![]() 12/30/11 #652 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal652.html ![]() This week
Conspiracy Journal brings you such Auld
Lang Syne
tales as: - Looking for Aliens? Try the Moon - - Super-Highway to the Stars: Alien Traffic? - - Evolution of Angels - - What are the Great Pyramids Really Made of? - AND: There’s a Folk Devil in Every Crowd CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ HOLIDAY SPECIAL FROM
real flying saucer classic - two volumes in
one from the all important Golden Age of
Flying Saucers in when many of the UFO
contactees of the 1950s and 60s were claiming
to have actually meet space beings (commonly
called the Space Brothers) and in some cases
to have actually gone for trips inside cigar
and disc-shaped craft to other planets.
It's a part of UFO research the public seldom ever hears about -- that human-looking, "Nordic-like" aliens are living among us, having become part of our society with or without the knowledge of their neighbors. It was in this atmosphere of cosmic awakening that a woman named Vivenus emerged with a message of hope and universal love. Vivenus claimed to be a resident of the planet (believe it or not!). She arrived, she said, on earth at 10 PM on September 24, 1960. A flying saucer (or "swoop" as they call them on her home planet) let her out in Central Park and she took control of her earthly double who was about to take her own life. NOT ALL
In this book you will learn how people on Venus live for thousands of years; How everyone on Earth has a twin on Venus; How the Venusians have developed their mental powers to create a paradise on their planet; How Earth and its inhabitants have strayed from God's path, and how we can also make Earth a paradise. PLUS SPECIAL
His real name was Michael Barton, though he wrote over 25 confidential monographs under the moniker of Michael X. All we really know is that Michael was a simple businessman who had a friend whose life was saved from cancer after having a close encounter. A former skeptic, Barton began to question his sensibilities as he spoke with many of the UFO contactees he met at places like Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert, to exchange stories of meeting beautiful, benevolent, angelic-like beings from outer space. In this rare reprinted section Michael X reveals the SECRET ORIGIN OF HUMANKIND. The author asks: "Did you ever wonder about how you came to be on this planet? Where did you...and the other billions of human inhabitants of this Earth come from in the first place? What are the real facts?" "You're going to be astounded and amazed when you find out the whole story of man's secret origin! You'll probably say to yourself 'Why wasn't this information brought to my attention before?' and, 'Why wasn't I taught this kind of knowledge in school, so I could have been making good use of it all these years?' Why? Why? Why?" This book will take you on an adventure like you have never been on before. PLUS! If you
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- MADE POSSIBLE BY VIEWERS LIKE YOU DEPARTMENT - Looking for Aliens? Try the Moon ![]() American
scientists want to enlist online volunteers to
identify signs of alien life in moon images
collected by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Physicists Paul Davies and Robert Wagner of Arizona State University believe there may be signs of extra terrestrial life in the form of messages, scientific instruments, waste or evidence of mining that could be spotted by human telescopes and orbiting spacecraft. In their paper published online in the journal Acta Astronautica, the pair wrote: “Although there is only a tiny probability that alien technology would have left traces on the moon in the form of an artifact or surface modification of lunar features, this location has the virtue of being close, and of preserving traces for an immense duration. "If it costs little to scan data for signs of intelligent manipulation, little is lost in doing so, even though the probability of detecting alien technology at work may be exceedingly low.” The paper adds: “Alien civilizations may have sent probes to our region of the galaxy. Any mission to the solar system would probably have occurred a very long time ago. “The lunar environment could preserve artifacts for millions of years.” The LRO has been taking pictures of the moon’s surface since 2009, with more than 340,000 images collected so far. According to Davies and Wagner, it would be impossible for one team to examine the ever-growing number of images, hence their suggestion to involve amateur enthusiasts in what they claim would make “an excellent educational project”. They also suggest building computer software that could recognize irregularities on the moon’s surface. The proposals would complement other hunts for alien life, including the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), which uses data from radiotelescopes. Source: Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2011/12/26/aliens-moon-acta-astronautica-seti-nasa-_n_1170217.html - NEXT STOP, EARTH DEPARTMENT - Super-Highway to the Stars: Alien Traffic? By Diane Tessman ![]() One of the major
questions of the UFO enigma: Can extraterrestrials
get to Earth from “out there” when space/time is
so vast? If we feel that no living being can ever
traverse the distances involved, regardless of
advanced technology about which humans have yet to
learn, and regardless of the true nature of
space/time, gravity, light, and the
electromagnetic force about which humans also do
not yet know, then we begin to assume that aliens
are from some other dimension of Earth.
The fact is, it is difficult to separate the concept of extraterrestrials from the concept of other-dimensional beings. An example: If future humans are traveling through space/time, then they are from the dimension of time when they visit us in 2012, but they are also likely to be space-travelers. Even ETs from far distant planets might travel through dimensions to shorten the trip from here to there. However, what I mean by “other dimensional beings from Earth,” is that if we feel they just can’t get “here” from “there” due to the distances involved, we then begin to wonder if our visitors are some sort of lower Earth life form, parasitical and demonic in nature, which nonetheless possesses advanced propulsion and/or advanced quantum abilities, and that they “attack us.” I cannot understand how parasitical demons have managed such advanced propulsion methods and/or how they evolved such a powerful level of consciousness as to be able to manipulate the quantum world. I do not understand this theory at all; it has many problems in my view, including the concept of “attacks,” however, to each his own. My point: If we tentatively set this demonic concept aside, we are back to wondering if any of the visitors in our skies are true aliens from far distant planets circling far distant stars. Are they all from other Earth dimensions, perhaps mostly higher realms rather than lower realms? I remember hearing nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman talk at a MUFON Propulsion Symposium in the early 1980s; there were many people at this symposium from NASA, which had a branch in Houston. Dr. Friedman steadfastly maintained that if space/time travelers go .9999 the speed of light, they can get to Earth from their planet within their probable lifetimes, or they might have generations involved in space travel so that their 2nd or 3rd generation, born in space, would reach Earth. A helpmate to this theory is that the space travelers might come from the “Goldilocks” zone of our own Milky Way Galaxy, which is where Earth lies as well. This is the section along one arm of the galaxy, which is most likely to encourage the evolution of advanced life. Warm enough? Just right. Atmosphere? Just right, and so forth. Very recently, many “super-Earth” planets have been found in the Goldilocks zone; they are larger than Earth and may lack protective electromagnetic fields because they might not have a spinning molten core like Earth. However, all the rest of their characteristics seem favorable for life; life would likely find a way to evolve. We know from Earth evolution that life itself will find a way to survive and evolve if it possibly can, and probably, life will also find a way to survive and evolve when there is no way. Life is tenacious! As 2012 looms, there are several new theories on why distances in the universe might not be as huge as we think they are. I am not a physicist, but here, briefly, are several of the exciting new theories: There is a “super highway” through space/time on which space craft from numerous worlds zoom along. This “super highway” allows space craft to avoid the complicated fabric of space/time. The “super highway” is actually a fracture in the space/time continuum which happened, apparently, as the Big Bang spread out. It can be thought of as a string stretched out into space/time which can be used as a conveyor belt from one place to another; once one gets within this string, you are no longer the prisoner of the rules of space/time. I recommend “Through the Wormhole” DVD with Morgan Freeman as host, for starters on this theory then dig into the new physics of it if you wish! Are extraterrestrials using this “super-highway” on a regular basis? The “on” ramps may be crowded and you might have to watch out for the traffic, from all sorts of different origins and sources! Then there is the theory that the speed of light, 186,282 miles per second, is not a constant, as Einstein stated. There is evidence that the speed of light varies when measured on a light spectrum. If this is true, space goers could navigate in accordance with this variation. Einstein holds up really well but in 2011, some brilliant physicists and similar “big brains” are beginning to perceive that his view of the universe was not perfect. He assumed we are in a prison, not being able to go into deep space. We may not be in prison at all! Of course there is the ongoing work on warp drive, which original Star Trek proclaimed in 1966. Today, the work to create a working warp drive is making serious progress, from NASA to private research facilities. In this theory, your star craft does not move at all. Through the use of negative energy, the space/time in front of the craft is condensed and the space/time behind the craft is elongated. We do know absolutely that space/time is a fabric, a substance, almost like a body of water. It is not an empty vacuum. The only thing keeping warp drive a non-reality for humans is that we have not harnessed negative energy, but we are working on it. We have guessed that UFOs use anti-gravity as a means of propulsion. Negative energy/anti-gravity: sounds to me like there might be a connection. If humans can think it, humans will create it. I cannot understand arguments which say we must stick to “old science facts” and that it is somehow folly to pursue new scientific theories. How did we create the civilization we do have, however flawed? We created it through dreaming, thinking, coming up with possible theories, and then making them so – or making the best of those theories – so. Reality! Why is polio not running rampant? Because Jonas Salk tried and tried and finally found the right vaccination. Why do we have airplanes today? Because many “pseudo-scientists” tried to fly and crashed face first into the mud. And then the Wright brothers finally hit the right “pseudo science” combination and it became scientific fact. Why did we finally figure out that the world is not flat, for goodness sakes? Need I go on? Galileo. Copernicus. Einstein. The Apollo astronauts - including the ones who were burned to death in a faulty test module as we humans tried to find the right stuff (the right science and the right spirit), for space travel. If we humans are to understand the UFO enigma, we have to stretch into quasi-science and scientific speculation. One day, some theory in “quasi-science” will be “quasi” no more, it will become actual scientific fact. We will find out all about our alien visitors, and life will go on, probably much richer. We dream, we experiment, we ponder, we theorize. This is how we create reality. How can anyone not see this? I am thrilled that UFOs and their occupants exist, because they are pushing my human species to evolve. Physicists usually do not speak of UFOs, but I am positive that every theoretical physicist out there, finding evidence for stringy “super-highways” and perceiving that warp drive will become reality, also enjoys dreaming of aliens on that superhighway and of the human starship crew traveling by warp drive. This doesn’t mean every physicist believes in aliens; some do, some don’t. It means: If humans can think it, humans will create it. The super-highway awaits us, or if we prefer, let’s engage warp! Receive free “e” newsletter, EXO-TREKKING! Put your finger on the pulse of the infinite with messages from the alien perspective, as well as predictions, commentary on UFOs, earth changes, 2012, and more! Diane and Tibus work toward a brighter future, both here on Earth and out of this world! Come along for the spirit, come along for the thrill, and for the celebration of universal life! Send an email to: info@earthchangepredictions.com Just say, “I want my free EXO-TREKKING! - KISS AN ANGEL
Evolution of Angels ![]() Divine messengers haven't always looked like the familiar Christmas tree toppers. 'Tis the season for winged humanoids to alight everywhere from store windows to Christmas tree tops to lingerie runways. But it wasn't always so. Angels, at least the Christian variety, haven't always been flying people in diaphanous gowns. And their various forms—from disembodied minds to feathered guardians—reflect twists and turns of thousands of years of religious thought, according to an upcoming book. "There is lots of interesting theology about angels, and in some ways we've kind of lost the knack for that," said John Cavadini, chair of theology at the University of Notre Dame. "We tend to think of angels as things that we'd find in a Hallmark card," Cavadini added. "But many people, especially in antiquity, were very interested in them"—in what they might look like, how they might organize themselves, how they behave. In the Bible angels served as envoys of God—angelos being Greek for "messenger." Other than that, the scriptures leave a lot of room for interpretation. "There isn't a lot of detail, and that's the fascinating thing," said Ellen Muehlberger, a professor of Middle Eastern studies at the University of Michigan. "The Same Substance as God" In the early days of Christianity, some believers considered Jesus Christ himself to be one of many angels, said Muehlberger, who's working on a book on the shifting theology of angels in ancient times. "We only know about this because of later, fourth-century authors who penned negative descriptions of this belief" to refute it, she said. Jesus officially lost his angelhood when the Roman Emperor Constantine I convened the Council of Nicea in 325. There, bishops were charged with turning the still varied and sometimes conflicting conceptions of God, Christ, and Christianity into a single, unified theology. "The Council of Nicea defined Christ as totally divine, as of the same substance as God," Muehlberger said. "Christians who worked to interpret the council's decrees over the next several decades took this to mean that Christ was not an angel. Angels were something else entirely." A Beautiful Mind In the early centuries of the church, perceptions of angels may have been as varied as the descriptions of Christ himself—or Judas, for that matter. A fourth-century Christian monk and ascetic known as Evagrius, for example, developed a theory that explained the human essence in three parts. "One part is governed by appetites and makes us hungry or sleepy or want to have sex," Muehlberger explained. "That's sort of the lowest part. "A second is an emotional part that allows us to get angry or makes us prideful. "Then there is a rational part," she said. "And that is the part, according to Evagrius, that is most like God and the angels too." Evagrius "thought that something like anger was like a demon that came and attacked you. And if you couldn't fight off those attacks yourself, a totally rational angel, standing beside you, could help you." Others followed this line, proclaiming that angels were disembodied minds, or intellects, according to Muehlberger. Angels for Everyone Around the same time, debate swirled over just who angels served on Earth. At early Christian monasteries, for instance, many ascetics assumed that really good students would get some kind of divine guide or coach to help them. "These monks said, Hey, not everybody gets a guardian angel—it's a mark of moral success," said Muehlberger, citing monastic letters from the period explaining the need for monastery inhabitants to cultivate their own angels. In the towns, though, a more democratic view of angels prevailed. Bishops and other officials began to assure their congregants that everyone has a guardian angel. In Egypt, some bishops went on to suggest that some desert-dwelling monks—who had renounced pleasures of flesh and family—might themselves be angels on Earth. The Egyptian monks rejected this out of hand, saying, in Muehlbergers' words, "We act like animals, not angels." Eventually this populist view won out: I'm no angel and neither are you, but they watch over all of us. Celestial Hierarchy No sooner had believers begun to vaguely agree on what angels were than scholars began to debate how heavenly messengers organize themselves. The Bible sheds little light on angelic society, but writers have been happy to fill in the gaps, including the unknown author of the circa-A.D. 500 On the Celestial Hierarchy. Incorporating some earlier ideas, the tome ranks angelic beings into nine orders. From lowest to highest: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim. "It was not an official church teaching," said Michael Root, a theologian at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Notre Dame's Cavadini added, "I think it contributed to the beauty of the universe that all these different levels of beings were incredibly diverse but completely interdependent, and that all that multiplicity yielded a harmony instead of a dissidence." Fallen Angels Of course not all angels are angelic, according to some Christian traditions. Satan himself, it's been said, was once an angel named Lucifer. The fact that angels can fall from grace is an important point, Catholic University's Root said—it implies that they have free will. "You even had some theologians in the medieval and the early modern periods who thought that there was an adversarial angel, a fallen angel, assigned to each person as well as a guardian angel—though this was never an official thought," Root said. As early as the second and third centuries, Christian scholars such as Origen of Alexandria saw important roles for fallen angels, Notre Dame's Cavadini said. "For Origen and a lot of church fathers, angels participated in the governance of the universe at God's will," Cavadini said. "That also meant that the fallen angels were intended to participate in the betterment of the universe, and that you have to take them very seriously, because they still did participate—but in a negative way." Angels in America Though modern Americans may spend less time puzzling over angels' forms and ways than the ancients did, Americans do tend to believe heavenly messengers are among us, and actively so. Some 55 percent of Americans think they've been protected by their guardian angels at some point in their lives, according to a 2008 Baylor University survey conducted by the Gallup organization. "I've been looking at over 1,100 stories we collected from people about their experiences with their guardian angels," Baylor sociologist Carson Mencken said. "People talk about close calls like auto accidents, especially accidents in which someone else was killed. Others were victims of assault or survived near-drownings or had combat-related near-death experiences," Mencken said. (See "Near-Death Experiences Explained?") "It's the random death that frightens us—there's nothing that we can do to control it. "Based on our study, many of the people who survive those close calls attribute their survival to their guardian angels," he said. In most of these cases, he added, the angels are not seen but only felt. And yet to many Christians, their heavenly guardians are as real as the ones on their Christmas trees. Source: National Geographic http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/12/111223-christmas-angels- evolution-science-history-christianity/
What are the Great Pyramids Really Made of? ![]() One hundred thousand slaves tug multi-ton blocks across the desert. A complicated series of pulleys lifts each hand-cut stone into the perfect place. This is history's image of ancient Egyptian pyramid construction. What if the Egyptians were using an easier, more efficient method? Recent theories and scientific evidence suggest that people assembled cement blocks on site to construct the exterior of the pyramids. Here's why everything you thought you knew about how we built the Great Pyramids is probably wrong. X-raying the Pyramids Materials scientist Joseph Davidovits suggests a more realistic way to look at how the pyramids were built. Unconvinced of Egyptian abilities to construct and move large blocks to create the pyramids, Davidovits posits that Eqyptians molded blocks from limestone and vegetable matter available nearby. These blocks, built on site, are then used to build the pyramids. Existing only as a hypothesis, Davidovits later supported his idea using X-Ray Diffraction data, a technique common in chemistry and material science. Analysis of Casing Stones Scientific inquiries revolve around the "casing stones" used on the pyramids – the outer layer of polished stone. In the paper X-Ray Analysis and X-Ray Diffraction of Casing Stones from the Pyramids of Egypt, and the Limestone of the Associated Quarries, Davidovits looks at stones from six different sites. Through analysis, the casing stones at the sites contain air bubbles. This is stark contrast to rocks from the quarries, quarries the casing stones are typically associated with, with the quarry rock containing no bubbles. The presence of air bubbles in the casing stones supports the "cement" theory. Davidovits also wrote a journal article describing how a cement-like substance could be made using local fauna and tools like antlers and bone. Evidence for Cement Technology Pliny the Elder, a historian and Naval Commander in Rome during the first century C.E wrote Naturalis Historia , an early attempt to construct an encyclopedia. Pliny the Elder makes several references to Egyptian created "formed" stones, particularly in the creation of vases: "In this way occurs a multitude of heaps (of minerals) which can be transformed into real rocks. They Egyptians make vases in this way..." Granted, Pliny wrote thousands of years after the creation of the pyramids, but this notation provides evidence of a cement-like technology used by the Egyptians two thousand years ago. Recent scientific analysis Davidovits' work is often discounted due to the aspect that he is the originator of the cement pyramids theory. Other scientists, however, are using modern techniques to examine the stones. In the 2011 paper, Were the casing stones of Senefru's Bent Pyramid in Dahshour cast or carved? Multinuclear NMR evidence, nuclear magnetic resonance experiments show the casing stones of Senefru's Bent Pyramid to be a combination of limestone grains from one quarry cemented with a calcium-silicate gel from a second quarry. Resistance to the molded pyramid Although multiple research groups provide evidence for cement-based casing stones, Egyptologists are rather reluctant to accept these scientific inquiries. Zahi Hawass, long time (and now former) Egyptian Minister of Antiquities calls the theory of cement-cast pyramids "plain stupid", adding in a 2006 conversation: "Of course they're not. They're made from solid blocks of quarried limestone. To suggest otherwise is idiotic and insulting." It is rather difficult to change decades of thinking, especially in a science that often relies on subjective and visual interpretations to reach conclusions. A more efficient way So were the pyramids constructed with cement? It's certainly a plausible theory, and it eliminates the questions surrounding how a civilization cut and transported the massive stones from quarries. No aliens or futuristic technology needed – only locally made cement and molds. A cement cast would allow for on-site production, decrease time & personnel needs, and create a uniform shape. If Ockham's Razor applies, Davidovits' view is the winner. Source: io9 http://io9.com/5869417/what-are-the-great-pyramids-really-made-out-of There’s a Folk Devil in Every Crowd by Micah Hanks ![]() The
long sordid history of Forteana
is rife with tales of chance
encounters with unsettling
weirdos and beasts whose very
existence seems impossible, at
very best. Due to the nature of
these strange sorts of visits,
it becomes difficult to discern
how much of the mythos that
surrounds such beings from the
twilight world of the
unexplained is based on pure
fact, and how much could stem
from the surreal archetypal
realms of the human mind.
There are curious reports of creeping strangers the likes of the infamous “Grinning Man,” described by John Keel in his volumes pertaining to supernatural lore and oddities. There are reports of “Mad Gassers” that sneak noxious fumes into the homes of the middle class citizenry through pinhole-sized crevices along the edges of windows. There are also tales of demons, devils, and otherworldly goonies that lurch at the unsuspecting as they wander suburban roadsides during the still moments after the sun has gone down. While many of these denizens of the shadow realm might be attributed to various goings on of the physical realm (if not misidentification or outright hoaxes), one of their curious propensities relies on their odd tendency to court ill fortune and disasters… and for many readers of this blog, such creepy creatures of the night do have a particular name… Indeed, here I’m speaking of what I call “Fortean Folk Devils,” the more high-strangeness entities within the areas of Forteana tha bear a number of consistencies throughout various reports, often bridging the gap between differences in cultures beliefs and societal norms. Recently, I spent a few minutes outlining the curious preponderance of strange visitations by uninvited guests throughout the centuries, encapsulating this “Folk Devil” concept, where I noted that these “entities,” whatever they may be, could be both physical, in some sense, as well as the result of some strange archetypal formation or manifestation from within the mind. But how, exactly, could this be? Does it suggest that people’s reports of strange encounters with mystery beings might actually be rooted in our own subconscious, and that the kinds of stories being elucidated by those claiming to have had encounters are really the result of “thought projections” or, to borrow the Tibetan term for this, Tulpas? To answer these questions might really involve a foray into the realms of psychology and the subconscious mind, and certain extends beyond the scope of the present article. However, to begin with another question, I first might be inclined to ask, “can the resolution to the Folk Devil mystery not draw from each of these, perhaps being both physical as well as archetypal or mystical in nature? In a sense, it might not be too much of a stretch to consider whether the human mind, under the right circumstances, couldn’t interpret an uncomfortable or unsettling event in such a way that it literally interprets (or we might even say “projects) imagery that, while not wholly physical, is something that appears very real in the eye of the beholder. Even more curious, perhaps, would be the notion that certain phenomena that is discussed within the annals of paranormalia could bear striking resemblance to each other from one encounter to the next, based solely on the consistent elements involving human perception that stem from within the mind. To put it concisely, the sorts of “archetypes” that Carl Jung spoke of could be likened to being “programs” that come pre-installed within every human mind, and remain capable of interpreting various phenomenon, given certain conditions, with remarkable consistency. I don’t think this removes the possibility that there could be strange beings in a very real sense that do appear and haunt us from the fringes of humanity at times. What it does lend itself to, however, is the resulting cultural interpretations that stem from such encounters, lending to a sort of legendary substructure that builds itself into our folklore, inspired by people’s chance encounters with outright weirdness. A recent article featured by Reuters news even discussed this notion to some degree, building on the cultural parallels that seem to exist within the interpretation of ideas such as “the unknown visitor,” a concept that has close cultural consistency spanning a number of traditions around the globe. Perhaps unraveling the mysteries of the Fortean realm lay not so much in interpreting whether they exist solely within a physical capacity, or merely within the realms of the mind; it could very well be that culture, perception, and belief work together to interweave what ultimately becomes our interpretation of reality, and in ways that continue to allude us. Source: Mysterious Universe http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2011/12/unknown-visitors-and-outsiders-theres-a-folk-devil-in-every-crowd/#more-9230 Sign up today for
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