The horrors of the
nuclear age, in terms of exploding reactors and
nuclear bombs, are well known. Behind the
well-publicized threat of mass death lies a secret
history of nuclear projects being used to destroy
individuals. In the late 1940s, United States
citizens were injected with plutonium without
their knowledge.
In early 1945, Ebb Cade, a worker at the Oak Ridge
Nuclear Facility, got into a car wreck. He
survived, but was bed bound with a broken arm and
a broken leg. When doctors interviewed him, they
ascertained that the fifty-three-year-old African
American man was otherwise perfectly healthy,
eating well, drinking well, and had no history of
serious illness. And so, having obtained a healthy
subject, on April 10th his doctors secretly
injected him with 4.7 micrograms of plutonium. Who
exactly ordered the injection, and who exactly
administered it, has never been determined, with
the most likely candidates all contradicting each
What is certain is that no one administered the
dose for the man's health. Although radium was
still being touted by unscrupulous companies to
the masses as a health tonic, enough people had
gotten cancer and radiation sickness that any
scientists knew that radiation was bad news. Since
the beginning of the Manhattan Project, tests had
been done to see how plutonium isotopes affected
living beings. Animals had been fed and injected
with the element, and their subsequent health
problems were noted. When a scientist working on
separating isotopes of plutonium had gotten a face
full of gas, his stomach was pumped, to get out
any plutonium he had swallowed, and his face was
thoroughly scrubbed.
Over the next five days after the injection,
doctors collected any excretions from Cade to see
how much plutonium he retained in his body. Other
tests were more invasive. His bones weren't set
until April 15th, and before they were set samples
were cut out of them to see how much plutonium had
moved into the bone tissue. Fifteen of his teeth
were pulled and sampled for plutonium as well. Ebb
Cade was never informed about the reasons for any
of this, but he might have had an idea of what was
happening to him. According to one account, one
morning a nurse opened his door to find he'd fled
during the night. He died in 1953, of heart
failure. He was the first person to be injected
with plutonium in the United States, but not the
The next three injectees were patients suffering
from cancer who had come into Billings Hospital in
Chicago for treatment. From April through
December, a man in his sixties suffering from lung
cancer, a woman in her fifties suffering from
breast cancer, and a 'young man' suffering from
Hodgkin's lymphoma were all injected. Not much is
known about the third patient. He was not
mentioned in many official reports, nor is the
date of his death known. What is known is he was
injected with 95 micrograms of plutonium, roughly
fifteen times what anyone before had been injected
The University of Rochester also became the next
facility to start injections of plutonium, as well
as other radioactive isotopes, including polonium
and uranium. The director of the program there
wrote that nearly all the patients had diagnoses
that meant they were unlikely to live for more
than five years. Although it's true that many
patients did have serious illnesses, many had
illnesses that allowed for more than ten years of
life, three were still living when investigations
into the plutonium injections began in 1974, and
one was misdiagnosed entirely.
Researchers at the University of California also
took part in these experiments. In May of 1945
Albert Stevens came in for treatment of his
stomach cancer. He was injected with plutonium.
After the injection, it was found that the cancer
was actually an ulcer. When Stevens thought about
moving away, he was offered a stipend to stay in
the area, so the lab could continue to test him
for radiation, but he was never told about the
injection. In April of 1946, Simeon Shaw, a
four-year-old boy suffering from bone cancer was
the next test subject. His parents, who had
brought him from Australia for treatment in the
United States, were told that the injection, and a
subsequent removal of some bone tissue, was part
of his cancer treatment. When he got sicker, his
parents brought him back to Australia, where he
died. It wasn't until thirty years later that they
found out what their son was actually injected
In December of 1946, the Manhattan Project ordered
a halt to the injection of humans with radioactive
materials, at which point the Atomic Energy
Commission took over. In April of 1947, possibly
in response to the Nuremburg trials concerning
human experimentation, it was recommended that
patients be told that they would be injected with
a 'new substance' and that 'no one knew what it
did,' but that it could inhibit cancer growth. The
trials continued. A thirty-six-year-old man named
Elmer Allen was injected and his left leg
amputated shortly after.
Although the injections themselves were halted at
the end of 1947, follow up studies, including the
removal of bone tissue and excretion monitoring,
were conducted into the early 1950s. Some of the
eighteen known patients injected with plutonium
died and were actually exhumed for more tests to
be conducted. Their families were still told that
they had received an unknown mixture of isotopes
purely for medical treatment. It wasn't until the
1970s that a full investigation was conducted.
Surviving patients were informed, families of the
deceased were questioned and eventually informed.
Only one surviving patient never knew what
happened to her. Her current doctors judged her
emotional state too fragile to be told about the
The last survivor of the plutonium experiments was
Elmer Allen, the man whose leg was amputated after
his injection. When doctors looked back through
his notes, they found that his prognosis, at the
beginning, was very good, and that it was deemed
likely that the then-thirty-six-year-old would
live more than ten years. He died in 1991.
Source: io9
Researchers found
the Armed Forces could harness the rapid advance
of neuroscience to improve the training of
soldiers, pilots and other personnel.
A study, from the Royal Society, Britain’s
national academy of science, showed the possible
benefits of neuroscience to military and law
It predicted new designer drugs that boost
performance, make enemy troops fall asleep and
ensure captives become more talkative.
But among the more remarkable scenarios suggested
in the report involved the use of devices called
brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) to connect
soldiers' brains directly to military technology
such as drones and weapons.
The study, published recently, stated that the
work built on previous research that has enabled
people to control cursors and artificial limbs
through BMIs that read their brain signals.
In their report, one of a series from the Royal
Society looking at the field of neuroscience, the
experts call on the UK Government to be as
"transparent as possible" about research into
military and law enforcement applications.
"Since the human brain can process images, such as
targets, much faster than the subject is
consciously aware of, a neurally interfaced
weapons system could provide significant
advantages over other system control methods in
terms of speed and accuracy," the report states.
The report also showed how neuroscientists
employed so-called “transcranial direct current
stimulation” (tDCS) to improve soldiers' awareness
while in hostile environments.
It showed how soldiers’ ability to spot roadside
bombs, snipers and other hidden threats were
improved in a virtual reality training program
used by US troops bound for the Middle East
But the report’s authors argued that while hostile
uses of neuroscience and related technologies were
now more likely, scientists were oblivious to its
While the benefits to society were obvious,
through improved treatments for brain disease and
mental illness, there were serious security
implications to consider.
"Neuroscience will have more of an impact in the
future," said Prof Rod Flower, chair of the
report's working group.
"People can see a lot of possibilities, but so far
very few have made their way through to actual
use. All leaps forward start out this way.”
Prof Flower, from the William Harvey Research
Institute at Barts and the London Hospital added:
“You have a groundswell of ideas and suddenly you
get a step change."
"If you are controlling a drone and you shoot the
wrong target or bomb a wedding party, who is
responsible for that action? Is it you or the BMI.
“There's a blurring of the line between individual
responsibility and the functioning of the machine.
Where do you stop and the machine begin?"
Vince Clark, a cognitive neuroscientist and lead
author on the study at the University of New
Mexico, admitted he was uncomfortable in knowing
neuroscience could be used by the military.
"As a scientist I dislike that someone might be
hurt by my work,” he said. “I want to reduce
suffering, to make the world a better place, but
there are people in the world with different
intentions, and I don't know how to deal with
"If I stop my work, the people who might be helped
won't be helped. Almost any technology has a
defence application."
Source: Telegraph
Are We
Viewing UFO Occupants Objectively?
By Diane

The question as to whether the visitors in our
skies are good guys, bad guys, or just aliens who
are passing by, is certainly at the center of
every debate. If we just knew which they are, we
humans would be mostly united, especially if
disclosure and UFO landings are in our future. It
is astounding that on what well may be the biggest
issue humankind has ever faced, we have been left
to figure it out and deal with it on our own.
There is no education, no preparation, no careful
explanation from the powers-that-be; in fact,
quite the contrary.
I have had fascinating input from readers
following my article, "UFO Occupants: More Than
Just Cold Observers"
and some of the thoughts herein are based on
questions readers have raised.
Question: Isn’t the fear reaction on the part of
human beings natural and justified?
Yes, rightful fear of course is natural and
If you meet a bear in the forest, you are
frightened. This is rightful, instinctive fear.
However, even then, you have a better chance of
survival if your intelligent reasoning ability
takes over quickly. Fear says to run but it seems
you are better off with a bear if you stand
perfectly still.
We would all have rightful fear if a saucer set
down suddenly in our back yard and the portal
opened. And we all feel very humble, if not
fearful, that apparently there are beings overhead
who are superior to us; we hope beyond hope that
they believe our lives are of equal value to
However, then there is mindless fear which usually
lingers for years, even for a lifetime. Out of
this mindless fear arises stereotypes which induce
hatred of others who are "different." Children
learn racial bigotry because their parents display
fear of another race. If we don’t deal
intelligently with mindless fear, it metastasizes
like a cancer.
In my article "UFO Occupants: More Than Just Cold
Observers," I refer to the harm which mindless
fear can do, from lynching black men to stoning
Moslem women, to burning Pagan people, to
murdering native peoples, to constantly dishing
out and/or believing undocumented, unproved horror
stories about aliens. Stereotypes abound, little
is thought-through with reasoning and logic,
asking, "Does this really make sense at all?"
Might we be hurting the human future to promote
this mindless fear of life from outside Earth’s
If we as a species are to be so frightened of new
things and beings, we might be at the end of our
evolutionary line. It was frightening to sail past
the horizon when we perceived the world to be
flat, but we sailed. It was frightening to meet
naked Aztec wearing feathers and gold (and yes,
that ended badly thanks to a lack of
non-interference directive), but onward our
species sailed.
We live in a world which tells us to wear a helmet
to ride the bike down the block and to buy the
latest diet fad lest we will be over the weight
limit of acceptability. Corporations make huge
money off us as we worry incessantly about
ourselves, our feet, our toenails, our weight, our
heartburn, our graying hair, and our flat chest.
Is this the species we want to be, utterly
self-involved and afraid to venture outward?
Sure, we should employ common sense to take care
of our safety and health. However, we are
brainwashed to buy, buy, and buy some more - so
badly, we cannot even perceive that we are
brain-washed, by corporations and conglomerates
who own our governments. Our entire society tells
us now, "Be afraid, be very afraid of everything,
and thus we must buy the protection they offer.
Our biggest fear should be our stagnation as a
vibrant species.
Maybe the English language should come up with two
different words for "fear;" one word would be for
rightful fear and the other word would be for
mindless fear.
Another response I received: The reasons you
provide (that there is a non-interference
directive) are, I am afraid, right out of "Star
Yes, "Star Trek," has the non-interference
directive but the non-interference concept is not
illegitimate just because it is on "Star Trek."
If Britain, Spain, and other conquer-the-natives,
colonizing countries had subscribed to a
non-interference directive, the world would be
different today. These countries committed
genocide on a long list of native peoples,
murdering their culture and right to govern
selves, as well as just plain wiping out huge
numbers of human beings and plundering the
resources of their lands. It could be said that
colonizing countries made many of our political
global crisis areas today.
If there is even one space-going species in all
the cosmos, I can guarantee you it has run up
against the question, "Do we aliens plant our flag
on every planet and declare it belongs to us?
After all, we are more powerful than the natives.
Or do we respect the native species, leaving their
world to them?"
"Do we interfere with bad, selfish leadership of
the world we are exploring, or do we let it run
its course from within the timeline, carefully not
In other words, when the writers of "Star Trek"
begin to outline the adventures of a starship
exploring unknown worlds, they immediately ran
into this "non-interference" question, it couldn’t
be avoided! They did not invent the concept, they
merely had to deal with it; it may well be the
dominant question for a group of explorers, on
Earth and far beyond, or at least it should be.
Just because it was on "Star Trek" does not
invalidate the larger concept! If a fictional
television series deals with famine, does it
disprove that famine exists?
To say, "When you refer to good guy aliens, you
are just brainwashed by ‘Star Trek’ and science
fiction," is absurd. To be honest, it is time to
lay this silly argument to rest. Science fiction
explores concepts which are legitimate, real
problems, situations, and philosophies. To
insinuate that anyone who likes science fiction is
a brainwashed vegetable or tool of the bad aliens,
is ridiculous.
Another emailed question: "Why would the aliens
possibly stick to a non-interference agreement?"
Well, because at least some of them are good guys,
To assume they are all bad guys, and thus
"disprove" their apparent integrity, is the crux
of this entire problem. You haven’t disproved or
proved anything, you have given your opinion that
they lack integrity. However, they have kept that
non-interference promise as far as we know.
Look around, it is 2012 and there are no alien
cities, the farmers in the heartland are still
human, and you are not in a human enslavement
camp, it seems they have stuck to their
non-interference agreement. Any microbe in the
universe would be disgusted at this point with
Earth’s leaders, so, if the aliens are frustrated
with our governments and leaders, they are not
alone! This might explain why they seem to be
pushing the boundaries of non-interference at
present. Disclosure is a necessity which is long
overdue; the aliens think so too.
If the aliens are good guys, they have stuck to
their non-interference agreement because they said
they would. Why is this possibility ignored?
A question from me: Is there no perception of a
middle ground where aliens are concerned?
In our debate on whether aliens are "new age
ascended masters of sheer heavenly perfection" or
"evil blood sucking, genetically
tampering-aliens," we have lost perception of the
middle ground.
I feel that most aliens are actually in this
middle ground. They are not perfected heavenly
masters and they are not some parasitical cold,
dead-eyed race too horrific to contemplate.
As an example, perhaps some aliens are future
humans (aliens in time). If future humankind
manages to find the key to traveling back in time,
some UFO occupants could well be our descendants.
Manifesting at points on Earth’s timeline might be
different than our perception of "time travel."
There is the concept of "time reassignment" which
our military is working on even now; it involves
quantum engineering.
So, let’s assume some UFO occupants are humans who
are 200 years ahead us, or 500, or a mere 2,000
years ahead of us. We of 2012 are curious: Do we
still eat meat in the future? Do we still make
war? Do we still colonize other countries/planets?
Are we still imperfect?
Probably, since the human evolutionary march is
usually forward, future humans have improved.
Perhaps they don’t eat meat or make war or
interfere in the sovereign rights of
others, but I bet future humans are still
imperfect. Therefore, they are beings in the
middle ground of goodness.
Future humans might have linked up with other
space-going explorers who also have a code of
ethics and who are very intelligent, but who also
are not perfect. These aliens, like future humans,
are pilots of advanced craft but those craft must
also have a janitor aboard, a nurse, and a cook.
Yes, there may be sheer energy beings flying
around too who don’t require a janitor, a nurse or
a cook. My point, we common people who are kept in
the dark by our governments, should at least
consider UFO occupants in the middle ground; I
believe most of them are living, breathing, fairly
good guys, but not perfect, not heavenly. If we
can identify just a little with them, and they
with us, we are safer. It is harder to conquer
when real connections are made.
Advanced technology dawns on a planet, does the
dominant species keep its soul?
I maintain that to go to space/time, an alien race
has to have encountered a pivotal crisis caused by
advanced technology as it begins to take them
over, thus conflicting with positive spiritual and
ethical behavior. Earth is just now undergoing
this challenge which comes to every sentient race.
Obviously the aliens have survived this point in
their history and gone off into space/time to
explore. To have gotten where they are, aliens
have looked into themselves as a species, and by
virtue of having achieved the huge accomplishment
of star-travel, we know they channeled their
resources into going outward, not making war with
each other. They have run into one ethical
question after another as they visit different
worlds, and they have had to confront these
questions and challenges and deal with them.
Yet, many of us assign an identity to the aliens
which says they are mindless, unscrupulous beings
with no integrity or ethics. To me, the evidence
shows they do have integrity because we are still
here, aren’t we?
Having overcome their own world’s pivotal crisis
time, most of the aliens have examined the ethics
and ramifications of interfering in another
world’s timeline. They have learned how
detrimental war is; it wastes the valuable
resources which are needed to break the barriers
of space/time, so as to explore the stars. Long
story short, if they are intelligent enough to
overcome the very formidable problems of quantum
travel, space travel (however they do it), they
are intelligent enough to deal with (and have
dealt with), questions of ethics and peaceful
non-interference. They are obviously beings with a
lot of learnin’ and evolution behind them.
Another email question: What positive good have
the aliens done, they might be like the whalers of
old who go to port to port, take resources, don’t
care, and travel on?
This viewpoint chooses to invalidate the millions
of people who have received positive input from
aliens. As I said in my previous article, if you
are Reverend Jack and hear from Jesus or angels,
you are a wise man, but if you are Contactee John
and hear from positive aliens, you are a faker or
a nut job. Believe me, there is real prejudice
Perhaps you do not believe that millions of people
receive legitimate communication from aliens; this
shows a certain ignorance of quantum entanglement
and morphic fields on your part. None of us knows
much about these phenomena but I do know, at
least, that they exist. When you see what a UFO
can do, is it so far-fetched to think that these
beings really know about quantum fields?
This "just passing by, don’t care" version of
aliens also negates the fact that many of us have
had an encounter/abduction and come out of it
reasonably wise and enlightened. It can’t be
denied, the aliens contributed to "this" within
us. We can tell you, they are not uncaring
passers-by. Our testimony should have equal value
to the very frightened abductee testimony. An
encounter is partially what you choose to make of
it, just like other traumas in life.
"What good have the aliens done?" This is like
saying, "Show me the car accident which did not
"Show me what the aliens might have done that made
a bad situation less bad." At this point, I could
channel an example but this is an article, not a
channeling; long story short, I have no proof.
The aliens do stay hidden but millions of people
feel they have done something to help them. There
are large possibilities too, like lessening the
impact of a storm or quietly helping survivors out
at sea, thus a "miracle" happens. Someday, we
might be surprised and amazed at what the aliens
have done to help us (just a thought).
Are the aliens uncaring, just passing by like
whalers of old? Not if you think there is a shred
of credibility in the ancient astronaut theory
which says that aliens are actually a part of
Earth’s history, and perhaps our own ancestors.
They might have created our species. Maybe we have
no right to resent them being in our skies because
our skies are their skies too.
Many people feel, and there is some proof, that
Homo sapiens is an alien/earth hybrid, that there
are illustrations of UFOs in ancient texts and art
work, and that the aliens have always been here,
shaping Earth and her history.
If you don’t feel this is valid, and feel they are
passing whalers, then at least they have been here
since 1947, that’s 65 years in the same port. I
don’t think they are cold observers. And to think
of them as whalers or other primitive, violent
groups, it biased in the first place. Perhaps
"sailors passing by" is a better term.
The hard question: What about cattle (and other)
There are various groups of aliens in our skies.
The craft we see vary a lot, as do descriptions of
the occasional alien, from human to humanoid to
reptilian to grey.
Are you thinking, "Oh, that’s a convenient excuse!
Blaming one bad apple group for the cattle
mutilations and exonerating the other alien groups
is a cop-out which excuses the horrors of cattle
mutilation." However, I feel that there might be a
"bad apple group or groups," it is a real
To explain: Would you rather be put in jail in
Denmark or Iran? On Earth, we have a variety of
groups but nearly all belong to the central United
Nations "group." Would you prefer the human rights
of Syria or the Netherlands? Groups do vary, even
in our small space on Earth. Are the aliens who
are probably from many distant worlds and
dimensions, not allowed this diversity? Groups do
Would humans a mere 200 years in the future, ever
kill a cow? 200 years ago, we were hunters, and in
2012, we are still hunters; we kill animals and
each other, every day. In 200 years, who knows?
Cattle would have to be euthanized or at least
given anesthesia in order to cleanly, surgically
take certain parts from them to perhaps test for
contaminants or to do something genetically. Maybe
aliens want to start a herd of Earth cows on
Omicron Ceti 6, who knows? How many cattle have
been mutilated? Hundreds, maybe thousands? This is
wrong, no excuses.
How much beef did you eat last year? We have
inhumane slaughter houses which "stun" and kill
millions, perhaps billions, of cows every year
which/who could not even turn around in their tiny
stall when they were alive, existing only to be
fattened up, killed, and eaten by humans. We shoot
a mother doe as she stands in front of her fawn.
We kill pigs and chickens by the truckloads (well,
inhumane factory farms do). Are you better than a
factory farm operation because you bought your
dead pig in a sanitized supermarket? Yes, this is
an extreme "PETA view."
To what standards are we holding the aliens
regarding cattle mutilations? Are we hypocrites?
Obviously they are not perfect ascended god-beings
if they euthanize a cow which/who was just
standing in a pasture. Or perhaps some aliens have
achieved near-perfection, but not the ones who
mutilate cattle.
As for other mutilations, from cats to humans, I
see no proof, no hint of proof, that the aliens
had anything to do with these. I think many,
especially the supposed human mutilations, are
disinformation by those who do not want the common
people to ever know aliens. Just because it is on
YouTube does not make it fact. Mutilation is
unfortunately an interesting subject for sick
minds also, so of course it is on the Internet;
this does not make it fact either.
Disinformation and misinformation are huge factors
in our perceptions of the aliens; please at least
consider this:
Misinformation: The vet says the dead cow was cut
precisely, then the game of gossip takes over,
especially on the Internet and soon enough it was
a pure laser cut of the kind never seen before.
Disinformation: Where do we begin on this huge
iceberg of a subject? Feed the people fear of the
unknown to protect your power, whether religious,
governmental, or corporational, selling stuff to
the masses who passionately believe they need your
latest product and therefore make for yourself
trillions of dollars. Yes, just the tip of said
iceberg. "Keep those consumers needy, wanting
If the aliens are some manifestation of ourselves
or our future, what a shame if we listened to all
that disinformation!
If the aliens are mostly good guys from distant
places (not gods nor evil parasites), what a shame
we didn’t consider the middle ground in perceiving
who they really are.
We are middle ground beings too, not good, not
bad, but most of us try. I feel that there is
plenty of evidence that the aliens do have ethics
and I have offered some of this evidence herein.
What an opportunity to meet our great, great,
great, great, great grandchildren or some amazing
being from an exotic distant world! What knowledge
they must have! It might be knowledge we need to
survive as our world enters a crisis stage. Do
they have free and abundant energy sources? Do we
ever need those!
How sad if we hide in the muck of mindless fear of
the unknown and don’t gain the knowledge that
there are multiple parallel multiverses, and that
perhaps even death itself isn’t real. Perhaps we
simply transition to another aspect of reality – a
parallel quantum world.
Right, maybe this isn’t true, and I am dreaming.
But maybe it is true, and the human race has
always, when all is said and done, taken the leap,
embraced the chance. Thus we have pushed our
evolution along, pushed our learning and
development to new heights.
If we ignore the aliens as we cower in fear, will
they just go away? Apparently not!
Don’t we have to deal with this phenomenon?
Do we deal with it intelligently, or do we let
fear and its stereotypes rule us? Because we still
have to deal with it. Caution, rightful fear,
common sense? Yes, of course. However, on-going
mindless fear, refusing to use our reason and
intelligence? That could be fatal, if for no other
reason than our vigor as a thriving species will
lose its momentum.
Maybe that is why the aliens are concerned about
us as they hover 50 feet off the ground in so many
sighting reports. Maybe they are yelling out the
portals, "Wake up, Grandma and Grandpa, before it
is too late!"
If they are our descendants, we did wake up. We
still exist. An odd thought which gives hope.
Diane's website:
Ask Diane to add your name to the ever-expanding
Exo-Trekking newsletter, all free!
Source: UFO Digest
The Dancing Plague of 1518

The mysterious
Tourette's-like affliction that has recently
struck a number of teenagers in Le Roy, New York
brings to mind other similar events in the past.
One such event was the Dancing Plague (or Dance
Epidemic) of 1518; a strange dancing mania that
occurred in Strasbourg, France (then part of the
Holy Roman Empire). Starting in July 1518,
numerous people took to dancing for days without
rest, and, over the period of about one month,
some of the people died from heart attack,
stroke, or exhaustion.
It is believed to have started when a woman
referred to as Frau Troffea stepped into a
narrow street in Strasbourg, France and began a
fervent dancing vigil that lasted between four
and six days. By the end of the week, 34 others
had joined her and, within a month, the crowd of
dancing, hopping and leaping individuals had
swelled to 400.
Authorities prescribed "more dancing" to cure
the tormented movers but, by summer's end,
dozens in the Alsatian city had died of heart
attacks, strokes and sheer exhaustion due to
nonstop dancing.
For centuries this bizarre event, known
variously as the dancing plague or epidemic of
1518, has stumped scientists attempting to find
a cause for the mindless, intense and ultimately
deadly dance. Historian John Waller, author of
the forthcoming book, "A Time to Dance, A Time
to Die: The Extraordinary Story of the Dancing
Plague of 1518," studied the illness at length
and has solved the mystery.
"That the event took place is undisputed," said
Waller, a Michigan State University professor
who has also authored a paper on the topic,
which has been accepted for publication in the
journal Endeavour.
Waller explained that historical records
documenting the dancing deaths, such as
physician notes, cathedral sermons, local and
regional chronicles, and even notes issued by
the Strasbourg city council during the height of
the boogying rage, all "are unambiguous on the
fact that (victims) danced."
"These people were not just trembling, shaking
or convulsing; although they were entranced,
their arms and legs were moving as if they were
purposefully dancing," he said.
Possible Causes
Eugene Backman, author of the 1952 book
"Religious Dances in the Christian Church and in
Popular Medicine," sought a biological or
chemical origin for the dancing mania. Backman
and other experts at the time believed the most
likely explanation was ergot, a mold that grows
on the stalks of damp rye. When consumed
unknowingly in bread, the mold can trigger
violent convulsion and delusions but not, Waller
says, "coordinated movements that last for
While at Australia's James Cook University,
sociologist Robert Bartholomew proposed a theory
that the dancers were performing an ecstatic
ritual of a heretical sect, but Waller counters,
"there is no evidence that the dancers wanted to
"On the contrary," he added, "they expressed
fear and desperation," according to the written
Unusual Events Preceded the Epidemic
A series of famines, resulting from bitter cold
winters, scorching summers, sudden crop frosts
and terrifying hailstorms, preceded the maniacal
dancing, Waller said. Waves of deaths followed
from malnutrition. People who survived were
often forced to slaughter all of their farm
animals, secure loans and finally, take to the
streets begging.
Smallpox, syphilis, leprosy and even a new
disease known as "the English sweat" swept
through the area.
"Anxiety and false fears gripped the region,"
Waller said.
One of these fears, originating from a Christian
church legend, was that if anyone provoked the
wrath of Saint Vitus, a Sicilian martyred in 303
A.D., he would send down plagues of compulsive
Waller therefore believes a phenomenon known as
"mass psychogenic illness," a form of mass
hysteria usually preceded by intolerable levels
of psychological distress, caused the dancing
Mass Hysteria
Ivan Crozier, a lecturer in the Science Studies
Unit at the University of Edinburgh, told
Discovery News that he "agrees completely" with
Waller's conclusion.
"His cultural explanation, combined with a
contextualized view of the conditions in which
people lived at the time on the Rhine and Mosel,
is very convincing and is superior to the
arguments about ergot, which is a compound like
LSD," Crozier said.
"Ergot gave people visions, not energy to
dance," he added.
Crozier is a world authority on yet another mass
hysteria epidemic: koro.
Since at least 300 B.C., plagues of koro -- an
irrational male fear that one's genitals have
been stolen or are fatally shrinking into the
body -- have swept through various parts of the
world, particularly throughout Africa and Asia.
Most recently, a 1967 outbreak, documented in
the Singapore Medical Journal, caused over 1,000
men to use pegs and clamps in hopes of
protecting themselves from the gripping fear.
"In both cases we see cultural issues impacting
on collective behavior," Crozier said,
explaining that preexisting superstitions, fears
and beliefs surrounding both koro and the
dancing epidemic led to group beliefs turning
into "collective action."
Waller explained that victims often go into an
involuntary trance state, fueled by
psychological stress and the expectation of
succumbing to an altered state.
"Thus, in groups subject to severe social and
economic hardship, trance can be highly
contagious," he said.
More Deadly Dancing, And Laughing
At least seven other outbreaks of the dancing
epidemic occurred in medieval Europe, mostly in
the areas surrounding Strasbourg. In more recent
history, a major outbreak occurred in Madagascar
in the 1840's, according to medical reports that
described "people dancing wildly, in a state of
trance, convinced that they were possessed by
Perhaps the most unusual documented case of mass
psychogenic illness was the Tanganyika Laughter
Epidemic of 1962. A paper published the
following year in the Central African Journal of
Medicine described what happened.
Triggered by a joke among students at a Tanzania
boarding school, young girls began to laugh
uncontrollably. At first there were spurts of
laughter, which extended to hours and then days.
The victims, virtually all female, suffered
pain, fainting, respiratory problems, rashes and
crying attacks, all related to the hysterical
laughter. Proving the old adage that laughter
can be contagious, the epidemic spread to the
parents of the students as well as to other
schools and surrounding villages.
Eighteen months passed before the laughter
epidemic ended.
Curing the Mind
According to medical epidemiologist Timothy
Jones, an assistant clinical professor of
preventative medicine at the Vanderbilt
University School of Medicine, who also reported
an incident of hysteria in Belgium following
soft-drink consumption, "Outbreaks of
psychogenic illness are likely to be more common
than is currently appreciated, and many go
Jones recommends that physicians treating such
problems "attempt to separate persons with
illness associated with the outbreak," conduct
tests to rule out other causes, monitor and
provide oxygen for hyperventilation, attempt to
minimize the individual's anxiety, notify public
health authorities and seek to assure patients
that, while their symptoms "are real…rumors and
reports of suspected causes are not equivalent
to confirmed results."
Aside from their medical interest, Waller
believes such epidemics, particularly those from
past centuries, are "of immense historical
He said the dancing plague "tells us much about
the extraordinary supernaturalism of late
medieval people, but it also reveals the
extremes to which fear and irrationality can
lead us."
He added, "Few events in my view so clearly show
the extraordinary potentials of the human mind."
Source: Unexplained Mysteries
The Mystery of 'Mel's Hole'

Somewhere in the
wilds of Washington State is a bizarre
geographic anomaly that locals believe may well
be a gateway into another dimension. While the
legend of the Devil’s Hole allegedly goes back
for decades…if not centuries…the public at large
did not become aware of the phenomenon until
1997, when legendary radio host and paranormal
enthusiast, Art Bell, invited a man named Mel
Waters to be interviewed on his globally
syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM.
Ellensburg, located in eastern Washington, and
its surrounding valleys and Manastash Ridge are
beautiful in any season. Some believe what lies
beneath is a deep, dark hole with supernatural
For decades residents from the Manastash Ridge
region have talked about one of the most unusual
aspects of the sprawling landscape that haloed
their hometown. Hidden nearby, on a densely
forested parcel of private property, was a
seemingly bottomless well that was surrounded by
an aura of mystery and danger.
This unfathomably deep pit was said to be about
9-feet in diameter and was shored up with hand
placed bricks to a depth of nearly 15-feet until
it gave way to earthen walls. The hole had been
known to locals for generations — and to Native
Americans before them — and had been used as an
unofficial dumping ground for everything from
defunct refrigerators to old tires and
television tubes to livestock and pet carcasses.
A man named Red Elk is one of the only people
alive known to have ever seen the mysterious
hole. A Native American Shaman, or medicine man,
Red Elk said his dad first showed him the hole
in 1961.
"He said 'This is an endless hole,'" Red Elk
Red Elk's been back many times and said strange
things happen every time he goes near it.
"People get it confused with what I call the
devil's hole," he said.
According to Red Elk, the hole was well known to
the indigenous peoples, as well as local and
federal authorities, and was believed to be an
unbelievable 24 and 28-miles deep.
The medicine man also speculated that pit served
as a tunnel which connected to Mt. Rainier and
that it might be associated with both UFOs and
vile, quasi-reptilian entities that allegedly
dwell deep within the bowls of the Earth known
as “reptoids.” A Washington native by the name
of Jay Nickell also claimed to have stumbled
across the Devil’s Hole while exploring the
region as a teen.
Other folks who stumbled across the site notice
an eerie sensation that would wash over them
when they neared the pit. They also noted that
birds and other crearures seemed to give the
allegedly “evil” hole a wide berth and that the
rim of the pit was lined with the bones of small
animals. Over the years visitors would
come and go, but none of them would make a mark
quite as deep as the next owner of the
property…a man named Mel Waters.
Waters, who claims he and his wife bought the
property sometime in 1993, discovered the hole
soon afterwards and — much like all those who
came before him — used it as a convenient (if
environmentally unfriendly) rubbish bin.
It wouldn’t be long, however, before he became
irresistably drawn to this strange hollow. In
particular Waters became fascinated by the its’
inexplicable ability to “devour” all that was
thrown within.
"I brought the dogs with me." Waters said on the
show. "They wouldn't go anywhere near the damn
Waters said the hole had a three-foot stone wall
around it. It seemed bottomless to him, so he
used an old shark fisherman's trick -- sending
thousands of feet of fishing line down.
"What I did, was I sent down a roll of
lifesavers," he said. "So when it hit water the
lifesavers would dissolve."
But the lifesavers came back up whole -- no
water -- so how deep was this hole? Waters said
he believed it descended miles into the earth
and he heard strange stories about its powers.
"One guy claims that he threw his departed
canine down into the hole," he said. "He swears
the dog actually came back to him."
In the winter of 1997, Waters sent a FAX to a
man who was, at the time, the preeminent
disseminator of paranormal information, radio
presenter and Coast to Coast AM founder, Art
Bell. Bell became intrigued by Waters and his
“never ending hole” and on February 21st, 1997,
Waters was invited to speak on Bell’s hugely
popular late night program.
Bell and Waters discussed some of the more the
scintillating secrets — though not the precise
and clandestine location — of the Devil’s Hole
and it soon became apparent that millions of
listeners were enthralled by Waters and his
unusual tale. Within a few short hours this
weird cavity graduated from local legend to
legitimate paranormal phenomenon. The story
proved so popular that Waters again spoke to
Bell just three nights later.
Within months of appearing on Coast to Coast,
Waters and the Devil’s Hole — which would soon
be re-dubbed “Mel’s Hole” by Bell’s enormous fan
base — would gain a significant amount of
notoriety. Waters claimed that he was beset by a
series of odd events not long after he went
public with his information regarding the hole.
The first strange incident occurred while Waters
was on his own property en route to the Devil’s
Hole. Waters planned to continue his research
when he was suddenly stopped by a pair of men
identifying themselves as “government agents.”
These agents — one in plain clothes and two in
military regalia — informed him that there had
been a plane crash nearby and that the area had
been cordoned off.
The plainclothes further stated that no one but
military personnel would be allowed into the
restricted area. Waters then noticed men wearing
yellow hazard suits milling around behind the
trio that were blocking his path. Waters,
angered at being denied access to his own
property, demanded that they let him pass and
that’s when these so-called agents got down to
brass tacks. According to Waters the agents
proceed to inform him that if he did not follow
their instructions he would be falsely accused
and arrested for concealing a meth lab on his
land. It is presumable that the evidence of this
lab would have been manufactured if necessary.
Red Elk claims the government has a secret base
"An underground base, a very small, underground
base," he said.
That's how Red Elk explains the white boxes
covering the area on some satellite images.
He also said he's seen "alien activity" in the
"A huge space craft, one, will appear and hover
over the hole," he said.
That's what he said happens during Summer
Solstice, when space men load and unload things
at the hole before flying away.
In the years that have followed Waters
revelations concerning the first Devil’s Hole,
there have been sporadic expeditions into the
woods around Manastash Ridge, but no one has
ever managed to find the mystical pit… and
Waters himself seems just as enigmatic.
Some say that the government filled the hole in
when they were finished using it for whatever
arcane purposes they had, others suggest that a
shed like structure has been erected over the
site to hide it from prying eyes. There are also
some who feel that aliens protect the space with
a sort of “cloaking device” and still others who
are, understandably, convinced that the darn
thing never existed in the first place and that
Waters, for reasons known only to him, made the
whole thing up.
Believers in the existence of the Devil’s Hole
have posted satellite images from Google Earth,
which indicate that the area where the 9-foot
pit in should be was “covered up” with white
Skeptics counter by saying that the satellite
photos have been altered to protect the
military’s training facilities. They also add
that there is no official record of Waters ever
living, voting or owning property in the region.
In fact, there seems to be little evidence that
a man named Mel Waters ever existed.
Of course, if Waters’ admittedly bizarre tales
are true and there actually is a top secret
geographic anomaly of apparent military
significance located in the proximity of the
Yakima Firing Range and the Hanford Nuclear
Reservation, then it goes without saying that
military officials would go to great lengths to
conceal what actually exists in the expanse,
even to the point of doctoring photos and
erasing identity, registration and tax records.
Ellensburg Public Library Historian Milton Wagy
said the story became a sensation after Waters
went on the radio.
He said the phone rang off the hook with all
kinds of stories about the hole -- some
explainable -- some not.
He's still trying to solve the mystery of what
happened to the library's file on Mel's Hole.
"Well it just disappeared, which lends itself to
the mysteriousness of Mel's Hole," Wagy said.
"Did Mel take it? Did it just kind of rise out
of the locked file cabinet."You never know there
might be a hole out there."
Now the question who, is anyone can find Mel's
Hole and prove its existence?
Source: KOMO News
Scare off Workers
Harare - A
government minister in Zimbabwe says work has
stopped on new reservoirs because workers have
been scared off by mermaids, a report has said.
According to, Minister of Water
Resources Samuel Sipepa Nkomo reportedly told a
parliamentary committee that terrified workers
were refusing to return to the sites, near the
towns of Gokwe and Mutare.
He said the only way to solve the problem was to
brew traditional beer and carry out rites to
appease the spirits.
“All the officers I have sent have vowed not to
go back there,” Zimbabwe’s state-approved Herald
newspaper quoted him as saying.
The senior politician allegedly said mermaids
were also present in other reservoirs around the
The building of the reservoirs is long overdue,
but is considered essential if Zimbabwe is to
provide adequate water for its population and
boost agricultural production.
The belief in mermaids and other mythical
creatures is widespread in the country, where
many people combine a Christian faith with
traditional beliefs.
Source: IOL News