In Association With Mysteries Magazine!
10/10/08  #490
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It doesn't matter if you lock your doors and throw away the keys - THEY know you are home! Got a computer? THEY know you are online!  And THEY know that you have just received another brain-crunching issue of the weekly newsletter of all the weird stuff and conspiracies that THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW - THE CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! So read it quickly before THEY come knocking on your door to take you away! Information is POWER!

This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Indian-Summer days as:

- The Army's Totally Serious Mind-Control Project -
- It's All Right on the Other Side -
- Chile: Intraterrestrials in the Chilean Desert? -
- Do Mammoths Still Roam? -
AND: Eight Real-Life Doctor Frankensteins

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~


Pioneers of Space: A Trip To Moon, Mars and Venus 

Were His Astounding Claims Fact Or Fiction?

Did He Really Ride In A Space Ship To The Moon And Beyond?

Or was It All Merely A Rewrite Of A Work of Science Fiction
Published Some Years Before, in the late 1940s?

Polish born George Adamski shocked the American public in the early 1950s claiming to have "hard evidence" that a number of planets in our solar system harbored life and that the occupants of these worlds were very human in appearance, and have been visiting us at least since Biblical times.

His claims, he said, were based upon a firsthand encounter with an extraterrestrial in the California desert circa 1953. Adamski's book about this encounter Flvina Saucers Have Landed became an international best seller. Over the years, Adamski claims to have held meetings with notables such as the Pope and the Queen of the Netherlands, discussing with them his supposed flights into space long before the first Russian cosmonaut. He also provided a set of flying saucer photos taken at his home only a few scant miles away from the base of the world famous Mount Palomar Observatory.

The public seemed to be impressed. So much so that Adamski's legion of followers increased in size over the years. Of course there were those who thought the stories were fantasizes and the pictures crude hoaxes. These detractors went so far as to point out that his first book closely resembled a "science fiction novel" written by Adamski and published in the late 1940. Copies of this initial work -- PIONEERS OF SPACE: A TRIP TO THE MOON, MARS AND VENUS -- have been almost impossible to obtain so that researchers could check the similarities for themselves. A few copies recently turned up on the internet where they were being offered for over $700.00.

Our limited reprint of this volume is an exact reproduction of this rarity - truth or fiction. Included in this reproduction is some even earlier writings involving a metaphysical society Adamski called The Royal Order Of Tibet, and a 1951 article from Fate magazine detailing an event in which UFOs posed for his telescope in front of numerous witnesses THAT CANNOT BE DENIED!

This valuable book is available now for just
$29.95 + $5.00 S/H

ALSO...We are including FOR FREE a CD of Adamski speaking at a special

conference organized in the U.K.! 

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In This Incredible Issue:


The Mysterious Subterranean Realms of California.

The Mysterious Blast at California’s Port Chicago.

California’s Lake Monsters.

PsiSpies: The History of Remote Viewing.
By Louis Proud

strange customs   
Italian Community Secretly Builds Breathtaking Underground Temples

The Dangers of Hallucinogens

Urban Legends   
Amusement Parks:Fodder for Scary Stories

Haunted Heritage   
Ghostly Activities at California’s Cal-Neva Resort

Arcane Cults   
The John Frum Movement:A South Pacific CargoCult

From the Skies   
2008:The Year of the UFO?

Mary Ann Winkowski:The Original Ghost Whisperer

Now at your favorite bookstore or magazine stand.

                                            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                            

3-Day Culture of Contact Festival to Feature Top UFO Investigators, Films, More
New York, NY - Jersey City's historic Loews Landmark Theatre becomes the east coast's UFO epicenter with the second annual Culture of Contact Festival October 16, 17, 18. William J Birnes, star of the History Channel hit series UFO Hunters, will be on hand to greet fans and share his experiences with the otherworldly world of UFOs. The festival will feature lectures by other top investigators and an interstellar lineup of classic and cutting edge science fiction films and documentaries.

Groundbreaking Event Expands to Loews Landmark

Expanding on the success of last year's debut, Culture of Contact has outgrown its East Village origins to occupy the majestic Loews Landmark Theater in Jersey City. The Festival gives the public a chance to sample the many ways UFOs have impacted modern culture. The Festival is conceived and curated not only by educators, investigators and scholars, but by individuals whose interest in the phenomenon is as up close and personal as it gets: actual UFO witnesses and alien abductees.

This year's Culture of Contact Festival will feature:

    * Personal appearance by William J. Birnes, star of the History Channel's hit series, UFO Hunters
    * Musical performance by Ghosthorse
    * Keynote address by Tiokasin Ghosthorse
    * Special screening of classic "War of the Worlds" on 70th anniversary of Orson Welles' infamous radio broadcast, introduced by William J Birnes
    * New UFO movies and documentaries
    * Lectures and panel discussions by renowned scientists, investigators, witnesses, authors and abductees
    * UFO Museum
    * Interactive, cutting edge "Brain Tech" inventions and musical innovations

Joining Birnes will be such bestselling authors and investigators as Budd Hopkins, Richard Dolan, Farah Yurdozu, Jeremy Vaeni, Steve Bassett, Peter Robbins, David Biedny, and more.

History Channel Tie-In Ups the UFO Ante

"Last year Bill Birnes gave a lively talk about the Roswell case that really knocked out our audience," says festival organizer and participant Jeremy Vaeni. "In the meantime his series UFO Hunters has become a huge hit on the History Channel and he'll be participating all three days of the festival this year."  UFO festivals are popular around the country, says Vaeni, but Culture of Contact is the only comprehensive event in the New York area. "The fact that we've grown into Loews Landmark demonstrates how interest in UFOs is burgeoning. We're glad to be at the forefront of expanding awareness in the New York area. This isn't going to be a dry, boring conference. This is going to be fun and, dare I say in the same sentence as 'fun,' historic."

Running in conjunction at Monroe Center, 720 Monroe St. Hoboken NJ 07030:

Oct 10: Art Opening

Oct 10 - Nov 11: "Mythology Is Reality" art exhibit/

Oct. 19: Culture of Contact After party

Detailed schedule, tickets, directions:


The Army's Totally Serious Mind-Control Project

Soldiers barking orders at each other is so 20th Century. That's why the U.S. Army has just awarded a $4 million contract to begin developing "thought helmets" that would harness silent brain waves for secure communication among troops. Ultimately, the Army hopes the project will "lead to direct mental control of military systems by thought alone."

If this sounds insane, it would have been as recently as a few years ago. But improvements in computing power and a better understanding of how the brain works have scientists busy hunting for the distinctive neural fingerprints that flash through a brain when a person is talking to himself. The Army's initial goal is to capture those brain waves with incredibly sophisticated software that then translates the waves into audible radio messages for other troops in the field. "It'd be radio without a microphone, " says Dr. Elmar Schmeisser, the Army neuroscientist overseeing the program. "Because soldiers are already trained to talk in clean, clear and formulaic ways, it would be a very small step to have them think that way."

B-movie buffs may recall that Clint Eastwood used similar "brain-computer interface" technology in 1982's Firefox, named for the Soviet fighter plane whose weapons were controlled by the pilot's thoughts. (Clint was sent to steal the plane, natch.) Yet it's not as far-fetched as you might think: video gamers are eagerly awaiting a crude commercial version of brain wave technology — a $299 headset from San Francisco-based Emotiv Systems — in summer 2009.

The Army doesn't move quite as fast as gamers though. The military's vastly more sophisticated system may be a decade or two away from reality, let alone implementation. The five-year contract it awarded last month to a coalition of scientists from the University of California at Irvine, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Maryland, seeks to "decode the activity in brain networks" so that a soldier could radio commands to one or many comrades by thinking of the message he wanted to relay and who should get it. Initially, the recipients would most likely hear transmissions rendered by a robotic voice via earphones. But scientists eventually hope to deliver a version in which commands are rendered in the speaker's voice and indicate the speaker's distance and direction from the listener.

"Having a soldier gain the ability to communicate without any overt movement would be invaluable both in the battlefield as well as in combat casualty care," the Army said in last year's contract solicitation. "It would provide a revolutionary technology for silent communication and orientation that is inherently immune to external environmental sound and light."

The key challenge will be to develop software able to pinpoint the speech-related brain waves picked up by the 128-sensor array that ultimately will be buried inside a helmet. Those sensors detect the minute electrical charges generated by nerve pathways in the brain when thinking occurs. The sensors will generate an electroencephalogram — a confusing pile of squiggles on a computer screen — that scientists will study to find those vital to communicating. "We think we can train a computer to understand those squiggles to the point that they can read off the commands that your brain is issuing to your mouth and lips," Schmeisser says. Unfortunately, it's not a matter of finding the single right squiggle. "There's no golden neuron that's talking," he says.

Dr. Mike D'Zmura of UC-Irvine, the lead scientist on the project, says his task is akin to finding the right strands on a plate full of pasta. "You need to pick out the relevant pieces of spaghetti," he says, "and sometimes they have to be torn apart and re-attached to others." But with ever-increasing computing power the task can be done in real time, he says. Users also will have to be trained to think loudly. "How do we get a person to think something to themselves in a way that leaves a very strong signal in EEGs that we can read off against the background noise?" D'Zmura asks. Finally, because every person's EEG is different, persons using "thought helmets" will have to be trained so that computers intercepting their unspoken commands recognize each user's unique mental pattern.

Both scientists pre-emptively deny expected charges that they're literally messing with soldiers' minds. "A lot of people interpret wires coming out of the head as some sort of mind reading," D'Zmura sighs. "But there's no way you can get there from here," Schmeisser insists. "Not only do you have to be willing, but since your brain is unique, you have to train the system to read your mind — so it's impossible to do it against someone's will and without their active and sustained cooperation."

And don't overlook potential civilian benefits. "How often have you been annoyed by people screaming into their cell phones?" Schmeisser asks. "What if instead of their Bluetooth earpiece it was a Bluetooth headpiece and their mouth is shut and there's blessed silence all around you?" Sounds like one of those rare slices of the U.S. military budget even pacifists might support.

Source: Time,8599,1841108,00.html


How The UK Studied The Paranormal For Use In War On Terror

Secret documents have revealed the MoD have been studying the paranormal and other unexplained scientific phenomenon for use in the war against terror.

The newly released files show that just after 9/11, the Ministry of Defence conducted a research project into psychics - with the possibility they could be used to locate terrorist cells.

Last night saw the UK debut of the eagerly anticipated US TV show Fringe, which takes its name from fringe science, an umbrella term for such bizarre notions as ghosts, UFOs, psychics and invisibility.

The series, from JJ Abrams, the creator of Lost, centres on FBI agent Olivia Dunham and uses paranormal plots following in the X-Files tradition.

Coincidentally, as the show takes off, the truth of just how seriously our Government have taken fringe science is slowly emerging.

As Abrams has said: "Though you could say it's science fiction, the weird thing about Fringe is that a lot of the stuff is at least in the realm of possibility.

"When Star Trek came out and they had their communicators, that was a cool dream. Now, in our pockets, we all have communicators. We read a week ago that invisibility is coming. There's stuff you wouldn't think in a million years is possible, and it's happening every day."

That's also the official approach according to Nick Pope, who once ran the MoD's UFO project.

He said: "Everything that you think is Sci-Fi, someone in government or in the private sector is trying to get it to work."

In the Nineties, he worked for the MoD in a department blandly named Secretariat (Air Staff), looking at strange phenomena including UFOs, crop circles and even ghost sightings on military bases.

The research continues today.

Nick said: "As with all these fringe sciences, the reason we are doing this isn't necessarily that the MoD corporately believe in things such as anti-gravity, mind control and telepathy.

"But it is a classic example of what we call low probability, high consequence - which is basically saying it is a long shot, but if we can get just one of these fringe science things to work, the military applications would just be phenomenal."

Freedom of Information has led to the disclosure of top secret MoD documents which show the Government have been looking seriously at fringe sciences. We can assume they didn't want us to know about it as the documents are marked "Secret UK eyes only" - one of the highest classifications used by the MoD.

One study into the phenomenon of psychics, or remote viewing as the MoD call it, was secretly commissioned only a month after the New York terror attacks.

A questionnaire was sent to psychics, none of whom knew it was an MoD project, and it was probably disguised as an academic study. NICK said: "It raises the question of what other academic studies looking at fringe sciences are being run by the military?"

In the documents, there are hints of small breakthroughs. Testers asked psychics to identify a series of hidden images including a wine glass and a picture of Mother Teresa.

The files reveal the psychics "may have accessed some features of the target" - that is, the images. Later, it even talked about recruiting one or two of the psychics to "go after the sensitive targets".

The next part of the study was blacked out but coming so close to 9/11 would suggest that terrorists were the "targets".

It is well known that most police forces have used psychics for years, but the extent to which the Government and the MoD use them is unknown.

Nick said: "According to documents recently released, it transpires that defence intelligent staff have also been dabbling in other fringe science areas.

"These include exotic propulsion systems and even the possibility of using energy fields to modify people's behaviour, hinting at the exploration of mind control."

Nick suspects much of the research is contracted out to defence corporations run by ex-military, which means the MoD can get round the Freedom of Information Act.

Quinitiq, the recently privatised UK defence research organisation, have been doing research into invisibility and Bae Systems were looking at anti-gravity.

Nick admits that when he was first given the job of looking into unexplained phenomena, he was sceptical.

But his research into UFO sightings and access to formerly classified files soon convinced him that the phenomenon raised important defence issues, especially when the witnesses were military pilots or where UFOs were tracked on radar.

He said about 80 per cent of UFO sightings could be explained as misidentifications of something ordinary, such as aircraft lights or satellites.

And he admitted that in about 15 per cent of cases there was insufficient information to draw any firm conclusions.

But he said approximately five per cent of sightings, including some in Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, seemed to defy conventional explanation.

A new survey has shown that 88 per cent of people in the UK didn't know their Government had fringe science projects and 77 per cent thought it was a waste of money.

But Nick said: "At first, I probably thought it was a waste of time and money as well, but these are fairly modest bits of research.

"Tome, all the scientific progress we have made has come about because we dared to dream and push the envelope of human understanding to the limit.

"If we took the view that all these things are a waste of money, we probably would never have developed the aeroplane or the rocket.

"There were always people in history saying that things were impossible but we did it anyway. Some of these things may just be things we haven't figured out how to do yet. It seems crazy not to try."

Fringe stars relatively unknown Australian actress Anna Torv, probably best remembered for playing a lesbian love interest in the BBC series Mistresses, and the two-hour pilot cost £5million.

The show will stick to familiar paranormal territory but, in a departure from JJ Abrams' Alias and Lost, each episode can stand alone.

Abrams hopes people's fascination with fringe science will get them tuning in to his latest production on Sky.

He said: "It's definitely meant to scare the hell out of you, but it's also meant to make you laugh."

Fringe continues this Sunday at 9pm on Sky1 and Sky1 HD.

'It transpires that defence intelligence staff have been dabbling in other fringe science areas'

Source: Daily Record


It's All Right on the Other Side

If there's one pervasive fear that grips humanity, it's the fear of death. It's a scary idea. One moment we're here enjoying a day at the beach or a large latte, and the next we're gone - perhaps for good. Alive one day, vanished from the planet the next. It's an awesome reality to contemplate. And it awaits us all.

Fortunately, most of us don't contemplate it with any regularity. It's only when death confronts us to we give it any serious thought: when we lose a loved one or when, perhaps, we have a close encounter with the Grim Reaper ourselves in the form of a bad accident or the diagnosis of a potentially fatal disease.

Why do most people fear death, especially when most people would also proclaim a belief in an afterlife? Is it because even though we say we believe, we're not absolutely, positively, 100 percent sure? Of course we're not. No one knows with absolute certainly what happens to us when we die. Do we simply cease to exist? Or does some part of us live on in some other realm, dimension or plane of existence? Don't say you know for sure because you don't.

Many people have become convinced - as convinced as we can ever be - that there is a life beyond this one through a variety of fascinating and mysterious experiences. Deathbed visions, near-death experiences, voices and apparitions of the recently departed are all ways in which the living have, they believe, received messages from someone on the "other side." Overwhelmingly, these messages are positive: I'm all right. I'm in a better place. Don't worry about me. There's no need to grieve. It's great here. I'm watching out for you.

Although the skeptical-minded would argue that these assorted visions are mere wishful thinking, flights of fantasy or chemical reactions in the brain, these anecdotes - and there are thousands upon thousands - are the only "evidence" we have of life after death.

Consider some of these:

Grandfather's Voice

B. was only four years old when his grandfather died, and he was very upset with his mother because she would not allow him to go to the funeral...

    * He was my favorite grandparent. After that, I would have times where just thinking about him would set me off crying. One day, however, as I was going up the stairs, I suddenly heard his voice say, "Everything is going to be okay." After that, I didn't have any more crying spells.

Grandma's Favorite Tune

Diane D. was home alone. The rest of her family had gone to a ball game, but she had to stay home because she was grounded for some teenage transgression. But that's when she received her message - in the form of a tune...

    * My grandmother, who had lived with us, had passed away about two years earlier. She was the only one in our family who could play the piano. I only ever heard her play two songs. One was the "Third Man Theme." The piano that belonged to my grandmother was in the basement. I had been watching TV, and all of a sudden I heard the "Third Man Theme" coming up from the basement. I got shivers and was scared to death. I think my grandmother was trying to get a hold of me by doing this.

Boyfriend is All Right

Elizabeth K. experienced vivid apparitions as confirmation of continued existence. One interesting aspect of this encounter is that it was somewhat prearranged...

    * In January 1982, a man I was seeing committed suicide. He was living in a house with my elderly cousin, Homer. He shot himself with Homer's 38. As Homer was 80 years old and in poor health, I spoke frankly with him about dying, and asked if he would relay anything back to me about our deceased friend. He assured me he would if he could. The following June, Homer died of emphysema. A few weeks after he died, I was in my room with the man I had started dating in March. It was about three in the morning and we were just sitting up reading when I noticed two people standing in the corner of the room. I was riveted and said to my boyfriend, "Phillip, look at the corner and tell me what you see." "Why, that's Homer and I don't recognize the tall guy with him." When I asked him to describe the tall guy, my boyfriend described exactly what I was seeing - my former boyfriend. Though Phillip had known Homer, he had never met my previous boyfriend, nor had he seen any photos of him. The ghosts appeared translucent and they didn't speak a word. They just stood there looking at us for several minutes. I feel very grateful to Homer for coming back in such a way that I would not doubt my sanity at seeing him. And he answered a question about what happens to folks who commit suicide. Unless Homer was also visiting from Hell, my friend didn't go there.

One More Time

Mel was one of the star baritones in the choir that church organist and choir director Kyzer led. Sadly, Mel passed away, and his rich voice would be missed by the entire congregation... or so Kyzer thought...

    * Attendance [in the choir] was down because it was summertime, and as I played the organ for the first hymn, I heard a beautiful, rich baritone voice singing out above the others in the congregation. After the hymn was over, I turned to try and locate the owner of this lovely voice so I could enlist him in the choir, but saw no new faces. After the service, the pastor asked me if I had heard that super baritone. I replied that I had, but couldn't figure out who it might have been. At the same moment, we were struck by the obvious answer: "Mel!" The mystery voice did sound like Mel's, but amplified and made even more beautiful. I like to think he stopped by to sing one last service with us.

Mother's Comforting Spirit

Pamela S.'s mother died two days before her tenth birthday, and she often wondered how her life over the past 30 years would have been different if her mother had lived. Perhaps we aren't meant to know, but Pamela's mother did appear when Pamela needed her the most...

    * When I was 36 years old and pregnant with my daughter, I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. I was in a coma for three days, in intensive care for five days and spent a total of 15 days in the hospital. A blood vessel had burst in my brain and filled my brain with blood. I simply don't remember anything that happened after my husband left for work that morning. But I do remember lying in a hospital bed, and someone sitting on my left, stroking my hair. I turned my head to see who it was... it was my mother! She looked exactly the way I remembered her. She hadn't aged. I opened my mouth to talk to her, to ask her why she was there, but she put her finger on my lips to shush me. Then she smiled the sweetest smile and started to stroke my hair again. I turned my head away from her and fell asleep. When I woke up, she was gone. The only reason I can come up with is that I was pregnant with a girl, and my mom knew that I had already decided to give the baby my mother's name as her middle name.

Great-Grandmother's Spirit

Children seem to have a special affinity for experiencing these incredible events. Although this happened to Daniel S. when he was just three, he remembers it as if it happened yesterday...

    * In 1978, my great-grandmother died of natural causes. After the funeral, which I don't remember, the family gathered at my great-grandfather's house, which I do remember. I remember my sister, who was five at the time, standing (or sitting) in the bedroom in which my great-grandmother used to sleep. She was crying. I was standing in the doorway of the bedroom and I saw my great-grandmother float down from the ceiling. She passed through her mattress, then stopped between the floor and the bottom of the bed. She wasn't on the floor, but a couple of inches above it, just floating in mid-air. She looked at my sister and said, "Don't worry, Amy. I'm with Jesus now." With that, she floated back up through the ceiling.

Saved by Grandmother's Spirit

In the most remarkable of these kinds of stories, the spirits of the dead return not just to relay a comforting message, but to physically save a life. Such stories have spawned the theory that our loved ones may become our guardian angels. You won't be able to convince Karen S. otherwise...

    * I never knew my maternal grandmother. She died when my own mother was only nine years old. One night, I was walking home after meeting with friends. I stepped into the street, preparing to cross the street, when I felt a strong hand grip me by the shoulder. This hand not only pulled me back onto the sidewalk, but was strong enough to land me on my posterior on the sidewalk. When I glanced around me, I caught a glimpse of a light blue, sort of periwinkle-colored dress with tiny white flowers. Yet there was absolutely no one around me. At the exact same time, a car came whizzing around the corner at breakneck speed. If I had been standing where I was a moment earlier, I would certainly have been run over and either seriously injured or killed. I returned home, visibly shaken and disturbed. I told my mother what had happened. When I told her that I saw a periwinkle-colored dress with white flowers just after I was pulled out of harm's way, she blanched and became completely still. She told me that my grandmother had a dress exactly like the one I described, and that it was my mother's favorite dress. There was no earthly way I could have described this dress - my grandmother passed away 30 years before I was even born. To this day, I feel my grandmother's presence around me at times. I think she is looking out for me.

Source: Wagner


Chile: Intraterrestrials in the Chilean Desert?

In Chile, according to residents of the communities of Chusmiza, Poroma and several places within the nation’s 1st region, the existence of a race of diminutive bipeds has been known and discussed in hushed tones for generations. These entities measure some15 to 17 centimeters tall and are the inhabitants of an underground realm that exists beneath the sands of the Atacama Desert. They are known to local elders as “the gentiles”

According to the Aymara Culture, anything that comes from the sky is divine and anything that comes from below is evil. This belief has prompted people from the country’s interior to avoid contact with these diminutive beings, of which they have often been wary. It is said that throughout the ages, locals have run into these “gentiles” particularly on nights of full moon, as these underground residents cannot withstand sunlight, which causes their death. Their large almond-shaped eyes are only suited for night vision.

Based on comments made by local elders, these diminutive beings were in contact with the ancient Incas and informed them of places where gold seams could be found, and this was the secret that allowed that lost empire to manage such huge quantities of the precious metal. The elders also recall that when trouble arose among the peasants, the “gentiles” would punish planters by harming their crops from below, leaving them desiccated from one day to another. It is not unusual to come across very elderly people in regions bordering Bolivia who are still afraid of these “gentiles” – moreover, long-time residents of the locality of Poroma claimed knowledge of an old mudstone citadel somewhere in the hills, far from the town, which had been abandoned for a very long time but in a perfect state of conservation, attributed to the diminutive “gentiles”

With regard to the foregoing, the strange being found in La Noria, an abandoned salt mine in the Chilean desert, and which still remains in the possession of IIEE-España for analysis, falls within this classification, according to many persons consulted to date in these distant communities of northern Chile. Is it nothing more than an old romantic legend?

Source: Inexplicata/ Raul Núñez, IIEE


Do Mammoths Still Roam?

The Mammoth: a mighty creature that roamed the lonely wilds of North America, the expanses of Western Europe, and the harsh lands of northern Russia during the Pleistocene era, and which is generally accepted as having become extinct somewhere around the end of the last Ice Age.
Today, all we have left of this huge, majestic creature are a few well-preserved carcasses found embedded in icy tombs, and the various bone and tusk fragments that still continue to surface from time to time.
Could there, however, still possibly be more – maybe, much more - just waiting to be uncovered?
For years, intriguing and sensational rumors have surfaced to the effect that in some of the more remote parts of our world the Mammoth just might still exist, blissfully unaware of what such a shocking and jaw-dropping revelation would mean to the world’s zoological community.
And while such a scenario is certainly controversial, and completely derided by mainstream science, perhaps it is not entirely out of the question.
For example, the related Dwarf Mammoth of Wrangel Island – located in the Arctic Ocean - is known to have lived until approximately 1700 to 1500 BC, which is itself startling and highly illuminating.
But far more controversial are those claims suggesting that the Mammoth still walks the frozen tundra and forests of the north to this very day.
“Absolute nonsense!” some might say. Others, however, just might be inclined to argue with that assertion.
In the late 19th Century, for example, researcher Bengt Sjorgen learned that tales were both wildly and widely circulating in remote parts of Alaska about giant, hairy tusked creatures that lived deep under cover of the huge, ancient forests. Such reports of the “hairy elephants” in question extended to equally wild parts of both Canada and Siberia.
Similarly, in February 1888, the New Zealand-based Argus newspaper reported on the apparent discovery in Alaska of strange tracks that had been found by the Stick Indians in the vicinity of the White River.
The newspaper stated: “One of the Indians said that while hunting, he came across an immense track sunk several inches in the moss and larger around than a barrel. The Indian followed up the curious trail, and at last came in full view of his game.
“These Indians as a class are the bravest of hunters, but the immense proportions of this new kind of game filled the hunter with fear, and he took to swift and immediate flight. He described it as being larger than the post trader’s store, with great shining, yellowish tusks, and a mouth large enough to swallow him at a single gulp.”
Then, during October 1899, the story of one Henry Tukeman surfaced – a man who claimed to have killed a Mammoth that was subsequently donated to the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
The tale was denounced as nothing more than a sensationalized hoax; however, some researchers still believe that it just might have a grain of truth to it, and that the hoax angle was possibly introduced to try and lay the controversy firmly to rest.
And also in the late 1800s, several reports of “large, shaggy beasts” were passed on to Russian authorities by Siberian tribesman, but no proof was ever forthcoming – some might say inevitably and conveniently.
The stories don’t end there, however.
French charge d’affaire, M. Gallon, was working in Vladivostok in 1946 and revealed that in 1920 he had met with a Russian fur-trapper who claimed to have seen living, “giant, furry elephants” deep in the taiga. Gallon added that the trapper appeared to have no previous knowledge of mammoths and seemingly had no reason to fake such a wild story.
A further sighting reportedly occurred during the Second World War when a Soviet Air Force pilot reported seeing a small herd of such creatures while he was flying over the frozen wastelands of Siberia.
So, does the legendary Mammoth of times past still exist? Or are all of the tales merely friend-of-a-friend accounts, myths, hoaxes, and misidentifications?
Personally, I have been fascinated – and perhaps, I’ll be the first to admit, slightly obsessed - by these stories for years. And, just like The X-Files said: I want to believe. I really do.
Of course, the skeptical part of my brain tells me that the Mammoth is an utterly dead creature; one whose existence came to a tragic and definitive end thousands of years ago – aside from in Sci-Fi Pictures’ Mammoth movie of 2006, and in this year’s production 10,000 BC, it could be argued.
But who can deny the appeal that stories like those I have cited above create in the minds of thrill-seekers everywhere? Certainly not me.
If there was one expedition I could go on, and if both funding and time were unlimited, it would be to the old stomping grounds of the Mammoth.
Okay, I know full well that the chances of actually finding a living, breathing Mammoth are beyond miniscule. But, as long as there is even the remotest of possibilities, I know I’ll never be truly satisfied until I go and seek out the creature for myself.
Until that day hopefully comes, like everyone else I can only continue to hope that, far from prying eyes, the Mammoth continues to walk the earth; utterly oblivious to the controversy it’s may be creating at
Source: Redfern


Eight Real-Life Doctor Frankensteins

Mary Shelley helped advance the science fiction genre with her tale of a scientist who brings a man built of corpses to life. But in real life, plenty of mad and not-so-mad scientists have played with human and animal bodies (and body parts) to gain a greater understanding of the limits on life. After the jump, right real-life scientists who have performed shocking experiments on the nature life and death.

Johann Dippel: An actual inhabitant of Castle Frankenstein, Dippel is believed by many to be an inspiration for Shelley’s story. His life’s work was to discover the Elixir of Life, which would make anyone immortal, and created "Dippel’s Oil," an elixir made from bones, blood, and other bodily fluids and widely used as a neurostimulant. He was also rumored to have been an ardent vivisectionalist, frequently stealing corpses from the local graveyard.

Andrew Ure: Ure was also looking for the secrets of life in human corpses. He obtained and experimented on the body of John Clydesdale, a criminal who had been executed by hanging. Ure caused a stir among the scientific community when he revealed the nature of his experiements. He claimed that men who had died of suffocation, drowning, or hanging could be restored to life through the stimulation of the phrenic nerve.

Giovanni Aldini: Luigi Aldini discovered that a frog’s legs would kick as electricity traveled through the muscles. His nephew Giovanni took the discovery a step further. He studied the effects of galvanizing human and animal bodies. He publicly electrified a recently severed dog’s head, giving it the appearance of life. He also performed experiments on recently deceased criminals, churning electricity through them to achieve momentary reanimation. His corpses convulsed, grimaced, and even raised their limbs, much to the shock of onlookers. Aldini was also the first to use electric shocks to the brain in the treatment of neurological disorders, a practice still in use today.

Gabriel Beaurieux: France’s use of the guillotine led to Beaurieux’s fascination with severed heads. He examined heads immediately after decapitation and noted that the heads would open their eyes, fix their pupils on the objects before them, and even respond to their own names for several seconds before appearing to completely lose consciousness.

Robert Cornish: Building on the work of George Washington Crile, who pioneered the blood transfusion, Cornish worked in resuscitating dead animals. After asphyxiating dogs in a lab, Cornish would place the bodies on a teeterboard while infusing them with saline, oxygen, and adrenalin. The fourth and fifth dogs in the experiment (named Lazarus, as were their less fortunate predecessors) were successfully revived, although they never fully recovered. Cornish went on to play himself in Life Returns a film about a doctor who works to revive the dead.

Sergei Bryukhonenko: We have mentioned Soviet scientist Sergei Bryukhonenko before. Another fan of canine experimentation, Bryukhonenko invented the autojektor, a heart and lung machine, and proved its efficacy by attaching it to a severed dog’s head, which stayed alive, eating and drinking.

Vladimir Demikhov: We can credit Demikhov with many modern advances in organ transplants, but he is perhaps best remembered for his work in two-headed dogs. Demikhov transplanted the head and front legs of one dog onto a second dog’s body. Both dogs were awake, aware, and hungry. He made 20 of these two-headed creatures, but, tragically, due to tissue rejection, none of them lived longer than a month.

Robert White: Following the revelation of the Soviet Union’s two-headed dog program, the United States began working on some mad transplant programs of its own. During the 1970s, surgeon Robert White successfully transplanted the head of one monkey onto the body of another. Because he was unable to repair the resulting nerve damage, the monkeys were paralyzed from the neck down, but the heads themselves could see, taste, think, and feel. It was believed the monkeys could survived this way indefinitely, although they were ultimately euthanized.


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