![]() In Association With Mysteries Magazine! 5/8/09 #520 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal520.html It doesn't matter if you lock
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This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Hurdy-Gurdy stories as: - A Battle to Preserve a Visionary’s
Bold Failure -
- UFO Investigators Reveal Possible Otherworldly Relic - - Scientists Say "Hobbits are a Separate Species" - - The Rebellion of The Jinn - AND: Physicists Prove That Vampires Could Not Exist CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ![]()
Conspiracy Summit Dossier: Whistle Blower's Guide To The Strangest And
Most Bizarre Cosmic And Global Conspiracies!
![]() AN
Added Revelations From:
Adam Gorightly: Ritual Magic,
Mind Control and UFOs.
Commander X: Mind Control In The 21st Century. Kenn Thomas: Wilhelm Reich, Eisenhower And The Aliens. Terry Melanson: The Sulphur Enigma Of Paranormal Visitation. Hundreds gathered at the Alien Agenda and Cosmic Conspiracies Conference to hear the testimony of a dozen of the world s leading theorists discussing various cutting edge topics. Panel members included... Retired Air Force pilot Mel Noel, Jordan Maxwell, Wendy Wallace, Vladimir Terziski, Alexander Collier, Carol Stopper, PX Survivor Al Bielek, Gary Schultz ,Sean David Morton, AND MANY OTHERS! Discussed were Mind Control The Rapture Eisenhower And The Aliens The Gulf Breeze Six Project Blue Beam Ritual Magic And UFOs What was hidden aboard Space Shuttle Challenger when it exploded over the Atlantic System of tunnels built 200,000 years ago by aliens who are linked to the New World Order Secret anti-gravity ships were built in 1860 and landed on the Moon and Mars NASA is just a front for the real space program Hybrid children have been born in American hospitals Ultra-secret military legions were trained to enter UFO crash sites to recover aliens and wreckage Anti-gravity ships exist that will take thousands of elitists from earth in case of a cosmic disaster (which is on the way)! EXCLUSIVE! FIRST TIME EVER INTERVIEW: BILL COOPER S DAUGHTER SPEAKS OUT! Daughter of the legendary patriot and former Naval Officer, Jessica Cooper, gives her first ever interview with Tim Beckley, discussing her dad's raging battle with the authorities, what he REALLY believed about UFOs, the Kennedy assassination, and how the Feds tried to use her to lure her father down from the safety of his mountain top retreat. If you order RIGHT NOW we will include an incredible audio CD of the late
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Global CommunicationsP.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 MYSTERIES MAGAZINE #23 ![]() In
This Incredible Issue:
Feature Articles Decoding
the Bible
Whether resting on an altar, courtroom podium, or bedroom nightstand, the Holy Bible commands respect. Although the longest debate about its teachings concerns evolution versus creationism, today’s controversy is not generating sermons or atheists’ arguments inasmuch as challenging a standard belief system. The Good Book is getting a closer look from people who are learning that past tragedies, such as 9/11 and the future Apocalypse, may actually be encrypted in this 3,200-year-old text. Sunspots and the Number 11 in the 2012 Prophesy Our times are bracketed by two specific dates—September 11, 2001 and December 21, 2012—the greatest single act of terrorism on the continental United States and the end of the Mayan calendar. If, as some observers suspect, something more than a coincidental relationship exists between these two events, its explanation must lie beyond the powers of ordinary human reason and in the world of numbers. The Mayan Calendar: Ancient Prophesies for a New World On December 21, 2012, the world as we know it will cease to exist. This prediction, made thousands of years ago by Mayan shamans, has raised many questions: What does the ancient prophecy mean? Will a cataclysmic event destroy the planet and how and why did the Mayans choose the winter solstice in a year so far into the future? Scholars claim the answers to all these questions are found in the Mayan calendar. The Loch Ness Monster: Hoax or Horror? Whichever estimate of sightings we accept, be it 600, 3,000, or 10,000, there is no shortage of anecdotal evidence that a strange creature inhabits Loch Ness. Coming soon to your favorite bookstore or
magazine stand.
A Battle to Preserve a Visionary’s Bold Failure ![]() In 1901, Nikola Tesla began
work on a global system of giant towers meant to relay through the air
not only news, stock reports and even pictures but also, unbeknown to
investors such as J. Pierpont Morgan, free electricity for one and all.
It was the inventor’s biggest project, and his most audacious. The first tower rose on rural Long Island and, by 1903, stood more than 18 stories tall. One midsummer night, it emitted a dull rumble and proceeded to hurl bolts of electricity into the sky. The blinding flashes, The New York Sun reported, “seemed to shoot off into the darkness on some mysterious errand.” But the system failed for want of money, and at least partly for scientific viability. Tesla never finished his prototype tower and was forced to abandon its adjoining laboratory. Today, a fight is looming over the ghostly remains of that site, called Wardenclyffe — what Tesla authorities call the only surviving workplace of the eccentric genius who dreamed countless big dreams while pioneering wireless communication and alternating current. The disagreement began recently after the property went up for sale in Shoreham, N.Y. A science group on Long Island wants to turn the 16-acre site into a Tesla museum and education center, and hopes to get the land donated to that end. But the owner, the Agfa Corporation, says it must sell the property to raise money in hard economic times. The company’s real estate broker says the land, listed at $1.6 million, can “be delivered fully cleared and level,” a statement that has thrown the preservationists into action. The ruins of Wardenclyffe include the tower’s foundation and the large brick laboratory, designed by Tesla’s friend Stanford White, the celebrated architect. “It’s hugely important to protect this site,” said Marc J. Seifer, author of “Wizard,” a Tesla biography. “He’s an icon. He stands for what humans are supposed to do — honor nature while using high technology to harness its powers.” Recently, New York State echoed that judgment. The commissioner of historic preservation wrote Dr. Seifer on behalf of Gov. David A. Paterson to back Wardenclyffe’s preservation and listing in the National Register of Historic Places. On Long Island, Tesla enthusiasts vow to obtain the land one way or another, saying that saving a symbol of Tesla’s accomplishments would help restore the visionary to his rightful place as an architect of the modern age. “A lot of his work was way ahead of his time,” said Jane Alcorn, president of the Tesla Science Center, a private group in Shoreham that is seeking to acquire Wardenclyffe. Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, president of the Tesla Memorial Society of New York, said destroying the old lab “would be a terrible thing for the United States and the world. It’s a piece of history.” Tesla, who lived from 1856 to 1943, made bitter enemies who dismissed some of his claims as exaggerated, helping tarnish his reputation in his lifetime. He was part recluse, part showman. He issued publicity photos (actually double exposures) showing him reading quietly in his laboratory amid deadly flashes. Today, his work tends to be poorly known among scientists, though some call him an intuitive genius far ahead of his peers. Socially, his popularity has soared, elevating him to cult status. Books and Web sites abound. Wikipedia says the inventor obtained at least 700 patents. YouTube has several Tesla videos, including one of a break-in at Wardenclyffe. A rock band calls itself Tesla. An electric car company backed by Google’s founders calls itself Tesla Motors. Larry Page, Google’s co-founder, sees the creator’s life as a cautionary tale. “It’s a sad, sad story,” Mr. Page told Fortune magazine last year. The inventor “couldn’t commercialize anything. He could barely fund his own research.” Wardenclyffe epitomized that kind of visionary impracticality. Tesla seized on the colossal project at the age of 44 while living in New York City. An impeccably dressed bon vivant of Serbian birth, he was widely celebrated for his inventions of motors and power distribution systems that used the form of electricity known as alternating current, which beat out direct current (and Thomas Edison) to electrify the world. His patents made him a rich man, at least for a while. He lived at the Waldorf-Astoria and loved to hobnob with the famous at Delmonico’s and the Players Club. Around 1900, as Tesla planned what would become Wardenclyffe, inventors around the world were racing for what was considered the next big thing — wireless communication. His own plan was to turn alternating current into electromagnetic waves that flashed from antennas to distant receivers. This is essentially what radio transmission is. The scale of his vision was gargantuan, however, eclipsing that of any rival. Investors, given Tesla’s electrical achievements, paid heed. The biggest was J. Pierpont Morgan, a top financier. He sank $150,000 (today more than $3 million) into Tesla’s global wireless venture. Work on the prototype tower began in mid-1901 on the North Shore of Long Island at a site Tesla named after a patron and the nearby cliffs. “The proposed plant at Wardenclyffe,” The New York Times reported, “will be the first of a number that the electrician proposes to establish in this and other countries.” The shock wave hit Dec. 12, 1901. That day, Marconi succeeded in sending radio signals across the Atlantic, crushing Tesla’s hopes for pioneering glory. Still, Wardenclyffe grew, with guards under strict orders to keep visitors away. The wooden tower rose 187 feet over a wide shaft that descended 120 feet to deeply anchor the antenna. Villagers told The Times that the ground beneath the tower was “honeycombed with subterranean passages.” The nearby laboratory of red brick, with arched windows and a tall chimney, held tools, generators, a machine shop, electrical transformers, glass-blowing equipment, a library and an office. But Morgan was disenchanted. He refused Tesla’s request for more money. Desperate, the inventor pulled out what he considered his ace. The towers would transmit not only information around the globe, he wrote the financier in July 1903, but also electric power. “I should not feel disposed,” Morgan replied coolly, “to make any further advances.” Margaret Cheney, a Tesla biographer, observed that Tesla had seriously misjudged his wealthy patron, a man deeply committed to the profit motive. “The prospect of beaming electricity to penniless Zulus or Pygmies,” she wrote, must have left the financier less than enthusiastic. It was then that Tesla, reeling financially and emotionally, fired up the tower for the first and last time. He eventually sold Wardenclyffe to satisfy $20,000 (today about $400,000) in bills at the Waldorf. In 1917, the new owners had the giant tower blown up and sold for scrap. Today, Tesla’s exact plan for the site remains a mystery even as scientists agree on the impracticality of his overall vision. The tower could have succeeded in broadcasting information, but not power. “He was an absolute genius,” Dennis Papadopoulos, a physicist at the University of Maryland, said in an interview. “He conceived of things in 1900 that it took us 50 or 60 years to understand. But he did not appreciate dissipation. You can’t start putting a lot of power” into an antenna and expect the energy to travel long distances without great diminution. Wardenclyffe passed through many hands, ending with Agfa, which is based in Ridgefield Park, N.J. The imaging giant used it from 1969 to 1992, and then shuttered the property. Silver and cadmium, a serious poison, had contaminated the site, and the company says it spent some $5 million on studies and remediation. The cleanup ended in September, and the site was put up for sale in late February. Real estate agents said they had shown Wardenclyffe to four or five prospective buyers. Last month, Agfa opened the heavily wooded site to a reporter. “NO TRESPASSING,” warned a faded sign at a front gate, which was topped with barbed wire. Tesla’s red brick building stood intact, an elegant wind vane atop its chimney. But Agfa had recently covered the big windows with plywood to deter vandals and intruders, who had stolen much of the building’s wiring for its copper. The building’s dark interior was littered with beer cans and broken bottles. Flashlights revealed no trace of the original equipment, except for a surprise on the second floor. There in the darkness loomed four enormous tanks, each the size of a small car. Their sides were made of thick metal and their seams heavily riveted, like those of an old destroyer or battleship. The Agfa consultant leading the tour called them giant batteries. “Look up there,” said the consultant, Ralph Passantino, signaling with his flashlight. “There’s a hatch up there. It was used to get into the tanks to service them.” Tesla authorities appear to know little of the big tanks, making them potential clues to the inventor’s original plans. After the tour, Christopher M. Santomassimo, Agfa’s general counsel, explained his company’s position: no donation of the site for a museum, and no action that would rule out the building’s destruction. “Agfa is in a difficult economic position given what’s going on in the global marketplace,” he said. “It needs to maximize its potential recovery from the sale of that site.” He added that the company would entertain “any reasonable offer,” including ones from groups interested in preserving Wardenclyffe because of its historical significance. “We’re simply not in a position,” he emphasized, “to donate the property outright.” Ms. Alcorn of the Tesla Science Center, who has sought to stir interest in Wardenclyffe for more than a decade, seemed confident that a solution would be worked out. Suffolk County might buy the site, she said, or a campaign might raise the funds for its purchase, restoration and conversion into a science museum and education center. She said the local community was strongly backing the preservation idea. “Once the sign went up, I started getting so many calls,” she remarked. “People said: ‘They’re not really going to sell it, are they? It’s got to be a museum, right?’ ” Sitting at a reading table at the North Shore Public Library, where she works as a children’s librarian, Ms. Alcorn gestured across a map of Wardenclyffe to show how the abandoned site might be transformed with not only a Tesla museum but also a playground, a cafeteria and a bookshop. “That’s critical,” she said. Ms. Alcorn said the investigation and restoration of the old site promised to solve one of the big mysteries: the extent and nature of the tunnels said to honeycomb the area around the tower. “I’d love to see if they really existed,” she said. “The stories abound, but not the proof.” (To read more about Nikola Tesla, check out Tim R. Swartz's book: The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla.) Source: NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/05/science/05tesla.html?_r=1&emc=eta1 UFO Investigators Reveal Possible Otherworldly Relic ![]() UFO investigators held a press
conference at the Roswell Civic and Convention Center on Thursday,
April 30 to announce that they found ... something.
"At this point, we don't know what it was or why it was there," said UFO investigator Chuck Zukowski. "I don't want to speculate." "We want to announce to the world that this stuff needs further analysis," explained Dr. Bill Doleman, a retired archaeologist who supervised the dig where the items were found. The artifacts were discovered in 2002 during a dig sponsored by the Sci Fi Channel, at a site where some eyewitnesses say a mysterious craft ricocheted off the ground in 1947. Zukowski and his sister Debbie Ziegelmeyer, state director of the Mutual UFO Network in Missouri, volunteered to help with the excavation, and found the object that has been most thoroughly analyzed. The tiny piece of silvery material came from a site where water tended to gather. Ziegelmeyer was sifting through buckets of dirt when the object emerged, and she quickly clutched it to keep it from blowing away. The material began to curl up after it was exposed to sunlight. Ziegelmeyer speculated that it might have been sensitive to light or heat, although Doleman suggested it may have started to dry out after it was taken out of the ground. The item, along with other specimens found by the team, was stored at the University of New Mexico's Office of Contract Archaeology. Zukowski said it took years for them to figure out whether they could run tests on the items. "We didn't really know who had responsibility for these things," he said. "After reams of paperwork I was able to get a hold of it." Zukowski examined the item using an electron microscope. He said that the microscope belonged to a microchip manufacturer in Albuquerque, and a recently-retired technician helped him use it, but he declined to identify either the company or the assistant, saying it might be unseemly for them to be involved. Zukowski said he determined that the artifact was mostly aluminum silicate. Other elements showed up in the sample, but he believes they are mostly from the microscope's surroundings or dirt that clung to the object. Doleman said that aluminum silicate is not uncommon in nature, but the item was found on a limestone plateau, which is mostly calcium carbonate. There seemed to be nothing around that would contain or produce the compound. Zukowski also took extremely close-up pictures of the artifact, capturing some features only a few microns long. "We see some damage in here," he said, "and it's interesting that when you get down that small, you can see holes." He also displayed an image of what looked like a tiny metallic whisker. Zukowski, who designs microchips for a living, said that the features struck him as unusual. "We know this thing definitely is not organic, number one," he concluded. "Number two, we know it's not indigenous." The small silvery object was one of many that turned up during the dig. Doleman presented slides of what looked like a piece of PVC pipe and fragments of plastic, as well as what seemed to be leather and rubber from a shoe. Doleman said that they had not been analyzed, and he would like to confirm that they are what they seem to be. "We want to figure out that they are using the best scientific methods available," he said. The excavation also unearthed pieces of igneous rock that seemed out of place on the limestone plateau. "They look like they may have been burned," noted Doleman. "Who knows what kind of burning a UFO creates when it smacks into the earth and then goes bouncing back up into the sky?" The items that Doleman found most interesting were some orange blobs of material. Assaigai Analytical Laboratories Inc. in Albuquerque found that they were modacrylic adhesive, a heat-resistant synthetic copolymer. The Union Carbide Corporation was the first to produce modacrylic fiber in 1949. Zukowski said the modacrylic adhesive might tie into an eyewitness account. One of the volunteer excavators was Nancy Easly Johnson, daughter of Maj. Edwin Easly, who was allegedly at the crash site. Easly told Johnson little about the incident, but mentioned orange debris. "We'd like to get (the objects) identified, and see if they can shed light on what happened in that broad in-the-middle-of-nowhere pasture on the Foster Ranch in 1947," said Doleman. "We're looking for funding, and/or professional laboratories who would be able to take this stuff and try and identify it." He said that there would be benefits for any lab willing to do pro-bono work, including publicity, possible information about useful alien technology, and "everybody in the UFO community will think they're really cool." Source: Roswell Daily Record http://roswell-record.com/main.asp?FromHome=1&TypeID=1&ArticleID= - THE TANGLED ROOTS OF MANKIND DEPARTMENT - Scientists Say "Hobbits are a Separate Species" ![]() Scientists have
found more evidence that the Indonesian "Hobbit" skeletons belong to a
new species of human - and not modern pygmies.
The one metre (3ft) tall, 30kg (65lbs) humans roamed the Indonesian island of Flores, perhaps up to 8,000 years ago. Since the discovery, researchers have argued vehemently as to the identity of these diminutive people. Two papers in the journal Nature now support the idea they were an entirely new species of human. The team, which discovered the tiny remains in Liang Bua cave on Flores, contends that the population belongs to the species Homo floresiensis - separate from our own grouping Homo sapiens . They argue that the "Hobbits" are descended from a prehistoric species of human - perhaps Homo erectus - which reached island South-East Asia more than a million years ago. Over many years, their bodies most likely evolved to be smaller in size, through a natural selection process called island dwarfing, claim the discoverers, and many other scientists. However, some researchers argued that this could not account for the Hobbit's chimp-sized brain of almost 400 cubic cm - a third the size of the modern human brain. This was a puzzle, they said, because the individuals seem to have crafted complex stone tools. They said the Hobbits were probably part of a group of modern humans with abnormally small brains. One team led by William Jungers from Stony Brook University in the US analysed remains of the Hobbit foot. They found that, in some ways, it is incredibly human. The big toe is aligned with the others and the joints make it possible to extend the toes as the body's full weight falls on the foot, attributes not found in great apes. But in other respects, it is incredibly primitive. It is far longer than its modern human equivalent, and equipped with a very small big toe, long, curved lateral toes, and a weight-bearing structure that resembles that of a chimpanzee. So unless the Flores Hobbits became more primitive over time - a rather unlikely scenario - they must have branched off the human line at an even earlier date. In another study, Eleanor Weston and Adrian Lister of London's Natural History Museum looked at fossils of several species of ancient hippos. They then compared those found on the island of Madagascar with the mainland ancestors from which they evolved. "It could be that H. floresiensis' skull is that of a Homo erectus that has become dwarfed from living on an island, rather than being an abnormal individual or separately-evolved species, as has been suggested," said Dr Weston, a palaeontologist at the museum. "Looking at pygmy hippos in Madagascar, which possess exceptionally small brains for their size, suggests that the same could be true for H. floresiensis , and that (it could be) the result of being isolated on the island." Source: BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8036396.stm -
Bigfoot Hobbit Could Be Ancient Island Human ![]() The tale of Homo floresiensis – aka the hobbit – is beginning to read less like a Tolkien epic than an Agatha Christie whodunit. Two studies add a new twist to the plot. One claims that the skeleton's ape-like feet push back its ancestry near the dawn of Homo. Another argues that the hobbit is a later offshoot of Homo erectus, dwarfed by aeons of island isolation. "Either answer is pretty damn exciting," says William Jungers, a palaeoanthropologist at Stony Brook University in New York, who led the analysis of the foot. "It's telling us something pretty amazing about human evolution." Hobbit skeleton Researchers unearthed the hobbit's 18,000-year-old skeleton in Liang Bua Cave on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003. Then in 2004 partial remains from at least a half dozen individuals were uncovered. Much subsequent research has focused on the skull, which encased a 417 cubic-centimetre brain – about the size of a chimpanzee's and a third the size of a human adult brain. Since island species, separated from their mainland kin, tend to shrink over evolutionary time, the main thrust of the "hobbit as separate species" arguments have focussed on its small brain. However another theory holds that the skull is simply that of a diseased Homo sapiens. Lack of resources could select for smaller and smaller bodies, and some researchers argue that power-hungry brains can shrink even more drastically than the rest of the body. Island dwarf "It might be advantageous to the animal not to invest in such a large organ," says Eleanor Weston, a palaeontologist at the Natural History Museum in London, whose new study contends that H. floresiensis was an insular dwarf of H. erectus. But even scaled down to the hobbit's 1-metre, 30 to 40 kilogram frame, H. erectus would boast a brain of 500 to 650 cubic centimetres – small but still too big to explain the Hobbit skull. However, Weston contends that such figures underestimate the dwarfing of mammalian brains that actually occurs on islands. She and colleague Adrian Lister compared two extinct species of dwarf hippopotami found on Madagascar with the modern, full-sized beasts found only on the African mainland. True brain size The dwarf species went extinct in the past 1000 years, and they diverged from mainland hippopotami sometime between 50,000 and two million years ago, Weston says. Using more than 30 full-size hippopotami of varying age and size as reference points, Weston and Lister calculated the scaled-down brain size of 24 dwarf hippos. These models consistently overestimated the true size of the dwarf's brains by about 24 or 30 per cent. "If Homo floresiensis really had undergone this process of dwarfing, potentially something like Homo erectus could be the ancestor," Weston says. Applying a scaling factor to a dwarfed H. erectus comes up with Hobbit-sized brain that's between 378 and 493 cubic centimetres, depending on the H. erectus specimen used. Bizarre foot "My problem with that is that it doesn't speak to the rest of the skeleton," says Jungers, who also presented his analysis of the hobbit's bizarre foot at an anthropology conference last year. For starters, the feet of H. floresiensis are far longer than would be expected of 1-metre tall H. erectus or H. sapiens. The resulting need to drag its feet back high with each step to avoid kicking the ground would have limited its ability to move swiftly. It also has unarched feet. "It's never going to win the 100-yard dash, and it's never going to win the marathon," Jungers says. Both features also point to an ancestor that predates fleet-footed H. erectus, Jungers says. "If in fact human evolution redesigned the bipedal foot in some way, these guys missed the train." A closer inspection of the bones in the hobbit's nearly complete left foot reveal both modern and archaic characteristics. Its short big toe resembles that of an australopithecine like Lucy, while the shapes of the toe bones appear human. "It's definitely a head-scratcher," Jungers says. He speculates that the hobbit's closest relative is a species of human more ancient than H. erectus, with a smaller brain – perhaps H. habilis. Satisfying theory Robert Martin, a palaeontologist at Chicago's Field Museum not involved in either study, says Jungers' explanation is more satisfying than the idea of a H. erectus, dwarfed by island-life. "That could explain the small brain without requiring any major reduction," he says. But adds that there is no indication in the fossil record that any human species older than H. erectus travelled beyond Africa. However, Martin still thinks the hobbit is an unusually small human that suffered from a developmental disease, possibly microcephaly. "This needs to be confirmed by some fossils," says Jungers, who hopes a five-year excavation of other spots in Flores that's in the works will determine what the ancestors of the Hobbit looked like. Source: Cryptozoology Online http://cryptozoologynews.blogspot.com/ - ON A SEPARATE LEVEL DEPARTMENT - The Rebellion of The Jinn ![]() According to Islamic teaching,
the Jinn are a form of non corporeal sentience created 2,000 years
before Adam that can be either good or evil and can assume the form of
animals, insects or humans. Solomon was considered to be the only one
who could control them with his ring, which is also known as Solomon's
Seal which in alchemy,the symbol is representative of the combination
of opposites as a singularity of process known as transmutation.
In nuclear transmutation,it is the conversion of one chemical element or isotope into another through nuclear reaction.In physics, it is dimensional transmutation, a physical mechanism that transforms a pure number into a parameter with a dimension. In biology it refers to the transmutation of species, the alteration of one species into another and\or a form of nuclear transmutation said by some scientists to occur within living organisms. One could say in relation to the transmutation of matter into energy, we have let loose the Jinn from within a lamp, only to find they cannot be restrained to be placed back within it. This transmutation of the elements in modern alchemy is the outer representation of what Jung referred to as the process of individuation in psychology wherein the various elements of the psyche become unified as a singularity. Certainly we can consider the recombinant arrangement of thought as a living system, within reciprocal systems, as Alan Watts suggested the nature of reality may be a wide spectrum of recombinant interrelationships between an equally large number of parallel operating systems. We can easily demonstrate this principle to the empirical and yet we have a paradox in assigning this to the intangible. Jung suggested that in psychological terms, the UFO phenomenon itself "may be a spontaneous reaction of the subconscious to fear of the apparently insoluble political situation in the world that may lead at any moment to catastrophe. At such times eyes turn heavenwards in search of help, and miraculous forebodings of a threatening or consoling nature appear from on high." When we return to Alchemy, most do not understand it's foundation in Platonic thought, which Jung recognized ,which in of itself, is a living system of cognition. In other words, thought itself is a process of transmutation. Then we have yet another example of transmutation found in the theory of the Noosphere, originally envisioned by a Mr Vernadsky, the Noosphere is the third in a succession of phases of development of the Earth, after the Geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). Just as the emergence of life fundamentally transformed the Geosphere, the emergence of human cognition fundamentally transforms the Biosphere. In contrast to the conceptions of the Gaia theorists, or the promoters of cyberspace, Vernadsky's Noosphere emerges at the point where humankind, through the mastery of nuclear processes, begins to create resources through the transmutation of elements, which then leads into the nature of the source of this transmutation, the human mind and the potential connection to an aspect of it's nature, which the Jinn may represent. Arising from the adaptation of the non local, not to be found in any particular cartography we can assign to geography or biology, which is superimposed onto a self referential language as a measuring device in order to navigate the scrim of forms, we arrived to be triangulated by a self organizing production of personas, terms, abstractions, metaphors and analogies that tie behavior as a mobile form of organized energy known as information, which can be seen as a creative act only by it's effects, whether it is working for a living, a conversation via a cell phone or more deeply, in the critical assumptions we identify with, that, in a parasitic manner, limit our range of movement, or if you will, our behavior. In previous posts, I have examined the concept that as a semi-autonomous creature, we may share this environment with a revision of our ancient concept of animism, that it may not be a simple matter of this versus that, but that all cellular or Holonic components of such a living system are inter-dependent, whether they be planets or a blade of grass, all of which require intermediary processes to store, transform and irradiate what their form produces and requires in a thermodynamics of information posed as energy and vice-versa. However, this living system is in the throes, as most of us recognize this fact, of a re-balancing, or offset to avoid entropy which can historically cause mutational variants of existing forms to appear. In this we have the transference of energy in biophotons or perhaps in the strange case of Ted Serios, wherein the manifestation of coherent images that arise from the nexus of the immaterial to the tangible, suggest properties of which we have no conscious impression, much like the fact that our blood flows through veins without the purposeful interaction of will arising from thought. But perhaps this can be inverted wherein, the ghost within the machine of biology can appear to us as an intermediary form. Any creative act is perhaps a transmutation of thought to the material but we find great discomfort in the potential realization that this process may occur in a unconscious or autonomic process that we cannot control, although even that most empirical of the dark arts in the militarization of the psyche as evidenced in Stargate, has explored this possibility of it's conscious control through the visualization of remote objects. Again a transmutational process is at play. In this, we construct a self organizing locational beacon within us in the form of a database, that as an intermediary between materiality and intangibles becomes transposed onto the world as a projection that often, as a result, considers proof and truth to be one in the same rather than simply referents in space time. Imagine that these individuated measurements, as that is all they are,were a form of energy in of themselves, where the architecture of information that create a locus of attenuation had, from a certain perspective, possess a life or coherence of their own. In other words, thoughts as organized by ourselves as packets of information, self reflective, capable of decision, were in fact intermediate entities in of themselves. They marry, have children, have certain aims, desires, and all within a social network. Well, in a sense, our inner world is so constituted as an image of a reflection and it is also such to the Jinn, in a reversal of orientation, whereas we are materially located on a contingent basis, they are if you will, non local. We both share the same environment in abodes that are, in effect, parallel worlds alongside one another. In Islamic thought, the creation of the Jinn superseded that of humanity in it's material form that, when compared to other Islamic schools, this origin narrative, suggests that the prototype of Adam was first created as a non material entity, that was subsequently deceived by a "tree of knowledge" or if you will, the aforementioned, self organizing realm of referents to become encased in a cellular deception and cast into a set of behaviors, that are far from a paradise, wherein he is in some sense, his or her worst enemy. William S Burroughs concept of language as a viral process of deception mistaken for sentience comes to mind as another apt metaphor, wherein intelligence is all that is required to produce unwitting effects upon itself. One considers, as a correspondence, that the Theosophist conceptual basis of a mirror image relegated to an existence corresponding to that of the illusion of autonomy of movement such as in the static data of a DVD appearing to posses autonomy, is that the strength and clarity (coherence) of the originating source determines the duration, signal strength and the distance of travel of its developed mirror image as a thought-form. It is said, in this light, that thought-forms can have the capability to assume their own locus of energy exchange and appear to be intelligent and independent. Equally strong thought-forms can disperse them, or they may disintegrate when their purpose has been accomplished. Some may stay in existence for years, while others can become uncontrollable and turn on their senders. Then there is the inverse found in the Tibetan Book of The Dead wherein contemporary interpretations of the source material suggest that the variety of visions experienced as sentient Deities by the dead,as the Dali Lama suggests, that" They are actually symbolic manifestations of psychological states in the inner space of human awareness." Perhaps "as above, so below" axiom can be extended to include "as within, so without". As a branch of a superimposed tree, the Jinn have no such cellular restrictions as ourselves, inasmuch as they are the non material, reversed equivalents of ourselves, capable of what is termed the shifting of form, organizing form as we organize thought, one being superimposed upon the other. A metaphor of their composition in texts relates this characteristic to the equivalent of smoke, which essentially is a temporal visible manifestation of an energy exchange, where the material environment can be utilized to create effects that in of themselves have no autonomous reality as it were. What is interesting concerning the parallel universe of the Jinn is that one studies and researches their behavioral characteristics, they are carbon copies of ourselves transposed onto an ontology that infers that the Jinn in of themselves may be the equivalent of Poe's William Wilson, an energetic doppleganger that once loosed from the triangulation of cellular orientation, may have, if you will, developed a life of it's own. Recent speculation is such that the Internet has such a potential but what I am suggesting to you is that living systems have a basis of being interdependent and semi autonomous when viewed as discrete stations of energy transference whether it is an ant or a elephant or a human being, all have the equivalent of a ghost within them, that essentially is an operating system of energy that whether it is the biochemical energy of genetics, or an EKG reading are all indicative of coherent energy. Correspondingly,the Jinn may be in effect our own reflection in a mirror universe that parallels our own basis of orientation. The ships that seemingly roam through the night sky, the strange creatures outside of our own capability to capture them or find in a geographic sense, that defy the attachment of a GPS, may be evidence that proof and truth as we apply them currently to a living system, may be irrelevant unless we reorient ourselves the the reversal of forces that constitute a dream from the material to the ephemeral...to the ephemeral to the material as two sides of the same coin. Source: Intangible Materiality http://materialintangible.blogspot.com/2009/05/rebellion-of-jinn.html - SPOOKS R' US DEPARTMENT - The Spooker of Hammersmith ![]() Many phantom assailants have
been mentioned in my weekly column over the last year or so, and so we
come to another obscure London legend - that of the Hammersmith
'monster'. A few decades previous to Spring-Heeled Jack leaping his way
through the foggy backstreets, there was a bizarre hoaxer in 1804.
A white-cloaked figure was said to haunt the alleyways, frightening the life out of hapless victims. On one occasion the 'ghost' literally frightened the life out of a heavily pregnant woman, who was so startled she died within two days of the incident. The spectre even attacked a wagon rumbling through the streets, pulled by eight horses. And so began this mysterious set of night-time attacks on those ill-lit streets. Indeed, London folklore seems to be littered with such phantoms and individuals eager to create scares. Old records state that 'ghost' was simply a local man, possibly a shoemaker, who carried out the attacks. When in custody the man claimed he did it out of revenge as his own children had been scared by his own apprentices' and their ghost stories. However, twenty years later a far more vicious set of assaults would take place in Hammersmith, pre-dating the malicious Spring-Heeled attacks by over a decade - or was it the same individual? Several women had been accosted by a figure who scratched them and caused several victims to have fits. Some of the women claimed that they'd been scratched by a hook-like object, and the vile prowler was certainly keen to make a name for himself, for many doors and gates across town were daubed with strange writings in chalk. "Be ye ready", one piece of graffiti spoke, another, "Prepare to die!", a third, "Your end is near". Here was a lunatic at large keen to cause panic in the community. Many men were asked to guard some of the areas that had experienced high levels of hideous activity, and then, after eight-weeks, the predator was caught. They said he was simply a respectable young man named John Benjamin, a farmer from Harrow. And yet, eight years later, on the fringe of the Spring-Heeled Jack attacks, another Hammersmith psychopath began a reign of terror. This time the figure was adorned in a white cloak or dress, had long claws and was able to scale high walls with ease. Other reports, which would bear a striking resemblance to Spring-Heled Jack, suggested an armoured spectre, and much confusion arose. However, I'd like to leave you with one very eerie fact, that the Hammersmith 'ghost' was said to, by the local press, appear every fifty years, and indeed older cases of the London 'monster', the later Spring-Heeled Jack, and then Jack The Ripper, all suggest a fifty-year cycle. And of course, none of these assailants were ever caught... ... when will the next spectre stalk the streets of the fog-enshrouded capital? It is an area of research ripe for future investigations by youthful hominologists and cryptozoologists willing to journey north to continue the quest. Source: The Londonist http://londonist.com/2009/05/the_saturday_strangeness_45.php -
Physicists Prove That Vampires Could Not Exist ![]() Two physicists have published an academic paper where they demonstrate, by virtue of geometric progression, that vampires could not exist, since they would almost immediately deplete their entire food supply (a.k.a, all of us). If you've ever read Salem's Lot (or seen the lame Starsky and Hutch-era miniseries adaptation starring David Soul), then you know that after a vampire decides to settle in your town, the undead begin to multiply at an alarming rate (he bites two friends, who bite two friends, and so on, and so on…). Putting aside for a moment the issue of how that would impact neighborhood property values, this phenomenon raises an even more pressing question: If vampires are indeed living (unliving?) among us, then shouldn't we have seen an undead population explosion by now? Fortunately, our best minds are on the case. Physicists Costas Efthimiou and Sohang Gandhi's paper "Cinema Fiction vs. Physics Reality" offers a full explanation. Efthimiou and Gandhi conduct a thought experiment: Assume that the first vampire appeared on January 1, 1600. At that time, according to data available at the U.S. Census website, the global population was 536,870,911. Efthimiou and Gandhi calculate that, once the Nosferatu feeding frenzy began, the entire human race would have been wiped out by June 1602 (thus forever changing the course of history by preventing the invention of the slide rule eighteen years later). The physicists note: Another philosophical principal related to our argument is the truism given the elaborate title, the anthropic principle. This states that if something is necessary for human existence, then it must be true since we do exist. In the present case, the nonexistence of vampires is necessary for human existence. Apparently, whomever devised the vampire legend had failed his college algebra and philosophy courses. Oooh, snap! But, this gauntlet had been barely thrown down before it invited a rebuttal from mathematician Dino Sejdinovic. In his article, "Mathematics of the Human Vampire Conflict" (Math Horizons, November 2008) Sejdinovic faults Efthimiou and Gandhi's logic, since they have not "accounted for the birth-rate of non-vampires and death-rate of vampires (actually the death-death-rate since they are already dead, but when they die again they should stay dead but stop being living) due to close encounters with stakes, garlic and holy water." Moreover, "vampires are presented exclusively as greedy consumers: a rational strategy of managing their human resources is not considered." Here, Sejdinovic cites the pioneering research conducted by Austrian mathematicians Richard Hartl and Alexander Mehlmann, who published the landmark 1982 paper, "The Transylvanian Problem of Renewable Resources," later followed up by "Cycles of Fear: Periodic Bloodsucking Rates for Vampires" (Journal of Optimization Theory and Application, December 1992). Hartl and Mehlmann argue that vampires would never be stupid enough to deplete their entire food supply, and by applying the Hopf-Bifurcation Theorem (don't ask), they demonstrate how vampires can adopt an optimal "cyclical bloodsucking strategy." However, there is a serious flaw in the Hartl and Mehlmann model: The assumption that human beings would be docile prey. Their research provoked an outraged response from economist Dennis Snower, who in his article "Macroeconomic Policy and the Optimal Destruction of Vampires" (The Journal of Political Economy, June 1982), declared: One wonders what conceivable interest the authors could have had in helping vampires solve their intertemporal consumption problem. The implicit assumption of the Invisible Hand (or Fang)-whereby vampires, in pursuing their own interests, pursue those of human beings as well-is of questionable validity. The study by Hartl and Mehlmann is not concerned with the macroeconomic implications of blood-sucking behavior modes. Nor does it consider the policy instruments whereby human beings can protect themselves from vampires. Instead, humans are modeled as passive receptacles of blood whose cultivation and harvest are left to vampire discretion. Hooyah! Snower argues that the mortal world can manage its resources in a manner that keeps the undead population in check, while simultaneously promoting long-term economic growth: A transfer of labor services from the widget sector to the stake sector reduces human welfare at present but may raise welfare in the future (since an increase in stake production reduces the vampire population and thereby increases the future labor force whereby future widgets may be produced). Still, I'm not entirely confident in Snower's conclusions-not least because his complex mathematical proof indicates that the complete destruction of vampires would not be "socially optimal." (And you wonder why economics is known as the dismal science?) In fact, all of these models rest upon the assumption that vampires are at the top of the undead food chain. Who says that the blood-sucking population is not kept in check by something that preys on vampires? Time to consult the zoology journals. Source: io9 http://io9.com/5241252/physicists-prove-that-vampires-could-not-exist Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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