![]() 12/18/09 #551 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal551.html The darkness, like living flesh corrupted, envelops us with its icy embrace. Thoughts that once burned fire-like in their complexities, now smoulders in the stygian emptiness. Invisible terrors, once consigned to the back roads of consciousness, now eagerly seek prey to feed an eternal hunger. Horrors of the night now reach out across the threshold into the once safe light. But there is one light that pierces the darkness, one shining example of freedom of information. One weekly, e-mail newsletter that is not afraid to publish that which everyone else fears to even think. That's right! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to split the darkness of ignorance and fill your world with the pure, white light of truth. This week Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such cave-dwelling tales as:
- 'Waterworld' Is Most Earth-Like Planet
- Shroud From Jesus' Era Found,
Researchers Say -
- Researchers Claim Ancient City Found on Caribbean Sea Floor - AND: Hospital Study Shows Full Moons Werewolf Effect CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
Gypsy Witch Book Of Old Pennsylvania Dutch Pow-Wows And Hexes ![]() PRACTICED
Remedies Handed Down From Generation To Generation
For centuries, people have been using the Holy Scripture to induce magickal principles. Some of this has come down to us in the magickal practices called Pow-Wows. The majority of these ancient techniques have been handed down from generation to generation mostly by word of mouth. Many have no idea that other practitioners of the ancient art even exist. The rise of evangelical Christianity has forced many Pow-Wow adepts to go underground, or even give up practicing altogether. Pow-Wow first came to the United States when German settlers began arriving in the late 17th century, settling in Pennsylvania. Two distinct groups of German immigrants came to Pennsylvania. The Fancy Germans, or Lutherans, and the Plain or Pietist Germans. The Pietist Germans included members of the Mennonite, Amish, Dunker, and Brethren denominations. Native Americans were present, at least initially, when the Germans arrived and the term Pow-Wow was possibly derived from the early settlers' observations of Indian Pow-Wows. The word may also be a derivative of the word "power" or may come from the Native American Pow-Wow definition meaning "he who dreams." Pow-Wowing includes charms and incantations dating from the Middle Ages plus elements borrowed from the Jewish Cabala and Christian Bible. Pow-wowing generally focuses on healing minor health problems, the protection of livestock, success in love, and the casting or removing of hexes. For over 200 years, Pow-Wowers have considered themselves to be staunch Christians endowed with supernatural powers to both heal and harm. Using Pow-Wow can be simple or highly complicated and involves the recital of benedictions, Psalms and selected Biblical verses for magickal purposes according to Jewish and Christian magical traditions. PUT
is now available at the special price of only $20
plus $5 s/h.
(All Foreign Orders please email mrufo8@hotmail.com for info on shipping costs and how to order) You can also phone in your
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Credit Card Orders 24/7 at: 732-602-3407 Checks and money orders can be sent to: Global Communications P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 - WAY, WAY OUT DEPARTMENT - 'Waterworld' Is Most Earth-Like Planet Yet ![]() Astronomers have discovered a
new "waterworld" 40 light years away, raising the chances of the
existence of Earth-like planets.
Evidence suggests it has an atmosphere, and astronomers believe it to be more like Earth than any planet found outside the Solar System so far. Although the planet is thought to be too hot to sustain Earth-type life, it is believed to consist of 75% water. Planet GJ1214b is six times bigger than Earth and was discovered orbiting a small faint star 1.3 million miles away. Although its red dwarf parent star is 3,000 times less bright than the Sun, it hugs the star so closely that its surface temperature is an oven-hot 200C. There are also tantalizing hints that the planet has a gaseous Earthlike atmosphere. The team also notes that, if it has an atmosphere, those gases are almost certainly not primordial. The star's heat is gradually boiling off the atmosphere. Over the planet's multiple-billion-year lifetime, much of the original atmosphere may have been lost. "Despite its hot temperature, this appears to be a waterworld," said Zachory Berta, a graduate student at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) who first spotted the hint of the planet among the data. "It is much smaller, cooler, and more Earthlike than any other known exoplanet." He said some of the planet's water should be in the form of exotic materials such as Ice Seven - a crystalline form of water that exists at pressures greater than 20,000 times the Earth's sea-level atmosphere. In contrast, a super-Earth transiting a small, red dwarf
yields a greater proportional decrease in brightness and a
signal detectable from the ground. Astronomers then use
like the HARPS (High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher)
spectrograph at the European Southern Observatory to measure the
companion's mass and confirm it is a
planet, as they did with this discovery.
astronomers compared the measured radius of GJ1214b to
theoretical models, they found that the observed radius exceeds
model's prediction, even assuming a pure water planet. Something
than the planet's solid surface may be blocking the star's light -
specifically, a surrounding atmosphere.
Scientists want to turn the Hubble Space Telescope towards the planet to allow astronomers to discover its composition. Dr David Charbonneau, also from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre, said: "Since this planet is so close to Earth, Hubble should be able to detect the atmosphere and determine what it's made of. "That will make it the first super-Earth with a confirmed atmosphere - even though that atmosphere probably won't be hospitable to life as we know it." Source: Sky News http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Astronomers-Discover-An-Earth-Like-
Planet-Outside-The-Solar-System-40-Light-Years-Away/Article/200912315502115?lpos= World_News_First_World_News_Feature_Teaser_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15502115_ Astronomers_Discover_An_Earth-Like_Planet_Outside_The_Solar_System_40_Light_Years_Away
- HISTORIES MYSTERIES DEPARTMENT - Shroud From Jesus' Era Found, Researchers Say ![]() Researchers said Wednesday for
the first time they have found what they believe to be pieces of a
burial shroud from the time of Jesus.
The find is of importance because tests on the shroud and the body it wrapped revealed the earliest proven case of leprosy in the Old City of Jerusalem. And in addition, the weave of the shroud raises fresh doubts about the Shroud of Turin, which many people believe was used to wrap the body of Jesus. According to researchers involved in the excavation and subsequent testing, the recently discovered shroud lends more credible evidence that the Shroud of Turin does not date to Roman times when Jesus died but from a later period. The latest shroud was found in a tomb complex on the edge of the Old City of Jerusalem. "This is the first time that we have a shroud from the time of Jesus," said Shimon Gibson, the excavation director. He called such a find in the Jerusalem area unique because the high humidity levels in the city do not normally allow for the preservation of organic material. Gibson said the remains of the man covered in the cloth consisted of different wrappings for the body and the head, which was consistent with burial practices of the era. He also said research had shown that the weave of the cloth was a simple one, much different from the more complex Shroud of Turin's. The origin of the Shroud of Turin, a burial cloth that some believe bears the image of Jesus, is a source of great controversy, with many academics arguing it dates from the Middle Ages and not the time of Jesus. The burial cave, which has been dubbed the Tomb of the Shroud, was first uncovered in 2000 and was one of more than 70 separate family tombs of the first century. It is in a location described in the Bible as the "Field of Blood," next to the area where Judas, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, is said to have committed suicide. Based on the tomb's location and the style of the shroud wrappings, researchers have said the shrouded man was an affluent member of Jerusalem society. Because of the unique nature of the find, the remains of the shroud and the bodily remains were subject to molecular and DNA testing. Researchers said they were surprised to find that the shrouded man suffered from both leprosy and tuberculosis. The discovery of leprosy was found in DNA samples taken from the skeletal remains and is the earliest proven case of the disease, according to Hebrew University professor Mark Spigelman. It is likely the shrouded man died from tuberculosis, Spigelman said, and its presence in other remains found at the site suggest "the significant impact social diseases such as tuberculosis had on society from the low socioeconomic groups up to the more affluent families, such as Tomb the Shroud in first-century Jerusalem." Source: CNN http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/12/16/mideast.ancient.shroud/index.html - COULD IT BE TRUE DEPARTMENT - Indian Scientists Detect Signs of Life on Moon ![]() Bangalore: Scientists at the
Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) are on the brink of a
path-breaking discovery. They may have found signs of life in some form
or the other on the Moon.
They believe so because scientific instruments on India's first unmanned lunar mission, Chandrayaan-1, picked up signatures of organic matter on parts of the Moon's surface, Surendra Pal, associate director, Isro Satellite Centre (Isac), said at the international radar symposium here on Friday. Organic matter consists of organic compounds, which consists of carbon -- the building block of life. It indicates the formation of life or decay of a once-living matter. Pal said the signatures were relayed back to the Bylalu deep space network station near Bangalore by the mass spectrometer on board the Indian payload, the moon impact probe (MIP), on November 14, 2008. The relay of data happened moments before it crashed near the Moon's south pole. The MIP was the first experiment of the Chandrayaan-1 mission, which was launched on October 22, 2008. Pal, however, did not elaborate, but concluded saying "the findings are being analysed and scrutinised for validation by Isro scientists and peer reviewers". "It is too early to say anything," said the director of Isro's space physics laboratory R Sridharan, who is heading the team of MIP data analysis and study. He, however, did not deny the finding. DNA later inquired with other senior Chandrayaan-1 mission scientists, who not only confirmed the finding, but gave further details. "Certain atomic numbers were observed that indicated the presence of carbon components. This indicates the possibility of the presence of organic matter (on the Moon)," a senior scientist told DNA. Interestingly, similar observations were made by the US's first manned Moon landing mission, the Apollo-11, in July 1969, which brought lunar soil samples back to Earth. But due to a lack of sophisticated equipment then, the scientists could not confirm the finding. However, traces of amino acids, which are basic to life, were found in the soil retrieved by the Apollo-11 astronauts. The Chandrayaan-1 scientists, at present, are analysing the source of origin of the Moon's organic matter. "It could be comets or meteorites which have deposited the matter on the Moon's surface; or the instrument that landed on the Moon could have left traces," a senior space scientist said. "But the presence of large sheets of ice in the polar regions of the Moon, and the discovery of water molecules there, lend credence to the possibility of organic matter there," he said. Source: DNA India http://www.dnaindia.com/scitech/report_indian-scientists-detect-signs-of-life-on-moon_1322785 -
Researchers Claim Ancient City Found on Caribbean Sea Floor ![]() Researchers have revealed the first images from the Caribbean sea floor of what they believe are the archaeological remains of an ancient civilization. Guarding the location’s coordinates carefully, the project’s leader, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, says the city could be thousands of years old; possibly even pre-dating the ancient Egyptian pyramids, at Giza. The site was found using advanced satellite imagery, and is not in any way associated with the alleged site found by Russian explorers near Cuba in 2001, at a depth of 2300 feet. “To be seen on satellite, our site is much shallower.” The team is currently seeking funding to mount an expedition to confirm and explore what appears to be a vast underwater city. "You have to be careful working with satellite images in such a location,” the project’s principle researcher said, "The digital matrix sometimes misinterprets its data, and shows ruins as solid masses. "The thing is, we’ve found structure - what appears to be a tall, narrow pyramid; large platform structures with small buildings on them; we’ve even found standing parallel post and beam construction in the rubble of what appears to be a fallen building. You can’t have post and beam without human involvement." Asked if this city is the legendary city of Atlantis, the researchers immediately said no. "The romanticized ideal of Atlantis probably never existed, nor will anyone ever strap on a SCUBA tank, jump in the water, and find a city gateway that says, 'Welcome to Atlantis.' However, we do believe that this city may have been one of many cities of an advanced, seafaring, trade-based civilization, which may have been visited by their Eurocentric counterparts." It is unknown at this time how the city came to be on the sea floor, and not on dry land. "We have several theories." The team hopes to conduct a massive mapping and research expedition, to learn as much as possible about who these people were, before turning the site over to the Caribbean island’s home government. "Whatever we’ve found does not belong to us,” the project’s leader said, "It belongs to the people of this island, and to the world at-large. If any pieces are brought to the surface, they belong in the hands of a museum." Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1236651/Is-lost-city-Atlantis- Grainy-images-released-showing-city-like-structures-beneath-Caribbean-Sea.html -
Monsters and the Government ![]() Early in 1998, the British Government’s House of Commons held a debate on the existence – or otherwise – of a particular breed of mystery animal that is widely rumored, and even accepted by many, to inhabit the confines of the British Isles: the so-called Alien Big-Cats, or ABCs, as they have become known. It scarcely needs mentioning that Britain is not home to an indigenous species of large cat. Nevertheless, for decades amazing stories have circulated from all across the nation of sightings of large, predatory cats that feed on livestock and terrify, intrigue and amaze the local populace. Indeed, there now exists a very large and credible body of data in support of the notion that Britain does have in its midst a thriving population of presently unidentified large cats – such as the infamous “Beast of Bodmin” and “Beast of Exmoor” that so dominated the nation’s newspapers back in the early-to-mid 1980s. Documentation that followed the February 2, 1998 debate in the controversy in the House of Commons began with a statement from Mr. Keith Simpson, the Member of Parliament for mid-Norfolk: “Over the past twenty years, there has been a steady increase in the number of sightings of big cats in many parts of the United Kingdom. These are often described as pumas, leopards or panthers. A survey carried out in 1996 claimed sightings of big cats in 34 English counties.” Many of the sightings, Simpson continued, had been reported in his constituency by people out walking dogs or driving down country roads, often at dawn or dusk. Frequently the description given fitted that of a puma or leopard. Simpson also added that in a number of incidents it had been claimed that ewes, lambs, and even horses had been attacked – and in some cases killed – by the marauding beasts. Simpson elaborated further: “A number of distinguished wildlife experts have suggested that some pumas or leopards could have been released into the countryside when the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 made it illegal to own such animals without a licence. They would have been able to roam over a wide area of countryside, live off wild or domestic animals and possibly breed. So what is to be done?” Simpson had a few ideas: “I should like to suggest two positive measures for the Minister to consider. At national and local levels, it is logical that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food should be the lead Government Department for coordinating the monitoring of evidence concerning big cats.” In response, Elliot Morley, at the time the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, admitted that there was a valid issue that needed addressing. He said: “The Ministry’s main responsibility on big cats is confined to whether the presence of a big cat poses a threat to the safety of livestock. The Ministry is aware that a total of 16 big cats have escaped into the wild since 1977. They include lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars and pumas, but all but two animals were at large for only one day.” Morley expanded: “Because there is a risk that big cats can escape into the wild and because of the threat that such animals could pose to livestock, the Ministry investigates each report in which it is alleged that livestock have been attacked. Reports to the Ministry are usually made by the farmers whose animals have been attacked. In addition, the Ministry takes note of articles in the press describing big cat incidents and will consider them if there is evidence that livestock are at risk.” On receipt of a report of a big cat, explained Morley, the Ministry would ask the Farming and Rural Conservation Agency – the Ministry’s wildlife advisers – to contact the person who reported the sighting, as he explained: “The FRCA will discuss the situation with the farmer and seek to establish whether the sighting is genuine and whether any evidence can be evaluated. It will follow up all cases where there is evidence of a big cat that can be corroborated and all cases where it is alleged that livestock are being taken. “The FRCA will consider all forms of evidence, including photographs given to it by members of the public and farmers, plaster casts of paw prints and video footage. In addition, it will carry out field investigations of carcasses of alleged kills for field signs of the animals responsible.” In conclusion, Morley stated: “It is impossible to say categorically that no big cats are living wild in Britain, so it is only right and proper that the Ministry should continue to investigate serious claims of their existence – but only when there is a threat to livestock and when there is clear evidence that can be validated. I am afraid that, until we obtain stronger evidence, the reports of big cats are still in the category of mythical creatures.” Of course, many of those British citizens who have seen big-cats roaming the countryside would perhaps strongly argue with the notion that these beasts are merely mythical in nature… Source: Mania/Nick Redfern http://www.mania.com/lair-beasts-monsters-government_article_119419.html -
Hospital Study Shows Full Moons Werewolf Effect ![]() A study in an Australian hospital has identified a spike in out-of-control "werewolf" patients when a full moon is out. There were 91 emergency patients rated as having violent and acute behavioural disturbance at the Calvary Mater Newcastle hospital from August 2008 to July 2009. Leonie Calver, a clinical research nurse in toxicology, said almost a quarter of the cases (23 per cent) occurred on a night of full moon and this was double the number for other lunar phases. The patients all had to be sedated and physically restrained to protect themselves and others. "Some of these patients attacked the staff like animals - biting, spitting and scratching," Ms Calver said. "One might compare them with the werewolves of the past, who are said to have also appeared during the full moon." Ms Calver said werewolf mythology included reports of people rubbing "magic ointment" onto their skin or inhaling vapours to induce the shirt-rending transformation from man to beast. The main ingredients were belladonna and nightshade, she said, both substances that could produce delirium, hallucinations and delusion of bodily metamorphosis. Ms Calver said it appeared the "modern-day werewolf" preferred alcohol or illicit drugs, as more than 60 per cent of the patients reviewed in the study were under the influence. "We don't know if its more fun to use drugs and alcohol under a full moon or if their behavioural disturbance is directly influenced by the moon," she said. "Our findings support the premise that individuals with violent and acute behavioural disturbance are more likely to present to the emergency department during...full moon." The research is published in the pre-Christmas edition of the Medical Journal of Australia. Source: The Age http://www.theage.com.au/national/hospital-study-shows-full-moons-werewolf-effect-20091213-kpwl.html Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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