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7/25/08 #479
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What unknown forces are really
in control of our lives? Do nightmares of old gods and
spirits of cobweb presence run rampant in our unconscious? Have
otherworldly desires completely taken over, or are we merely the
victims of opportunity and profit? Do secret societies with
allegiance to stygian madness seek the ultimate
control? Or are we merely pawns in some vast universal battle for
reality? Lies are the truth, and truth lies -- but one
shining source remains that all seek to learn...Conspiracy once again to bring the light of truth to curse the
This week,
Conspiracy Journal
brings you such Venus-Rising stories as:
- We Are Not Alone, Claims NASA
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell -
- All UFO Secrets Must Be Disclosed Part II -
- Kelowna Woman Says She Saw Ogopogo
Lake Monster -
- Costa Rica: Satanists or
Chupacabras? -
AND: Hauntings Spook Wisconsin
All these exciting stories and MORE
in this week's issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
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The Staff of Conspiracy Journal
This Incredible Issue:
The Mysterious Subterranean Realms of California.
The Mysterious Blast at California’s Port Chicago.
California’s Lake Monsters.
PsiSpies: The History of Remote Viewing.
By Louis Proud
strange customs
Italian Community Secretly Builds Breathtaking Underground Temples
The Dangers of Hallucinogens
Urban Legends
Amusement Parks:Fodder for Scary Stories
Haunted Heritage
Ghostly Activities at California’s Cal-Neva Resort
Arcane Cults
The John Frum Movement:A South Pacific CargoCult
From the Skies
2008:The Year of the UFO?
Mary Ann Winkowski:The Original Ghost Whisperer
SOON to your favorite bookstore or
magazine stand.
We Are Not Alone, Claims NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the
truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO
visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.
Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the
space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as
'little people who look strange to us.'
He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image
of a small frame, large eyes and head.
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated'
as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned 'we would be been gone
by now'.
Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds
the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes
following their 1971 mission.
'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that
we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr
Mitchell said.
'It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years
or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged
to have been briefed on some of it.
'I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath
the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes - we have been
visited. Reading the papers recently, it's been happening quite a bit.'
Dr Mitchell, who has a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical
engineering and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and
Astronautics claimed Roswell was real and similar alien visits continue
to be investigated.
He told the astonished Kerrang! radio host Nick Margerrison: "This is
really starting to open up. I think we're headed for real disclosure
and some serious organisations are moving in that direction.'
Mr Margerrison said: 'I thought I'd stumbled on some sort of astronaut
humour but he was absolutely serious that aliens are definitely out
there and there's no debating it.'
Officials from NASA, however, were quick to play the comments
In a statement, a spokesman said: "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is
not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or
anywhere in the universe.
'Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on
this issue.'
Source: The
Daily Mail
All UFO Secrets Must Be Disclosed
Part II
In an
unprecedented exclusive interview to A. J. Gevaerd, editor of the
Brazilian UFO Magazine, one the highest ranking and most distinguished
officials of the Brazilian Air Force, Brigadier José Carlos
Pereira, recognized that "it is time to end the UFO secrecy". The part
one of the long interview has just been published in the edition # 141,
April, of the Brazilian UFO Magazine. The second part has been
published in the edition # 142, May. You can download the covers of
both editions and the first part of the interview here: Photos of Brigadier Pereira
can be also found in the same folder.
This interview was conducted with the
participation of Fernando de Aragao Ramalho and Roberto Affonso Beck,
special consultants to Brazilian UFO Magazine. The translation to
English was conducted by Eduardo Rado, From the Brazilian UFO Magazine
UFO – How does the Air Force treat UFO
cases involving a civil crew such as in Case Vasp? (On February 8th
1982 a Boeing 727 was followed by a UFO for three hours)
Pereira – Civil crew members are normally
in contact with controlling bodies linked to the Air Force. In the
past, anything regarding civil aircraft was under the Department of
Civil Aviation (DAC). Nowadays, this is subject to the Brazilian Agency
for Civil Aviation (ANAC). Therefore the Air Force has nearly no
contact with civil pilots unless through air traffic control matters.
UFO – How would it be if we had a UFO
sighting involving a TAM pilot, for example?
Pereira – This would be taken to the Air
Force. This is part of the assignments of the Air Defense Command. The
fact is reported to an air traffic controller and the information gets
into the system.
UFO – How would this information be
Pereira – A civil aircraft is always
controlled by a body, by a controlling center, and all of these in
Brazil are of military nature. When a pilot says “there's something
going on here”, the controlling center will immediately report to the
military operations center in that area, in case it is a serious
occurrence. They will take some action regarding that fact and report
to the Air Defense Command (CODA), which is the superior body and the
only one to comprehend the whole country. After the recent Brazilian
aviation crisis I finally could convince people of the necessity of
having some kind of civil CODA and it was eventually created in Rio de
Janeiro. The CODA we have in Brasilia is of military nature. There must
be another one, a civil one, with the same assignments so that we know
why an aircraft is delayed, for example. There were occurrences of many
serious problems and a new body was created, the Center for Air
Navigation Management (CGNA), which is now adjusted to civil traffic
issues, such as delayed flights, bad weather conditions, etc.
UFO – On January 19th 2002 you gave an
interview at Circuito Night and Day, a TV show hosted by congressman
Celso Russomanno. During the interview you showed a book of flight
occurrences and said in that year alone more than 90 entries were
registered there as UFO occurrences. However, you did not allow him to
open the book at the show saying that was confidential. What is really
contained there?
Pereira – Many things are there including
official reports that could be filled in by anyone regarding the
so-called “hotel traffic” (the way Brazilian military classify UFOs).
Some of these reports may even come from mad people who allege to have
seen something. But when something that cannot be explained is found in
that book, it is transferred to another one called Book of Occurrences,
LRO. All of these cases are kept there in those books. One day
researchers will be allowed to see them. And there are also reports
from pilots, air traffic controllers, etc. Everything we cannot
explain, everything that is held as secret, goes to those books.
UFO – Why are these things kept secret?
How can a researcher examine those books when they are secret? We would
like to see them...
Pereira – That's why I think they should
be disclosed. I have the same opinion, Gevaerd. I believe we have one
new book every year. At the end of each year we get what is written
there and transfer to a file. Nowadays we don't have a book [of cases]
anymore because everything is already digital.
UFO – You must have seen many of these
books. What was your greatest surprise among cases reported by civil
and military pilots?
Pereira – The most impressive reports are
those from pilots. These are the most consistent ones because pilots
are driving an aircraft which is very different from driving a car. But
sometimes a pilot recognizes his mistake and say “I really saw
something on the left but that was only solar refraction”. But other
times they were looking to the other side where there is no refraction,
then we have something strange. Sightings reported by pilots are more
consistent than those from lay people looking to the sky from the
UFO – Even civil Ufology does not know
how to deal with some particular reports...
Pereira – That's why I asked for a
questionnaire to be included in that form [for the registration of
hotel traffic cases] so that we can know a little about the person's
profile, such as their knowledge on meteorology.
UFO – Have you worked in the preparation
of that questionnaire?
Pereira – Yes. We had an old one and I
updated it by including those additional questions. Because it's a
different thing when we can analyze a case with more information about
it. I don't underestimate an ordinary person, but we have a different
approach to a report from an engineer, for example. That questionnaire
is still valid and useful.
UFO – How many of these questionnaires do
you think were filled?
Pereira – I don't know, because I had no
more information on that after I left the Air Force. However, I believe
they are 10 per month in the whole country [Brazil]. These data are
held at the Brazilian Air Defense Command (Comdabra).
UFO – Are these the ones contained in the
folders Brigadier Azambuja said to be there since 1954 (in our meeting
on 20th May 2005)?
Pereira – Yes, these are the ones.
UFO – Which year registers the higher
number of hotel traffic entries? Do you have any special comment on a
particular year?
Pereira – I don't remember when we had
more occurrences. But the most interesting year was 1986, when we had
that case in Sao Jose dos Campos (SP), on May 19th. That night was
really amazing.
UFO – Do you believe minister Dilma
Rousseff would be informed in case we had a military or civil chase for
UFOs in the country? Would the subject be taken to her?
Pereira – The minister of defense will
know about it for sure, since this is part of his assignments. It's
automatic, his phone will ring. But I don't know if he would inform
minister Rousseff. Depending on the case, the minister has the
obligation to inform the president. This is how it works. When I was a
commander at Comdabra, I had the personal number of the president, but
I was not allowed to call him for any simple thing.
UFO – What is the chain of contact in
these cases?
Pereira – In case something serious
happened I had to call the commander of air operations who then would
call the Air Force commander. He would contact the minister of defense
who, in turn, would report to the president of the Republic. But I had
authority to skip any of these steps. If I couldn't contact my
commander, for example, I could go on to the next post and from this to
the next one until I reach the president. If the president couldn't
answer, then I should take responsibility. This is all legal. Of course
we need to assess the situation, I'd never go that far if not for the
most serious problem. When I was a commander at Comdabra [1999 to 2001]
all cases involving military and UFOs spotted by radars would came to
my knowledge. After I left, I still had access to nearly all
information I desired on this subject.
UFO – When you were a commander, how
often did you receive reports on the cases?
Pereira – That was only once a month. A
controller would say something like “I'm following this object for 10
minutes in the radar”, or “we have another hotel traffic in Amazonas or
Santa Catarina”. However, false echoes or false targets are very common
in radars. A false target appears very briefly and it is easy to know
it because it disappears soon. But a different thing is when we have a
regular trajectory. These occurred once a month and had very short
UFO – Were there any confirmation from
civil pilots reporting the case?
Pereira – Yes. Civil pilots always speak.
The first thing they do when they see something strange is calling the
controllers because they have a huge responsibility. Civil pilots are
not afraid to speak because they don't want to lose their jobs for not
reporting unusual facts.
UFO – But they don't seem to like to talk
with the press. We had much difficulty to get their confidence.
Pereira – They don't talk to the press
because their jobs are at stake, but there's another issue. Some
airlines have problems with their aircraft and don't want the press to
know it. This is a crime. I've seen planes landing in great
difficulties without any assistance waiting for passengers because the
problem was not reported. All because the company didn't want a bad
image on TV. If the pilot had reported to the controllers, he could be
fired. This is not right.
UFO – We have recently received a report
from a Gol pilot who was flying from Fortaleza to Belem and saw a huge
object crossing the way of his Boeing. He sent us the pictures and said
he was very precisely assisted when he contacted Cindacta. Do these
information he reported to the flight controller end at Comdabra too?
Pereira – Yes. A fact like this reported
by a Gol pilot must have generated an official report which is
certainly kept somewhere in Comdabra.
UFO – When something like this happens,
who fills in the form reporting the hotel traffic?
Pereira – It could be the pilot or the
traffic controller. The pilot can land and fill it in. He can get the
form in any Air Force base or any traffic controlling office throughout
the country. Pilots know where to get the form and where to deliver it
completed which is in any Air Force base.
UFO – Then what happens to the completed
Pereira – There's always an
investigation. In this case, for example, the pilot saw something and
registered that. He must report the direction, altitude, and speed of
the object. We need also details such as the position of the Sun
compared to the aircraft's that time. The brightness of the object is
also important, as well as the kind of clouds that time. All these
information are precious. Then the controllers will check if some other
aircraft has crossed the way which could explain the occurrence. A
research will follow and if they discover that no other aircraft was
there and the weather was clear, then we have a different situation.
And all these things are easy to check because everything is in the
report. We go on killing all possibilities until we understand that
there is no explanation for the fact.
UFO – And what happens next?
Pereira – The report goes to the files.
There's nothing to do with it. When we find an explanation the report
is deleted. Someone from the Air Defense calls back the pilot saying
they found out what happened. Then, when no explanation is found, other
procedures are taken. It's important to note that those books of
occurrences contain cases that couldn't be explained even after
analyzed by experts especially assigned to this task.
UFO – So we finally know that what is
filled in Comdabra was already analyzed and could not be explained. Do
you have any idea of the number of entries in those books and folders
every year?
Pereira – I haven't followed what
happened there over the last three years, but we had one to three cases
each month. I want to mention an important thing. I may be guessing,
but I believe that 90% of sightings are never reported. Because they
are filled only where there is an airport or an Air Force base by
people who know whom to report to. So I don't know the percentage of
sightings that ends in reports, but I think they must be less than a
half percent.
UFO – If we have only half percent of
cases reported, than the real number must surpass 200 every month! And
we know that not all pilots take the form to fill it in and deliver.
Pereira – Yes. Pilots don't want to show
up. And other civilians don't even know that these forms exist and are
available throughout the country. So the number of reports is
insignificant. Almost nothing comes to the military knowledge.
UFO – Are there any superior orders to
cover up the information contained in those half percent of reports?
Pereira – No. There's no order for this
kind of cover-up. What we do have is a level classification. Such
things must be kept confidential, but there is no rule establishing
UFO – Have you ever heard of the Area 51
in the Nevada desert?
Pereira – Yes. The area is a real thing
and we conducted some exercises there. Not in the Area 51 itself, but
over the Nevada desert where many military facilities are located. The
USAF performs exercises all over that place. It has international
cooperation and invites military from many countries for training
sessions there. We took part in a training program there and heard of
the Area 51, but no one is allowed to enter there. The Brazilian Air
Force (FAB) has already sent two teams to exercise there and I was
leading one of these operations. One interesting thing is that all
exercises avoid Area 51 which is located right at the center of
UFO – Aren't there any incidents of
pilots trespassing those borders?
Pereira – Yes. The biggest problem is to
make foreign pilots understand the procedures to be followed. Not even
US nationals are allowed to fly over that space.
UFO – Considering the circumstances
involving traffic hotel occurrences and the interference some have
caused in civil and military flights, do you believe there is any risk
for our aircraft?
Pereira – We had no reports of collision
so far. At least we haven't heard of any pilots reporting this kind of
danger in specific forms [This one is different from the one used for
hotel traffic].
UFO – Don't you think this might have
happened without being registered?
Pereira – Yes. Because pilots and
controllers must prepare a danger report on any situation of flight
risk. Then they have to sign it and make themselves known before the
situation is investigated. It doesn't mean it never occurred, it's just
that I've never heard of that.
UFO – Do you think Brazilian government
and the military consider “hotel traffic” as a menace to the national
Pereira – This is difficult to tell
because in practice national security has different approaches. An
“external menace” – I use quotation marks because I don't think any of
us feel threatened by extraterrestrials – cannot be considered by a
single country but for a group of them. From the moment one accepts
that something is coming from space I think the United Nations will
take a position and not countries alone. That won't be a measure from
the US, Uruguay or Afghanistan alone. This is a very complex issue and
I don't see any threat to security. But in case we are dealing with
this maybe we'll have military information that cannot be disclosed
such as the establishment and frequency of our radars, the speed of our
jets against invaders, etc. These are military secret information that
has nothing to do with the phenomenon itself. And during a UFO
research, maybe some military data contained in the situation may
prevent the whole thing to be disclosed. This is a standard procedure
all over the world, when you block one thing in the operation, then
everything is blocked.
UFO – Do you know the NPA-09, a document
issued on August 20th 1990 entitled Procedures to be Followed by
ATS/ATC Bodies in Case of UFO Sightings? Is it still in force?
Pereira – If no other document was
prepared to replace it, then it is still in force. I'm not really sure,
but if this is from 1990 then it's probably still in force. But this is
a confidential document for the use of the Armed Forces. The NPA-09
determines that UFO occurrences must be entered in a book specific for
this purpose (LRO). The occurrences must be entered in chronological
order and including the time of the occurrence when possible. These are
routine procedures.
UFO – This document NPA-09 contains an
item (4.7) in the section entitled General Instructions, which reads:
“In case the press or any other people request for information the
answer shall be 'we are not authorized to comment on that'”. Why not
answering to ufologists and the press? Wouldn't it be more transparent
to answer to ufologists in a serious manner?
Pereira – I'm not for this, but
controversial issues must be handled with care. In general, they are
not authorized, but this is not only for military issues. Do you
remember the subway accident in São Paulo last year (2007)?
Everybody started to call and the response was “we are not authorized
to comment on that”. This is to avoid disputes among different press
agencies. Try talking to Folha de Sao Paulo and not to O Globo
newspapers or vice-versa. You'll become an enemy to one of them. So the
Armed Forces and the government normally try to keep distance from
these press war.
UFO – What would be the best way to find
access to the information NPA-09 intends to keep secret?
Pereira – The best way in this and other
cases is to call for a press conference. Then any agency that wants
information can send their journalists to make questions. Another way
to handle a big request for information is to issue a press release.
This is the standard recommendation.
UFO – Scientists accuse Ufology of lack
of evidence. Let's suppose we can prove in little time that beings from
other planets are visiting Earth. Would you expect any social impact at
scientific, religious, economic or cultural levels?
Pereira – I have no doubt about that. In
case that occurs many things would have to be reviewed.
UFO – Do you know if Brazil works or have
worked together with other countries in UFO matters?
Pereira – Not anymore, but in the past we
used to deal with the US. This is not like this anymore.
UFO – During Operação Prato
some people said that it was terminated due to advise from the US who
was receiving information on the operation's results. Is it true?
Pereira – It's very likely to be true.
The US used to enter into every issue those days. They even wanted to
advise us on that.
UFO – Have Americans ever recommended
measures to be taken by Brazilians regarding UFOs spotted by radars or
interceptions made by jets?
Pereira – No, never. But there's indeed a
spontaneous exchange of information with other countries. There is an
organization called System for Cooperation of American Air Forces
(Sicofaa). They meet once a year in one of the member states to discuss
everything from hygiene issues to fighting drug dealing. At Sicofaa –
which has a proper communication system – issues are dealt with by
commanders. A Brazilian Air Force commander, for example, can reach his
US or any other counterpart directly. At Sicofaa there is total freedom
to speak on any subject [Brazilian Air Force website informs that
Sicofaa was created in 1961 in order to promote and strengthen mutual
friendship and support among Air Forces of member states].
UFO – “Any subject” including flying
Pereira – Yes. I believe today even
flying saucers can be discussed in that environment and not only among
commanders. That body has many different commissions such as flight
security, logistics, whatever. That's a fabulous initiative which is
not affected by diplomatic issues. For example, the recent dispute
among Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela had no effect on the system
[Colombia allegedly attacked a Farc camp in Ecuador supposedly
supported by Ecuador and Venezuela]. Presidents and politicians cursed
one another in those countries, but military at Sicofaa were very
professional and reasonable in dealing with this subject. That's the
purpose of this body which I consider a kind of security against the
war. Everybody thinks military want to go to war when the truth is the
opposite. Military hate war because they should be the first to die.
So, while presidents accuse one another, the military are actually
working for peace through Sicofaa.
UFO – On that night of May 19th 1986, the
so-called “Official UFOs Night in Brazil”, did the military consider
those facts as extremely serious?
Pereira – Sure. There was an array of
UFOs spotted and the whole defense system was put on alert. Colonel
Ozires Silva was flying a Xingu near Poços de Caldas (MG)
heading to Sao Jose dos Campos (SP) when radars showed 21 UFOs on many
different locations from Sao Paulo to Rio de Janeiro including parts of
Goias and Minas Gerais.
UFO – At the occasion, we had the
minister of aeronautics, Brigadier Octavio Moreira Lima, on TV talking
about that. He also authorized pilots and controllers to talk about the
issue without any reserve.
Pereira – Yes. They gave a press
conference. But the minister made a mistake by promising an official
report to be released within the next 30 days. This was never done.
UFO – Never released, but the report was
really prepared. The decision to release it, however, was changed. But
some information contained in it leaked such as the number [21] of UFOs
of 100m diameter each.
Pereira – That's true. The report would
be made because the jets took off. Every time planes take off in an
unusual situation the Air Force has to prepare a report and this is
what happened. I've never heard of it, but it was certainly produced
and for some reason the minister changed his mind about disclosing it.
UFO – We heard of it through a pilot of
the Presidency of the Republic who saw it and told us some details.
Were there any rumors about the report among the military?
Pereira – Let's get back to that initial
point. Did that happen? Yes. Did pilots see it? Yes. Did radars spot
it? Yes. Did Ozires see it? Yes. Did pilots in commercial planes see
it? Yes. Does time of sightings match? Yes. Does trajectory of objects
match? Yes. All this was technically analyzed. So, did that happen?
Yes, it did happen. One of the most important things is that everything
was spotted by the aircraft radars. And the main confirmation is when
we have radars spotting objects simultaneously in the air and on the
ground. Radars of aircraft operate in microwave band which is very
narrow, while radars on the ground operate in a much broader band So
there's no risk of confusion or mistake. Then we come to the question
“What were those objects?”. No one knows. If those were not foreign
jets attacking...
UFO – So they were unidentified flying
objects, flying saucers?
Pereira – Yes. Unidentified flying
UFO – Some ufologists call that an
invasion due to the significant number and size of the objects. What
did it represent to the military? Didn't it raise any fear or alert?
Pereira – No, no. Maybe the military
think in a different way. What did they say that time? They admitted
the fact, but what was the air defense response? Jets took off and
reached the objects in less than two minutes. Were they armed with
missiles? Yes they were.
UFO – Were they armed for any special
reason or is it the standard procedure?
Pereira – That's normal. They are always
armed, but with peace-time armament, that is, two missiles, small
thing. Pilots had the proper training and radars entered maximum
capacity which normally doesn't happen. Radars never operate at full
capacity in order to save energy and to spare the device itself. We
normally keep them working at 70% or 80% of their capacity. But after
the jets took off the capacity was increased to a broader range. All
the military regulations were observed. We did our job because this is
the way military think. No communication has failed, the jets landed
safe and pilots came back unharmed. Mission accomplished! When a
general loses a war he asks to himself: “Where did I go wrong?”. He
never says the enemy was more intelligent, but that he was stronger,
that's all. I remember that time that our concern was to know if we did
our part. Otherwise we'd be asking “Where did we go wrong?”
UFO – So why wasn't that report released?
Pereira – Probably because of some
political reason or fear of panic. That time the idea was that the
population would panic if they knew.
UFO – And wasn't there any further
interest among the military and the government on that invasion?
Pereira – No. I can assure you that we've
never had this feeling. We only had the feeling that we had done our
part. We also felt we haven't failed in our response. If those objects
were from an enemy country, they'd have been crushed that night. It's
very important to hold the enemy's first attempt so that we have time
to prepare for a second charge, but that was not the case. The country
wasn't suffering any threat at all.
UFO – Over the three last decades many
countries have admitted that UFOs are real and represent intelligent
life visiting our planet. First was France in 1976, who has just
published 100 thousand documents on the Internet. Then it was Uruguay
in 1979 and Chile in 1997. Recently Peru and Ecuador did the same. What
do you think of this?
Pereira – I think this is a pragmatic
measure towards real facts. None of the countries you've mentioned is
irresponsible. They are all serious nations and have different levels
of development. And when serious countries admit something, they must
be taken into consideration. As sovereign nations they were never
forced to do that and the international community must recognize this.
UFO – Belgium, Spain, China, Russia -
still in communist times - and Mexico in 2005 may do the same. Most of
them took that position after a significant sighting within their
boundaries. In Chile occurrences were in Deserto do Atacama, Punta
Arenas, and Santiago. Peru had a UFO wave some years ago which affected
also Lima. Uruguay had several cases even in Montevideo. Don't you
think the Brazilian UFO Official Night in 1986 should have triggered a
similar attitude?
Pereira – This takes us back to initial
questions. When we can't explain something, it goes to the files. It
seems in those countries they didn't have the explanation but their
decision was different, they decided to admit the existence of
something even though they couldn't explain that. That's what they did.
Instead of archiving the facts they admitted their existence. The
question now is what were those things...
UFO – Brazilian closest neighbor to admit
UFOs existence is Uruguay (since 1979). They have established a
Committee for UFO Report and Investigation (Cridovni) within their Air
Force. Has Brazil ever exchanged information on UFOs with that country?
Pereira – Not that I know. The only
exchange was with the US during the Cold War era because the US used to
force themselves into every issue.
UFO – But if that exchange occurred only
during the Cold War how could US military and even physicians be
present in Case Varginha occurred in 1996? We know they were there
taking part in many maneuvers resulting in the shipment of UFO's
wreckage and its crew bodies to the US. This was 16 years after the end
of the Cold War.
Pereira – Look, when I talk about Cold
War, I mean official contact from government to government in a higher
level. But in specific issues things are different. US nationals work
in other countries when there is something they want to know. And all
countries do the same. This can be done in a diplomatic scope.
UFO – We had a strange coincidence few
weeks after Case Varginha: NASA director Daniel Goldin came to Brazil.
Brazilian and US space agencies signed an agreement for space
cooperation. Ufologists say this was only an excuse to cover-up US
participation in that story...
Pereira – This is what we call “Operation
Umbrella”, because after that we are covered against any bad weather.
UFO – You are right, but we were lucky
that Brazilian ufologists could collect valuable information on the
case before the military could launch their cover-up operations.
Fortunately, Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues, one of the most serious
Brazilian researcher, lived very near the place where ETs were seen and
captured. He was quick enough to start researching immediately and
called other ufologists who could visit the city in the following days.
Did you follow this case?
Pereira – This is the story I know the
least. All that I know I got from the ordinary press which is not very
reliable because it is somewhat censored. Revista UFO has no
censorship, but newspapers like O Globo, A Folha de São Paulo,
and O Estado de Minas have. Many things [about Varginha] are still
ignored also because the press had no access to the information.
There's one more thing: the editor of a newspaper first analyzes which
news will sell or not, then they decide on what to publish.
UFO – That's true. Nothing was published
about Varginha by the US ordinary press that time.
Pereira – As I told you, the US force
themselves into everything. It seems they want a world and ideological
war. There's always a US ambassador giving opinions on the country
where he is serving. They expressed opinions on that recent immigration
issue between Brazil and Spain. What do they have to do with that?
Nothing. And still they want to take part. But they are right and we
are wrong. We should also force ourselves into everything.
UFO – Brigadier, do you think Brazil
could take the same attitude as those countries which admit the
existence of UFOs and the need to investigate them? Do you think we
have a favorable environment to disclose secret documents?
Pereira – In my opinion we have the most
favorable environment here to open our files! I even think the
population is eager for transparency including on ufological issues.
Brazil lives a very unusual moment with all these federal police
operations. Everything is being put very clear. Now we have all
ministers' personal expenses made public. You can find through the
Internet whatever they spent with their official cards.
UFO – Despite that, ufological files are
kept inaccessible to Brazilian citizens...
Pereira – Yes. And could we trust a
country like this?! There is much more secret in ministers' personal
affairs than in UFO issues and the first were all openly published.
That minister's private expenses shocked the whole country while
Ufology can't cause any damage but raise a serious scientific interest.
I mean, there must be transparency. There is no reason to keep on
hiding things. But it goes a long way to officially accepting UFOs
existence like France did. And the first step towards that is
transparency. People will never believe files while they are still kept
UFO – So you think that if they were
Pereira – This would be the first step
for us to advance. I don't believe people would panic if these files
are opened. This (panic) would never happen. If there's a country that
never panics this is Brazil. Maybe we'll even have a samba theme in
celebration [laughter].
UFO – If you were asked by the government
or the military would you go for the disclosure of files?
Pereira – Absolutely! I'll be for the
opening of all files safeguarding those four restrictions I've already
mentioned. First we have to protect the privacy of people mentioned in
the documents. Second, we can not disclose things that could generate
panic or cause damage to the population. Third, it's crucial to
safeguard secrets that could trigger diplomatic, military, strategic or
economic problems. And fourth, we need to protect the country's
military, economic, and strategic secrets which could put the country
in a vulnerable position against competitors or depreciate our
currency. If we have none of these obstacles, then we should disclose
everything. I believe ufological issues don't fit into any of these
restrictions. That means we have no reason to keep it secret.
UFO – Don't you think that in case
Brazilian military want to disclose the subject some international
powers – especially the US – might go against it?
Pereira – No, absolutely not. I don't
think so.
UFO – Or maybe this is not a priority to
the Brazilian government so they prefer not to do anything about it?
Pereira – Maybe due to a cultural reason.
“Why should we go over this?”, the government may think. There is also
Brazilian traditional bureaucratic problems. Bureaucrats don't want to
change anything. “Is it worth the change?”, they may ask. No, so let's
forget it. This impairs the development of the nation because
forgetting ufological files means forgetting many other things that
could be made public.
UFO – You are aware of the campaign for
freedom of information which resulted in the first official meeting
involving the Air Force and researchers of the Brazilian Ufologists
Committee (CBU). We were received at Cindacta and Comdabra by many
officials including Major Antonio Lorenzo, spokesman of that body, and
Brigadiers Telles Ribeiro and Atheneu Azambuja. They all assured us
that the Air Force commanders had given orders for them to show
everything. However, only a few doors were opened and only three files
were just partially shown. It seems the Air Force meant only to appease
us. Did we have the right impression?
Pereira – First let me tell you that
Lorenzo is a great public relations officer. Now, I don't know if that
is the right impression. But I assure you that my position is for the
full opening of all files without any pre-analysis because there's
nothing else to analyze anymore. But how to interpret the documents and
how to direct the independent investigation is another thing. Anyway, I
think that after the opening, UFO issues won't belong only to
ufologists anymore. It must be engaged by the whole nation, not only
ufologists. Who are the most interested parties? Astrophysicists,
astronomers, geologists, aviators, meteorologists, etc.
UFO – How do you imagine this opening? I
believe the military won't simply call ufologists and deliver us all
the materials...
Pereira – I think they would make
everything available at the National Archive. This is the best way of
doing that [Created in 1838, this is a central body of the System for
Management of Documents of the Brazilian Archive, an integral part of
the Civil Affairs Ministry].
UFO – During our visit to Comdabra we
delivered three letters to Brigadier Telles Ribeiro. One was addressed
to Aeronautics commander, another to the minister of defense and the
last one to president Da Silva. We were requesting the opening of UFO
files and the establishment of a mixed committee of ufologists and
military maybe including scientists in order to research UFOs. If the
committee is really established, would you accept an invitation to take
Pereira – If it were a non-governmental
committee I would take part as a citizen, a collaborator. I do stress
it must be a non-governmental one otherwise it would be a waste.
Unfortunately that time when you visited Comdabra was not appropriate
to a request for the establishment of a committee. That historical
moment didn't allow for that. Now we live a different moment. I
wouldn't say it's an extraordinary one, but it's really much better
than before. Nowadays “transparency” and “disclosure” are fashionable
words because of recent scandals in politics, in those times they were
UFO – Do you know any other high rank
official who has the same opinion as yours and could support our
Pereira – Well, everyone is afraid of
talking. Military in service may think about it, but they will never
speak. Those retired do speak, however. I will talk to some colleagues
to see how they feel about all this [He mentioned two officials of the
Air Defense System - one in service, another retired -, but their names
are safeguarded until they are contacted. One of them allegedly had a
very significant experience with UFOs].
UFO – At the first time we met at
Comdabra, on May 20th 2005, we gave you some magazines and you said you
were already a reader. Are you still our reader?
Pereira – Yes. I buy the magazines from
newsstands at the airport or bus station in Brasilia. It's been some
time since I don't get a new one, but I always read it. Sometimes it's
not easy to find it at the newsstands. It seems more people appreciate
UFO – We have two invitations to you.
First we would like to invite you for a conference at the 36°
Brazilian Congress of Scientific Ufology to be held from 22nd to 25th
May in Curitiba.
Pereira – Of course. I thank you for the
invitation. I'll do my best to be there.
UFO – Second, would you accept an
invitation to take part in an international body of civil and military
personalities from different countries that occasionally meet in
Washington in order to request governments to open their files?
Pereira – Well, I'm not sure about that
now. But I can assure you I'll be in Curitiba.
UFO – Lastly, will you keep on reading
Revista UFO?
Pereira – Of course. Revista UFO is the
reference on Ufology here in Brazil.
Brigadier Jose Carlos Pereira can be
reached by e-mail. You can send your inquiries to Revista UFO and we
will forward them to him:
Target Acquired: The Armed Response to UFOs
On Wednesday,
November 27, 2002, a flight of Lockheed F?16 interceptors was launched
to investigate what was described by a NORAD spokesman as "a trail of
condensation" moving from the Caribbean Sea toward the United Stated.
This contrail apparently alerted the Air Space Command, located in
Colorado Springs, that a rogue aircraft or missile may have been fired
toward a target in the continental U.S. The fighters reached the
indicated coordinates, but were unable to find the source of the
Only a few months earlier, in July
2002, reports of an unexplained object zooming low over suburban
Washington D.C. caused yet another "scramble" ? one of hundreds since
the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The
military, fearing any possible aerial attack, was taking no chances
against the possibility of another similar incident?this time in the
nation's capital. The media did not mention that 50 years previous,
almost to the day, fighters had unsuccessfully tried to reach the UFOs
that sailed leisurely past the dome of the U.S. Capitol.
The experience appears to have repeated
itself six months later: according to the late Ohio-based researcher
Kenny Young, a D.C. area witness reported hearing two fighter jets
chasing an object over that city at 10:50 a.m. on December 16, 2002.
Describing the object as "bright silver and reflecting the sun" and
much larger than an airplane, the witness added that it was as swift as
any interceptor. The fact that she did not report seeing interceptors
in pursuit led her to believe that the F-15's "had just missed it."
It is almost inevitable: in a world as
thoroughly militarized as our own, with openly declared wars and high-
and low-intensity conflicts raging over five continents, jet
fighters--the pride and first line of defense of a country's sovereign
airspace--are also the first official committee to deal with the
unknown. Since the development of high-speed interceptors in WWII,
aircraft of many nations have had brushes with the still-unexplained
aerial phenomena known as UFOs. In some cases, the prudent response has
been to shadow the intruders and photograph their movements with the
interceptor's gun camera (the source of many intriguing stills and
movies dealing with the phenomenon. In others, authorization to open
fire has been granted, prompting a wide range of responses from the
intruder. Sometimes the unknown object simply zooms out of reach,
sometimes it disappears. Upon occasion, the "uncorrelated target"
shoots back with devastating results.
The history of encounters between the
U.S. military and unidentified objects forms a major component of
ufological study, yet the brave men and women of the USAF are hardly
alone in their efforts, as their counterparts in other countries have
also been called upon to square off against the unknown: UFO researcher
Kevin Randle mentions a 1972 article written by Jean Thoraval, a
correspondent for two major U.S. newspapers, regarding the luminous
orange sphere seen over Hanoi during the Vietnam War. Citing the
correspondent's article, Randle states that North Vietnamese SAMs
(surface-to-air missiles) were launched against the intruder. Thoraval
claims having seen how the projectiles "flamed out" short of their
mysterious target, a sign that the orange sphere was at a very high
altitude but large enough to be clearly seen from the surface. In 1960,
the French Air Force scrambled Mystere fighters in 1960 to intercept
two disk-shaped objects that appeared over Paris. The pursuit lasted
less than a half hour, and the unknown craft darted out away from the
jets, vanishing into the horizon.
Mexico Reacts to the UFO Issue
In October 1995, in the initial rush of excitement
over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a U.S. military
delegation visited Mexico City for a low-key but highly important
opportunity: changing the Mexican military's perception of the U.S.
from that of an aggressor to more of a partner. William Perry,
Secretary of Defense under the Clinton Administration, and General
Barry McCaffrey, met with their Mexican counterparts and proposed
"bringing together the mechanisms for a joint struggle...and a better
exchange of both equipment and armaments."
Secretary Perry took advantage of a
ceremony at a Mexican military base to state that one of the crucial
components of this new joint struggle--ostensibly in the war against
drugs--included improved air defenses, something that had never been
stressed before. Like most Latin American air forces, Mexico had relied
heavily on T-33 fighters (used for training purposes by the USAF) and
some newer purchases from Europe. Might it be too bold to suppose that
the Pentagon's request that our southern neighbor "beef up" its air
defenses have something to do with the UFO activity experienced earlier
in the decade?
Given its long history of animosity
toward the U.S. military (a result of the wars of 1845-47 and the early
20th century incursions into Northern Mexico by Gen. Sam Pershing, not
to mention the siege of Veracruz), the Mexican military establishment
had never been worked intimately with the Pentagon.
Mexico's history of encounters between
unidentified flying objects and aircraft begins only a few years after
Kenneth Arnold's historic 1947 sighting over Mount Rainier: on March 3,
1950, a Mexican aviation official engaged in a routine tour of
inspection of the airports in the northern regions of the country when
he saw a curious yellowish disk suspended at an estimated altitude of
15,000 feet over the city of Chihuahua's airport. A press report
indicated that two airplanes--whether military or civilian--tried to
intercept the object but were unable to reach it.
By mid-March, the saucers were over Mexico City
itself. On the 14th, many hundreds of witnesses reported seeing four
flying saucers over Mexico's international airport, creating a
sensation across the city. Activity reached its peak on March 21, when
the El Nacional newspaper reported that an unidentified object was seen
so clearly over Mexico City that movie camera operators were allegedly
able to capture it on film. Sensational claims continued to emerge,
such as the supposed collision of a saucer in the Sierra de Moronesa
mountains of Zacatecas--an impact that caused the earth to shake.
In 1957, the Mexican newspaper El
Universal Gráfico published a comprehensive account on the
alleged landing of a disk-shaped object in the community farms of San
Juan de Aragón, an event witnessed by farmer Gilberto Espinoza.
Although the incident had taken place in November of the preceding
year, the newspaper ran its story in January 1958. An early UFO pursuit
occurred on December 12, 1957, when a Douglas DC-3 belonging to
Aerolíneas Mexicanas was intercepted by a "speeding saucer" over
San Luis Potosí. Passengers aboard the aircraft were apparently
petrified with fright as the pilot, Capt. Gilberto Alba, cooly put the
DC-3 through a series of evasive maneuvers.
In August 1997, while ufologists
worldwide were distracted by the hoaxed UFO over the Mexican
neighborhood of Polanco, Mexico's prestigious El Financiero concerned
itself with another matter: the possibility that unidentified flying
objects had collided somewhere in the Chiapas 7th Military Region, the
region which had attained global prominence due to the struggles of the
Tzetzil natives and the Zapatista movement. UFOs had been reported over
small populations in the vast rural state, but workers at Red Cross
infirmary in the village of Cintalapa had managed to see a large round
object giving off tongues of fire which disappeared behind the Sierra
Madre. Some believed that the object fell into the el Sumidero Canyon
while others said it had fallen into the Pacific Ocean. The Mexican
armed forces initiated a thorough search of the region.
Mexican author and ufologist Carlos
Alberto Guzmán Rojas has collected a wealth of encounters
between aviators and UFOs in his book Los OVNIS y la Aviación
Mexicana (Mexico:TM, 2001). While focusing mainly on civilian airliner
encounters, Guzmán also includes some notable military
encounters, some of them dating back to the early 1960s, when a Douglas
C-54 belonging to the FAM (acronym for Fuerza Aérea Mexicana,
the Mexican air force) had a mid-air UFO encounter during a
cross-border flight to Texas on a mission to secure matériel: a
silver saucer flew alongside the cargo plane over the Gulf of Mexico,
less than two thousand feet off the starboard wing. The intruder
finally peeled off when the C-54 was about to land at a U.S. base. The
crew was so unnerved by the experience, and so fearful of reprisals if
the matter was broached either at the U.S. base or back in Mexico, that
it was years before anyone discussed the encounter openly.
In November 1978, a spectacular UFO
incident occurred over Mexico City: thousands looked on as subsonic
T-33's launched from the Santa Lucía AFB, home of the 202nd
Fighter Wing, the one nearest to the Aztec capital, tried to catch up
with a disk-shaped, multi-hued and windowed craft at around 7:45 p.m..
Nine Lockheed T-33 did their level best to intercept the intruder,
which seemed to remain at a safe distance from the fighters'
twenty-millimeter guns. Two years later, a squadron of Rockwell
Turbocommanders participating in the Independence Day celebrations on
September 16, 1980 were stalked by a black discoidal UFO which remained
hidden in the cloud banks over Mexico City. According to Carlos
Guzmán, photos of the concealed intruder were taken by Alejandro
Guízar and his friends from the rooftop of their house as they
observed the aerial maneuvers.
Although no clear-cut connection can be
made, the protracted Mexican UFO wave of the mid-1970s may have caused
the government to see the need to upgrade its hardware. In 1982, the
FAM ordered the creation of the Escuadrón Aéreo 401
(401st Fighter Wing), charging it with safeguarding the integrity of
the nation's airspace. Delivery of the first of several Northrop F-5
E/F jet fighters took place on the very same year as Mexico went on a
buying spree: Antonov heavy cargo planes, Israeli-built Arava aircraft
and Swiss Pilatus C-7 trainers. While these military expenditures could
be seen as a result of the country's oil boom in the late '70s and
early '80s, it is still interesting that a country with no clear-cut
adversaries should behave thus. None of Mexico's neighbors to the south
(Guatemala and Belize) have long-range air power; to the north it faces
the air supremacy of the United States and to the east, Cuba's
Soviet-era MIGs. But if the hypothesis presented in this article has
any truth to it, the Mexican government has not succeeded in inspiring
confidence among people who work in aviation.
Carlos Guzmán and Alfonzo
Salazar interviewed Enrique Kolbeck, a senior air traffic controller at
Mexico City's Benito Juarez airport. When asked his opinion on the
FAM's record of UFO interception, Kolbeck was skeptical. "Without being
pejorative, our air force is not developed, it isn't the type of air
force able to make interceptions, as do other air forces. The
priorities of the persons in charge do not extend to UFOs, I think.
Perhaps there is an arrangement between governments so that every time
a strange object falls in our Mexico, another country can take it away
to engage in research on it."
Events such as the one which occurred
on March 23, 1999 clearly indicate why any country would want to avail
itself of some means of "credible response" to unknown forces. Between
6:15 and 6:30 that evening, an elongated flying object measuring an
astounding 2 kilometers in length and shaped like an office building
was reported to the Benito Juarez airport tower. Enshrouded in clouds,
the flying behemoth remained over the Texcoco Dry Lake and was clearly
seen by nearly two dozen airport mechanics who were waiting to service
a flight arriving from Acapulco.
This story, which appeared in Mexico's
La Prensa newspaper, was never officially confirmed. However, air
traffic controller Enrique Kolbeck made reference to a similar case
which occurred some years earlier to the north of Mexico City and
involving an object so large to be classified as "hair-raising" by the
controller. The object matched the description of a UFO "mothership"
and appeared to be surrounded by a swarm of lesser craft.
A Showdown in Spain
In October 1976, Spanish journalist Juan José
Benítez's research into the subject of UFOs took a sudden and
utterly unexpected turn when a general of the Ejército del Aire
(the Spanish Air Force) handed him a dossier of a dozen UFO cases
marked "top secret". This unexpected windfall gave Benítez a
leg-up over other UFO investigators, particularly when the general --
who had demanded anonymity -- seemed to hint that his superiors in the
government had given tacit approval to this handing over of information
to a prominent journalist.
The twelve cases included in the
dossier, which were published two years later in book form under the
title OVNIS: Documentos Oficiales del Gobierno Español (UFOs:
Official Documents of the Spanish Government) would have softened the
most hardened skeptic and pleased the most scientifically-minded UFO
researcher. Each case was thoroughly substantiated with affidavits,
photographs, and 8mm movie film from witnesses. Some of them were
gun-camera films taken by Spanish fighter pilots who had flown missions
to intercept unidentified flying objects venturing into their country's
Benítez's one-on-one interview
with General Carlos Castro Cavero constituted the lengthiest interview
granted by a high-ranking officer of Spain's air force on the subject
of UFO's, and never before had a general been so outspoken: "Of course
they exist." Castro declared at one point "What is more, I believe that
they are extraterrestrial spacecraft." He went on to explain that in
his opinion, any vehicle that could not be identified as an airplane, a
weather balloon, or a natural phenomenon, yet was clearly a solid
object, must be, perforce, a vehicle originating from a place outside
our planet's atmosphere.
Yet in his wildest dreams, the
journalist could not have expected the general to admit -- for the
record, anyway -- to having actually seen a UFO. Yet General Castro
smiled and stated: "Yes, I have seen one [...] At a farm I own in the
province of Zaragoza, at Sádaba. I witnessed a shining object
there. It hung motionless in the sky and at an altitude which was hard
to determine, since I was unable to determine its size...I summoned my
relatives and all the farmhands, and they all saw it. I recall that all
of Sádaba saw lasted for over an hour."
The general answered many other
questions, some of a more practical nature, such as the mechanisms that
went into effect when the Spanish Air Force was alerted to a UFO
sighting: first, an arbiter was appointed, more often than not a chief
aviator familiar with all the different phenomena to be found in the
skies at different altitudes. The arbiter contacts the witnesses,
asking them direct questions in order to assess their degree of
education as well as other details pertaining to the sighting, such as
place, time, flight path followed by the object or objects, luminosity,
and other particulars. A meteorological report for the location where
the sighting occurred is added to the official record. The arbiter then
interviews air traffic control operators to see if any airplanes or
weather balloons were over the area.
Perhaps General Castro's willingness to
express his views on UFOs constituted the preamble to the twelve cases
delivered to Benítez months later.
The most outstanding among these cases
included a sighting made by the officers and crew of the destroyer
Atrevida, belonging to the Spanish Navy, which was stationed off the
island of Fuerteventura (one of the Canary Islands, and by far the most
mysterious) in June 1976. At 9:27 p.m. on the evening of June 22, a
yellowish light was seen to move off Fuerteventura's shores in a direct
line toward the warship. The enigmatic sphere of light halted its
progress half-way toward the vessel, and gyrating beam of light issuing
from the sphere became visible for a number of minutes. Spellbound by
the unknown phenomenon, those on the ship noticed a halo of
bluish-yellow light envelop the object, which later split into two
distinct components, one of which made a spiral ascent into the night
sky before disappearing. The bluish-yellow halo of light remained in
place for over half an hour after the object itself had disappeared.
Rivers of ink have flown over another
one of these cases, the landing of a UFO in the gunnery range of the
Zaragoza Air Force Base in Bardenas Reales. A number of expurgated
versions of the account had made the rounds, omitting any mention of
UFOs. However, the declassified files more than compensated for the
At eleven o' clock on the evening of
January 2, 1975, a corporal and four soldiers on watch in one of the
gunnery range's buildings suddenly became aware of a red light on the
ground about a mile away from their position. At first, they believed
that the light issued from a tractor, but realized upon closer
inspection that such a vehicle was in the middle of the gunnery range
at an ungodly hour. The guards kept a careful eye on the unexplained
light source from their perch on the highest level of the
installation's watchtower. Their monotonous routine was about to go
down in history.
After half an hour, the red light rose
gently into the sky to a height of about a hundred feet. It flew toward
an auxiliary watchtower directly across from the one occupied by the
alarmed soldiers. After flying a loop around the auxiliary tower, it
headed straight for them, flying over their position and changing in
color from red to orange before flying off into the night sky. It was
then that the alarmed soldiers (most of them just conscripts fulfilling
Spain's two-year compulsory military service requirement) realized that
another object -- a glowing, unearthly white rather than red --
occupied the same location where the red object had been.
This was too much for the corporal, who
phoned the gunnery range barracks, containing about 30 soldiers and
commanded by a sergeant, who was told that the guards in the main
watchtower were reporting a UFO within the base perimeter. The sergeant
stepped out of the barracks carrying binoculars and followed by the
other soldiers. Through his binoculars, he saw that the light was, in
his own words, "as round as a beret". It gave off bright flashes
against the ground before rising into the air, following the same
trajectory as the red object, and vanishing.
An encore performance took place a few
nights later, on January 5th: this time four white lights were seen
side by side at the same spot where the original incident had
transpired. A vehicle with armed soldiers was quickly dispatched across
the gunnery range to challenge the four intruders, which flew off as
the vehicle approached them. Nonetheless, enough "ground effects" were
found to substantiate the fact that something had indeed been there.
The soldiers found burning vegetation and an entirely scorched circle
some thirty feet in diameter. Nonetheless, a wedge-shaped section of
terrain was left completely unscathed. Official investigators inspected
the damaged on the next day, determining that the burning had been
caused by poachers operating in the area.
The debate over another case remains
strong to this day: the "Manises Incident", an encounter between an
airliner and a UFO on November 11, 1979.
A Super Caravelle bearing tourists from
Barcelona to the Canary Islands was engaged at an altitude of 23,000
feet by a huge object with two powerful red lights on its front and
rear. To the crew's alarm, the "thing" came within some 70 feet of the
Super Caravelle's left wing. Unable to shake the unwelcome escort, the
airliner radioed the Manises Control Tower in Valencia, advising the
traffic controllers that it was coming in for an emergency landing. The
news hit the wire services within minutes of the plane's arrival: an
airliner with 109 passengers had been forced out of the sky by a UFO.
A Mirage F-1 fighter was scrambled from
the Los Llanos Air Facility in Albacete to intercept not one, but three
UFOs hovering over the area. At speeds of five hundred knots an hour,
the F-1 pursued one of the contacts--a mysterious red light--toward the
African shore before being recalled to pursue another unidentified
object flying over Valencia and headed toward the city of Teruel.
Unsure of what to do, the pilot radioed to his base: "Well, so what
should I do? Throw him out of Spain?"
But before approval the option to
removing the unwelcome visitor from his nation's airspace was given,
the pilot was ordered to pursue a third contact over the
Mediterranean--a luminous white disk. But the realities of a low fuel
situation prompted the F-1 to return to Albacete, with the enigmatic
object flying behind it until it landed at Los Llanos.
South America Faces the Unknown
Although it may come a surprise to some, in the few
years following World War II, Argentina stood on the verge of becoming
a world superpower.
According to Spanish aerospace expert Francisco
Mañez, a number former Luftwaffe pilots--renowned air aces such
as Adolf Galland and Hans Ulrich Rudel--joined the exodus of military
talent from post-war Germany to Argentina. Flying wing designer Reimar
Horten took his genius along with him, and so did Kurt Tank, director
of Focke-Wulf Aviation. They soon found a dictator willing to employ
their services: the charismatic and ambitious Juan Perón.
Perón's dream was to harness the
newly disclosed secrets of the atom to air power. To achieve this, he
hired exiled physicist Ronald Richter and set him up in a nuclear
laboratory on the island of Huemul, located in the middle of Nahuel
Huapi, the lake known to cryptozoologists for its mysterious marine
monster. Richter's efforts were aimed at achieving what is now termed
"cold fusion", and in 1951, Perón announced a breakthrough to
the world. Under U.S. pressure, Richter was detained and his work
stopped, but there were other things at work in the mysterious island
of Huemul, such as an atomic engine to power the Argentinean submarine
fleet and advanced aircraft such as the IA-38 flying wing, the IA-48
interceptor and the IA-36 transport -- streamlined futuristic aircraft
decades ahead of their time. "The winds of silence," writes
Máñez in his book Historias Aeronáuticas (Spain:
Tetragrammaton, 2000) "still blow over Huemul. One can play the tourist
and visit the facilities which sheltered the Axis scientists and their
mysterious work, but we cannot even cast a glance at the classified
papers of Richter or his collaborators--Beck, Haffke, Ehrenberg,
Seelman-Eggebert, Greinel, Abele and Pinardi..."
Argentina's "brief, shining moment" as
budding superpower ended with the fall of the Perón regime. The
new government scrapped all of the Buck Rogerish prototypes and
dutifully purchased U.S. made Sabres and DC-3s. Máñez
argues that the UFO reports stemming from that part of the Andean range
(the cities of Mendoza and Córdoba) are due to the fact that
secret testing of these advanced aircraft is still taking place, now
under the watchful eyes of the Pentagon. In 1974, a UFO reported by
ground crews and controllers at the Bariloche Airport, and photographed
by a witness, bears a strong resemblance to the controversial AVZ-9
Avrocar--a project terminated in 1961--but alive and well and being
flown south of the U.S. border.
Whether man-made circular craft are
being tested in South America is a subject for another article; the
fact remains that the Argentinean military establishment, perhaps much
less sophisticated than it might have been unless Juan Perón's
dreams come true, has had close encounters of its own with unexplained
Journalist Alejandro Agostinelli, one
of his country's most respected and controversial investigators of the
UFO scene, notes that it was in 1952 that the Argentinean Navy, not its
Air Force, created its first UFO inquiry agency at the Puerto Belgrano
Naval Facility. Three years later, Capt. Jorge Milberg, would translate
Maj. Donald Keyhoe's Flying Saucers from Outer Space. On July 3, 1960,
Capt. Hugo Niotti, seconded to the Underofficer's Training Academy in
Cordoba, photographed a conical object flying parallel to the ground
that traveled at an estimated 200 kilometers per hour near the vicinity
of Yacanto.
At 7:20 p.m. on May 22, 1962 a squadron
of fighters in the vicinity of Bahía Blanca's Comandante Espora
Naval Base, reported the presence of UFOs along its flight path. The
interception lasted 35 minutes. Direct eyewitnesses to this incident
were Lt. Rodolfo César Galdós and his student, Roberto
Wilkinson. This was the first official acknowledgement of the
phenomenon and would lead to the Argentinean
Navy's inception of its first Permanent Commission for the Study of the
UFO Phenomenon (COPEFO, in Spanish), headed by a team composed of naval
officers and journalists. Not to be outdone, the Air Force promptly
created its own saucer study group.
In August 1965, the Navy's COPEFO
decided to track UFOs using a combination of radar and chase planes
from the Punta Indio Aeronaval Base: during one incident, a strange
echo was picked up on the radar screen. A Navy interceptor was
scrambled after the radar contact, but the UFO repeatedly managed to
elude its pursuer. The pilot reported that the object had an
"ellipsoid" configuration, having a diameter of some twelve diameter
and at one point, coming within two hundred meters of his fighter.
Despite its highly auspicious start,
the Navy's UFO panel ran aground in 1967, possibly due to a statement
made by one of its directors supporting the existence of unidentified
flying objects. A hasty retraction was issued by a spokesman, making it
clear that the director's opinions did not reflect the Navy's official
stance on the matter. Another contrast between the Air and Navy
services became evident when the commander in chief of the Argentine
Air Force, Brig. Gen. Adolfo Alvarez embraced the existence of "flying
saucers" in July 1968, cryptically adding "Otherwise, I wouldn't be an
On May 29, 1978, Marcelo Pérez,
then 17 years old, was a high school student lodging in the dormitories
of the Puerto Belgrano Naval Facility (a military installation
bedeviled by UFO and paranormal events, as is the case with certain
U.S. military facilities). Shortly after ten o'clock at night, the
student was enjoying the refreshingly cold air when his gaze happened
to wander upward: less than twenty meters over his head he could see
two bluish-white lights that darted around at considerable speed over
the base. One of the lights zoomed over the base hospital and chapel
before vanishing from sight.
According to author Gustavo
Fernández, Argentina has never opted to declassify its UFO files
in the way that Spain and the United Kingdom have chosen to, nor has
there ever been what he terms "a sincere dialogue between civilian and
military personnel aimed at dusting off the cases filed in some
government office."
While there is no disputing this
assertion, members of the military establishment of some other South
American countries can be surprisingly candid about their involvement
with unknown aerial craft. In December 2002, journalist Cristián
Riffo of OVNIVISION managed to interview Hernán Gabrielli Rojas,
a retired Chilean brigadier general, regarding a colossal UFO over the
deserts of northern Chile.
General Gabrielli recalls that in 1978,
while conducting a training flight involving a pair of Northrop F-5E
Tiger IIs not far from Antofagasta, their radars alerted them to the
presence of a mammoth intruder.
"It was noon and I was flying with
captain Danilo Catalán??we were both flight instructors,"
Gabrielli told the journalist." Accompanying us were avionics tech
Fernando Gómez and another trainee. The F?5 is radar?equipped,
and a line appeared from side to side??in other words, a trace
throughout the bottom side of the screen. A trace for a surface ship, a
cruiser, is approximately one centimeter long, but this line went from
one side [of the screen] to another. I assumed the radar scope had
failed, and I said as much to Danilo Catalán, but his radar also
"failed". I then advised the ground radar at Antofagasta and they also
picked up the line. We were engaged with these details when we looked
toward the east: we were flying from north to south in the vicinity of
Mejillones, and saw a deformed cigar?shaped object. Deformed, like a
plantain banana. It was swathed in smoke."
The general estimated the size of the
craft as being comparable to that of a dozen aircraft carriers. "It was
large and must have been some 15 to 20 miles away. It moved in the same
direction as us. We had no missiles, guns or anything. As you can
imagine, the fright was more or less considerable. We could see a large
thing surrounded in smoke, and from which a vapor issued. All of this
situation must have lasted some five minutes. We approached the UFO but
it was motionless. It neither approached nor retreated??it merely
sailed parallel to us. It was quite impressive, because it was truly
something strange, and something could be seen in concealment behind
the smoke," he recalled.
Although the F-5E's are equipped with
gun cameras, the general did not say if any footage had been obtained.
The UFO "mothership" eventually vanished, heading toward Easter Island.
"The sky cleared and the lines on the radar vanished," he informed
Riffo. "However, there had been an object physically flying there. It's
not a yarn, let me tell you. It's my only experience with UFOs."
It may be General Gabrielli's only
experience, but not the Chilean Air Force (FACh)'s only instance of
dealing with the UFO phenomenon. A newswire from Agence France Presse
in February 2001 reported that the FACh had turned over classified
information regarding UFO sightings to the United States Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA). This information would have included
sightings in the cities of Arica, Antofagasta and Charanal in Chile's
northern regions as well as other cases in the Chilean Antarctic. A
stern denial by the military followed--Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez,
director of the Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos
Aéreos, was quoted as saying during the last International Air
and Space Fair held in Santiago de Chile: "The Chilean Air Force has
repeatedly stated, to the point of exhaustion, that there are no UFO
Uruguay, the smallest of the nations
comprising the Southern Cone, puts both of its larger neighbors to
shame in this regard. Not only does the country's military
establishment manifest its concern over the UFO phenomenon, it has
investigated hundreds of reports dating back to the 1930s. Even more
surprisingly, Uruguay's CRIDOVNI (which translates as Receiving and
Investigating Commission on UFO Claims) agency is a branch of the
nation's air force.
The UFO research branch of the
Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) can trace its beginnings to an incident which
occurred on September 13, 1994, when residents of Paso de las Velas,
some 150 km. from Montevideo, allegedly witnessed a UFO crashing into
the ground. The event, which occurred after an electrical storm, caused
witnesses to became aware of a solid rectangular object crossing the
sky noiselessly. The orange rectangle suddenly plummeted to the ground,
setting off an explosion which was heard for many kilometers around.
Large plumes of smoke filled the air, but no traces of the object at
the putative crash site.
In the light of this case, the
Uruguayan Air Force decided to accept all UFO-related information and
investigate each case directly. In March 2000, Col. Bernabé
Gadea, CRIDOVNI's director, discussed the agency's research methods
with Cesar Bianchi, a correspondent for Spain's El País
newspaper. The setup is in some ways reminiscent of the early Project
Blue Book: a three man operation, consisting of Gadea himself,
psychologist Carlos Cantonet, and Lt. Col. Ariel Sánchez. UFO
reports are dubbed "statements" and the CRIDOVNI troika is quick to
state that "There are no UFO investigations taking place anywhere in
the world, because we cannot investigate something we cannot identify.
For this reason we research
claims??the events narrated by the eyewitnesses."
Ancillary to CRIDOVNI's core staff are
meteorologists, aeronautical meteorologists, engineers, air traffic
controllers, upper atmosphere physicists, psychologists and physicians.
"We are Latin America's first official and public commission on the
subject," Colonel Gadea informed the El País correspondent with
certain pride, "and we have advised others, such as Chile's Comision de
Estudios de Fenomenos Aereos Anomalos (CEFAA) in 1998." Procedure for
the Uruguayan research organization is exacting: should physical
evidence of an unknown object be left behind following a collision, for
example, the "operations department" is responsible for reaching the
point of impact and collecting evidence to be submitted to government
ministries dealing with agronomy, mining and nuclear energy.
"We are one of the few countries," said
psychologist Cantonet,"where the authorities issue an official reply to
the phenomenon, whether we label it as "conventional" when we can
explain it through our scientific evaluation methods to answer the
public's questions, or "unconventional" when scientific advances
do not allow us to provide an answer."
Source: Scott Corrales/Inexplicata
Kelowna Woman Says She Saw Ogopogo Lake Monster
Don't tell Robyn Holman that the mythical lake monster called the
Ogopogo doesn't exist.
Because Holman says the elusive beast made an
appearance as she and a friend were travelling along the highway near
Peachland, B.C., on Sunday afternoon. Holman says she noticed a wave in
the water on Okanagan Lake and couldn't believe her eyes when she
turned to look.
Holman says she took a picture and is now waiting to
get the photo developed. Whether it turns out or not, the Kelowna,
B.C., woman is now convinced that the legendary Ogopogo does exist.
The Ogopogo legend has been in existence for as long
as settlers have been in B.C.
The first recorded sighting was in 1872, by Mrs. John
Allison, and sightings have been recorded regularly ever since,
although there is no solid evidence that the creature exists.
First Nations legends call the beast the N'ha-a-itk,
or lake demon, according to local lore.
Similar to the monster of Loch Ness in Scotland, the
Ogopogo is purportedly a serpent-like creature, somewhere between six
and 15 metres long, with a horse-shaped head and a dark blue or brown
Source: The Canadian Press
Listening to the Grays
Mac Tonnies has been thinking about aliens - the Grays. What if they
represent a sort of tangible psychosomatic feedback from our own
distant future?
Let’s talk about aliens. The Grays. You know the ones: black, lidless
eyes, atrophied mouths, vestigial nostrils. Their bodies, if human,
would be considered emaciated. Anonymous pathologists, notably sources
known only to the late UFO investigator Len Stringfield, indicated
disproportionately long arms with clawed fingers. By almost all
accounts, the Grays are described as genderless.
I’ve never know precisely what to make of these quasi-mythical beings.
They are many things: harbingers of a new mythology in keeping with the
paranoid climate of the 1980s, when the word “Roswell” began
registering on our collective cultural radar. In 1987, Whitley
Strieber’s Communion epitomized the image of a prototypical Gray on
bookshelves around the world. (Some readers found the image intolerably
spooky; others noted an alluring quality to the alleged portrait, a
sentiment that kindled hope in the faded promises of the saucer
The Grays are also metaphor. Their very appearance is in keeping with
the visual vocabulary painfully accumulated in the decades after World
War II. With their skeletal physique and bulbous heads, the Grays
recall famine victims or the walking dead left in the wake of Nazi
Germany. If there’s such a thing as Jung’s collective unconscious, it
would appear to have a sardonic sense of humor. Their arrival is less
communion than confrontation, shocking in both novelty and complexity .
The mythos offers easy, literalist answers to assuage and appall us in
equal measure. We’re told they come from a dying world – perhaps
circling Zeta Reticuli – in search of genetic material. They’re
desperate, fallible, yet possessed of (and perhaps by) a technology
that abides by Clarke’s famous maxim. And yet apparently, and seemingly
against the odds, they make mistakes. 1947 wasn’t a good year, if the
conventional wisdom regarding Roswell is to be implicitly trusted.
Having crashed one of their reconnaissance vehicles in the American
Southwest, the Grays set about revealing themselves, albeit reluctantly.
Incredibly, they requested favors and made deals with the United States
government in their effort to regain autonomy. Later, having duped us
with technological cast-offs, they promptly went about insinuating
themselves into our bodies and homes, extracting tissue with vampirish
zeal. (Like vampires, the Grays are predominantly nocturnal, and their
agenda seems burdened with inordinately erotic overtones. It’s likely
no accident that Strieber’s cult classic novel, The Hunger, involved
the plight of blood-sucking immortals.)
Witnesses claim the Grays act like members of a hive, each unit as
unhesitating and pragmatic as a wasp or ant as they busy themselves
around incomprehensible devices or tend to incubators, where supposed
human-alien hybrids can be seen drifting in vials of fluid. The
unsolicited tours they offer abductees fascinate me, regardless of
whether they actually occur as described. Whether they realize it or
not, the Grays are intently showing us our worst dystopian nightmares;
their future is a world of shuffling monotony and gynecological
wizardry worthy of Huxley.
Whoever they once were and wherever they’re from, the Grays have
suffered a cataclysmic schism between body and mind. Like the
replicants of Blade Runner, they’re largely immune to empathy and look
to us with a mixture of fascination and sadness. They’ve lost something
pivotal and will stop at nothing to get it back — if, indeed, they
remember what they’ve misplaced.
We boldly speculate about the potential of mind-uploading and the
promise of designer bodies. We plunge forever deeper in to the
resplendent weave of our own genome, shuffling molecules with
Frankensteinian resolve. The Grays might be projections from our own
future: imaginal constructs so heavily freighted with our own
unresolved anxieties that they’ve become effectively palpable.
In our rush to debunk, we ignore their warning at our own peril.
Source: Futurismic
Costa Rica: Satanists or
The owner of a horse was left startled and frightened when he found his
animal lifeless and with a deep hole between its trachea and chest -- a
hole through which the heart and liver were removed in an "excessively
technical" manner.
"It's a tubular hole between the trachea and the pectoral, very deep,
and it was through there, as thought a huge hand with powerful claws
had gone inside, [the horse's] heart was removed," said Saul Ramirez,
the nephew of the owner of the animal found dead in this mysterious and
bizarre fashion, the first incident of its kind in the area.
Satanists or Goatsuckers?
The story that has spread among residents of Lilan is that the animal
was slaughtered to remove its heart and liver for a traditional satanic
ritual, one performed by the Devil's followers after consuming
marijuana and alcohol, feeling the urge to indulge in "black masses" at
night in certain regions of the hidden beaches of Cahuita. However, the
still-recent manifestation of the Chupacabras was also brought to bear,
and all of this because the animal was exsanguinated, barely leaving a
small trace of blood.
"What's odd is that if an animal had been involved, it would have
bitten it or caused external damage. The only injury it has is
internal," added Saul.
The discovery was made yesterday morning. They were looking for the
dapple grey horse they use to pull the cart filled with organic
fertilizer around the area of Lilan de Cahuita, Talamanca (Limon). The
farm is located 6 kilometers from Lilan toward San Rafael. The horse is
always left in a pasture behind the Ramirez family's home. To bury the
animal, it was necessary to bury it in an enormous ditch after cutting
its legs off. Uncle and nephew did quite a bit of shoveling.
For more information, check out
this website:
Source: Source: Diario Extra (Costa Rica)
(Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Liliana
Hauntings Spook Wisconsin
HORICON — The many gruesome hauntings of the Midwest and Wisconsin held
the interest of the audience as Chad Lewis, searcher of paranormal,
talked to an appreciative crowd at the Horicon Public Library on
Thursday evening.
One place of notable haunting is Little Bohemia, a resort lodge off
Highway 51 in Manitowish Waters. It is one of the locations in
Wisconsin that portions of the filming of "Public Enemies" took place.
That movie, set for release on July 1, 2009, stars Johnny Depp as John
Dillinger, the nation's number one public enemy in 1934.
According to Lewis, Little Bohemia was a haven during the off-season
where criminals rolled out and wanted to stay for a whole week. In 1934
Dillinger arrived at Little Bohemia with Tommy Carroll, Baby Face
Nelson, Homer Van Meter, Three Finger Jack and a number of beautiful
"Due to the heavy firearms they carried and their 'gangster' suits,
they were immediately recognized by the owner," Lewis said. "The owners
made the mistake of alerting the authorities by smuggling messages out
on matchbook covers to members of their family. The Chicago Bureau of
the FBI was notified and they rushed to the lodge, waiting for
Dillinger to come out. At 9 p.m., three local men, who had finished
eating, left the building. Thinking it was Dillinger, the FBI opened
fire. The gunfire alerted Dillinger and his men who immediately began
to start shooting back. That gave them enough time to escape through
the rear windows and vanish into the woods. The FBI forgot to cover the
back door."
To those who might choose to visit Little Bohemia, Lewis pointed out
that there is evidence to be seen. Among the items of note are
Dillinger's personal identification and some guns dating back to his
stay there.
And, of course, there are the spirits.
"People believe there are ghosts who still wander the halls. The cabin
that Dillinger stayed in has bullet holes in the windows. People who
take walks are said to find things in their room rearranged when they
return," Lewis said. "And guests have reported to having seen
apparitions and hearing strange voices in the cabin that Dillinger
stayed in."
"Road Guide to Haunted Locations in Wisconsin" (plus Illinois, South
Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota), authored by Lewis and Terry Fish were
available for sale, along with "Hidden Headlines of Wisconsin" and "UFO
Source: Beaver Dam Daily Citizen
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