1/15/12 #654 http://www.conspiracyjournal.com Subscribe for free at our subscription page: http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/subscribe.html You can view this newsletter online at: https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal654.html Trust is not
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nowadays. It used to be that you could trust
in your neighbor; trust in
your job; trust in your church; trust in
your elected officials. Now,
trust is hard to find. Trust can even be
dangerous. You can't trust in
your neighbors, because they could be spying
on you on behalf of
Homeland Security. You can't trust in your
job; that is what jobs are
actually left that pay a living salary. You
can't trust in your church
as many are now playing politics in order to
speed up the apocalypse.
And don't get us started about our elected
officials - we used to think
a sex-scandal was the epitome of bad
politics. Oh for the days of a
simple sex-scandal. But there is one thing
that you can trust in . .
.Conspiracy Journal! Yes that's right. You
can always trust that
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each and every week, revealing
those deep, dark, dirty secrets that you
won't find in your local
newspaper, or hear on your nightly news.
week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such
trustworthy stories as:
- Astronomers See More Planets Than Stars in Galaxy - - Is Alien Entanglement Actually Quantum Entanglement? - - Woman Claims She Woke Up in Different Universe...Ours - - Student Suicide Inspired Indiana College Haunting - AND: 10 Technologies That Congress Tried to Kill CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ LAST CHANCE TO SNAG THIS SPECIAL PRICE! ARE THERE ALIENS AMONGST US? THE GOLDEN AGE OF FLYING SAUCERS PROVIDED US WITH MANY PROPHETIC REVELATIONS OF FUTURE LIFE ON EARTH Here is a
real flying saucer classic - two volumes in
one from the all important Golden Age of
Flying Saucers in when many of the UFO
contactees of the 1950s and 60s were claiming
to have actually meet space beings (commonly
called the Space Brothers) and in some cases
to have actually gone for trips inside cigar
and disc-shaped craft to other planets.
It's a part of UFO research the public seldom ever hears about -- that human-looking, "Nordic-like" aliens are living among us, having become part of our society with or without the knowledge of their neighbors. It was in this atmosphere of cosmic awakening that a woman named Vivenus emerged with a message of hope and universal love. Vivenus claimed to be a resident of the planet (believe it or not!). She arrived, she said, on earth at 10 PM on September 24, 1960. A flying saucer (or "swoop" as they call them on her home planet) let her out in Central Park and she took control of her earthly double who was about to take her own life. NOT ALL
In this book you will learn how people on Venus live for thousands of years; How everyone on Earth has a twin on Venus; How the Venusians have developed their mental powers to create a paradise on their planet; How Earth and its inhabitants have strayed from God's path, and how we can also make Earth a paradise. PLUS SPECIAL
His real name was Michael Barton, though he wrote over 25 confidential monographs under the moniker of Michael X. All we really know is that Michael was a simple businessman who had a friend whose life was saved from cancer after having a close encounter. A former skeptic, Barton began to question his sensibilities as he spoke with many of the UFO contactees he met at places like Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert, to exchange stories of meeting beautiful, benevolent, angelic-like beings from outer space. In this rare reprinted section Michael X reveals the SECRET ORIGIN OF HUMANKIND. The author asks: "Did you ever wonder about how you came to be on this planet? Where did you...and the other billions of human inhabitants of this Earth come from in the first place? What are the real facts?" "You're going to be astounded and amazed when you find out the whole story of man's secret origin! You'll probably say to yourself 'Why wasn't this information brought to my attention before?' and, 'Why wasn't I taught this kind of knowledge in school, so I could have been making good use of it all these years?' Why? Why? Why?" This book will take you on an adventure like you have never been on before. PLUS! If you
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- BILLIONS AND BILLIONS DEPARTMENT - Astronomers See More Planets Than Stars in Galaxy The more
astronomers look for other worlds, the more they
find that it's a crowded and crazy cosmos. They
think planets easily outnumber stars in our galaxy
and they're even finding them in the strangest of
And they've only begun to count. Three studies released Wednesday, in the journal Nature and at the American Astronomical Society's conference in Austin, Texas, demonstrate an extrasolar real estate boom. One study shows that in our Milky Way, most stars have planets. And since there are a lot of stars in our galaxy — about 100 billion — that means a lot of planets. "We're finding an exciting potpourri of things we didn't even think could exist," said Harvard University astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger, including planets that mirror "Star Wars" Luke Skywalker's home planet with twin suns and a mini-star system with a dwarf sun and shrunken planets. "We're awash in planets where 17 years ago we weren't even sure there were planets" outside our solar system, said Kaltenegger, who wasn't involved in the new research. Astronomers are finding other worlds using three different techniques and peering through telescopes in space and on the ground. Confirmed planets outside our solar system — called exoplanets — now number well over 700, still-to-be-confirmed ones are in the thousands. NASA's new Kepler planet-hunting telescope in space is discovering exoplanets that are in a zone friendly to life and detecting planets as small as Earth or even tinier. That's moving the field of looking for some kind of life outside Earth from science fiction toward just plain science. One study in Nature this week figures that the Milky Way averages at least 1.6 large planets per star. And that is likely a dramatic underestimate. That study is based on only one intricate and time-consuming method of planet hunting that uses several South American, African and Australian telescopes. Astronomers look for increases in brightness of distant stars that indicate planets between Earth and that pulsating star. That technique usually finds only bigger planets and is good at finding those further away from their stars, sort of like our Saturn or Uranus. Kepler and a different ground-based telescope technique are finding planets closer to their stars. Putting those methods together, the number of worlds in our galaxy is probably much closer to two or more planets per star, said the Nature study author Arnaud Cassan of the Astrophysical Institute in Paris. Dan Werthimer, chief scientist at the University of California Berkeley's search for extraterrestrial intelligence program and who wasn't part of the studies, was thrilled: "It's great to know that there are planets out there that we can point our telescopes at." Kepler also found three rocky planets — tinier than Earth — that are circling a dwarf star that itself is only a bit bigger than Jupiter. They are so close to their small star that they are too hot for life. "It's like you took your shrink ray gun and you set it to seven times smaller and zap the planetary system," said California Institute of Technology astronomer John Johnson, co-author of the study presented Wednesday at the astronomy conference. Because it is so hard to see these size planets, they must be pretty plentiful, Johnson said. "It's kind of like cockroaches. If you see one, then there are dozens hiding." It's not just the number or size of planets, but where they are found. Scientists once thought systems with two stars were just too chaotic to have planets nearby. But so far, astronomers have found three different systems where planets have two suns, something that a few years ago seemed like purely "Star Wars" movie magic. "Nature must like to form planets because it's forming them in places that are kind of difficult to do," said San Diego State University astronomy professor William Welsh, who wrote a study about planets with two stars that's also published in the journal Nature. The gravity of two stars makes the area near them unstable, Welsh said. So astronomers thought that if a planet formed in that area, it would be torn apart. Late last year, Kepler telescope found one system with two stars. It was considered a freak. Then Welsh used Kepler to find two more. Now Welsh figures such planetary systems, while not common, are not rare either. "It just feels like it's inevitable that Kepler is going to come up with a habitable Earth-sized planet in the next couple of years," Caltech's Johnson said. Source: ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/astronomers-planets-stars-galaxy-15340717#.TxOpC4Hkosd - WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE DEPARTMENT - Is Alien Entanglement Actually Quantum Entanglement? Why do some people
feel a "condition of the mind" settle in right
before they spot a UFO? Some soon-to-be-observers
grow uncommonly calm or mesmerized, while others
experience a creepy feeling that something
other-worldly is about it happen. Related to these
experiences might be the "missing time" phenomenon
as well.
We tend to ignore these experiences of humans who have encountered a UFO and/or its occupants, because we just don’t have a clue as to what the answer is; how can aliens do this? They seem able to get inside our minds and alter feelings and perceptions. Maybe these phenomena occur through a scientific process called quantum entanglement. Granted, it is a more advanced scientific process than we presently understand fully, but it is a process none the less. Have the aliens mastered this process? Leaving UFOs for a moment, let’s consider quantum entanglement itself: It occurs when two or more objects share an unseen link bridging the space between them. A hypothetical pair of dice, for instance, would always land on matching numbers when rolled simultaneously, even if one was rolled on Earth and the other was rolled on Mars. Do not make the mistake of thinking "entanglement" is a negative term, perhaps similar to "parasites" or some such. It is not! It is a neutral term used by scientists to describe an astounding phenomenon of quantum physics. Quantum entanglement was called Spukhafte Fernwirkung by Albert Einstein, meaning "spooky action at a distance." Einstein muttered that it violated his famous speed limit which states, nothing goes faster than the speed of light in his Theory of Relativity. I want to state here that quantum entanglement is in its early stages of exploration by human theoretical physicists, of which I am not one. I admit that I am stretching it to a far definition of what we really know it to be at present. However, human scientists have recently managed to entangle two diamonds at the quantum level, so it has been proven that this finicky phenomenon is not limited to tiny, ultra-cold objects. Entanglement has now been achieved for macroscopic diamonds on a quantum level. In a new study, researchers from Oxford, the National Research Council of Canada, and the National University of Singapore, showed entanglement can also be achieved with standard, everyday objects like diamonds. "It is possible to put them into a quantum state," says co-author of the study, Ian Walmsley. Details are on www.scientificamerican.com Long story short, the two diamonds sub-atomic molecules became entangled and therefore a phonon was not confined to either diamond; instead, the two diamonds entered an entangled state in which they shared one phonon. If we crushed one diamond on Earth, would the diamond on Mars also crush in the same second? This is a question which comes to me, and I can find no researched answer for it. Another astounding theory regarding quantum entanglement: Physicists are working on a new theoretical model which suggests that quantum entanglement holds DNA together; it helps prevent our molecules of life from breaking apart! It is not that quantum entanglement is "science fiction" or "too far out to exist" to have real impact on reality, it is that we humans have yet to fully grasp this phenomenon which may explain everything from life after death to "missing time" in a UFO abduction, to psychic phenomena, to DNA/life itself! Regarding entanglement and consciousness: Human consciousness is a quantum field which may well exist outside the head, too, stretching only a short way or perhaps into infinity. This too is new science but aspects of this research have been proven. Details on this "quantum field of cosmic consciousness" are topics for another day. However, what if the quantum field of an individual’s consciousness can be entangled with particles of someone else’s quantum field of consciousness? That is, two quantum fields entangled into one consciousness! Or, as the illustration shows, perhaps not becoming the same field but instead, entangled beyond any undoing. These are called Borromean Rings, from ancient Afghan Buddhist art. The 3 rings are linked. If any ring is removed, they all will fall apart. So, the question is: Might aliens often use quantum entanglement when interacting with humans? They might use this quantum phenomenon during an actual abduction/encounter or they might be able to manipulate reality enough (as a human mind perceives it), that the aliens need not even be physically present for quantum entanglement to happen. This might explain why someone experiences an initial encounter, and then feels contact with the aliens on a daily basis afterward. A skeptic might say, "Do you really think some alien is interested enough in your humdrum daily life that he monitors you all the time and sends you messages which might be all love and light, but which do not pay your mortgage or really help anything?" The answer to this might be that once one’s consciousness is entangled with an alien’s consciousness, it simply is. There is access to his or her state of mind, knowledge, level of consciousness. Of course this does not do a human any great service in the daily world and the fact is, said alien is not sending messages. Two beings are merely entangled. On behalf of those of us who have had actual encounters, let me add that during what I consider to be my main encounter when I was a child, I felt that he was "giving me something of himself" – his essence, if you will - and yet keeping himself too. This was the most important aspect of my encounter, both in my memory and as it happened. I am not alone in this feeling; new agers are scorned by skeptics because they feel so close, so loving, toward the aliens they once encountered and continue to feel contact with. Yes, the aliens changed their lives but in a good way, and the humans then begin searching for angels, fairies, and loving, healing ETs. Has anyone looked seriously into the possibility that there is a scientific as well as spiritual reason for the "love and light" new agers whose lives were forever changed? And is there a solid reason also for the scientific obsession of those investigating UFOs? Do aliens use a technique of quantum entanglement of mind and soul, to make themselves known to humans? This might not be "total entanglement" of two minds but a form of entanglement of consciousness. I will add in honesty that quantum entanglement could be used for negative purposes; after an abduction, a few people are haunted for the rest of their lives, constantly frightened , finding functioning almost impossible. This might be an example of the misuse of quantum entanglement, or an entanglement technique that went wrong. How big is the leap between quantumly entangling two diamonds into one diamond and quantumly entangling two minds (or more), together? Yes, it is a big leap: Maybe one or two hundred years ahead of where we are now? Perhaps humans of the future are the main "aliens" who use quantum entanglement. I have always stated that Tibus, who says he is a future human, and I share consciousness. That is the most accurate description I can offer. There are thousands if not millions of other examples of humans "receiving alien messages," or becoming involved with ETs as if they were our own native tribe. They also long to go home to the stars. Where does that come from? Are ufologists ignorant to just poo-poo contactees (for lack of a better word), as being the "whackos of the UFO world?" Yes, there are whackos and there are con people, but the majority are sincere; I have worked with "everyday people" for years and I know that they report what truly happens within them – within their mind. Their shared consciousness is real. Quantum entangling has been called a trick of quantum magicians: When two particles are entangled, measurements performed on one of them immediately affect the other, no matter how far apart the particles are. What if aliens with advanced quantum know-how, establish the entanglement of consciousness fields between one of them and a human? From then on, the human would receive information, knowledge, even feelings, from the alien (or future human) with whom he or she was entangled. The alien would not have to sit down and telepathize messages. Is this not similar to the much maligned "channeling" concept? How quickly and authoritatively we toss out what is vital evidence regarding aliens. The entangled human might even feel a kindredship to a crew member on a UFO. Do you know how many people I have worked with over these 30 years of counseling, who feel the identity of a "starship crewmember"? Approximately 300 people have told me they felt this! Are they lala science fiction fans (some do not even like science fiction), or legitimate alien contacts? This morning brings the news that scientists have just announced that there are 150 billion planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. To what degree is the beinghood of Earth herself entangled with these other planets? We always look for how physical life itself came to Earth. On an asteroid? A meteorite? On a comet? Or did life on Earth develop independently of the galaxy’s other life? What if life (DNA) does not get to the planets on asteroids or develop through a lightning flash? What if it arrives from that "field of consciousness" which extends outside our minds and may go on infinitely. What if, due to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, life-forms spring up, their consciousness now alive simultaneously, all across the cosmos? Isn’t this what life really is? Consciousness! And this consciousness may well be quantumly entangled with other consciousness! This concept encompasses the fact that there is a web of darkness and a web of lightness (good and evil) in the universe. Some become entangled with one web, some – the other. What is the greatest power in the universe? Many of us would say love. People who feel a connection with positive aliens often refer to unconditional love. Speaking of love: Would you say you are quantumly entangled with your teenage daughter, so that if she does not come home on time from a date, you begin to worry with a sinking feeling in your stomach, nerves tingling all over? Is a father who lifts a car off his injured son, quantumly entangled with that son – so that the feat of lifting a car is possible for that micro-second? In other words, does he love his son that much? If a solider crosses a mine field, wounded himself, to save his best friend, is that an entanglement with the spirit and beinghood of his buddy? All of those examples and more, including our entanglement for our magnificent blue/green planet, Mother Earth, can be called love. When we love, do we ourselves – our consciousness - become quantumly entangled in the consciousness of another person, to such a degree that we would give our own lives to save theirs? Unconditional love! Maybe quantum entanglement is not so far-out and hypothetical after all. Maybe quantum entanglement is all around. We have the power to "do it" just as the aliens do. Ours may be primitive or lack advanced scientific focus, but the power is there in us, none the less. Finally, a brief change of subject: Did we all miss the big UFO pre-invasion or big UFO hello (take your pick), on New Year’s Eve? I read of orange orbs in a number of places, but in defense myself, if not all of us who "missed it," here is what I think happened: 1) I assumed many of the orange orbs across the globe could be Chinese lanterns. Even though they appeared as each time zone changed to 2012, it crossed my mind that through social media, a coordinated hoax might have been perpetrated. 2) We "common folk" did not receive news of the orange orbs from the media nor from MUFON, that it was concluded without doubt that these were not lanterns or other hoaxes. No one told us nothin’. Yes, there was mention of many orange orbs on New Year’s Eve. But we didn’t get all excited, panicked, fearful, or joyful because not much was made of it. The governments tell us nothin’, MUFON tells us nothin’ (regarding conclusions – not the ones that count), so, I for one did not realize--! Believe me, I am not apathetic and I doubt you are either. So I beg to be informed: Were the staggered sightings across various time zones for real? Without doubt? Please tell us facts! Visit Diane Tessman's website earthchangepredictions.com and Earth Changes Bible by Diane Tessman, the book that explains Earth's Reality Continuum - WORLDS UPON
Woman Claims She Woke Up in Different Universe...Ours What started as an ordinary day—waking in bed one morning—evolved into a series of fearful shocks and haunting horror for a desperate woman lost in an alien world: our world. As Lerina García left her bed she noticed the sheets and bedclothes were strange. She didn't recognize them. Still shaking off the last vestiges of sleep, however, she simply shrugged away the eerie discovery and began her morning routine. Everything most precious to her was gone But García would soon learn that once she'd left that slightly alien bed she entered another reality. Her life, her past—everything most precious to her—was gone. As she went through the routines of her first day in another universe she noticed small incongruities: things out of place, items missing or items she hadn't purchased. As she later wrote on the Internet seeking someone to offer an explanation for her nightmarish dilemma and maybe offering help: "One day I woke up and found that everything was different—nothing spectacular or having to do with time travel and such things. I simply woke up in the same year and day on which I went to bed, but many things were different. They were small things, but sufficiently important to know that there was a point at which everything was different." Lerina's writings on the Internet relating her story are recounted in the Spanish language site revistadigitalavalon. The English translation is here. Not everything was small. Although her car seemed the same and she still worked at the same company she had for 20 years, in the same building, she was shocked to learn her department no longer listed her. Her office was now in another department in a completely different part of the building. As the level of strangeness escalated, she dealt with her hesitancy and surprise by telling co-workers she wasn't feeling well. She shares her first day on an alien Earth: “Four months ago I awoke on a normal morning. I was in my rented home where I’d been living for seven years. Everything was the same, except that my bed linen was different, and I paid no attention at the time. "So I went to work in my car, which was parked where I’d always parked, and it was the same office I’d worked in for the last 20 years. But when I got to my department, it wasn’t my department. It has names on the door and mine wasn’t on it. I thought I was on the wrong floor, but no, it was my own floor. I went over to the office’s wireless section and looked myself up. I still worked there, but in another department, reporting to a superior I didn’t even know. "So I went to the department indicated in the directory, said I was feeling ill, and left. All the contents of my handbag were the same: my credit cards, my ID, everything, but I didn’t recall having changed departments at any time. "I went to the doctor and underwent drug and alcohol testing…all clean. "I returned to work the next day and was able to make my way by asking questions and saying that I wasn’t feeling well." Lover disappears, old beau remains “I’ve been separated from my partner of seven years for some six months. We broke up and I started a relationship with a fellow from my neighborhood. I know him perfectly well, having been with him for four months. I know his name, surname, address, where he works, his son from another relationship, and where he studies. "Well, that fellow no longer exists. He appeared to have existed before my 'jump' but there is no trace of him now. "I’ve hired a detective to find him and he does not exist. "I’ve visited a psychiatrist and its all been put down to stress. He thinks they’re hallucinations, but I know this isn’t the case. My former boyfriend is with me as though nothing had happened—apparently we never broke it off [in this world]—and Agustín (my current boyfriend) appears to have never existed. He doesn’t live in the apartment he used to live at and I cannot find his son. "I swear to you that it's true and that I’m very sane. My own family doesn’t remember things like surgery performed on my sister’s shoulder a few months ago: she says she's never been operated on. Small things to that effect." Yes, just small things. Things like a different job, a loved one that's vanished forever, and another life in another universe that can never be returned to again. A plaintive plea As can be imagined, Lerina's traumatic life on this new Earth with a boyfriend she'd broken up with in the other world is causing her bouts of stress and depression. She ends her story with a plea for help: "Please, if someone has had a similar experience, please contact me to see what may have happened. "I cannot find any pathology that matches my experience. For five months I’ve been reading all of the theories I’ve come across and am convinced that it has been a jump between planes or something, a decision or action taken that has caused things to change. "What upsets me is that that I’m in the same year, not in a different time, and I’m exactly the same. Let me explain: it’s as though I had lost my memory five months ago and woke up having dreamed those five months, with the exception that everyone remembers me during that time, and I’ve done things that I’m not aware of having done. "Has anyone had a similar experience? Pranksters and people with a grasp on 'the truth' can refrain from commenting. This is very serious to me. Thank you — Luz.” Could Lerina—a highly educated woman—be simply hallucinating everything? Perhaps she is suffering from a form of rare spatial time-related mental illness? Perhaps not, for she's not alone in her experience. An impossible visitor arrives in Tokyo A curious incident took place in Tokyo, Japan during the early 1990s: a man arrived on a flight with a passport from a non-existent country. The man expressed anger and shock when Japanese customs officials detained him. Although the officials checked their records carefully, the passport had been issued by a country that did not exist. No record showed the country had ever existed. Although passports exist issued by non-existent countries (known as camouflage passports), this passport was real and had custom officials' stamps on various pages including stamps by Japanese customs officials from previous visits. The man was well-traveled, caucasian, said the country was in Europe and had existed for almost 1,000 years. He carried legal currency from several European countries, an international drivers license and spoke several languages. Finally, indignant, he demanded a meeting with higher government authorities. He was convinced some massive practical joke was being played on him. After being detained for almost 14 hours in a small security room at the airport terminal, some government officials took pity on him and transported him to a hotel. They ordered the mystery visitor to wait there until they decided what to do about the matter. From the reports, the Japanese were just as confused and flustered as the mysterious man without a country. Although two immigration officials were posted with instructions not to permit the man to leave his room, the next morning the guards discovered he was gone. The only exit was the door they watched and the only window had no outside ledge and was 15 stories above a busy downtown street. The authorities launched an intensive manhunt throughout Tokyo for the mysterious traveler, but finally gave up the hunt. The man was never seen again. The professor's drive into oblivion Inexplicata relates a story that is like Lerina's, except from the opposite point of view. The original account was written by journalist Segundo Peña and published in one of Venezuela’s biggest newspapers, El Tiempo. Peña relates a strange tale that smacks heavily of a multiverse shift. The incident occurred on the campus of ULA (the University of the Andes) and involved a well-known faculty member. This is what happened in full daylight, according to dozens of witnesses: the professor left one of the university's buildings, crossed a parking lot to his parked car, and entered it. Many saw him as he walked to his car, some even called out to him and waved. The professor opened his car door, climbed in, sat down, and closed the door. The car sat there unmoving. Eventually, a few curious students went to the car and found it empty. The professor had vanished, presumably for good, as the incident occurred more than 40 years ago. Can such things be explained? There is no orthodox scientific explanation for any of the incidents described, unless one looks at the leading edge of scientific speculation. Exploring that dimly lit boundary between knowledge and myth—between the known and the unknown—the answer may be found. People who appear and disappear may not be snatched up by rogue ripples of time, but by anomalies in the fabric of the shifting, living multiverse. Some quantum physicists theorize that existence is populated by infinite universes infinitely created. Each universe is like an infinite bubble birthing new universes—new limitless bubbles. Time does not exist. Instead everything is an eternity of now. In the world of the quanta—which encompases all that is—the multiverses are vibrating at different rates and some parallel worlds literally overlap ours. Physicists also have had glimpses into these other realties during experiments where sub-atomic particles have winked out of existence and then reappeared. Whether they're jumping dimensions, or actually traveling between multiverses, no one knows. Finally, quantum theory and string theory recognize a symbiotic relationship between cognitive awareness and the universe. In essence, a universe cannot really exist unless a mind perceives it. The mind influences the quanta and the quanta influences (perhaps even programs) the mind. It's a two way street. So now what would happen if that quantum link between the quantum universe and the quantum mind were broken—even briefly? Would the person become like a ship that lost its anchor—in this case an anchor to the universe? Could a person slip from this reality into one right "next door" to our universe? If so, would there be an exchange trading one version of a person for another, sort of a universal-multiverse swap? Or, as in the case of the hapless lost professor, would a person simply vanish with no counterweight replacing him or her from an adjoining reality? Time would be unaffected, and the two parallel universes would be so symmetrical that only minor things may be different. Yes, minor things like a lover that no longer exists or a sister who never had surgery… Source: Before it's News http://beforeitsnews.com/story/1575/265/Terrified_Woman_From_Another_Universe_ Wakes_Up_Here.html -
Is Your Pet Psychic? One of my former
neighbours in my home town
of Newark-on-Trent,
Nottinghamshire, was a widow
whose son was a sailor in
the merchant navy.
He did not like to tell his mother when he would be coming home on leave because he was afraid she would worry if he was delayed on the way. But his mother always knew anyway — thanks to the family cat. This pet was very attached to this young man and, an hour or two before he arrived, it sat on the front door mat and began miaowing loudly as if equipped with some sixth sense which told it that he was on the way. The cat was never wrong and this early-warning system gave our neighbour time to get her son’s room ready and prepare him a meal in the certainty that he would turn up soon afterwards. This is just one of many examples of animals displaying the apparently psychic tendencies more normally associated with some of their human counterparts. Many cats seem to know, for example, when they are going to the vet’s — hiding away in the hope that their owners might get bored of looking for them and give up on the idea. More dramatically, some animals seem to sense when their owners have had accidents or have died in distant places — as documented on my database of more than 5,000 case histories involving psychic phenomena in animals. This includes 177 cases of dogs apparently responding to the death or suffering of their absent masters or mistresses, mostly by howling, whining or whimpering, and 62 accounts of cats showing similar signs of distress. Conversely, in 32 instances people knew when their pet had died or was in dire need, even when they were many miles away at the time. As we will see, these paranormal powers are of potentially huge value to human beings in the prediction of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis. And yet, as someone who has spent his entire adult life working as a biologist, holding senior academic posts both here and in the U.S., I am constantly surprised and frustrated by the refusal of my colleagues in the scientific world to take them seriously. Without acknowledging such phenomena, it’s difficult to see how we can fully understand the behaviour of not just cats and dogs, but wild animals such as wolves. The latter were studied by naturalist William Long who, in 1919, wrote a book that described the behaviour of a pack he had followed in Canada. He found separated members of wolf packs remained in contact with each other and responded to each other’s activities while many miles apart. On one occasion, a limping female became separated from the pack Long was tracking and lay recovering in a den while the rest of the wolves moved on. Days passed, then suddenly the female reappeared among the pack. The wolves’ responsiveness appeared to involve far more than simply following habitual paths, tracking scent trails, or hearing howling or other sounds, and Long wondered whether the same abilities might be found in pets. He described some simple experiments with a friend’s dog which showed a knack for predicting its master’s return home. The dog would go to stand at the door soon after its owner had started his journey from work. No one followed Long’s lead in researching this because, among scientists, the subject of telepathy has always been taboo. But in the Nineties I began asking friends and neighbours if they had ever noticed that their animals could anticipate when someone was coming home. I soon received dozens of reports, and by 2011 my database included more than 1,000 accounts of dogs and more than 600 of cats behaving in this way. In telephone surveys in Britain and the U.S., I found that in about 50 per cent of dog-owning households and about 30 per cent of those with cats, the animals were said to anticipate the arrival of a member of the family. And it was not just dogs and cats that were involved. More than 20 other species showed similar behaviour, especially parrots and horses, but also a ferret, several bottle-fed lambs raised as pets, and pet geese. Many of those I spoke to made it clear that the animals’ responses were not simply reactions to the sounds of familiar cars or footsteps in the street. They happened too long in advance of the person’s arrival, and often even when they came home by bus or train. It wasn’t just routine. Some people were plumbers, lawyers and taxi drivers who worked irregular hours, but still their pets were ready to welcome them when they got home. Intrigued by this, I carried out experiments. The most extensive were with a terrier called Jaytee, who lived near Manchester with his owner Pam Smart. Initial observations showed that he was at the window on 85 per cent of the occasions when Pam returned home. I wanted to be sure that this was not down to Jaytee learning Pam’s routine, or picking up on other clues, so in a series of more formal tests, we arranged for Pam to be at least five miles away from home during each test. I then set up a camera to film Jaytee’s behaviour and each day selected a random time for Pam to return home, asking her to travel by taxi so as to avoid any cues which might have come from the engine noise of a familiar car. She did not know in advance when she would go home, but was informed when to do so by a pager. On average, Jaytee was at the window only 4 per cent of the time during the main period of Pam’s absence, and 55 per cent of the time when she was on the way back. I did similar experiments with other dogs, including a Rhodesian Ridgeback from Manchester called Kane. He looked out of the window, with his paws on a front table, when his owner came home — but whereas Jaytee’s vigil began shortly before his owner set off, Kane took up his post only when his mistress was already homeward bound. Both these and the many other cases I have investigated suggest that these animals have some kind of telepathic bond with their owners. Alongside telepathy, animals also seem to have a sense of impending doom. Since classical times, people have reported unusual animal behaviour before earthquakes, and I have collected much modern evidence. In all these cases there were descriptions of wild and domesticated animals acting in fearful, anxious or unusual ways. Some possible explanations are that they pick up vibrations in the earth’s surface, or detect subterranean gases. Or perhaps, as I am suggesting, animals rely on something which defies current scientific understanding. In the case of the Asian tsunami on December 26, 2004, they appeared to be aware that something was happening half an hour beforehand. According to villagers in Bang Koey, Thailand, a herd of buffalo were grazing by the beach when they suddenly lifted their heads and looked out to sea, ears standing upright. They turned and stampeded up the hill, followed by bewildered villagers, whose lives were thereby saved. Some animals anticipate other kinds of natural disaster such as avalanches, and even man-made catastrophes. During World War II, many families relied on their pets’ behaviour to warn them of air raids before official warnings were given. The animal reactions occurred when enemy planes were still hundreds of miles away, long before the animals could have heard them coming, and some dogs in London anticipated the explosion of German V-2 rockets, even though these missiles were supersonic and could not have been heard in advance. With very few exceptions, the ability of animals to anticipate disasters has been ignored by Western scientists, but things are very different elsewhere. Since the Seventies, in earthquake-prone areas of China, the authorities have encouraged people to report unusual animal behaviour. In several cases they have issued warnings that enabled cities to be evacuated hours before earthquakes struck, saving tens of thousands of lives. By paying attention to unusual animal behaviour, earthquake and tsunami warning systems might be feasible in parts of the world that are at risk from these disasters. Millions of people could be asked to take part in this project. They could be told what kinds of behaviour animals might show if a disaster were imminent. If people noticed such behaviour, they would telephone a hotline. A computer system would analyse the places of origin of the messages. If there was an unusually large number, it would signal an alarm, and display on a map the places from which the calls were coming. Exploring the potential for animal-based warning systems would cost relatively little. If it turns out that they are indeed reacting to subtle, physical changes, then seismologists should be able to use instruments to detect these and to make better predictions themselves. If, on the other hand, it turns out that what we call ‘presentiment’ plays a part, we should embrace it, regardless of whether or not we understand it. Ignoring it, or trying to explain it away, will leave us less protected against the unexpected ravages of nature. Source: The Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2084017/A-Cambridge-scientist-believes-seen- beginning-animals-telepathic-powers.html - LET ME HEAR YOU SAY "BOO" DEPARTMENT - Student Suicide Inspired Indiana College Haunting When most students
move to Ball State they
expect to share their
residence hall with hundreds
of other students. But not
with hundreds of students
and a ghost.
Known on campus for being the "over 21" hall, Elliott Hall's other claim to fame is that it's haunted. Jesse Fivecoate, senior cultural anthropology major, is the president of the anthropology club, which studies and conducts tours about on-campus paranormal activity. According to him, the following is the story surrounding the Elliott haunting: "There is no official story in regards to the ghost in Elliott, but the most known version of the hall's haunting involves a young man named William Schamberg. After fighting in World War II, Schamberg came to Muncie with the intent of attending the university. During his time at Ball State, he lived in Elliott and due to the mental and physical scarring the war left him, he never left the building. He was said to become a social introvert due to his war experience. In addition, William suffered from depression after his girlfriend dumped him. He decided to end his suffering by taking his own life in the fourth floor library of Elliott. Some have reported that William hung himself from the rafters of the library and on occasion, if one listens, the replaying of his suicide can be heard. The sound of a table or chair being dragged across the floor followed by the sweeping sound of William's feet against the floor as his lifeless body sways from the rafters." Colleen Boyd, an anthropology professor, said she is no expert in paranormal studies but has heard of multiple student encounters and very few faculty encounters with the ghost of Elliott Hall. Boyd said she finds what students report and their beliefs in the paranormal to be interesting. She said students have approached her about overseeing a paranormal club but for now, she is interested in people's paranormal interests. "One interesting encounter I have heard of is a student being awoken by a book being thrown at her head," Boyd said. "Students have experienced other encounters with this figure, and I have studied their experiences. No one knows the real story behind the ghost, but there has been consistency with the tale shared amongst the campus." Despite William's tendency to throw things, Fivecoate said he believes Elliott is safe for students to live in. "I have not come across any story of the ghost that puts the person in any danger, other than the occasional book or small object thrown at them," he said. Though Deane lives in a building with paranormal activity, she said living at Elliott is like living anywhere else on campus. "I am not really bothered by the ghost in Elliott," sophomore journalism education major Samantha Deane said. "I'm more cautious about things and more paranoid about little noises, though. There's a different atmosphere in Elliott as opposed to the other dorms and it's not because the building is haunted." Jessie Cortesi, sophomore history major, chose to live in Elliott in search of a more active living community. She said she isn't freaked out by the paranormal activity in her campus home. "The ghosts don't bother me but when I go home, my roommate won't sleep in the room alone," she said. "Elliott is a beautiful building, and I love living here, even with the ghost." Elliott Hall was built to replicate a housing facility at Princeton University. Students believe it brings a Hogwarts aspect to Ball State. Whatever way it's looked at, Elliott Hall contributes to the classic character of the campus. The smallest residence hall on campus was originally opened as a men's hall in 1938. It now serves as a coed abode to about 120 residents. The building has three floors for residents: the first designated for students who are at least 21 years old and the second and third floors for any students. The residence hall was named for Frank Elliott Ball, the son of Frank C. Ball, who was one of the five founders of the Ball Corporation and involved in the creation of Ball State. - bsudailynews ----- Elliott Hall haunts Ball State with true ghost story (10/29/2001) - Although the "Haunting of Will's House" is over and done with, its images are nightmares waiting in dark corners. With Thursday night quoted among college students as the beginning of the weekend, the turnout for the opening of the annual haunted house seemed tepid compared to other haunted houses. It begins in the rustic gathering room, and a man, senior Jason Hawley, hovered over in a long navy coat and began the storytelling, which mixed a little bit of fact with lots of fiction. The original story about the haunted floor of Elliott Hall? According to Hawley, the haunting begins when a man by the name of William Schaumburg, who was a World War II veteran, returned to Muncie after an injury due to the war. He lived on the fourth floor of Elliot hall, while his girlfriend resided in Lucinda. After his girlfriend broke his heart, he returned to his residence and hung himself. What was the story Hawley told to scare the house goers? William Davidson just returned from WWI because of nerve gas exposure, and because of that exposure, went to a mental ward. That mental ward, Hawley said, was the fourth floor of Elliot Hall and was once part of Ball Memorial Hospital. William was about to receive a lobotomy, but after killing three nurses, he hung himself. And so the tour of the haunted fourth floor began. Hawley stood right under the noose where William ended his life. He asked the tour group if there were any mental receptors in the group. Before the journey began, a woman strapped to an electric chair met her death, when the masked character hit the switch. She screamed, she writhed in pain, but she just didn't convince. Then Hawley, the leader, was gone. Draped over every corner, along with distant screams, always appropriate for someplace haunted, the path lead towards a maze of three different rooms. The first room was that of a ghoulish bar. The drunken dead were passed out, swerving, gurgling and trying to talk, but all that came out were grunted moans. Surprisingly, a non-ghoul creeped in and sat down at the bar, dressed nicely in a ribbed sweater and trendy jeans. After the bar, the next room's strobe lights blinked and danced. In the confusion of the flashing lights, two black mattresses fell down, and zombies slowly and clumsily began to chase in search of human flesh. The only human flesh that was available rolled their eyes and turned out, walking toward the exit sign. There was no surprise when they walked into a lighted room featuring a coffin with a vampire trying to climb out. No one's heart raced, only laughter possessed the vampiric surroundings. The light at the end of the tunnel, after Hawley showed himself again, was a room with artifacts from WWI placed about, along with an Egyptian statue of a god. The group stood there, confused and bored, not sure where to go next. But then a soldier came in, shot Hawley, and by true surprise, the Egyptian god walked after one of the group members as she shrieked. But remember the cardinal rule of haunted housing: no touching. Sadly, that's exactly where the fears and anxiety stayed: untouched. - bsudailynews Source: Phantoms and Monsters http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2012/01/student-suicide-inspired-indiana.html 10 Technologies That Congress Tried to Kill Coming
soon, the Senate could be
meeting to vote on the Protect
IP Act (PIPA), the bill that
many people are warning could
damage the Internet. It's a
horrible prospect — but this
isn't the first time that
Congress has tried to sacrifice
a technology at the behest of
corporate lobbyists.
Here are 10 other technologies that Congress tried, at one time or another, to legislate out of existence. 1. Video Cassette Recorders (VCRs) Who Wanted it Killed: The movie studios, mainly. The MPAA's Jack Valenti famously testified before Congress that "the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone." How it Worked Out: No fewer than six bills were introduced in Congress to control the VCR. The MPAA finally dropped its demands that VCRs be outlawed, but instead supported bills that would require licensing of VCRs, royalties on the sale of blank videocassettes, and a copyright owner's permission before renting out video tapes. In the end, Congress decided to wait and see what the Supreme Court decided in the famous Sony Vs. Universal case. And then, in 2002, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act required all VCRs to include "automatic gain control," thus making Macrovision copy protection an integral part of all VCRs. 2. The Phonograph Who Wanted it Killed: John Philip Sousa, the guy who wrote "Stars and Stripes Forever." He testified before Congress that both the gramophone and the player piano would put musicians out of business. And that they would stifle composers from writing new music by removing "all incentive to further creative work." In marathon hearings, Sousa and the American Copyright League argued in favor of a bill which would have given copyright owners control over all sales (including resale) of their work. How it Worked Out: In the end, Congress passed a milder bill, which simply assured musicicans and composers royalties from recordings. Sousa was satisfied, and in 1923, he told Thomas Edison, "You have made the art of the musician immortal, Mr. Edison." 3. Genetically modified food Who Wanted it Killed: Environmentalists and food safety advocates. Congress has tried many times over the years to regulate or ban certain types of genetically modified foods, and many bills have been introduced over the years. Most recently, as the Food and Drug Administration has been deciding whether to allow the sale of AquaBounty Technologies' genetically modified salmon in the U.S., the House of Representatives voted to block FDA approval of the "AquAdvantage" salmon. How it Worked Out: In general, U.S. laws remain laxer than those in most other countries. Regarding the salmon issue, it doesn't look as though the House provision has passed the Senate, or gotten President Obama's signature. Meanwhile, the FDA still hasn't made a decision about the "franken-salmon." 4. Internet gambling Who Wanted it Killed: The Feds themselves. The Justice Department was very alarmed by the rise of online gambling, especially as run by offshore operators, and concerned that this gambling could serve as a cover for money-laundering. How it Worked Out: Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, which didn't outlaw online gambling, but did bar U.S. banks and credit card companies from processing payments to gambling sites. Since then, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) has been trying to restore the legality of online gambling, arguing that we could tax it and generate a lot of revenue, at a time when budgets are under strain. 5. The Whizzinator Who Wanted it Killed: Pretty much everybody. After Minnesota Vikings running back Onterrio Smith was caught at an airport with one of these devices, which is basically a fake penis that allows you to fool drug urine tests, Congress held hearings on May 17, 2005. Rep. Bart Stupak held up Whizzinator advertising and spoke against the national scandal of simulated urination. "How will we stop the flow?" demanded Stupak, as the room exploded in unintended giggles. How it Worked Out: There was no Federal law against manufacturing such devices, so states were powerless to go after the makers. In the end, the feds never managed to pass an anti-Whizzinator law, but federal prosecutors were able to go after the manufacturers for selling drug paraphernalia. 6. Mp3 players Who Wanted it Killed: Actually, this is more like a random casualty of a reckless shooter. Congress has tried to pass a few laws to protect copyright owners in the past, which were so broadly written that they would have banned a wide range of technologies, including mp3 players. There was the Induce Act, which would have banned any technology that induces people to violate copyright. Earlier, there was the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act, which banned any devices that could be used to read digital content that didn't have Digital Rights Management (DRM) built in. How it Worked Out: So far, none of these bills has passed, so your iPod is safe. 7. Margarine Who Wanted it Killed: The dairy farmers. Margarine was introduced in 1874, after a French chemist named Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès figured out a way to make a cheap butter substitute from beef fat. The dairy industry freaked out, because the much cheaper margarine threatened to drive smaller dairies out of business. They tried passing various state laws, but some of those were shot down in court. How it Worked Out: The dairy farmers went to Congress, and there were hearings that culminated in the Margarine Act of 1886, which imposed a tax of two cents per pound on margarine — although the original bill called for a ten cent tax instead. This was followed by the Margarine Act of 1906, in which the federal government raised that tax for margarine that was dyed yellow to look like real butter. (Some state laws required margarine to be dyed weird colors, like pink or black.) The state and federal anti-margarine laws were on the books for decades. (For more about the margarine saga, click here or here.) 8. Embryonic stem cells Who Wanted it Killed: Pro-life advocates, mainly. In 1996, Congress passed the Dickey-Wicker amendment, which bans any federal research in which human embryos are created, destroyed or put at risk of harm. This law, which remains on the books, essentially prevented most embryonic stem cell research. How it Worked Out: In 2001, then-President George W. Bush announced a new policy in which 61 cell lines of existing embryonic stem cells would be allowed for federally-funded research. Congress tried to pass a bill expanding this policy, but Bush vetoed it. Since then, President Obama has tried to abolish the Bush policy, but Obama's executive order has been tied up in federal courts. (In a related issue, Congress has repeatedly voted to ban human cloning.) 9. DAT (Digital Audio Tape) recorders Who Wanted it Killed: The music industry, yet again. Congress held hearings throughout the late 1980s over whether to stop this digital technology from coming to consumers. Music industry lobbyists demanded that DAT players be fitted with technology that would degrade the sound quality of any music copied on them, or that sales of DAT tapes include a royalty payment to the music industry. How it Worked Out: As Stanford's Mark Lemley puts it, "Digital audio tapes were then subject to a compulsory licensing scheme and were never heard from again by mass-market consumers. The technology flopped once it was put under the control of the content industry." 10. Assault weapons Who Wanted it Killed: Gun control advocates. The ban on semi-automatic weapons in 1994 was a major achievement of the Clinton Administration's first two years — and probably a huge reason why the Democrats lost control over both houses of Congress that year. How it Worked Out: The federal assault weapons ban was scheduled to sunset after ten years, and it did. The ban expired in 2004, and attempts to renew it were unsuccessful. Source: io9 http://io9.com/5874655/10-technologies-that-congress-tried-to-kill-or-maim Sign up today for
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