Man Dreams of Creating Flying Saucer
According to the moon man, a nefarious cabal has blocked him from laying his hands on the necessary money to complete his perpetual flying machine -- a machine he says, that could reach Mars in a mere two weeks.
"Bankers promise calls they never return," said Alfie Carrington, who when not working in his laboratory makes ends meet as a part-time construction worker. "The governor's office told my mother no. And these so called scientific experts who have never seen it, say it won't work."
And so the earthbound saucer sits north of 14 Mile, smothered in a blanket of bird-dung and snow.
"I say 'Is saucer aircraft technology in somebody's college?' " he asked. "There's no MIT for this. There's no Berkeley for this. They say 'Where did you get your saucer information from.' Nowhere. Because the saucer information is in here."
And with that, he knowingly tapped his temple with his forefinger.
Carrington, 59, is one of those Michiganians with an obscure, beautiful mind who, in the dark recesses of his pole barn, tinkers with gadgetry or studies science or listens to Mahler into the late evening. But once this man leaves the orbit of his own private universe, he appears to the general public as a little more than a nut job, a loon, a man likely to find his end at the bottom of an unmarked grave.
Carrington said he accepts disdain as the price of genius. And although he has no formal scientific training, Carrington does hold an associate's degree in psychology.
"People think I'm nuts," he said.
He claims he's spent 30 years and $60,000 of his own money building the flying saucer, which he insists will replace the automobile and render the combustion engine and gasoline irrelevant.
Unfortunately, Carrington ran out of money before he could build his motor and hasn't been invited to this year's North American International Auto Show.
To make a tall tale short, Carrington fell on hard times. His mother's feet swelled with diabetes, and she moved into his home. Construction jobs dried up. The saucer prototype fell into disrepair and was evicted from its hangar.
Carrington grew forlorn and found solace in yoga, fried chicken and cold beer.
But now, Carrington believes his saucer may indeed take flight, what with Washington prepared to hand-out $1.5 trillion in stimulus and bailout money.
"Everybody else has got their hand out," said Carrington. "Wall Street, Chrysler, even Larry Flynt. I'm the only one that's got a plan. All I need is about $250,000. We could have it up and flying in nine months."
Inspired by "Star Trek" episodes and science fiction novelist H.G. Wells, the simplest explanation of Carrington's flying saucer goes something like this: Measuring 14-feet in diameter and constructed of carbon fiber, the craft would have two discs that rotate in opposite directions. The discs would be fitted with electro-magnetic technology and would connect to a coil mounted in the interior of the discs, which in turn would send electrical power to batteries.
This, according to Carrington, would create a continuous, perpetual power source. Steering would come by benefit of air ducts running through the craft that could be opened or closed for desired propulsional direction.
"This is the answer to Detroit's problems," Carrington said. "Think of it as something like a flying car. It would have space capabilities too, but when I mention that, people treat me like I'm crazy."
Listen to the man for 10 minutes and you too may start to become convinced. His pitch is so convincing in fact, that NASA warmly received him at a symposium 15 years ago only to grow cold when they realized he knew nothing about computers.
Richard E. Wirz is an assistant professor at UCLA and formerly a senior engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory who specializes in spacecraft integration and developed the world's first miniature noble gas ion thruster. He says Carrington's flyer-saucer has about as much chance of getting airborne as a dead elephant.
"Using electro-magnetic energy to power his craft is like saying I'm using tires to power my car," says Wirz.
"The power has to come from somewhere. He's talking about using batteries, but the size of batteries he needs would be so large, he wouldn't be able to get the craft off the ground. Did you see the 'Iron Man' movie? If he had a little reactor like that, then that might do the trick."
But Wirz said the Moon Man should be supported not scorned.
"Don't discourage the guy," the professor said.
"One of his 100 ideas might actually be helpful. What would you have him do? Sit around watching reruns of 'Seinfeld?' We'd be better off with more men like him."
Source: The Detroit News
Monsters of the Dark Waters - Giant Eels on the Loose

Of course, such tales can be very interesting indeed; but, equally, they can be extremely frustrating, too. Primarily, this is because at the end of the day, without hard evidence that the person really is who they claim to be, very little can be done with the story in terms of investigating it and/or validating it, aside from keeping it on file, and hoping that by making it public – as I’m doing now – it may encourage others to come forward.
And the strange story that follows is a classic example.
It comes from a man who claims to be a retired British police constable, who has personal knowledge of a story of truly monstrous proportions, and which focuses on dark goings-on after sunset in the British city of Birmingham in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
For what it’s worth, here’s the tale.
According to the man, who identified himself only by the surname of Sykes, while serving in the British Police Force (service that, he said, began in 1977 and ended in 1988), he heard two tales from colleagues of giant eels seen in the winding canals that run through the city of Birmingham – both of which occurred, he thought, around 1979 or 1980.
In both cases, the witnesses had reported seeing very large creatures – the first, amazingly, around twenty feet in length, and both “very dark” in color. Needless to say, if the physical details described in the first encounter were not exaggerations on the part of the witness, then it was without shadow of a doubt, a definitive monster.
Notably, Sykes said that although he was not the investigating officer in either case, he recalled that around the same time that the eels were seen, there had been a spate of mysterious disappearances of pet-rabbits in the area. And while some of Sykes’ colleagues had attributed this to the work of sadists and nutcases, there had been brief talk at the station that “it was the eels’ doing.”
And there was one other, and very ominous, story that Sykes recalled and related to me as I listened intently. At the height of the rabbit-disappearances and the two eel encounters, someone had contacted the Police Station Sykes was working at, with a remarkable tale.
“It was a local lad, in his twenties; I remember that much,” said Sykes. “He hadn’t been long married and had just bought a house around here.”
According to the story-teller, the man had quickly phoned the police after hearing a huge commotion in his small back-yard in the early hours of one particular morning.
The wooden fence at the foot of the yard had been partially smashed down; a large area of grass had been flattened; and something had broken into his rabbit-hutch, utterly destroying it in the process. Needless to say, by the time the man got downstairs and into the yard, there was no sign of the unknown intruder – and, unfortunately, there was no sign of the rabbits, either.
Continuing his tale, Sykes wondered out loud if the eels, hungry for food, had elected to stealthily leave the confines of the canal and had, under the protective cover of overwhelming darkness, slithered around the yards of the nearby homes in search of a tasty rabbit or several.
Well, it was as good a theory as any, I thought. And, it was pretty disturbing too, to think that such beasts might secretly be on the loose in a sprawling, industrialized city like Birmingham, and mercilessly prowling the area by night.
As far as Sykes knew, this particularly weird and unsettling incident was never resolved. No more sightings surfaced, and a rigorous search of the canal failed to find anything conclusive at all.
And that, in essence, was the tale.
Without doubt, it’s one that is fascinating, outrageous, and bizarre in equal measures. And taking into consideration the amount of time that has gone by since the events allegedly occurred, it’s unfortunately difficult to prove anything with any high degree of certainty.
That is, unless anyone reading this knows more…
Source: Nick Redfern - Mania
Unexplained Sounds

Mystery Booms
* In January, 1999, a loud boom at 12:15 a.m. disturbed the residents of Colorado Springs and Denver. Some witnesses said the noise was accompanied by a flash of light in the sky. There was no electrical storm. Although it could have been a sonic boom, the military denied any military activity in the area.
* On January 10, 1999, dozens of people in Fairfield, Ohio reported a stunning, explosive sound. No cause was ever discovered.
* Thousands of homes were rattled by two huge, mysterious booms 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles just before 10 p.m. in May of 1998. Residents described the sounds as explosions, earthquake noises, and thuds. The two booms occurred about five minutes apart.
* Two very loud skyquakes startled hundreds of people on the beaches of Ocean City, Md. on July 30, 1998. No planes were in sight, and the sounds seemed to be coming from some miles offshore.
* A mysterious boom reverberated through Narragansett Bay, R.I. on August 1, 1998 at 9:30 p.m. Investigating officials could not find the source of the noise.
* On Sept. 16, 1997, the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was rocked by a boom that shook the ground and registered 1.1 on the Richter scale. Readings from ground-monitoring equipment showed that the energy did not come from the air, ruling out a sonic boom.
* On December 17, 1997, a huge aerial blast rattled windows and blew open storm doors in Rogersville, Mo., a town 13 miles east of Springfield. Again, the Air Force denied the possibility of a sonic boom caused by one of its aircraft.
These are just a few recent examples of a fairly common phenomenon - loud, earth-shaking booms with no apparent cause. They are often labeled as mystery booms, sky booms, or skyquakes, and although there could be quite prosaic explanations for the explosive sounds - sonic booms, small earthquakes, even exploding meteors -- investigations always come up short for conclusive explanations.
The Taos Hum
The Taos Hum is a faint, low-frequency humming noise heard in and near the town of Taos, New Mexico. Not only is the hum's source a mystery, but its peculiar qualities are as well: only about 2 percent of Taos residents - about 1,400 people - can hear it. The low hum - between 30 and 80 Hz on the frequency scale - has been described by hearers as sounding like a diesel engine idling in the distance or having a slow beat-note sound. Some people perceive it as being louder indoors than outdoors. More mysterious still, some hearers who are bothered by the sound have tried earplugs and other acoustic quieting devices to block it out - to no effect. Investigations by scientists, including some from the prestigious Sandia National Laboratories, have failed to find a source or even a plausible explanation for the phenomenon. One theory is that the source is the U.S. Navy's ELF (extra-low frequency) communications system that is used to communicate with its submarine fleet. The Navy, of course, accepts no such responsibility.
Taos isn't the only town afflicted with an annoying hum. According to The Taos Hum Homepage, "Nearly every state in the U.S. has at least one 'hum hearer' report, including Alaska and Hawaii. The largest number of reports come from the southwestern U.S., the Pacific Northwest, and southeastern states. Worldwide, the hum has caused such problems in the U.K. and Sweden that hum-hearer support groups have formed there. There are hum-hearer reports from Italy and from Mexico." The Bristol Hum is the most widely reported hum in the U.K.
A long list of hum reports from around the U.S. can be read here, and you can even add your own to the list.
Underground Mechanical Sounds
An article by Greg Long for Northwest Mysteries [link no longer works] reports on strange sounds seemingly coming from underground in the south-central region of the state of Washington. Those who have heard the mysterious machine-like sounds, including loggers, liken the noise to "several large turbines" starting up and running, or a "loaded truck pulling up a long hill and never reaching the top." The article also examines similar noises reported in England, Italy, Colorado, Texas, Puerto Rico, New Jersey, California, and other states. Among these accounts are what sounded like underground drilling and construction work, motor-like sounds, or generators. Explanations? Long wonders if the noises can be attributed to seismic activity and speculates on the correlation with sightings of UFOs sometimes reported in the same areas.
The Sounds of Hell?
And speaking of weird underground sounds... have scientists actually recorded the sounds of people suffering in Hell? This sound file comes from Art Bell's Web site which was submitted by one of his listeners in response to following story, allegedly quoting a scientist as excerpted from Ammenusastia, a Finnish newspaper. It seems the researchers had drilled a nine-mile-deep hole and were astonished at what they heard down there:
"As a communist I don't believe in heaven or the Bible, but as a scientist I now believe in hell," said Dr. Azzacove. "Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!" Dr. Azzacove continued, "...the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment. But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren't those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!"
Luminous Feline Creature Seen in Northern Venezuela

"There was no moon that night, and it was all very dark," remembers Larry Gonzales, who said the events took place while he, his older brother, and other friends lit a bonfire on the edges of the aforementioned Beach, outside a house they had rented for the weekend.
"We reached the house late. One group stayed inside tidying things up while we took out some chairs and began lighting a fire. At that time, none of us had had anything to eat or drink, because we had just reached the site."
According to the witness, the being, which stood at approximately two or 3 meters tall, was brilliant white and transparent like a hologram. It ran swiftly over the water's surface, coasting the shore some 60 meters away.
Larry Gonzalez, his brother, and three other friends were spellbound by what they were seeing. However, one of them tried to cast light with a flashlight, but the brightness of the light caused the being to become a less visible. “Furthermore, it moved very quickly. for that reason we were unable to make out any details," said Gonzalez.
He described the entity’s bodily appearance and movements as generally resembling those of a feline. “My friend Rubén began shouting at it to see if it reacted, and in a matter of seconds, it accelerated to a prodigious speed, behaving like a feline,” explains González.
The water was not disturbed, nor was any noise generated other what was caused by ocean waves. The young witness claims “the being appeared to be so lightweight that it did not disturb the surface tension of the water as it moved over it. Not only that, the waves rolled in but were unable to even move the figure."
After reaching a certain distance out to sea, after traveling the beach from one end to another, the enigmatic creature vanished before the startled eyes of the witnesses. But the strange episode had not ended yet.
"After it took off running, we were in the total state of panic. Suddenly, shoals of fish began jumping all along the water's edge, as though they had been electrocuted. We could hear them flapping around, and when we pointed the flashlight at them, we could see them jumping around in the water. "
Despite of the fact that they all carried camera equipped cellphones, none of the witnesses were able to take a photo of the alleged creature. They were gripped by fear for several minutes, and their actions became confused. "We didn't have any time to take pictures because we did not understand what was going on. We only realized what was happening later, but it was all over."
"In the morning, we asked the fishermen if they had seen or heard at anything, but no one did," said Gonzales. Oddly enough, there were several blackouts throughout the area that night. Residents of El Supi, however, say that electrical outages are common not only in their town but in several communities throughout the state of Falcon.
Larry Gonzalez adds that two of the people who witnessed this episode are atheists and did not believe in the supernatural. This experience, however, has changed their point of view. Even he himself was skeptical about supernatural accounts presented on television. "When I would see people on TV discussing things of this nature, I would find it ridiculous, and say it was all lies. Now I think it's true. There are things out there that we still do not understand."
Source: Inexplicata (Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez and Hector Escalante)
UFO "Sceptic" Spots Nine UFOs
Peter Green, of Private Lane, Haslingden, reported seeing the flying objects, in a diamond formation, while he was walking his dog late at night.
The sighting occurred at 12.30am on Sunday, January 4 – less than four hours before a Lincolnshire wind farm turbine was damaged by a mystery aircraft.
Experts claim there were several reported sightings in Rossendale at that time and have pledged to launch an investigation.
Mr Green, 55, said he was walking his dog in Grasmere Road when he saw a moving, bright, solid-orange light.
Mr Green, who runs a carpet and upholstery care company, said: “As the first light, which seemed to follow the Rossendale Valley, came closer at what seemed a considerable speed, it rose almost vertically over the other side of the valley above Scoutmoor Wind Farm, followed at regular two-to-three second intervals by a further eight identical objects.
“Once all nine lights had risen to a height when their brightness was faded, they gathered in a ‘diamond nine’ formation, then one by one – in the order they had passed me and risen – they faded and disappeared, or simply gained further height and went out of sight.”
He added: “I was scared because I couldn’t find any logical explanation.
"It wasn’t like the different coloured flashing lights you see on an aircraft or helicopter.
"They were solid orange balls which made no noise. It was weird.
“I’m a total sceptic, but it was like something out of Close Encounters.”
Later that morning, at around 4am, a 20m-long blade was knocked from one of the 20 turbines at Conisholme Fen near Louth, Lincolnshire.
Lancashire-based experts described Mr Green’s sight-ing as “very interesting.”
Phil Catterall, of Bolton UFO Society, said they would be investigating the incident.
“I’ve had around four phone calls and emails saying they saw exactly the same thing and that was before the story about the wind farm,” he said.
A MOD spokesman said they would only investigate if they believed there was a threat to national security or there had been an incursion in UK air space.
Source: The Lancashire Telegraph