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experiment on?
Maybe it's the Men-In-Black seeking to threaten and warn dire
consequences. I bet it's agents of the New World Order looking to
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This week Conspiracy Journal
you such lip-smacking stories as:
- Russia Admits Missile Caused Strange
Light Over Norway
- Midget Submarine Attacked Pearl Harbor
in 1941 -
- Colorado Cow Mutilations Baffle Ranchers, Cops, UFO Believer - AND: Michigan Bigfoot Sightings On the Rise CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
OAHSPE - Raymond A. Palmer Tribute Edition (In Two Volumes) ![]() OAHSPE: Has been called the wonder book of all ages. Nearly one million words in two volumes with incredible COLOR illustrations. WHAT IS IT? Probably the best way to describe Oahspe is in the words of the book itself: A sacred history of the dominions of the higher and lower heavens on the Earth for the past 24,000 years, beginning with the submersion of the continent of Pan in the Pacific Ocean, commonly called the Flood or Deluge, to the Kosmon (present) Era. Also a brief history of the preceding 55,000 years, together with a cosmogony of the Universe, the creation of the planets; the creation of man; the unseen worlds; the labor and glory of gods and goddesses in the etherean heavens; with the new commandments of Jehovia to man of the present day. WHAT DOES IT CONTAIN? Oahspe is best described as The Complete Book of The Cosmos and it might easily have been written by today s space scientists! Much of the science in OAHSPE has only recently been discovered. Newbrough could not have guessed so rightly, especially in the face of all the authorities of his day. Today space satellites are discovering how it is out in space, while in 1882 OAHSPE contained the same information! As an instance, the now famous Van Allen radiation belts, complete as to nature and height! The scientific reader is overwhelmed by the science of OAHSPE. Do you think flying saucers are new? Then read OAHSPE! A whole panorama of aerial and space vessels are described as though from today s newspapers. Do you wonder at Einstein s theories? Then read OAHSPE! He could have gotten his information there! Uncounted thousands of tons of meteorites fall to Earth each day, yet space is nearly empty of them. OAHSPE knew it in 1882! Space is dark, say our daring astronauts. So did OAHSPE in 1882, and tells us why! Archaeologists have made amazing discoveries of ancient races and dead cities and civilizations since 1882. They might have discovered them sooner had they read OAHSPE. Ancient languages are described in OAHSPE. Just where is Heaven? What do you do there? Is there anything for YOU to do when you get there - what kind of occupation? Is there really a hell? Who manages the Earth, the Solar System, the Universe - and how? How do the different religions fit into God s one Universe? OAHSPE tells all this, and a thousand more answers to man's most difficult questions. $79.95 for
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Credit Card Orders 24/7 at: 732-602-3407 Checks and money orders can be sent to: Global Communications P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 - LOOK, UP IN THE SKY DEPARTMENT - Russia Admits Missile Caused Strange Light Over Norway ![]() A spectacular spiral light show
in the sky above Norway on Wednesday was caused by a Russian missile
that failed just after launch, according to Russia's defense ministry.
When the rocket motor spun out of control, it likely created the heavenly spiral of white light near where the missile was launched from a submarine in the White Sea. The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that a Bulava ballistic missile test had failed. "It has been established ... that the missile's first two stages worked as normal, but there was a technical malfunction at the next, third, stage of the trajectory," Reuters quoted a Defense Ministry spokesman as saying. The mystery began when a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain in the north of Norway. It stopped mid-air, then began to move in circles. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre - lasting for ten to 12 minutes before disappearing completely. Onlookers describing it as 'like a big fireball that went around, with a great light around it' and 'a shooting star that spun around and around'. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded with telephone calls after the light storm. Totto Eriksen, from Tromsø, told VG Nett: 'It spun and exploded in the sky,' He spotted the lights as he walked his daughter Amalie to school. He said: 'We saw it from the Inner Harbor in Tromsø. It was absolutely fantastic. 'It almost looked like a rocket that spun around and around and then went diagonally down the heavens. 'It looked like the moon was coming over the mountain, but then came something completely different.' Air traffic control in Tromso- claimed the light show lasted 'far too long to be an astronomical phenomenon'. Norwegian defence spokesman Jon Espen Lien also said the lights were probably from a Russian missile test claiming it was normal for Russia to use the White Sea and the Barents Sea as a testing ground. Tromso- Geophysical Observatory researcher Truls Lynne Hansen agreed, saying the missile had likely veered out of control and exploded, and the spiral was light reflecting on the leaking fuel. Norwegian astronomer Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard said he had never seen anything like the lights, but that it's 99.9% safe to say that it's a rocket out of control. The Bulava missile is designed to carry six individually targeted nuclear warheads over a range of up to 6,200 miles (10,000 km), the BBC reported. The missile had been touted as Russia's newest technological breakthrough to support its nuclear deterrent, but the numerous failures have led to second thoughts. "This is a catastrophe ... Huge funds were siphoned off from Russia's moribund navy for the Bulava project. In fact, billions of dollars have been flushed down the drain," Alexander Khramchikhin, chief analyst at the Moscow-based Institute of Military and Political Analysis, told Reuters. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1234430/Mystery-spiral-blue- light-display-hovers-Norway.html - THE DISINFORMATION BEGINS DEPARTMENT - Climategate: Was Russian Secret Service Behind Email Hacking Plot? ![]() There was growing speculation
on Sunday that hackers working for the Russian secret service were
responsible for the theft of controversial emails in the ‘Climategate’
Thousands of emails, from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) were first published on a small server in the city of Tomsk in Siberia. So-called ‘patriot hackers’ from Tomsk have been used in the past by the Russian secret service, the FSB, to attack websites disliked by the Kremlin, such as the “denial of service” campaign launched against the Kavkaz-Tsentr website, over its reports about the war in Chechnya, in 2002. Russia, a major oil exporter, may be trying to undermine calls to reduce carbon emissions ahead of the Copenhagen summit on global warming. The CRU emails included remarks which some claim show scientists had manipulated the figures to make them fit the theory that humans are causing global warming. Achim Steiner, the director of the United Nations Environment Programme, said the theft of emails from CRU, which is a world-renowned centre for climate research, had similarities with the Watergate scandal which brought down US President Richard Nixon. But he said: “This is not climategate, it’s hackergate. Let’s not forget the word ‘gate’ refers to a place [the Watergate building] where data was stolen by people who were paid to do so. “So the media should direct its investigations into that.” Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, the vice-chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said he believed the theft of the emails was not the work of amateur climate sceptics. “It’s very common for hackers in Russia to be paid for their services,” he told The Times. “If you look at that mass of emails a lot of work was done, not only to download the data but it’s a carefully made selection of emails and documents that’s not random at all. “This is 13 years of data and it’s not a job of amateurs.” Mr van Ypersele said the expose was making it more difficult to persuade the 192 countries going to Copenhagen of the need to cut carbon emissions. “One effect of this is to make scientists lose lots of time checking things. We are spending a lot of useless time discussing this rather than spending time preparing information for the negotiators,” he said. However he insisted the emails did not change the science. “It doesn’t change anything in the IPCC’s conclusions. It’s only one line of evidence out of dozens of lines of evidence,” he said. A Russian hacking specialist told the Mail on Sunday: “There is no hard evidence that the hacking was done from Tomsk, though it might have been. There has been speculation the hackers were Russian. “It appears to have been a sophisticated and well-run operation, that had a political motive given the timing in relation to Copenhagen.” Source: Telegraph (UK) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/copenhagen-climate-change-confe/6746370/ Climategate-was-Russian-secret-service-behind-email-hacking-plot.html - HISTERIES MYSTERIES DEPARTMENT - Midget Submarine Attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 ![]() A PBS series reports that an
underwater torpedo hit one ship.
New evidence indicating the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor effectively from under water, as well as the air, was announced today by the "NOVA" television series on the anniversary of the 1941 attack that led the United States into World War II. "Pearl Harbor was always seen as an aerial attack," said Parks Stephenson, lead investigator of an underwater expedition for the PBS science series, which explored the wreckage of a midget submarine discovered by University of Hawaii researchers. Eyewitness accounts, a congressional report by Adm. Chester Nimitz, former Pacific Fleet commander, and other clues indicate the midget sub fired two torpedoes and claimed success in a radio call to the Japanese high command 12 hours after the attack, he said. Stephenson said the accounts indicate one torpedo was fired at the USS Arizona that was a dud, but he believes another torpedo hit the USS Oklahoma. The marine forensic historian and former U.S. Navy officer and submariner discussed the findings of the expedition in a telephone interview from his San Diego home. "NOVA" will present the new evidence and underwater footage of the Japanese midget submarine in a TV documentary, "Killer Subs in Pearl Harbor," premiering on KHET-PBS Jan. 5. "A giant piece of the Pearl Harbor puzzle has fallen into place," Stephenson said. "This important discovery sheds light on a World War II mystery that has eluded historians for nearly seven decades." Five Japanese "mother" submarines approached within a few miles of Pearl Harbor before the Dec. 7 battle, each carrying a Type-A, two-man, midget submarine, about 80 feet long and 6 feet wide, NOVA said. The sophisticated midget subs were twice as fast as many U.S. subs of the times, with 600-horsepower electric motors that could propel them underwater at speeds of 19 knots (22 mph). They were capable of carrying two Type 97 Long Lance Torpedoes. All but one of the five midget submarines were found over the years, "either destroyed, scuttled or run aground," NOVA said. "They missed the targets, failed to fire or were recovered with torpedoes intact. But historians have long puzzled over the fate of the missing sub." Stephenson, a Lockheed Martin engineer, said the submersibles Pisces IV and Pisces V, belonging to the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory, found three sections of the missing sub in cruises over the past few years in the same area south of Pearl Harbor. He accompanied Terry Kerby, HURL operations director and chief pilot, on a "validation" cruise in March. Kerby had been the first to spot the midget sub amid damaged equipment and landing craft from the 1944 West Loch explosion. Also along as observers on the UH submersibles in March were a Japanese expert on midget subs and retired Adm. Kazuo Uyeda, the senior surviving midget submariner from WWII. "One can conclude definitely that this was the special submarine that was used in Pearl Harbor," Uyeda said. Stephenson said microbiologist Lori Johnston, who did extensive work on the Titanic, sunk in 1912, determined the torpedoes were fired before the sub sank because of rustlike encrustation covering the empty torpedo tubes. A survivor of the Oklahoma described one torpedo as much more violent than others hitting the ship, he said. "So the Oklahoma, in my eyes, is the leading candidate" for the midget submarine's torpedo. "I have a theory that if the Oklahoma had not been hit by a more powerful torpedo, it might have righted itself like the West Virginia." As more evidence, a photo taken by a Japanese airplane during the attack seems to show the conning tower of the midget sub at the surface pointed at the Oklahoma, Stephenson said. Nimitz described an unexploded torpedo sighted and recovered inside the harbor with an explosive charge of 1,000 pounds -- more than twice that of aerial torpedoes -- which provides "corroborating evidence that a midget sub did penetrate Battleship Row and fired upon it," said "NOVA." U.S. veterans told "NOVA" investigators the Arizona was torpedoed from below, but "NOVA" divers who had special permission to film the hull 40 feet beneath the surface found no visible signs of a torpedo hit. It is believed the midget sub escaped to a secluded area of West Loch, remained undetected to get off a radio call, then was scuttled by the crew to keep it out of enemy hands, Stephenson said. The fate of the crew is uncertain. Why it was found in three sections on the ocean bottom several miles outside of Pearl Harbor was a puzzle until "top secret" information was revealed recently about an ammunition explosion that killed nearly 200 sailors and wounded hundreds more in West Loch on May 21, 1944, "NOVA" said. "The U.S. Navy quickly and quietly cleaned up the remnants of the 1944 West Loch disaster to get the top-secret (Normandy) invasion back on track." Stephenson said he believes the Navy found the midget sub and took it with the rest of the debris a few miles outside of the harbor and dumped it all together. Burl Burlingame, a Star-Bulletin writer, author of "Advance Force Pearl Harbor" and a historian for the "NOVA" project, said, "The more we learn, the more mysterious it gets." Source: The Star-Bulletin/Honolulu http://www.starbulletin.com/news/20091207_sea_yields_clues_to_41_attack.html -
Thoughts on the Aguas Prietas "Contactee" ![]() I usually have a rather jaundiced view of UFO “contactee” claims, regardless of the country in which the claim is made, but there’s something about the story told by Prof. Rodolfo Paredes (in the report provided by Prof. Ana Luisa Cid) that triggered a recollection. Whether or not Paredes is really in contact with “beings from Jupiter” is debatable, but the fact that they endeavor to make contact through his radio signal – it is unclear if Prof. Cid meant a “ham radio” frequency or something else – is very interesting. In the late 1970s, Puerto Rican UFO researcher Orlando Rimax played a recording of an alleged alien transmission on his Otros Mundos broadcast, which aired every Sunday morning in the city of San Juan. The recording could have been a hoax, naturally, but the heavily distorted voice of a being calling itself “Omicron” was definitely disturbing. It had a quality often associated with recorded sounds involving hauntings and paranormal goings-on, even though the entity professed an interplanetary origin, and they always do. Back in 2003 I penned an article entitled “Spirit of the Radio” in which I discussed these broadcasts from allegedly non-human sources: “The purported space entity [meaning Omicron, from Rimax’s 1977 radio program] had been picked up by a ham radio operation and it seemed to be taking a great deal of time establishing its non-human bona fides. Intrusions such as this one appear to be frequent in contactee circles; they are often dismissed as hoaxes, but they are nonetheless intriguing. In the latest reissue of George Hunt Williamson's classic contactee work "Other Flesh, Other Voices", UFO author and publisher Timothy Green Beckley makes the interesting note that Williamson was a ham operator "who claimed contact with extraterrestrial beings who were continually broadcasting messages from spaceships circling in the Earth's uppermost atmosphere. “Alleged TV and Radio Broadcasts from Space, an Internet document written by Jon Hurst, provides transatlantic equivalents to incidents similar to the "Omicron" transmission. In January 1971, a call-in show on Greater London Radio received a call from "a cold, metallic voice" claiming an extraterrestrial origin. The voice, which did not give itself a name, said it was "speaking by thought?transference guided by computer" and imparted the usual patter about the difficulties of life on Earth and humanity's unwillingness to forsake its primitive ways. When asked by the program's host if it was possible to humans to see the interstellar interlocutor, it replied that it was "possible to assume human appearance" for a specific number of minutes. “The ubiquitous Ashtar Command, a source of "space brother" wisdom for many decades, apparently transcended wireless to appear on the small screen. The Command hijacked a number of transmitters belonging to the Southern ITV network at 5:12 p.m. on November 26, 1977, broadcasting its message directly over a news broadcast. The network appears to have been unaware of the problem at the time, or completely unable to correct it. "Possibly," writes Hurst, "this was because the source of the overriding signal was not terrestrial in nature." “The message went on for a little over five minutes, and contained a familiar warning: "We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments." Putting the New Age aside for a moment, it is nonetheless interesting that radio is somehow permeable to these entities. It remains to be seen if contemporary means of communication (iPhones, Blackberries, cell phones) are equally prone to manipulation. One of the most intriguing on-going situations in South American ufology involves the activities of a group calling itself “Friendship”, hailing from one of the many islands of the Chonos Archipelago and variously associated with UFO aliens, interdimensional beings, holdovers from Nazi Germany and meddlesome CIA agents, depending on who’s writing the article. In 1984, a ham radio operator of by the name of Octavio Ortiz, a married resident of Santiago de Chile and proud owner of a 27 megacycle CB base station with which he talks to DXers all over the world, became the protagonist of a drama that unfolds to this very day. That year, Ortiz received a distress call from a vessel that claimed to be ensnared by a mysterious light that was playing havoc with the ship's electronics. The light--an unknown craft--descended even lower over the vessel. Bewildered, Ortiz offered to retransmit messages to the authorities of the port of Iquique on behalf of the ship's master. As a result of this, Ortiz struck up a friendship with the ship's master, a man named Alberto, who told him that he had been recruited by mysterious "gringos" to ferry equipment and supplies to their mysterious island. These elusive northerners described themselves as a "congregation" and dubbed themselves and their island "Friendship". Octavio Ortiz would eventually have the chance to speak directly over his ham radio with one "Ariel", one of the strange members of the Friendship. In an interview with Spanish journalist and broadcaster Josep Guijarro, Ortiz explained that whenever "Ariel" speaks to him over the ham radio, the needles on his equipment jump, indicating that a transmitter of enormous power is being employed. Nor is Ortiz the only one to speak with this entity: his wife Cristina boldly asked "Ariel" where he and his group came from. The voice replied that they were "not of this world, but belonged to Humankind." In August 1985, little over a year since Ortiz relayed the message from the vessel besieged by the strange craft, a shining object appeared in the early afternoon over their home in Santiago. According to their testimony, a voice on the ham radio bade them to "Come out! come out!" After doing so and talking to "Ariel" on the ham radio, they realized that the UFO was an object remotely controlled by the mysterious Friendship. According to Guijarro, renowned ufologist Jorge E. Anfruns made note of a highly important detail: "Some of the ham operators were phoning the newspapers to report interference with their sophisticated equipment." Proof that strange cabal actually controlled the saucer? The Ortiz family believes that the object was not remotely controlled, but that their friend "Ariel" was actually aboard it. More could be said about this bizarre sect of humans who possess advanced technology or aliens who claim some sort of kinship with our species, but it goes far beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that the Chilean Navy appears to have been aware for many years of the radio interference and problems caused by the strange objects operating in the vicinity of the Chonos islands. Josep Guijarro received a letter from a man who served five years in at a naval radio station in Puerto Montt, stating: "We were sick of these devils, who often jammed our communications with immensely powerful high-tech distorting equipment, which on occasions even produced invisible barriers surrounding all of the Taitao Peninsula and left all boats, including the Navy, bereft of communications." Delving further into the highly complex “Friendship” situation takes us away from the original issue: are non-humans presently reaching out to a Mexican “contactee” through radio, as Prof. Cid’s report suggests? Until further information is received from Rafael Oceguera, who is currently researching and documenting the case, this question remains open. Source: Inexplicata/Scott Corrales http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2009/12/thoughts-on-aguas-prietas-contactee.html -
Colorado Cow Mutilations Baffle Ranchers, Cops, UFO Believer SAN LUIS — Manuel Sanchez tucks his leathery hands into well-worn pockets and nods toward a cedar tree where, last month, he found his fourth mysteriously slaughtered calf in as many weeks. "I have no idea what could do this. I wish I did," he says. Four calves, all killed overnight. Their innards gone. Tongues sliced out. Udders carefully removed. Facial skin sliced and gone. Eyes cored away. Not a single track surrounding the carcasses, which were found in pastures locked behind two gates and a mile from any road. Not a drop of blood on the ground or even on the remaining skin. In his life in the piñon-patched pastures where his father and grandfather raised cattle, the 72-year-old Sanchez has seen mountain lions and coyotes kill cattle, elk and deer. He's seen birds scavenge carcasses. He's heard of thieves slaughtering livestock in the field for their meat. He can't explain what he saw last month. "A lion will drag its kill. Coyotes rip and tear flesh. These were perfect cuts — like with a laser or like a scalpel. And what would take the waste — all the guts — and leave the nice, tender meat?" Sanchez says, as he nudges his old Ford through rutted trails, rosary beads swinging from his rearview mirror. "No tracks. No blood. No nothing. I got nothing to go by. They don't leave no trace." Every rancher who has reported similar cattle deaths — and there have been at least eight such deaths in southern Colorado this year — uses the same description. "They just stripped this one," says Tom Miller, who in March was one of three ranchers near Trinidad who discovered mutilated cattle. Cow raises the alarm One morning, he went out to his concrete troughs to feed his herd of about 80 red and black Angus cows and calves. The herd was racing about. A cow that a week before had birthed a calf was bellowing, "raising all kind of devil," Miller says. There by the trough — past the locked gate a quarter-mile from U.S. 350 east of Hoehne — was the calf. Its front legs and torso were gone. Its back legs were hanging by hide to a shattered pelvis and a meatless backbone. Miller thought a pack of coyotes had torn into the calf the night before. Then he saw the ears: sliced off the head in circular, surgical-like cuts. He noticed that there were no tracks. And no blood anywhere. "If anyone can show me how this happened, I will believe them. I know it's not coyotes, especially in one night. Only a human or something like that can cut the ears like that," says Miller, a 72-year-old rancher who was raised on the prairie bordering the Purgatoire River. "If it was done by people, they sure went out of their way to bother and confuse me. And really, why? It doesn't make any sense." Mysteriously mangled Colorado Brand Inspector Dennis Williams came out and looked at Miller's calf. He lives next door; the calf would be the last of three strangely mutilated cattle that he would investigate in March of this year. "I've heard about it. It was weird, to say the least. Totally unexplainable. To me, it looked like that calf had been dropped from a high distance, the way its hips were dislocated and all its broken bones," Williams says. That same month, ranchers had called Williams to grisly scenes northeast of Aguilar and west of Weston to investigate mysteriously mangled cattle that had been seen healthy the day before. To add to the weirdness, Sanchez, Miller and Mike Duran, who found a sliced Red Angus cow near Weston in March, have all experienced similar mutilations before. Sanchez lost cows in 2006 and 1993, Miller in 1997 and 1980, and Duran in 2000 and 1995. "It's weird and unexplainable," says Duran, who lost a healthy 27-year-old Red Angus cow on March 8, her udder and rear end removed with what he describes as "laser cuts, like when somebody cuts metal with a torch." Cops, like Williams and the ranchers, are stumped. "We can't come up with anything," says Las Animas County sheriff's Deputy Derek Navarette, who investigated the Miller and Duran calves. "We've seen these before and they are all kind of the same. No one has ever explained it. Northern New Mexico has had some of these same cases, and in those cases they never got any further than we did." Predators ruled out Chuck Zukowski of Colorado Springs investigated three of the eight mutilated cows in southern Colorado this year. The amateur UFO investigator and reserve deputy in El Paso County documents each scene, testing for radiation and scanning carcasses with ultraviolet light. Despite his extraterrestrial inclinations, Zukowski's studies — found on his ufonut.com website — fall short of concluding anything paranormal. He seems certain all the animals he studied were killed and drained before they were sliced, which explains the lack of blood found near the animals. The way the tongues were sliced off in straight lines back behind the teeth indicates it is not a predator kill, he says. "I'm looking for obvious things," Zukowski says. "I don't like to say aliens did it. There are just too many unknowns. I like to lean on human intervention until I actually see a UFO come down and take a cow." Sanchez is a salt-of-the-earth-type fellow who put three kids through college running cattle. Yet, he says he and his wife marveled at incandescent blue lights hovering over a ridge near his pastures in July and August. He declined to speculate about the lights. "I just say the truth and that's what I saw," he says. Duran, on the other hand, is willing to take the next step. He's looked at it from every angle, he says. If it wasn't human and wasn't a predator, he says, there's only one other option. "I do believe it was UFOs. This universe is so big, a lot of people think we are the only ones here," he says, declining to guess why aliens harbor such bloody disdain for bovines. "I bet there is something out there." A history of ghostly butchery The "Phantom Surgeons of the Plains," as they are known, have been slicing up Colorado cattle for decades. From the late 1960s to this year, the bloodless, trackless and isolated scenes all have been the same: bovines with ears, genitals, tongues, organs and udders neatly removed. Worldwide, the incidents number more than 10,000. Colorado seems especially plagued. In 1975, ranchers on the state's Eastern Plains, particularly around southern Elbert County, reported more than 200 mysteriously mutilated cattle. Theories abound, with some pointing to animal-sacrificing cults and others suggesting secretive government experiments and even military-guided laser beams. The alien conspiracy theory blossomed when inexplicably gored cattle were found adjacent to pastures with crop circles in Alabama. Other cases in New Mexico and Colorado involve tripod imprints in a circular area near the carcasses, suggesting the involvement of an atypical aircraft. Countless ranchers report "strange lights" in the sky around the time they find their sliced cattle. Despite the theories, no mutilation has ever been thoroughly explained. Colorado's dalliances with mysteriously mangled animals began with a horse named Snippy in 1967. Found in a defleshed, bloodless heap with her brain missing and neck bones cleaned gleaming white in September 1967 north of Alamosa, the 3-year-old Appaloosa is considered the pioneer of the unexplained mutilation phenomenon. Since Snippy, the paranormal-rich San Luis Valley under the shadow of the Sangre de Cristo mountain range has hosted hundreds of unsolved livestock deaths. Source: The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_13956752 -
Investigated Ghosts Disappear ![]() BARKHAMSTED — The horses do not mysteriously switch stalls at the Santos farm anymore. Nor does the cat’s bowl move from one step to another step to another. Donna Santos believed spirits were at work inside her house and inside her barn on West Hill Road. According to her, the horses moving from one stall to another and the cat’s bowl moving are the work of spirits. “There are no more ghosts. They’re all gone,” Donna Santos said. “My horses are very happy now that the paranormal society has finished its work. They’re not scared anymore. Since they came to investigate, everything has been fine.” Besides the horses switching stables on their own and the cat bowl moving on its own, the family’s dog growled at apparently invisible beings, Donna said in an interview this week. Her husband Bob, son Danny, daughter Cari, and Donna became uncomfortable living in their house. Unable to find a rational explanation for these occurrences, the family began considering the notion that they lived among spirits. “I did not move the horses. My husband did not move the horses,” Donna said. “Our children did not move the horses.” “The horses could not unlock themselves and move on their own,” she said. “Something had to move them.” Eventually, she heard about a group called the Northwest Connecticut Paranormal Society. Comprised of people who believe they have experienced a paranormal activity, the society scrutinizes instances in which people report suspected supernatural activities. Donna Santos initially suspected someone broke into her barn, unlocked the horses from their stalls and then moved them around. Eventually, she called the state police and had state troopers stay outside her barn on at least one night; even then, in the morning she found the horses were in different stalls, Donna said. John Zontok, the founder of this paranormal society, describes himself as a skeptic and a critical thinker. With its goal being to educate people, the society includes a college professor, a professional photographer, a paralegal, a business executive, a Marine, a Reiki master, college students and a dog, according to the organization. “Something in the barn was threatening her animals,” Zontok said. “We captured several unexplainable voices.” The team uses an array of devices in an effort to determine the source of suspected paranormal activities. Seeking an answer to people who have many questions, the paranormal society does not charge any money for its services. “Our main goal is to find something to show that paranormal activity exists,” Zontok said. “I am a sceptic regarding the paranormal.” As the paranormal society people investigated activities in the barn, they were filmed by Picture Shack Productions. The production company interviewed the Santos family at their farm in January and June. Picture Shack Productions documented the paranormal society’s investigation at the Santos house. Picture Shack sold its work to Animal Planet. The television network will broadcast the piece on Sunday, Dec. 13, at 10 p.m. as part of a series called The Haunted. Ever since the paranormal society people investigated, the unexplained phenomenon have stopped, according to Donna Santos. Toward this end, she praised the paranormal society people for giving their time and skills. Source: The Register Citizen/Litchfield County, CT http://www.registercitizen.com/articles/2009/12/05/news/doc4b19ece2504cf751594977.txt -
Michigan Bigfoot Sightings On the Rise ![]() Mt. Clemens, MI – With the cold weather approaching, there have been quite a few Bigfoot sightings in the Mt. Clemens area, the most recent occurring last Sunday behind the local Buffalo Wild Wings Grill and Bar out on 15 Mile Road in Clinton Township. Officer Stan Down was called to the scene by BWW employee, Lou Klively, who was visibly shaken by what he saw. “Yeah, I was goin’ out there to throw out the trash like I always do, and about this time I seen this big hairy thing not more’n 10 feet from me take off into the woods right over there,” he said pointing to a thicket of bushes and trees that line a creek area just west of the strip mall. While it was hard for Klively to give a complete description of the person or thing that he saw, he is almost 100% positive it was one sort of Bigfoot or another. Said Klively, “now I know it weren’t no Yeti cause they live up in the mountains or something, and I can’t say for sure if it was a Sasquatch or a Skunk Ape, cause although it did smell a bit out here, that coulda been the rancid butter sauce I threw out earlier. So I’m gonna go with saying I’m 99% sure it was just your average run-of-the-mill Bigfoot.” Officer Down, during his investigation, found what he first thought might be human finger bones, cracked at the knuckles, but upon closer examination, he determined they were, in fact, chicken bones. Bigfoot creatures are known to like marrow and, during the colder months especially, it is an essential part of their diet. However, over on the other side of the dumpster there appeared to be half of a larger than human footprint in a puddle of bleu cheese dressing, obviously spilled by the creature when he was startled by Klively. “Yeah, he was out here having himself a meal alright,” said Officer Down. “The only thing missing was the crudité platter.” Willow Creek, CA Bigfoot expert, Homer Dickson III, son of Dick Dickson, one of the most famous Bigfoot hunters in the country, is flying out next week to investigate the sighting and see if he can locate any more information about this particular band of Bigfeet that seem to be living very close to the BWW. According to Dickson, sightings of Bigfoot creatures are up all over the country. “When times are lean for America, that means, they are lean for all creatures. With fewer Americans having the time or the money to camp out in the woods, these creatures are being forced to forage for food where they would not normally do so, i.e. in dumpsters behind strip malls. There have been a rash of sightings over in Kings Mill out behind the Walmart over there and we’re gonna investigate those sightings as well while we’re in Michigan,” he said. The mayor of Mt. Clemens, Barb D. Empsey, welcomes the Dicksons with open arms. “Folks around here have been on edge, claiming they’re seeing things and wondering if they’ll be next to run into one of these Bigfeet creatures. Although, we can’t be sure they exist, it can’t hurt to have these guys come out here with their chrome magnonmeters and their electronosphincters to test the area for possible infestation. Until they give the all clear, I’m urging all Mt. Clemens citizens to stay in their homes and only go out at night if absolutely necessary.” Source: Glossy News http://glossynews.com/society/human-interest/200912080556/ michigan-bigfoot-sightings-on-the-rise/ Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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