Are you
afraid of ghosts and
monsters? How about aliens flying down in
their space-craft to kidnap
you from your bedroom at night? Or
that the Men-In-Black are
waiting for you just around the corner?
Do you worry that the
government is listening in on your private
conversations? Or
worse yet, do you worry that your community
will be abandoned to the
wolves and looters if a natural disaster
Well never fear - Conspiracy Journal is
Here! Yes that's right.
Conspiracy Journal, your number one source
of conspiracies, UFOs, the
paranormal and more, is here once again to
protect you from THEM, by
keeping you informed on all the news and
information that you won't
hear on your local 6 o'clock news.
This week,
Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such ripping-yarns as:
- Top 5 Free Energy Technologies
Unfolding Now -
- They've Come To
Take You Away -
- The Real X-Men -
- Japan Earthquake
Victims Haunted By Ghosts -
AND: Fran Drescher:
Aliens Abducted Me
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
A Conspiracy

Michael X
(for "security" reasons and to protect his family he
never liked to reveal his last name) was in the
early days of the flying saucer movement an avatar of
the New Age, professing to have met highly advanced,
angelic-like beings from the stars who looked so
remarkably human that they could easily pass as
earthlings. Through telepathic contact they taught him
about science, philosophy and health, which he passed
on to a devoted group of followers throughout the West
Coast. His self published monographs on various arcane
topics were hard to find but highly sought
Normally, his transcriptions concerned themselves with
cosmic wisdom and knowledge as spread throughout the
ages to a limited number of truth seekers.
One day his life changed when he received a telepathic
message from those thought to be his cosmic "guides."
They told him to come to a secluded area in the Mojave
desert so they could meet with him and give him
physical evidence of their existence which he could
show to others, thus proving his encounters to be true
and not fantasies or a hoax.
Instead of the usual cordial greetings from his Space
Brother friends he had been "set up", as a rifle was
pointed at his head and only an "inner voice" saved
him from what could only have been a tragic
From that day forth, Michael X. spoke little about his
ET contacts, fearing reprisals from those who
had disguised themselves as benevolent
aliens, but who most probably were
representatives of the Dark Forces, the Men in
Black, the International Bankers, or some
sinister Big Business cartel.
We really don't know why Michael X was silenced, but
we have put together a Trilogy of Terror which
presents some of his more controversial conspiracy
works involving the seamier, negative aspects of
UFOlogy, from Nazi flying saucers, to reptilians
living on and inside the earth, and a dire warning NOT TO RETURN TO THE MOON.
We do not suggest that readers give up their own
involvement in researching the mysteries of the sky,
but we do utter a simple warning -- BE CAREFUL WHERE
This incredible book is now available at the
mind-blowing price of only $16 (plus
$5.00 shipping). As well, we will
throw in a FREE, bonus DVD, THE WEIRD WORLD OF TIM
BECKLEY. At an address in Tucson in
2011, moderator Charla tries to trip up MR UFO with
some over the top questions. Find out the latest from
the editor of the Conspiracy Journal print edition as
he wheels a mighty sword.
You can also phone in your credit card orders to
Global Communications
24-hour hotline: 732-602-3407
And as always you can
send a check or money order to:
Global Communications
P.O. Box 753
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Top 5 Free Energy Technologies Unfolding Now
by Hank Mills

Off the radar of
the mainstream media, many futuristic energy
technologies are positioning themselves to change
the course of human civilization. These
breakthroughs herald a fantastic future in which
energy scarcity is a thing of the past.
An age of free energy is rapidly approaching. As
we speak, multiple companies are preparing the
technologies that will make energy abundant,
cheap, and extremely low cost. The most exotic of
these technologies are poised to bring an end to
the age of fossil fuels, by allowing energy to be
produced in radically novel ways. All of this is
taking place with very little, or even no coverage
by the mainstream media. They are sneaking up on
the world, with relatively very few people paying
For the past decade, we at PESN have been tracking
these game-changing innovations as they develop,
and report on them as they move closer to the
market place. We have made a "Top 5" list of the
most promising of these technologies, and have
paid especially close attention to them. Tonight,
January 21, 2011, Sterling Allan (the founder of
Pure Energy Systems Network) will present the
latest updates on these technologies to millions
of listeners on the Coast to Coast AM radio
Of all the emerging technologies the public should
be aware of, the following are the "creme de la
creme" that deserve special recognition. From our
vantage point, these are the ones with the most
potential to make a strong and lasting impact on
our civilization. In the remainder of this
article, we will describe these technologies, and
explain why everyone eager for an energy
revolution should follow their progress towards
the market place.
Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer)
Perhaps the most relatively well known technology
of the top five list is Andrea Rossi's E-Cat or
"Energy Catalyzer." This technology could be
described as utilizing "cold fusion" or "low
energy nuclear reactions" (LENR). It allows for
massive amounts of heat to be released from novel
nuclear processes, between ordinary nickel powder
and hydrogen gas.
An E-Cat system is small, but produces a robust
amount of energy. Typically, a system is composed
of a small metal tube (although other shapes have
been used) that serves as the reactor core.
Specially processed nickel powder, hydrogen gas,
and a proprietary catalyst is placed inside of
this sealed tube. When subjected to a combination
of heat and pressure, excess thermal energy is
produced. A volume of water or other liquid
coolant flows around this reactor core and
extracts the heat -- while cooling the core in the
From a very small system that can fit on a table
top, many kilowatts of thermal energy can be
generated. In controlled laboratory tests, it is
asserted a reactor core the size of a D-Cell
battery can produce a maximum safe output of 10
kilowatts of heat. This thermal energy is produced
while using no radioactive materials, producing no
nuclear waste, emitting no radiation into the
environment, and releasing zero pollution into the
Basically, this technology represents a safe and
clean form of nuclear energy, without any of the
drawbacks of conventional fission based nuclear
power. Even in a worst case scenerio such as a
natural disaster, an E-Cat cannot "melt down" and
produce a dangerous situation. If an E-Cat starts
to overheat due to physical damage or coolant
leak, the nickel powder will simply melt into a
solid lump, and the nuclear processes will cease.
On Oct. 28th Andrea Rossi allowed his first
customer to test a one megawatt plant in Bologna,
Italy. The test was a success. In fact, for a
period of five and a half hours the E-Cat system
produced a constant output of just under half a
megawatt of heat, with near zero input power. The
customer signed off on the system, and purchased
it. Currently, Rossi is working with the first
customer -- along with the well known company
National Instruments -- to develop more
sophisticated control electronics for his systems.
Although the plant still resides in Bologna, it is
expected to be in the hands of the customer within
a couple months.
Recently, Andrea Rossi announced that he is
working towards producing a quantity of one
million, ten kilowatt E-Cat units for domestic
use. These units will both provide heating for the
home, and be capable of producing hot water. To
efficiently produce the one million units at the
lowest price possible, he is engineering an
automated plant that utilizes robotics technology.
He hopes to start offering the units by the end of
2012 or perhaps early 2013, at a retail cost of
around $500 dollars each. Eventually, he hopes to
offer kits that will allow these systems to be
retrofitted to produce electricity, in addition to
When widely proliferated, the E-Cat technology
holds the potential to tremendously reduce, and
eventually eliminate the need for fossil fuels.
Its huge potential along with its emergence into
the market with the 1MW size has earned it the
number one spot on our list of the top five
Solid State Generator or the "Endless Electric
Field Generator."
Our number two technology can be described as a
"solid state generator", or can be referred to by
the nick name we gave it, the "Endless Electric
Field Generator." It is being developed by a small
company that does not want to be identified at
this time. This company has developed a number of
technologies, and has acquired a significant
patent portfolio.
This technology works by producing a permanent
electric field (the opposite of a permanent
magnetic field in a permanent magnet) that does
not break down. From this permanent electric
field, a constant flow of electricity can be
produced. Currently, the output of their
prototypes is modest, only capable of powering
small lights or other loads. However, they are
working towards incorporating methods of
increasing the surface area of the device, which
will boost the current to a higher level (the
voltage is already there). A trusted associate,
Mark Dansie, visited the company, and has
concluded the technology is indeed real, and
The future potential of this technology is
stunning. According to the company, once the
technology is further developed, a device the size
of a postage stamp could produce approximately one
watt of constant electrical power -- enough to
power a cell phone. It would continue producing
this power for a minimum of twenty years (perhaps
much longer) while consuming no fuel of any kind.
Additionally, these devices are produced from
non-toxic materials, and would not be harmful even
if swallowed.
Eventually, the technology could be scaled up to
provide electricity for any application -- mobile
phones, computers, electric cars, homes, etc.
Research on the technology continues, and in the
future we hope to provide additional updates about
its development. Once this hits the market in
maybe 18-24 months, it will probably move to #1 in
our list.
PlasmERG's Noble Gas Engine
PlasmERG is a company that is building a
revolutionary engine that utilizes small charges
of inert, noble gases as fuel. John Rohner, the
founder of the company, alleges that the engine
will be capable of producing a constant output of
hundreds of horse power, and hundreds of foot
pounds of torque. It will be capable of producing
this level of output for months or longer,
utilizing only a few dollars worth of fuel.
In addition to utilizing very little fuel, the
engine is claimed to emit zero pollution into the
environment, run very quietly, and require no
cooling system. It can be used to power
automobiles, and to turn generators to produce
electricity. Also, it said to be capable of
replacing electric motors in many applications.
Due to its simplicity, it has far fewer components
than an internal combustion engine, and should
need less maintenance. With this engine in a
vehicle, oil changes, radiator flushes, and fuel
filter replacements will be a thing of the past --
along with fill ups of fossil fuel!
The inspiration for their "Plasmic Transition
Process" engine comes from the "Papp Engine."
Joseph Papp, the inventor of the "Papp Engine",
was an immigrant who repeatedly tried to
commercialize his noble gas engine. The saga
spanned several decades and was filled with drama.
Although Papp was never successful and died
without seeing his technology enter the market
place, it now seems PlasmERG (and their partner
company Inteligentry) will be launching a much
improved version of the engine in the not too
distant future -- probably within the first
quarter of this year.
Once the engine -- composed of mostly custom made
parts -- is tested and proven to perform as
claimed, it may move up to #1 on the list of the
top five technologies.
Power from CO2 and Fly Ash
The technologies offered by MP BioMass could be
considered as slightly less "overtly" exotic than
the others on our list. However, they are
extremely significant technologies that could
benefit our world in many ways. Their technologies
hold the potential to manage the waste produced by
burning coal, capture CO2 emissions, and in the
process produce fuel and energy.
One technological solution that MP Biomass offers
is a method of capturing the carbon dioxide from
flue gases, to totally eliminate CO2 emissions.
This is accomplished via a world-wide patented
system that they assert mimics a form of
artificial photosynthesis.
Their "nano-membrane pyro-gasification process"
not only extracts CO2 from flue gases, but
prevents other pollutants from escaping into the
atmosphere. The process also captures oxygen
(grade 5), and isolates hydrogen from the flue
gases. This allows for the production of methanol
and electricity, of which a small portion are used
to keep the process going. The amount of methanol
produced seems impressive, with 551 gallons being
produced from each ton of carbon dioxide captured.
The methanol produced by MP BioMass's process is
asserted to have a cetane rating of sixty or
higher, which equates to high grade, premium fuel,
able to run in an automobile without modification.
Another solution offered by MP BioMass is the
ability to better manage the huge amounts of fly
ash produced by coal burning power plants. They
are able to extract the remaining energy content
from the fly ash, along with valuable ferrous and
non ferrous metals. The process also detoxifies
the ash, and would dramatically reduce the
quantity of fly ash put into landfills.
The technology of MP BioMass is also proven, and
currently in use. It is beyond the prototype
stage. Millions and millions of dollars have
already been spent developing the technology, and
a plant has been operating in Serbia since 2003.
The company also has three smaller plants in
Italy, which utilize their technology. A ten
megawatt plant is planned for upstate New York,
and a huge two gigawatt plant has been purchased,
which will be built in Saudi Arabia. It is
expected to be completed in 2015.
Although MP BioMass may not be offering a
technology that will shatter the laws of physics
or eliminate the need for fossil fuels, it is
capable of providing many clear benefits. I think
their technology could help allow for civilization
to continue, while we wait for the most truly
exotic technologies to emerge.
Many coal power plants facing shut-down because
they can't afford the modifications required to be
compliant with new emissions standards, could not
only stay open, but actually make a profit from
those emissions, while cleaning up the
Defkalion is the Greek company that used to be
partnered with Andrea Rossi, before he terminated
his relationship with them during the middle of
2011. They had hoped to develop and market his
revolutionary cold fusion technology around the
world, except for the Americas. Now, the company
claims to have developed their own nickel-hydrogen
technology that is alleged not to utilize Rossi's
proprietary industrial secrets.
Unlike Andrea Rossi's technology that has been
tested repeatedly -- consistently showing massive
excess energy production -- they have never
allowed a public test of their technology. For
now, they are keeping such things confidential.
If they can provide evidence that they have a
working, robust Ni-H technology, they may move
higher on the list of the top five technologies.
Although they would be competing with Rossi, there
is plenty of room on the market for a number of
different cold fusion technologies. Simply put,
both Defkalion and Rossi could manufacture cold
fusion devices for many years, and not meet the
demand that will exist.
The main claim they make is that their "Hyperion"
technology is superior to the E-Cat technology.
This may or may not be the case, and only time
will tell if they can back up their statements
with evidence. Those who have visited Defkalion
(although not seeing proof of working systems)
report a top notch lab, professional engineers,
and lots of expensive equipment.
One point of concern for some is the possibility
(unconfirmed) that they may be utilizing portions
of Rossi's technology without his permission. We
don't know whether or not this is the case, so for
now we have no choice but to hope they are being
completely honest. However, if they could provide
an explanation of how their technology (for
example the catalysts used) is truly different
from Rossi's, it would be very reassuring.
Let's hope all of the company's claims turn out to
be true. A world with two robust cold fusion
technologies would be better than a world with
only one.
Source: Pure Energy Systems News
They've Come To Take You Away
By Timothy Green Beckley

Special Book Excerpt
by Timothy Green
copyright 2010 –
All Rights Reserved
One by one they have given up their research,
perhaps even their lives! Forced to go underground
because of threats from the shadowy beings known
as the Men In Black. Are these sinister
individuals simply government agents gone amuck in
their harassment of witnesses and investigators
who have dedicated their lives delving into the
unexplainable mysteries of the universe? Or are
they something far more sinister as evidence in
this book indicates? Perhaps the MIB are
representatives of an extraterrestrial “police
force,” whose job it is to keep the gates to a
parallel universe closed tightly behind them. Over
the years I have collected hundreds of MIB
reports. I even appeared on the History Channel’s
UFO Hunters with a photo I had taken in Jersey
City, NJ in the mid 1960s of one of these out of
time and out of place
The state of Arizona has always been a hotbed
(pardon the expression) of UFO activity. Maybe it
has something to do with Wendelle Stevens living
there (only kidding Wendelle), but nevertheless I
can remember a handful of MIB reports being handed
to me.
Take for example the case of a Tucson newsboy,
Warren Weisman who was delivering the Daily Star
on Feb 19, 1979 at around 6 AM when he saw an odd
looking object crash into a parked car at the side
of the road.
According to a newspaper account this is his
“I was on Winstel Blvd when I saw this ‘falling
star’ come from the sky. It was traveling at great
speed and landed about a block away. It smashed
the back of a white Volkswagen, throwing off its
right rear wheel, rolled off the car and knocked
over a mailbox on a post nearby.”
The ten year old fifth grader said the object was
about the size of a microwave oven, was black,
shiny, and had lots of “lava-like” holes all
around it. Weisman said the object was smoking
when he walked over to it.
As he bent over to examine his unusual find a
brown pulled up and says the witness, “A skinny
man in a brown suit and white shirt got out of the
car. He was an FBI-type. He told me, “Why don’t
you go ahead and deliver the rest of the papers?”
As he stood talking to the man, what Warren thinks
was a Pima County Sheriff’s car pulled up along
side the brown car. “I was afraid that the man in
the brown suit was going to pull a gun,” Warren
said. He quickly departed from home to tell his
mother about what had happened.
Twenty minutes later, he returned to the scene of
the “crash” with his mother.
“All we found was the tire and the broken
mailbox.” The smashed car and the smoking object
had totally vanished without a trace.
Interviewed later, the boy claimed he had put a
small chip from the object into his pocket while
looking it over. However, when he got hom a little
while later it was gone.
“I don’t know what happened to it,” he confessed.
“I didn’t have any holes in my pocket from
which it could have fallen to the ground.”
What at first might seem to be a tale story
fabricated by a highly imaginative youth has
additional verification in that there were other
witnesses to the event.
The Arizona Daily Star says that “three counselors
who patrol the area while children deliver
newspapers saw it fall but didn’t see where it hat
the ground.”
the woman who lives in the house where the mailbox
was knocked down, said she and her family assumed
someone had hit it with a car. Margaret Pierce
said she hadn’t heard anything unusual that
morning, but around the time Warren usually
delivers the paper to their house “our dogs just
started barking and we couldn’t calm them down.
They were really upset and that’s not like them at
At the time the UFO group APRO was still active in
Tucson and were called upon to make an
investigation. As far as is known they never
issued a report, and in the meanwhile Warren
Weisman remained one frightened individual due to
a possible visit by an MIB.
Take for example this report that was posted on
the website of the UFO Clearing House. . .
Phoenix, Arizona Men In Black Encounter
Posted on December 20, 2009 at 7:17 PM
Case Number: 21068
Log Number: US-12202009-0007
Submitted Date: 2009-12-20 16:21 GMT
Event Date: 1988-02-15 21:00 GMT
Status: Assigned
Region: Arizona
Country: US
Longitude: -112.081
Latitude: 33.4979
Shape: Disc
Around 1989 I was working at a restaurant in
Scottsdale, Az. I was speaking with a customer and
somehow we were on the subject of life on other
planets. I recall saying something to the effect
of "The odds are that there has to be life on
other planets, due to the vast number of planets".
Another customer overheard me say this and said
"Do you really believe that"? I said "Yes, I do".
He said "Next time I come in, I am going to show
you something". He had a serious demeanor as he
said this. I had no idea what to expect. A few
days later he came in and had a brief case with
him. This brief case was totally dedicated to this
UFO encounter he had experienced. He showed me a
map of Arizona, where he had outlined the area
that he had encountered a UFO in. It was the
Roosevelt Lake area, north of Phoenix. He then
pulled out a Polaroid photo he had taken. .
I stared at that photo for 20 minutes. It is
THE most realistic photo of a UFO I have ever
seen. And it was VERY close up. The photo was
taken from about 50 ft. away. It was taken at
night and the ONLY light source was from the UFO
itself! It was so apparent that I didn't even ask
if he had used a flash. I was obvious he had not,
so I just said, unassumingly, "Why didn't you use
a flash"? His eyes got huge, and he said "Are you
kidding! They would have seen me". The reason you
could tell the light was emanating from the craft
was because the foliage to the left on the image
was illuminated from behind. The foliage was in
front of the craft, from the vantage point of the
camera. The leaves were black, not green, as would
be expected if the light source were from the
camera. You could see only the outline of the
foliage, not detail, as one would see from a
camera flash.
The craft was the classic disc-shaped kind. It was
gray and metallic looking. The lower portion of
the craft was concealed, due to a cliff overhang
that it was hovering behind. I would gauge the
craft to be about 60 ft. from side to side. The
craft was about 50-60 ft. away from the
camera-taker. The most fascinating part on the
craft was the light on it. There was an orb, about
the size of a basketball, that was circling the
middle, most wide part of the craft. The orb was
pure white in color, with not a tinge of yellow or
blue. The reason you could tell the orb was
circling the craft was due to the fact that the
camera had captured a tail trailing the orb, as
would a tail on a comet. So I tell they guy, after
freaking out on the amazing authenticity of his
photo, that he has to show this to someone. He
said "I plan to. There is a professor/ufologist at
ASU that is interested in this". So I see the guy
several days later and he said he had taken the
photo to the ASU (Arizona State University) guy.
He said the ASU professor also said it was the
best UFO photo he had ever seen. I see the guy
several days later, again, and ask him what the
ASU professor guy is doing with the photo and
such. He starts acting really weird. He wouldn't
answer me. I asked him again. His demeanor was
that he was pissed off.
He said to me "I'm not allowed to talk about
it". I said "What? What do you mean?" He said "I'm
not allowed to talk about it". He is really
agitated. I can't resist, so I said "Oh come on".
He said "I'm not allowed to talk about it. Two men
from the government showed up at my door and said
I am not allowed to mention this again, or I will
disappear. They took the photo from the ASU
professor and threatened him as well". Since then
I have read much info on UFO phenomena.
Interestingly, much of what I have read about MIB,
is that they appear at someone's door, as a pair
of two men, to threaten the experiencer. Mind you,
his experience was long before MIB, the movie,
came out, and MIB became part of general
consciousness. I had never heard of MIB at this
The internet had not taken off yet, so he didn't
research the MIB phenomena to add credence to his
story. He didn't need to anyway, with that photo!
It now makes sense to me that these government
guys take only the good photos, and leave the junk
out there. Thus when the general public views the
photos, they assume the whole phenomena are
people's imaginations, or pranks. They purposely
allow the crappy photos to prevail. If anyone
knows who the ASU professor may have been, could
you please contact a MUFON representative. I
cannot imagine there were many ASU
professors/ufologists at the time.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Alien Contact / MIB - Tonopah, Arizona
Tonopah, Arizona - July 1, 2009 - 10:30 PM (report
unedited): While in the desert near the Palo Verde
Nuclear Plant, the main witness and some friends
saw a very large triangle shaped UFO. They were
driving down a dirt road and saw a bright flashing
light. They had seen objects in the area before
and their intentions were to look for UFO’s.
According to the witnesses, people that live in
this area have been chased in their cars and seen
objects on a regular basis. They went off the road
behind some mountains, and no sooner had they come
around the mountain they saw the large flashing
light. All of them were scared but, at the same
time, curious.
The main witness friend’s girlfriend was crying
and telling them to turn around; they got within 2
to 300 yards from the light. It was the size of
three football fields, triangular in shape, and
had windows around it. It was about 3 stories
tall, and about 30 feet off the ground, they
flashed their lights and it flashed back, in the
same sequence of flashes. The main witness and his
friend, James, got out of the car and walked
closer. The closer they got, the better they could
make out what was standing in the windows. They
could see small big headed aliens, and then 7 to 9
foot tall aliens, they based this on the size of
the windows. Some of the windows they could see
through, the other windows were dark, but then the
dark windows, cleared up one by one, and as they
went clear more and more aliens appeared on the
windows. James was supposedly videotaping the
whole time. The main witness was terrified but
excited at the same time.
They walked closer and had to stop because the
heat coming from the craft was so intense. The
craft hovered and then landed. A large panel at
the bottom of the craft opened and two aliens
proceeded to walk out. This absolutely terrified
the witnesses, but they couldn’t move or talk. The
main witness remembers trying to scream and run
but they couldn’t move or talk. Two others were in
the car honking the horn, and screaming for them
to come back, but they couldn’t respond or move.
The aliens walked up to within 20 feet of them.
One of them was very thin and tall, about 8-9
feet, the other one was about 3-4 feet tall. The
witnesses stood there in amazement, shocked
because they couldn’t move or speak. Then calmness
came over them and the aliens began speaking to
them telepathically, they were saying not to be
scared that they were not going to harm them. This
“conversation” went on between the 4 of them for
15-20 minutes. They said they were here to help
us, so that we would not destroy our planet, and
that there was a horrible event coming soon, that
it had to be stopped. One of the witnesses asked
if it was something like ‘9/11’ and they said that
it was bigger and that it would come from the
Middle East. The main witness then thought to
himself that he had been in this situation before
and the tall alien heard his thoughts and repeated
his name and said that yes, he had been visited
before when he was 6 years old in Deming, New
Mexico. He had been in the desert exploring and
they had talked to him then. He had blocked that
out, but it all suddenly came back, they said they
knew they were coming and wanted them to warn
people about global warming and what was to come
if they didn’t take start taking care of our
planet. Visions of disaster then entered their
heads, as if to show them what was to come.
The taller alien then walked closer, and held his
hand. He was no longer scared, neither was his
friend, James. They said that they would see them
again soon and to warn people about ‘saving our
planet’. Supposedly James was recording the whole
time. The aliens then returned to the craft and it
was gone in a split second. When the craft left
they both felt weak, but managed to make their way
back to the car, when they got there the occupants
of the car, Heather and Jamie, were not crying
anymore they just hugged the witnesses.
For a minute the car would not start and suddenly
it just turned on by itself. As they started to
drive away three military helicopters appeared and
began shining their lights on the witnesses. Then
two military Hummers showed up and chased the
witnesses. They tried to avoid the Hummers but
were told over a speaker to pull over or they
would be forced to shoot at them. They pulled over
and military personnel surrounded their vehicle.
Two men dressed in black opened the door and asked
them to get out. One of them looked familiar to
the main witness. He asked the witnesses to get
out and both questioned them, while the military
personnel searched the car. They asked them what
they had seen, how long they had been there and if
they had had any contact with the alien ship. One
of the soldiers then found the video camera. The
men in black reviewed it and told the witnesses
they were not to speak of this, they then
confiscated the camera and took the main witness
with them. The other 3 witnesses asked where they
were going and they told them not to worry about
it. He left with them and they questioned him
further. He kept staring at one of the men since
he looked familiar. They then dropped him off on
the I-10 highway near Tonopah Joe’s restaurant.
There he was later picked up by his friends.
Source: NUFORC
NOTE: this area is in western Maricopa County,
Arizona, approximately 50 miles west of downtown
Phoenix off Interstate 10. The community of
Tonopah is near the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating
Station, the largest nuclear power plant in the
country. There have been considerable UFO/alien
accounts from this general area including rumors
that an underground facility is nearby...Lon
* * * * *
Timothy Beckley is a long time UFO historian and
author/publisher of hundreds of books on UFOs and
the esoteric. He has appeared on Coast To Coast
AM ( and is the co
producer of www.TheParaCast.Com a weekly show on
all things offbeat. He is one of the few Americans
invited to speak before the House of Lords UFO
Committee. He has traveled the world in search of
the unexplainable. Currently he is the editor of
the Conspiracy Journal and Bizarre Bazaar.
Timothy Beckley’s two classic books on the Men In
Black Are Still Available . . .
Curse of the Men In Black – Return of the UFO
Terrorists is available as a Kindle e book as well
as a large format perfect bound volume on
Mystery Of The Men In Black – The UFO Silencers
The Real

They have powers and abilities far beyond those of
mortal men or women. But unlike the characters of
the comic book, these extraordinary people were
quite real
THE X-MEN MOVIES were huge hits in the theaters.
Based on the enormously popular comic book series,
X-Men features a collection of human mutants -
both good and evil - who were born with
extraordinary and sometimes bizarre powers. With
such names as Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, Magneto,
and Mystique, they bound around making blades
spring from their knuckles, conjuring hurricanes
from the sky, or manipulating their environment
through telekinesis. These characters, creations
of legendary comic book author and illustrator
Stan Lee, live only in the imagination, on paper,
and on film.
Would you believe there are real X-Men? They may
not be genetic mutants, in the strictest sense,
and they may not be able to threaten or save the
world with their strange and fantastic powers of
the body and mind, but they are extraordinary...
not at all like you and me. Here's our own gallery
of real-life super-powered characters.
When storm clouds gather, courageous Lightning Man
stands in defiance of nature to draw deadly bolts
of electricity from the heavens.
Roy Cleveland Sullivan was a Forest Ranger in
Virginia who had an incredible attraction to
lightning... or rather it had an attraction to
him. Over his 36-year career as a ranger, Sullivan
was struck by lightning seven times - and survived
each jolt, but not unscathed. When struck for the
first time in 1942, he suffered the loss of a nail
on his big toe. Twenty-seven years passed before
he was struck again, this time by a bolt that
singed his eyebrows off. The next year, in 1970,
another strike burned Sullivan's left shoulder.
Now it looked as though lightning had it out for
poor Roy, and people were starting to call him The
Human Lightning Rod.
Roy didn't disappoint them. Lightning zapped him
again in 1972, setting his hair on fire and
convincing him to keep a container of water in his
car, just in case. The water came in handy in 1973
when, seemly just to taunt Sullivan, a low-hanging
cloud shot a bolt of lightning at his head,
blasting him out of his car, setting his hair on
fire and knocking off a shoe. The sixth strike in
1976 injured his ankle, and the seventh strike in
1977, got him when he was fishing, and put him in
the hospital for treatment of chest and stomach
burns. Lightning may not have been able to kill
Roy Sullivan, but perhaps the threat of it did. He
took his own life in 1983. Two of his
lightning-singed ranger hats are on display at
Guinness World Exhibit Halls.
With just the power of his mind, he can command
animals to do his bidding.
Vladimir Durov was no ordinary animal trainer. As
a veteran performer in a Russian circus, he
claimed to use a remarkable method for
communicating with his canine coworkers - through
telepathy. Professor W. Bechterev, head of the
institute for the Investigation of the Brain in
St. Petersburg, decided to test Durov's claim.
Bechterev created a list of tasks that he wanted
one of Durov's dogs to perform in a specific
order, without any time for training.
After hearing or reading the list of tasks, Durov
went to his fox terrier, Pikki, took his head in
his hands and stared straight into the little
dog's eyes - psychically transferring his thoughts
directly into Pikki's brain. Durov released the
dog and it immediately went about performing the
assigned tasks. Thinking that perhaps Durov was
giving the dog subtle clues with his eyes, the
test was repeated with a new set of tasks, but
this time with Durov blindfolded. Pikki still
responded to his psychic commands.
Charged like superconducting human batteries, they
roam the countryside thrilling all they meet with
the electrifying power at their fingertips.
There have been several documented cases of people
who apparently possess inexplicable
electromagnetic properties:
For just a 10-week period in
1846, 14-year-old French girl Angelique Cottin's
mere presence made the needles of compasses spin
wildly; objects as heavy as furniture would slide
away from her if she tried to touch them; objects
near her would vibrate unnaturally.
Jennie Morgan of Sedalia,
Missouri could emit highly-charged sparks from her
fingertips that were strong enough to knock people
unconscious. Animals would shun her.
After an 18-month undiagnosed
illness, Canadian teenager Caroline Clare became
so magnetized that metal objects, like forks and
knives, stuck to her skin. The force was so
powerful that another person was required to pull
them off.
Inga Gaiduchenko, a 14-year-old
Soviet student was also highly magnetic. Before
members of the Moscow Technological Institute, she
showed how spoons and pens stuck to her hands.
Even non-metallic objects such as china plates and
books were affected.
With her thoughts alone, a steely glance or a
subtle gesture, she can move inanimate objects at
Nina Kulagina became one of the most famous
psychics in the Soviet Union in the 1960s because
of her amazing feats of telekinesis or
psychokinesis. In films smuggled out of the
country, Kulagina was shown to be able to move
small objects placed before her on a table. Under
close scientific observation, Kulagina would hold
her hands a few inches above the objects, and in a
few moments they would being to slide across the
table top.
Wooden matches, small boxes, cigarettes and
Plexiglas would all react to her intense
concentration. At times, objects would continue to
move even when she took her hands away. In the
early 1970s, Kulagina was even recruited by the
Soviet government to see if she could somehow help
a sick Nikita Khrushchev.
Watch him stretch his body to incredible lengths
and handle red-hot flaming embers in his bare
Daniel Dunglas Home was either one of the most
incredible psychic mediums of the mid-1800s or one
of the era's cleverest magicians. The feats this
Scotsman performed at close range astounded the
elite and royalty of his day. In one
demonstration, he entered his usual trance state
and announced he was in touch with a guardian
spirit that was "very tall and strong." While
being watched by two witnesses who flanked him,
Home shot up an additional six inches in height,
and it could be clearly seen that his slippered
feet were planted flatly on the floor.
Home could also hold burning embers in his bare
hands completely without harm, a feat he performed
on a number of occasions. Sir William Crookes of
the British Society for Psychical Research, once
saw Home pick up a hot coal as big as an orange
and hold it nonchalantly in both hands. Home even
blew on the coal until it became white hot and
flames flickered around his bare fingers. Crookes
then inspected Home's hands and affirmed that they
did not appear to be specially treated in any way
- and showed absolutely no sign of blistering,
scarring or burning. Crookes remarked, in fact,
that Home's hands were as soft and delicate as "a
woman's." In yet another performance, Homes
floated out of a second-story window, paused, then
floated back inside to the utter astonishment of
three witnesses on the ground.
There's no hiding evil deeds from the Incredible
X-Ray whose penetrating X-ray vision sees all.
Koda Box, a stage performer who billed himself as
"The Man with the X-Ray Eyes," astonished
audiences in the early 1900s. Box first allowed
audience members to completely blind him by
putting coins over his eyes and fastening them in
place with adhesive tape. His entire head was then
bandaged in cloth, assuring everyone that he could
see nothing. He then proceeded to read messages
that audience participants had written on paper.
He could also read books and accurately describe
objects held up by members of the audience. With
is elaborate blindfold in place, Box once even
safely rode a bicycle through the busy traffic of
New York's Times Square.
Like super-powerd human scientific instruments,
this heroic duo uses their fantastic vision to see
microscopic details or great distances.
Two gentlemen might share the title of Microsopo,
both having the ability to distinguish vinyl
phonograph records merely by looking at the
grooves with their unaided eyes! Alvah Mason first
demonstrated this talent in the 1930s, and more
recently, Arthur Lintgen, a resident of
Philadelphia proved to none other than The Amazing
Randi that he could do the same thing.
Veronica Seider, a German dentist, apparently had
telescopic vision. In several demonstrations she
showed that she could identify people from more
than a mile distance. Seider also claimed that she
could see the individual red, green and blue dots
that make up the picture on a color television
With the unknown force emanating from his
miraculous hands, Medictron has the power to heal
all forms of injuries and maladies.
John D. Reese of Youngstown, Ohio never studied
medicine. In fact, it wasn't until he was about 30
years old that Reese discovered his remarkable if
latent power to heal. One day in 1887, an
acquaintance of Mr. Reese had fallen from a ladder
and seriously injured his spine - a "severe spinal
strain" his physician called it. Reese, for some
reason, ran his fingers up and down the man's
back, immediately after which the man announced
that his pain had ceased entirely. He got up and
went back to work.
Reese likewise healed Hans Wagner, a shortstop for
the Pittsburgh Pirates, who had been carried from
the field with a back injury; he also instantly
cured a politician whose hand and wrist became
useless to him from so much handshaking. Doctors
had told him he needed weeks and weeks of rest.
After his encounter with Reese, he has perfectly
# # #
How do we explain the abilities of these
astounding individuals? Are they conduits for some
unimaginable inter-dimensional power? Are they
mere tricksters and hoaxers? Or are they genetic
mutants who, like the X-Men, might be forerunners
of the future of the human race?
Resonance, Dogs, and Aliens
By Diane

Does your dog know when you are headed home, long
before you arrive? According to the work of Rupert
Sheldrake, she does. Many of us have noticed this
astounding ability in our beloved dog.
Sheldrake has performed experiments with cameras
on dogs and their humans. The humans are miles
away, then sent a phone call instructing them to
return home at a random moment, not according to
schedule. Film of the dogs shows them waiting
anxiously at the door about 20 minutes before "My
Precious Human" arrives.
"Morphic resonance" is a term introduced by
Sheldrake who has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and is a
professor at Cambridge University. He proposes
that there is a feedback mechanism between the
morphic field and the forms in the morphic unit.
You and your dog have a morphic field between you;
in other words, your dog and you have an awareness
of each other’s consciousness which, after a
while, becomes sufficiently entangled, to produce
telepathic communication. Sheldrake feels there is
telepathic communication in this morphic field; in
fact, Sheldrake validates many "supernatural"
feats which, he feels, are perfectly real and
Apparently your dog is more telepathic than you,
but this may be because humankind has built this
huge "false" reality of buildings, turnpikes,
computers, talk shows, and worries about
everything from how many calories are in the
cinnamon bun to if North Korea, Iran, or the U.S.
will press the nuclear button.
We humans know there is something very special in
what we share with our dogs, cats, and other life
forms of Gaia’s creation. They give us simple joy
with their unconditional love. Our morphic field
becomes less-choppy when around them.
Sheldrake regards morphic fields as a universal
database for both organic (living) and abstract
(mental) forms. He feels that these fields
resonate when feedback (experience) is added,
resulting in a strengthening of that morphic
field. In other words, when you and your dog go on
a walk together, this experience is added to the
morphic field between you and strengthens not only
your bond, but your quantumly entangled field.
Morphic resonance occurs.
At this point, I have a question: I have done
articles on quantum entanglement and on the
collective consciousness. Morphic resonance can be
connected easily to the collective consciousness,
but what of quantum entanglement? Are these the
same concepts or different?
I’ll let Sheldrake and theoretical physicists work
this out. It seems to me that we need a "unified
field theory" here as badly as Einstein did,
because I suspect "quantum entanglement" and
"morphic resonance" are the same thing; however, I
don’t want to state this with certainty and I
suspect no one knows at this point.
I do know that my article, "Is Alien Entanglement
Actually Quantum Entanglement" received many kind
words from e-mail friends and that it is my
favorite article, too. I will incorporate the
"morphing resonance" and "entanglement" concepts
herein, noting I am not a physicist nor a
More on Sheldrake’s work: He states that because
of shared informational patterns in the collective
human unconsciousness, archetypes exist, as first
proposed by Carl Jung. According to Sheldrake,
morphic fields explain and validate many of Jung’s
theories. Sheldrake also feels that Akashic
records, the term from the Vedas which represents
the "library" of all experiences and memories of
the human mind/soul through its physical
lifetimes, can be related scientifically to
morphic fields. This is because your past (an
akashic record) is a metal form at this point, and
can relate to similar or related mental forms.
Thus, within the large human collective library,
you can add a chapter to your own book as each
lifetime passes, and it can be accessed through
your morphic field.
Sheldrake feels this morphic field is "non-local,"
and is not located in the brain, but rather in the
collective (quantum) field which extends outside
of your brain.
In regard to evolution, morphic resonance says
that as each species experiences and learns, this
is added to its morphic field (which becomes that
species’ collective consciousness and
unconsciousness), so that the process of evolution
is not led by "the physical" as Darwin stated (the
giraffe’s neck eventually grows as she reaches for
leaves), but rather, that evolution is first and
foremost a synergeticaly instigated process which
has more to do with collective consciousness and
quantum entanglement, than physical beinghood.
Experience causes resonance within the morphic
collective field, and change happens.
Therefore, maybe it is not your world of cars and
computers which makes you seemingly less
telepathic than your dog; perhaps dogs developed
telepathic ability, or the ability to "read" the
morphic field as they evolved, whereas humans did
not (not as much). This might be due to human
abilities in other areas, such as tool using.
The morphic field theory answers the boggling
question of how dogs and cats find their way home
over thousands of miles. Sometimes an animal shows
up at her humans’ new home, which the animal has
never been to before. The link may well be between
human and animal, not the animal and its physical
(old) home.
Also, I have had an astounding phenomenon happen
with both dogs and cats. In my perception, I have
absolute proof that this phenomenon has occurred
(Note to self: Details to come in another
My dog Hannah and I are very close; we love each
other immensely. I have other dogs but Hannah, I
admit, is my favorite; our morphic field must be
very active and beautiful.
I had another dog who was very special, named
Sinsee. Oh how I want to tell you about both
Sinsee and Hannah specifically, like bragging on
one’s child, but suffice to say, I know both of
them like I know myself. Sinsee, my golden lab,
died at age 15.
At the same time, Hannah was approximately an 8
week old puppy, having been thrown into a dog
fighting ring to be used as bait. She survived
after 3 months of terrible pain. I saw Hannah when
she was brought into the Humane Society, a mass of
red flesh. However, she wagged her tail and met my
eyes, and I knew she was my recently deceased
Sinsee. No, I am not a whacky new ager, I knew and
know this to be true.
Hannah and Sinsee share a morphic field with me; I
am the "other end" of the field. When Sinsee died,
her end of the field was left "dangling." I
believe this is the scientific explanation. I can
simply say, Sinsee found a new dog suit and
re-connected to the morphic field.
Before she died, Sinsee sent me a telepathic
message which stupid human here did perceive, "I
will come back to you, but as a hardship case."
Sure enough, she came back, and as a hardship
case, a torn up, bloody, infected mess. I feel
Sinsee and my strong morphic field helped the
physically badly wounded Hannah survive, and the
two souls became one – or always were one. They
are Sinsee/Hannah.
So, what do dogs and Sheldrake’s morphic fields
have to do with aliens? To me, this opens up a
universe of possibilities regarding aliens. If
they have this knowledge, and I would assume they
do, an alien (let’s just call him Tibus), could
enter my morphic field when I am very young. Of
course, he could well be my own future lifetime,
thus my askashic record could simply be zapping
around over and through my head. Maybe some of us
are more aware of this than others, so I receive
messages from my future self (?). There is no
"time" in "morphic resonance!
Truthfully, this akashic possibility (future me),
doesn’t seem quite accurate regarding Tibus and
me. However, the entangled (shared) consciousness
I wrote about in the "Quantum Entanglement"
article, which aliens initiate with some humans,
no doubt has a morphic field. This field grows
dynamically in strength and depth as the human
explores cosmic and worldly subjects and
experiences a lifetime. The alien then understands
the human better.
The alien/human morphic field not only assists the
human as she evolves, it also helps the alien
evolve, as he learns more about the universe and
its life forms. After all, aliens are in a state
of evolution as well. (I state here that I am
referring to contact with positive aliens only in
this article).
If you are an alien orbiting Planet Earth, it also
is a very safe way to get to know humans. How do
aliens access our morphic field? Perhaps one face
to face meeting is necessary (an abduction or an
encounter), but perhaps, as in the case of many
enlightened humans, it is not necessary, because
no "time" and no "distance" is involved in a
morphic field, just ask the dog who walked
thousands of miles because his morphic field told
him, "Precious human is here in my head, go to
precious human."
Quantum entanglement, collective consciousness,
unconsciousness, morphic fields and morphic
resonance, are all topics which we humans are more
than capable of perceiving and incorporating into
our perception of reality.
As we do this (it is happening even now, and
please do not let "old fear" stop this process!),
the galactic community is exhaling a sigh of
collective relief, "Those humans are finally
coming along nicely. Evolving! Glory be!"
Ask for free sample of Diane’s brand new free "e"
Exo-Trekking or just sign up to receive all
Source: UFO Digest
Earthquake Victims Haunted By Ghosts
More and more
victims of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake are
reporting that they are suffering from visions
of ghosts and other paranormal occurances.
The disaster brought many people face-to-face
with death and many believe the apparitions may
be a manifestation of their emotional wounds.
As Japan has no governmental office that deals
with this kind of issue and many people feel
uncomfortable consulting family members, leaders
from several different religious organizations
in Japan have come together to provide emotional
and mental support for the victims.
An elderly couple living in temporary housing in
Sendai, the largest city in Tohoku to be
impacted by the disaster, went to visit to a
local Jo-do Buddhist temple earlier this month.
After exchanging greetings with head priest
Mizuki Nakamura, the couple confessed they were
troubled by something they felt was supernatural
and they didn’t know who to turn to for help.
“There’s someone at the temporary housing
grounds. We think that something may have
happened there,” said the husband.
Mr. Nakamura offered to hold a mass for the dead
at the grounds and after completing the ritual
the couple thanked him with an expression of
Many victims report seeing more vivid images,
such as eyeballs appearing in puddles of water
or people walking on the surface of the ocean.
Others say that they’ve been visited by the
ghosts of missing family members, begging to
find their bodies and give them a proper burial.
However, like the elderly couple in Sendai, many
of these people don’t know how to cope with such
The Sendai branch of the United Christ Church
(UCC) in Japan currently provides emotional
support services regardless of religious
affiliation. “The government can’t do anything
about it and it’s difficult to discuss the issue
with family or other people in the
neighborhood,” says Reverend Naoya Kawakami.
Working together the UCC church is head priest
Taiou Kaneda of Tsudaiji Temple in Miyagi
prefecture, who adds: “Regardless if they are
real or not, these people are seeing
apparitions. We weren’t prepared to lose all of
those lives. Religion must patiently give
counsel to these people until they can accept
the death of their family and friends, until
they can lift their heads up again.”
The two are a part of the Miyagi Prefecture
Religious Institution Liaison Council, which
provides telephone consultation services with
monks and priests of several different Buddhist
and Christian sects.
Mr. Kaneda urges anyone to call freely for
disaster-related support in general, not just
supernatural issues.
At the invitation of the neighborhood council
head, Reverend Kawakami and Mr. Kaneda visited a
temporary housing settlement in Sendai last
September to give a lecture on the issue to
“Many people passed away, so it is natural for
you to see their apparitions. Please do not be
scared,” spoke Mr. Kaneda. “This can also become
an opportunity for you to take a moment and
think about life and death for yourself. You
should make this a first step towards moving
forward in this life.”
In Ishinomaki city, Miyagi Prefecture, Christian
priests and Buddhist monks of the same
organization held an informal discussion at a
Buddhist temple on Christmas day. Organizers
believed the location and time made it easier
for residents to get together.
And since the Liaison Counsel holds no
particular affiliations, people feel much more
comfortable discussing their issues with them
than they do with government officials.
Mr. Kaneda comments: “There are no sects or
churches when we are faced with the wreckage of
our own homes and doctrines hold no water before
the absurdity of nature.”
Source: Rocket News 24
Man Mystified by 'Shower of Blue Spheres'

A man in Dorset
has been left mystified after tiny blue spheres
fell from the sky into his garden.
Steve Hornsby from Bournemouth said the 3cm
diameter balls came raining down late on
Thursday afternoon during a hail storm.
He found about a dozen of the balls in his
garden. He said: "[They're] difficult to pick
up, I had to get a spoon and flick them into a
jam jar."
The Met Office said the jelly-like substance was
"not meteorological".
Mr Hornsby, a former aircraft engineer, said:
"The sky went a really dark yellow colour.
"As I walked outside to go to the garage there
was an instant hail storm for a few seconds and
I thought, 'what's that in the grass'?"
'No smell'
Walking around his garden he found many more
blue spheres were scattered across the grass.
He said: "The have an exterior shell with a
softer inner but have no smell, aren't sticky
and do not melt."
Mr Hornsby said he was keeping the balls in his
fridge while he tried to find out what they
Josie Pegg, an applied science research
assistant at Bournemouth University, speculated
that the apparently strange phenomena might be
"marine invertebrate eggs".
"These have been implicated in previous 'strange
goo' incidents," she said. "I'd have thought
it's a little early for spawning but I suppose
we've had a very mild winter.
"The transmission of eggs on birds' feet is well
documented and I guess if a bird was caught out
in a storm this could be the cause."
Source: BBC
Fran Drescher: Aliens
Abducted Me

Drescher claims that aliens
abducted her and left a scar on
her hand where they implanted a
The star of "The Nanny" and the
TV Land sitcom "Happily
Divorced" tells The Huffington
Post that, in her younger years,
she was abducted by aliens. And
she was not alone: Drescher says
her ex-husband, "Happily
Divorced" producer and writer
Peter Marc Jacobson, was also
abducted by other-world beings.
Drescher said that she believes
she was abducted by aliens as a
teenager when she was in the car
with her fathr.
Years later, Fran Drescher met
her ex-husband Peter Marc
Jacobson. Fran claims that Peter
told her that he was abducted by
aliens as teenager as well, also
while driving with his father.
"You know, it's funny, because
Peter and I both saw (aliens)
before we knew each other, doing
the same thing, driving on the
road with our dads," Drescher
told the website, "in all
"We were both in junior high. A
few years later, we met, and we
realized that we had the same
experience. I think that somehow
we were programmed to meet,"
Drescher says. "We both have
this scar. It's the exact same
scar on the exact same spot."
But Fran tells news that Peter
Marc Jacobson denied the chip
tale. He told her during her
marriage that it’s simply a scar
they both had from their youth.
Fran said to him, however,
“that’s what the aliens
programmed us to think… But
really, that’s where the chip
In 2010, Fran made the
revelation to news that her
husband was gay. The couple met
at age 15. The two split in
1999. “We love each other dearly
… [We] still have a caring,
loving relationship. Love is
what we’re all about” she told
news at the time.
Peter Marc Jacobson was the
executive producer of The Nanny
from 1993 to 1999 delivering
nearly 143 episodes of the hit
sitcom. He would last year
executive produce Teaste.
Jacobson also appeared as an
actor in bit parts for Murphy
Brown, Booker, Matlock and
Beverly Hills 2010.
Fran Drescher is not alone with
her claim of close contacts with
UFOs. There have been other
famous people who have seen UFOs
as well. Here are a list
of famous entertainers who said
that they had their own close
Jackie Gleason
Known as “The Great One”, Jackie
Gleason was a famous comic that
starred in the early television
series, The Honeymooners.
In the mid-1960s, he started
researching information on
UFOs. He became such a
fanatic of the topic, his friend
President Richard Nixon invited
Gleason (later confirmed by his
second wife, Beverly), in 1973,
to witness some alien bodies
that had crashed in the American
southwest (Roswell, New Mexico,
anyone?). The alien tour
was held at Homestead Air Force
Base in Florida. According
to his wife, Gleason was taken
to an unmarked building where he
saw four embalmed bodies.
He had no information on bodies
other than they were very small
with bald heads and large ears.
The story originally ran in the
National Enquirer - and at the
time, no one believed anything
that paper wrote. However,
more and more events reported in
papers like these are found to
be factual and this could also
be the case. Gleason
became one of the world’s
leading collectors on UFO
information and several of his
friends confirm that the story
was true.
Walter Cronkite
He was the newsman of the
twentieth century. It was
from his lips that we learned of
the death of John F. Kennedy and
man’s first walk on the
moon. Cronkite, who worked
for CBS, was so entrenched in
middle America, that when he
turned against the Vietnam War,
President Lyndon Johnson
exclaimed, “If I lost Cronkite,
I’ve lost Middle America.” His
UFO encounter occurred in the
1950s when he was asked, along
with a group of reporters to
witness the test of a new Air
Force missile. Just as the
missile was about to be
launched, a large, flying
saucer-like object appeared at
the site. According to
Cronkite, he couldn’t hear
anything from the object due to
the noise from the rocket. The
disk, which was grey in color,
sent a blue beam of light at the
missile and held it in place
about 70 feet off of the
ground. Guards and dogs
were frozen in mid-step during
the five minutes or so that this
happened. The missile
exploded and the saucer
disappeared. The guard and
the dog returned to
normal. The Air Force
explained that what they saw was
all part of an experiment to see
the reaction UFOs would have on
reporters, but Cronkite looked
at it as a thinly veiled
excuse. However, the
reporters were also told that
they weren’t allowed to comment
on the events. Cronkite
never said anything until an
interview with Bill Knell, a UFO
expert, in 1973. Please
note, Bill Knell has had some
detractors who claim the entire
story was false. There
have been several claims that
this was not true, though he
made his statements public well
before Cronkite’s passing and
the newsman did not refute the
Sammy Hagar
On the Politically Incorrect
with Bill Maher, Sammy Hagar,
the lead singer for Van Halen,
reported seeing a UFO in the
summer of 1968. I looked,
but I couldn’t find the exact
episode. Although the
transcript of the interview is
really convoluted with Hagar’s
barely perceptible grasp of the
English language, he mentions
having communication with the
aliens and that the event turned
his life on end. According
to Hagar, the aliens did some
sort of a mind meld with him and
he knew they were in some sort
of space craft, while he was
unable to move and bathed in a
white light. He said in
his alien encounter that he was
not hurt, but there are aliens
out there - called “gray ones” -
that do hurt people. He
also commented on the “fact”
that there was no other life in
our Solar System and that these
aliens had come from somewhere
else. What’s scary is that
the conversation also involved
him talking about a whole lot of
nonsense, too. And this is
the guy they replaced David Lee
Roth with...???
Jimi Hendrix
Many people may not know, but
this guitar legend was a firm
believer in UFOs.
According to Hendrix, he had
seen several UFOs in his
lifetime and he once mentioned
to a New York Times reporter
that he was from Mars. OK,
well, that’s probably not true,
but David Henderson, in his book
The Life of Jimi Hendrix (1978)
wrote that Hendrix also believed
in life on other solar systems
and that they had no interest in
war with us. That could be
a lot of LSD talking, but
Hendrix gave a concert in Maui,
Hawaii, just a few weeks before
his death on July 30,
1970. During the concert -
which was performed on the rim
of a live volcano, several
people - including Hendrix -
reported seeing UFOs flying
overhead. The radio
stations were called and people
actually filmed the occurrence.
John Lennon
This founding member of the
Beatles claimed to have seen a
UFO outside of his window in New
York City in 1974. He was
standing naked on his balcony
with his assistant and
girlfriend, May Pang, when a
saucer-shaped object came into
view. According to Pang,
they called the police that
night to report it and were told
to keep calm and that others had
seen the same thing. Lennon
would often talk about the event
and even wrote a lyric in one of
his songs about the encounter.
"There's UFO's over New York,
and I aint too surprised..." -
Nobody Told Me, from the album
Milk and Honey (1984)
Lennon also used the encounter
as part of his cover art on his
Walls and Bridges album (1974)
which was released two months
after the encounter.
For more UFO encounters of the
famous, check out Tim Beckley's
book "UFOs Among the Stars"
available at
Source: Lalate