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10/12/07 #438
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Welcome again to your number
source of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, and everything else weird
and strange. Is your local newspaper afraid to print the truth? Does
your 6:00pm television news leave you bloated with nonsense about where
Britney left her children or when Lindsey goes back into rehab? If you
are tired of this kind of claptrap and want to know what is REALLY
going on in the world, then
Conspiracy Journal is the weekly news and informaton e-zine for you!
week Conspiracy Journal brings you such eye-popping stories as:
U.S. Scientist Heralds "Artificial Life" Breakthrough -
Mac Tonnies Illuminates MU
on Mars’ “Seven Sisters” Caves
- Scientists Tackle Newport's
Mystery Tower? -
The Legend of
Lake Erie Bessie -
AND: The History Before History
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


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Mark David Chapman: Lone Nut or CIA Assassin?
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U.S. Scientist Heralds "Artificial Life" Breakthrough

Controversial celebrity U.S.
scientist Craig Venter has announced he is on the verge of creating the
first ever artificial life form which he hails as a potential remedy to
illness and global warming.
Venter told Britain's The Guardian newspaper that he has built a
synthetic chromosome using chemicals made in a laboratory, and is set
to announce the discovery within weeks, possibly as early as Monday.
The breakthrough, which Venter hopes could help develop new energy
sources to combat the negative effects of climate change, would be "a
very important philosophical step in the history of our species," he
told the newspaper.
However the prospect of engineering artificial life forms is highly
controversial and likely to arouse heated debate over the ethics and
potential ramifications of such an advance.
Pat Mooney, director of the Canadian bioethics organization ETC Group,
told the paper that Venter was creating "a chassis on which you could
build almost anything.
"It could be a contribution to humanity such as new drugs or a huge
threat to humanity such as bio-weapons."
The chromosome which Venter and his team has created is known as
Mycoplasma laboratorium and, in the final step of the process, will be
transplanted into a living cell where it should "take control,"
effectively becoming a new life form.
The single cell organism, which ETC has coined "Synthia," is piloted by
a chromosome with just 381 genes, the limit necessary to sustain the
life of the bacteria so it can feed and reproduce.
The new bacteria will therefore be largely artificial, though not
entirely, because it is composed of building blocks from already
existing organisms. The idea is to make it into a universal tool for
biologists by according it the genes necessary to accomplish certain
The project, which Venter has been working on for five years along with
a team of researchers, has been partially financed by the US Department
of Energy in the hopes that it could lead to the creation of a new
environmentally friendly fuel.
"We are going from reading our genetic code to the ability to write it.
That gives us the hypothetical ability to do things never contemplated
before," Venter said.
A Venter spokeswoman however declined to confirm any breakthrough.
"The Guardian is ahead of themselves on this," Venter spokeswoman
Heather Kowalski told AFP.
"We have not achieved what some have speculated we have in synthetic
life," Kowalski said. "When we do so there will be a scientific
publication and we are likely months away from that."
Venter's laboratory, the J. Craig Venter Institute, filed in 2006 for a
US patent on the organism, claiming exclusive ownership of a set of
essential genes and a synthetic "free-living organism that can grow and
The ETC group publicized the patent application, which would apply in
the United states and 100 or so other countries, in June.
"Venter and his colleagues have breached a societal boundary, and the
public hasn't even had a chance to debate the far-reaching social,
ethical and environmental implications of synthetic life," Mooney said
in a statement at the time.
The group also added that "patent experts consulted by the ETC Group
indicate that, based on the language used in the application, the
Venter Institute researchers had probably not achieved a
fully-functioning organism at the time of the filing."
Nevertheless, "many people think that Venter's company has the
scientific expertise to do the job," Mooney added.
Source: Yahoo News;
Mac Tonnies Illuminates MU
on Mars’ “Seven Sisters” Caves

They may not look like much to us, but these very dark, nearly circular
features found in images taken by NASA’s Mars Odyssey and Mars Global
Surveyor (MGS) orbiters are special. They are so special, in fact, that
the scientists who discovered them have named the “Seven Sisters” after
loved ones: Dena, Chloe, Wendy, Annie, Abbey, Nikki and Jeanne.
What makes these “ladies” so intriguing? “If there is life on Mars,
there is a good chance you’d find it in caves,” Jut Wynne, an NAU
graduate student in biological sciences and project leader for the USGS
Earth-Mars Cave Detection Program, explained in an April Science Daily
More recently the Sisters have revealed hidden depths. Last week
researchers hypothesized that they may be “windows into underground
“Whether these are just deep vertical shafts or openings into spacious
caverns, they are entries to the subsurface of Mars,” said co-author
Tim Titus of the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff. “Somewhere on
Mars, caves might provide a protected niche for past or current life,
or shelter for humans in the future.”
Past or current life on Mars? Now that is intriguing. It wasn’t so long
ago that no “serious” scientist would have risked making such a claim.
In 1998, when the orbiter first sent back pictures that appeared to
depict a structure bearing a human-looking face, the scientific
community met speculation of life –ancient or otherwise–on the Red
Planet with ridicule. Mac Tonnies, Posthuman Blues blogger, esoteric
researcher, and author of the 2004 book After the Martian Apocalypse,
was one of the first to enter the “face” fray in his journal Cydonia
In 2000, he speculated that the large pyramid-type structures near the
face might have the same protective use as scientists are now
suggesting for the Seven Sisters caves.
“Assuming that the “Martians” were biological creatures with needs not
unlike our own, what would we expect them to build in order to maintain
their presence on an inhospitable world? This is a question of
increasing relevance as plans to send our own crewed mission to Mars
become more mature and practical,” Tonnies wrote in Thoughts on
Extraterrestrial Archeology.
So, what does Tonnies think of the new cave “skylight” images, and the
scientific community’s altered pro-life attitude? MU asked him in an
email interview:
MU: Are these skylights and/or cave openings something that you’ve seen
Mac Tonnies: They’re new to me, but that’s not to say they haven’t been
making the rounds among anomalists for years. That was certainly the
case in the case of the “seeps,” which are apparently new to NASA but
old news to anyone who’s been actively seeking out Mars findings since
2000 or so.
MU: The Science Daily story makes it sound as though these skylights
could indicate some kind of underground habitat that has either been in
use or perhaps could be used to protect life. Has your research turned
up anything relating to or speculating upon an underground domain for
Martian life?
Mac Tonnies: Given the vast amount of subsurface ice on Mars, I’d be
willing to bet we could find extremophiles in the caves. If there was
ever an intelligent civilization on Mars, it’s tempting to wonder if it
migrated underground, perhaps using ready-made features like the
skylights as entry-points. You could argue that the skylights
themselves are artificial, but I think it’s more likely they’re
MU: What’s your reaction to a story like this that suggests the
scientific community has changed its mind about the possibility of life
on Mars?
Mac Tonnies: I’m hardly surprised. I suspect NASA/JPL has been forced
to entertain the possibility by the sheer number of discoveries made in
the last several years. We know there’s liquid water on Mars and
possible biomarkers in the atmosphere, so it’s politically sensible to
at least pretend to be agreeable to the presence of life.
MU: Do you think they know more about this than they are telling us?
Mac Tonnies: Probably. They seem to deliberately release “discoveries”
in piecemeal fashion. To me, this suggests an overarching agenda, even
if they don’t know for a fact that there’s life on Mars.
We could be ancients ourselves before we are able to do first-hand
Martian archeology, but thanks to a new project underway at the
European Space Agency, we may learn within the next 10 years if the
Seven Sisters have any further secrets to share.
Based on technology similar to that used in pregnancy test kits, the
Mars “life chip” is designed to detect trace levels of biomarkers,
which should be able to reveal if life currently is, or ever was,
present on Mars. The ESA hopes to launch the kit with its Exo-Mars
robotic mission in 2013.
Source: Mysterious Universe
The Canary Islands: Riddles of Light and Stone
by Scott Corrales

Whether they are the Isles of
the Blest, Elysium, the Fortunate Isles or the surviving mountaintops
of fabled Atlantis, the Canary Islands--an archipelago off the coast of
northern Africa--remain enshrouded in mystery, a fact overlooked by its
burgeoning tourist trade, more interested in the cloudless skies and
fine beaches. The islands of Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria,
Tenerife, Palma, Gomera and Hierro, which have belonged to Spain since
the archipelago's conquest by Norman mercenaries in the 14th century,
were a point of interest to all the chroniclers of antiquity and
medieval Christianity. The religious and occult significance of the
seven volcanic isles has been handed down from the earliest dynasties
of Ancient Egypt to our own UFO-minded times.
The association with an earthly paradise is not difficult to
understand. A spectacular landscape awaited the mariners of yore: the
twelve-thousand-foot peak of Mount Teide presiding over a cobalt-blue
ocean festooned with flying fish. Flowers, chestnut trees and rich
green valleys covered the seaward landscape, while the landward side
(facing Africa) revealed nightmarish vistas of lava flows and beaches
of black volcanic sand. The Canaries offer surprises galore, with trees
unique to the islands; giant lizards--now nearly extinct--that gave the
Spanish conquistadores quite a surprise; enormous ravines and canyons
that become raging rivers during the wet season, and arid plains where
camels are used to pull the plough. Contrary to popular belief, the
islands were not christened after the bird of that name, but due to the
abundance of local dogs (canes) encountered by the Conquistadores.
Who were the Guanches?
The Guanches, the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, were a
warlike race, according to chroniclers. Tradition claims that Saint
Avitus, an early Christian martyr, met death at the hands of the
Guanches during his attempt to evangelize the islands.[i] The Guanches
possessed no weapons or boats--the latter being a very unusual feature
for island dwellers--wore goatskins, and were subdued by the European
invaders' use of the horse, which was unknown to them. Ignatius
Donnelly pointed out in his groundbreaking book on Atlantis that stones
had been uncovered in the isles of Hierro and Palma that bore
sculptured symbols closely resembling those found in archaeological
digs near Lake Superior, prompting an association between the enigmatic
Guanches and the cultures of North America.[ii]
The tall, fair-skinned Guanches, believed by many to be the last
surviving specimens of the Cro-Magnon Man, employed a curious language
consisting of whistles when communicating with one another across
gorges or hilltops. They also practiced the art of mummification to an
extent known only to the Incas and the Egyptians, believing in the
immortality of the dead, and going as far as leaving dead rulers
mummified and unburied to provide "assistance" to the living monarch.
They lived in complete isolation from the rest of the world, and
indeed, from one island to the other.[iii] Spanish chroniclers state
that the Guanches presumed that the rest of humankind had been lost in
the Flood, and that they were its only survivors.
Certain cultural aspects found in the modern Canaries are believed to
be part of the Guanche legacy: cockfights, the agricultural methods
which were later imported to the Spanish Caribbean and even a culinary
contribution, gofio, a form of cereal that is still consumed today.[iv]
Ancient Seafarers
The Canary Islands were known to the Carthaginians and to other
sea-faring peoples of the Mediterranean. The Roman chronicler
Marcellus, describing the "land of the Aethiopians" mentions a cluster
of seven islands in the Atlantic Ocean, whose inhabitants preserve
memories of a much greater island which held sway over them for ages;
They are the seven Hesperides made famous in mythology by the labors of
Hercules, and described in the Book of Ezekiel as the isles of Elysium
(Ezek. 27,7). In the 1st century B.C., an unsuccessful bid to conquer
the island was made by King Juba II of Mauretania.[v]
But all evidence points to signs of an earlier occupation by unknown
quantities. On the isle of Hierro, there exists a wall of basalt facing
the ocean, far above sea level which is carved with a number of
undeciphered glyphs, among which are prominently displayed discs,
labyrinth-symbols and sunbursts. The gorges of Tejeleite and Candia
also contain rock shelters with petroglyphs presumably etched into the
rough basalt by the aboriginal occupants of the archipelago. Elaborate
cave systems--like that of Belmaco, on Palma--are filled with the same
insistent petroglyphs and images of discs and sunbursts. The Zonzama
Stone, unearthed on Lanzarote, provides more intricately carved
symbols: messages from a past we unable reconstruct.[vi] Who were the
original carvers of these symbols, and what was their purpose? It is
true that the oceans were being navigated by Neolithic mariners whose
voyages may have well inspired those of the Phoenicians or the Cretans.
They left no traces of their existence aside from the "cyclopean" stone
walls, tumuli, fortresses and memorials can be found on the coasts of
the continents bordering the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast of
Europe as well as on the Canary Islands and Malta, and perhaps even as
far south and inland as Zimbabwe. Two German scholars,
Hermann and Georg Schreiber, have pointed to the existence of a
"heliolithic" cultural sphere (borrowing a term coined by H.G. Wells),
owing to the fact that solar worship, personified by the disk symbols,
is common to all these sites). The Canaries were important to
them, following this line of thought, as an important center of solar
worship. Or perhaps for other reasons...
A Wealth of UFO Sightings
Unexplained lights have soared above the volcanic peaks of the Canary
Islands throughout history. Commercial airliners have been repeatedly
intercepted over Lanzarote as they prepare to land on Gran Canary or
Tenerife. Could these brilliant lights be the discs represented on the
ancient Guanche stellae, and the reasons for the islands prominence not
only in recorded history, but also in the days of lost Neolithic realms?
In 1975, coinciding with a global increase of UFO sightings, a group of
contactees from Santa Cruz de Tenerife allegedly established contact
(by means of an improvised Ouija board) with the occupants of the
enormous flying craft which had hovered every night over their skies at
La Tejita, a beach not far from the slopes of Mt. Teide. On one of
these instances, the Canarian investigators were able to witness an
enormous light some 1200 feet away from the beach. Double rows of
windows emitting a purplish light could be made out through the use of
binoculars. The spectators experienced a "missing time" interval during
their sighting, and were assured later on by the light's "crew" that
they had been brought aboard for an hour and a half.[vii]
A year later, a driver on a lonely stretch of road saw a perfectly
round orb, silhouetted in a bluish light, which flew over his car at
low altitude, causing the engine to stall. The witness was able to see
two tall humanoids in attired in red garments through an aperture in
the noiseless sphere, which landed on the roof of a nearby farmhouse
before taking off again in the general direction of Tenerife. Shepherds
had encounters of a grislier nature with a "robotic entity" that sliced
a mountain lion to pieces and walked in a stilted, crab-like manner.
By 1979, UFOs had started to interfere with the regular operations of
commercial airliners flying in Canarian airspace. A DC-9 flying between
Lanzarote and Grand Canary was intercepted by an oval-shaped craft as
it took off, flying over the airliner and "escorting" it for 20 minutes
until it became lost in the clouds. A smaller commuter plane was
equally intercepted and escorted for ten seconds at an altitude of 9000
feet by another object, which bathed the plane in a bluish-green
In a world where it is increasingly harder to keep a secret,
particularly in the post Cold War era, surprisingly little coverage has
been given to a recent "crash/retrieval" scenario which took place in
1992. Two Canarian youths and their friends claim that the Spanish
military, in conjunction with unnamed foreign powers, retrieved a
mysterious artifact that fell from the skies on the evening of October
12, 1992.
Sergio and Mario, whose surnames remain undisclosed, were on their way
to Las Cañadas del Teide Park, an expanse of wilderness on the
island of Tenerife, with another acquaintance and his girlfriend, when
they found the narrow road leading to the natural landmark barricaded
by armed personnel in yellow Jeeps with "ET" license plates
(Ejército de Tierra, the infantry). The would-be tourists were
told in no uncertain terms to turn around and not to attempt
re-entering through the park's southern entrance, either. The officer
in charge of the barricade told them that landslides had wiped out the
roads ahead.
Their curiosity piqued by the suspicious roadblock, the foursome
decided to park their vehicle and try to enter Las Cañadas on
foot, finally managing to reach a hillside from which they were able to
see another detachment of military vehicles. A powerful beam of light
swept the sides of Mt. Teide, as if searching for a particular object.
But what was it?
According to investigators, the Canaries Astrophysical Institute had
placed a call earlier that evening to the Spanish Army, claiming that
"an artifact" had crashed in the Ucanca Valley, at the feet of Mt.
Teide. Whatever "it" was, it possessed a tremendous mass, having
apparently snapped off a 450-ton lava projection jutting from an
outcrop close to the summit of Mt. Teide itself, which can be reached
by cable car from the ground.
Rescue helicopters from the Spanish Air Force base at Gando were
dispatched to the area in question the following morning, unable to
find anything at all after five separate sorties. The airbase's radar
claimed not to have picked up anything unusual on the night of October
12 or the early hours of the 13th.
On the island of Grand Canaria, across the water from Tenerife, a
couple in the village of Almatriche had witnessed the descent of
strange lights, which they were unable to identify, and which appeared
to be heading straight toward them. The lights changed course in
mid-air and headed toward Tenerife. The time of the sighting was 10
p.m.--just prior to the Canarian youths' arrival at Las Cañadas.
The evening's excitement wasn't over for Sergio and Mario. Once back in
their car and returning home, they were surprised to encounter a convoy
of ten large military container trucks with balloon tires, darkened but
for their intermittent hazard lights. The convoy moved slowly, and the
onlookers were given the impression that materials of great weight were
being carried aboard the sealed vehicles.
The allegations of the four witnesses aside, the fact remains that all
approaches to Las Cañadas park were blockaded for two weeks
until authorities announced that the "landslides" had been cleared. A
hunter who had been spending the night of October 12 at El Refugio, a
natural shelter on the slopes of Mt. Teide, claimed having seen "a
brilliant cloud" come within six meters of the peak's summit and spin
around it at tremendous speed, giving off bursts of energy before
flying away. Local UFO researchers Asunción Sarais and Francisco
Padrón initiated what promises to be months of research into
this possible "crash/retrieval" incident, which is merely the most
recent episode in a long history of sightings. In spite of official
silence on the incident, it has since become known that employees from
the Canaries Astrophysical Institute were threatened with the possible
loss of their jobs if they discussed the incident.
In the U.S., increasingly greater attention has been paid to the
folklore and traditions of our native peoples with regard to
manifestations of the UFO phenomenon. The same is beginning to happen
in Spain, where anthropologists have experienced a renewed interest in
searching for Guanche artifacts and possibly even locating surviving
Guanches in isolated communities on the smaller islands.
[i]. Atienza, Juan G. En busca de la historia perdida. Barcelona:
Ediciones Martínez Roca, p. 207.
[ii]. Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis: Myths of the Antediluvian
World,Chicago, 1882.
[iii]. Berlitz, Charles. Atlantis: The Eight Continent. New York:
Fawcett, 1984.
[iv]. Llorens, W. El Habla Popular en Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras:
Editorial Edil, 1981.
[v]. Bailey, James. The God Kings and the Titans. New York: St.
Martin's Press, 1973.
[vi]. Atienza, Juan G. En busca de la historia perdida.
[vii]. Benítez, J.J. 100,000 kilómetros tras los ovnis.
Barcelona: Plaza y Janés, 1978.
[viii]. Benítez, J.J. Encuentro en Montaña Roja.
Barcelona: Plaza y Janés, 1981.
Source: Inexplicata
Scientists Tackle Newport's
Mystery Tower

Is it British Colonial? Norse? Chinese? Scottish? or Portuguese? It is
a historical mystery for sure, and Ron and Jan Barstad of the Arizona
based Chronognostic Research Foundation (CRF) have an intention of
solving what they call, "merely a puzzle," once and for all, as they
begin their second archeological dig on Oct. 9 in Touro Park.
"The tower was built by someone, at some time, for some purpose. It's a
puzzle with missing pieces that has been argued about for almost two
centuries." says Jan Barstad, an animated gal with a degree in botany
and plant ecology. "It is a hole in Newport's history that we want to
fill, and with the generous permission of the Newport City Council, we
will begin this cerebral, physical and, I might add, very expensive
digging and processing procedure."
There has never even been any hard evidence surrounding the historical
explanation of the tower's origin, but the accepted one, is that it was
a mill built in the mid 17th Century. Some historians agree that it
could be older, giving evidence of a pre-Columbian settlement in
Newport. However, the prevailing theory is that it was a mill built for
Governor Benedict Arnold, great-grandfather of the patriot-traitor. He
once owned the land on which the tower stood and there is a clear
reference to it in his will dated in 1677. It was never stated that he
built the tower, only that it belonged to him.
Philip Ainsworth Means, a specialist in Latin American archeology, was
the first researcher to compile all the known evidence in his 1942 book
"The Newport Tower." He concluded that the Norse of the 12th or 13th
century had possibly built it, but his wish was for scientific
excavation to be done to verify his belief.
William Godfrey headed a limited excavation project backed by The
Preservation Society of Newport County in 1948. Finding nothing older
than 17th century coins, glass bottles and clay pipes, he concluded
that Gov. Arnold or one of his contemporaries had built the tower.
Arlington Mallery, an engineer and bridge designer, interested in
Viking history, re-examined Godfrey's excavation concluding that the
reason he had only found 17th century artifacts was because a trench
had been dug around the Tower in the 17th century in order to repair
and strength the columns.
No more research was undertaken until 1993 when Jan Heinemeier and
Hogne Junger, two Danes, used a new C-14 technique to date the mortar
of the Tower, again concluding that it was 17th century. There were
objections, however, concerning faulty chemistry and flawed
James Whittall, an archaeologist with the Early Sites Research Society,
conducted two ground-penetrating radar surveys in Touro Park. He wrote
that 181 anomalies were listed ranging from two to ten feet in depth
and concluding that it opened "possibilities of some interesting
archaeology relating to the tower and the surrounding area."
William Penhallow, an RI professor of astronomy, investigated in 1998,
possible alignments for viewing celestial events through the Tower
windows and Suzanne Carlson, a historical architect, published a
monograph on the Tower in 2001. Her writings covered each facet of the
Tower's architecture, describing the probable building process involved
in erecting the structure, with a compendium of European church
architecture of various periods that could relate to the Tower.
In October of 2006, CRF began an excavation in the park headed by
archaeologist Ray Pasquariello and Joyce Clements. More than 2000
artifacts were removed, some dating to the 17th century and much of the
data from that dig is still under analysis. This month the same team is
back, digging at the site for most of October, and concluding with a
symposium on October 27 where Sue Carlson and Jan Barstad will talk
about the various theories.
"Fights and arguments have been exchanged in city council meetings,
parties and scholarly journals." Barstad said. "One R.I. citizen claims
that his channeler told him that he was a Viking in another life who
had helped to build the Tower. I asked what her thoughts were about the
date of the Tower. "It's a Papist building, that I know. We're taking a
risk for sure, but nothing gets done without a risk, right?
The results of this dig will solve the puzzle of such a fundamental
level of disagreement. But, how extraordinary it would be, to prove,
scientifically, that the Tower is, maybe, just maybe, the oldest
structure in the United States!
What is this curious structure?
The tower is circular, constructed of local stones set in mortar of
different types due to repair over the years. At ground level there are
8 round columns of the same stone, connected by 8 round arches made of
flat stones set on edge. It is 26 ft. high and 23 ft. in diameter. At
the top of each column is a hole that once carried beams to support a
second floor. Above the level of the first floor are four windows and
five niches spaced along the wall. 6 holes that may have held wooden
steps are spaced at intervals from just above the arch between pillars
1 and 3 into the first floor and again into the second floor. A
fireplace is built into the east wall. For information on the 2006 and
2007 dig see
The Legend of Bessie

Tales surface of monster living
in Lake Erie.
PUT-IN-BAY -- When Bob
Bartolotta sailed on Lake Erie, he often saw what appeared to be a
long, thin creature swimming through the water.
Bartolotta, a student in the 1970s at Ohio State University Stone
Laboratory on Gibraltar Island near Put-in-Bay, watched the object
hopefully, waiting to see if the snakelike head of a sea monster would
"I never saw anything like that," said Bartolotta, Cleveland Museum of
Natural History outdoor education coordinator. "It always turned out to
be a dead tree."
Many who have seen similar phenomena on the lake, however, believe the
undulating masses could be South Bass Bessie, also known as Lake Erie
Bessie and Lake Erie Larry.
She is a Lake Erie legend, a possible cousin to the Loch Ness Monster.
Some think she is a plesiosaurus, a Jurassic marine reptile that has
survived thousands of years, said Len Tieman, owner of Prehistoric
Forest dinosaur park in Danbury Township and creator a life-sized
plesiosaurus featured at his park.
But Joe Hannibal, Cleveland Museum of Natural History paleontologist,
said plesiosauruses never lived in this area. They were extinct 65
million years before Ice Age glaciers created Lake Erie, he said.
"If one were found, it would be a spectacular scientific find,"
Hannibal said.
Plesiosaurus fossils have been found in Kansas and other parts of
western North America that were once covered in water, he said. The
animals had long necks, a rounded body with flippers and sharply
pointed teeth for eating fish.
But lack of scientific evidence hasn't hurt the story or dampened
sightings throughout the decades. Sea monsters have been folklore
around the world, he said.
"The early newspapers in the 1800s would have reports of sea serpents,
even in Lake Erie," he said. "My theory is people need to think there
is something wonderful and mysterious out there. It would be fun if
there were one."
Sea monsters were the predecessor to UFOs, he said.
"The sightings went down when flying saucers started being sighted (in
the 1950s, '60s and '70s)," he said. "They became a craze."
In the late '80s and early '90s, people again began reporting spotting
Bessie. Bartolotta attributes the spike to an increase in the number
recreational boaters on the lake as Port Clinton became known as the
Walleye Capital of the World.
The Put-in-Bay Gazette, South Bass Island's monthly newspaper, helped
fuel the story when editor Kendra Koehler took a photo of a log and
presented it in the paper as a sea monster.
"It was hilarious," Koehler said. "It was kind of a little hoax.
Newspapers and TV crews went on with it for about six months."
Since then, sightings have dwindled. Koehler, Put-in-Bay Chamber of
Commerce Director Maggie Beckford and Ottawa County Visitors Bureau
Director Larry Fletcher said they often hear people talk about the
monster, but no one has reported seeing her recently.
"People do love the monster story," Koehler said.
The U.S. Coast Guard, Marblehead Station, has not received any Bessie
reports since Commander J. Franklin took over 14 months ago, Franklin
said. The station does not keep records of sea monster sightings, so he
did not know when the last report occurred.
"I'm sure a few people have claimed to see Lake Erie Larry," Beckford
said. "I just don't know if they were sober at the time."
Source: Central Ohio
The History Before History

It was a hot night so a man decided to take a walk along the beach.
Soon after setting out, he felt a soft crunch under his foot. He
stopped to inspect the soles of his shoes in the moonlight, and scraped
off the remains of the unfortunate creature he had squashed.
Unconcerned, he continued his stroll, unaware that the footprint had
immortalized the end of that tiny life. After all, what's so strange
about stepping on a trilobite?
Approximately 320 million years ago, a species of small lobed creatures
began to populate Earth's seas. These relatives of sea
arachnids—similar to lobsters and crabs—once flourished but became
completely extinct 280 million years ago. We are talking, of course,
about the trilobite.
The human being, as it is currently accepted by the majority of
scientists, appeared as a species no more than 2 or 3 million years
ago. And the history of man such as he is known today does not exceed
10,000 years.
With these dates in mind, we can conclude that the story of the human
stepping on a trilobite belongs to the category of science fiction. A
human being could never have squashed a creature that became extinct
millions of years ago, and even less so a person with shoes—an
unequivocal indication of civilization. This is evidence which defies
history—an impossible fossil.
In June of 1968, amateur fossil collector William J. Meister found a
rock 2 inches thick in Antelope Spring, Utah. With a blow of his
hammer, he exposed the fossil of a human footprint. But this footprint
had a special feature—a squashed trilobite. It wasn't long before the
news spread across the world, and several investigators made their way
to Antelope Spring, finding more marks made by modern-style footwear in
a geological stratum corresponding to extremely remote ages. What
strange joke is seemingly being played on history?
Other Prior Discoveries
In 1852 a giant rock mass in Dorchester, Massachusetts, was dynamited.
After the explosion, workers found a curious metallic artifact among
the debris, which was broken in two. Upon joining the two pieces
together, they revealed a vessel in the shape of a bell with a base of
6.5 inches and height of 4.5 inches. Later they discovered that the
vessel was made from a silver alloy. Curiously, this artifact,
seemingly constructed with a high level of technology, appears to have
been trapped in the rock while it was forming several millions years
ago—when humans did not even exist.
Discoveries of this kind are not few. In fact, because of their ability
to call in to question modern understandings of humankind's origins,
archeological sites have at times hidden various problematic objects.
Eight years before the discovery of the Dorchester vase, a perfect iron
nail was found in a 24-inch slab of rock in a quarry in Kingoodie,
Scotland. The point of this nail was sticking out of the rock, while an
inch of it, including the head, was sealed inside. It is estimated that
such a rock would have formed roughly 60 million years ago.
In the 1880s, a Colorado rancher extracted pieces of carbon from a
mineral vein 300 feet below the surface. Later at his house, as he was
breaking up the extracted pieces, he found a strange-looking iron
thimble. News of the discovery known as the "Thimble of Eve" spread
quickly, but due to its state of corrosion and people's over-handling,
it disintegrated.
It is known that thimbles have been used by humans as far back as
thousands of years ago. However, a curious detail in this case is that
the carbon in which the thimble was found formed 70 million years ago,
between the Cretaceous and Tertiary eras. According to modern
understanding, the ancestors of human beings at this time were not even
monkeys, but a different kind of small mammal, with protruding eyes,
swinging between tree branches.
The "Cube of Salzburg" is another challenge to history. It was revealed
to the public when in 1885 an Austrian iron smelter broke apart pieces
of carbon and uncovered a cube-shaped iron artifact. "The edges of this
strange object were already perfectly straight and defined; four of the
sides were planes, while the two remaining sides, situated in front of
each other, were convex. Halfway up was a deep slot," wrote René
Noorbergen, a specialist in these types of cases.
Chemical analysis later determined that the object did not contain any
chrome, nickel, or cobalt, but instead was composed of a kind of forged
iron. This composition seemed to rule out the hypothesis that the
"cube" was a meteorite, as some had suggested.
Another archeological treasure hidden in a carbon deposit was found in
1891 by S.W. Culp, a woman from Illinois. While she was extracting the
black material, she accidentally broke a fragment, and a very thin gold
chain was knocked loose. It had been lodged inside a bow-shaped cavity
in the carbon.
Another case, published in 1831 by the American Journal of Science,
deals with a block of marble extracted from a depth of about 60 feet,
which was later cut into pieces. The marble, believed to have formed
millions of years ago, revealed precise cuts 2 inches by 0.5 inch—the
shapes of the very similar modern letters "u" and "i." The regularity
of the symbols gave the impression of having been engraved by human
A similar case was brought to light in 2002 in China's Guizhou
Province, where a broken rock was found to have, at first glance,
perfect Chinese characters of inexplicable origin, considering that the
rock dated back to 200 million years ago! This relic is known as "The
Stone of Hidden Words."
Contemporary Fossils
In 1976, a spoon that was first unearthed in 1937 inside a chunk of
Pennsylvania soft coal was brought to public attention.
To rule out that such findings could be interpreted as a random
occurrence, consider the 1967 discovery inside a Colorado silver mine:
human bones alongside a 10-inch copper-pointed arrow. According to
general estimates, the mineral deposit in which these were discovered
is millions of years older than the human race.
While genetics and biology present us with new studies each day
intending to validate the common origin of all species, new fossils
continue to appear—more signs of a highly advanced distant past. Over
time, these findings contribute to an understanding that human origins
are far more remote than what is widely believed.
Perhaps the most controversial fossil in recent years was the one
discovered by a geologist from the University of Jadaypur in Calcutta,
India. A 1,100-million-year-old, reddish colored rock found in Madhya
Pradesh, Chorhat, astonished scientists. It presents zigzag marks
similar to those made by a worm.
The oldest known fossils of this kind are from Namibia and China, and
the marks are understood to be from multicellular organisms, which made
their appearance in the course of evolution approximately 600 million
years ago. If the finding in India is properly interpreted, it would
call for a serious reconsideration of the basis of evolution, giving a
giant jump (400 or 500 million years) between this fossil and those
found in Namibia and China.
"If you see centimeter-scale organisms and then don't see them for 400
million years, you have a lot to explain," remarks Harvard University
paleontologist Andrew Knoll.
After new marks were found in similar rocks, many incredulous
scientists were forced to analyze the age of the rocks again. But these
specimens (zirconium crystals) continued to point to the impossible,
making the issue "even more exciting and more improbable," according to
paleontologist Adolph Seilacher from Yale University.
Seilacher believes that, according to what is commonly accepted, it is
impossible for these fossilized traces to be from animals. However, he
adds: "At the same time, I must accept the evidence. I have not found,
nor heard from another person, another explanation. Is there any
non-biological explanation for these marks?" The study appears in the
October 2, 1998 issue of Science.
In fact, there exist many fossils that challenge our modern
understanding of history. An impression of a perfect human hand (with
fingernail marks) was discovered in 110-million-year-old limestone in
Glen Rose, Texas; a 100-million year-old petrified finger (fossil
identified as DM93-083), which had its bone structure revealed through
radiography, was found on Axel Heiberg Island in Canada; there is the
well-known discovery of giant human footprints beside those of a
dinosaur in Rìo Paluxy, Texas; and there are many more. The
apparent soundness of our current theories is shaken each time an
"impossible fossil" comes to light.
Source: Epoch Times
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