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- Russian
Astronomers Say Asteroid Could Hit in 2036 -
Determine Age of Mysterious Voynich Manuscript -
- Ghostly Monk Forces Theme Park Ride to be Relocated - - Aeronauts from the Future - AND: Indiana Teenager Builds Solar 'Death-Ray' CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
OMNEC ONEC - Ambassador From Venus DO THEY LIVE HERE AMONGST US? Have Aliens Walked In To Earthly Bodies? It's a part of UFO research and the paranormal you seldom hear about, stresses Timothy Green Beckley, editor of the Conspiracy Journal and long time investigator of the unexplained. I have often heard stories of human-looking, Nordic-like, aliens living amongst us, having become part of our society without the knowledge of their neighbors. They are even said to have married humans. One should recall that in Genesis it says that the sons of God in those days mated with the daughters of men, who were lovely and fair, to produce a race of giants. The late Dr. Frank E. Stranges said he once met a man inside the Pentagon who was from another world and could read minds. The visiting stranger had no fingerprints because there was no crime on his home planet nor any wars. A college professor once told me how he had witnessed the landing of a spaceship and saw its alien crew emerge and drive off in an American-made automobile, only to see one of them standing in a supermarket line shortly thereafter. The unique work you are now holding is the personal account of a living human being who was, with her full consent and active cooperation, transported to Earth in a spacecraft from her home planet. She arrived in the company of her paternal uncle after being carefully prepared and conditioned to live here and grow in the physical society of the native life-wave of our own planet. And the remarkable thing is that Omnec Onec is still here, perhaps getting ready to reemerge from hiding once more as our planet s people go through tough times yet again. Before she arrived on this planet, she was carefully conditioned to our density and became physically manifest in an earth-body equivalent to a 7 year old girl. Her uncle and the crew who brought her here introduced her into a Tennessee family who had just lost their own little daughter. And although Omnec had the appearance of a 7 year old she had the Venusian wisdom and knowledge of her 210 year equivalent at the time of her arrival here in 1955. This then is her story of her early life on Venus, her arrival here in the middle of our first modern excitement over UFOs, her preparation and adaptation to Earth living and its peculiar problems, unknown to her on her home planet. Copies of the first printing of the hardcover edition of this book have been selling for upwards of $700 on the net. And one copy went in auction for around $1800.00. Due to a personal relationship with Col Wendelle Stevens (Ret) we are able to make copies of this work available to the vast number of people who have clammered for it but could not obtain a copy at a reasonable cost. IT MUST BE NOTED THAT THIS WORK IS DEFINITELY NOT SCIENCE FICTION - BUT A BOOK FULL OF REMARKABLE TRUTHS THAT CAN ONLY AT THIS TIME BE PRESENTED TO EARTHLY DWELLERS FOR THEIR PERSONAL BETTERMENT!
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Russian Astronomers Say Asteroid Could Hit in 2036 An asteroid travelling at 23,000mph could crash into Earth on April 13, 2036 killing millions and causing global chaos, scientists claim. In a plot line taken straight from a science-fiction film, astronomers in Russia are predicting that the 300-yard-wide Apophis will slam into the planet in 25 years' time. But don't panic just yet, as it is extremely unlikely to happen. So unlikely, in fact, that Nasa has given the catastrophic event odds of 250,000-to-one that it actually takes place. First, the comet must pass through a narrow gravitational keyhole - a small region in space that alters the course of a passing asteroid due to Earth's gravity - in April 2029 before it can be on course to collide seven years later. The force of Earth’s gravity is so great that if the asteroid goes through the hole its path could be ‘tweaked’ - sending it straight towards us. Donald Yeomans, head of Nasa’s Near Earth Object Program office, said there is a remote chance the asteroid could collide with Earth. ‘The situation is that in 2029, on April 13, Apophis flies very close to Earth, within five Earth radii, so that will be quite an event, but we’ve already ruled out the possibility of it hitting at that time,’ he told Life’s Little Mysteries. ‘On the other hand, if it goes through what we call a keyhole during that close Earth approach… then it will indeed be perturbed just right so that it will come back and smack Earth on April 13, 2036.’ Although Russian scientists are predicting the asteroid may strike earth in 2036, Mr Yeomans said it is highly unlikely. Professor Leonid Sokolov of the St Petersburg State University told the RiaNovosti website: ‘Apophis will approach Earth at a distance of 37,000-38,000 kilometres (per hour) on April 13, 2029. ‘Its likely collision with Earth may occur on April 13, 2036. Our task is to consider various alternatives and develop scenarios and plans of action depending on the results of further observations of Apophis.’ Russian scientists held a meeting 14 months ago to look at launching an operation to knock the asteroid off path. However, U.S. scientists have estimated the actual chance of it happening is one in 250,000. Although it is big enough to cause a lot of damage to the planet it would not bring about the Armageddon. If it is discovered that Apophis is on course to crash into the earth, Nasa would attempt to take evasive action to change its path. The easiest way of doing this would be to crash an unmanned spaceship into the asteroid Just last Friday, Asteroid 2011 CQ1 shot over the Pacific at just 3,400 miles above the Earth’s surface. In July 2005, Nasa deliberately crashed its Deep Impact probe into comet Tempel 1 in an operation to study the interior of a comet. The mission revealed that a comet’s nucleus is more dusty and less icy than had previously been believed. Source: The Daily Mail 23-000mph-April-13-2036-scientists-say.html -
Experts Determine Age of Mysterious Voynich Manuscript While enthusiasts across the world pored over the Voynich manuscript, one of the most mysterious writings ever found – penned by an unknown author in a language no one understands – a research team at the UA solved one of its biggest mysteries: When was the book made? University of Arizona researchers have cracked one of the puzzles surrounding what has been called "the world's most mysterious manuscript" – the Voynich manuscript, a book filled with drawings and writings nobody has been able to make sense of to this day. Using radiocarbon dating, a team led by Greg Hodgins in the UA's department of physics has found the manuscript's parchment pages date back to the early 15th century, making the book a century older than scholars had previously thought. This tome makes the "DaVinci Code" look downright lackluster: Rows of text scrawled on visibly aged parchment, flowing around intricately drawn illustrations depicting plants, astronomical charts and human figures bathing in – perhaps – the fountain of youth. At first glance, the "Voynich manuscript" appears to be not unlike any other antique work of writing and drawing. An alien language But a second, closer look reveals that nothing here is what it seems. Alien characters, some resembling Latin letters, others unlike anything used in any known language, are arranged into what appear to be words and sentences, except they don't resemble anything written – or read – by human beings. Hodgins, an assistant research scientist and assistant professor in the UA's department of physics with a joint appointment at the UA's School of Anthropology, is fascinated with the manuscript. "Is it a code, a cipher of some kind? People are doing statistical analysis of letter use and word use – the tools that have been used for code breaking. But they still haven't figured it out." A chemist and archaeological scientist by training, Hodgins works for the NSF Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, or AMS, Laboratory, which is shared between physics and geosciences. His team was able to nail down the time when the Voynich manuscript was made. Currently owned by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University, the manuscript was discovered in the Villa Mondragone near Rome in 1912 by antique book dealer Wilfrid Voynich while sifting through a chest of books offered for sale by the Society of Jesus. Voynich dedicated the remainder of his life to unveiling the mystery of the book's origin and deciphering its meanings. He died 18 years later, without having wrestled any its secrets from the book. Fast-forward to 2009: In the basement underneath the UA's Physics and Atmospheric Sciences building, Hodgins and a crew of scientists, engineers and technicians stare at a computer monitor displaying graphs and lines. The humming sound of machinery fills the room and provides a backdrop drone for the rhythmic hissing of vacuum pumps. Stainless steel pipes, alternating with heavy-bodied vacuum chambers, run along the walls. This is the heart of the NSF-Arizona AMS Laboratory: an accelerator mass spectrometer capable of sniffing out traces of carbon-14 atoms that are present in samples, giving scientists clues about the age of those samples. Carbon-14 is a rare form of carbon, a so-called radioisotope, that occurs naturally in the Earth's environment. In the natural environment, there is only one carbon-14 atom per trillion non-radioactive or "stable" carbon isotopes, mostly carbon-12, but with small amounts of carbon-13. Carbon-14 is found in the atmosphere within carbon dioxide gas. Plants produce their tissues by taking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and so accumulate carbon-14 during life. Animals in turn accumulate carbon-14 in their tissues by eating plants, or eating other organisms that consume plants. When a plant or animal dies, the level of carbon-14 in it remains drops at a predictable rate, and so can be used to calculate the amount of time that has passed since death. What is true of plants and animals is also true of products made from them. Because the parchment pages of the Voynich Manuscript were made from animal skin, they can be radiocarbon-dated. Pointing to the front end of the mass spectrometer, Hodgins explains the principle behind it. A tiny sample of carbon extracted from the manuscript is introduced into the "ion source" of the mass spectrometer. "This causes the atoms in the sample to be ionized," he explained, "meaning they now have an electric charge and can be propelled by electric and magnetic fields." Ejected from the ion source, the carbon ions are formed into a beam that races through the instrument at a fraction of the speed of light. Focusing the beam with magnetic lenses and filters, the mass spectrometer then splits it up into several beams, each containing only one isotope species of a certain mass. "Carbon-14 is heavier than the other carbon isotopes," Hodgins said. "This way, we can single out this isotope and determine how much of it is present in the sample. From that, we calculate its age." Dissecting a century-old book To obtain the sample from the manuscript, Hodgins traveled to Yale University, where conservators had previously identified pages that had not been rebound or repaired and were the best to sample. "I sat down with the Voynich manuscript on a desk in front of me, and delicately dissected a piece of parchment from the edge of a page with a scalpel," Hodgins says. He cut four samples from four pages, each measuring about 1 by 6 millimeters (ca. 1/16 by 1 inch) and brought them back to the laboratory in Tucson, where they were thoroughly cleaned. "Because we were sampling from the page margins, we expected there are a lot of finger oils adsorbed over time," Hodgins explains. "Plus, if the book was re-bound at any point, the sampling spots on these pages may actually not have been on the edge but on the spine, meaning they may have had adhesives on them." "The modern methods we use to date the material are so sensitive that traces of modern contamination would be enough to throw things off." Next, the sample was combusted, stripping the material of any unwanted compounds and leaving behind only its carbon content as a small dusting of graphite at the bottom of the vial. "In radiocarbon dating, there is this whole system of many people working at it," he said. "It takes many skills to produce a date. From start to finish, there is archaeological expertise; there is biochemical and chemical expertise; we need physicists, engineers and statisticians. It's one of the joys of working in this place that we all work together toward this common goal." The UA's team was able to push back the presumed age of the Voynich manuscript by 100 years, a discovery that killed some of the previously held hypotheses about its origins and history. Elsewhere, experts analyzed the inks and paints that makes up the manuscript's strange writings and images. "It would be great if we could directly radiocarbon date the inks, but it is actually really difficult to do. First, they are on a surface only in trace amounts" Hodgins said. "The carbon content is usually extremely low. Moreover, sampling ink free of carbon from the parchment on which it sits is currently beyond our abilities. Finally, some inks are not carbon based, but are derived from ground minerals. They're inorganic, so they don't contain any carbon." "It was found that the colors are consistent with the Renaissance palette – the colors that were available at the time. But it doesn't really tell us one way or the other, there is nothing suspicious there." While Hodgins is quick to point out that anything beyond the dating aspect is outside his expertise, he admits he is just as fascinated with the book as everybody else who has tried to unveil its history and meaning. "The text shows strange characteristics like repetitive word use or the exchange of one letter in a sequence," he says. "Oddities like that make it really hard to understand the meaning." "There are types of ciphers that embed meaning within gibberish. So it is possible that most of it does mean nothing. There is an old cipher method where you have a sheet of paper with strategically placed holes in it. And when those holes are laid on top of the writing, you read the letters in those holes." "Who knows what's being written about in this manuscript, but it appears to be dealing with a range of topics that might relate to alchemy. Secrecy is sometimes associated with alchemy, and so it would be consistent with that tradition if the knowledge contained in the book was encoded. What we have are the drawings. Just look at those drawings: Are they botanical? Are they marine organisms? Are they astrological? Nobody knows." "I find this manuscript is absolutely fascinating as a window into a very interesting mind. Piecing these things together was fantastic. It's a great puzzle that no one has cracked, and who doesn't love a puzzle?" Source: Physorg - WHO IS
Ghostly Monk Forces Theme Park Ride to be Relocated Bosses at a British theme park have been
forced to move a new ride after workers who were constructing the new
ride reported seeing what appeared to be a headless monk.
The eerie apparition appeared after the workers apparently disturbed an ancient burial ground while excavating the site. Staff had complained that objects had been moved around, they felt like someone was watching over their shoulders and reported being hit by a sudden cold feeling. A paranormal detection agency was called in to the park in Chertsey, Surrey, to carry out tests and found that an ancient burial ground or settlement could have been disturbed. Managers at the park decided to relocate the ride to another area of the park and also called in a forensic team to carry out further investigations. The 64ft-tall water ride, Storm Surge, was originally planned for an area known as Monk's Walk, an old footpath that has linked the ruins of nearby Chertsey Abbey to Thorpe Church since AD666. The ride's foundations would have been over an area of the park where stone coffins have previously been excavated. Mike Vallis, divisional director of Thorpe Park, said: 'It became apparent that something strange was going on when teams started clearing Storm Surge's initial site. 'Staff reports of eerie goings-on shot up and the only physical change in the park, at that time, was the beginning of ground preparation work for the new ride. 'As employees were getting freaked out, we decided to call on an expert to see whether there was anything to report but had no idea of the dramatic effects.' Jim Arnold, of South West London Paranormal, said: 'We carry out these kinds of investigations quite regularly, with medium to weak results being reported on a weekly basis. 'Thorpe Park, however, was more striking as results were picked up immediately, with orbs, ghostly images in photography and ouija reaction results being strongest around the site where they were proposing to build Storm Surge. 'The results were so strong, we felt the only explanation could be that an ancient burial ground or settlement was being disturbed, prompting the extra paranormal activity.' Forensic geophysicist Peter Masters, of Cranfield University, has since been called in to analyse the site, using deep ground radar. He said: 'From the preliminary investigations, we have picked up signatures similar to that of a burial ground - possibly ancient. 'Although this could simply be an old building, with Thorpe Park's history, the investigation is definitely worth continuing.' Source: The Daily Mail moved-workers-spot-ghost-headless-monk.html - STRANGE UFOS DEPARTMENT -
Aeronauts from the Future Witness accounts of flying platforms and rocketmen By Peter Hassall Over 30 years of conducting UFO
and fortean research, I’ve come across some particularly strange
reports that are suggestive of either glimpses into the future through
some sort of ‘time window’ or sightings of actual time-travellers
visiting us from our own future.
There are reports of people standing on floating platforms and of men flying through the air using rocket packs or other gadgets. We also share our highways, motorways and country lanes with an odd assortment of futuristic vehicles – some even without wheels. I can’t say with any certainty if time travellers are, in fact, visiting us, or if rifts in time are somehow allowing us to catch glimpses of the future. Perhaps there are rational explanations for what people have seen. In the spirit of Charles Fort, here is the evidence for you to make up your own minds. FLOATING PLATFORMS On two occasions, witnesses have reported seeing a group of people standing on a floating platform as it hovered over an urban area. The first case is from about 1916. After the son of the witness wrote a short letter that was published in the Daily Mirror on 8 August 1968, he was contacted by Flying Saucer Review. In his reply, Mr AE Whiteland described the unusual sight witnessed by his mother around 1916 or 1917, when she lived in Aldeburgh, Suffolk. One day she had gone upstairs, looked out the window, when “at a height of about 30ft [9m], eight to twelve men appeared, on what seemed to be a round platform with a handrail around it… They were wearing blue uniforms and little round hats, not unlike sailors’ hats. She heard no sound from the machine as it came off the nearby marshes. It turned a bit, and went over the railway yard, to disappear behind some houses.” When she first saw the platform, it was about 100 yards away and “came straight along the road, and then when she thought it was going to pass her house (one of a terraced block of six) it suddenly turned away at right angles from her and went between the Railway Hotel and the sheds on either side of the railway yard. The shed opposite the house was maybe 23 to 25ft [7–8m] high; it was two-storeyed, and hay was stored in the upper part, and the thing just cleared its roof, from what Mother said.” The men were holding tightly on to the handrail, which was “brass, and a second rail, also of brass, was at the height of the men’s knees. As she was trying so hard to take it all in, she cannot say of what material the platform seemed to be made… Mother says that she kept wondering what was making the thing move, and looked up in the sky and then at the men and then in between their legs to see if there was an engine there in the middle, but she could see nothing there. There was nothing in the middle, just a hollow, with the men around the sides.” The platform was totally silent and moved at about the speed of a running man. It was visible for at least several minutes. Mr Whiteland’s mother never heard of any other witnesses to this strange sight, but she didn’t speak about it much until after the war. Also, the street had been empty of pedestrians at the time of her sighting, which was at midday during the working week. Researcher Charles Grove wrote to Charles H Gibbs-Smith of the Victoria & Albert Museum asking about the possibility that the platform had been an observation platform hung below a German Zeppelin. Gibbs-Smith replied in the negative, pointing out that such platforms were tiny and carried only one man in a prone position (rather than a group, which would have made an easy target for British troops), were never low to the ground and would have swung out when making a sharp turn – not to mention the fact that the noise of any Zeppelin’s engine’s would have been easily heard. The abrupt 90-degree turn down another street that was executed by the platform is also particularly puzzling – it’s a manœuvre commonly reported in connection with UFOs, which appear to perform it at high speeds. The same, or a very similar, floating platform was seen again nearly 40 years later on the afternoon of 18 October 1955. The Reverend Pitt-Kethly was travelling on the Uxbridge train line to East Harrow, London. When the train had stopped at the West Hampstead viaduct, he noticed a reddish-brown and grey platform the size of a small bus. It was silent and travelled at a height of about 120ft (37m). There were approximately 20 helmeted men dressed in khaki uniforms standing on the platform, which moved at about 20mph (32km/h) and was in sight for three or four minutes. The Reverend did “not doubt the evidence of his own optics”. THE JET PACK MEN Despite these intriguing English examples, most reports of flying men have come from America. On the evening of 28 July 1880, two male witnesses saw a man flying through the air with the aid of wings or fans. He was “surrounded by machinery which he seemed to be working with his hands”. Only a few weeks later, in early September 1880, it was reported that an odd object like a “man with bat’s wings and improved frog’s legs” was seen flying in the sky. Allegedly, “[T]his monster waved his wings in answer to the whistle of a locomotive.” Even more suspiciously, even though flying at an estimated altitude of 1,000ft (300m), the “face of the man could be distinctly seen, and it wore a cruel and determined expression”. In a 1980 letter to the Center for UFO Studies, Ann D Alley recalled an unusual sighting from 1938 in Silver City, New Mexico: “I must have been around nine, that beautiful age when we don’t question the things that happen around us… My brother, who is about 21/2 years younger than I, and two other little friends and I were playing in the yard. It was twilight… and we were at the extreme end of the front yard, which, in those days, seemed like a very large area. It was that moment before lights go on anywhere and everything seems grey. The four of us were playing quietly and then we happened to look up. We all saw him. He was dressed all in grey and he even seemed grey; he was drifting or floating at treetop level. The thing I remember the most about him was that he seemed to be wearing a belt which was wide and had points sticking out of it. He also seemed to be wearing a cap (à la Flash Gordon).” The children stood and stared at the odd figure as he drifted across the sky. They didn’t tell their mother about what they had seen when she returned from visiting a neighbour. “About 15 years ago I was telling my husband about it. When I did, I questioned myself – perhaps I had had a dream. But just in case, I called my brother. By now I was about 35 and he about 32. I prefaced my conversation by telling him that I had a strange story to tell and that perhaps it had all been a dream, but that I thought that in about 1938 I had seen a man fly over our heads.” Her brother stopped her and proceeded to describe the whole incident, which he remembered quite clearly, in detail. A slightly earlier sighting of a flying man occurred in the USSR in 1936. The witness, Mrs Loznaya, was 15 and was walking to her school in the Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan early one morning. She caught sight of a dark object flying through the air. It was a man whose “black clothes covered him completely, like overalls… I could see behind his back an oval thing like a rucksack. Looking with fright at the ‘flying man’ I noticed suddenly that he had changed his course and was now flying towards me.” The distance between them rapidly decreased to some 40m (130ft) and she turned to look for cover – but there was none to be found in the snow. She looked back and the man was gone. She tried to rationalise his disappearance: “Maybe he had made an abrupt change in his course, or maybe he had dived in a snowdrift… but the next moment I was running towards my home.” In 1948, there were two unusual sightings in the state of Washington. On 6 January, on her farm just outside the small town of Chehalis, 61-year-old Mrs Bernice Zaikowski saw a most unexpected sight – a man flying with some sort of wings strapped to his back. She had heard a “sizzing and whizzing and there he was, just about 200ft [60m] above my barn”. Stunned, she watched as the man, equipped with long silver wings fastened over the shoulders with a strap, ascended “very rapidly”, hovered, banked and then continued in level flight. The wings retracted close to his body as he ascended and extended again as he manœuvred. The man flew in an upright position, appearing to manipulate the wings with controls strapped to his chest. There was no propeller or any other indication of what the birdman’s motive power might be. The wings did not flap. Mrs Zaikowski also did not think it could have been any kind of one-man helicopter, as the “wings did not rotate”. “I know most people don’t believe me but I have talked to some people in Chehalis that tell me they saw the man, too, and that he flew south from Chehalis and apparently came in from the north or west. It was about 3pm on the Tuesday after New Year’s Day and there were a lot of small children coming home from school at the time. They saw the man too, and asked me if they could go into my back yard so they could watch him longer as he flew toward the south end of the city.” Mrs Zaikowski said five other Chehalis residents had told her of their own sightings. One soldier claimed the army had been experimenting with them, but army officials told the newspaper that they knew nothing about the matter. But had Mrs Zaikowski really seen something unexplained? According to a 1976 newspaper article, an explanation had been found. The man was flying a parakite – a forerunner of modern-day hang gliders. “It was about the time they were trying to find someplace to use hang gliders. There were those who felt this area would have been a good place for it,” said a Mrs George Zaikowski, presumably the daughter of the original witness. There has been some recent discussion of the “hang glider” explanation, with researchers using the power of Google Earth to examine the area and assess the likelihood of a hang glider being able to overfly Mrs Zaikowski’s house in the manner described, and there are hopes of an on-site investigation. Such an explanation, though, is rendered problematic by the date of the sighting in 1948; according to Wikipedia, it wasn’t until August 1961 that American engineer Barry Palmer developed and flew the first foot-launched Rogallo wing hang glider near Sacramento, California. This was over a decade after the Zaikowski sighting and accounts suggest that Palmer’s longest flights were around 180m (600ft) at altitudes of up to 24m (80ft), falling far short of the described altitude and distance achieved by Mrs Zaikowski’s flying man. I’d have thought that the sport of hang gliding would have become popular in the 1950s instead of the 1970s (when it actually did) if somebody had invented a precursor to the Palmer hang glider, and one that was capable of doing what was seen in 1948. Only a few months after Mrs Zaikowski’s sighting, on 9 April 1948, three flying men were seen above Longview, Washington state. Mrs Viola Johnson, a laundry worker, told reporters she had seen what looked like “three men in flying suits flying through the air. They wore dark drab flying suits and as far as I can judge – I’m not very good at judging distance – they were 250ft [75m] high, circling the city. They were going at about the same speed as a freight train and had some kind of apparatus on their sides which looked like guns, but I know it couldn’t have been guns. I couldn’t see any propellers or any motors tied on them but I could hear motors which sounded about like airplane motors, only not so loud. When they first came into sight, I thought they looked like gulls, but as they got closer I could see plainly that they were men. I couldn’t make out their arms but I could see their feet dangling down and they kept moving their heads, like they were looking around. I couldn’t tell if they had goggles on, but their heads looked like they had helmets on. I couldn’t see their faces.” Mrs Johnson said a janitor, James Pittman, also saw the flying men (she called to the workers still in the laundry but they got outside too late to see anything). But Pittman denied seeing flying men and said he saw three planes. According to a newspaper account, he added that he was tired of taking a ribbing from his friends concerning the incident. Perhaps Mrs Johnson mistook three planes for flying men; or perhaps Pittman changed his story to avoid further ridicule. At this late date, it is impossible to tell either way. RECENT SIGHTINGS William Silverstone wrote to Fortean Times to describe a more recent sighting from the summer of 1996. He was staying at the home of his cousin in Beverley Hills, California, and as the weather was so hot he “donned a pair of trunks and got into the swimming pool to cool down. Suddenly the shadow of a human figure flitted over the pool and the surrounding area. I managed to get a quick glimpse of what seemed to be the figure of a helmeted man in a tight fitting yellow suit with his arms outstretched and whizzing across the sky at a height of about 150ft [45m]. The Slemens family also saw the figure, which rules out subjective hallucination. Perhaps the flying man was wearing one of those Bell Aerosystem jet packs developed in the 1960s by the US military, but in the couple of seconds I saw him, he didn’t look as if he had any such apparatus on. What then did I and six other people witness? A parachutist in trouble or Captain Hollywood?” There was a more detailed sighting of a flying humanoid on the evening of 12 July 1877, in the town of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico. Adrian de Olmos Ordonez, 42, was resting on his balcony between 8:30 and 9:00 pm when he saw a small figure walking along the road: “In its right hand it was carrying a small shiny object. The light from our house was reflected off the glass of the creature’s helmet, which shone with a tremendous brightness… It placed its hands on the front part of its belt, and then a thing which it had on its back, like a rucksack, lit up, and emitted a sound like the noise of an electric drill… And then it rose up into the air, and made off towards the trees.” There are more recent sightings from other countries. In 2005, hundreds of witnesses in the town of Ljubovija, Serbia, saw a figure with a cloak flying along “as if he had an invisible engine on his back”. He changed direction repeatedly. Two years later, 20 witnesses in the village of Gemeni, Romania, saw a blue-suited figure. Local policeman Ion Anuta said: “We talked to people of different ages who are all reliable citizens in our village. They all said they saw this strange creature who flew over their houses in his shiny blue costume. We’ll just have to see what happens next.” According to witness Constantin Toader: “He looked like Superman and was flying slowly at about 100 yards from the ground in a standing position. He didn’t make any smoke or sound. Just cruising around.” On the Internet, several videos (mostly filmed in Mexico) have appeared in recent years showing what purport to be flying humanoids. It is highly likely that many, if not all, of these recent reports can actually be explained as novelty shaped balloons or remote controlled toy gliders. However, those, like the Washington sightings, dating from a period when man-made technology seems unlikely to be responsible must remain a mystery. In the light of recent developments, perhaps we are now only a short step away from recreating what people have been seeing in the skies for decades. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Jerome Clark for the information on the 1938 New Mexico flying man case, Chuck Flood for copies of the original newspaper reports on the two 1948 Washington state cases and Theo Paijmans for the 1976 follow-up article on the 1948 Zaikowski sighting. Also thanks to Chris Aubeck and Loren Colemen for opinions, leads, and further information. Source: Fortean Times -
U.S. Army Toyed With Telepathic Ray Gun A recently declassified U.S. Army report on the biological effects of non-lethal weapons reveals unusual plans for "ray gun" devices, which would cause artificial fevers or beam voices into people's heads. The report titled "Bioeffects Of Selected Nonlethal Weapons" was released under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and detail five different "maturing non-lethal technologies" using microwaves, lasers and sound. Released by U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command at Fort Meade, Maryland, the 1998 report gives an overview of what was then the state of the art in directed energy weapons for crowd control and other applications. Some of the technologies are conceptual, such as an electromagnetic pulse that causes a seizure like those experienced by people with epilepsy. Other ideas, like a microwave gun to "beam" words directly into people's ears, have been tested. It is claimed that the so-called "Frey Effect" - using close-range microwaves to produce audible sounds in a person's ears - has been used to project the spoken numbers 1 to 10 across a lab to volunteers. In 2004 the U.S. Navy funded research into using the Frey effect to project sound that caused "discomfort" into the ears of crowds. The report also discusses a microwave weapon able to produce a disabling "artificial fever" by heating a person's body. While tests of the idea are not mentioned, the report notes that the necessary equipment "is available today." It adds that while it would take at least fifteen minutes to achieve the desired "fever" effect, it could be used to incapacitate people for almost "any desired period consistent with safety." It is unclear just how far the government's microwave auditory research and development efforts have progressed since 1998, when the report was written. Another sort of microwave weapon described in the report - the Active Denial System, which causes targets to experience an intense burning sensation on their skin without actual injury, has in fact been developed and may be deployed as soon as 2010. While the 1998 report notes the technology's potential as a method of transmitting secret messages, it puts more emphasis on how microwave transmission of words could be used as a nonlethal weapon: "It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, but it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard 'voices within one's head.'" Blasts from the telepathic ray gun essentially would simulate the auditory hallucinations experienced by people suffering from schizophrenia or mood disorders. Provided that the technology could be developed to the point where transmissions could be beamed over long distances, microwave voice transmissions might be used on the battlefield to fill enemy soldiers' heads with a disorienting stream of gibberish, or unnerve them with an authoritative-sounding voice telling them to surrender. Source: New Scientist -
Indiana Teenager Builds Solar 'Death-Ray' While many teenagers are content to sit at home playing computer games, this one has set his sights on something a little more ambitious. Eric Jacqmain, from Indiana, covered an ordinary fibreglass satellite dish with 5,800 tiny mirror tiles - and made his very own 'death ray'. When aligned correctly it can generate a heat spot a couple of centimetres across, with an intensity of 5,000 shining suns, the 19-year-old claims. The inventor then posted video of his invention on YouTube, with people commenting in awe of the power of the satellite. The ray generates enough power to melt steel, vaporize aluminum, boil concrete, turn dirt into lava, and obliterate any organic material in an instant. It stands at 5ft 9ins and measures just 42 inches across. Jacqmain, commenting on YouTube said: 'I drilled a small hole in the dish and? glued a piece of PVC pipe on the back. 'Light shines through the hole and hits the translucent plastic on the end of the pipe. All I had to do was aim the dish once and mark the spot. 'As long as the target doesn't conduct heat away too fast it will melt or vaporize just about anything eventually. 'I have vaporized before carbon, which occurs above 6,500 Fahrenheit.' The teenager called his invention the R5800 solar 'death ray'. Putting it into context, just the tiny fraction of the Sun's energy that hits the Earth (around a hundredth of a millionth of a percent) is enough to meet all our power needs many times over. In fact, every minute, enough energy arrives at the Earth to meet our demands for a whole year - if only we could harness it properly. Unfortunately for Jacqmain, his 'death ray' dish met it's own grisly end when it was destroyed in a shed fire. Jacqmain added: 'Yeah. It "committed suicide". It's very likely that it was the cause of the fire. Nothing left of it but half melted wagon parts and the adjustable mount.' If there was ever a case of self-destruction, this was it. But Jacqmain's despair at the death of his 'death ray' has simply spurred him on to develop a yet more powerful alternative. 'Plans already in place for the new one, he added. 'The goal is to use about 32,000 mirrors this? time.' (Thanks to James Haarp for this story!) Source: Tech Blog Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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