CDC to Investigate Morgellons Mystery

Earlier this season, Irish Kevin Dempsey skied the last degree with an ALE team to the SP as a follow up to last year’s trip during which he had to withdraw after a dramatic accident with a Jagged Globe team on Vinson. After being trapped for days on the headwall, Kevin thought he'd seen it all. Not so.
Kevin's South Pole story might sound incredible to some, but it should be noted that while ExplorersWeb has previously covered the Amanda telescope; our recent request for a follow up story about the Ice Cube has been met with silence.
It was the unidentified flying object at Antarctica (later claimed by Airbus) and its runway paved by laser that prompted Kevin to alert the international community to a dispatch he posted over Contact 4.0 at his arrival on the Pole, January 6 this year.
"I’ve just read the reports about the ‘plane’ overflying," Kevin wrote to ExplorersWeb last week. "I’m glad to hear about this because it just adds more credibility to my revelation about what’s really going on down there..!"
"One of the radio stations that I did an interview with it, ran with it in a ‘light hearted’ way during the interview & got some weird phone calls & text messages after it went out," Kevin notes.
The Ice Cube 'telescope' consists of numerous glass bubbles buried deep in Antarctica's ice in an intricate cube formation. The scientists argue that the bubbles, with Earth as a giant filter, help find mysterious blue sparks that originate from the birth of outer space.
In his dispatch over Contact 4.0 headlined 36 hours (at the Pole), Kevin reports his own, contradictory findings.
The Truth Behind The Facade Of The ICE-CUBE Project
By Kevin Dempsey, South Pole Sun 6 Jan 2008
"After our sprint to the South Pole from the 89th degree we then decided to stay up & awake for over 24 hrs to enjoy the limited time we were to have at 90 South. Considering the time difference between our Chilean time we were on & the New Zealand time that the A-S station operates on, staying up was the only way we could get involved in the extensive tours that were going on Open Day in their 'day time'."
"Whilst this left us exhausted physically & mentally exhausted but not enough so to be blinded by the scam or cover up as to what was really going on with the so called Ice-Cube project."
"I'm very aware that by going public with this disclosure I am risking the lives of not just myself & Lance but also those of our expedition team mates, our families & possibly a lot more people."
"But at the same time, once this story is out in the public domain & particularly in the USA from where it's being funded, eliminating us is only going to confirm everything as being accurate."
"Myself & Lance began to have some concerns"
"It's a big gamble calling this bluff but if they come to get me, I'm ready. I was watching Die Hard 4.0 last night & that bloke Bruce Willis is 50 yrs old & if he can do all he did & kill off about 40 people in a day or so then I reckon I can do at least as well.
"If not, then I will have to use my secret weapon...run like hell!. I'd definitely do better than Bruce because he's a bit on the chubby side & so he'd be a bit slower running than me."
"Myself & Lance began to have some concerns at about the same time & I recall just casually dropping my theory on him & I knew by the way he reacted that he wasn't dismissing the possibility. As we talked about it more, the more it seemed plausible."
"We then bounced the idea off Armand & being an Information Analyst who is used to dealing in real numbers etc he initially didn't take to the idea. But the more we talked about it the more the barriers to his doubts came crumbling down. We were now the Gang of Three."
"We just nodded in agreement to their answers"
"We considered bringing Stefan in on our thinking but then decided that maybe he just wasn't ready for this yet plus we had noticed a change in him over the previous 24 hrs & we wondered just whose side he may be on."
"As for Tim our guide, there was never any question of bringing him into the loop. He was with ALE & for all we knew they could also be part of the greater plot. No. Tim had to be kept out & from now on we'd be watching him closely."
"We threw a few trick questions out to a couple of the scientists & their totally implausible answers only added to our concerns. We didn't pursue these any further for fear of raising their suspicions as to why we were asking such questions. We just nodded in agreement to their answers & carried on."
'Imagination is more important than knowledge' (A. Einstein)
"Later myself, Lance & Armand met up to discuss the issue further & whilst it can be said that we have very fertile imaginations we believe that it is this very quality that enabled us to see beyond the facade that is Ice-Cube & look deeper into the real world."
"So what is really going on down there?"
"Think about this first: If you were just carrying out the so called scientific work they day is being carried out, why would you go to all the expense & trouble of doing in such a hostile & distant place as Antarctica. They could carry out this work for a fraction of the cost anywhere else on the planet. They could go to the Moon for less money than is being spent down there."
"Now think about this: If you wanted to carry out some really top secret work or experiments, where would you do it? You wouldn't do it in the middle of a bog in the west of Ireland, deep in the Alps, in the middle of the Sahara Desert, in Northern Siberia or even in Nevada."
In Antarctica you could pretty much get away with anything
"Why? Because 1000's, even millions of people pass through these places all year round, every year. Therefore the risk of someone finding out the truth would be very high."
"But in Antarctica... now you're beginning to see it aren't you?..... you could pretty much get away with anything. Why?"
"Because only a handful of people visit every year & the season for visiting is only a short period of 12 - 14 weeks, which means that for the remaining 40 weeks of the year, no one goes there, therefore you could whatever you wanted. It is the optimum place on the planet to carry out whatever secret experiments or activities you want to do."
"The polar expedition teams such as ours all arrive at the South Pole within a short 4/5 week period of one another & in total only number about 30 people, so the risk of exposure is very low, especially when most arriving teams are mentally exhausted & then gone again within 2 days."
"They don't want anyone to find out about it"
"Why else would they build a new 'space age' type station that according to their figures cost $160m to construct. On top of this they acknowledge that they are spending $276m on the so called Ice-Cube project alone. From what we saw the total spend down there was a hundred times that. So it clearly has to be something so important & huge in scale that they don't want anyone to find out about it."
"I can now tell you that the so called Ice-Cube project is in fact the first of a new generation of ARC, as we believe it is now as internally. Think ARC, think Noah. But not in the same way. Noah used his arc to save all life forms from extinction. This new ARC is in a way a reversal of that process."
"ARC stands for..... ALIEN RECEPTOR CENTRE."
"We adjusted our watches to their time zone"
"They are bringing aliens in from outer space & other galaxies, processing & programming them for eventual release into countries, societies, cultures all over the planet, that they ultimately want to control. This is not a simple war on the battle for control of oil. This is total & ultimate control of the planet. And you heard it here & from me first."
"During our stay there we decided to do a little deep investigation & have a good look around the Ice Cube complex. It was obviously going to be better to do this when most of the staff were sleeping & when there would only be a few security or maintenance people on site."
"We adjusted our watches to their time zone & waited til night time & cover of darkness to slip out of our tents & carry out this very dangerous surveillance."
"That night after lying in our tents for about 8 hrs we realised where we were & remembered that there was 24 hr daylight here...!! .... that put paid to our creeping around unnoticed. Back to Plan A."
"Why the rush to get rid of us?"
"We looked at the plans for Ice Cube & it became very obvious that the 2500mt deep bore holes all led down to a vast processing plant deep under the ice. Down there they could carry out whatever 'processing' was required before eventually shipping the clones out to the various sub centres & probably all over the world."
"We didn't have much time for any further investigations because we were suddenly told that our airlift plane would be arriving within 2.5 hrs. This was odd because it takes 6 hrs from the decision to take off from Patriot to arrive at the Pole."
"So why not give us the normal 6 hrs notice? Was the plane there waiting all the time? Why the rush to get rid of us?"
Can of Coke against the rules?
"It was also odd that Tim insisted on 'escorting' (his choice of word, not mine) Armand to the Station when Armand said he need to go & buy some simple gifts he had forgotten about. Were they afraid Armand might see something he shouldn't? Were they afraid he might get to talk to someone they wouldn't want him talking to?"
"Tim said he didn't want Armand trying to buy a can of Coke which was against the rules! Yeah right!.... give us a break. Do you think we're idiots & can't see the reality of what's going on? Well you can shove it where ever, because we just wanted out of there."
"Stefan then went missing for a few hours while out on his own supposedly taking more photos. When we next saw him, the pupils in his eyes were dilated down to the size of pin heads & he was in a bit of a daze. Where had he been? What happened to him? Had he been taken for initial processing?"
Stefan just stared
"After this myself, Lance & Armand kept our heads down & stuck together until take off time. Stefan wanted to stay a few more days!! ....but after a while we managed to get him on the plane & for the full 5.5 hrs back to Patriot he just stared, transfixed out the window. He was beginning to freak us out. Fortunately, by the time we got back to Punta Arenas in Sth America a few days later he was OK."
"How many aliens are being processed?"
"We have no idea but it has to be a big number because the entire project couldn't be justified just for a few thousand. Plus a few thousand wouldn't make much of an impact in any society in terms of having political, economic & social influence. Then allow for an element of loss or wastage occurring due to malfunctioning clones. This has to be high because all of this is very new technology."
"We factored in for a 50% loss."
War on Terror a smokescreen
Then consider how many you'd need to have any real influence in even one country or economic zone. Millions & millions, of that you can be sure & by now there could, at a very conservative estimate, be 10 - 20% of the population in some zones, under the influence of the powers behind this plan for ultimate control. Who knows? Will we ever know?"
"Forget the War on Terror. That's only a smokescreen. This is the real Final Solution."
"If you saw what we saw"
"So there you have it. You're probably sitting there reading this & thinking that I've finally lost the plot & gone over the edge. I can't say I blame you but if you saw what we saw & had looked deep into the eyes of the 'people' like we did, then you'd change your view."
"Think about it. Why should it not be true? We don't claim to have all the answers & we may not even be the first people to disclose this story. That scares us a bit but we feel we have a duty to everyone on this planet to do something."
"I don't know whether the 1.5 billion Chinese living in absolute poverty care, but at least they can now make a conscious decision to care or not. They might have more urgent & immediate things to be thinking about but they should at least be informed.
Anyway, I've got to finish up now. I've got hours of two of my favourite TV programmes to watch. Sky TV are showing the full last series of 'Lost' & '24' tonight. Great stuff & so realistic. Or have I just 'Lost' the plot completely after staying up for over '24' hours whilst at the Pole?
Good Bye from the Dark Zone, Kevin, Sun 6 Jan 2008
Ed: It has to be noted that Kevin has nothing to gain in revealing his findings about the Ice Cube. Dempsey is not a scientist; his emails carry advertisements for stylish blinds and rugs.
Source: mounteverest.net
CDC to Investigate Morgellons Mystery

The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention announced today that it is launching a study to learn
about an unexplained condition that causes people to feel as if they
have foreign substances growing from their bodies.
People with the condition, referred to as Morgellons disease, say they have fibers and other inorganic material growing out of their skin.
"We earnestly want to learn more about this unexplained illness, which affects the lives of those who suffer from it," said Dr. Michele Pearson, principal investigator leading the study for the CDC, in a press release. "Those who suffer have questions, and we want to help them."
"We have a team of epidemiologists, laboratorians and pathologists to carry out the study," Pearson said.
The study will be conducted in conjunction with Kaiser Permanente's Northern California Division of Research. For more information, CLICK HERE to visit the CDC's Unexplained Dermopathy Web site.
Watch the story tonight on "Nightline" at 11:35 p.m. ET and "Good Morning America" Thursday at 7 a.m.
In 2006, a number of Morgellons sufferers told ABC News in interviews that when they consulted doctors, they received diagnoses they called wrong or dismissive. Brandi Koch, the wife of former Major League Baseball player Billy Koch, said that she felt as if she were living in a horror movie, claiming she had colored fibers coming out of her skin.
Koch, of Clearwater Beach, Fla., said that her life was good until one day in the shower when she noticed something strange -- tiny fibers running through her skin.
"The fibers look like hair, and they're different colors," Koch said.
Koch said she knows that what she experienced "sounds crazy," but it's true. "If I had a family member call me up and say, 'I have this stuff,' I'd say, 'I'm sending a straitjacket over. You need some help,'" she said.
Anne Dill described a similar condition. Looking at Dill's life in Florida, she seemed to be living the American dream -- her three daughters excelled in sports and were straight-A students.
But life in the Dill household was far from idyllic. Anne's 40-year-old husband, Tom, died in January 2006, and she believes his death was due to a contagious illness that has infected her entire family.
Dill described her family's skin: "There's this fibrous material. It's in layers." Dill said the skin on their hands was particularly bad, very swollen and itchy, and said it felt as if bugs were crawling underneath the skin.
Dr. Greg Smith of Gainesville, Ga., has been a pediatrician for the past 30 years. He claimed that a fiber was coming out of his big toe, and he had video footage to prove it.
"It felt like somebody stuck a pin in my toe and wiggled it, and it just continued to hurt," Smith told ABC News in 2006.
He said he never thought he had bugs. "I've certainly had those crawling sensations, and the fibers which come out of the skin are really bizarre, and really odd."
Smith was handed over to a hospital psychiatrist when he went to the emergency room complaining of a fiber in his eye. He admits that he, too, would be skeptical if a patient came to him with the same story.
"I would wonder if they'd taken their medicine that day. It makes no sense. It's totally bizarre. It's something that -- just telling the story is so outlandish on the face of it -- that no one would believe it," Smith said. Dill's doctor told her to stop scratching, even though many of her sores were in places she could not reach.
Koch went to the Mayo Clinic, where doctors didn't believe that the fibers she'd brought them had grown from her body.
"I saw the infectious disease doctor, and I showed him some samples that I had and he snickered," she said. "I can't go through another doctor blowing me off or looking at me like I'm crazy. I know I'm not."
Dr. Vincent DeLeo, chief of dermatology at New York's St. Lukes-Roosevelt Medical Center, weighed in on what he'd say to someone who came to him with this condition. "I don't think this is any different than many patients I've seen who have excoriations and believe that there is something in their skin causing this," he told ABC News in 2006.
DeLeo said the open lesions were most likely a result of scratching the skin.
But biologist Mary Leitao refused to accept the medical skepticism surrounding Morgellons. Leitao's son, Drew, was just 2 years old when Leitao noticed an odd sore on his lip that would not heal.
"He very simply said 'bugs,' and he pointed to his lips," said Leitao.
Leitao never expected to find herself at the center of a medical storm. But when her son complained about the strange sore, the biologist, who once ran the electron microscope at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, did what any scientist would do. She took a closer look.
"What I saw were bundles of fibers, balls of fibers," Leitao says. "There was red and blue." Even stranger, they glowed under ultraviolet light.
Armed with research, Leitao took her son to a doctor at one of the country's leading hospitals. He dismissed her tale of fibers and wrote to her pediatrician, saying that her son needed Vaseline for his lips and that his mother needed a thorough psychiatric evaluation.
Undaunted, Leitao began poring through medical literature looking for clues. What she discovered was a 17th-century reference to a strange disease with "harsh hairs" called "Morgellons."
She named the strange fibers Morgellons disease and put the information on a Web site, Morgellons.org. At the time of her interview in 2006, more than 4,500 people had contacted Leitao, claiming they had Morgellons-type symptoms. The name stuck, and the disease was featured on the television show "ER."
But do these fibers grow from inside the body, as Morgellons patients believe, or do they come from the external environment -- a kind of lint -- as the medical skeptics say?
Forensic scientist Ron Pogue at the Tulsa Police Crime Lab in Oklahoma checked a Morgellons sample against known fibers in the FBI's national database. "No, no match at all. So this is some strange stuff," Pogue said in 2006. He thought the skeptics were wrong. "This isn't lint. This is not a commercial fiber. It's not."
The lab's director, Mark Boese, said the fibers are "consistent with something that the body may be producing." He added that, "These fibers cannot be manmade and do not come from a plant. This could be a byproduct of a biological organism."
Dill said she looks at pictures of her family and finds them unrecognizable. "My kids have to see not only their dad but their mom disintegrating, and that's gotta be really scary."
While they wait for evidence that they hope will convince the medical community to take them seriously, some Morgellon's sufferers wear pink bracelets that say, simply, "Fortitude."
Source: ABC News
People with the condition, referred to as Morgellons disease, say they have fibers and other inorganic material growing out of their skin.
"We earnestly want to learn more about this unexplained illness, which affects the lives of those who suffer from it," said Dr. Michele Pearson, principal investigator leading the study for the CDC, in a press release. "Those who suffer have questions, and we want to help them."
"We have a team of epidemiologists, laboratorians and pathologists to carry out the study," Pearson said.
The study will be conducted in conjunction with Kaiser Permanente's Northern California Division of Research. For more information, CLICK HERE to visit the CDC's Unexplained Dermopathy Web site.
Watch the story tonight on "Nightline" at 11:35 p.m. ET and "Good Morning America" Thursday at 7 a.m.
In 2006, a number of Morgellons sufferers told ABC News in interviews that when they consulted doctors, they received diagnoses they called wrong or dismissive. Brandi Koch, the wife of former Major League Baseball player Billy Koch, said that she felt as if she were living in a horror movie, claiming she had colored fibers coming out of her skin.
Koch, of Clearwater Beach, Fla., said that her life was good until one day in the shower when she noticed something strange -- tiny fibers running through her skin.
"The fibers look like hair, and they're different colors," Koch said.
Koch said she knows that what she experienced "sounds crazy," but it's true. "If I had a family member call me up and say, 'I have this stuff,' I'd say, 'I'm sending a straitjacket over. You need some help,'" she said.
Anne Dill described a similar condition. Looking at Dill's life in Florida, she seemed to be living the American dream -- her three daughters excelled in sports and were straight-A students.
But life in the Dill household was far from idyllic. Anne's 40-year-old husband, Tom, died in January 2006, and she believes his death was due to a contagious illness that has infected her entire family.
Dill described her family's skin: "There's this fibrous material. It's in layers." Dill said the skin on their hands was particularly bad, very swollen and itchy, and said it felt as if bugs were crawling underneath the skin.
Dr. Greg Smith of Gainesville, Ga., has been a pediatrician for the past 30 years. He claimed that a fiber was coming out of his big toe, and he had video footage to prove it.
"It felt like somebody stuck a pin in my toe and wiggled it, and it just continued to hurt," Smith told ABC News in 2006.
He said he never thought he had bugs. "I've certainly had those crawling sensations, and the fibers which come out of the skin are really bizarre, and really odd."
Smith was handed over to a hospital psychiatrist when he went to the emergency room complaining of a fiber in his eye. He admits that he, too, would be skeptical if a patient came to him with the same story.
"I would wonder if they'd taken their medicine that day. It makes no sense. It's totally bizarre. It's something that -- just telling the story is so outlandish on the face of it -- that no one would believe it," Smith said. Dill's doctor told her to stop scratching, even though many of her sores were in places she could not reach.
Koch went to the Mayo Clinic, where doctors didn't believe that the fibers she'd brought them had grown from her body.
"I saw the infectious disease doctor, and I showed him some samples that I had and he snickered," she said. "I can't go through another doctor blowing me off or looking at me like I'm crazy. I know I'm not."
Dr. Vincent DeLeo, chief of dermatology at New York's St. Lukes-Roosevelt Medical Center, weighed in on what he'd say to someone who came to him with this condition. "I don't think this is any different than many patients I've seen who have excoriations and believe that there is something in their skin causing this," he told ABC News in 2006.
DeLeo said the open lesions were most likely a result of scratching the skin.
But biologist Mary Leitao refused to accept the medical skepticism surrounding Morgellons. Leitao's son, Drew, was just 2 years old when Leitao noticed an odd sore on his lip that would not heal.
"He very simply said 'bugs,' and he pointed to his lips," said Leitao.
Leitao never expected to find herself at the center of a medical storm. But when her son complained about the strange sore, the biologist, who once ran the electron microscope at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, did what any scientist would do. She took a closer look.
"What I saw were bundles of fibers, balls of fibers," Leitao says. "There was red and blue." Even stranger, they glowed under ultraviolet light.
Armed with research, Leitao took her son to a doctor at one of the country's leading hospitals. He dismissed her tale of fibers and wrote to her pediatrician, saying that her son needed Vaseline for his lips and that his mother needed a thorough psychiatric evaluation.
Undaunted, Leitao began poring through medical literature looking for clues. What she discovered was a 17th-century reference to a strange disease with "harsh hairs" called "Morgellons."
She named the strange fibers Morgellons disease and put the information on a Web site, Morgellons.org. At the time of her interview in 2006, more than 4,500 people had contacted Leitao, claiming they had Morgellons-type symptoms. The name stuck, and the disease was featured on the television show "ER."
But do these fibers grow from inside the body, as Morgellons patients believe, or do they come from the external environment -- a kind of lint -- as the medical skeptics say?
Forensic scientist Ron Pogue at the Tulsa Police Crime Lab in Oklahoma checked a Morgellons sample against known fibers in the FBI's national database. "No, no match at all. So this is some strange stuff," Pogue said in 2006. He thought the skeptics were wrong. "This isn't lint. This is not a commercial fiber. It's not."
The lab's director, Mark Boese, said the fibers are "consistent with something that the body may be producing." He added that, "These fibers cannot be manmade and do not come from a plant. This could be a byproduct of a biological organism."
Dill said she looks at pictures of her family and finds them unrecognizable. "My kids have to see not only their dad but their mom disintegrating, and that's gotta be really scary."
While they wait for evidence that they hope will convince the medical community to take them seriously, some Morgellon's sufferers wear pink bracelets that say, simply, "Fortitude."
Source: ABC News
South Pole Skier Says ETs Being Processed in Antarctica
South Pole Skier Says ETs Being Processed in Antarctica

Earlier this season, Irish Kevin Dempsey skied the last degree with an ALE team to the SP as a follow up to last year’s trip during which he had to withdraw after a dramatic accident with a Jagged Globe team on Vinson. After being trapped for days on the headwall, Kevin thought he'd seen it all. Not so.
Kevin's South Pole story might sound incredible to some, but it should be noted that while ExplorersWeb has previously covered the Amanda telescope; our recent request for a follow up story about the Ice Cube has been met with silence.
It was the unidentified flying object at Antarctica (later claimed by Airbus) and its runway paved by laser that prompted Kevin to alert the international community to a dispatch he posted over Contact 4.0 at his arrival on the Pole, January 6 this year.
"I’ve just read the reports about the ‘plane’ overflying," Kevin wrote to ExplorersWeb last week. "I’m glad to hear about this because it just adds more credibility to my revelation about what’s really going on down there..!"
"One of the radio stations that I did an interview with it, ran with it in a ‘light hearted’ way during the interview & got some weird phone calls & text messages after it went out," Kevin notes.
The Ice Cube 'telescope' consists of numerous glass bubbles buried deep in Antarctica's ice in an intricate cube formation. The scientists argue that the bubbles, with Earth as a giant filter, help find mysterious blue sparks that originate from the birth of outer space.
In his dispatch over Contact 4.0 headlined 36 hours (at the Pole), Kevin reports his own, contradictory findings.
The Truth Behind The Facade Of The ICE-CUBE Project
By Kevin Dempsey, South Pole Sun 6 Jan 2008
"After our sprint to the South Pole from the 89th degree we then decided to stay up & awake for over 24 hrs to enjoy the limited time we were to have at 90 South. Considering the time difference between our Chilean time we were on & the New Zealand time that the A-S station operates on, staying up was the only way we could get involved in the extensive tours that were going on Open Day in their 'day time'."
"Whilst this left us exhausted physically & mentally exhausted but not enough so to be blinded by the scam or cover up as to what was really going on with the so called Ice-Cube project."
"I'm very aware that by going public with this disclosure I am risking the lives of not just myself & Lance but also those of our expedition team mates, our families & possibly a lot more people."
"But at the same time, once this story is out in the public domain & particularly in the USA from where it's being funded, eliminating us is only going to confirm everything as being accurate."
"Myself & Lance began to have some concerns"
"It's a big gamble calling this bluff but if they come to get me, I'm ready. I was watching Die Hard 4.0 last night & that bloke Bruce Willis is 50 yrs old & if he can do all he did & kill off about 40 people in a day or so then I reckon I can do at least as well.
"If not, then I will have to use my secret weapon...run like hell!. I'd definitely do better than Bruce because he's a bit on the chubby side & so he'd be a bit slower running than me."
"Myself & Lance began to have some concerns at about the same time & I recall just casually dropping my theory on him & I knew by the way he reacted that he wasn't dismissing the possibility. As we talked about it more, the more it seemed plausible."
"We then bounced the idea off Armand & being an Information Analyst who is used to dealing in real numbers etc he initially didn't take to the idea. But the more we talked about it the more the barriers to his doubts came crumbling down. We were now the Gang of Three."
"We just nodded in agreement to their answers"
"We considered bringing Stefan in on our thinking but then decided that maybe he just wasn't ready for this yet plus we had noticed a change in him over the previous 24 hrs & we wondered just whose side he may be on."
"As for Tim our guide, there was never any question of bringing him into the loop. He was with ALE & for all we knew they could also be part of the greater plot. No. Tim had to be kept out & from now on we'd be watching him closely."
"We threw a few trick questions out to a couple of the scientists & their totally implausible answers only added to our concerns. We didn't pursue these any further for fear of raising their suspicions as to why we were asking such questions. We just nodded in agreement to their answers & carried on."
'Imagination is more important than knowledge' (A. Einstein)
"Later myself, Lance & Armand met up to discuss the issue further & whilst it can be said that we have very fertile imaginations we believe that it is this very quality that enabled us to see beyond the facade that is Ice-Cube & look deeper into the real world."
"So what is really going on down there?"
"Think about this first: If you were just carrying out the so called scientific work they day is being carried out, why would you go to all the expense & trouble of doing in such a hostile & distant place as Antarctica. They could carry out this work for a fraction of the cost anywhere else on the planet. They could go to the Moon for less money than is being spent down there."
"Now think about this: If you wanted to carry out some really top secret work or experiments, where would you do it? You wouldn't do it in the middle of a bog in the west of Ireland, deep in the Alps, in the middle of the Sahara Desert, in Northern Siberia or even in Nevada."
In Antarctica you could pretty much get away with anything
"Why? Because 1000's, even millions of people pass through these places all year round, every year. Therefore the risk of someone finding out the truth would be very high."
"But in Antarctica... now you're beginning to see it aren't you?..... you could pretty much get away with anything. Why?"
"Because only a handful of people visit every year & the season for visiting is only a short period of 12 - 14 weeks, which means that for the remaining 40 weeks of the year, no one goes there, therefore you could whatever you wanted. It is the optimum place on the planet to carry out whatever secret experiments or activities you want to do."
"The polar expedition teams such as ours all arrive at the South Pole within a short 4/5 week period of one another & in total only number about 30 people, so the risk of exposure is very low, especially when most arriving teams are mentally exhausted & then gone again within 2 days."
"They don't want anyone to find out about it"
"Why else would they build a new 'space age' type station that according to their figures cost $160m to construct. On top of this they acknowledge that they are spending $276m on the so called Ice-Cube project alone. From what we saw the total spend down there was a hundred times that. So it clearly has to be something so important & huge in scale that they don't want anyone to find out about it."
"I can now tell you that the so called Ice-Cube project is in fact the first of a new generation of ARC, as we believe it is now as internally. Think ARC, think Noah. But not in the same way. Noah used his arc to save all life forms from extinction. This new ARC is in a way a reversal of that process."
"ARC stands for..... ALIEN RECEPTOR CENTRE."
"We adjusted our watches to their time zone"
"They are bringing aliens in from outer space & other galaxies, processing & programming them for eventual release into countries, societies, cultures all over the planet, that they ultimately want to control. This is not a simple war on the battle for control of oil. This is total & ultimate control of the planet. And you heard it here & from me first."
"During our stay there we decided to do a little deep investigation & have a good look around the Ice Cube complex. It was obviously going to be better to do this when most of the staff were sleeping & when there would only be a few security or maintenance people on site."
"We adjusted our watches to their time zone & waited til night time & cover of darkness to slip out of our tents & carry out this very dangerous surveillance."
"That night after lying in our tents for about 8 hrs we realised where we were & remembered that there was 24 hr daylight here...!! .... that put paid to our creeping around unnoticed. Back to Plan A."
"Why the rush to get rid of us?"
"We looked at the plans for Ice Cube & it became very obvious that the 2500mt deep bore holes all led down to a vast processing plant deep under the ice. Down there they could carry out whatever 'processing' was required before eventually shipping the clones out to the various sub centres & probably all over the world."
"We didn't have much time for any further investigations because we were suddenly told that our airlift plane would be arriving within 2.5 hrs. This was odd because it takes 6 hrs from the decision to take off from Patriot to arrive at the Pole."
"So why not give us the normal 6 hrs notice? Was the plane there waiting all the time? Why the rush to get rid of us?"
Can of Coke against the rules?
"It was also odd that Tim insisted on 'escorting' (his choice of word, not mine) Armand to the Station when Armand said he need to go & buy some simple gifts he had forgotten about. Were they afraid Armand might see something he shouldn't? Were they afraid he might get to talk to someone they wouldn't want him talking to?"
"Tim said he didn't want Armand trying to buy a can of Coke which was against the rules! Yeah right!.... give us a break. Do you think we're idiots & can't see the reality of what's going on? Well you can shove it where ever, because we just wanted out of there."
"Stefan then went missing for a few hours while out on his own supposedly taking more photos. When we next saw him, the pupils in his eyes were dilated down to the size of pin heads & he was in a bit of a daze. Where had he been? What happened to him? Had he been taken for initial processing?"
Stefan just stared
"After this myself, Lance & Armand kept our heads down & stuck together until take off time. Stefan wanted to stay a few more days!! ....but after a while we managed to get him on the plane & for the full 5.5 hrs back to Patriot he just stared, transfixed out the window. He was beginning to freak us out. Fortunately, by the time we got back to Punta Arenas in Sth America a few days later he was OK."
"How many aliens are being processed?"
"We have no idea but it has to be a big number because the entire project couldn't be justified just for a few thousand. Plus a few thousand wouldn't make much of an impact in any society in terms of having political, economic & social influence. Then allow for an element of loss or wastage occurring due to malfunctioning clones. This has to be high because all of this is very new technology."
"We factored in for a 50% loss."
War on Terror a smokescreen
Then consider how many you'd need to have any real influence in even one country or economic zone. Millions & millions, of that you can be sure & by now there could, at a very conservative estimate, be 10 - 20% of the population in some zones, under the influence of the powers behind this plan for ultimate control. Who knows? Will we ever know?"
"Forget the War on Terror. That's only a smokescreen. This is the real Final Solution."
"If you saw what we saw"
"So there you have it. You're probably sitting there reading this & thinking that I've finally lost the plot & gone over the edge. I can't say I blame you but if you saw what we saw & had looked deep into the eyes of the 'people' like we did, then you'd change your view."
"Think about it. Why should it not be true? We don't claim to have all the answers & we may not even be the first people to disclose this story. That scares us a bit but we feel we have a duty to everyone on this planet to do something."
"I don't know whether the 1.5 billion Chinese living in absolute poverty care, but at least they can now make a conscious decision to care or not. They might have more urgent & immediate things to be thinking about but they should at least be informed.
Anyway, I've got to finish up now. I've got hours of two of my favourite TV programmes to watch. Sky TV are showing the full last series of 'Lost' & '24' tonight. Great stuff & so realistic. Or have I just 'Lost' the plot completely after staying up for over '24' hours whilst at the Pole?
Good Bye from the Dark Zone, Kevin, Sun 6 Jan 2008
Ed: It has to be noted that Kevin has nothing to gain in revealing his findings about the Ice Cube. Dempsey is not a scientist; his emails carry advertisements for stylish blinds and rugs.
Source: mounteverest.net
Psychic Powers in Demand in Lebanon
Psychic Powers in Demand in Lebanon

On Friday, while working in Beirut's southern suburbs, I met a fortune teller who invited me back to his home for a reading.
As an American journalist in the Middle East, I naturally wanted to know if I would die from a terrorist attack or get killed by an Israeli air raid in the foreseeable future. But apparently, fate holds worse things in store for me. "All your problems will come from money and women," Sheik Fayez Al Aboud told me, after determining the numerical value of my mother's name and my own and then running them through some kind of magical moon formula. "And don't eat beef," he added.
hayek_feature_full.jpgPerhaps because of its religious pluralism, or its popular television talk shows, or the feeling of impending doom that hangs over the country, Lebanon does a brisk business in the supernatural. Every New Year's, Lebanon's celebrity psychics like Michael Hayek make predictions about the country's political future, and then jump on jet planes to visit wealthy clients in the Gulf and Europe. But Lebanon is also filled with an entire class system of psychics, from salon soothsayers frequented by ladies who lunch to street corner mystics who serve as a one-stop medical and mental health care providers in humble neighborhoods.
There's probably no way of verifying how many Lebanese visit psychics regularly, but the number is surely large. (Sheik Fayez said he thought it was about 85 percent of the population). Magic and belief in the supernatural are woven into daily life in Lebanon in all kinds of ways: from housewives who stick pins in brooms to keep unpleasant houseguests from returning to the bumper-stickers intended to ward off bad luck on the highways.
The basic concern of those inclined to see the supernatural at work is the evil eye, cast upon a victim either knowingly by someone with magical skills (those with blue eyes are especially good at putting out hexes), or unintentionally by an envious friend or rival. Many of Sheik Fayez's clients come to him for help removing such curses. He said he can tell right away whether someone is under a magic spell or just mentally unstable. "They hesitate at the door, as if some kind of force is preventing them from entering," he said. The Sheik's other services include help making business decisions, curing unknown diseases, advice on matters of the heart and the bedroom, and for help finding buried treasure. Usually, numerical divinations and choice bits of Koranic scripture are enough to realign the universe. Though he is Muslim, the Sheik said that regular religious practice -- be it Muslim or Christian -- is the best thing that anyone can do to ward off evil.
However, a little prayer and scripture may not be enough to prevent major mojo from wreaking havoc in Lebanon and the world in coming years. Before I left, the Sheik predicted that pollution and rising flood waters would begin to take their toll. Perhaps he and Al Gore are looking into the same crystal ball.
Source:Ya Libnan/Andrew Lee Butters
Experts Identify "Mona Lisa"
Experts Identify "Mona Lisa"

German academics believe they have solved the centuries-old mystery behind the identity of the "Mona Lisa" in Leonardo da Vinci's famous portrait.
Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy Florentine merchant, Francesco del Giocondo, has long been seen as the most likely model for the sixteenth-century painting.
But art historians have often wondered whether the smiling woman may actually have been da Vinci's lover, his mother or the artist himself.
Now experts at the Heidelberg University library say dated notes scribbled in the margins of a book by its owner in October 1503 confirm once and for all that Lisa del Giocondo was indeed the model for one of the most famous portraits in the world.
"All doubts about the identity of the Mona Lisa have been eliminated by a discovery by Dr. Armin Schlechter," a manuscript expert, the library said in a statement on Monday.
Until then, only "scant evidence" from sixteenth-century documents had been available. "This left lots of room for interpretation and there were many different identities put forward," the library said.
The notes were made by a Florentine city official Agostino Vespucci, an acquaintance of the artist, in a collection of letters by the Roman orator Cicero.
The comments compare Leonardo to the ancient Greek artist Apelles and say he was working on three paintings at the time, one of them a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo.
Art experts, who have already dated the painting to this time, say the Heidelberg discovery is a breakthrough and the earliest mention linking the merchant's wife to the portrait.
"There is no reason for any lingering doubts that this is another woman," Leipzig University art historian Frank Zoellner told German radio. "One could even say that books written about all this in the past few years were unnecessary, had we known."
The woman was first linked to the painting in around 1550 by Italian official Giorgio Vasari, the library said, but added there had been doubts about Vasari's reliability and had made the comments five decades after the portrait had been painted.
The Heidelberg notes were actually discovered over two years ago in the library by Schlechter, a spokeswoman said.
Although the findings had been printed in the library's public catalogue they had not been widely publicized and had been received little attention until a German broadcaster decided to do some recording at the library, she said.
The painting, which hangs in the Louvre in Paris, is also known as "La Gioconda" meaning the happy or joyful woman in Italian, a title which also suggests the woman's married name.
Source: The Globe and Mail