![]() 8/28/09 #535 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal535.html Tired of aliens abducting you
in the
middle of the night, interrupting your sleep and disturbing the
cat? Sick of the Men-In-Black constantly knocking on your door
and following you to the grocery
store in their big black Cadillacs? Annoyed at the NSA, the CIA
and the FBI bugging your phones and reading your e-mails? Well,
for a limited time only you can now get your very own bottle of
"CONSPIRACY BE-GONE!" It comes in a handy spray bottle for easy
spritzing of all those annoying conspiracy related problems. ONLY
Of course we don't really have any Conspiracy BE-GONE, but we have the next best thing! Your latest issue of Conspiracy Journal. The weekly email newsletter that is sure to annoy all those extraterrestrials, government agents, and pundits of the New World Order who want to keep you in the dark about what is REALLY going on in the world today. This week
Conspiracy Journal
brings you such cochlea-crushing
stories as:
- Deep Secrets of a UFO Think Tank
Exposed -
- Psychics and Criminal Profilers - - Monsters of the Deep - - Is There a Power Word to Call on UFOs? - AND: Kiryat Yam to be Sued over 'Mermaid'? CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
![]() IS
It all began during the summer
of 1993 when one night Tony had a close encounter with a strange UFO
behind his house. Tony never saw the UFO again, However, two days later
his life was to change abruptly when he began to receive a series of
mysterious messages in his mailbox that were delivered without a return
"The first letter stated that the individual writing to me knew all about my low-level UFO sighting and indicated that he was actually on board the craft at the time of the encounter. He said that by picking up on my vibrations they were able to tell that I was not a threat to their continuing operations in my area and that, basically, I was a kind person at heart -- one that really cared about other people and wished to see those around me prosperous and live a life of harmony with what they called the laws of creation." Over a period of time, Tony has received numerous letters, all of which seem to indicate an alien presence on Earth. "It's as if they are living amongst us -- know our trouble and are able to offer advice on the subject that matter to us the most." While the messages received from "MR X" may be delivered by his friendly rural mail carrier in an ordinary manner, this not the first time that such unusual -- and apparently otherworldly - communications have come through the postal system. In Spain the most famous of all UFO incidents involves a highly classified group of ETs from the planet UMMO who have established bases here as far back as the 1950s and have contained several outstanding researchers to reveal their existence on our planet. Gordon Creighton and Antonio Ribera provide a unique look at this extraordinary race of aliens who even posed for the camera with their planet of origin clearly designated on the body of the craft for all to see. This is one of the most amazing UFO/ET episodes of all time and all the evidence and documents are presented here in English for the first time, as well as the complete testimony of Tony in Canada who underwent a similar dramatic experience as outlined above. If you order right now, you
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Global CommunicationsP.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 MYSTERIES MAGAZINE #23 ![]() In
This Incredible Issue:
Feature Articles Decoding
the Bible
Whether resting on an altar, courtroom podium, or bedroom nightstand, the Holy Bible commands respect. Although the longest debate about its teachings concerns evolution versus creationism, today’s controversy is not generating sermons or atheists’ arguments inasmuch as challenging a standard belief system. The Good Book is getting a closer look from people who are learning that past tragedies, such as 9/11 and the future Apocalypse, may actually be encrypted in this 3,200-year-old text. Sunspots and the Number 11 in the 2012 Prophesy Our times are bracketed by two specific dates—September 11, 2001 and December 21, 2012—the greatest single act of terrorism on the continental United States and the end of the Mayan calendar. If, as some observers suspect, something more than a coincidental relationship exists between these two events, its explanation must lie beyond the powers of ordinary human reason and in the world of numbers. The Mayan Calendar: Ancient Prophesies for a New World On December 21, 2012, the world as we know it will cease to exist. This prediction, made thousands of years ago by Mayan shamans, has raised many questions: What does the ancient prophecy mean? Will a cataclysmic event destroy the planet and how and why did the Mayans choose the winter solstice in a year so far into the future? Scholars claim the answers to all these questions are found in the Mayan calendar. The Loch Ness Monster: Hoax or Horror? Whichever estimate of sightings we accept, be it 600, 3,000, or 10,000, there is no shortage of anecdotal evidence that a strange creature inhabits Loch Ness. Now available at your favorite bookstore or
magazine stand.
This Week on Unraveling the Secrets http://www.blogtalkradio.com/UnravelingSecrets Saturday 8/29/09 Midnight ET Special Guest - Tim R. Swartz This week on Unraveling the
Secrets, host Dennis Crenshaw welcomes author and Editor/publisher Tim
R. Swartz of the essential on-line research source, "Conspiracy Journal" to discuss his
book, "Admiral Byrd's Secret Journey
Beyond the Poles." Join us Saturday night at Midnight Eastern
for what is sure to be a fascinating journey into the unknown with your
tourguides Dennis and Tim.
Deep Secrets of a UFO Think Tank Exposed ![]() Anthony Bragalia writes, "Since
the 1940's the U.S. government has quietly engaged one of its key
defense and intelligence agency contractors as a secret UFO "think
tank." New investigation reveals that the esteemed RAND Corporation is
a "think tank" that has given far more than "passing thought" to things
extraterrestrial. RAND's hidden history of UFO involvement has been
discovered to include work in policy analysis; evaluation of evidence
and in advising on the potential technological advantages achieved from
UFO study. Telling connections have also been found between RAND and
the Roswell crash event of 1947.
RAND Corporation was established in 1946 by the U.S. Army Air Force as Project RAND (for Research and Development) and is today registered as a nonprofit organization. It is funded through government contracts, university collaborators and by "private donors." RAND's primary agency clients include the CIA and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.) Headquartered in Santa Monica, CA the think tank maintains branches worldwide. RAND's stated mission is to "help to improve policy and decision making through objective research and analysis." Its work is officially conducted "for the public welfare and security of the United States of America." Over 30 Nobel Prize winners have been employed by RAND. From physics to economics, the 2000 person think tank provides high-level information and evaluation to the U.S. government. Deeper review shows that RAND has conducted studies in such areas as weapons development, intelligence gathering and analysis and the design of sensitive underground installations for the USAF. Far more concealed is RAND's intimate involvement in highly classified UFO study for the U.S. government: RAND'S FOUNDERS HELD THE SECRET OF THE SAUCERS From its very inception, the men of RAND knew much about saucers. RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas, CEO of Douglas Aircraft along with two military officer luminaries. Douglas often confided in friends about the reality of the UFOs. These officers carried with them significant "UFO histories." The officers behind RAND were Major General Curtis LeMay (the US Air Force's Chief of Development) and General Hap Arnold (considered the "father" of the modern U.S. Air Force.) In May of 1948 RAND was separated from Douglas Aircraft and became its own operating entity. Among RAND's earliest government reports was the release of the enigmatically titled, "Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship." General Curtis LeMay expressed deep interest and concern about the flying saucer phenomena. More than this, LeMay himself was a keeper of the purported 1947 Roswell UFO crash debris. This was revealed in a stunningly candid interview with the late U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater (a former U.S. Presidential Candidate, Major General and Command Pilot) was General LeMay's professional associate and close friend. LeMay's UFO involvement was related by Goldwater in a live worldwide broadcast with CNN's Larry King in 1994. The USAF had just issued its report that debunked the Roswell crash of 1947 as a Mogul balloon. Goldwater (who died just a few years later) informed King that he knew the truth to be far different. He knew this, he explained, because in the 1960's he had approached LeMay about the crashed UFO issue. Goldwater -who no doubt himself held the highest security clearances- told Larry King: "I think at Wright-Patterson, if you could get into certain places, you'll find what the Air Force and the government knows about UFOs. Reportedly, a spaceship landed. It was all hushed up. I called Curtis LeMay and I said, 'General, I know we have a room at Wright Patterson where you put all of this secret stuff. Could I go in there? I've never heard General LeMay get mad, but he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out and said, 'Don't ever ask me that question again!" Goldwater never did. LeMay was very well-acquainted with Roswell Army Air Field Base Commander Butch Blanchard. Blanchard oversaw the base at the time of the Roswell crash event in 1947. It is believed that Blanchard helped issue the original press release on the crash- which prompted the famous resulting headline "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region." Blanchard's former wife and daughter Dale say that he was highly affected and visibly upset by the event. He repeated only, "those Russians have some amazing things." Roswell mayor William Brainerd says that Blanchard told him, "What I saw was the damndest thing I've ever seen!" To Art McQuiddy -editor of the Roswell Morning Dispatch in 1947- Blanchard said when questioned, "I'll tell you this and nothing more- the stuff I saw I'd never seen anyplace else in my life." Source: Filers Files #35-2009/Anthony Bragalia www.ufofiler.com -
Is Quantum Mechanics Messing with your Memory? ![]() For all we know we may live in
a world in which windows un-break and cold cups of coffee spontaneously
heat up, we just don't remember. The explanation is quantum
Imagine if a cold cup of coffee spontaneously heated up as you watched. Or a cracked pane of glass suddenly un-broke. According to physicist Lorenzo Maccone at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, you see things like this all the time – you just don't remember. In a paper published last week in Physical Review Letters, he attempts to provide a solution to what has been called the mystery of "the arrow-of-time". Briefly, the problem is that while our laws of physics are all symmetrical or "time-reversal invariant" – they apply equally well if time runs forwards or backwards – most of the everyday phenomena we observe, like the cooling of hot coffee, are not. They never seem to happen in reverse. We have a statistical law that describes these everyday phenomena called the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This law tells us that the "entropy" or degree of disorder of a closed system never decreases. Roughly speaking, a process in which entropy increases is one where the system becomes increasingly disordered. Windows break, thereby increasing disorder, but they will not spontaneously unbreak. Gases will disperse but not spontaneously compress. However, entropy describes what happens with large numbers of particles. We presume that it must arise from what happens with individual particles, but all the laws that govern the behaviour of individual particles are time-reversal invariant. This means that any process they allow in one direction of time, they also allow in the other. So why will your coffee spontaneously cool down, but not heat up? Maccone's solution is to suggest that in fact entropy-decreasing events occur all the time – so there is no asymmetry and no associated mystery about the arrow of time. He argues that quantum mechanics dictates that if anyone does observe an entropy-decreasing event, their memories of the event "will have been erased by necessity". Maccone doesn't mean that your memories will never form in the first place. "What I'm pointing out is that memories are formed and then are subsequently erased," he tells me. When you observe any system, according to Maccone, you enter into a "quantum entanglement" with it. That is, you and the system are entangled and cannot properly be described separately. The entanglement, Maccone says, is between your memory and the system. When you disentangle, "the disentangling operation will erase this entanglement, namely the observer's memory". His paper derives this conclusion mathematically. While we cannot remember our cups of coffee re-heating, and hence cannot study them, Maccone thinks that entropy-decreasing events like that must happen. "If transformations that increase the entropy do occur – and we know that they do – by symmetry we should expect also transformations that decrease the entropy – but we cannot see them." I'm not convinced that Maccone has solved the dilemma of the arrow of time, and I'm not alone. One problem is that, as he acknowledges, he cannot prove that entropy-decreasing events occur. Rather, he shows that if they do, we won't remember them. Concerns about symmetry lead him to conclude that they must in fact happen. However, it is statistically very (very, very very) unlikely that the entropy of a macroscopic system will decrease. It's all down to the way particles move around. In a gas, for example, there are many fewer ways in which the particles can be in a lower entropy state than there are ways for them to be in a higher entropy state. So the most likely state either before or after is one of higher entropy – simply because there are many more such states for the system to occupy. Importantly, the statistics of entropy do not predict an asymmetry, because they suggest entropy should neither decrease towards the past nor decrease towards the future. The mystery of the arrow of time is that entropy only increases towards the future. Put another way, why does entropy actually decrease towards the past, despite what the statistics predict? Maccone says that "we should expect" entropy decreases towards the future since they occur towards the past. But the statistics show us that we should expect no such thing. It is enormously surprising that they happen towards the past and it would be doubly surprising if they happened towards the future. Symmetry is not a reason to expect what we know is statistically extremely unlikely. Huw Price, head of the Centre for Time at the University of Sydney, thinks Maccone is simply trading one mystery for another. "The proposal to explain the thermodynamic arrow in terms of the [quantum] effects of observers has an obvious flaw," he says. "It doesn't explain why all observers have the same orientation in time ... Why don't some observers remember what we call the future, and accumulate information towards what we call the past?" A standard way of explaining why observers like us remember the past is by appealing to thermodynamics – the fact that entropy is increasing. This explanation is unavailable to Maccone since his theory takes that thermodynamic fact to depend on the existence of observers. Such an explanation, for Maccone, would thus be circular. If Price is right, then Maccone has explained one temporal asymmetry at the expense of creating another that is equally hard to explain. What's more, Price thinks that Maccone has made a hidden asymmetrical assumption. He argues that the quantum correlations Maccone relies on must be assumed to happen only in one temporal direction and not the other. "But that's just assuming the conclusion he wants to derive." Whether or not Maccone has solved the mystery of the arrow of time is unclear. But to tell the truth, it would suit me just fine if my cold cup of coffee heated back up all on its own. I don't even care if I remember it happening or not. Source: The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/2009/aug/26/entropy-time-arrow-quantum-mechanics -
Psychics and Criminal Profilers ![]() As usual, once I’m on the radio I forget what I wanted to say. I had intended to talk about the similarities between psychics and criminal profiling. I wrote a chapter in my book about two psychics who had gotten involved in a case of a missing boy in California. It’s largely a negative chapter because of one particular psychic, Peter Hurkos, who I believe acted irresponsibly. However the other psychic in the chapter, Harold Sherman, went out of his way to respond honestly and compassionately. And, as it turned out, he supplied genuinely useful information, although no one knew this at the time, which is the problem J. B. Rhine tried to point out to the father of the missing California boy, who had asked him for the names of psychics: “We do not know enough about the abilities we are studying to be able to apply them reliably … The worst part of it is that there is no adequate assurance that the impressions that come to the mind are due to ESP and are reliable even when they actually are.” Marcello Truzzi and Arthur Lyons, the authors of The Blue Sense, a study of psychics and their work solving crime, concluded that the existing evidence of a “blue sense” did not yet meet the burden of proof, but they added that a lack of proof does not equal disproof, and that more study was required. While stories of psychic’s abilities were exaggerated, they weren’t as insubstantial as debunkers insisted, and Truzzi and Lyons compared them in usefulness to FBI profilers. It’s an interesting point. In essence, what psychics do is help with investigations. At best, they supply information which may lead to find a missing child, a body or a suspect. That is similar to what profilers do, the difference is the information gathering process. Some people don’t think the process is different, however. For instance, a Sgt. Stinnett of the Maryland State Police credited Dallas psychic John Catchings with helping them find the body of murder victim Mary Cook Spence in the 80’s. But Stinnett didn’t think Catchings had supernatural powers. He thought Catchings was just highly observant and would have made a good police detective. In a 2007 New Yorker piece about criminal profiling, famed FBI profiler John Douglas is quoted as saying, “If there’s a psychic component to this, I won’t run from it.” This was a skeptical piece about profilers, and the author Malcolm Gladwell intended this quote as further evidence that the work of profilers is suspect. In fact, explanations that are made to explain away psychics could also be applied to profilers. A forensics science professor I emailed called Hurkos’s technique “a pastiche of common sense, stereotypes, and popular mythology.” If you throw enough out there that might fit the given situation you’re bound to get something right. “Psychics often speak in a stream-of-consciousness style, piling on impressions,” Jill Neimark wrote in Psychology Today. She pointed to the results of a 1982 study that compared the responses from psychic sleuths, college students and homicide detectives. “… none of the three groups scored better than they would have if left to chance, but the psychics produced 10 times as much information, increasing their likelihood of a chance hit.” Gladwell compared what FBI profilers do to “cold readings,” the technique some psychics use to gather information from the people around them in a way that makes it look like they pulled the data out of thin air. I have to point out that in addition to providing profiles that may help law enforcement find suspects, the FBI’s Behavioral Sciences Unit also maintains a database on violent criminals and crimes. This helps reveal patterns in a more systematic, scientific way. The Blue Sense authors, for instance, described policing as more clinical art than forensic science. But even if it only confirms what intuition led them to in the first place, the FBI is gathering data which will hopefully allow them to not only examine their theories and see if there is any truth to them, but to look back and assess their own effectiveness. It would be useful to have a similar database to assess the work of psychics, and Truzzi and Lyons referred to ongoing efforts to gather data of this sort, but I didn’t find out yet if this is still ongoing. I know that Truzzi has since died. It would interesting to see how they compare how effective they are in aiding investigations. In 1993, the Skeptical Inquirer published a survey which polled police departments about using psychics. “Of the 48 respondents, 31 answered no, and 17 answered yes. As stated before, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., declined to answer. Therefore, approximately 65 percent do not use and have never used psychics.” Most don’t, they emphasize, and those that do say the information psychics provide is not useful. Truzzi looked at the same results and marveled that as many as 35 percent of the respondents used psychics! The true total is most certainly higher. For instance, when I was researching one case from the 1950’s in Miami for my book, law enforcement in Miami repeatedly denied having worked with Peter Hurkos. But when I tracked down the lead detective, now in his late 80’s, he said that they did consult with Hurkos, who didn’t supply them with anything useful. In his book, Memiors of a Psychic Spy, Joseph McMoneagle makes a good point about their ability to be effective. “You can produce a near-perfect description of a location where a person is bring held, is living, or within which a body has been hidden. But, if there are no local landmarks that are readily identifiable to a specific area or township, where in the world the location actually is, is quite difficult to pinpoint.” I know the first objection to that is going to be that this is exactly how psychics are able to defraud people, by giving general descriptions that will fit a lot of places, so they can later claim success. “I see a body of water,” etc. That is the kind of thing Hurkos did for the most part and objections to it are vaild. (Truzzi and Lyons referred to Hurkos as a “psychic scoundrel” and called his claims, “pure bunk.”) But that is not the instances that McMoneagle is describing here. Some psychics, or remote viewers, provide descriptions that are more detailed and exact. It goes back to Rhine’s point. “The worst part of it is that there is no adequate assurance that the impressions that come to the mind are due to ESP and are reliable even when they actually are.” Source: Unbelievable/Stacy Horn http://www.stacyhorn.com/unbelievable/?p=1009 -
Constructed in 1911 as Dallas, Texas's first reservoir, White Rock
Lake, has nine and a half miles of shoreline, thick trees, a path for
walkers and cyclists, and is home to an estimated thirty-three types of
mammal, including squirrels, rabbits, skunks, raccoons, possums,
bobcats, red foxes, and minks, and no less than fifty-four varieties of
reptiles, among which are rattlesnakes, turtles, a whole variety of
lizards, and horned toads. Salamanders and frogs also abound, along
with an incredible 217 species of bird, including swans, pelicans, sea
gulls, loons, and all manner of ducks.Monsters of the Deep ![]() And, between early 2004 and late 2008, it was a place that my wife, Dana, and I called home, after which we moved on to pastures new. Not long after we moved to an apartment near the shores of the lake, I was interviewed for a local magazine that specifically served East Dallas. The feature, titled In Search of Sasquatch, brought me a lot of local attention and also, and more importantly, a lot of stories and leads to follow up on. One such story, from Bobby John Craig, was particularly memorable. Craig’s family was originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma but had moved to Texas in the 1960s. And, as a lifelong fisherman, Craig had fished the lake for many years. As I listened, Craig told me a macabre tale about the fateful night he sat on the far side of the lake in 1971. It was a summer’s evening and he had been fishing for a while, and with considerable success, when he was overcome by an all encompassing feeling of dread and saw something slowly begin to haul itself out of the water about twenty feet in front of him. To his horror, he could see that it was a woman. Or perhaps some insane soul’s monstrous and diabolical idea of what a woman should look like would be a better description. Craig said that the woman was dressed in dark rags, had long black hair, deathly white skin, and her soulless eyes were utterly jet-black. Dirty water dripped from her mud-encrusted locks and she moved slowly towards him with a maniacal grin on her face and in a slow, jerky fashion that reminded Craig of a relentless flesh-eating zombie straight out of a Hollywood movie. The creature – it may have looked human, said Craig, but a creature is all it really was – continued to move towards him in faltering steps, its arms outstretched, while it issued a dark and sinister moan and pointed an elongated finger in his direction. This was enough to convince Craig to grab his rod and gear, and hit the road – which he duly did, unsurprisingly. On the following day, and after the shock had worn off, Craig tentatively revisited the site of his unearthly encounter. The woman had gone. And despite the fact that Craig continued to fish that same area for several more years, he never saw the horrific specter again. But there were far stranger things than weird, wet women afoot at White Rock. Phil Groff told me a notable story of a very large catfish that he estimated had to have been in excess of 200 pounds, and which he saw in the summer of 1979 while rowing across the lake. Too amazed to do anything than stare in awe for the several seconds that the majestic creature was in view, Groff watched the great beast sink beneath the waves, never to resurface. Like a real-life Captain Ahab, an obsessed Groff took his boat onto the lake for years afterwards, in the hope of once again seeing the mighty fish. But it was all to no avail. The leviathan forever eluded him. But the lake's monsters of the deep extended far beyond large catfish. In early 2005, I drove to Austin, Texas, to meet with fellow monster-hunter Rob Riggs and a friend of his, Mike, to discuss some potential television work. As we sat and ate lunch I was astonished to learn from Mike that he had a friend (not a friend-of-a-friend, I hasten to add) who knew of a baby alligator that had been secretly released into the heart of the lake some years previously. Was the beast now fully grown, and marauding wildly within its murky depths? I actually hoped it was, as it would be a great story if true – albeit not for anyone that happened to have the bad luck to get in the way of its bone-crushing jaws. Perhaps they needed to change the lake’s name to Lake Placid, I thought to myself. And this was just the tip of the iceberg: UFO encounters, sightings of so-called "Goat-Man" type characters, and even a Second World War conspiracy all emanated from the heart of the lake - truly one of the strangest, atmospheric and intriguing places I have ever lived. - Nick Redfern is the author of many books, including Science Fiction Secrets; There’s Something in the Woods; and On the Trail of the Saucer Spies. Source: Mania/Nick Redfern http://www.mania.com/lair-beasts-monsters-deep_article_117181.html -
Is There a Power Word to Call on UFOs? ![]() One of the most unusual questions I’ve been asked recently came from a seminar organizer of mine in Cyprus named George, who confessed he has an obsession with UFOs (unidentified flying objects). “Can you ask your friend, [faith healer] Alex Orbito, if there is a special phrase or prayer one can say for a UFO to appear?” wrote George. “I know it’s a long shot but we have nothing to lose by asking him.” The reason George thought of asking if there was a power word to call on a UFO is that when he was in the Philippines to attend Orbito’s seminar last April, Alex taught him “a special phrase which when uttered and at the same time press with your thumb a lump on a patient’s body, it dissolves.” George said he had tried it and it worked. He said the healer has many magical phrases and wondered if there was one to call on UFOs to appear. I told George he must be referring to what is known here among Filipino healers and mystics as oracion, or literally “a prayer,” which has magical effects. Without having to ask Alex, I told George, I doubt if there was such an oracion. I said I have heard of oracions to render one immune from bullets or knives, to heal all sorts of illness, to call on spirits or guides, to attract the opposite sex and even render one invisible. But I’ve never heard of a power word or oracion to call on a UFO. As I had anticipated, when I had a chance to contact Alex Orbito and ask him that question, he replied, “That’s the first time I ever heard such a thing. I don’t know the answer to this.” So I asked another person I know who has knowledge of power words and talismans. He replied categorically that “There is no oracion to call on UFOs because one contacts them through telepathy.” Strange words There are many people in the Philippines, especially in the rural areas, who believe in power words or oracion. And many of those whom I have talked to about these strange words, which sound like Latin, but are not, swear that they work. One local albulario who has a college degree told me the language of the oracion is called “Burnay,” a combination of Tagalog and bastardized Latin. Some, however, are completely unintelligible. Where did this belief in oracion come from? According to some folk’s stories, they were brought to the Philippines by the Jesuits during the early period of the Christian occupancy of our islands which lasted almost 400 years. I believe, however, that the practice of uttering power words must have originated much earlier than that, perhaps in ancient Egypt. When Western men first beheld the temples and huge pyramids of Egypt, they found magical words, chants and hymns dedicated to their gods. These power words were supposed to protect the dead from their enemies and those who might desecrate their bodies during their journey into the underworld, called Hades by the ancient Greeks. The Christian Bible, especially the Old Testament, also contains power words or special prayers which have the power to heal, cast out evil spirits and protect a person against his enemies. In more recent times, people’s belief in oracion or power words has again become popular because of the Harry Potter books and movies. Ultimately, the power of the oracion essentially boils down to the power of one’s mind and one’s strong belief and not inherently in the oracion itself. If you truly believe without doubt the oracion really works then it will, because the mind knows no limits, aside from those it accepts. Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20090824-221833/ Is-there-a-power-word-to-call-on-UFOs -
Kiryat Yam to be Sued over 'Mermaid'? ![]() American organization says $1 million prize offered by northern Israeli city to whoever can prove existence of imaginary sea creature off city's shores 'badly and outrageously damages the legendary mermaid legacy' An American organization claiming to defend the rights of mermaids is threatening to appeal to the International Court of Justice in The Hague against the Israeli city of Kiryat Yam, after its municipality offered a $1 million prize to whoever could provide proof for the existence of a mermaid off the northern city's shores. A letter received by the municipality over the weekend states that the organization, presenting itself as the Mermaid Medical Association in Brooklyn, New York, was shocked to hear about the prize offered by the city. This offer, the organization said, "badly and outrageously damages the legendary mermaid legacy." In the letter, the organization informed the municipality that it had 10 days to take back its announcement on the prize, or else the organization would approach the International Court of Justice in Holland and demand that it intervene. The suggested prize has raised a lot of interest across the world, promoting international networks like CNN and Sky News to send television crews to Kiryat Yam to interview Mayor Shmuel Siso. The Municipality has also begun building a mermaid-shaped statue near the beach. The municipality was surprised by the letter, "particularly in light of the fact that we are not suggesting that anyone hunt the mermaid, if indeed there is one off the city's shores, but only prove that it exists," an official explained. "In any case, we plan to appeal to the organization which sent the letter and suggest that it join the search for the mermaid in order to perpetuate and preserve it." Source: YNetNews http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3766303,00.html Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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