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6/20/08 #474
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Draw your blinds...hide the
children...bring in the cat and dog...duct-tape up the
windows...because once again your e-mail
box has been invaded by your weekly visit of the strange and
unknown. Yes, that's right, Conspiracy Journal, home of
conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal and other interesting bits of news
and information is here to confound your senses and infuriate those who
wish to keep the truth secret.
week, Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such eye scorching tales as:
- Feds Scrape Together $30M for
Plug-In Hybrids. That's All? -
- New Kennedy Assassination
Books From Paris Flammonde -
- Huge Footprints Found in Borneo -
- 'Planet X' May Lurk Beyond Pluto
AND: Area 51 and Time Machine Aliens
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

Long Out of Print - Now For
the First Time in Decades, Conspiracy Journal Brings You the Incredible
Story of the Dero and Other Inner Earth Mysteries!
What is the Shaver Mystery?. .
. Here Is A Mystery That Stretches From The Madhouse To The White
House; From the Moronic To The World's Greatest Minds; From the
Superstition To Scientific Knowledge; From The Forgotten Past To The
Present Instant!. . .Here are volumes One and Two in a continuing
series originally released by publisher Ray Palmer in the 1960s.
Serious collectors have paid as much as $100 per volume, or $900 for
the entire set. We will be reissuing the entire series at a far lesser
cost for serious students of the Shaver, Inner Earth, and Hollow Earth
Mysteries! . . .In Volume One, you will read about the beginning of the
Shaver Mystery and how it attracted thousands of fans who first read
about it in the science fiction magazine AMAZING STORIES (circa 1943)
even though Richard Shaver and editor Ray Palmer said the things
claimed in this work were for REAL!. . .Shavers hears the tormented
voices coming from below. . . Readers question his sanity when he
describes entering the caves of the ancients. . .Shaver describes in
detail the plunder of our planet by extraterrestrials in ancient times;
and the lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. . .Shaver "proves" his
case by revealing an ancient alphabet he calls "Mantong." . . .
Captured by the Dero from ancient races, the stem and mech machines
cause utter chaos on surface dwellers, wars, murder and horrific
accidents are also created by the evil underground dwellers.
Volume Two features the original story The Masked World by Richard
Shaver, which takes the reader inside the insane world of the
underground beings known as the Dero who, like a dark cloud, hang over
the Earth as the subsurface mutants kidnap and torture humans, even
performing cannibalistic acts upon their flesh. . .This volume also
includes an indepth story on a series of airplane crashes carrying well
known celebrities that can be blamed on the demented robot-like
creatures Shaver identifies as the Dero. . .Shaver also reveals the
secrets of "Growing A Better Man," and tells how voices in the night
tormented him. Furthermore, readers of the early Shaver articles in
Amazing Stories, Fate and Flying Saucers From Other Worlds magazine,
confirm much of what Shaver has revealed up to this point.
OFFER: Order RIGHT NOW and you will receive both VOLUME ONE and
VOLUME TWO for the SPECIAL PRICE of only $35.00, plus 5.00
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This Incredible Issue:
Sleep Paralysis, Split
and Spirit
Michelle Belanger: Life as a
Psychic Vampire
Science and Psychism:The Future
of Artificial Intelligence
From Microbes to Monoliths:The
Search for Life on Mars
PLUS: From Dwarfs to Giants:
Sightings of Unusually Sized Humans
Blackouts and the Non-Reporting of
The Mysterious Disappearance of Agatha Christie
College Campus Urban
Legends:Tall Tales that Students Tell
Moonville, OH:A Haunted Railroad
Virginia’s Twitching Illness and
Other Mass Maladies
The Children of God:Jesus Freaks
and Flirty Fishing
your issue TODAY at your favorite bookstore or magazine stand.
Feds Scrape Together $30M for Plug-In Hybrids. That's All?

Bush Administration has shown its support for plug-in hybrids by
promising a measly $30 million to get them on the road within eight
years, a figure and a timeline some automakers and plug-in advocates
say is too little and too long. Getting these cars on the road quickly,
they say, should be a national priority with the funding to match.
The Department of Energy made a big deal
of the hand-out, announcing it at a plug-in hybrid conference in
Washington D.C., but c'mon -- $30 million? To be spread out among
three companies over three years? What'd it do -- scrounge change from
couch cushions in the Pentagon? EV advocates were quick to thank Uncle
Sam for the money but said it's going to take a whole lot more than
that to wean us from oil -- which, by the way, will collect $17 billion
in tax breaks during the next decade.
"It's great to see the DOE upping its
support of plug-in vehicles and getting the major car companies
involved," Sherry Boschert, vice-president of Plug In America, told "Unfortunately, the $30 is a drop in the bucket compared
with funding that DOE blows on less viable and potentially harmful
options like hydrogen fuel cell cars and corn-based biofuels."
General Motors, Ford and General Electric
will share the money, which Assistant Energy Secretary Andy Karsner
said would accelerate development of the cars to make them
cost-competitive by 2014 and commercially viable by 2016.
2016? When the Chevrolet Volt and a
plug-in Prius could be in showrooms by 2010 and Nissan says it'll skip
plugs entirely and give us an EV at about the same time?
Plug-in advocates weren't alone in
expressing dismay at the DOE timeline. Sen. Robert Mendez, D-N.J.,
chastised the agency for not thinking bigger and pushing harder,
saying, "The administration lacks a sense of urgency on this issue."
To be fair, plug-in hybrids still face
challenges and even Toyota is telling people not to expect miracles.
Bill Reinert, the automakers U.S. head of advanced technology, told
Automotive News the range may not be as great as people expect. "When
we see the (claims of) 100 mile-per-gallon stuff, not everybody's going
to get 100 miles per gallon," he says.
They don't have to. Seventy percent of us
don't drive more than 40 miles a day. A car that will go that far on a
single charge will free most people from gasoline. But even that's a
tough goal to meet, and lithium-ion batteries remain the biggest
hurdle. Congress has said it will increase research funding in the
years to come, but how much is anyone's guess.
Automakers could use nickel metal hydride
batteries, which Toyota's been putting in the Prius for 10 years. But
Mark Fields, president of the Americas for Ford Motor Co., says battery
technology is just one problem. He laid out several others in a speech
during the plug-in conference and said it's time for Washington to get
involved in solving them.
"In order for us to succeed, we must make
this a national priority," he says. "We are doing our part to transform
the industry and invest in new technologies. However, in a global
environment, a substantial government partnership is required. The
governments of Japan, China, Korea, and India are significantly funding
the research, development and deployment of plug-in hybrid vehicle
technologies. This is a race that we must win."
What would it take to win? David
Sandalow, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and former
Clinton Administration official, says we could transform the nation's
vehicle fleet if we spent about $18.5 billion over the next decade. He
lays it out like this in "Freedom from Oil: How the Next President Can
End the United States' Oil Addiction":
* $5 billion to help
automakers retool production plants.
* $12 billion in
consumer tax credits for plug-in hybrids.
* $1 billion to add
30,000 plug-in hybrids to the government fleet each year for 10 years.
* $500 million to
underwrite warranties on lithium-ion batteries until the technology is
Eighteen-point-five billion. The proposal
that Congress shot down this week to tax Big Oil's windfall profits and
take away its tax subsidies would have just about covered that.
Source: Wired
History of the Kennedy
Assassination By Paris Flammonde

The Assassination of America, is not an “assassination book,” it is a
massive and comprehensive history of the period preceding, surrounding,
and following the murder of the 35th President of the United States,
John F. Kennedy by Paris Flammonde, more, is it not a “book” but,
rather, a set of three books: The Deaths in Dallas, The Masques of New
Orleans, and Barren Harvest--the fourth, the indices consisting of the
Dramatis Personae, the Subject Index, and the Graphics Index, to be
issued before the end of the year. Additionally, the work of over
fifteen hundred pages includes more than four hundred frames of
photographs and illustrations and thirty appendices the first two of
which are more than sixty portraits of the most noted “critics” and
about thirty biographies of them.
While the author’s initial interest in the subject began more than four
decades ago when, as he worked on an earlier book in his Greenwich
Village studio he heard the announcement of the Texas tragedy come over
the radio of a taxi parked just outside his open casement window, it
was much intensified when he was asked to do a book on the event. This
commitment led to visits to New Orleans, doing some investigative work
for the legendary District Attorney Jim Garrison, interviewing persons
involved in the inquiry and dining at Antoines and Brennan’s with the
six foot six Big Easy personality.
The author’s particular contribution to the Garrison inquiries, the
only official investigation of the murder ever conducted, was mainly in
the areas of the involvement of certain related individuals to the Old
Catholic Church, and similar or parallel institutions, possible
elements in Canada, and the international espionage operation of the
Cenrtro Mondiale Commerciale and Permindex in Switzerland, Italy, and
elsewhere. These efforts were conducted as he was writing The Kennedy
Conspiracy, the first serious book on Jim Garrison, which was brought
out by Meredith Press in 1969.
After a continuing interest in the subject of a decade or so, Flammonde
turned to other fields, While continuing to keep abreast of the
developments of the case and the activities of the numerous critics
from the initial group, including Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, Josiah
Thompson, Edward J. Epstein, Harold Weisberg, Bernard J. Fensterwald,
Jr., William Turner, Joachim Joesten, Richard Sprague, Eric Norden, and
a dozen others, he maintain contact with the second, third, fourth, and
fifth generation of persons devoted to a study of the countless aspects
of the assassination.
Then, in 2003, a friend suggested that he up-date the work as so much
had been revealed over the many years since The Kennedy Conspiracy
appeared, even within the framework of Jim Garrison’s investigation and
the trial of his accused, Clay Shaw, (Flammonde’s publisher had
insisted that, for commercial reasons, he complete the book in time for
it to issued before that legal facet came to a conclusion.) The author
agreed to elaborate it to the extent of adding a new sixty or seventy
pages, and eliminating the more obvious anachronisms.
However, the project, like Topsy, “jes’ growed,” and over the ensuing
years was abandoned as an “assassination book,” and became a history of
the event, the period, the countless private investigations and
interminable theories and evaluations thereof, depictions of all the
cast of many hundreds of individuals, and a review of all of the
elements surrounding the slaying and everything pertinent to it, etc.,
etc. of fifteen hundred pages in three volumes.
The Assassination of America by Paris Flammonde in three volumes (The
Deaths in Dallas, The Masques of New Orleans, and Barren Harvest) of
1500 pp, 400 + graphic frames, and thirty appendices, with Forward by
Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D., Introduction by William Turner, and Preface
by Jim Marrs, is being offered at a pre-publication “critics” run.
Mr. Flammonde is very familiar with broadcast interviews as he was the
producer-panelist of The Long John Nebel talk show out of New York
several decades ago and has appeared on mike for more than 1500 hours,
as well as having made multiple appearances on To Tell the Truth, Alan
Burke, Ed & Pegeen Fitzgerald, Barry Farber, and other programs
around the country. He has given a number of public lectures with and
without visuals.
For more information and where to find these groundbreaking books,
check out Paris Flammonde's website at:
Source: Paris Flammonde
Japanese Invent Car That Runs On Water

of petrol prices rising daily at the pump? A Japanese company has
invented an electric-powered, and environmentally friendly, car that it
says runs solely on water.
Genepax recently unveiled the car in the
western city of Osaka, saying that a litre of any kind of water --
rain, river or sea -- was all you needed to get the engine going for
about an hour at a speed of 80 km.
"The car will continue to run as long as
you have a bottle of water to top up from time to time," Genepax CEO
Kiyoshi Hirasawa told local broadcaster TV Tokyo.
"It does not require you to build up an
infrastructure to recharge your batteries, which is usually the case
for most electric cars," he added.
Once the water is poured into the tank at
the back of the car, the a generator breaks it down and uses it to
create electrical power, TV Tokyo said.
The Water Energy System (WES) developed
by Genepax can generate power by supplying water and air to the fuel
and air electrodes. The basic power generation mechanism of the system
is similar to that of a standard fuel cell. The main feature of the new
system is that it uses a membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which
contains a material that breaks down the water to hydrogen and oxygen.
Though the company did not reveal any
details, the company president said that they had "succeeded in
adopting a well-known process to produce hydrogen from water to the
MEA", similar to the mechanism that produces hydrogen by a reaction of
metal hydride and water. However the company claims that compared with
the existing method, the new process produces hydrogen from water for a
longer time.
Genepax unveiled a fuel cell stack with a
rated output of 120W and a fuel cell system with a rated output of
300W. The 300W system is an active system, which supplies water and air
with a pump. In the demonstration, the company powered the TV and the
lighting equipment with a lead-acid battery charged by using the
system. In addition, the 300W system was mounted in the luggage room of
a compact electric vehicle "Reva" manufactured by Takeoka Mini Car
Products Co Ltd, and the vehicle was driven by the system.
In future Genepax intends to provide
1kw-class generation systems for use in electric vehicles and for
residential applications. The production cost is presently about
¥2,000,000 (US$18,522), it estimated that it can be reduced to
¥500,000 ($5000) or lower if the company succeeds in mass
Whether the car makes it into showrooms
remains to be seen. Genepax said it had just applied for a patent and
is hoping to collaborate with Japanese auto manufacturers in the future.
Source: The Financial Express
Huge Footprints Found in Borneo

Villagers here are
reeling from the shock of discovering two extra large footprints near
the fence of a nearby orchard. They probably resembled those mentioned
many times in foreign reports in claims of sightings of the mysterious
The shocker has been spreading like wildfire in Daro
district for the past few days and among those drawn to the phenomenon
was local businessman Tan Soon Kuang.
(According to Wikipedia, Bigfoot is one of the more
famous creatures in cryptozoology, and, like many cryptids around the
world, there is a fierce debate as to whether the Bigfoot species
exists or not. Cryptozoologist John Willison Green has postulated that
Bigfoot is a worldwide phenomenon.)
Yesterday, Tan, 42, e-mailed the images of the
mysterious creature’s footprints. He said he personally went to the
village (which he refused to name out of respect for the wishes of the
locals) to check on the truth of the story.
“The truth is in the photographs that I have taken
with my camera,” he told The Borneo Post in a telephone interview
According to him, each footprint measures 47 inches
from heel to toe and 17 inches sideways “clearly too gigantic for any
normal human being”.
Asked when and how he went to the village and took
the photos, Tan answered: “I went there last Wednesday, June 11 after I
heard about the news.
“I drove about five minutes from Daro town to the
village. Then, I walked on foot along a footpath for quite a few
minutes to the place where I met many villagers who were gathered there.
“Then some villagers pointed to the big footprints.
I was shocked to see them and excited as I took those
On his conversation with the villagers, he said:
“When I asked the villagers the first time they discovered the two big
footprints, they told me it was June 9.
“They also told me they now recall that before they
came across the footprints, the villagers had, a few months ago felt
uncomfortable and sick as if there was something ‘unclean’ in the air.
“They said they decided to look for a ‘bomoh’
(medicine man) who told them to go to an area, dig a small hole, then
build a fence around it.
The bomoh further told them to make offerings outside
the area fenced.
“And then last Monday morning the villagers saw the
two big footprints outside the fenced up area.”
Tan further said: “When I asked the villagers if they
were afraid or not they told me some were afraid; other just curious.
But all of them apparently believe that the place was ‘unclean’.
“The villagers are now clearing up the footpath
leading to the large footprints in anticipation of more people coming
to have a look at the footprints.
“The villagers also told me that it was not the first
time that they saw such mysterious big footprints in their village. In
fact, the first time they saw such big footprints was about 50 years
Asked if there is any possibility that the footprints
were man-made, Tan said it would be a tough act for a person to create
such a mark on the hard ground.
However, Sarawak Museum anthropologist Dr. Charles Leh said "the
footprints are man-made and a hoax."
He said the hoax may be an attempt to attract people to Daro.
Leh, who is also the assistant director of the museum, based his
opinion on an analysis of the published photographs. He said based on
the position of the footprints in one photograph, he wondered why
"Bigfoot" did not clip the corner of the fence instead of walking
around it.
"If it was Bigfoot, he would not have walked around the fence. The
10-foot fence would have tripped him.
"There are no signs of damage to the fence or of a giant falling on the
ground near the fence."
He added the foot stumps were "too light" for a giant.
Leh said the footprint measuring 119cm from heel to toe and 43cm
across, indicated "Bigfoot" must weigh more than 200kg.
"But the impression was too shallow for something weighing more than
"Unless more footprints are found, I am not going to waste my time
going there to investigate," he added.
Jemoreng assemblyman Abu Seman Jahwie when contacted
said he heard about such discovery somewhere in a village in
Daro area.
Asked if thinks it is real, he replied: “Sorry, I
can’t say. It could be just rumours. I have not been to the place. I am
now in Matu.”
The story has spread to Sibu where Abdul Aziz Pung,
who is very familiar with Daro, said he had heard about the footprints
from friends and relatives.
“Yes, they said it is true. Initially I laughed it
off, but then some of my friends who came down to Sibu town convinced
me that they are real. I may be going there soon to see them for
Meanwhile, a Daro villager who spoke on anonymity,
said the villagers stumbled upon the footprints not far from the
village that was once attacked by monkeys. This episode was reported by
The Borneo Post some months ago.
According to him, many villagers believe that the
monkeys had run out of their jungle habitat to escape from ‘Bigfoot’.
Source: The Borneo Post Online
On The Trail Of The "Indian Yeti"

In the U.S. it's
known as bigfoot, in Canada as sasquatch, in Brazil as mapinguary, in
Australia as a yowie, in Indonesia as sajarang gigi and, most famously
of all, in Nepal as a yeti.
The little known Indian version of this legendary
ape-like creature is called mande barung - or forest man - and is
reputed to live in the remote West Garo hills of the north-eastern
state of Meghalaya.
I was invited by passionate yeti believer Dipu Marak
to travel throughout the area to hear for myself what he says is
compelling evidence of the existence of a black and grey ape-like
animal which stands about 3m (nearly 10ft) tall.
There have been repeated reports of sightings over
many years by different witnesses in the West, South and East Garo
hills. Mr Marak estimates the creature weighs about 300kg (660lb) and
is herbivorous, surviving on fruit, roots and tree bark.
The Garo hills comprise more than 8, of some
of the thickest jungle in India. And as I soon discovered, there is no
shortage of people who say they have seen the creature at first hand.
Take woodcutter Nelbison Sangma, for example, who
works on the fringes of the Nokrek national park in the Garo hills. In
November 2003, he says that he saw a yeti three days in a row.
He took me from his village to the spot where he says
he made the sighting, a five-hour walk in intense tropical heat from
his house.
"I saw the creature quite clearly on the other side
of the river. It was breaking branches off trees and eating the sap.
Its strength was amazing.
"Obviously I wanted to photograph it, but I knew that
if I left the area, it would take at least 10 hours or more to get a
camera as I do not own one. By that time the creature would have
Mr Sangma says that he told the state forestry
department of his sighting, but they did not believe him. He took me to
the spot where he says the yeti destroyed a tree - an exhausting uphill
walk through thick jungle infested with blood-sucking leeches.
Mr Sangma showed me where the creature broke the
tree's branches and clearly visible scratch marks on its bark.
A 10-hour drive away from Nokrek is the other
national park of the Garo hills, Balpakram, which lies amid thick
jungle on the border with Bangladesh. It is an extremely remote area,
where the hum of insects clicking in the undergrowth sounds like a
series of disconnected power cables.
Balpakram is famous for its vast jungle-filled canyon
which spans several miles and is surrounded by spectacular cliffs. Any
descent is a treacherous exercise. If ever there was terrain where a
peace-loving yeti could live its life undisturbed by human
interference, then this has surely got to be it.
Perhaps the most famous reported sighting was in
April 2002, when forestry officer James Marak was among a team of 14
officials carrying out a census of tigers in Balpakram when they saw
what they thought was a yeti.
According to the author and environmentalist
Llewellyn Marak, such stories cannot be dismissed out hand.
"I saw the footprints for myself last year," he said,
and they cannot easily be explained away.
"The prints were different from other animals - and
were almost human in appearance - apart from the fact that they were
about 18 inches [46cm] long.
"Both my father and grandfather also saw the creature
at different times. Each said that it resembled a large gorilla."
Mr Marak argues that the Meghalayan forestry
department has not seriously investigated the sightings because they
are "uninterested and too lazy".
The western side of the state of the Meghalaya is
predominantly made up of Garo tribespeople. They are traditionally a
matrilineal community, where property is inherited through the female
They are also a community where stories and fables
are deeply ingrained culturally, which is why senior politicians and
officials are reluctant to discount openly tales of a yeti roaming
Meghalaya's Divisional Forestry Officer Shri PR Marak
denies suggestions that his officers have not properly investigated
alleged yeti sightings - which he argues is an expensive exercise in
thick jungle only accessible by foot.
He uses diplomatic language when discussing whether
yetis exist in the state.
"I have gone to see the evidence for myself and have
even taken a plaster cast of one of the footprints," he says.
"As you know the presence of such a creature is an
important part of our culture - passed down to us by our parents and
"But we have no concrete evidence it exists, and
there may even be a possibility that some of the evidence has been
manipulated to create a stir.
"Because the area where it is believed to live is
thick jungle, it will be very difficult to know the truth."
But Dipu Marak has voluminous correspondence from
various eyewitnesses to support his contention that there is something
out there. To critics who say he has no photographs of this mysterious
creature, he insists that "absence of evidence is not evidence of
"We have so many reports of sightings that I
sincerely believe there is some sort of huge creature in the Garo
hills," he said.
"This is not just a fairy tale, nor is it an effort
to woo tourists. It's deeply embedded in our folklore and
scientifically it is possible too.
"While I cannot prove conclusively that this creature
definitely exists, nobody can say conclusively that it does not exist
Such is the impenetrability and extent of jungle in
the Garo hills that the legend of mande barung looks likely to live on
in the foreseeable future.
"The truth is out there somewhere," says Dipu Marak
"But like the Loch Ness monster this creature is
obviously not fond of giving too many photo opportunities."
Source: BBC
'Planet X' May Lurk Beyond Pluto

An icy, unknown world might lurk in the distant reaches of our solar
system beyond the orbit of Pluto, according to a new computer model.
The hidden world -- thought to be much bigger than Pluto based on the
model -- could explain unusual features of the Kuiper Belt, a region of
space beyond Neptune littered with icy and rocky bodies. Its existence
would satisfy the long-held hopes and hypotheses for a "Planet X"
envisioned by scientists and sci-fi buffs alike.
"Although the search for a distant planet in the solar system is old,
it is far from over," said study team member Patryk Lykawka of Kobe
University in Japan.
The model, created by Lykawka and Kobe University colleague Tadashi
Mukai, is detailed in a recent issue of Astrophysical Journal.
If the new world is confirmed, it would not be technically a planet.
Under a controversial new definition adopted by the International
Astronomical Union (IAU) last week, it would instead be the largest
known "plutoid."
The Kuiper Belt contains many peculiar features that can't be explained
by standard solar system models. One is the highly irregular orbits of
some of the belt's members.
The most famous is Sedna, a rocky object located three times farther
from the sun than Pluto. Sedna takes 12,000 years to travel once around
the Sun, and its orbit ranges from 80 to 100 astronomical units (AU).
One AU is equal to the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
According to the model, Sedna and other Kuiper Belt oddities could be
explained by a world 30 to 70 percent as massive as Earth orbiting
between 100 AU and 200 AU from the sun.
At that distance, any water on the world's surface would be completely
frozen. However, it might support a subsurface ocean like those
suspected to exist on the moons Titan and Enceladus, said Mark Sykes,
director of the Planetary Science Institute in Arizona.
"The interesting thing for me is the suggestion of the kinds of very
interesting objects that may yet await discovery in the outer solar
system," said Sykes, who was not involved in the study. "We are still
scratching the edges of that region of the solar system, and I expect
many surprises await us with the future deeper surveys."
NOTE: If you would like to know about Planet X, and its connections to
2012, then be sure to buy a copy of Commander X's new book: 2012 and
the Arrival of Planet X.
Himalayan Secrets of Tum-Mo
Sought By Russian Scientists

A group of St. Petersburg scientists have returned from the Himalayan
Mountains after learning the secrets of an almost-extinct form of
Tibetan yoga that they hope can be used to cure diseases in the West.
The scientists have recently completed a two-month mission to find
traces of Tum-Mo, a form of Tibetan Buddhist yoga that preserves body
temperatures through excessive production of internal heat despite the
body’s exposure to extremely cold mountain climates.
The technique could be applied in areas with extreme cold climates,
such as Russia, to prevent and treat heart disease, cancer,
tuberculosis, pneumonia and influenza if developed, Rinad Minvaleyev, a
physiologist, mathematician and the team’s senior researcher, said.
“In fact, Tum-Mo is about the human being’s adaptation to low
temperatures where thermo-dynamic functioning of a human liver is
activated to further regulate the heating process,” said Minvaleyev,
referring to a mathematical formula he co-established last year.
Irina Arkhipova, a yoga specialist, who was head of the mission and
architect of St. Petersburg’s Search for Lost Knowledge Program, which
holds annual mountaineering events aimed at promoting medical science,
said that although “there were considerable breakthroughs in our
mission, it would be immature to reveal the exact outcomes with
accuracy, pending the ongoing laboratory examinations.”
Arkhipova, who is also a director of St. Petersburg’s Pharaoh
Historical Movie Studio, led a team of 45 experts including 14 medical
doctors, physicists and yoga enthusiasts to the snow-capped,
4,000-meter high Indian Himalayan province of Himachal Pradesh.
The team paid visits to Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in search of
Tum-Mo’s medical secrets, currently on the verge of being lost to
posterity because “the last lama who practiced Tum-Mo in that part of
the Himalayan Mountains died last year,” leaving scant oral traces of
the ancient tradition, Arkhipova said.
However, after visits to about 40 monasteries, monks showed Arkhipova’s
team a route across the Kully Gorge, reputed for its unpredictably
harsh weather, to the top of the Rotang ridge, one of the rare spots
where until recently Tum-Mo was practiced.
However the team did not reach the Rotang because of snow in the middle
of the Kully Gorge, blocking the way.
“We resorted to practicing yoga on the ice surfaces beneath the
waterfalls in the Rotang Valley, and everything was fantastic even for
those who were on such a mission for the first time,” she said
Determined to reach the home of Tum-Mo on the top of Rotang, the
adventurers have vowed to return next year.
The team said it had gathered enough material on the technique during
the recent trip to warrant continued research.
In 2002 research into the medical benefits of Tum-Mo was carried out by
Herbert Benson, associate professor of medicine at the Harvard Medical
School and president of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body
Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, U.S., reported
the Harvard Gazette.
Benson was quoted as saying that studying advanced forms of meditation
such as Tum-mo “can uncover capacities that will help us to better
treat stress-related illnesses” but that more research into the
technique was required.
Benson has been researching Tum-Mo since 1979 when the Dalai Lama gave
his blessing on a trip to Harvard University, reported the Harvard
Source: The St. Petersburg Times
Area 51 and Time Machine

There is a conspiracy of secrecy among men today that is hidden from
the public. It hides in the hierarchy of the Republican (commercially
rich) group from which government patents that have been unresolved by
the patentee are being stolen. There exists some that would rather
research this long unresolved issue of the patentee and under cover
continue the trademark's idea. Hidden by hierarchy and wealth these men
(under republican guard) remarkably continue to research what today is
called "THE TIME MACHINE." It was generally believed by scientists that
because space flight is more seaworthy of the trade, that a laboratory
time machine, would not advance quickly enough through the development
stages to be viable in the twentieth century. But, other men of power
believed otherwise.
In the peak of the 20th century physicists working on this advancement
of time-travel were able to create the first working time machine in a
laboratory. The advancement of time space flight technology lingered
slowly behind this independent commercial group but problems of
interstellar manufacturing in space slowed productivity during these
times where investments in building maintenance manufacturing were
quite feasible.
Acknowledgement of the manufacturing of "THE TIME MACHINE" was top
secret. Aside from privacy and patent laws - waiting out a patent took
twenty years - gave ample time for research. Upon completion the
republican group developed the first time machine having the ability to
travel through time an ion (An atom or a group of atoms that has
acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more
electrons) both to the past and to the future. Its achievements went on
unnoticed to the public but prevailed as a commercial group research
project that became born to secrecy under government privacy and
protection laws. They were able to continue their work and research
with no problems, but laboratory confinement of the project perimeter
boundaries gave little area to research and experimentation. They could
advance objectal and personnel journey leaps between laboratories and
or sending information from one place to another. But the problem of
sending personal imagery was their primary objective in the research.
A time-machine allows a person to travel from a specific time to a
desired time, but can only be achieved by having a time-machine at
every time sector it traveled to or from.
Time machines and time-travel have been publicized as extraterrestrial
technology, with earthlings having little or no knowledge about it. But
the fact of the matter is that government secrecy has allowed certain
groups to research and manufacture an array of time machines already
throughout America.
The ventures of twentieth century scholarly groups or universities have
only touched the surface of such technology, like what have been
published in today's newspapers. The first Time Machine is being built
by reform university physicists by using laser beam energy to form a
wormhole." This is actually old news. What does exist and what people
see as an array of sightings are actually examples of the secret group
and what they have created as new technology under this secrecy.
Other than sending or receiving information from place to place this
group has been able to develop a personnel enhancement devise that
creates and trans-bursts energy at the touch of a button.
Aside from long range time-travel or traveling instantaneous from place
to place at close ranges, and with the availability of this small
device, short range trans-bursts connected with a mapped destination
module in the device - a person can leap at short range distances. If
ever you've seen something that looks out of place or something you
believe to be a figment to your imagination you may be wrong. It could
be real!
Top secret research in laboratory experimentation is all part of the
normal faucet of our government. The patent laws like the government
advancement technology secrecy laws, allow the government to stay
seventy-five years a head of its time - this is exactly what I am
speaking about.
It was only in the end of the 19th century that technology protection
like this was given precedence in its meaning with government
officials. As a patent clerk in 1901 Albert Einstein developed what is
today the most remarkable scientific mathematical scientific equation
in the world E=Mc2. It was the development of this research that modern
physics was developed.
But the idea of privacy protection and technology advancement with
government backing and secrecy laws leads the global network with new
Just think that in the future instead of railway cars there will exist
time portals. Sound impossible? I don't think so. The division between
science and science fiction is a thin enough line. The fact of
traveling faster then light was though impossible. In the Kawecki
Formula this is not the case. Remember at the beginning of the 20th it
was believed that man would never fly.
The government and financial groups of today are the commercial
networks that have banked at an independent commercial level that
allows for the advancement of such technologies. We have advanced from
the invention of the wheel - to planes, trains and automobiles. The
inventor of the time machine should be the news of the day, but you'll
hardly find a word about it in your daily newspaper or on television
The extraterrestrial publicity given to space and space travel may be a
deception. It is not extraterrestrials that are in these so called
flying saucers sighted around the globe, but is actually a close future
event of space advancement and time-travel, which today we are only
beginning to discover.
The UFO you see in the sky today is a preview of mankind in the future
- not an extraterrestrial craft.
Area 51, finally acknowledged as existing, was built for the purpose to
protecting advanced scientific technology. It's not that Area 51 was a
protected government cover-up but it was evidence of a commercial
experiment that contained the bodies of four trained monkeys - the same
event that was used for the first world's interstellar space flight in
Source: UFO Digest
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