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Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such ankle-biting stories
- Doctor Claims he has Evidence of the
Afterlife -
- Inventor Nikola Tesla Is Electrifying
Hip Techies -
- Gef, the Talking Mongoose Back in Spotlight - - Fresh Sighting of UFO's and Werewolves on Cannock Chase - AND: 'Hottest Ghost Ever' Reveals Media Hoax CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
THE TREE OF LIFE PENDANT Biblical Prophets Knew its Significance! The Kabbalah has been in the news recently as numerous celebrities have begun to study and apply its ancient laws, as they go about searching for spiritual guidance in their own lives. The non-initiated have long been taught that the Kabbalah is virtually impossible to understand and impractical to use, except for only a few learned Rabbi that have retained this mystic and highly occult knowledge. Among the secrets of the Kabbalah are those pertaining to the Mystical Tree Of Life. The Tree Of Life is a powerful symbol and tool for using God’s energies everyday. The symbol dates from the dawn of creation and was supposed to be shared with humankind so that all good things could become manifest and we could have everything we desire in life. When used properly in prayer and meditation it, in effect, acts as a communications device to speak directly with God...a sort of Telephone To The Heavens. It is said that there is no stronger, no more powerful, amulet in all of creation. In our research we have found a very talented jewelry crafter who has managed to capture the Tree Of Life amulet in its true Kabbalistic form. Individually cast in silver with 10 faceted stones, this beautiful pendant consists of two main pillars, a middle pillar, and eleven spheres, or sephirot, located on each of the pillars. The spheres act as emanations or forms of energy with specific qualities and their placement is important, as the thirty-two paths that lead from one to another become paths of knowledge, awareness, wisdom and ultimately lead to oneness with God. The Tree Of Life pendant offers a deep reflection into the eternal mysteries of the universe and should only be used for beneficial and positive purposes. Study
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Greeting and Happy New Year from Mr UFO here and the staff of the Conspiracy Journal. Our graphics dept headed by Wm Kern has just put together issue 14 of Bizarre Bazaar the sister publication of the CJ. Our online readers get the issue a number of weeks before our mail order people. All the items are available now with the exception of Alien Harvest which the publisher has slated for a Jan 30th release date. Also the new Gypsy Witch Caribbean Magic is about ready to go to the printer though we do not have an exact release date yet. . .several weeks, probably around the end of Jan. SPECIAL DISCOUNT: If you order thru PayPal or through our credit card hot line (732 602-3407) or e mail take a 10 percent discount from your total order. CANADIAN AND FOREIGN CUSTOMERS We ship all over the world. But we need to calculate postage depending upon number of items and weight. The going rate for a 20 lb priority box delivery around the world seems to be in the $40 to $50 range. But that's quite a few books. Canada is lower of course. Just drop us an e mail and we will get back to you on the charges. HERE ARE A FEW LINKS THAT MIGHT
Our latest interview is posted in the archives (its like the first or
second item) at: www.RadioMysterioso.comThe show is hosted by our friend Greg Bishop and deals with our MIB encounter (for those who wanted more information after our UFO Hunters appearance) as well as a bubbling over history of UFO publishing since the early 1950s. And if you missed the article I did with the original starman David Bowie here is the post that appear on Coast to Coast - just click on MORE and it will take you to the story itself. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/the-man-who-fell-to-earth One last thing -- we are always happy to hear from our friends out there. A lot of our readers are on Face Book and we go there to chat with readers from time to time. So open a free account and have some fun. Peace to you all and prosper in 2010! Timothy Green Beckley Inner Light/Global Communications - GO INTO THE LIGHT DEPARTMENT - Doctor Claims he has Evidence of the Afterlife In new book, he says that
near-death accounts transcend cultures and ages.
The near-death experience story is so common that it has become a bit of a cliché: A medical patient, hanging in a murky limbo between life and death, is drawn through a tunnel of bright light, meets their maker, and is told they must return to the land of living. But that scenario played out letter-perfectly for Mary Jo Rapini. And her story is getting firm backing by a doctor who has studied some 1,300 near-death experiences. Medical doctor Jeffrey Long chronicles Rapini’s story, along with his own research, in a new book: “Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences.” In the book, Long contends his study shows that accounts of near-death experiences play out remarkably similarly among the people who have had them, crossing age and cultural boundaries to such a degree that they can’t be chalked up simply to everyone having seen the same Hollywood movie. Through a tunnel Appearing with Dr. Long on TODAY Wednesday, Rapini related her near-death experience to Meredith Vieira. A clinical psychologist, Rapini had long worked with terminal cancer patients, and when they told her of their near-death experiences, she would often chalk their stories up as a reaction to their pain medication. But in April 2003, she faced her own mortality. Rapini told Vieira she suffered an aneurysm while working out a gym and was rushed to the hospital. She was in an intensive care unit for three days when she took a turn for the worse. “All of a sudden [doctors] were rushing around me and inserting things into me, and they called my husband,” she told Vieira. “I looked up and I saw this light; it wasn’t a normal light, it was different. It was luminescent. And it grew. I kept looking at it like, ‘What is that?’ Then it grew large and I went into it. “I went into this tunnel, and I came into this room that was just beautiful. God held me, he called me by name, and he told me, ‘Mary Jo, you can’t stay.’ And I wanted to stay. I protested. I said, ‘I can’t stay? Why not?’ And I started talking about all the reasons; I was a good wife, I was a good mother, I did 24-hour care with cancer patients. “And he said, ‘Let me ask you one thing — have you ever loved another the way you’ve been loved here?’ And I said, ‘No, it’s impossible. I’m a human.’ And then he just held me and said, ‘You can do better.’ ” While Rapini’s account may seem far-fetched to naysayers, Long says her recollections mirror nearly all stories of near-death experiences. When Vieira asked Long whether Rapini might be prone to cultural conditioning — surely she heard similar stories before — he said her story is untouched by preconceived notions. Crossing cultures and ages “I think if near-death experiences were culturally determined, then people that had never heard of near-death experiences would have a different experience,” Long argued. “But we’re not finding that. Whether you know or don’t know about near-death experiences at the time it happens, it has no effect on whether the experience happens or not, or what the content is.” In his book, Long details nine lines of evidence that he says send a “consistent message of an afterlife.” Among them are crystal-clear recollections, heightened senses, reunions with deceased family members and long-lasting effects after the person is brought back to life. Long noted that he was especially fascinated that very small children who have near-death experiences almost always recount the same stories as adults, even if the concept of death isn’t fully formed in their minds. “My research involved experiences of young children age 5 and under, and I found the content of their near-death experiences is absolutely identical to older children and adults,” he told Vieira. “It suggests that whether you know about near-death experiences, what your cultural upbringing is, what your awareness of death is, it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the content of the near-death experience.” Long, a radiation oncologist, said that writing his book has actually made him a better doctor, as well as a believer in the afterlife. “[It] profoundly changed me as a physician,” he said. “I could fight cancer more courageously. I found patients who died, it wasn’t the end. It made me more compassionate and more confident.” Source: Today http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/34953759/ns/today-today_people/?ns=today-today_people - THOMAS EDISON IS SO 20TH CENTURY DEPARTMENT - Inventor Nikola Tesla Is Electrifying Hip Techies Decades after he died
penniless, Nikola Tesla is elbowing aside his old adversary Thomas
Edison in the pantheon of geek gods.
When California engineers wanted to brand their new $100,000 electric sports car, one name stood out: Tesla. When circuit designers at microchip producer Nvidia Corp. in 2007 launched a new line of advanced processors, they called them Tesla. And when videogame writers at Capcom Entertainment in Silicon Valley needed a character who could understand alien spaceships for their new Dark Void saga, they found him in Nikola Tesla. Tesla was a scientist and inventor who achieved fame and fortune in the 1880s for figuring out how to make alternating current work on a grand scale, electrifying the world. He created the first major hydroelectric dam, at Niagara Falls. He thrilled packed theaters with presentations in which he ran high voltage through his body to illuminate a fluorescent light in his hand. His inventions helped Guglielmo Marconi develop radio. And his rivalry with Edison—called the Battle of the Currents because Edison had bet on direct current—was legendary. Tesla won the contest, when his AC equipment powered an unprecedented display of electric light at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. Fifty years later, the 86-year-old Serbian emigré died in obscurity at a New York hotel, unmarried, childless and bereft of friends. Meanwhile, Edison was lionized for generations as one of America's greatest inventors. But Tesla has been rediscovered by technophiles, including Google Inc. co-founder Larry Page, who frequently cites him as an early inspiration. And Teslamania is going increasingly mainstream. An early hint was "Tesla Girls," a 1984 single from the British technopop band Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark. Performance artist Laurie Anderson has said she was fascinated by Tesla. David Bowie played a fictionalized version of him in the 2006 film "The Prestige," alongside Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman. Director Terry Gilliam described Tesla in a recent documentary film as "more of an artist than a scientist in some strange way." Tesla, in short, is cool. "He was a kind of crazy, interesting dude," says Melody Pfeiffer, spokeswoman for the Dark Void game's distributor, Capcom Entertainment. Edison, meanwhile, is less au courant than he used to be, says Paul Israel, director of the Thomas Edison Papers, a scholarly project at Rutgers University, in Piscataway, N.J. Many significant Edison inventions—including the phonograph and the motion-picture camera—are becoming historical curios. The European Union has banned old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs, another Edison innovation. The EU is urging consumers to replace them with more-efficient fluorescent lights descended from those Tesla favored. "Edison is so 20th century, much like Henry Ford," says Bernie Carlson, a professor of Science, Technology and Society at the University of Virginia. Once, Edison was revered as the Wizard of Menlo Park, after the New Jersey town—since renamed Edison—where he built a laboratory and movie studio. But Edison biographies have started focusing on his role in establishing monopolies in the electricity and movie industries. Tesla shows off its all-electric, zero-emission vehicle, the Roadster Sport, at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. WSJ's Lee Hawkins reports. Recent portrayals of Edison have highlighted his darker side. In the 1998 HBO miniseries "From the Earth to the Moon," Tom Hanks plays a French filmmaker who was financially ruined when Edison secretly copied and then released his 1902 epic, "A Trip to the Moon," without paying its creator. The Tesla-Edison rivalry was intense partly because the highly educated young engineer sailed to America in 1884 to work for Edison. But after less than a year in Edison's labs, Tesla quit in a spat over pay. Tesla-boosters note that in Edison's effort to discredit alternating current a decade later, his staff deliberately electrocuted a murderous circus elephant and profited from a popular film of the killing. To sully Tesla's ideas, Edison's men also helped orchestrate the first execution by electric chair. "I can't imagine writing a song about Edison…too boringly rich, entrepreneurial and successful!" said Andy McCluskey, a founder of Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, in an email. He calls Tesla "a romantic 'failure' figure." In 1895—after selling his AC patents to industrialist George Westinghouse for a mint and harnessing Niagara Falls—Tesla hobnobbed with Mark Twain, J.P. Morgan and French actress Sarah Bernhardt. But troubles soon began. Tesla's laboratory in New York was destroyed by fire, along with years of work and notes. The secretive experimenter then burned through much of his fortune testing radio transmissions in Colorado Springs, Colo. In 1898, he demonstrated a pair of small radio-controlled boats—decades before guided torpedoes—but was rebuffed by the U.S. military. When Marconi changed the world with a trans-Atlantic radio transmission in 1901, Tesla wasn't mentioned. Inventor Nikola Tesla pictured in Colorado, achieved fame and fortune in the 1880s for figuring out how to make alternating current on a huge scale. A contemporary of Edison, Tesla died in obscurity but is now being rediscovered and hailed by technophiles, such as Google co-founder Larry Page. Undaunted, the scientist continued to be far ahead of his time. His papers suggest he stumbled upon—but didn't pursue—lasers and X-rays, years before their recognized discoveries. He proposed transmitting electricity through the upper atmosphere. He sketched out robots and a death ray he hoped would end all wars. "There's a sort of science-fiction aspect to Tesla," says Prof. Israel at Rutgers. For marketers at chip makers Nvidia, who were targeting the techno-cognoscenti with a new product line, that aura is priceless. "A mythology has built up around Tesla that catches people's imagination," says Andy Keane, general manager of Tesla Products at Nvidia. Tesla's more outlandish pronouncements stoked that mythology. He said he could use electricity to cause earthquakes and control weather. He claimed to have detected signals from Mars while he was in Colorado. Unlike Edison, who died in 1931 with 1,093 patents to his name, Tesla left few completed blueprints. The shortcoming undercut his legacy but added to the air of mystery surrounding him. "Tesla's work is incomplete, so people can read into it what they want to," says Prof. Carlson at the University of Virginia. Christopher Priest did just that in writing "The Prestige," his novel and then movie about rival magicians in Victorian London. In it, one of the magicians visits Tesla in Colorado and pays him to create a machine unlike anything the real Tesla ever mentioned. "I wanted an ambiguous, mysterious genius," says Mr. Priest. "Tesla was the man for the job." Creators of the Dark Void videogame needed a mentor for their hero, Will, who falls from our world into a parallel realm ruled by sinister aliens bent on annihilating humans. "We quickly decided that tapping into the conspiracies and geek mystique built up around Nikola Tesla would be awesome," says senior producer Morgan Gray. "What is cooler than having Tesla reverse-engineer alien technology to build weapons of super science?" At Tesla Motors, the branding isn't simply an effort to ride the name's nerdy snob appeal, says spokeswoman Rachel Konrad. The Tesla Roadster uses an AC motor descended directly from Tesla's original 1882 design, which he said came to him in a vision. Still, for all Tesla's cachet, Edison's legacy remains inescapable. Ms. Konrad says customers note with irony that Tesla Motors' main showroom is in Menlo Park, Calif. To help boost the Tesla name, the automotive start-up has launched a promotional sweepstakes with Capcom around the release of Dark Void. The prize: a Tesla Roadster. For Nikola Tesla himself, Ms. Konrad says, the prize is overdue recognition. "You know you've gone into mainstream pop glory when you're in a videogame aimed at 18-year-old boys," she says. Source: The Wall Street Journal http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704362004575000841720318942.html -
Gef, the Talking Mongoose Back in Spotlight The case of a Manx mystery which made headlines around the world is to reopen more than 70 years after the first claimed sighting. Speculation has surrounded the case of the Dalby Spook — a talking mongoose called Gef — since a 13-year-old girl is said to have first seen it in 1931. Now, Christopher Josiffe, a cataloguer at London University's Senate Library, is carrying out new research into the case and he is appealing for Islanders to help uncover the truth. 'I have never been able to decide whether Gef was a hoax, or a genuine — if unexplained — phenomenon,' he said. 'Accordingly, I would be very interested if any of your readers knew the Irving family. 'For instance, did they seem to be publicity-seekers or did they ever charge admission for visitors to Doarlish Cashen?' Much research has already been carried out since the Irving family, living in a cottage at Doarlish Cashen, heard strange sounds coming from behind panelling in the house. It is claimed James and Margaret Irving's daughter, Voirrey, befriended a creature with yellow fur, bushy tail and flat snout, and which introduced himself as 'Gef, an extra clever mongoose from Delhi'. Gef could sing as well as talk and, with Voirrey's tuition, his vocabulary grew rapidly. He roamed the area to relate gossip back to the Irvings. He had many traits linked to poltergeists — an uneven temper, was prone to throwing objects at people and made exaggerated claims about his powers. Reports of Gef ended when the Irvings left Doarish Cashen in 1935. The next owner, a Mr Graham, said he snared and killed a strange-looking animal. Legendary paranormal investigator Harry Price was one of a number of researchers who travelled to the Island in the 1930s to probe the strange affair. As part of his investigation, he had three pawprints made by Gef in plasticine and an impression of his teeth marks evaluated by the Natural History Museum, but they were not matched to any animal. Mr Price failed to come to any conclusion as to the truth or otherwise of the sightings. Part of Mr Josiffe's job involves cataloguing books for the Harry Price Library of Magical Literature. His interest in the case was aroused after looking at the books, letters, photos and other material contained in the library and its archives. In fact, there is so much material that he has not managed to work his way through the whole collection yet. He said: 'An interview with Voirrey Irving in the 1970s indicated that she still maintained Gef to have been genuine, but that he had not brought good luck to her family and she rather wished he had not come to stay with them. 'My impression, from reading the archived material, is that the Irvings did not benefit from the publicity; rather, that they were disturbed by gangs of sightseers who made their lives a misery. 'It has been suggested that the whole episode was an elaborate hoax perpetrated by the daughter, Voirrey — but I cannot imagine that she could have hoaxed her father and mother, both of whom seem perfectly sincere in their belief in Gef. 'James Irving, the father, sent Harry Price a diary consisting of Gef's activities over several years.' He added: 'I am inclined to regard the case as a poltergeist manifestation, similar in some ways to, for instance the Enfield Poltergeist case in the 1970s — objects being hurled around, knocking and scratching sounds, a voice which begins by just making animal noises but quickly "learns" human speech. 'In both cases a teenage girl was the focus for the events.' Mr Josiffe plans to gain enough information to give a lecture on the subject at Treadwells, a bookshop specialising in cultural history and esoteric belief, in London's Covent Garden. He said: 'I realise that there will now be very few people still alive who are able to recall these events, given that they took place in the 1930s. 'Accordingly, it may well be that my only hope of any recollections will be from people recalling what their parents told them.' As part of his research he also hopes to visit the Island. Anyone with information is asked to contact Christopher by emailing him at gef_investigation@hotmail.com Voirrey Irving died in 2005 and Doarlish Cashen has been demolished. Source: IOM Today http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/39Dalby-Spook39-mongoose-mystery-back.5973504.jp - BOOK REVIEW DEPARTMENT - Did Occultist William Oribello Truly Speak For The UFOs? By Sean
Read about Oribello’s beliefs in his book "Cosmic Secrets of the Masters of Wisdom: A Final Solution To World Problems." Over the years I have had
numerous opportunities to write about the late occultist William
Oribello. I was always pleasantly surprised to see how much of his
esoteric studies had a sound Biblical basis and evinced a positive,
loving attitude toward humanity that never veered off into darker
notions and potions and spells. The body of Oribello’s work was
published by Timothy Green Beckley at Inner Light Publications, and
Beckley’s latest posthumous offering from Oribello’s pen is called
"Cosmic Secrets of the Masters of Wisdom: A Final Solution To World
Beckley says that he first met Oribello several decades ago when Oribello was living in Philadelphia and teaching a study course on spiritism out of his home a few blocks away from the Liberty Bell. "We became pretty good friends over the years," Beckley said. "In addition to his obvious sincerity, I felt really positive vibes. His books, such as ‘Candle Burning Magic With The Psalms’ and ‘Godspells’ have become fast and hard sellers. I know he has a lot of fans because every week I get numerous emails wanting to know how they can get in touch with him. Unfortunately, Bill transcended the Earth plane a while ago, though if there is anyone who can come through from the ‘other side,’ it is he." Beckley recalls that Oribello was always talking about the "higher spiritual beings" he met while growing up. "They came into his bedroom when he was just a child," Beckley said, "and he would meet them in the most unusual places. They materialized or took on various forms, but Bill always felt positive vibes. The Masters of the Universe are very similar – if not identical – to the Great White Brotherhood that Madame Blavatsky met in the Far East. These are new, perfect entities that have transcended space and time and remain on the Earthly plane to educate humanity in all matters psychic and paranormal. They have unbelievable powers and supernatural abilities and are highly evolved. It is said they make their headquarters high up in the Himalayan Mountains and in sacred cities such as Agharta inside Mount Shasta. They telepathically communicate to those who are worthy." Beckley says these kindly entities followed Oribello through most of his life, channeling to him words and messages of great wisdom, which he was meant to pass on through his work. In the opening dedication to "Cosmic Secrets," originally published in 1985, Oribello pays tribute to this Cosmic Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and Space Brothers, which immediately confirms for the reader Oribello’s positive take on the UFOs. On page 35, he makes his beliefs even more clear. "There are some planets in the universe," he writes, "inhabited by advanced beings that have learned to live in peace and harmony with all forms of life. Some of these beings have advanced in science and technology to such a degree that they can travel to great distances within the universe in their special craft, commonly called Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs. The purpose of our brothers and sisters from space is to watch over us and others on planets which have not yet evolved to the point of living in harmony. These glorious beings have saved us from destruction many times, and have communicated with earthlings on numerous occasions. One well known Space Brother is Ashtar. This powerful being has communicated with me at different times and I have printed his latest message in part two of this book in which are published the Mystic Light communications. Ashtar is the commander-in-chief of the Free Federation of Planets, and is in charge of a large fleet of spaceships stationed above the Earth." This is a fairly standard New Age concept of the aliens, helpful Space Brothers in an armada of spacecraft standing ready to save us from countless dangers, including the dangers we pose to ourselves. But it is a take on the aliens not necessarily shared by everyone in the UFO community. For instance, I spoke to the legendary pioneering abduction researcher Budd Hopkins nearly 20 years ago for an interview that was published in Beckley’s now defunct newsstand magazine "UFO Universe." When I asked Hopkins about this decidedly positive take on the UFO occupants, he told me, "The inference that I think comes through loud and clear is they simply don’t understand what they’re putting us through in many cases, and our normal human assumption that we should be able to communicate and have wonderful understanding is just not true, it’s not operative. "I can understand the impulse," Hopkins continued, "of people who believe that there’s some kind of wonderful understanding, like God loves us or something. Everybody likes to believe that even though Mommy and Daddy are wonderful and nice, somewhere out there in the sky there’s somebody even nicer who really loves us and really understands us. It’s a very human, almost childlike need. And I can understand why somebody would want this to be true. As a matter of fact, I would like it to be true. Who the heck wouldn’t? But that’s just not what is going on. Unfortunately, what’s going on is that there is a gap of understanding which is separate from the idea of an innate malevolence or benevolence or anything of that sort." So we obviously have conflicting views here, right? Is Oribello, in his haste to prove the UFO occupants are benevolent Space Brothers, merely fantasizing in some childlike way about a nurturing presence similar to his earthling parents? Is he projecting on to an alien race – whose chilling disregard for the emotional well being of their abductees is only one of many blocks to a clear understanding between the species, as Hopkins asserts – his own need for a kind of security that is ultimately impossible to attain for mortals while on the Earthly plane? Perhaps one can only answer that kind of question in the secret depths of one’s own heart. But in the case of William Oribello, some answers came from the aforementioned Ashtar and his ascended friends, which make up part two of Oribello’s book. The first communication begins with an attempt to clear up some misconceptions. To begin with, the Space Brothers wish to declare that they are not called "The Great White Brotherhood" for racist reasons. The word "White" is used to mean the White Light of Jesus Christ, which stands in opposition to the darkness that is used as a weapon by the evil spirit of Antichrist. Also, their use of the term "Brotherhood" does not imply that women are excluded from their ranks. There are many women in the Brotherhood, and the Almighty does not judge by gender but by heavenly standards that stand outside notions of male and female. It sounds like the Space Brothers have their own kind of political correctness that they do not wish to see misinterpreted or misrepresented by the ignorant. "The wisdom which we transmit," the channeled source proclaims, "is a medicine of sound doctrine which cures all ills at every level of human existence if it is received and given completely. Our teaching is not devoid of religious conviction, as some have taught. However, we teach religion as a science, instructing students in the techniques and systems which liberate them from illusion so that they may discover the great revelation within and understand life’s mysteries." The would-be adept must work very hard to purify himself. "Such understanding brings a great power in manifestation," the source continues, "within the knower’s life. The development of this power comes not with the reading of many books, nor with moving about from teaching to teaching. This power is given to the faithful disciple of Christ who follows a true scientific path. This power is withheld from the doubtful and selfish. But to those who believe and serve, the power shall be given. Therefore, the student must purge himself from all undesirable motives and seek to attain so that he may serve God and his fellows better." It sounds a little like a rewrite of the familiar verse "The Truth shall set you free," from the Gospel, overlaid with a modern day scientific veneer. But is it still somehow real? I suppose that would depend on your own personal feelings about channeling. I’ve spoken to other people who channeled messages from kind brothers from space. One in particular is a woman named Diane Tessman, another of Beckley’s stable of writers. She channels a male source named Tibus, who first appeared to her in a childhood abduction experience and then showed up again later when she was an adult. Tessman runs an entire cottage industry around Tibus and his extraterrestrial friends, with a monthly newsletter, individualized readings for true believers, that kind of thing. Does her source Tibus speak the truth? I personally think there is a strange kind of formalness to his and most channeled messages. They begin with a greeting and end with a farewell that seem a little on the science fiction side of things to me, but may simply be literal alien good manners if taken at face value. I suppose that, given the fact that these are "voices" that come from some other plane of existence, we should count ourselves lucky that they can put two English words together and form comprehensible sentences that actually stretch on into legible paragraphs. One might expect a stream of totally incoherent babble from aliens unfamiliar with human languages or spiritual philosophies. But instead there is a cohesion present in both Tessman and Oribello and their channeled sources that seems to imply a genuine message IS coming to us from somewhere, be it from outer space or the unconscious minds of the channelers. I reviewed a book for "Mysteries Magazine" last year in which the author, a debunker named John Michael Greer, stated that the UFO phenomenon is in part just a modern extension of mankind’s long history of witnessing and confronting apparitions but is now dressed up in high-tech terms befitting our age. He also believes the present day UFO community will begin to dissolve and fade away to just a small hardcore of diehard believers, similar to what happened to the Spiritualist movement in the early years of the last century. While this is probably not a belief shared by many people who are reading this article, it does make you stop and think for a minute. Is everything we hold true and near to us simply going to fade into some ether of unbelief as the years pass and no open contact or disclosure comes along to prove our faith? Or has Oribello touched and been touched by something genuine and lasting? Is there in fact going to be some kind of dramatic crossover in human consciousness, a transformation of even our most otherworldly spiritual articles of faith into an everyday scientifically verifiable reality? Is the contact claimed by Oribello and Tessman and others like them a necessary link in a chain to the ultimate fulfillment of a collective destiny in which we share our no-longer- beleaguered planet with God? One can go on piling on questions like that indefinitely and unfortunately none of the channeled material available anywhere at present seems to answer them. But one can possibly start to feed one’s mind, one’s heart, one’s longing for a more peaceful and fulfilled existence, by taking a look at "Cosmic Secrets of the Masters of Wisdom" and seeing it through what Budd Hopkins calls a "childlike" approach to the as yet unknowable truth. I can’t imagine that it would do you any harm. [You can read more by Sean Casteel on his website at www.seancasteel.com] Source: UFO Digest http://www.ufodigest.com/news/0110/oribello.php -
Fresh Sighting of UFO's and Werewolves on Cannock Chase Hound of the Cannock hills? A wave of paranormal and mysterious episodes in the town have helped usher in a new decade of spooky sightings, with readers encountering UFOs and wild wolves in the first week of the year. The area has a long standing association with paranormal activity – with websites across the World recording spooky incidents in the area. Resident, Jane McNally, recently had a run-in with a mysterious canine creature while out walking with her partner on Cannock Chase. “I was walking with my partner and his dog,” Jane said. “We put the dog back on the lead as we thought in the distance there was an enormous ‘dog.’ As we approached the animal we realised this wasn’t a dog and it just stared at us for a while – I said I thought it looked like a fox, but the size of a lioness – it then turned into the wooded area, and we proceeded to walk on. “As it turned its long, bushy black tipped tail, we realised it was definitely not a dog. “I have just logged onto the net and went onto images of wolves, and can honestly say whatever we saw yesterday was the closet thing to a wolf.” The area has also become a hotbed of UFO sightings, with dozens of people claiming to have witnessed strange lights in the sky. Christie Oliver became the latest person to experience a close encounter, when she spied mysterious lights over Heath Hayes at the turn of the year. “Me and my partner came home from celebrating New Year in Cannock and I let the dog out, turned to my left and saw four red dots in the sky,” she said. “I have never seen anything like this before. I immediately called my other half out to look at it. I could not believe my eyes. “They then flew north and two of them disappeared. The last one went around six seconds later. I can’t believe what I saw, and I would like to find out if anyone else saw it too? It was around 00.37 on New Years Day.” Source: Sunday Mercury http://www.sundaymercury.net/news/midlands-news/2010/01/13/fresh-sighting-of-ufo-s-and- werewolves-on-cannock-chase-66331-25589705/ -
'Buckshaw Beast' Terrorising Villagers Some say it resembles a prowling hyena, others a ferocious wolf. While there are those who have seen the mysterious creature menacing Buckshaw Village and describe it as a terrifying cross between a wild boar and some kind of big cat. Whatever it is, it has been blamed for mauling several deer to death, and one resident's Alsatian dogs were left quivering with fear after a particularly close encounter. Now one intrepid villager has taken a photograph of what locals have dubbed the Buckshaw Beast, sparking a feverish online debate about what exactly it might be. Residents of the 'village' - actually a modern estate on the edge of Leyland, Lancashire - have been reporting sightings of the shaggy, hulking creature for months. The initial consensus was that it is a wild boar forced out of the countryside by the cold weather as it strives to find food, but experts have said one would be unlikely to kill deer. Resident Tony Kenvig caught sight of the beast as it rifled through his bins late one night, and described it as resembling a dark-coloured hyena. 'All the rubbish was strewn over my garden,' he wrote in an online forum. 'This happened on a few occasions, and one night I heard snuffles and looked out of my window and saw some kind of hyena standing rigid on its back legs.' Another, calling himself Shelley Levene, also disturbed it late one night. 'I've seen it too,' he wrote. 'It's not a dog. I have two Alsatians, both ex-police dogs. I saw it going through my bins. 'I couldn't understand why they weren't barking, so I went down to investigate and they were shaking and cowering in their kennel. 'Just the scent of this thing must have been enough to spook them.' He warned fellow villagers to be on their guard. 'I no longer walk the streets of Buckshaw alone at night anymore and would advise all other residents to start to be vigilant. 'This beast in dangerous.' If it is a wild boar, it would not be the first driven into built-up areas by the recent big freeze - last week the Daily Mail told how two had been spotted rooting through rubbish bins in the similarly-named Buckshaft in the Forest of Dean. But another concerned local resident, John Russell, managed to photograph the beast using his camera phone, and he is convinced it is some kind of carnivore, blaming it for the deaths of three deer savaged on nearby parkland. 'I can't work out what it is,' he wrote on the forum. 'This was no boar. I saw it move and it had a feline movement. They say it's to blame for the recent deer slayings.' Whether there really is a savage beast marauding through the village, or if it is a case of mistaken identity or even an elaborate hoax remains to be seen, although local police have received no calls about it. And Chris Bailey, from nearby Chipping Wild Boar Park, said that while it was possible that a hungry boar would attack a deer, it was unlikely. 'There is lots of countryside around there that they could go into, so it is possible,' he said. 'But I'm surprised. I have heard of cases like this before - but only when they are very hungry and looking for food.' After examining the picture, Mr Bailey said the animal's features did not appear to match those of a wild boar. 'Unfortunately, the picture isn't too clear, but from what we can see, the nose seems shorter and the back legs are different. They look similar to that of a dog.' EDITORS NOTE: The photo that is used by The Daily Mail for this article was actually taken in July 2007 of the alleged "Dartmoor Beast." Source: The Daily Mail (UK) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1244693/Pictured-The-mystery-Buckshaw-Beast- savaging-animals-terrorising-villagers.html - UPDATE
'Hottest Ghost Ever' Reveals Media Hoax A photo that achieved international media attention showing a "ghost" in a barn in Victoria is a hoax, according to a young woman who told ninemsn she is the figure in the image. The digital photo, which was allegedly taken during a ghost tour in Winchelsea, appeared on current affairs show Today Tonight earlier this month. Adam Harris, a 21-year-old from Geelong, told the Seven Network the image was one of many he had taken at the Barwon Park property. "I was taking photos because I felt a presence come towards me, as in dark figures," Harris told the network. One of the photos he claimed he took during the tour last August showed a young woman in a low-cut top looking at the camera. "There was an image of a girl in the left hand corner of my screen," he said. But Megan Ann Walker, who is friends with Harris on Facebook, told ninemsn that she is the woman in the photo. "It's me, but I have no idea about anything else," Megan Ann Walker told ninemsn. “I had nothing to do with anything and I ain't getting anyone into any trouble for anything." Walker said she was at Barwon Park during the ghost tour when the photo was discovered. "I came out and said the photo looked like me when they put it on the laptop but no one was listening," she said. "I just stood back and laughed and didn't think anything of it until now." The image has become popular on ghost hunting forums, where Walker has been dubbed "the hottest ghost ever". "She can haunt me any time!" one ghost enthusiast wrote. The image has also caused a stir in Europe, appearing in top-selling German tabloid newspaper Bild yesterday. Australian Ghost Adventures media spokesperson Ron Dorre told ninemsn up to 80 people took ghost tours at the mansion that day, and no individual records were kept of the guests. He said several people had contacted him claiming to know the real "Barwon ghost", including one who said it was a woman in Western Australia. "We've been trying to track the woman down for six months, since it happened," he said. "The people on the tour don't recall seeing her, and it was especially strange since it was a freezing cold night and the photo shows her with a low-cut top." However, Mr Dorre also said the metadata on Harris' camera showed the photo had been taken before the tour began. On Facebook, Harris and Walker have several of the same friends and appear in photos showing them at the same parties. Since being contacted by ninemsn, one of Walker's friends wrote on her Facebook: "I knew this would happen ... hopefully it will all die off soon and you will come back from the dead hahaha". "Haha funny that some people still think it's still real," Walker replied. Commentators on a YouTube video of a report about the alleged sighting have claimed the photo was part of a deliberate hoax. “They played a joke and not even the ‘experts' were able to tell it was a fake," one viewer wrote. “I know the three of them and I'm willing to tell people it was a fake." Another user also said he knew those involved. “Lmao, I know the three of them, this is f***ing hilarious," the user wrote. “I can't believe they actually managed to pull this off." Source: Nine News http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/1001433/hottest-ghost-ever-reveals-media-hoax Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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