![]() In Association With Mysteries Magazine! 3/27/09 #514 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal514.html Hovering high overhead, the UFO
and its otherworldly occupants scan the
Earths communications -- silently awaiting word that they have finally
intercepted the secret information that has eluded them all week. Yes
that's right! They are waiting for this weeks exciting issue of the
newsletter of conspiracies, secrets, the paranormal and MORE -
Conspiracy Journal is here once again to inflame your senses and
question your beliefs.
This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such brain-sucking stories as: - UK Recorded Almost 1,200 UFO Sightings
Between 1987-1993
- Can Numbers Predict the Future? - - Unsung British Scientist Who Invented "Death Ray" - - Ghostly Sightings at OSU Keep Staff, Students on the Lookout - AND: "ET" Photographed on Google Street View CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ![]()
Reversed Gravity
* Free Energy * Contact With Hidden Dimensions * Mysterious Radio Signals From Space * Earth Changes * Freak Weather Patterns * Electric Death Rays * UFOs * The Ultimate Conspiracy of Silence! An examination of Nikola Tesla's lost papers - some of which were confiscated by the U.S. government after his death - shows that Tesla was interested in and experimented with many concepts that have been regarded until recently as "wild ideas." It's no surprise that Tesla was loathe to speak of these kinds of interests - after all, even now these areas of study still come under fire by the majority of mainstream scientists who refuse to use their imaginations and intellect and scorn such matters with terms such as "voodoo science" and "ordinary quackery." It is now known that there have been a number of top-secret programs that were devoted to either investigating or, shockingly enough, actively using technology based on some of Tesla's unorthodox ideas. Who knows how many deep, dark, secret projects are being conducted right now with science that could be decades, even hundreds of years, beyond what civilian science knows about today? Even
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Global CommunicationsP.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 MYSTERIES MAGAZINE #22 ![]() In
This Incredible Issue:
FEATURES: America’s Oldest Mystery: Rhode island’s Newport Tower - Newport, RI, has long been famous as the summer playground for the fabulously wealthy. But nestled amongst the luxurious mansions and the private yachts is a mysterious stone tower whose history has baffled historians for centuries. It is believed to be the oldest stone structure in America, though no one can say precisely when it was built. Was there a Golden Age? Historical Proof for the Garden of Eden - Almost
all of the ancient cultures of Europe, the Middle East, and Asia have
myths which speak of an earlier time when life was easier and humans
lived in harmony with nature and each other. Most historians
believe that these myths are little more than fairy tales, perhaps the result of our need
to idealize the past. However, there is now evidence that suggests that
these myths may contain a kernel of historical truth, a kind of distant
folk memory of an actual historical era.
Higgs Boson and the Large Hadron Collider: Seeking the God Particle - Tucked away in a
sleepy Swiss village lies the Center for Nuclear Experimentation
and Research, the site of the recently completed Large Hadron Collider
(LHC), the world’s largest particle collider and perhaps the most
complex machine ever built. The principle goal of the LHC is to reveal
the so-called god particle: the Higgs Boson, which is about 120 times
more massive than a proton, and gives mass to all other particles as
they emerge from the primordial quantum field.
The Parapsychology
Revolution: An Interview with Dr. Robert Schoch - A
geologist and paleontologist by profession, Dr. Schoch has
studied some of the greatest ancient monuments around the world
including the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx,and the underwater structures
near Yonaguni Island, Japan. He has also written several bestselling
books, including his most recent, The Parapsychology Revolution.
Find it at your favorite bookstore or
magazine stand.
UK Recorded Almost 1,200 UFO Sightings Between 1987-1993 ![]() The Ministry of Defence
abandoned plans for a secret computer database of UFO sightings for
fear they would be mocked if its existence was ever revealed to the
public, once-classified documents reveal.
The idea was scrapped because officials did not want people to believe they were taking the idea of visitors from outer space seriously. Instead, the MoD continued to keep only paper records of almost 1,200 sightings reported between 1987 and 1993. These include "pie shaped" flying saucers and diamond-shaped shards of light in the night sky. The files, to be posted on the National Archives website, include the story of an alien banana-man spotted in west London in May 1989. Another mystery was the story of a woman who said that while walking her dog near Norwich in November 1989 she was approached by a man with a "flying suit" and "a Scandinavian-type accent". The report notes: "He asked her if she was aware of stories about large circular flattened areas appearing in fields of wheat, and then went on to explain that he was from another planet similar to Earth, and that the circles had been caused by others like him." The report said he disappeared and, as she ran away in fear, the woman saw a large glowing orange-white ball rising vertically from behind trees. Other recorded incidents include a spate of UFO sightings in London in 1993 which were all put down to the presence of a brightly illuminated airship advertising the new Ford Mondeo, strange circular lights lighting up the sky in Rochdale in 1987, and various reports of strange objects in Derby in the same year, one of which "left a trail of bright blobs behind it". An "elongated spinning top" apparently three times the size of an airship was spotted by a taxi driver in Huddersfield in 1990. The night before, he had reported a silver space craft emitting green, red and white beams. The MoD also looked into a photo of a diamond-shaped light hovering above an air base in Pitlochry. The bright light was spotted jerking vertically in a strange movement in August 1990. The records also reveal photographs taken of a diamond-shaped UFO hovering next to an RAF jet in Scotland in 1990 were treated seriously by DI55. Harrier jump jets were scrambled when the craft buzzed a tiny village near the hill-walking resort of Pitlochry, Perth and Kinross. The photos were handed to a Scottish regional paper who forwarded them on to the MoD. Experts concluded the aircraft was indeed a Harrier, but could not identify the UFO despite commissioning detailed line drawings. Fearing there could be significant media interest, the MoD took the unusual step of briefing ministers about the sighting. Other sketches on file show a shuttle-shaped craft and a pentagon, both illuminated by bright green and red spotlights. Several of the DI55 documents cover reports of craft flying at hypersonic speeds — more than five times the speed of sound. In 1992, two air traffic controllers at Heathrow reported a UFO shaped like an upside-down boomerang. It hovered and then flew steadily with the morning sun behind it, possibly to reduce chances of it being seen. No firm conclusions were drawn in this case but DI55 suspected the US of trying to develop a high-speed plane without telling its allies. The records also offer an insight into the 1970 death of US Air Force pilot William Schaffner. Some UFO conspiracy theorists believe he was shot down in a duel with aliens over the North Sea while on an exchange trip at RAF Binbrook, Lincolnshire. The files say the 28-year-old captain died in a flying accident when his Lightning plane clipped waves. Schaffner apparently drowned when the cockpit canopy failed to open due to poor maintenance. The documents make NO mention of a 17,000mph UFO that some believe he was scrambled to intercept — or Schaffner’s radio message that the rogue craft was “like a large soccer ball... made of glass”. But the records do contain information on a mistakenly released 1985 US Budget item of £315million for “black aircraft production”. According to US magazine Aviation Week, this was part of a top secret £1.6billion project to develop a hypersonic plane called Aurora. DI55 simply seems to have taken this information as read and not properly investigated possible alien involvement. In 1990, the crews of SIX RAF Tornado jets claimed to have been passed at high speed over Germany. Staff at RAF West Drayton, West London, concluded the sightings were: “Aerial phenomenon, possibly identified as a stealth aircraft.” The US was known to have developed bombers using so-called stealth technology that made the aircraft almost invisible to radar. But a later report back-tracked and instead put it down to burning debris from a Soviet Union rocket used to launch a spy satellite. Sheffield Hallam University lecturer David Clarke, author of Flying Saucers: A Social History of UFOlogy, said: “From suspected US Air Force spy planes to Russian rockets burning up in the atmosphere, these files show the many varied explanations for UFO reports submitted to the MoD. “Making the material available allows us all to make an informed decision on the mystery of UFOs.” When considering the diamond-shaped UFO, the Harrier jet and the mysterious photographs, Dr Clarke said: “Many questions remain. Who was the photographer and how can we be sure his story was genuine? “Why did the newspaper decide not to publish the photographs in 1990? If they really were taken on the date stated, why was the MoD unable to trace the origin of the Harriers shown in the print? “All we have is the usual rather bland statement that the MoD decided the incident was unexplained but of no defence significance — case closed. “I don’t think there’s any solid evidence that we have been visited by intelligent life — but I don’t think you can rule it out.” “There are many examples of puzzling things, for example seen on military radars, that need investigating.” Some UFO mysteries do seem to have been cleared up by the DI55 documents. A bright cigar-shaped object seen flying over East London in 1992 was “almost certainly” an airship advertising the soon-to-be-launched Ford Mondeo. Dr Clarke said: “The MoD did not believe Britain was being visited by aliens but these files show they were obsessed with the fear that our closest ally was developing spy planes and keeping them secret from us.” The MoD said it recorded each sighting to help ministers answer questions from MPs in Parliament – but they were always kept on paper. Notes from March 1988 show that the plan for a full computerised database was spiked. A memo sent to staff said it "contravened" statements from ministers saying UFOs did not pose a threat to the UK and resources would not be diverted to investigate incidents. "I also understand that there was some concern about public reaction if knowledge of the work being undertaken emerged in the media," an official wrote. He said it now seemed "all work must stop", but that UFO incidents would continue to be logged "as and when" they took place. Source: The Independent (UK) http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ufo-secret-records-show-there- were-almost-1200-mysterious-sightings-between-1987-and-1993-1651408.html Can Numbers Predict the Future? ![]() "Knowing," the recent Nicolas
Cage movie is the latest Hollywood tale to play off the idea that our
future is already determined by the numbers, if only we knew how to
interpret them. Does the universe really work that way? The answer is
no ... yes ... maybe.
If you think you can predict the dates of future disasters by checking numbers on a piece of paper, as Cage's character does in the movie, you might want to consider seeing a therapist. But if you think you're seeing the same plot twist happening over and over again, it's not all in your head. Numbers with cosmic significance have played a big role in movies such as "Pi" (which is a take-off on the Bible Code fad) and "The Number 23" (actually, my personal favorite is the number 42). Numerological voodoo is a theme in the "Lost" TV show (see? 42!). And sometimes that voodoo translates into real-life worries: For example, the bogus doomsday claims about 2012 stem from the numbers behind the ancient Maya calendar. There's some powerful psychology behind numerology, in fiction as well as real life. And when it comes to physics, numbers are real life. With the right theory, knowing one set of numbers can tell you what a future set of numbers could be, MIT theoretical physicist Edward Farhi says. "Physics is really the business of taking numbers, the values and attributes of things, turning a crank, which is our theory, and arriving at new numbers which predict what will happen in the future," Farhi told me this week. For example, engineers can crank out numbers to predict where NASA's New Horizons spacecraft will be in 2015 (somewhere around Pluto, we hope) or where the Cassini orbiter will be in 2017 (still checking out Saturn's moons, if scientists have their way). Closer to home, if you saw two trains barreling toward each other, at a certain point you can say there'll be a collision with as much confidence as Cage could in "Knowing." "It gets much more complicated when we try to predict complicated things," Farhi said. "Really, what we're talking about is where you draw the line." That's where the "maybe" part comes in: A century ago, predicting the weather a week or more in advance might have seemed like than voodoo - but with better monitoring systems and sophisticated computer modeling, we take that kind of weather forecast totally for granted. Farhi predicted that future technological advances will lead to better predictions as well. "There are two avenues to prediction: One is to have a really good idea that helps you, and the other is just to increase computer power," he said. A truer-to-life model for a particular phenomenon, backed up by higher-powered modeling software, will lead to more accurate predictions. That applies to weather forecasting, but it can also apply to economic and social forecasting as well. You don't have to look any further than this month's "March Madness" college basketball tournament, which began today, to see how improved computer modeling can contribute to the prediction game. Farhi is working on the computer-power side of the prediction equation, by working out the theoretical underpinnings for quantum computing. In 20 years or so, when quantum computers are finally ready for prime time, that could bring a ... well, you know what kind of leap in computing that could bring. The first applications for quantum data processing would include decrypting secret codes and encrypting communications and designing more efficient networks. But some researchers say quantum computers also could be used to solve puzzles ranging from Sudoku games to molecular-scale construction, and bring computer modeling to a higher level. Quantum computers could outdo traditional computers when it comes to simulating chemical reactions on the molecular level, but Farhi is reluctant to push his prophetic powers any farther than that. "I'd love to be able to predict what we're going to be able to predict in 200 years," he said. One thing seems to be certain: You couldn't time-travel into the future and then come back with an ironclad prediction, even though that's another common theme in science-fiction movies. In a sense, we're all traveling into the future - and according to the theory of relativity, you could even control the pace of your "travel" into the future by accelerating to near the speed of light. "What doesn't seem to be OK is to go back in time," Farhi said. All sorts of potential paradoxes could arise, such as the famous "killing your grandfather" paradox. "The laws of physics seem to avoid that," Farhi said. "They don't want that to happen. So traveling backward in time does not seem to be OK. ... If the knowledge in the movie about things that happen comes from a trip to the future, followed by a return trip, I would say that goes beyond conventional science." Phew! Glad we got that settled. Feel free to chime in below with your own thoughts about numerology and science, the "Knowing" movie, the buzz over 2012 or your "March Madness" predictions. Source: MSNBC http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/03/19/1844055.aspx - GENIUS OR MAD SCIENTIST DEPARTMENT - Revealed: Unsung British Scientist Who Invented "Death Ray" ![]() The story of an
unsung scientist whose inventions included the 'death ray' and inspired
the creation of Flash Gordon and Batman has been told for the first
Harry Grindell Matthews was regarded as one of Britain's leading inventors, whose futuristic creations in the 1920s were considered light years ahead of their time. Heralded a genius by the then Prime Minister Winston Churchill, his work included the world's first mobile phone, an automatic pilot and talking films. But it was his death ray - a giant laser gun - that brought him acclaim. It was later used in string of sci-fi movies including Batman, Dr Who, Flash Gordon and Star Wars. He was so far ahead of his time that some even dismissed him as a fraudster and he is not officially credited with inventing many of his creations. This means his incredible contribution to British science has remained largely unknown since his death aged 61 in 1941. But his remarkable life story has now been revealed in a new book, penned by fellow scientist and avid fan Jonathan Foster. The biography, 'Death Ray ... the Life of Harry Grindell Matthews', lifts the lid on his remarkable life and extraordinary creations. Mr Foster, a science teacher from Nottingham, said: 'He was truly an amazing man, way ahead of his time, and deserves to be remembered. 'He invented so many amazing things - including a system which could remotely guide a boat at night, using light beams, and fire its gun as well. 'Harry was also transmitting the spoken voice when Nobel prize-winner Marconi was still transmitting in Morse code. He was a genius.' Mr Matthews, who was born in 1880, earned worldwide fame in the 1920s and 30s after he set about changing the face of modern science. He studied at the Merchant Venturer's School in Bristol before serving in the Second Boer War in South Africa where he was wounded twice. Enlarge His inventions included a submarine detector an automatic pilot and an aerial defence system. In 1911 he created the aerophone, the world's first mobile telephone, which was the size of a shoe box and enabled a ground controller to talk to the pilot of an aeroplane. The following year he gave a demonstration before King George V at Buckingham Palace by establishing communication between two cars. His 'sky projector' - a powerful beam of bright light that projected an image into the night sky - also won him critical acclaim in 1925. Experts believe it may have led to the creation of Batman, as it resembles the 'bat signal' used by Commissioner Gordon to attract the hero's attention. It was the unveiling of the death ray in 1923 that shot him to national attention. The device stopped a motorcycle in its tracks by knocking out the vehicle's magneto system. It also ignited gunpowder, killed a mouse, and even blinded Harry in one unfortunate experiment. Many believe the ray triggered the imaginations behind Flash Gordon and his enemy, Ming the Merciless, and inspired weapons used in Star Wars and Dr Who. Mr Foster said: 'The death ray did work and was patented. He invented a way of transmitting electricity via an ultra violet beam. 'He used to demonstrate it by stopping cars which passed his house. The beam would knock out the car's magneto system and even set off gunpowder. 'But the huge amount of power it would have needed to knock out an aircraft meant it would not have been practical.' Mr Matthews, from Winterbourne, Gloucestershire, was awarded £25,000 by the Government in 1914 when he invented a boat which could be controlled by a light beam. The Ministry of Defence wanted to produce an airship, controlled by the same light beam, to tackle the threat of bombing raids from German Zeppelins, although the device was never used. He collapsed and died on September 11, 1941 while helping with the Allied war effort at his mountain retreat near Swansea, south Wales. Source: The Daily Mail (UK) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1164182/Revealed-The-unsung-scientist-invented- death-ray-inspired-creators-Batman-Flash-Gordon.html -
Navy Scientist May Have Cold Fusion Reactions ![]() A U.S. Navy researcher has announced that her lab has produced “significant” new results that indicate cold fusion-like reactions. If the work by analytical chemist Pamela Mosier-Boss and her colleagues is confirmed, it could open the door to a cheap, near-limitless reservoir of energy. That’s a big if, however. The announcement at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society comes in the same location – Salt Lake City – as one of science’s most infamous episodes, the announcement 20 years ago by chemists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann that they had produced cold fusion. Researchers are recapping recent developments in the field – including images of what some believe are telltale signs of reaction-born subatomic particles, as well as documentation of heat, helium, gamma rays and other products from possible low-energy nuclear reactions. One team, led by Pamela Mosier-Boss, an analytical chemist at the U.S. Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, has announced visual evidence of a fusion-like reaction. "If you have fusion going on, then you have to have neutrons," Mosier-Boss said in a statement. “People have always asked 'Where's the neutrons,'" she said, and in their presentation, they reported finding evidence of these neurons. By exposing a special kind of plastic to the reaction, patterns of minute dents (or "triple tracks" that show three close nearby forms) were made by excited neutrons created from a nuclear reaction, they report. In other signs of fusion, Tadahiko Mizuno, an assistant professor in the department of nuclear engineering at Hokkadio University in Japan, reports having detected gamma radiation and De Ninno notes the production of helium gas in experiments; both are possible byproducts of a nuclear LENR reaction. Unlike nuclear energy reactors and bombs, which split atoms, the atoms in stars such as the sun fuse together to produce spectacular amounts of energy, so much so that we are warmed by a stellar furnace 93 million miles away. Devising a fusion-based source of energy on Earth has long been a “clean-energy” holy grail of physicists. Pons and Fleischmann claimed to have created fusion reactions in a tabletop experiment, at room temperature. Their claims of producing small amounts of excess heat — energy — in their experiments were at first met with excitement, then skepticism and finally derision as other scientists were unable to reproduce the results. Nevertheless, in the years since, a small group of scientists has continued trying to produce fusion reactions at low temperatures. If such experiments did produce fusion reactions, they would generate highly energetic neutrons as a byproduct. These are what Mosier-Boss says her San Diego-based group has found. “If you have fusion going on, then you have to have neutrons,” she said. “But we do not know if fusion is actually occurring. It could be some other nuclear reaction.” The announcement is based partly on research published by Mosier-Boss’ group last year in the journal Naturwissenschaften. In this sense, she has not repeated the mistake of Pons and Fleischmann, who announced their findings before they had been tested by the peer-review process and published in a scientific journal. But that does not mean the results indicate cold fusion, said Paul Padley, a physicist at Rice University who reviewed Mosier-Boss’ published work. “Fusion could produce the effect they see, but there’s no plausible explanation of how fusion could occur in these conditions,” Padley said. “The whole point of fusion is, you’re bringing things of like charge together. As we all know, like things repel, and you have to overcome that repulsion somehow.” The problem with Mosier-Boss’ work, he said, is that it fails to provide a theoretical rationale to explain how fusion could occur at room temperatures. And in its analysis, the research paper fails to exclude other sources for the production of neutrons. “Nobody in the physics community would believe a discovery without such a quantitative analysis,” he said. Still, the announcement may turn heads, given its stage at the American Chemical Society’s big meeting and the fact that the organization promoted it to science journalists in advance. “It’s big,” said Steven Krivit, founder of the New Energy Times publication, which has tracked cold fusion developments for two decades. Krivit said the neutrons produced by Mosier-Boss’ experiments may not be caused by fusion but perhaps some new, unknown nuclear process. “What we’re talking about may be more than anybody actually expected,” he said. “We’re talking about a new field of science that’s a hybrid between chemistry and physics.” Source: The Houston Chronicle http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/hotstories/6333164.html -
Lakey the Horror of Coleridge Lake ![]() Lake monsters are very rare in New Zealand. There are sea serpents reported from its coasts but inland water monsters are almost unknown. Lake Coleridge is near Canterbury on the South Island. It has a surface area of 47 km² and is 3 km wide by 17 km long. The Rakaia River runs into the lake and in 1914 became the sight of the countries earliest hydroelectric schemes. The Wilberforce and Harper Rivers both have some of their flow diverted intio the lake as well. Lake Coleridge is well known for its salmon and for something else as well. In the early 1970s there were rumors of something big, powerful and unknown lurking in the lake. The monster is supposed to drag away fishermen’s rods. In 1972 the beast was blamed for the disappearance of a fisherman. The old man’s upturned boat was found but no body ever found. Many locals from the tight knit refused to fish on the lake after that. Things seemed to settle for a while but then in 1975 two women reported seeing the monster’s head rise up from the lake. It was described as wolf like but hairless. In the same year a teacher and his wife saw the creature. It grabbed and ate a large water bird from a flock resting on the surface. The monster was imaginatively dubbed ‘Lakey’’ In 1976 a farmer on the west side of the lake began losing considerable numbers of sheep to some unseen predator when they went to drink by the waters edge. Investigating noticed a dark shadow just below the surface of the water where a lamb was moving to take a sip. He shouted, and the huge shape shot off. The following year several witnesses saw a large monster, 16 feet long, rolling around on the surface, snapping its jaws. News of the sighting spreads like wildfire. The creature is described as gray, with four visible flippers and no obvious dorsal fin. Overall it was quite "fish-like". After this a hunter from Otago decided to try and kill the monster. He set off at on a boat rigged with radar, harpoons. He was out on the Lake for two weeks but failed to uncover anything but the occasional big blip on the radar. Taking his hunt under water he decided to dive in a wetsuit. When beneath the water, he found his boat was directly above the wreck of a yacht, which was lying on the bottom of the lake. Curious, he investigated the yacht. As he turned back up to resurface, he was struck in the ribs by something powerful. Not staying around to see what it was, he got back to his boat and left. In 1979 a group of fisherman on the lakes western most shore saw the creature. The animal was seen to stare at them with its head partially above water. For some time it swam in slow circles, not taking its eyes off the men, then left to beneath the water. The next morning a huge, snake like trail was found in the mud. Could such an animal travel to an inland lake? The answer is yes. Overall the descriptions sound like a big leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx). This formidable beast has a slik, almost snake like head, dark gray fur and a predetory nature.They have been known to attack small boats and one one occation have bitten a human diver to death. A 16 feet ‘Lakey’ is larger than a leopard seal, that grows to around 11 feet. But eye witnesses may have been exagerating the animal’s size. The snake like trail found in the mud sounds like the slide marks of a seal. Seals haul their bodies along the groud rather than bounding like sea lions. Could such an animal trvel some 50 miles to Lake Coleridge from the sea? The answer is yes. A 3 metre leopard seal was caught in 1870, 48 km up the Shoalhaven River in Australia (having just eaten a duck billed platypus!). They can go much further inland if they please. Mr R E Day saw a seal 400km up the Murray River, Australia. J Dunn, the director of the geological survey of Victoria, saw a shoal of seas swimming in the flooded Murrumbidgee in 1850. They were 1200km from the sea! The animal has now probably died or returned to the sea. But it left behind a legend. If this had been Australia rather than New Zealand the creature would surly have entered folklore as a bunyip. Source: Fortean Zoology/Still on the Track http://forteanzoology.blogspot.com/2009/03/richard-freeman-lakey-horror-of.html - KEEP UP THAT OLD SCHOOL SPIRIT DEPARTMENT - Ghostly Sightings at OSU Keep Staff, Students on the Lookout The moon is full but small,
enveloped in jagged blue clouds lurking across the night sky.
A chill wind blows from the east as midnight tolls from the Oklahoma State University's library’s bell tower, resounding solemnly down shadowed streets. Campus looks dead, but some say it’s more alive than it seems. Security staffers said they hear women whispering on the upper floors of the Edmon Low Library but see no one. Guards said they have followed a man in a baseball cap and a woman with bushy black hair more than once without success. “I’ve seen a lady on the fourth floor who just got out of sight,” said Anthony Parson, library security supervisor. He said the woman had black “really crazy, curly messed-up hair,” was about 5-foot-7-inches, 180 pounds and “probably in her 50s.” “I tried to locate her,” he said. “She never did exit the building.” Parson said he and two police officers searched the building after closing last semester. “I suspected we had people spending the night in here,” Parson said. He said one of the officers spotted the mysterious lady again — this time on the fifth floor near the west elevator, but she disappeared. “What he’d described was the exact same lady I’d seen,” Parson said. The library is not the only possibly haunted building on campus. Old Central, Cordell Hall, the Bartlett Center and others are all said to have otherworldly residents. But with so many rumors, it’s hard to discern fact from illusion. One Internet rumor describes the ghost of a woman who hanged herself in the Bartlett Center back when it was a women’s dormitory in the early 1900s. Training Lt. Leon Jones, a bicycle police officer on campus, said he was patrolling campus winter break in the late ’90s. Jones said his partner noticed a single track of footsteps in the snow leading to a front door of the Bartlett Center, slightly ajar around 3 a.m. The Bartlett Center, like the other buildings on campus, should have been locked up for the holidays. Jones said he and his partner checked every room. “We did a thorough search of the place,” he said. “We were probably in there for a good two hours.” When they got to the third floor, Jones said they heard a “loud scream and a giggle coming from the fourth floor.” Jones said they hurried up the stairs, but the floor was empty. He said he believes it was a ghost. “I didn’t see anything, but that’s what I believe it was,” he said. Students also are experiencing unexplainable activity off campus. Brittany Foster, an athletic training senior, suspected a ghost was in her house when her dog came to live with her. “She would act like she is staring at something that’s not there,” Foster said. She said she started getting feelings when she noticed her dog acting weird. “Not uncomfortable feelings, but feelings like someone else was there,” she said. Foster heard about a ghost hunter and decided to have him investigate. Charlie Konemann, a senior agriculturist in the entomology department, is the co-founder of the Oklahoma Society for Paranormal Investigations. Konemann said he hasn’t investigated campus before, but has performed eight investigations in the last two years with his team, including Foster’s house in Stillwater. They have recorded disembodied footsteps, voices and abnormally high electromagnetic frequencies. “We’re not out to prove there’s ghosts,” he said. “People call us to come take a look and tell them what’s going on in their house. Paranormal — it simply means it’s above normal. Something’s going on that you can’t explain.” Foster said she is skeptical about the results. “It makes sense that he didn’t find anything with that one experience with the videos and the cameras set up,” Foster said. Although Foster said she hoped OSPI would bring closure to the mystery, she said she is fine not knowing. She said if there is a ghost, then she doesn’t mind. “It’s not a bad ghost. It’s not a ghost I’m scared of. Most movies are about scary ghosts. This is not a scary ghost.” Source: The Daily O'Collegian http://ocolly.com/2009/03/24/ghostly-sightings-keep-staff-students-on-the-lookout/ -
"ET" Photographed on Google Street View ![]() UFO experts were left baffled after claims that ET was finally tracked down on Google Street View. A misty shape, bearing a distinct similarity to the movie alien, was captured behind a bush next to a mysterious beam of light. The spooky snap was caught by Google image cameras in the town of Berkeley Heights in New Jersey. Some claim the image could be evidence of life in outer space while others point to a simple trick of the light. The 'ET' alien was photographed on Diamond Hill Road, a semi-rural location about eight miles from Morristown Municipal Airport, New Jersey and 30 miles from the bright lights of New York City. Malcolm Robinson, head of the Strange Phenomena Investigations, described the image as "the first of its kind". He said: "On close inspection the similarities with ET are obvious but it's hard to say with any certainty what exactly it is "Of added interest is the strange beam of light to the right, which I cannot explain either. "This picture is the first of it's kind, as far as I'm aware, in that its been captured on Google's new Street View technology. "However, because it was captured by Google it would appear that there aren't any witnesses to back up what was photographed, which is frustrating. "Without further details to go on I'm really stumped. We'd all love it to be alien, but that's a big assumption." Nick Sawyer, one of many web-users to have spotted the alien-like creature, added: "Whatever it is, you cannot deny that it looks exactly like ET. "The head is an oblong shape and it seems to have the same long neck and fat body. "There is also a beam of light right next to him, who knows, that might be an unseen spaceship trying to make contact. "In all seriousness, however, I'm mystified at what it is. The area is not far from an airport and UFOs have been reported to take an interest in our own aviation technology. "New York City is only an hour's drive as well so you never know, he might be eyeing up a trip to the Big Apple." Technical experts are also in a muddle over what the image could be, although one told an online chatroom: "When the light shines directly at and between two of the lenses, the software compiling the images together may end up putting up a slicing white laser. "But I cannot be sure one hundred per cent." Three months ago, police in nearby Morris County, New Jersey, were alerted to a series of unidentified flying objects hovering over the area. Dozens of residents watched on in awe as five flickering red lights moved gently across the night's sky. Local resident Paul Hurley, a pilot who works at Morristown Airport, said: "I've been in the aviation industry about 20 years, so I knew they weren't airplanes". Source: The Telegraph (UK) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechnology/technology/google/5042502/ ET-tracked-down-on-Google-Street-View.html Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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