![]() http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal592.html It's time once again. It's time
the Men-In-Black to start hammering on your front door. It's time for
secret government operatives to start tapping your phone and email
accounts. It's time for those pesky little grey aliens to start
abducting you from your bedroom at night. It's time for all of this
because your number one weekly newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs, the
paranormal and everything strange and bizarre has once again arrived in
your email box - and they want to read it to find out what is REALLY
going on.
week Conspiracy Journal brings
you such tongue-wagging stories as:
- Former
U.S. Air Force Airmen Reveal UFO Encounters -
- Are The Men-In-Black A
Form Of UFO Terrorism?
- Odds of Life on Nearby Planet '100 Percent,' Astronomer Says - - Australian Woman Attacked by 'Horny Ghost' - AND: 'Death Ray' at Vegas Hotel Heats up Guests CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
As one distressed UFO researcher put it, Ever since organized flying saucer research began, a disturbing number of serious investigators have suffered personal harassment, unusual accidents and even mysterious deaths. In some cases, sinister voices have whispered threats over the telephone and warned certain researchers to terminate specific projects they were focused on. Recently, an increasing number of civilian UFOlogists have been visited by ominous strangers who have made it physically clear that their orders to discontinue all investigations would be enforced. Official disclaimers have only served to intensify the mystery of the bizarre incidents currently seeding chaos within the rank of civilian UFO investigators and instilling fear among those who witness flying saucer activity. THE
Featured on the History Channel's UFO Hunters and on Coast to Coast AM, eminent investigator Tim Beckley details dozens of additional bone chilling encounters with the MIB who have become a curse on the rank and file members of the UFO community. ++ Shadowy "Grim Reaper" like figures stalk the streets of a north Iowa town. What are they concealing in the bags they go about hiding in the woods? ++ Radio Talk Show host is ordered by metallic voice over phone (unlisted number!) to "meet them on the Mount". . .known as a haunted place and the site of a number of mysterious deaths and disappearances. ++ A large floating platform the size of 3 football fields hovers near a nuclear power plant. Witnesses observe several small bald headed aliens accompanied by 9 foot giants. Trying to leave the area, their car refuses to start. They are surrounded by military personnel and their vehicle is ransacked. They are told never to speak of the incident OR ELSE! ++ In the cemetery where Charles Fort is buried ominous black vehicles disappear down side roads never to be seen again. They pass by on the gravel pavement going over grates without the sound of tires. The cemetery is also haunted by a big black dog and a couple who fly over the tombstones at dusk in their pajamas! Are these sinister sindividuals simply government agents gone amuck in their harassment of witnesses and investigators who have dedicated their lives delving into the unexplainable? Or are they something far more sinister as evidence in this volume indicates? Perhaps the MIB are representatives of an extraterrestrial "police force," whose job is to keep the gates to a parallel universe closed tightly behind them. FREE
BONUS 60 Minute DVD!
This frightening book is now available exclusively for Conspiracy Journal subscribers at the special price of only $22.00, plus $5.00 shipping. (YOU WON'T FIND A DEAL LIKE THIS ANYWHERE ELSE...SO GET YOUR COPY TODAY!) (All Foreign Orders please email mrufo8@hotmail.com for info on shipping costs and how to order) You can also phone in your
credit card orders to Global Communications
24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407 And as always you can send a
check or money order to:
Global CommunicationsP.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 - THE UFO PRESS CONFERENCE DEPARTMENT -
Former U.S. Air Force Airmen Reveal UFO Encounters ![]() An ex-U.S. air force chief has
given an astonishing account of an encounter with a UFO at an air force
base in Suffolk.
Charles Halt is one of a number of senior former airmen who went public today over claims that UFOs had tampered with nuclear missiles in the U.S. and the UK. Mr Halt, who retired in 1991, told a press conference that he was working at RAF Bentwater near Rendelsham in Suffolk in 1980 when he had the terrifying encounter. He said that early one morning in December 1980 several of his base's security forces saw lights in the forest near Woodbridge. Two patrolman were sent out to approach the craft which they described as 'triangular, dark metallic in appearance', Mr Halt said. It quickly and silently 'vanished at high speed'. A few weeks later Mr Halt was told by his boss that the lights were back and so he went back out into the forest with a couple of policeman, a camera and a cassette recorder. At the site he saw 'indentations of around six to eight feet wide' and increased levels of radiation as well as broken branches on the trees. Mr Halt said: 'Milling around, one of the individuals saw a bright glowing object like an eye. It would appear to be winking and was shedding molten metal and silently moving through the trees and at one point it actually approached us.' He said that the object then exploded into five white objects which became visible in the sky. They were brightly coloured changing from elliptical to round as if they were moving at very high speed. ' Suddenly one of the objects sent a concentrated beam at the feet of the terrified men. 'Was this a warning? An attempt to communicate? A weapon? Then just as suddenly as it appeared, it disappeared,' he said. The entire incident was categorised as a British affair because it had happened off base, Mr Halt said. 'I have no idea what we saw that night but I do know it was under intelligent control. My theory is that it was from another dimension or extra-terrestrial,' he said. The Rendlesham Forest incident, often described as "Britain's Roswell" was used as one example of evidence aliens had targeted nuclear weapons. The incident, in the early hours of December 27, 1980, was never fully explained. The six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man, all presented declassified information which they claim backs up their findings. UFO researcher Robert Hastings held the press conference in Washington to 'address the vital issue of UFO incursions at US nuclear weapons sites over the past six decades'. Mr Hastings said: "More than 100 former or retired US Air Force personnel - once trusted to operate or guard weapons of mass destruction - have come forward and revealed ongoing UFO surveillance of, and occasional interference with, our nuclear weapons. 'This information alters the historical perspective on the nuclear arms race and much, much more. 'The fact that the Pentagon and CIA have successfully kept the truth from public view for so long is in itself mind-boggling.' They want U.S. and British authorities to release 60 years worth of 'X-Files' they claim proves the existence of extra-terrestrials. And the men said that the UFOs deactivation of nuclear weapons was a message to the human race to move away from arms race. Dwynne Arneson, who saw UFOs when he was working at a radar site in the 1970s, said: 'We have been lied to for so many decades about the truth of the matter.' They also admitted that it had been very difficult to talk to family and friends about their experiences and had even been ridiculed in the past. Robert Salas said that he was a missile commander at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana on March 1967. He was warned by his men 'screaming into the phone' that a 'glowing red object' had been spotted over their missile silo, which was 60 feet underground. Moments later they discovered that all of the missiles had been deactivated. As the press conference came to a close Robert Salas made call for the U.S. government to come clean about visits by UFOs in the past. Mr Salas said: 'What you have heard here is evidence of a phenomenon. Our evidence is now public domain the evidence is what is the public going to do with it.' 'He added the UFO phenomenon is real , not imaginary and there is excessive secrecy in the government about this issue. 'The tampering of nuclear weapons is a national security concern.' He said: ‘The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it.' They have witness testimony from 120 former or retired military personnel which points to alien intervention at nuclear sites in the U.S. as recently as 2003. They urged the authorities to confirm that alien beings have long been visiting Earth. A press conference today in Washington also highlighted testimony from retired U.S. Air Force Captain Bruce Fenstermacher, whose security team saw a cigar-shaped UFO hovering above FE Warren nuclear base in Wyoming in 1976. Researcher Robert Hastings, who has written on the subject, explained that so far the aliens appeared interested in ‘mere surveillance’ but warned they seemed to have gone further in some instances. ‘At long last, all of these witnesses are coming forward to say that, as unbelievable as it may seem to some, UFOs have long monitored and sometimes tampered with our nukes,’ he added. Source: The Daily Mail (UK) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1315620/US-airman-Charles-Halts- UFO-testimony-encounter-near-UK-nuclear-base.html - UFO GREAT EVENTS DEPARTMENT - Tracking UFOs ![]() Recently, reports of
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) have been occurring frequently in
China. On July 7 this year, more than 20 flights were postponed at
Xiaoshan International Airport in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, because
of a sighting. Whenever such reported sightings occur, Wang Sichao, a
research fellow at the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, is much busier
than usual. In addition to studying the sightings, Wang, who started
work on UFOs nearly 40 years ago, has to check and reply to mail about
UFOs from all across China. Lately, Wang predicted "great events"
concerning UFOs were going to come out in China in the next two years.
In an interview with Beijing Review, he shared his views and stories
with reporter Tang Yuankai. Edited excerpts follow:
Beijing Review: Why did you make such a prediction? What's your basis? Wang Sichao: First, I'd like to say something about the conception of "great events about UFOs." It does not mean large numbers of UFOs but refers to events of credible facts backed by observation. But these facts cannot yet be explained by existing scientific knowledge or natural phenomena. Through 39 years' investigation and research, I found that in years ending with the numbers 1, 2 or 7—such as 1971, 1981, 1991, 1982, 1992, 2002, 1977, 1987, 2007—great UFO events would happen. So, I think 2011 and 2012 will be another two active years. Beijing Review: In recent years, what kinds of UFO phenomena have happened in China? In which areas of China? Was there ever anything like the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Wang Sichao: Many kinds of UFOs have appeared in China in recent years, in appearances such as bolide, light spot, spiral, fan, bright star, flying rod, ball lightning and V-shaped. UFO events occurred more often in the north of the Yangtze River. But there were exceptions. For instance, a V-shaped UFO appeared over Nanjing on January 10, 2006. During the last century, there was also something like Close Encounters of the Third Kind in China. But it was similar to what happened in other countries and lacked reliable evidence. Beijing Review: In your opinion, why, for decades, has there been no significant progress in UFO studies domestically and overseas? Wang Sichao: UFOs are a worldwide mystery of over a century. In 2007, Nick Pope, former head of the British Government's UFO Project, said over the last 60 years, the British Ministry of Defense had been working on the mystery all the time, but no answer could be found. Governments and military departments of the United States and France have also had difficulty progressing in UFO exploration. Why, for 60 years, was there no progress in UFO studies? The reason is that a UFO only appears randomly and often disappears rapidly in a few minutes. By the time large professional telescopes are started up, it has already disappeared. So, we can only rely on information from occasional sightings or encounters by observers. For decades, domestic and international practice has shown it is difficult for military departments alone to study UFOs. Like ghosts in the air, UFOs are mysterious and varied. There have been discussions and controversies for decades about the existence of UFOs. Some scholars assert a UFO is an optical illusion, while others think UFOs do exist as objects. So, exploring UFO phenomena is really an interesting matter. Beijing Review: What stage is China at in the study of UFOs? Is there any cooperation with international colleagues? Wang Sichao: China is already walking in the forefront of international UFO research and exploration. At present, with plenty of credible, verifiable observation reports, China has entered a quantitative analysis stage of study. We also carried out academic exchanges with colleagues all over the world. Beijing Review: How do you conduct UFO research and what tools and methods do you employ? Can you tell us something about your research achievements? Wang Sichao: In order to overcome the difficulties in UFO study, I introduced quantitative analysis methods into the field. In the last 39 years, based on my work at the PMO and my personal observation experiences, I have made quantitative analysis of some of the great UFO events by employing spherical astronomy and physics. In the past decades, a large number of experienced astronomy amateurs have appeared in China. They are scattered throughout the country, and form an efficient observation network. Once a UFO event occurs, the PMO where I have been working will receive huge amounts of observational data from amateurs. As for me, with years of field observation experience and six years of study in astrophysics at Peking University, I can figure out flying height, direction, and speed and the position of substellar point (the point on the earth at which the star is in the zenith at a specified time) by employing spherical astronomy methods based on several high quality sighting reports about a UFO event from different locations with sufficient distance, and analyze the mechanism of the event by physical methods. Since 1971, I have been engaged in conducting in-depth investigations and quantitative and semi-quantitative scientific analysis to at least 20 spiral, fan and light-like UFO events. I found many strange flying objects appeared at a speed much lower than first cosmic velocity in the space between 130 km to 1,500 km from the Earth's surface. Some even flew at a speed as low as 0.29 km a second, 4 percent of the first cosmic velocity at the flying height, and flew at the height of around 1,460 km for 25 minutes. The facts show those UFOs may possess anti-gravity ability, or they would have fallen to the Earth. I classified the more than 100 typical UFO events that occurred in the last 39 years into 10 or so types. I paid more attention to UFO events observed at the same time but from more than two different locations. I found seven types of these events could be explained through existing natural phenomena and knowledge, including objects that look like bolides, light spots, bright constellations, flying point clusters, bright stars, or flying sticks. Eight types still cannot be explained from existing knowledge, including spiral-, fan-, spindle-, ball-, or V-shaped objects, or those that look like balls of lightning, strange vehicles or flying saucers, of which spiral-, fan-, light ball- or flying saucer-shaped objects may be related to extraterrestrial craft. Beijing Review: What do you think we should do to further the exploration for UFOs? Wang Sichao: Designing and manufacturing a new type of special telescope is very necessary. As a UFO is only met by chance and disappears rapidly, a special telescope with a small aperture may be better for observations. More such telescopes should be made and installed in different observation stations, so as to form an observation network. Once a UFO appears, immediate and networked observations would be carried out, thereby achieving a leap in observation accuracy, depth and quality. At the same time, more accurate quantitative analysis should be employed on the basis of observation. Beijing Review: For human beings, what is the significance of UFO studies? Wang Sichao: First, we hope to explore extraterrestrial civilizations. If we find solid evidence about alien spacecraft visiting the Earth through further observation and analysis, it would be as significant as Columbus Christopher's discovering the New World. Second, we need to explore unknown natural phenomenon and laws. Third, it would be of great significance to national defense and economic development. Fourth, finding out the truth about UFOs would also be helpful for dispelling the public's superstitions and misconceptions. Beijing Review: At present, scientists do not have any concrete evidence about aliens. But many scientists believe aliens exist. Does this mean the question is not whether there are aliens, but when they will contact us? Wang Sichao: Yes. Astronomers all over the world are now intensifying their efforts to explore extraterrestrial life and civilization. As long as we have open minds about scientific exploration of the unknown and employ multiple methods, the contact between humans and extraterrestrial life will hopefully come this century. Source: Beijing Review http://bjreview.com.cn/quotes/txt/2010-09/28/content_301050.htm - BOOK REVIEW
Are The Men-In-Black A Form Of UFO Terrorism? By Sean Casteel ![]() The Men-In-Back, or MIBs, as they are frequently called, have appeared on the periphery of the UFO phenomenon since the late 1890s, when witnesses first began to suffer frightening visits from entities who threatened them in no uncertain terms to cease speaking about the unknown aerial phenomena they had seen. In a classic book on the subject, "The UFO Silencers: Mystery of the Men-In-Black," by editor/publisher/writer Timothy Green Beckley, the story of an early close encounter is told. During the great airship flap of 1897, something strange and metallic fell from one of the passing UFOs. The witness who found it gave it to a local shopkeeper in the small nearby town in the American West for safekeeping. The shopkeeper was visited the very next day by a stranger in black who first offered to buy the strange material. When the shopkeeper refused to sell it, the MIB threatened to tie the shopkeeper to the whipping post and beat him. (To learn what happened next, one is advised to buy the book.) According to Beckley, most people believe the MIB phenomena started in the 1950s with the experience of an early UFO researcher named Albert K. Bender. Bender is a story unto himself and worthy of some Googling to find out more. In any case, Bender capitulated to the MIBs who visited him and immediately gave up his UFO research efforts. But Beckley says the MIBs were driving black stagecoaches in the days before the black Cadillac had been invented and that even the famed 17th century witch hunter Cotton Mather was visited by a darkly dressed figure or two. If Beckley is right, then someone has been trying to repress some kind of vital truth for a very long time. As is typical of the present day UFO phenomenon, there are numerous variations in the accounts of those who have had their doors darkened by the strong arm of whoever is behind the MIB presence. But it is consistently reported that the MIBs travel in groups of two or three, often in the aforementioned large black Cadillac, and that they are uniformly dressed in black suits and black hats. From that point, the stories vary from witness to witness. Some report a tall blond man with handsome features accompanied by a smaller man who stares silently intently at the witnesses while his partner interrogates and intimidates. Other MIBs are said to have a ghastly pallor to their faces and be totally hairless, or in some cases to wear what is obviously an ill-fitting toupee under their black hat. It has often been put forth that perhaps we are dealing with an alien attempt to appear human that falls far short of being the perfect disguise. It has been reported that an MIB, after displaying stiff, robotic movements, will suddenly seem drained of energy, as though some kind of internal battery has run out. An MIB may speak in a strange kind of monotone, which adds to the overall eeriness of the experience. They sometimes speak in B-movie clichés. Say, for example, something like "We've got you dead to rights," or "You and your family will be pushing up daisies if you go on with your UFO work." It is theorized that the aliens are learning our language and culture by intercepting our television broadcasts out in space and that they genuinely believe those clichés are frightening to those who hear them. One would suppose that nearly anything they said WOULD be frightening in the context of the uninvited visit, but at some point a witness to an MIB surely must have asked, "Who writes this stuff?" In any case, more than 50 years down the road from their first appearances, the mystery of the MIBs remains unsolved. We really don't anymore about them now than we did then. Which is why Timothy Green Beckley's new Global Communications release "Curse of the Men-In-Black: Return of the UFO Terrorists" is such a welcome and timely addition to the lore on the subject. While Beckley does not claim to have solved the identity of the benighted gentlemen callers, he does provide lots of case histories in which the UFO bogeymen came to visit. Beckley also presents a rare classic book on the subject called "The UFO Warning," by New Zealander John Stuart. Stuart began his private investigations of UFOs in 1948, shortly after serving in the New Zealand armed forces in World War II. Some years later, in 1952, he received a strange phone call quite late at night. "Are you the John Stuart who is interested in what earthmen call flying saucers?" the voice asked. "That's right," Stuart replied. "What can I do for you?" "I warn you to stop interfering in affairs which do not concern you." "Who the hell are you talking to, mate?" Stuart asked indignantly. "And who the flaming hell are you?" The voice replied to Stuart by speaking an unpronounceable alien name and planet. Stuart then told the voice to go to hell. "Beware, earthman," the voice said finally. "You have been warned." The line suddenly went dead. In his book, Stuart described the voice as mechanical, expressionless and cold. After thinking it over, he decided the call had been some kind of hoax and vowed to continue his research as though nothing had happened. Stuart also tells about his being drummed out of a UFO research organization as the result of petty infighting, after which he took on a young woman named Barbara as his only research assistant. He scoffs at those who would call their relationship sinful, since he was a happy and faithful husband to his wife and he and Barbara, quite innocently, only talked UFOs during their sometimes nightly get-togethers. They begin to conjecture that the UFO occupants might be using Antarctica as their base of operations. They also suspect that perhaps the legendary explorer Admiral Byrd had encountered the aliens there himself but been forcibly silenced on the matter. That particular leap of reasoning may have set off some of the bizarre events that followed. For example, there is a strange moment where young Barbara seems to be "taken over" by a possessing force and flagrantly offers to undress for Stuart right there in his living room. Stuart is embarrassed for her, and tries to smooth over Barbara's odd lapse by continuing to talk about UFOs. Barbara then composes herself, and nothing untoward happens. Stuart, like many in his position, feels he must have stumbled on to an "inconvenient truth" about the UFOs to draw the attention he did from whoever would keep us ignorant of the true origin and purpose of the flying saucers. He thinks he and Barbara may have registered on some "danger-meter" with their Antarctica theory. Whatever the reason, he and Barbara are visited one night by an enormous, monstrous, beastly creature with huge red eyes that casts off an impossibly foul odor. The creature is also seen by one of Stuart's neighbors, who sketched its image for Stuart the next morning, proving that she had witnessed the exact same thing. In the aftermath of the horrible creature's appearance, Stuart tells Barbara she must cease in her UFO research, but she refuses to be intimidated. Shortly after that, she is visited in her own home by an invisible entity that leaves her body covered with scratches after first violating her in ways that Stuart refuses to repeat in his written account. I will leave it to future readers of "The UFO Warning" to see for themselves how Stuart's account ends. No spoilers here. An interesting thing about "The UFO Warning" is that it is presented in the format it was first written in, typed on an old fashioned manual typewriter and photocopied for inclusion in Beckley's "Curse of the Men-In-Black." It gives the roughhewn old manuscript a fascinating sense of authenticity, like that of a real dispatch from the frontlines of the old days when the subjects of UFOs and the Men-In-Black were relatively new. It functions like a museum piece, untouched by the hype or showbiz of the books and movies that would come later. Admittedly, Stuart and Barbara never see the classic MIBs, but the terror and intimidation they endured at the hands of the various monsters is more than consistent with what we now know of the MIB phenomenon. But is there any proof of the MIBs? In the interest of full disclosure, I contributed a chapter to "Curse of the Men-In-Black" in which I tell the story of editor and publisher Timothy Green Beckley's own encounter with a Man-In-Black and how he emerged unscathed and with a photo to reward all his efforts. In the mid-1960s, when Beckley was living in Manhattan and still a fledging writer in the UFO community, he received a series of phone calls from Mary Robinson, the wife of one of his coworkers, Jack Robinson. Mary complained that she repeatedly saw a strange-looking man standing across the street from the apartment she shared with her husband in Jersey City, New Jersey. She described the stranger thusly: "almost very wooden looking, with a very pale face, kind of standing recessed back in a doorway across the street and dressed all in black, with a black hat and a black suit on." The strange interloper appeared to be watching her leaving the building as well as observing the activities of other people around the apartment house. The Robinsons had also been receiving odd phone calls in the middle of the night, and it appeared that some of their files had been broken into and some of their UFO casebook material had disappeared completely. Beckley and one of his early mentors, Jim Moseley, were publishing the "Saucer News," the largest publication of its kind at the time. They decided to make the trip to Jersey City unannounced to see if their friend's wife was right or just being paranoid. When Beckley and Moseley arrived, they discreetly passed down the block where the Robinsons lived. "And sure enough," Beckley recalled, "there was a fellow, just as described, standing in the doorway and peering just off into the distance and dressed in black with a black overcoat, black shoes and black pants. Out in the street, parked right in front of where he was standing, was a black car of some type or another." Beckley said it was fairly early in the morning and rush hour was still in full swing, so there was no place even to double-park. He and Moseley decided to circle the block again and try to engage the MIB in conversation. Just as they were pulling away, Moseley handed Beckley his camera. Beckley leaned out the car window and clicked the shutter, managing to capture a single photo of this "person" and his black vehicle. After circling the block, they returned to find that the MIB and his car were both gone. Beckley reasoned that perhaps taking the photo may have scared the MIB off, and the Robinsons never saw or heard from the dark stranger again. More than 40 years later, Beckley still defends the authenticity of the photo, claiming it is the only genuine photo of an MIB in existence. In 2009, he was invited to appear on the History Channel's "UFO Hunters" program, to show the photo and be interviewed about his unusual experience in capturing what still might be called a "forbidden image" on film. In the chapter I wrote about him, Beckley also tells some stories about UFO witnesses who DID give into the threats and intimidation by the MIBs and decided to cease forthwith in their UFO research. It is obvious that the MIB can be so frightening that choosing to abandon one's research looks like a no-brainer. To hell with the truth if these sons-of-bitches are after me, right? To amplify that point, Professor G. Cope Schellhorn contributes a chapter called "Are The MIB Killing Our UFO Researchers?" Schellhorn discusses the mysterious deaths of Phil Schneider, who died a short time after he went public with the story of gray aliens working underground at a secret base in Dulce, New Mexico, as well as the case of Ron Johnson, MUFON's Deputy Director of Investigations, who slumped over dead while attending a Society of Scientific Exploration meeting in Austin, Texas. The chapter also examines numerous other similar cases of researchers and writers and media people who all suffered a mysterious death while in the midst of studying the UFO phenomenon. There are subsequent chapters that deal with Phil Schneider in more detail, as well as a chapter on the late abduction researcher Karla Turner, who was extremely outspoken on the negative aspects of alien abduction and died shortly thereafter of a fast-working cancer. As you can see, when you put all the information together, the cumulative effect is not a pretty one. We are not dealing with the light comedy of the movie treatment of the subject. There is no charming Will Smith or Tommy Lee Jones in the real world of MIBs, no unsung heroes working to keep us safe from secret alien life forms by policing them with various high-tech toys and gadgets. The everyday truth is a good deal more grim and frightening, and the idea that we as members of the UFO community can be vulnerable to contact with a phenomenon that is potentially lethal is at the very least an unsettling one. As the mysterious voice on the phone told John Stuart, we have been warned! [If you enjoyed this article, read more articles and interviews at Sean Casteel's "UFO Journalist" website at www.seancasteel.com] -
Odds of Life on Nearby Planet '100 Percent,' Astronomer Says ![]() An Earth-size planet has been spotted orbiting a nearby star at a distance that would makes it not too hot and not too cold -- comfortable enough for life to exist, researchers announced Wednesday. If confirmed, the exoplanet, named Gliese 581g, would be the first Earth-like world found residing in a star's habitable zone -- a region where a planet's temperature could sustain liquid water on its surface.[Illustration of planet Gliese 581g.] And the planet's discoverers are optimistic about the prospects for finding life there. "Personally, given the ubiquity and propensity of life to flourish wherever it can, I would say, my own personal feeling is that the chances of life on this planet are 100 percent," said Steven Vogt, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, during a press briefing today. "I have almost no doubt about it." His colleague, Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, in Washington, D.C., wasn't willing to put a number on the odds of life, though he admitted he's optimistic. "It's both an incremental and monumental discovery," Sara Seager, an astrophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told SPACE.com. Incremental because the method used to find Gliese 581g already has found several planets (all super-Earths, more massive than our own world) outside their stars' habitable zone, along with non-Earth-like planets within the habitable zone. "It really is monumental if you accept this as the first Earth-like planet ever found in the star's habitable zone," said Seager, who was not directly involved in the discovery. Vogt, Butler and their colleagues will detail the planet finding in the Astrophysical Journal. The newfound planet joins more than 400 other alien worlds known to date. Most are huge gas giants, though several are just a few times the mass of Earth. Gliese 581g is one of two new worlds the team discovered orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581, bumping that nearby star's family of planets to six. The other newfound planet, Gliese 581f, is outside the habitable zone, researchers said. The star is located 20 light-years from Earth in the constellation Libra. One light-year is about 6 trillion miles (10 trillion km). Red dwarf stars are about 50 times dimmer than our sun. Since these stars are so much cooler, their planets can orbit much closer to them and still remain in the habitable zone. Estimates suggest Gliese 581g is 0.15 astronomical units from its star, close enough to its star to be able to complete an orbit in just under 37 days. One astronomical unit is the average distance between the Earth and sun, which is approximately 93 million miles (150 million km). The Gliese 581 planet system now vaguely resembles our own, with six worlds orbiting their star in nearly circular paths. With support from the National Science Foundation and NASA, the scientists -- members of the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey -- collected 11 years of radial velocity data on the star. This method looks at a star's tiny movements due to the gravitational tug from orbiting bodies. The subtle tugs let researchers estimate the planet's mass and orbital period, how long it takes to circle its star. Gliese 581g has a mass three to four times Earth's, the researchers estimated. From the mass and size, they said the world is probably a rocky planet with enough gravity to hold onto an atmosphere. Just as Mercury is locked facing the sun, the planet is tidally locked to its star, so that one side basks in perpetual daylight, while the other side remains in darkness. This locked configuration helps to stabilize the planet's surface climate, Vogt said. "Any emerging life forms would have a wide range of stable climates to choose from and to evolve around, depending on their longitude," Vogt said, suggesting that life forms that like it hot would just scoot toward the light side of that line while forms with polar-bear-like preferences would move toward the dark side. Between blazing heat on the star-facing side and freezing cold on the dark side, the average surface temperature may range from 24 degrees below zero to 10 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 31 to minus 12 degrees Celsius), the researchers said. Supposedly habitable worlds have been found and later discredited, so what makes this one such a breakthrough? There's still a chance that further observations will dismiss this planet, also. But over the years, the radial velocity method has become more precise, the researchers point out in their journal article. In addition, the researchers didn't make some of the unrealistic assumptions made in the past, Seager said. For instance, another planet orbiting Gliese 581 (the planet Gliese 581c) also had been considered to have temperatures suitable for life, but in making those calculations, the researchers had come up with an "unrealistic" estimate for the amount of energy the planet reflected, Seager pointed out. That type of estimate wasn't made for this discovery. "We're looking at this one as basically the tip of the iceberg, and we're expecting more to be found," Seager said. One way to make this a reality, according to study researchers, would be "to build dedicated 6- to 8-meter-class Automated Planet Finder telescopes, one in each hemisphere," they wrote. The telescopes -- or "light buckets" as Seager referred to them -- would be dedicated to spying on the nearby stars thought to potentially host Earth-like planets in their habitable zones. The result would be inexpensive and probably would reveal many other nearby potentially habitable planets, the researchers wrote. Beyond the roughly 100 nearest stars to Earth, there are billions upon billions of stars in the Milky Way, and with that in mind, the researchers suggest tens of billions of potentially habitable planets may exist, waiting to be found. Planets like Gliese 581g that are tidally locked and orbit the habitable zone of red dwarfs have a high probability of harboring life, the researchers suggest. Earth once supported harsh conditions, the researchers point out. And since red dwarfs are relatively "immortal" living hundreds of billions of years (many times the current age of the universe), combined with the fact that conditions stay so stable on a tidally locked planet, there's a good chance that if life were to get a toe-hold it would be able to adapt to those conditions and possibly take off, Butler said. Source: Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/09/29/odds-life-newfound-earth-size- planet-percent-astronomer-say/ -
Ghosts and the Phenomenon of 'Looped Time' Anomalies ![]() Discovering the secret of how time can be looped upon itself could even provide mankind with a pathway to the stars. An entirely new type of physics is being played out—literally before our eyes and ears, yet few scientists bother to investigate the evidence. The physics of time (and its relationship to space and the quantum reality) may be better understood by determining the underlying nature of the auditory and visual anomalies that cross the boundaries into our space-time during regular or irregular intervals. The phenomenon points to aberrations of time exhibited as ‘time loops.’ Throughout history these snippets of looped time have been lumped together with unassociated phenomena under the general heading of ghosts. The elusive nature of space-time What scientists have gleaned through observations and experiments over the past century is space-time is not uniform. Astrophysicists and cosmologists have hypothesized that time in other regions of space may exist at a different rate than our own. Various factors may cause the disparities including gravitational effects, dark matter, even the possibility of dark energy. Intersections of hyper-dimensions between our reality and others could create random folds, ripples or creases in the universal space-time continuum in various regions of space. These regions—where space may have a ‘kink’—could exhibit qualities that we perceive as space and time anomalies. The anomalies may be massive or microscopic; they could occur anywhere in the universe and have a duration of anywhere from scant nanoseconds to unfathomable eons. Space-time anomalies and ghosts Looped time ghosts are spectral images or auditory phenomena that tend to repeat themselves. Some repeat at regular intervals while others are erratic and unpredictable. Examples of these phenomena are rife throughout history—many have been witnessed dozens or hundreds of times during their manifestations. During modern times some have been recorded, photographed, filmed or videotaped. The chanting monks of Beaulieu Abbey Within the walls of the famous abbey of Beaulieu, England reside the chanting monks. The Catholic monks of the Cistercian order are heard devoutly singing mass, yet no monks have occupied the abbey since 1538. The phenomenon of the singing monks has been recorded. It usually lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. Each time the singing is exactly the same, as if a recording is being played back. In a sense, a recording is being played back. At some point during the hundreds of years the Cistercian monks lived there, a funeral prayer-chant became embedded into the fabric of space-time that surrounds the abbey grounds. The voices of the monks can distinctly be heard despite the fact no monks have inhabited the abbey for almost 500 years. With some exceptions, the ghostly singing has been heard around the hour of sunrise. The singing is firm and robust—quite easy to hear. Evidence suggests that the recorded singing is apart and separate from the surrounding space-time. It seems that when the right conditions are met—probably the exact same conditions that were present when the space-time impression was created—the embedded auditory phenomenon is replayed. While looped ghosts have been seen walking down staircases that no longer exist, checking out motel rooms that are long gone, or heard walking across old wooden floors that were since covered with thick carpeting, one of the most unsettling sights are the Confederate soldiers that make impromptu appearances at the Cashtown Inn outside of Gettysburg, Virginia. The soldiers appear only from the knees up. The phenomena has been captured on film and seen by thousands over the past 150 years. Why would the images of the soldiers be seen time again only from the knees up? Interestingly, the Inn was restored many decades ago and during the restoration the new floor was constructed measurably higher than the old one. The time loop recording of the Confederate soldiers occurred during the Civil War before the Battle of Gettysburg when the inn’s floor was at its original height. Thus, it now appears that the soldiers are walking on a floor beneath the floor—and that is exactly what they are doing. The fact that the images of the soldiers were captured when the floor was lower and are now being replayed like a video, dutifully recreating the height of the original floor, lends credence to the idea that the images are really a trick of space-time and are being played back. Serious study should be given to these phenomena and the others like them that occur with some regularity around the world. A new aspect of physics is waiting to be discovered. Determining exactly how events can be naturally imprinted upon the fabric of space-time could provide great insight into the workings of time, the quantum reality, the nature of the multi-verse, and even existence itself. Discovering the secret of how time can be looped upon itself could even provide Mankind with a pathway to the stars. Source: Salem News http://salem-news.com/articles/september262010/tim-loop-ghosts-te.php -
Australian Woman Attacked by 'Horny Ghost' ![]() A Northern Territory woman who claims to have been pulled out of bed by a 'horny ghost' that haunts her house says she has no plans to get rid it. Jennifer Mills-Young, 47, who lives near Darwin, has become a media sensation after claiming her home is haunted by a ghost she calls Kevin. Since her story hit the front page of her local newspaper today, she has fielded calls from media outlets across the country, from Triple M in Melbourne to Kyle Sandilands in Sydney. She is also due to appear on live television tonight. "I've had calls all day," she told ninemsn. "So many, in fact, that I'm worried about what my boss is going to say." She claims to have seen ghosts since the age of four, when she saw her dead grandfather at her childhood home in Sydney. "He was sitting in a chair there looking at me," she said. "My Mum saw him too. We had poltergeist trouble in that home as well, things going bump in the night all the time." She said she managed to avoid ghosts until her late thirties, when she took up ghost-hunting. In the latest incident in her Palmerston home, she claims she was grabbed by Kevin the ghost while she was asleep, but managed to shake him off. "He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me up. I was thinking, 'What do you want me to do?' When I opened my eyes I realised what was going on. I had locked my door, but now it was ajar." "When he got into bed with me, he crossed a line. And I had to let him know that." But Mrs Mills-Young insisted she did not mind Kevin being around the house. "He wasn't rough. There was no aggression. I'm used to him," she said. Her husband Geoff, also 47, spoke to ninemsn from Puckapunyal, Victoria, where he is stationed with the defence force. "My wife's had a lot to do with ghosts," he said. "And I've also seen Kevin. Earlier this year, I saw someone walking through the house, from a gate on one to side of the house to the other. I jumped up but no-one was there." They say their son and daughter, aged 19 and 20, have also seen Kevin. The family has lived in the house for almost two years. It is leased from a private company by the defence force. Neither Geoff or Jennifer knows the history of the building. Mrs Mills-Young said there is no history of drink or drug problems in the family. And why is the ghost called Kevin? "Darwin is a very blokey place, and Kevin is about as blokey a name as you can get," she said. Source: Nine News http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8096269/nt-woman-attacked-by-horny-ghost -
'Death Ray' at Vegas Hotel Heats up Guests ![]() Las Vegas has a new hot spot —
but it's not a nightclub.
Guests at the new Vdara Hotel & Spa have complained that the glass skyscraper can magnify and reflect the sun's rays onto an area of the pool at temperatures hot enough to singe hair or melt plastic drink cups. It's a phenomenon that some hotel employees call the Vdara "death ray," the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported. Bill Pintas, a Chicago lawyer and businessman, recently told the newspaper that he was sunning himself by the pool Sept. 16 when he became so uncomfortably hot that he had to move. "I was effectively being cooked," Pintas said. "I started running as fast as I could without looking like a lunatic." Pintas said that he smelled an odor and realized a bit of his hair had been burned. He sought refuge at the pool's bar area, where he described what happened to hotel employees. "Yes, we call it the death ray," he says they told him. Gordon Absher, a spokesman for MGM Resorts International, which owns the Vdara, told ABC News that he prefers the term "hot spot" or "solar convergence." "Because of the curved, concave shape of that hotel, they sometimes get isolated pockets of high temperatures," Absher said. He added that designers foresaw the issue and thought they had solved it by installing a high-tech film on the hotel's glass windows to reduce the effect. Absher said the hotel is working on a solution to the problem, such as putting in a row of thick umbrellas or maybe some large plants. But due to the changing of the seasons and the Earth's rotation, the position of the hotel's "hot spot" changes every day. "This is quite literally an astronomical challenge," Absher told ABC News. "We are dealing with a moving target." He also noted that this was the hotel's first summer of operation. Vdara, which has a unique crescent design, opened in December 2009 at CityCenter. Source: MSN.com http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39403349/?gt1=43001 Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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