3/25/11 #614 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal614.html It doesn't matter if you lock
your doors and throw away the keys - THEY
know you are home! THEY know you are online - And THEY know that you
have just received another hair-raising issue of the weekly newsletter
of weird stuff and conspiracies - THE CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! So read
it quickly before THEY come knocking on your door to take you away!
This weeks exciting edition brings you such brain-boggling stories as: - Cold
Fusion: Nuclear Future Beyond Japan
- The Great Nuclear Energy Cover-Up - - Ancient Texts Show God had a Wife - - The Story of the Supermodel Brainwashed into Becoming a CIA Spy - AND: Russia Sets up University Institute to Study the Yeti CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ BRAND NEW BOOK FROM CONSPIRACY JOURNAL
UFOlogy -- something that only a few insiders dare discuss amongst
themselves. For example, Lord Hill-Norton, the late five-star Admiral
and the former head of the British Ministry of Defence, believed
strongly in the existence of UFOs. But he did not see them in a
positive light, professing instead in his privately printed UFO Concern
Report: "UFOs are essentially a religious matter rather than a military
threat and furthermore there is certainly a degree of psychic
involvement in almost every case. Quite often, however, such
experiences are definitely antithetical to orthodox Christian beliefs."
Journalist and author of "The Mothman Prophecies" (made into a film starring Richard Gere) John A. Keel was adamant when he stated: ". . ..The UFOs do not seem to exist as tangible manufactured objects. They do not conform to the accepted natural laws of our environment. . .The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon." Other researchers of supernatural phenomena have noted that. . .The casting of magical spells, the performance of occult rituals and a ceremony to conjure up spirits are sometimes attempted by witnesses prior to a UFO appearing in their proximity. PLUS -- THE JINN -- NAZI FOO FIGHTERS - ALEISTER CROWLEY
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Global CommunicationsP.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Cold Fusion: Nuclear Future Beyond Japan Just as Japan’s earthquake
raises fears of catastrophe from a nuclear meltdown and Mideast turmoil
jeopardizes the world’s supply of conventional energy, along comes word
of a possible scientific breakthrough that holds out the hope of cheap,
abundant power. Cold fusion - discredited and vilified in the past - is
back in the news. The potential benefits are great enough that, despite
past failures, the technology deserves a fair hearing from the
scientific community this time.
In January, two Italian scientists announced they had invented a reactor that fuses nickel and hydrogen nuclei at room temperature, producing copper and throwing off massive amounts of energy in the process. Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi demonstrated their tabletop device before a standing-room-only crowd in Bologna, purportedly using 400 watts of power to generate 12,400 watts with no hazardous waste. They told observers that their reactors, small enough to fit in a household closet are able to produce electricity for less than 1 cent per kilowatt hour. Nuclear reactors like those at Japan’s damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi plant produce power by employing fission, splitting atoms to release huge amounts of energy. But they require large containment structures to prevent the escape of dangerous radiation. If the shield is breached, either by internal explosion as in the case of the Chernobyl leak in 1986 or natural disaster such as Japan’s earthquake and tsunami, the health threat from radiation is great. In contrast, extracting energy from fusion entails the bonding of atomic material - and normally requires extremely high temperatures and pressure. But cold fusion, the label given to a theoretical process occurring at room temperatures, would be more practical and safe. The Italians’ reported 31-fold increase in energy from cheap and commonplace ingredients - if genuine - would rank as one of the greatest scientific achievements of all time, deposing oil as king of energy resources. Petroleum-producing regimes in the Middle East now using petro-dollars from the United States and other power-needy nations to fund Islamic extremism across the globe would be put out of business. Alternatives to oil all have their drawbacks. Conventional nuclear power has been recently generating renewed interest - until now - because as a carbon-free product, it produces no “greenhouse” gases. But fear of radiation contamination in Japan is likely to undermine the industry in the near-term. Coal is always the black sheep of the energy industry because of environmentalists’ concerns over coal plant emissions. Expensive, renewable energy projects involving solar and wind power gobble up fortunes in taxpayer funds only to produce high-priced electricity. A nuclear physicist associated with the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Giuseppe Levi, told reporters at the January demonstration that he was convinced the results were accurate. But peer-reviewed journals, exhibiting an abundance of caution, have so far refused to publish the findings. It is easy to understand why. In 1989, University of Utah chemist Stanley Pons and University of Southampton chemist Martin Fleischmann announced a similar breakthrough in cold fusion. When their results were largely unexplainable and irreproducible, they were shunned by the scientific community. That episode has resulted in scientists looking askance at any claims of success in cold fusion research, complicating the task the Italians face in proving their results are genuine. If this new technology is real, it should be easy to prove and past failures - and outside agendas - shouldn’t stand in the way. Still, scientific discovery is expensive and money is often the X factor. Fortunes and reputations are made and lost based on results. Orthodoxies develop that discredit ideas posing a threat to the money flow, whether from government sources or from private investment. In the debate over “global warming,” scientists and politicians alike have resorted to repeating the mantra “the science is settled” as a means of freezing out researchers whose climate findings undermine public acceptance of the warming-planet credo and jeopardize billions in research funds. Cold fusion is the holy grail of energy generation. Achieving it would constitute a breakthrough of epic proportions, but wishing it won’t make it so. In light of Japan’s nuclear woes, the scientific community should approach the Focardi-Rossi enterprise with both healthy skepticism and a wary eye toward naysayers who would suppress rational inquiry. Let science be science and the chips fall where they will. Within the scientific community, evolving attitudes have thawed the ice around cold fusion since 1989. The science even has a more respectable name: "low energy" or "chemically assisted nuclear reactions" (LENR-CANR). "Fleischmann and Pons really did discover something nuclear, but it doesn't pass the 'duck test' for fusion," says Steven Krivit, publisher of New Energy Times. "It's far more accurate and scientific to call the set of phenomena 'low-energy nuclear reactions.'" Alongside the nomenclature change, serious scientists want to re-examine old prejudices with new, more sophisticated methods. "An unprecedented and widespread failure of the scientific method is partly to blame for the failure of Pons and Fleischmann," explained MU's Duncan, a former director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Institute for Advanced Studies. "It made sense to question their results, but only insofar as the methods of the day were capable of reproducing them." SRI International electrochemist Michael McKubre, Ph.D., has sought better techniques to check the Pons-Fleischmann approach, which reacted deuterium -- a close hydrogen relative -- with the metal palladium instead of hydrogen and nickel. Along the way, McKubre, "a very respected scientist," Duncan said, has observed some critical experimental challenges researchers will have to overcome before they can even try to reproduce past experiments. McKubre isn't the only respectable researcher to tackle cold fusion in recent years, Duncan added. Osaka University physics professor emeritus Yoshiaki Arata, who in 2006 received Japan's highest honor, the Order of Culture, reported excess heat effects with palladium nanoparticles. Particularly remarkable was the (decidedly chilly) cold fusion journey of Julian Schwinger, who with Richard Feynmann and Shinichiro Tomonaga won the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics for one of the greatest ever physical theories, quantum electrodynamics or QED. After studying the Pons-Fleischmann experiments, "Julian had a theory that a process tantamount to cold fusion was occurring, but even as a Nobel laureate, he couldn't get reputable journals to publish it," Duncan told TechNewsWorld. "My first attempt at publication was a total disaster," Schwinger recalled during lectures and seminars. He had devised a hypothesis about the effect "to suggest several critical experiments," but because cold fusion had become what Duncan calls a "pariah science, poison to all who touched it," Schwinger -- graduate advisor to four other Nobel laureates who also won the U.S. National Medal of Science -- was summarily ignored. "What I had not expected was the venomous criticism, the contempt, the enormous pressure to conform. Has the knowledge that physics is an experimental science been totally lost?" he wondered. "Temporarily misplaced" perhaps, Duncan said, urging that scientists leave peer pressure behind and return to their methodological roots. "Cold fusion, or low-energy nuclear science, has benefited from exciting innovations and outstanding minds, yet massive, destructive 'group think,' has given it a checkered past," Duncan explained. "Now, however, it is of paramount importance that science proceed boldly, with a determined yet dispassionate focus, on the objective study of these fascinating phenomena." Source: The Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/mar/17/nuclear-future-beyond-japan/ - JUST KEEP REPEATING..."EVERYTHING IS FINE" DEPARTMENT - The Great Nuclear Energy Cover-Up Most people do not consider
Nuclear power a problem until something goes wrong – then the threat of
radiation or an explosion suddenly becomes very real. As one Japanese
worker reported to the BBC “It is surreal going to work 150 miles away
from three nuclear reactors in near meltdown.”
Japan has become increasingly reliant on nuclear power since the 1970s. Today it has 53 nuclear reactors which provide 34 per cent of the countries electrical power, substantially more than renewable energy. But the nuclear industry is shrouded in secrecy. The Japanese government clearly tried to cover up the severity of the recent crisis, just as the Soviet Union did in 1986 when Chernobyl went critical causing the worst ever nuclear disaster in history. Many people remember the outrage caused by the 1995 accident at the Monju nuclear power plant which was covered up by the government with falsification of documents, editing video tapes and putting gagging orders on employees to prevent them talking to the press about what happened. There has been a long and sordid history of intentional cover-ups surrounding the development and deployment of nuclear reactors as a worldwide source of energy. For example, in 1959, there was a a nuclear meltdown at the world's first commercial reactor only 30 miles from downtown Los Angeles, and only seven miles from the community of Canoga Park and the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles. The meltdown, at the Santa Susana field laboratory operated by Rocketdyne, released - according to some scientists' estimates - 240 times as much radiation as Three Mile Island. But the Atomic Energy Commission lied and said only there was only one partially damaged rod, and no real problems. In fact, the AEC kept the meltdown a state secret for 20 years. There were other major accidents at that reactor facility, which the AEC and Nuclear Regulatory Commission covered up as well. Two years earlier, a Russian government reactor at Kyshtm melted down in an accident which some claim was even worse than Chernobyl. The Soviet government hid the accident, pretending that it was creating a new "nature reserve" to keep people out of the huge swath of contaminated land. Journalist Anna Gyorgy alleges that the results of a freedom of information act request show that the CIA knew about the accident at the time, but kept it secret to prevent adverse consequences for the fledgling American nuclear industry. In 1982, the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs received a secret report received from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission called "Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences 2". In that report and other reports by the NRC in the 1980s, it was estimated that there was a 50% chance of a nuclear meltdown within the next 20 years which would be so large that it would contaminate an area the size of the State of Pennsylvania, which would result in huge numbers of a fatalities, and which would cause damage in the hundreds of billions of dollars (in 1980s dollars). Those reports were kept secret for decades. Other Evidence Well-known writer Alvin Toffler pointed out in Powershift (page 156): At least thirty times between 1957 and 1985—more than once a year—the Savannah River nuclear weapons plant near Aiken, South Carolina, experienced what a scientist subsequently termed "reactor incidents of greatest significance." These included widespread leakage of radioactivity and a meltdown of nuclear fuel. But not one of these was reported to local residents or to the public generally. Nor was action taken when the scientist submitted an internal memorandum about these "incidents." The story did not come to light until exposed in a Congressional hearing in 1988. The plant was operated by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company for the U.S. government, and Du Pont was accused of covering up the facts. The company immediately issued a denial, pointing out that it had routinely reported the accidents to the Department of Energy. At this point, the DoE, as it is known, accepted the blame for keeping the news secret. And former soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said on camera for a Discovery Network special ("The Battle of Chernobyl") that the Soviets and Americans have each hidden a number of nuclear accidents from the public. In light of the foregoing, the following quote from the San Jose Mercury News may not seem so far-fetched: EPA officials, however, refused to answer questions or make staff members available to explain the exact location and number of monitors, or the levels of radiation, if any, being recorded at existing monitors in California. Margot Perez-Sullivan, a spokeswoman at the EPA's regional headquarters in San Francisco, said the agency's written statement would stand on its own. Critics said the public needs more information. "It's disappointing," said Bill Magavern, director of Sierra Club California. "I have a strong suspicion that EPA is being silenced by those in the federal government who don't want anything to stand in the way of a nuclear power expansion in this country, heavily subsidized by taxpayer money." Source: Washington Blog/Santa Susana http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/03/governments-have-been-covering-up.html - EDITED FROM THE BIBLE DEPARTMENT - Ancient Texts Show God had a Wife God had a wife,
Asherah, whom the Book of Kings suggests was worshiped alongside Yahweh
in his temple in Israel, according to an Oxford scholar.
In 1967, Raphael Patai was the first historian to mention that the ancient Israelites worshiped both Yahweh and Asherah. The theory has gained new prominence due to the research of Francesca Stavrakopoulou, who began her work at Oxford and is now a senior lecturer in the department of Theology and Religion at the University of Exeter. Information presented in Stavrakopoulou's books, lectures and journal papers has become the basis of a three-part documentary series, now airing in Europe, where she discusses the Yahweh-Asherah connection. "You might know him as Yahweh, Allah or God. But on this fact, Jews, Muslims and Christians, the people of the great Abrahamic religions, are agreed: There is only one of Him," writes Stavrakopoulou in a statement released to the British media. "He is a solitary figure, a single, universal creator, not one God among many ... or so we like to believe." "After years of research specializing in the history and religion of Israel, however, I have come to a colorful and what could seem, to some, uncomfortable conclusion that God had a wife," she added. Stavrakopoulou bases her theory on ancient texts, amulets and figurines unearthed primarily in the ancient Canaanite coastal city called Ugarit, now modern-day Syria. All of these artifacts reveal that Asherah was a powerful fertility goddess. Asherah's connection to Yahweh, according to Stavrakopoulou, is spelled out in both the Bible and an 8th century B.C. inscription on pottery found in the Sinai desert at a site called Kuntillet Ajrud. "The inscription is a petition for a blessing," she shares. "Crucially, the inscription asks for a blessing from 'Yahweh and his Asherah.' Here was evidence that presented Yahweh and Asherah as a divine pair. And now a handful of similar inscriptions have since been found, all of which help to strengthen the case that the God of the Bible once had a wife." Also significant, Stavrakopoulou believes, "is the Bible's admission that the goddess Asherah was worshiped in Yahweh's Temple in Jerusalem. In the Book of Kings, we're told that a statue of Asherah was housed in the temple and that female temple personnel wove ritual textiles for her." J. Edward Wright, president of both The Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and The Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, told Discovery News that he agrees several Hebrew inscriptions mention "Yahweh and his Asherah." "Asherah was not entirely edited out of the Bible by its male editors," he added. "Traces of her remain, and based on those traces, archaeological evidence and references to her in texts from nations bordering Israel and Judah, we can reconstruct her role in the religions of the Southern Levant." Asherah -- known across the ancient Near East by various other names, such as Astarte and Istar -- was "an important deity, one who was both mighty and nurturing," Wright continued. "Many English translations prefer to translate 'Asherah' as 'Sacred Tree,'" Wright said. "This seems to be in part driven by a modern desire, clearly inspired by the Biblical narratives, to hide Asherah behind a veil once again." "Mentions of the goddess Asherah in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) are rare and have been heavily edited by the ancient authors who gathered the texts together," Aaron Brody, director of the Bade Museum and an associate professor of Bible and archaeology at the Pacific School of Religion, said. Asherah as a tree symbol was even said to have been "chopped down and burned outside the Temple in acts of certain rulers who were trying to 'purify' the cult, and focus on the worship of a single male god, Yahweh," he added. The ancient Israelites were polytheists, Brody told Discovery News, "with only a small minority worshiping Yahweh alone before the historic events of 586 B.C." In that year, an elite community within Judea was exiled to Babylon and the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. This, Brody said, led to "a more universal vision of strict monotheism: one god not only for Judah, but for all of the nations." Source: Discovery News http://news.discovery.com/history/god-wife-yahweh-asherah-110318.html -
Enigmas in Empty Places: Haunted Deserts By Scott Corrales One does not immediately associate the concept of deserts with Brazil - our mental images of the South American giant immediately take us to the jungle greenery of the Amazon or to the bright pleasures of Rio de Janeiro. However, the South American superpower extensive coastal deserts—complete with sand dunes—in the northern region of Maranhao, once known to be the wealthiest part of this Portuguese possession (so wealthy, in fact, that a Portuguese monarch was willing to abdicate his crown as long he was able to keep control over Maranhao). Located between the Mangueira and Parnaíba deserts, the vast sand dunes are contained within the Lencois Maranhenses National Park and aerial photography shows the sand encroaching on the surrounding vegetation, like a stain of white ink on a green tablecloth. This is not surprising, as the Maranhao dunes stand a staggering thirty meters talls and are a source of humidity that attracts all manner of wildlife to it. The sand dunes of Maranhao are also the home of highly unusual paranormal phenomena. In 1997, researchers Pablo Villarubia and Carlos Alberto Martins crossed the desert to visit remote communities and interview locals about their brushes with the unknown. The people who somehow wrest a living out of this harsh land speak freely of a recurrent luminous phenomenon known as the caburé or even more picturesquely as “the phantom Jeep”. Unlike tales involving phantom cars like the terrifying Haitian zobop, the ghost Jeep of the Maranhao dunes is seen where no vehicles usually drive; some claim having been blinded by the intense blueness of its headlights, which can illuminate the surroundings like daylight. One man interviewed by Villarubia and Martins was out deer-hunting when the ethereal vehicle made a beeline toward him, scaring him out of his wits and making him beleive that he was about to be run over in the wilderness. Unable to move, he saw the phantom Jeep vanish into thin air before it struck him. The "phantom Jeep" may also have a Mexican cousin: the carro de Banda reported in Durango's Zone of Silence since the 1920s. However, the caburé isn’t the only light in the Maranhao. Carlos Araújo, born and raised in the area, told researchers that he was hunting deer among the scrub when he came across a cigar-shaped light suspended in the air, looking like “the burning tip of a cigarette” and less than a hundred meters from where he stood in the darnkess. Calling out to the object, thinking it might belong to a fellow hunter, the cigar shaped light did something completely unexpected: it changed shape, elongating up, down and sideways into the shape of a cross. Believing that it was a sign of God, Araújo dropped to his knees in fervent prayer as the cross turned to the same blue color associated with the phantom Jeep’s headlights. Yet these experiences are hardly new. As far back as the 1930’s, ethnographers were collecting stories in the area about strange goings-on that were quickly filed under “folklore”. Author José Carvalho reported that fishermen along the Mangueiras River were used to seeing objects best described as brightly lit phantom boats that caused riverboat captains to panic and veer off course before a collision could occur. But lights aside, the area contains even more compelling mysteries, such as the abandoned city of Tutóia, believed by 19th century archeologist Ludwig Schwennhagen to be a Phoenician fortified trading post in the manner of similar trading posts found along the Red Sea during the Hellenistic Age. It was believed that further proof of the Phoenician presence in northwestern Brazil could perhaps be found not in this desert-girt city but in the swamps and bogs along the shores of the Pinaré River. Salt Deserts of the South In February 2001, residents of the northern Chilean town of Calama—located in the vicinity of the country’s northern salt deserts—claimed having seen a “caravan of UFOs” in the Salar de Atacama, one of the driest spots on Earth. A strange silvery sphere had been causing a great deal of consternation among locals, but it wasn’t until February 24 at 8:30 pm that Adolfo Trigo, a young resident of the outlying village of San Rafael, claimed having seen a UFO taking off from one of the village’s quarters. The object, he would later tell the Diario de Calama newspaper, was a “fish-tailed cylinder with a phosphorescent green front, an electric blue middle and a violet-hued tail.” Trigo was spellbound as the multicolored object made a full turn in the air before rising into the night sky at full speed. But what makes Trigo’s account unique is that he did not see the object lose itself among the stars, as is often described in UFO sightings, but rather “disappear into a doorway in the sky.” Others would become witnesses to this latest desert mystery. Weeks later, Gustavo Glade would become a witness to UFO while traveling by truck along Cuesta El Diablo on the southernmost reaches of the Atacama Desert. The driver, accompanied by five other passengers, was able to see a sequence of bright rectangular lights that appeared to be flying in tandem. It looked, in his own words, “like seeing a train riding through space”, a description corroborated by the others aboard his vehicle. However, the same peculiarity as in the Trigo sighting was noticed: the heavenly convoy did not fly away or shoot up into space—it seemed to enter into a cloud or “dimensional doorway” through which it vanished completely. Glade’s sighting lasted a total of eighteen to twenty seconds and the objects involved were no mroe than a dozen, flying in an upward direction, which discarded the suggested possibility that the driver and his passengers had seen a meteor. The UFO phenomenon’s interest in Chile is mirrored by the U.S. military’s interest in both the country and the phenomenon. According to journalist Cristián Riffo (www.ovnivision.cl), a Col. Hubert Brandon prepared a dossier on the anomalous activity in this country in 1965. This Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) dossier documents UFO sightings and encounters reported by trained professionals, including the Septemebr 1965 encounter between a LAN Chile airliner piloted by Marcelo Cisternas over the city of Arica, in which a zig-zagging object buzzed the aircraft for a number of minutes. Months before the Trigo and Glade sightings, researcher Jaime Ferrer of the Calama UFO Center managed to collect a compelling account from the desert community of Chiu-Chiu which took place in October 2000. A man named Gonzalo, owner of a hard candy factory in the area and who distributed his product personally to the local towns, told Ferrer the following story: he had been driving some forty kilometers along the road when he saw a bright light the size of the full moon which appeared to be coming in for a landing. However, the bright object was actually suspended in mid-air. Gonzalo pulled his delivery van over , turned off the headlights and lowered the driver side window for a better look. To his astonishment, the object “exploded” and vanished, scattering three lights—red, yellow and blue-- in separate directions. What truly astonished him, he told Ferrer, was that no sooner had the lights scattered, he could hear a helicopter taking off in the darkness, although he couldn’t see it. The helo kicked up a dust storm and Gonzalo noticed “ a powerful ultraviolet light” aimed at the ground. Three wheeled vehicles, which he took to be Jeeps or 4x4s followed the helicopter’s beam and lost themselves in the desert – proof that the Chilean military is as interested in UFOs as it ever was, despite strenuous protestations that it keeps no files on the phenomenon? Why Chile? Why the Atacama Desert with its thousand year-old mummies and vestiges of the earliest civilizations in South America? Archaeologist Juan Schobinger has written in his Prehistory in the Americas (NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2000) that Chile faces one of the richest seas in the world and is backed by one of its most forbidding deserts. The dryness of the salt desert, where rainfall is measured in inches per century, made it ideal for preserving cultural artifacts such as baskets, textiles and even food. It also preserved something darker—the rituals of forgotten shamans who would bury sacrifices deep in the desert for the “gods” to feast upon. The sacrifices would be held at night and the victim, usually a llama or a dog, left out. At daybreak, the ancient medicine men would return to the site to insure that the gods—the meandering lights of the desert—had accepted the offering. The carcass would be utterly exsanguinated and a puncture mark could usually be found somewhere on the body, which was then transported back to the primitve settlement to be consumed by the community. Subsequently, evidence of this communion between man and his deities was buried under a cairn known as an apachetca, a tangible link of the trade betwen ancient man and supernatural forces. It is easy to dismiss this as the savagery of ancient man until we remember that the books of the Pentateuch mentioned that the blood of the sacrifice belonged to the godhead. Contemporary thinkers of the paranormal like Salvador Freixedo have written at length about this curious aspect of the human worship (Defendámonos de los dioses, Spain: Quintá, 1985). Death Lurks in the Sand Spanish author Miguel Seguí, writing in Año Cero magazine, mentions a conversation a conversation he held with Tunisian camel driver Mohamed Charaa regarding the perils of the northern reaches of the Sahara desert. In the vicinity of the town of Gafsa, said Charaa, the truly unlucky ran the risk of coming across monstrously large snakes known as taguerga which measure up to 4 meters in length and whose poison is lethal. In the late 1950s, desert nomads spoke of giant snakes that devoured their goats and and sheep; when one specimen decided to help itself to a young camel at a desert campsite, the nomads decided that no matter how much they loathed the idea of doing so, it was necessary to appeal to the colonial authorities for help. It was thus, according to Seguí, that a French army detachment was sent to investigate from the vicinty of Beni Ounif. It wasn’t long before these romanticized desert warriors came across the largest snake they had ever seen—so large that their Enfield rifles were unable to fell it. The soldiers had to resort to a heavy machine gun to slay the beast, which measured a nightmarish 20 meters long—very nearly 90 feet. Although the serpent’s skin was preserved for a while, the political turmoil of the times and the withdrawal of French forces from the area caused all traces of the spectacular find to be lost. Seguí was able to determine, however, that a year earlier, a native auxiliary had been attacked by a giant snake measuring anywhere between fourteen and fifteen feet. The skin of this desert beast had indeed been preserved and seen by many, but was ultimately sold for forty-five thousand Francs to a private collector. The notable characteristic of this monster snake is that it appears to be able to “jump up” to bite a human or camel in the head, and has a singular characteristic: what appears to be a crest of long hairs on its head, which also have horns. Years would go by before another case was reported. It wasn’t until 1967, during the construction of a massive dam in southern Morocco, that bulldozer operator Hamza Rahmani saw a seven long serpent engaging in a singular activity—eating its way through the construction site’s entire supply of engine grease. Using his bulldozer’s blade, Rahmani was able to kill the creature, which measured a little over nine meters long and had a “mane’ of hair running along its head. According to Seguí, the construction project was bedeviled by the creatures, with a ten meter long one—complete with twisted horns—being seen the following year and twelve to fifteen meter one reported two years later. While even the most open-minded may scoff at these measurments and call them overblown, the author reminds us that eighteen-meter long snakes were common during the Pleistocene in South America. But stranger things than giant snakes can be found in the world’s deserts. Ing. Marco Reynoso of Mexico’s defunct Fundación Cosmos A.C. describes a case involving a group of teenagers during the months of December '89/January '90 as they traveled to visit a series of caves located in Cerro Pajarito, in the Mexican state of Chihuahua on the road leading to the Paquimé archaeological site. According to Alvaro Villareal, one of the witnesses, they found two dead, 3-point deer and one doe on their path. The animal’s carcasses were not rigid and the eyes had been eaten by ants. Three perforations, spaced at 3 cm., were on their necks forming a triangle. Footprints similar to those of a puma were seeing in the area. When the group entered into one of the caves, they heard squealing sounds and smelled an odor of burned wood; standing on an outcropping 15 meters away was an entity resembling the one described as the "Chupacabras", which advanced toward them. Seized by panic, one of the would-be speleologists drew his pistol and fired an entire clip at the creature, which was impervious to the hail of bullets. The group ran out of the cave, uncertain if the creature was dead or not. They also claim having encountered a thin, metallic green entity standing some 80 cm., which they took to be an "extraterrestrial". Drawings were subsequently made of both creatures. It is worth noting that the deserts of Northern Mexico have also been the locale for many encounters and sighings of winged creatures best described as “gargoyles” or even “Birdmen” (see “Return of the Birdmen” by Scott Corrales, FATE October 1998). Conclusion The desert is a place of great beauty, but also of danger. It is the place where animals and insects inimical to human life dwell and also the place seekers go to find hidden wisdom and revelations. Traditionally the “deserted places” were shunned by the ancients, who believed that the gods of the ruined cities in the desert reverted into angry demons, having no one to worship them. Tanith Lee, one of Great Britain finest authors of sword and sorcery, writes a compelling account of a band of desert travelers who entertain a stranger by their campfire—who should it turn out to be but the demon king, come to the surface to listen to the chorused voices of his “children”, the desert predators. H.P. Lovecraft, whose visions disturb our sleep to this very day, had the “Mad Arab” Abd Alhazred title the fearsome Necronomicon “Al Azif” – supposedly the sound made by nocturnal desert insects who are in fact, evil spirits. But so much for the worlds created by our gifted fantasists. What wonders—and horrors—do the world’s deserts hold for us? Source: Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2011/03/ruins-in-shifting-sands.html The Story of the Supermodel Brainwashed into Becoming a CIA Spy In the movie Salt, Angelina
Jolie plays a double-agent who is mind-controlled by scary remnants of
the USSR secret service. And in real life, the 1940s bombshell Candy
Jones was apparently brainwashed with drugs and used as a CIA covert
Candy Jones was a successful model, author, and modeling agency owner who had married Long John Nebel, a popular late-night talk show host on New York radio station WOR. Candy told Nebel that years earlier, the FBI had asked to use her office as a mail drop and that she had agreed to deliver mail for the FBI when traveling on business. Candy was prone to insomnia and suffered from abrupt changes in her normally congenial disposition, Nebel, an amateur hypnotist, offered to hypnotize her. During their first session, Jones easily fell into a hypnotic trance and began speaking in another voice who identified herself as Arlene Grant. This second personality revealed that Jones had once delivered a package for the FBI to a man in San Francisco while she was on business there. The man was Dr Gilbert Jensen, a doctor she knew from her USO days. Candy had dinner with Jensen on November 16, 1960. Jensen said that he now worked for the CIA and had an office in Oakland, across Bay Bridge. He said that if Candy wanted to, she could get far deeper into the covert Intelligence business, adding that it could prove lucrative for her. With three sons at private schools, Candy was short of cash and accepted. The first thing Jensen did was to hypnotise Candy. Under hypnosis, Jensen told Candy that she was to be a messenger for a secret CIA unit and as she would sometimes be required to travel abroad, that she would be given a passport under the assumed name of Arlene Grant. Using mind-altering drugs, Jensen reinforced the Arlene personality so that she could take Candy over almost completely when triggered by a telephone call that played a recording of particular sounds. This done, he was able to send Candy (with Arlene's voice and manner) on various experimental missions at home and abroad. Candy would change into Arlene in appearance too, wearing a wig and using a different make-up style. Jensen aimed to create a ‘perfect messenger', one who could not reveal – even under torture – anything about the message she carried, where she came from or who had sent her. Jones was then supposedly sent to a CIA training camp where she was trained to kill and learned how to hide code numbers under her fingernail polish. After each mission was completed, Candy would remember nothing. Jensen's pièce de résistance was to demonstrate that his conditioning was so deep that Arlene would kill herself on command. As a means of demonstrating the psychiatrist's control over her, Candy was once supposedly even tortured in front of 24 doctors in an auditorium at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Candy Jones' story sounds like the wild fabrications of a deranged mind. However, there is some evidence that this bizarre tale is true. Candy told Joe Vergara, her book editor at Harper and Row, that she sometimes worked for a government agency as a courier and might disappear occasionally for weeks at a time. She also wrote a letter to her attorney William Williams instructing him that if she were to die or vanish under unusual circumstances that he was not to reveal the details of the event to anyone, especially the press. Also, when writer Donald Bain was talking to Candy about publishing a book on the story of her life, she showed him a passport issued in the name of Arlene Grant bearing a photo of Candy in a dark wig. Freedom of Information requests have also revealed that the CIA does have a substantial file on Jones, but refuses to release it. Source: io9 http://io9.com/#!5784189/the-strange-story-of-the-real+life-salt-a-supermodel-brainwashed- into-becoming-a-cia-spy - THE SECRET LIFE OF THE YETI DEPARTMENT - Russia Sets up University Institute to Study the Yeti Russia is setting up a
university research institute to study the Yeti after a spate of
claimed recent sightings in Siberia.
Scientists say they have found 15 witnesses in the past year who gave statements that they saw the Abominable Snowman in one remote area . 'We spoke to local residents', said Dr Igor Burtsev, who conducted an expedition last summer and will head the new institute at Kemerovo State University. 'They told us Yetis were stealing their animals.' The academic claims around 30 Yetis live in a remote region of Mount Shoria in in southern Siberia. He strongly denies accusations that the 'sightings' are a bizarre ruse to attract tourists to the far-flung region. Reports say the two-legged creatures are heavy-set, more around 7ft tall and resemble bears. 'Their bodies were covered in red and black fur, and they could climb trees,' said one account. One villager, Afanasy Kiskorov, even claimed to scientists that he rescued a Yeti on a hunting trip a year ago. The creature was screaming in fear after falling into a swollen mountain river, he said. His version suggested a 'strange creature, looking like a huge man which tried several times to get out of water and to stand up on both feet, but dropped into the water each time and was howling'. As his fellow-hunters 'froze' in amazement, Kiskorov held out a dry tree trunk. 'The creature clutched to it and crawled to the bank,' he said. The Yeti allegedly then ran off. This 'sighting' was in the Tashtagol district of the Kemerovo Region, only accessible by helicopter. However, no photographic evidence exists. Other accounts say the Yetis steal hens and sheep from remote villages. According to Burtsev, Yetis are Neandethal men who have survived to this day. 'In Russia there are about 30 authoritative scientists who are engaged in studying the phenomenon of the 'Abonimable Snowman'. All of them will be integrated into this institute,' said Dr Burtsev. The 'primary goal' is to 'establish contact' with one of the creatures. Leading Russian scientists deny the existence of the Yeti. An expensive Soviet expedition in central Asia found traces but no clear proof of the existence of the Yetis. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368898/The-cold-paw-Russian- scientists-set-Yeti-institute.html Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar and Conspiracy Journal Magazines
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