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This week
Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such eye-crossing tales as:
- Scientists
are Mystified on
Worldwide Animal Deaths -
Is The New
Madrid Fault Earthquake Zone Coming To Life? -
- Science Study Indicates Reality of ESP - - Bigfoot and Railroad Tracks - AND: Haunted Hotel Stay Makes Believer out of ESPN Columnist CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
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Scientists are Mystified on Worldwide Animal Deaths ![]() Thousands of fish found floating in Florida after cold snap - 200 birds found dead on highway bridge in Texas - 50 dead jackdaws found on city street in Sweden - 100 tons of sardines, croaker and catfish wash up dead on Brazilian coast - Hundreds of fish dead in New Zealand - And in Britain, 40,000 devil crabs join list of casualties. More and more animals are being found dead as the mysterious spate of mass bird and fish deaths has turned into a global phenomenon. The latest separate incidents saw thousands of fish found floating in a creek in Florida and 200 birds found dead on a highway bridge in Texas. Experts are carrying out tests on around 50 jackdaws found dead in a street in Falkoping, Sweden, that appear to have suffered the same fate as thousands of their cousins who fell from the sky in separate incidents in the U.S. Swedish experts have said the shock of fireworks being let off near the city, in the south-east of the country, and difficulty finding food may have led to the deaths of the jackdaws. Many of the birds are believed to have died from stress or as a result of being run over by vehicles while disoriented. In a new development, thousands of dead turtle doves rained down on roofs and cars in Faenza, Italy. Residents in Faenza described the birds falling to the ground like 'little Christmas balls' with strange blue stains on their beaks. Initial tests on up to 8,000 of the doves indicated that the blue stain could have been caused by poisoning or hypoxia. A witness said 'The doves just started falling one-by-one then in groups of 10s and 20s.' Hypoxia, a lack of oxygen, is known to cause confusion and illness in animals. It is also a common precursor to altitude sickness. Experts said results from tests on the doves will not be available for at least a week. They said that cold weather could have caused the birds' deaths as the flock was swept into a high-altitude wind storm before falling to the earth. Scientists have also been left baffled by at least 100 tons of sardines, croaker and catfish washing up dead along the Brazil coastline near Paranaguá. There were more fish deaths reported today in New Zealand, while in England, the carcasses of 40,000 devil crabs are strewn across a beach in Kent. Hundreds of dead starlings and robins were found scattered in backyards in the Kentucky town of Gilbertsville while an estimated two million dead fish have washed ashore in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. State officials in Arkansas are also investigating why 80,000 to 100,000 fish washed up dead on the shores of the Arkansas River. The mass kill occurred just one day before thousands of blackbirds dropped dead from the sky in Beebe, Ark., which is 125 miles away. Officials said 95 percent of the fish that died were drum fish — indicating that the likely cause of death was disease as only one species was affected. They are the latest in a spate of incidents which are being blamed on New Year fireworks, thunderstorms, cold weather, parasites and even poisoning. The internet has been abuzz with conspiracy theories about secret government experiments being behind the deaths, or it being a sign of a looming Armageddon at the end of the Mayan calendar next year. Thousands of Brazilian fishermen are struggling to make ends meet after the sale of seafood was temporarily suspended when masses of fish were discovered dead in Paranaguá, Antonina and Guaraqueçaba Pontal do Paraná. Experts have speculated that cold weather or chemical leaks could be behind the deaths. Edmir Manoel Ferreira, president of the Federation of Fishermen's Colony of Parana, said the deaths had been discovered since Thursday last week. 'On Thursday we began to find a lot of dead fish. One community had to bury 15 tons alone. 'We are experiencing a very sad situation on the coast.' Samples of the dead fish have been sent to the Centre for Marine Studies at the Universidade Federal do Parana. One of the latest incidents saw thousands of fish found rotting and floating in Spruce Creek, Florida, after a period of cold weather. Mullet, ladyfish and catfish have been washing up as winds cause the carcasses to gather on bends along the creek. And 200 birds were found dead on a highway bridge crossing Lake O' the Pines in Big Cypress Creek, Texas. Experts believed the birds had been hit by passing vehicles while walking or apparently trying to roost on the bridge. The cold weather in Britain has also been blamed for the deaths of 40,000 Velvet swimming crabs - also known as 'devil' crabs - found littering beaches in Thanet. Last year, the Environment Agency set up an inquiry into unexplained numbers of deaths amid fears a mystery virus could be to blame. But it concluded the crab deaths were linked to the cold weather. Tony Childs, Thanet Coast Project Manager, said: 'We had a crash in numbers last year and we hadn't expected such a large population. 'As happens with the circle of life in nature, we expect the crabs to be naturally dispersed from our shores very quickly by our local seagulls. 'We are hopeful the crab population will soon recover.' Scientists blamed fireworks for confusing blackbirds in Beebe, Arkansas, with then crashed into homes, cars and each other as people celebrated the New Year. Another 450 birds were also found dead along a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They are believed to have hit power lines after becoming disoriented. Fifty of the creatures were found near a power line 30ft from Louisiana Highway 1. A second group was discovered stretched from the power line across the highway just a quarter of a mile away. Dan Cristol, a biology professor and co-founder of the Institute for Integrative Bird Behavior Studies, said the Louisiana birds may have been ill or startled from their roost before hitting the power line. 'They don't hit a power line for no reason,' he said. New Year's revellers spent the holiday weekend cleaning up dead red-winged blackbirds in Beebe. Some blamed the bad weather, while others said one confused bird could have led the group into a fatal plunge. Experts in Beebe said fireworks may have caused frightened birds to fly lower than normal, where they crashed into homes and other objects. Karen Rowe, an ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, said: 'The blackbirds were flying at rooftop level instead of treetop level. 'Blackbirds have poor eyesight and they started colliding with things.' Wildlife officials in both Arkansas and Louisiana have sent the carcasses to researchers at the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, and the University of Georgia. In 1999, several thousand grackle birds fell from the sky and staggered around before dying in north Louisiana. It took five months to get the diagnosis - an E. coli infection of the air sacs in their skulls. It comes after 100,000 drum fish were discovered in the Arkansas River, just 100 miles from Beebe. Officials said the deaths were not related to the birds, and they had likely been affected by illness as it was one species. They blame the deaths - affecting menhaden, spots and croakers - on the stress of cold water. Tens of thousands of small fish have also been discovered dead in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Another explanation was that violent thunderstorms may have disoriented the flock. Red-winged blackbirds are among North America's most abundant birds, with somewhere between 100million and 200million nationwide, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York. A few grackles and a couple of starlings were also among the dead. Those species roost with blackbirds, particularly in winter. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1344345/Animal-death-mystery-Jackdaws- Sweden-fish-Brazil-New-Zealand-crabs-England.html -
Is The New Madrid Fault Earthquake Zone Coming To Life? ![]() What in the world is happening in the middle of the United States right now? Thousands of birds are falling dead from the skies, tens of thousands of fish are washing up on shore dead, earthquakes are popping up in weird and unexpected places and people are starting to get really freaked out about all of this. Well, one theory is that the New Madrid fault zone is coming to life. The New Madrid fault zone is six times bigger than the San Andreas fault zone in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. The biggest earthquakes in the history of the United States were caused by the New Madrid fault. Now there are fears that the New Madrid fault zone could be coming to life again, and if a "killer earthquake" does strike it could change all of our lives forever. So exactly what events have happened recently that are causing people to take a close look at the New Madrid fault zone? Well, just consider the following examples of things that have been popping up in the news lately.... *According to the U.S. Geological Survey, more than 500 measurable earthquakes have been recorded in central Arkansas just since September. *A magnitude-3.8 earthquake that shook north-central Indiana on December 30th is being called "unprecedented". It was strong enough to actually cause cracks along the ground and it was felt in portions of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky. *More than 3,000 red-wing blackbirds fell out of the sky dead in the Arkansas town of Beebe on New Year's Eve. *Large numbers of dead birds were also found in Kentucky right around Christmas. *Approximately 500 dead blackbirds and starlings were also recently discovered in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. *Approximately 100,000 fish washed up dead on the shores of the Arkansas River just last week. So could all of these things have some other very simple explanation? Possibly. But the fact that they all happened in or around the New Madrid fault zone is starting to raise some eyebrows. About 200 years ago, in 1811 and 1812, there were four earthquakes that were so powerful in the area of the New Madrid fault zone that they are still talked about today. All four of the quakes were estimated to have been magnitude-7.0 or greater. It is said that those earthquakes opened deep fissures in the ground, caused the Mississippi River to run backwards and that they were felt as far away as Boston. The last major earthquake to hit the region was a 5.4-magnitude quake that struck the town of Dale, Illinois in 1968. Things have been strangely quiet in the region since then until recently. If a true "killer earthquake" struck along the New Madrid fault zone today, cities such as St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee could potentially be completely destroyed. Unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration. One interesting theory is that the "oil volcano" unleashed by the BP oil spill in 2010 may have sparked renewed seismic activity in that part of the world. Jack M. Reed, a retired Texaco geologist-geophysicist, has been carefully studying the geology of the Gulf of Mexico for over 40 years. Reed is convinced that the Gulf of Mexico is currently tectonically active, and that the Gulf of Mexico is the source for most seismic activity along the New Madrid fault. According to Reed, there is substantial evidence that the New Madrid fault zone is directly connected to "deeply buried tectonics" in the Gulf of Mexico.... "This entire zone through the United States is suffering some type of tectonic activity that I believe is tied to the deeply buried tectonics in the Gulf of Mexico." So did BP disturb those "deeply buried tectonics" by drilling such a deep well and unleashing all that oil that flowed into the Gulf of Mexico? Let's hope not. If a truly historic earthquake did strike along the New Madrid fault the amount of damage that could be done to surrounding states such as Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Indiana, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee could potentially be unimaginable. Jeremy Heidt of the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency says that life in the region would be instantly transformed in the event of a major earthquake along the New Madrid fault.... "All communications would be out. All air travel would be out as the FAA air control would go down. All rail travel would fail. Ports would shut down; oil and natural gas pipelines could be off line." According to a recent study by the University of Illinois, a 7.7-magnitude earthquake along the New Madrid fault would leave 3,500 people dead, more than 80,000 injured and more than 7 million homeless. So what would happen if an 8.0 earthquake struck? Or an 8.5? Or a 9.0? Remember, an 8.7-magnitude earthquake would be ten times worse than a 7.7-magnitude earthquake. There are even some who believe that if a powerful enough earthquake hit the New Madrid fault someday it could potentially alter the surrounding geography enough that it could actually create a new major body of water in the middle of the United States. So, no, it is not just California that needs to worry about "the Big One". Right now seismic activity has been dramatically increasing all over the globe. Just think of the unprecedented number of volcanic eruptions that we have seen over the past year. Major earthquakes have been popping up all along the "Ring of Fire". Just over the past couple of days a magnitude-7.1 earthquake hit central Chile and a magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck northern Argentina. So to think that "it can't happen" in the United States is just being totally naive. Let us hope and pray that a devastating earthquake does not hit the New Madrid fault any time soon, because such an event could completely wipe out our economy. The U.S. economy is already teetering on the brink of disaster, and all it would take is one major blow to bring the entire house of cards crashing down. Just remember what happened in Haiti. A magnitude-7.0 earthquake killed 230,000 people and caused such horrific devastation that it is still hard to even try to put it into words. Let us hope and pray that nothing like that happens in any U.S. city any time soon. Source: The American Dream http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/is-the-new-madrid-fault- earthquake-zone-coming-to-life - MISSED
Viking Found Organics on Mars, Experiment Confirms ![]() More than 30 years after NASA's Viking
landers found no evidence for organic materials on Mars, scientists say
a new experiment on Mars-like soil shows Viking did, in fact, hit pay
The new study was prompted by the August 2008 discovery of powerful oxygen-busting compounds known as perchlorates at the landing site of another Mars probe called Phoenix. Scientists repeated a key Viking experiment using perchlorate-enhanced soil from Chile's Atacama Desert, which is considered one of the driest and most Mars-like places on Earth, and found telltale fingerprints of combusted organics -- the same chemicals Viking scientists dismissed as contaminants from Earth. "Contrary to 30 years of perceived wisdom, Viking did detect organic materials on Mars," planetary scientist Christopher McKay, with NASA's Ames Research Center in California, told Discovery News. "It's like a 30-year-old cold case suddenly solved with new facts." "If the Viking team had said 'Well, maybe there's perchlorate in the soil,' everybody would have said they're crazy -- why would there be perchlorates in the soil? It was only by having it pushed on us by Phoenix where we had no alternative but to conclude that there was perchlorate in the soil … Once you realize it's there, then everything makes sense," McKay added. The Viking team's verdict that Mars lacked organics was the lynchpin argument against another Viking experiment that looked for signs of microbial life. In the experiment, a bit of nutrient-laced water was added to a sample of Martian soil. The air above the soil was then monitored for signs that the nutrients had been metabolized. The instrument detected tracer gases the first time the experiment was done, but subsequent runs did not. The results were considered inconclusive and remain contested. New evidence for organics on Mars does not mean Viking found life, cautions McKay. "Finding organics is not evidence of life or evidence of past life. It's just evidence for organics," he said. But if NASA had realized there were organics on Mars, there might not have been a 20-year hiatus in sending landers for follow-up studies, said Rafael Navarro-González, with the Institute of Nuclear Science at the National Autonomous University in Mexico. "We might have had continuing missions," Navarro-González told Discovery News. NASA plans to launch a follow-up mission to look for organics on Mars in November. The research appears in last month's Journal of Geophysical Research. Source: Discovery News http://news.discovery.com/space/viking-mars-organics-experiment.html - FIND THE NAUGHTY PICTURES DEPARTMENT -
Science Study Indicates Reality of ESP An upcoming study to be
published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology claims
that test subjects were able to accurately predict future events--and
that erotic images was one of the tools used in research for the
The paper, “Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Effect,” has a pre-publication version available online. Professor Daryl Bem of Cornell University carried out nine separate experiments with 1,000 university students. These experiments were intended to find evidence of “psi”--precognition or premonition. Bem defines it this way: "The term psi denotes anomalous processes of information or energy transfer that are currently unexplained in terms of known physical or biological mechanisms. Two variants of psi are precognition (conscious cognitive awareness) and premonition (affective apprehension) of a future event that could not otherwise be anticipated through any known inferential process. Precognition and premonition are themselves special cases of a more general phenomenon: the anomalous retroactive influence of some future event on an individual’s current responses, whether those responses are conscious or nonconscious, cognitive or affective." The most interesting of the nine experiments used pornography to test for ESP. Experimentees were asked 36 times to guess whether an image of “couples engaged in nonviolent but explicit consensual sexual acts” or a blank picture would show up on different sectors of a video screen. Subjects were able to predict the appearance of the pornographic picture 53.1% of the time--significantly above the statistical average of 50%. That number, while low, is significant enough to imply something more significant than a simple statistical anomaly. Bem's conclusion: there is a “precognitive detection of erotic stimuli” and a “precognitive avoidance of negative stimuli.” Professor Bem says he started looking at ESP for fun, then began to take it more seriously. Over an eight-year period, he says he conducted experiments with more than 1,000 volunteers on "precognition" -- the ability to perceive things before they actually happen -- and submitted it to The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Psychological Association. The reviewers went over it and accepted it for an upcoming issue, despite some initial skepticism. "It is not my job to decide what hypotheses are good or bad," said Charles Judd, a professor at the University of Colorado who has been serving as the journal's editor. "It's our responsibility to look at papers and give them a fair hearing, even if they fly in the face of conventional wisdom." Professor Bem is a prominent social psychologist who is currently Professor Emeritus at Cornell and who has written extensively on sexual orientation and personality theory. In his paper, Bem states his wish to make it more socially acceptable in the academy for studies to be conducted on psi and related topics. Critics are taking the paper seriously. Writing in Psychology Today, Brown University's Joachim Krueger--a noted skeptic--praised the paper's methodology and scientific rigor while still damning psi as “belief in processless causation.” But we doubt we've heard the last of ESP in academia--or the study of porn's predictive powers. Link to pre-publication version: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://www.dbem.ws/FeelingFuture.pdf&pli=1 Source: Fast Company http://www.fastcompany.com/1705108/finding-proof-of-esp-through-porn -
Weather Control Brings Rain to Abu Dhabi Desert ![]() A Swiss company has announced the successful testing of a new weather control technology, which it claims has created as many as fifty rainstorms in the barren, arid deserts of Abu Dhabi. The company, Zug, Switzerland-based Meteo Systems, has invented a system that uses giant ionizers -- essentially fabric-free umbrellas on long steel poles. These generate fields of negatively charged particles that rise with dust from the desert and promote cloud formation, the company says, and therefore rain. Fifty rainstorms were created last year in the state's eastern Al Ain region. Most of the storms were at the height of the summer in July and August when there is no rain at all. People living in Abu Dhabi were baffled by the rainfall which sometimes turned into hail and included gales and lightening. The scientists have been working secretly for United Arab Emirates president Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. They have been using giant ionisers, shaped like stripped down lampshades on steel poles, to generate fields of negatively charged particles. These promote cloud formation and researchers hoped they could then produce rain. In a confidential company video, the founder of Metro Systems International, boasted of success. Helmut Fluhrer said: 'We have achieved a number of rainfalls.' It is believed to be the first time the system has produced rain from clear skies. In the past, China and other countries have used chemicals for cloud-seeding to both induce and prevent rain falling. Last June Metro Systems built five ionising sites each with 20 emitters which can send trillions of cloud-forming ions into the atmosphere. Over four summer months the emitters were switched on when the required atmospheric level of humidity reached 30 per cent or more. While the country's weather experts predicted no clouds or rain in the Al Ain region, rain fell on 52 occasions. The project was monitored by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, one of the world's major centres for atmospheric physics. Professor Hartmut Grassl, a former institute director, said: There are many applications. One is getting water into a dry area. 'Maybe this is a most important point for mankind.' The savings using the Weathertec technology are huge with the system costing £6 million a year while desalination is £45 million. Building an ionising system is about £7 million while a desalination plant would be £850 million and costs a lot more to run. Meteo Systems filed a patent application on February 4, 2010, for the new technology, which it brands Weathertec. The patent app describes "methods and devices for modifying atmospheric conditions, known in this context as weather modification, by enhancing electric forces exerted on and between particles of atmospheric air such as water particles, aerosols, molecular clusters, and water molecules possessing their own electric dipole moment." Reports suggest that this ionizing technology also created hailstorms, which leads Golden to speculate that the researchers involved may be connected to an anti-hail project from the 70s. Some scientists are treating the results in Al Ain with caution because Abu Dhabi is a coastal state and can experience natural summer rainfall triggered by air picking up moisture from the warm ocean before dropping it on land. But the number of times it rained in the region so soon after the ionisers were switched on has encouraged researchers. Professor Peter Wilderer witnessed the experiments first hand and is backing the breakthrough. The director of advanced studies on sustainability at the Technical University of Munich, said: 'We came a big step closer to the point where we can increase the availability of fresh water to all in times of dramatic global changes.' Source: Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1343470/Have-scientists- discovered-create-downpours-desert.html -
Bigfoot and Railroad Tracks ![]() There is a rare story, unelaborated, the tidbit of which is currently being investigated by Strange Maine author Michelle Souliere, that tells of the finding of an “apeman” near the railroad tracks at Greenville, Maine, in 1856. It holds the promise of further intrigue. Can you help? Has any Cryptomundian ever heard of this 1856 case and knows more details? This item has brought to mind the quite frequent place that railroads fit into such stories. Have you ever noticed there seems to be something special going on with railroad tracks and Bigfoot? For anyone who reads the hominological and cryptozoological literature, you will be quite familiar with the notion that railroads keep popping up in sighting accounts. Cases like the Enfield Monster of Illinois, 1973, mention the railroad tracks almost as if they are being used as the avenues of movement for the creature. In the midst of a series of Bigfoot sightings, on January 15, 1980, near Manchester, Iowa, railroad engineer Cyrii O’Brien, who was on a train at the time, saw a strange creature on all fours eating a carcass; weird six-toed tracks were found in the area later. Rail right-of-ways are natural greenbelts for animals to employ for ease of travel. Is it any wonder that railroads are so often involved? Railways, of course, have been used as a form of explanation, too. Various threads have been linked to the railroads in Bigfoot stories in the same fashion that the “wrecked circus train myths” were used by early news reporters to explain away unknown mystery cat sightings. Those “circus trains,” needless to say, rode the rail lines. It will be recalled that during the “white wild man” sightings in British Columbia, in 1922, it was written at the time that “the ‘wild-men’ running at large, more or less, [have been sighted] ever since the advent of the G.T.P., [and were] supposed to have been working on the railroad construction, afterwards squatting on the wild lands abounding in this district, until they in turn become ‘wild’ themselves, according to the remoteness from supplies or from other human companions.” The stray people became the feral or wild people who became Sasquatch, we are told. The theme has been used before. One of the most discussed historic Bigfoot-railroad cases, of course, is the Jacko incident. The story of Jacko – that of a small, apelike, young Sasquatch said to have been captured alive in the 1800s – is a piece of folklore that refuses to die, despite a superb investigative article published in 1975, co-authored by John Green and Sabina W. Sanderson. The investigation into the Jacko story did not began until decades later. During the 1950s, a news reporter named Brian McKelvie became interested in the then-current stories of the Sasquatch being carried by his local British Columbian papers. McKelvie searched for older reports. What he found was the Daily British Colonist July 4, 1884, article about Jacko. The account detailed the sighting of a smallish hairy creature (“something of the gorilla type”) supposedly seen and captured near Yale, British Columbia, on June 30, 1884, and housed in a local jail. McKelvie shared the Jacko account with researchers John Green and René Dahinden. MeKelvie told them this was the only record of the event due to a fire that had destroyed other area newspapers of the time. In 1958, John Green found and interviewed a man (August Castle) who remembered the Jacko talk of the time, but he said his parents did not take him to the jail to see the beast. Other senior citizens remembered the talk of the creature, but no one could produce any truly good evidence for or eyewitness accounts (other than the British Colonist story) of Jacko. The story’s appearance in Ivan T. Sanderson’s 1961 Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life propelled the Jacko incident into history. I dealt with the Jacko story anew in my book, Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America (NY: Simon and Schuster, 2003), beginning on page 41. Meanwhile, some of the older accounts are merely short references to the sightings of wild people (whatever that means). For example, the appearance of a “black wild man” is noted in one old article as having been seen near a railroad station in 1870 at Chatawa, Mississippi. This seems similar to the Vincennes Monster (also said to look like a “black wild man”) seen near a railroad bridge in Indiana, in 1885. But the question for today is, what happened in Greenville, Maine, in 1856? BTW, when is an old report of a “wild man” in Maine not really in the state of Maine? When it’s an account from Maine, New York, of course. In Robert Bartholomew’s and Paul Bartholomew’s Bigfoot: Encounters in New York & New England (2008), the authors detail “wild-man” sightings occurring between August and November 1883 at just such a location. They write that these encounters took place “in extreme south central New York near the small town of Maine on the western border of Broome County, northwest of Binghamton.” This Maine (New York) creature was described as “low in stature, covered with hair, and running while bent close to the ground” with no forearms as its “arms ended at the elbows,” (p. 22). I wonder how any of the Cryptomundian artist would draw that creature? Source: Cryptomundo http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/rr-bf/ - A HAUNTING WE WILL GO DEPARTMENT -
Haunted Hotel Stay Makes Believer out of ESPN Columnist ![]() Skeptical about ghost stories?
If so, check out ESPN columnist Bill Simmons' latest NFL picks column. In a sidebar, he writes about his stay last week at Oklahoma City's century old Skirvin Hilton - a famously haunted hotel - that was so powerful that it made a believer out of him. "Just know that the next time someone tells me a ghost story, I will believe them," Simmons writes. The Skirvin is often noted for its ghost sightings and strange noises. You may recall that a year ago, some New York Knicks players - in town to play against the Thunder - said they were distracted by ghosts during their night at the hotel; the Knicks wound up losing to the Thunder. Simmons, who'd traveled to Oklahoma City to watch the Thunder play a home game with friends, writes: I flew to Oklahoma City on Wednesday to cross "See Durant play a home game" off my bucket list. After the Zombies thrashed the Nets, I joined some friends at Mickey Mantle's (a local restaurant) for a late dinner and a few beers before heading back to my room. I was staying at the Skirvin, a local hotel that's supposedly inhabited by a ghost named Effie. As legend has it, Effie got knocked up by the guy who owned the hotel back in the 1920s, then jumped out of a window with the baby. She's been allegedly haunting the place ever since. When we were checking in, I jokingly asked the clerk to put me on one of the haunted floors. She claimed that she did. We laughed and that was the end of it. That night, I was so tired that the ghost stories never entered my mind. I got ready for bed, called my wife, watched 10 minutes of "SportsCenter" and fell asleep. So you know: I am a heavy sleeper. Once I'm out, I'm out. That's what made it so strange when I woke up at 4:30 with my heart pounding. I swear on Tom Brady's ACLs that the following happened: At first, I heard a baby crying and realized that was why I woke up. I thought it was one of my own kids before remembering that my kids weren't babies anymore, then remembering that I was in Oklahoma City and not Los Angeles. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I wasn't alone. I had an overpowering sensation that someone else was in the room. Until you've experienced that feeling, you can't understand what it's like. Your blood is swishing through your veins at 200 miles an hour, only you don't understand why -- your body reacts a few seconds before your brain does. I decided to turn on the light. Stretching to my right for the switch, out of nowhere, I heard the sound of (what sure as hell sounded like) a baby crying urgently to my far left (right near the window). Wahhhhhhh. Wahhhhhh. Wahhhhhh. Wahhhhhhh. The urgency freaked me out just as much as the crying itself. I fumbled for the switch, couldn't find it, fumbled, fumbled some more, then finally turned the light on. The crying sound stopped. I hopped out of bed and turned on every other light in the room. I turned on the television and jacked up the volume. Then I grabbed my BlackBerry and Googled "Skirvin crying baby." A slew of results came up. I kept the lights on. And the television. And that's how I spent the next three and a half hours -- half-asleep, half-awake and totally spooked. The words "Man Up" did not enter the equation. Not even a little. I came to Oklahoma City for Durant and Westbrook and left telling stories about Effie's baby. Just know that the next time someone tells me a ghost story, I will believe them. The story is generating some buzz in the sports world. In noting Simmons' experience - and his own skepticism, Larry Brown of LarryBrownSports.com writes: "Until now, I had no desire to ever go to Oklahoma City. Now I do, just to see if that hotel really is spooked. It's like a theme park attraction — good business move." Source: USA Today http://travel.usatoday.com/hotels/post/2011/01/espn-columnist-bill-simmons- skirvin-hotel-ghost-story/136975/1 Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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