know the
real nature of UFOs, or they might try to convince others that they do.
(Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, And/Or Press 1979, p. 206.)
As Vallee acknowledges there are several weaknesses to this hypothesis,
and like all conspiracy theories, it can spread paranoia, fear and
responses beyond the control of the manipulator or manipulators.
Such a hypothesis leaves open the possibility that UFO beliefs are open
to manipulation by a wide variety of groups, from the weirdest occult
organizations to government departments.
Film producer Paul Kimball on his blog site "The Other Side of Truth"
succinctly notes that today exopolitics
threatens to corrupt everything that is good within ufology -- it
undermines the search for the truth; it turns the scientific and
historical methods on their heads; it is populated by dark characters
of questionable repute, in the form of whistleblowers … It replaces
evidence with dark conspiracy theory.
Worst of all, it spreads dissension within the ranks …
Lear and his ilk can be regarded as rumormongers who used the perceived
validity of the MJ-12 documents to fuel their increasingly wild claims.
Through various media, these stories have been repeated, changed and
enhanced to the extent where it is very hard to separate truth from
speculation and fiction. On the other hand, they are seeding the truth
or variations of it to the public for the day when the WHOLE truth will
emerge on the world stage for all to see. Who really knows?
Source: OhmyNews
Can NDE's Reveal Something About Consciousness?

One of the most interesting
features that a person may report in a near-death experience (NDE) is
the apparent ability to remain aware of their surroundings throughout
the duration of their experience, when they are presumed to be
unconscious, comatose, or even clinically dead.
After being resuscitated, some people give accounts of seeing their
body from above in an apparent out-of-body experience (OBE), witnessing
certain events going on around their body that are later verified as
accurate by medical personnel who had been present at the time of the
resuscitation attempt (Cook et al., 1998; Kelly et al., 1999 – 2000;
Lawrence, 1995).
In a few cases, some have even described venturing beyond the room
where their body is located in their out-of-body form, witnessing
people and events in other rooms that may also be verified by others
who were present (Cook et al., 1998, Cases 8, 9, & 11; Owens,
1995). This feature of NDE seems to suggest conscious awareness
continuing beyond the brain, which some may argue is suggestive of some
form of survival. If that is the case, then could NDEs with this
feature perhaps shed light on the nature of human conscious experience?
In a recent issue of the journal Medical Hypotheses, Sam Parnia (2007)
of the Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York raises this very
question, examining it in the light of four recently published
prospective studies, each independently conducted, on the occurrence of
NDEs in patients who suffered a cardiac arrest (Greyson, 2003; Parnia
et al., 2001; Schwaninger et al., 2002; van Lommel et al., 2001).
These studies found that NDEs occurred in less than a quarter (between
10 and 23%) of the patients interviewed by the researchers, that NDEs
were more common in younger patients (under 60 years of age) than in
older patients, and that there were very few (if any) significant
differences between cardiac patients who had an NDE and cardiac
patients who did not in terms of medical condition, social
demographics, and resuscitation procedures received, suggesting that
none of these things influenced whether they had an NDE or not.
Parnia (2007) argues that NDE cases which suggest continued awareness
and/or OBE aspects constitute an important problem for science and
medicine, and that they should be studied further in order to explore
their possible implications for consciousness. He proposes that NDEs
with these aspects could be amendable to quasi-experimental study. He
suggests that certain experimental trials could be set-up in some
hospitals where cardiac patients’ brain waves are continuously
monitored by portable EEG.
If a patient goes into cardiac arrest, the EEG will allow for inferred
monitoring of the patient’s brain activity should they later report an
NDE following resuscitation. To test the OBE aspect of the NDE, he
suggests that hidden targets might be placed in the resuscitation room,
in positions and at heights that only a person looking down from the
ceiling might see them (e.g., placing a random picture flat on a shelf
hanging up along the ceiling). Parnia is apparently not the first to
propose such trials; Holden (1988) had proposed similar research trials
nearly two decades ago, and Owens (1995, p. 160) and Cook et al. (1998,
p. 403) had advocated the value of such research trials.
The only potential problem with attempting such trials is convincing a
hospital or university’s institutional review board that such work
would be ethical and productive, something that would be difficult
given that the life of the cardiac patient could potentially be
compromised. It is also difficult to tell at the moment how invasive
the methods and equipment for such trials would be; i.e., it is hard to
tell whether or not the trial would interfere with the patient’s life
and/or resuscitation procedures (a solution for this might perhaps be
found in a carefully planned study design).
Rate of success in testing the OBE aspects of NDE is also somewhat up
in the air when one considers the mixed results from OBE perception
tests with relaxed and dreaming subjects. In a review of his classic
OBE studies, Charles Tart (1998) notes the successful trial he had had
with his subject Miss Z., in which she was apparently able to see a
five-digit number written on a piece of paper lying on a shelf high up
near the ceiling, above the bed she was sleeping on.
Miss Z. had reported frequent OBEs in which she saw her body from a
position near the ceiling, and this trial had been a test of her
perception from that position (aside from OBE, we also have to consider
ESP on her part). However, Tart had less success with famed OBE subject
Robert Monroe, who, despite having very vivid OBEs, was never able to
correctly recall the number. In tests conducted at the Psychical
Research Foundation in North Carolina (Morris et al., 1978; Roll &
Harary, 1976), OBE subject Keith Harary often report vivid OBE in which
he felt that he had traveled to other rooms, but his attempts to
perceive target objects and letters in those other rooms were often
found to be erroneous.
Lastly, it might be somewhat difficult to generalize any findings that
may result from such trials given that the number of NDEs in cardiac
arrests is so relatively small. In other words, whatever the results
may possibly tell us about the conscious experience of the patients
having such NDEs, it may be difficult to generalize the results to the
conscious experience of all people given the small numbers of patients.
This should not take away from the potential benefits of conducting
such trials, however, and it is still an open question as to whether or
not such innovative research will actually be carried out.
Source: Public Parapsychology
Roswell Incident Recalled
by Local Veteran

Something happened in Roswell, New Mexico, 60 years ago this summer.
In June or early July 1947, a farmer found strange debris while working
on a ranch about 70 miles north of Roswell. He put some of it in a box
and drove to the local sheriff. Neither man knew what to make of it, so
the sheriff called Roswell Army Air Field, which sent two men to
On July 9, 1947, the Roswell Daily Record, a newspaper, printed a story
with the alarming headline: "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in
Roswell Region."
Other than those facts, there appear to be few things people agree on
regarding what has become known as "the Roswell incident."
Six decades later, competing UFO enthusiasts promote their own
theories, skeptics dismiss the spaceship claims as outrageous, and the
military, which originally claimed all the fuss was over a weather
balloon, now sticks to its story that it was an experimental spy craft.
Escondido resident Milton Sprouse, 85, said he knows what happened in
Roswell ---- not because he favors one theory over another, but because
he was there.
As for the outrageous stories of mysterious metal, alien corpses and a
military coverup?
It's all true, he said.
Before arriving at Roswell Army Air Field in 1945 as a corporal and
engine mechanic, Sprouse already had participated in an undisputable
historic event.
As a member of the 393rd Bomb Squadron assigned to the 509th Composite
Group, Sprouse worked on the ground crew of Big Stink, one of the B-29
bombers stationed on the Pacific island of Tinian, where the two atomic
bomb missions on Japan were launched to end World War II.
After the war, the 509th Composite Group was reassigned to Roswell,
where they were renamed the 509th Bomb Wing. Sprouse continued to lead
the ground crew of Big Stink, which had been renamed Dave's Dream after
the pilot.
"There was nothing there but tumbleweeds blowing for miles," he said
about arriving at Roswell in November 1945.
Sprouse first learned that something odd was going on at Roswell after
returning from a three-day trip to Florida aboard Dave's Dream.
"I was there the day they announced a UFO had crashed," he said. "The
next day, it was published in the Roswell Daily Record, and that night,
all the generals said the story was untrue."
Farmer William "Mac" Brazel had found debris on the J.B. Foster Ranch,
where he was a foreman, sometime in June or early July. Brazel took
some of the material, which reportedly included sticks, rubber strips,
metallic foil and sturdy paper, to Sheriff George Wilcox, who called
the air base.
Intelligence Officer Jesse Marcel was sent to the sheriff's station.
Marcel reported what he saw to Air Force commanding officer Col.
William Blanchard, who told him to go with Brazel to the ranch and
examine the crash site.
After spending the night at the ranch, Marcel and another officer
loaded their vehicles with debris, some of which reportedly was marked
with mysterious symbols, and drove back to the base. Blanchard then
ordered a press release stating that the base had captured a flying
The original story ran in the local paper July 8. That same day, the
debris was loaded onto a B-29 and sent with Marcel to an Air Force base
in Texas. Marcel was photographed with what was said to be the debris,
and the military issued a statement saying that it was in fact a
weather balloon.
Meanwhile, Sprouse said, all copies of the Roswell newspaper were
collected by officers, and hundreds of men from the 509th were taken to
the crash site and told to walk shoulder-to-shoulder through the field,
looking for debris pieces.
Sprouse himself did not go because he was told he was needed for Dave's
Dream, but five men from his ground crew went to the ranch.
"They said it was out of this world," Sprouse said about what the crew
reported finding. Among the objects it reported seeing was a metallic
foil that, when crumpled, unfolded without a crease.
But what was the debris? Was it really something from another world, or
just the product of overactive imaginations fueled by the monotony of a
desolate 1950s desert town?
One thing that is agreed upon now: It was not from a weather balloon.
In 1995, after years of questions about the incident, the U.S. Air
Force admitted the weather-balloon story was fabricated to cover up a
top-secret project called Project Mogul designed to detect atomic
activity over the Soviet Union with high-altitude balloons.
Some of the launches in the project contained more than two dozen
neoprene balloons strung across more than 600 feet.
Charles Moore, a Project Mogul scientist interviewed in the Air Force
report, has spoken in public about the project and described striking
similarities to what was found at the ranch outside of Roswell and the
Project Mogul material, which used sticks, metallic paper and strangely
marked tape.
The strange markings that had seemed like cosmic hieroglyphics may have
had a much more mundane explanation: Moore said the project used tape
made at a toy factory.
The balloons were launched in June and July 1947 from Alamogordo Army
Air Field in New Mexico. One flight was launched June 4 and tracked to
Arabela, N.M., about 17 miles from the Foster ranch, before its
batteries ran down and contact was lost.
But if the debris did come from a Project Mogul craft, how could a
string of balloons create the types of gouges on the ground some
witnesses have reported?
Then again, maybe there were no gouges; skeptics of the UFO theory have
noted that some witnesses changed their stories about what they saw on
the crash site.
The Project Mogul explanation also does not address why some people
reported seeing alien bodies at the site. Those were explained in
another report in 1997 that concluded the bodies actually were
anthropomorphic dummies used to test high-altitude parachutes.
UFO believers found the explanation a little too convenient. There also
was a timing problem, as the parachute tests were not conducted until
the 1950s. The timing discrepancy has been explained as the result of
people who over the years confused the two incidents and compressed
memories of them into one event.
Sprouse, however, said he recalls people speaking about "alien bodies"
immediately after the debris discovery.
"They took the bodies to a hangar, and there were two guards at each
door with machine guns," he said.
Sprouse said one witness, a barracksmate, was an emergency-room medic
who reported seeing what he called "humanoid" bodies in the hospital.
"They went to the ER room and two doctors and two nurses were called
in, and they dissected two of those humanoid bodies," he said. "Then
the doctors and nurses were transferred.
"My friend said he saw the bodies, and I believed him," Sprouse said.
"He said, 'We don't think the humanoid ate food.' I don't know why he
said that. The digestive system wasn't designed for food or something."
Like the other doctors and nurses, Sprouse said, his friend suddenly
was transferred, and he never heard from him again. Others on the base,
however, kept the story alive.
"I heard it so many times, it had to be true," he said.
Sprouse said he knew Marcel, but he never spoke to him after the
"From that day on, I could never get close to him," he said.
After the story about the UFO crash was retracted, the rest of the
world largely forgot about Roswell and accepted that what had been
discovered was just a misidentified weather balloon.
The men stationed at the base, however, did not easily forget.
"They were still talking about it when I left, and I left in '56,"
Sprouse said.
In 1978, Marcel was interviewed by a researcher and appeared in a
documentary, "UFOs Are Real," the following year. The National Enquirer
interviewed Marcel in 1980 for an article in which he said the woodlike
debris could not be burned and the thin metal could not be bent. "The
Roswell Incident" was released in 1980 as the first of a string of
books on the subject.
As interest grew in the Roswell UFO incident, so did the number of
detractors. Some have questioned Marcel's credibility, saying he got
caught up in UFO hysteria and was known to exaggerate his own military
Jesse Marcel, Jr. published his own book this year, "The Roswell
Legacy," defending his father, who died in 1986.
Sprouse has not kept up with all the books and documentaries on Roswell
and did not go to Roswell in July for the 60th anniversary of the
He does, however, attend annual reunions with the 509th, which attracts
25 to 30 veterans.
"The Roswell incident comes up every year, but there's nothing really
new," he said.
Sprouse also speaks about his experience at Tinian to about five high
schools a year, and he often is invited to speak to other groups. He
usually ends his talk with his memories of Roswell, often to the
surprise of his audience.
At a talk in Tucson, Ariz., earlier this year, Sprouse said a man came
up to him afterwards and said, "I don't believe a damn thing you said."
"I told him, 'You can believe what you want, but I know it's true,'"
Sprouse said.
Source: North County Times
The Monster Files

A few days ago I received an
email from a man named Darren Weaver who had read my book, Man Monkey:
In Search of the British Bigfoot. The book focuses on the strange story
of a weird, spectral, Bigfoot-like creature that has been seen in the
woods of central England since at least the mid-1800s.
As Darren correctly noted in his email to me, the book refers to the
fact that the police force in the area where one particular encounter
occurred in 1879 had some knowledge of the mysterious events in
This prompted Darren to ask me if I had tried using Britain's Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) in an attempt to determine if (a) the police
had put together a file on the strange affair; and (b) whether or not
such a file might ultimately be declassified - if it even existed, of
Well, Darren's email has prompted me to undertake such a task and I
will keep you informed of any and all developments.
However, this got me thinking about something similar: namely the many
and varied files that exist in official British archives on other
monsters and mysterious beasts.
The following is by no means intended to be a comprehensive study of
all the various documents that the British Government has declassified
on cryptids. Rather, it is a taster for a much longer and in-depth
piece of work I'll be publishing in the near future.
For decades, people have reported seeing so-called "big cats" prowling
around the British countryside.
In a statement made in the British House of Commons in 1998, however,
then-Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries
and Food, Elliot Morley, confidently assured the House that: "Until we
obtain stronger evidence, the reports of big cats are still in the
category of mythical creatures."
Thanks to the FOIA, we now have that "stronger evidence."
Replying in 2006 to a FOIA request from a member of the public with an
interest in big cat sightings seen in Hampshire between 1995 and 2005,
the county’s Police Force released files that stated:
"Hampshire’s Constabulary’s Air Support Unit has been deployed to
assist with the following reports: January 1995 – Black Panther like
animal seen in Eastleigh. Two likely heat sources found by the
aircraft, but nothing found by ground troops. March 1995 – Black Puma
like animal seen in Winchester. One heat source found that could not be
classified by the aircraft crew, kept running off from searching
officers, search eventually abandoned."
Notably, when a similar FOIA request was filed with Sussex Police in
late 2005, documentation was made available to the requester that read
as follows: "Firearms officers have been deployed in response to such a
report on one occasion, on 22 July 2004 – sighting by a member of the
public in Seaford. The area was searched, but no trace was found of
such an animal."
The story is far more spectacular on the east coast, however. In 1991,
documents show, a lynx – that the Department for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs believed may have escaped from a zoo – was shot dead near
Great Witchingham, Norfolk, by a man who then placed the body in his
freezer before selling it to a local collector who had the creature
It transpires that an extensive dossier on the affair was opened by
local police that – as with the above-reports on other exotic felines
prowling the British countryside – would have remained under lock and
key were it not for the FOIA.
It all began when police officers were investigating a gamekeeper who,
it was suspected, was responsible for the deaths of a number of birds
of prey in the area. The officer that interviewed the man in question
wrote in his now-declassified report:
"At the start of the search in an outhouse, which contained a large
chest freezer, I asked him what he had in the freezer, and he replied:
'Oh, only some pigeons and a lynx.' On opening the freezer there was a
large lynx lying stretched out in the freezer on top of a load of
pigeons! He had shot this when he saw it chasing his gun dog."
Britain’s big cats are no myth.
Some of us may think that a still-living dinosaur lurks within the deep
waters of Loch Ness. Others may believe that the stories are nothing
more than a ploy to help boost Scotland’s economy. For British
Government civil servants, however, the nation’s most famous monster –
Nessie – has secretly been a favourite topic of investigation for
In the late 1970s, FOIA documents made available to the public in 2005
reveal, the then-Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher had
seriously considered a request to use dolphins in a search for Nessie.
If the existence of the monster could be proven, Whitehall thought, it
would have a very positive bearing upon Scotland’s tourist industry.
Amid complaints from the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals, however, the plan was never put into action. But still the
Nessie file remained open.
In the mid-1980s, Whitehall civil servants were tasked with determining
if the Loch Ness Monster was at risk from hunters and poachers. At one
point, government officials were seriously considering drafting new
legislation to protect Nessie – a creature that no one could be sure
even existed.
Eventually, FOIA-declassified documents show, the government concluded
that: "The legislative framework to protect the monster is available;
provided she (or he) is identified by scientists whose reputation will
carry weight with the British Museum."
Of course, so far no such identification has been made. Unless someone
in Whitehall knows something we don’t. And perhaps they do. In 1965,
additional files show, the Royal Air Force’s Joint Air Reconnaissance
Intelligence Centre at RAF Brampton analysed film footage taken in 1960
that purported to show the Loch Ness Monster and concluded: "One can
presumably rule out the idea that it is any sort of submarine vessel
for various reasons which leaves the conclusion that it is probably an
animate object."
As I said, I have merely scratched the surface on the "monster files"
of officialdom; and much more of a fascinating and eye-opening nature
will soon be surfacing.
If anyone has any knowledge of official files on - and investigations
undertaken into - mysterious creatures, I would be very interested in
hearing from you.
Source: Nick Redfern's There's Something in the Woods
Is This the Proof that
Spirits do Exist?

At first, it seemed no more than a curious coincidence. Professor Klaus
Heinemann, a researcher for NASA, the U.S. space agency, was studying a
collection of photographs his wife had taken at a gathering of
spiritual healers when he noticed that many of them featured the same
pale but clearly defined circle of light, like a miniature moon,
hovering above some of the subjects.
Like most rational people, he assumed that the pictures were faulty. 'I
presumed the circles were due to dust particles, flash anomalies, water
particles and so on,' says Prof Heinemann.
'But I was sufficiently intrigued that I returned to the room in which
the pictures were taken, in the hope of finding an explanation - like a
mirror in the background. None was forthcoming.'
Nor could he find any faults with his wife's camera. And as a scientist
with considerable experience in sophisticated microscope techniques -
examining matter down to atomic levels of optical resolution - his
methods were nothing if not rigorous.
Still puzzled, Heinemann set out to discover what else might have
caused the mysterious circles. He and his wife began taking hundreds of
digital photographs at random events to see whether they could recreate
the mysterious effect.
The answer was that they could make these shimmering 'orbs' appear
again, but only - absurd as it may sound - if they 'asked' the
apparitions to make themselves visible to the camera. And they found
this method worked particularly well when the couple photographed
spiritual gatherings.
What on earth was going on? Again, a maverick technical glitch seemed
the obvious answer. Such anomalies happen frequently in digital
photography. If you accidentally jog a camera while a picture is being
taken, especially in dim light, you can easily get a double image.
But again, Prof Heinemann ruled out a technical fault. 'We were quickly
able to eliminate the common problems associated with photography –
such as dust particles, water droplets, reflections and a host of other
likely causes.'
Yet the orbs still kept appearing. And the more images he took, the
more he was able to study the bizarre properties of these shimmering
Heinemann set up dozens of experiments using two cameras on static
tripods under controlled conditions. His early experiments found that
orbs can move very fast, up to 500mph or more.
Heinemann also found that during his numerous dual camera experiments,
when he used twin cameras to capture an object from two different
angles, a single orb shape would often appear - but only in one of the
two images taken simultaneously.
It was as if the orbs somehow chose which camera to appear on, or
whether to appear at all.
Eventually, Heinemann was left with only one conclusion: that he was
witnessing some form of paranormal intelligence.
'There is no doubt in my mind that the orbs may well be one of the most
significant "outside of this reality" phenomena mankind has ever
witnessed,' says Professor Heinemann.
'Until now, there has been a huge amount of anecdotal evidence that the
spirit world exists. I believe it's no longer anecdotal. Thanks to
digital technology, we can see it for the first time. We are dealing
with a non-physical - albeit real - phenomenon.'
The temptation, of course, is to dismiss such claims as bunkum.
And yet a growing number of respectable scientists refuse to write off
the possibility that these orbs, which are starting to appear on
cameras around the world, just might offer a fascinating glimpse into
the unknown.
Earlier this year, the world's first conference on orbs took place in
Sedona, Arizona, where several scientists controversially stated that
they believed orbs were indeed a genuine paranormal phenomenon.
Their conclusions, if correct, could have huge implications on the way
we view the universe and our part in it. The experts say that just
because something has not yet been scientifically proven, it doesn't
mean that it is not real.
Professor William Tiller, a theoretical physicist who spent 35 years
researching consciousness and matter at Stanford University in
California, reminded the conference that what we see with our physical
eyes comprises less then 10 per cent of the known universe.
This is because human vision operates only within a limited range of
the electromagnetic spectrum. For instance, we cannot see radio waves,
which carry huge amounts of information, yet we know they exist.
Similarly, Miceal Ledwith, a former professor of Theology, who for ten
years was President of Maynooth College at the National University of
Ireland, reminded the sceptics that when, in 1861, Dr Ignaz Semmelweis
had claimed there might be some unseen link between surgeons who didn't
wash their hands and the high rate of infection in childbirth, his
mainstream colleagues ridiculed him.
Yet he had found the first evidence of what was later to become known
as bacteria.
'Most great discoveries throughout history have been initially
ridiculed,' Ledwith told the orbs conference. 'To my mind, there is no
doubt that the orb phenomenon is real and deserves to be taken
seriously. There are not just a few pictures of orbs, which could
easily be faked, but hundreds of thousands from all over the world.'
To date, Ledwith, who was also a member of the International
Theological Commission at the Vatican, has a collection of more than
100,000 orb pictures.
'They come in all sizes, ranging from a few inches to several feet
across,' he says. 'Sometimes they appear alone, and at other times
hundreds of them, in colors ranging from white to blue, green, rose and
even gold.
'Over time, I realized that a flash seemed to be essential to capture
them, even in daylight. I believe this is because we can see the orbs
only through the process in physics known as fluorescence. The camera
flash sparks this fluorescence process, making the orbs visible to the
Ledwith is still uncertain about what these orbs might actually be, but
he has no doubt that they are some sort of paranormal apparition.
'I believe they could be many things. They may turn out to be the
spirits of those who have passed on; or, as some spiritual teachers
state, they might be spirits waiting to be born into a physical body,'
says Ledwith.
'They may also be, or represent, a host of other intelligences – from
nature spirits to beings of pure energy that have never been incarnated
in a physical form. There are hundreds of different types of orb.'
Many of the scientists at the conference believe the orbs are
plasma-like balls of energy - but an energy that can be detected by
physical means, and which appears to have some control over its own
shape and form.
It's certainly the case that they can often be photographed best at
places of psychic significance. 'They definitely seem drawn to
spiritual-type gatherings,' says Ledwith.
'We regularly see orbs near healers' hands or heads. Perhaps they
assist in the spiritual healing process.'
Take the case of Anna Donaldson, a freelance photographer who was
commissioned to take pictures of Keith Watson, a medium who had been
drafted in to help solve the disappearance of Sarah Payne, the little
girl who was snatched while playing near her grandparents' home in West
Sussex seven years ago.
The shoot took place at the exact spot where Sarah was last seen,
because the medium had suggested that he 'might pick something up'.
Sure enough, when the pictures were developed, a mysterious glowing dot
appeared in one of the crucial images.
'I didn't believe in any of this paranormal stuff,' says Anna, 'but I
couldn't find any fault with the camera - if there had been, then all
the images would have been tainted, not just one of them.'
Still skeptical, Anna had the film and images analyzed for technical
faults, but again no one could provide a logical answer - until a
member of the Psychic Institute suggested that the pictures could
indeed be evidence of 'auras'. In this case, Anna was told that the
bluish color of the orb suggested the presence of a very young soul.
Still intrigued, Anna arranged to photograph Watson again - at the
exact spot from where another young child had disappeared, this time in
Greece. To her astonishment, the photographs again showed the presence
of a blue orb.
And when Anna repeated the shoot the next day, in a bid to rule out a
trick of the light, she got the same result - only this time it was two
orange orbs.
'So what I now had was pictures of orbs from three different cameras,
in two different countries, on three different days - there's simply no
way that could be a chance occurrence or a technical fault,' says Anna.
'I still don't know what to think about it, but I suppose because a
camera can pick up an image at a shutter speed of 1/2,000 of a second,
it's possible it can detect things the naked eye cannot see.'
Could it have been the spirits of the lost children?
Terri Caldwell, a healer from Belbroughton, in Worcestershire, is among
those who are convinced that orbs are a visible manifestation of human
'To my mind, the orbs are the spirit world simply going about their
business,' she says. 'I believe we are all spirits having a physical
experience, and when we die our energy field which carries all the
information about us continues on.'
But not everyone is convinced. Gary Schwartz, Professor of Psychiatry
at Arizona University, has conducted many experiments into orbs with
the help of optical scientist Katherine Creath and remains skeptical.
'We feel that a large majority of so-called orb pictures are too
readily attributed to some form of paranormal phenomena when, in fact,
stray reflections in uncontrolled environments often produce orb-like
images,' he says.
That does not deter those, like Miceal Ledwith, who feel orbs are
simply too widespread to be written off as a misunderstanding. 'The
orbs are an everyday part of reality, as much as we are,' he maintains.
'Their world may be as real as ours, but exists on higher frequencies.
'If you change your TV channel, you switch to different frequencies,
which contain different information. It's illogical to think that what
we cannot see is not real, because the human eye is able to receive
only a very narrow part of the light spectrum. Many animals can see in
spectrums invisible to us.'
As Professor Heinemann summarized: 'Research into orbs is only in its
infancy. But the photographs of these spirit emanations offer evidence
- as close to scientific proof as we have ever come - in proving the
existence of spiritual reality.'
Source: Healthy, Wealthy n' Wise
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