Dark forces are
oozing their way into the cracks of society.
Those who
proclaim themselves beloved of God are actually
tap-dancing with the
devil. Evil is being used to combat evil - with
the innocents as pawns
of death. We have been convinced that our jobs,
education, health care,
and freedoms are unimportant and unpatriotic by
those who say that they
must destroy freedom and Democracy in order to
save it. And now, we
stand on the brink, knuckle-bumping Satan and
thanking him as he pushes us
all over the edge and into the abyss.
week Conspiracy Journal brings you such
joint-popping stories as:
- Do Aliens Go
Invisible by 'Going Green'? -
- Low Intensity
Warfare: UFOs vs. Earth? -
- Strange Sounds
Globally: Is the Veil Lifting? -
- For Rent, One
Haunted Flat -
AND: Nessie 'Sonar
Sighting' Wins £1000 Prize
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issue of
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Do Aliens Go Invisible by 'Going Green'?

Despite what the
politicians are telling us, "going green" is a
necessity in order to sustain our civilization if
we plan to survive as a species for the next few
thousand years. Our home planet is the only one
that is currently available to us, so it makes
sense to pamper and take care of it to the best of
our ability.
Oh sure, scientists have made some remarkable
discoveries recently that show the galaxy is
teaming with all sorts of planets. But none are
close enough to be any good if humanity would
suddenly have to vacate the Earth in a hurry. And
that is where a certain mystery arises.
As we discover more and more planets around other
stars, the Fermi Paradox is becoming, well, more
The Fermi Paradox simply asks the question "where
are they?" Our Milky Way galaxy is so big and so
old -- and we are estimated to be accompanied by
at least 100 billion planets -- that aliens should
have visited us by now.
Instead, when we peruse the heavens, we are faced
with the Great Silence, which is one of the
biggest challenges to modern astronomy.
There have been numerous solutions to the Fermi
paradox, but none of them are satisfactory.
A few diehards like Harvard astronomer Howard
Smith are emphatic that we are completely alone in
the universe. As much as I disagree, there isn't a
shred of evidence to the contrary. Nevertheless, I
do wholeheartedly agree with my colleague Seth
Shostack of the SETI Institute who says that it
would be a miracle if we didn't find advanced life
out there.
Picking up on this idea, Canadian science fiction
writer Karl Schroeder has come upon a novel
solution to the failure of astronomical
observations to solve the Fermi Paradox. He
proposes: "any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from nature." (This is a takeoff
on Arthur C. Clarke's posit: "any sufficiently
advanced technology is indistinguishable from
In other words, smart aliens have "gone green" and
generate no waste products that we could detect.
They therefore blend into the galaxy. Therefore,
"artificial and natural systems are
indistinguishable,” writes Schroeder.
This implies that no astronomical observations
could offer convincing evidence for the handiwork
of E.T. The principle of Occam’s Razor will insist
that we stick with a natural explanation for space
This undermines an extraterrestrial search
strategy called SETT (Search for Extraterrestrial
Technology). The idea is that we might pick up the
spectral signature of nuclear fission waste that
extraterrestrials dump into their star, or the
leakage of tritium from alien fusion powerplants.
However, "green aliens" have reached a Utopian
state of being in balance with nature. Short of
finding a directed message, or a leaked radio
signal, we could be surrounded by advanced
societies that are camouflaged within our galaxy.
Maybe only ecologically-balanced civilizations
survive in the long run.
Another Fermi Paradox solution is that intelligent
life might be inherently unstable and destroys
itself in any number of doomsday scenarios:
nuclear war, bioterrorism, or nanotechnology run
amok. But even if that is the case, their
technological progenies should survive forever.
This is not science fiction, we have already done
this. Long after the human race has gone extinct,
there will still be five artifacts drifting though
the galaxy: NASA's two Pioneer probes (pictured
here), two Voyager probes, and the Pluto-bound New
Horizons probe. Imagine, the Pioneer plaque,
Voyager record, and Clyde Tombaugh’s (discoverer
of Pluto) ashes aboard New Horizons, are the only
lasting manifestations of Homo sapiens.
It's a comparatively small step for a society --
say, one only a few hundred years more advanced
than us -- to pepper the galaxy with interstellar
probes. This approach is vastly cheaper that any
attempt to send living explorers to other stars.
The probes could easily be mass-produced at a
fraction the cost of building a passenger
starship. Once launched, they are self-repairing
and immortal -- a concept proposed by
mathematician John von Neumann and astrophysicist
Freeman Dyson, among others. For economy this
approach would favor small devices that through
nanotechnology grow and modify themselves for the
mission at hand.
One paradox here is the question of why such
probes wouldn't mutate, mass produce, and take
over the galaxy. We can only surmise that their
duplication process is perfect, and there is a
built-in "circuit breaker" algorithm that
instructs the probes not to self-replicate forever
-- like those walking brooms in Paul Dukas' The
Sorcerer's Apprentice from Disney's 1940
feature-length animation "Fantasia." And besides,
that would be the green thing to do.
What is especially sobering is that this means
there should have been a lot of robotic alien
visits to our solar system. In a recent paper
(PDF) astronomer Keith Wiley of the University of
Washington estimates there could be innumerable
alien Von Neumann machines scattered among the
planets and asteroids. And, Earth certainly would
be a prime target of interest.
At this point I’d say it would be a bigger shock
if we never find such artifacts, than if we
actually do someday.
But if the alien robotic visitors were built with
"green technology," finding any trace of them
would especially be a needle-in-haystack search.
They would blend in with the natural tapestry of
the solar system.
Source: Discovery News
The Wow! Signal: Best Clue Yet to Existence
of E.T.

An astronomer who
has spent three decades hunting for the source of
a transmission which is believed by many to be
proof of alien life says it may have come from an
interstellar 'lighthouse'.
Since 1982, Robert Gray has been on a quest to
solve the puzzle of the 'Wow! signal', an
enigmatic blip in the read out of a radio
telescope - the like of which has never been seen
again since.
Mr Gray, who has just published a book about his
attempt to rediscover the signal said he believes
it could have come from an alien 'lighthouse'.
The 'Wow!' Signal: This is the printout form the
Ohio-based radio satellite that received the
enigmatic transmission
The 'Wow!' Signal: This is the printout form the
Ohio-based radio satellite that received the
enigmatic transmission
The 'Wow! signal' was received at 11.16pm on
August 15, 1977 - the night before Elvis died - as
a radio telescope in Ohio swept its gaze through
the constellation of Sagittarius.
It lasted 72 seconds and was earned its name
because of the message of disbelief Jerry Ehman, a
researcher with the Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence (SETI) programme, scrawled next to
the printout recording it.
The characteristics of the signal - a rise and
fall in its 'loudness' were exactly what the
alien-hunters had been told to look out for.
Eighteen years previously, researchers had put
themselves in E.T.'s shoes and tried to work out
the best way to attract our attention.
They decided that the most noteworthy signal would
be a radio signal at exactly 1,420 MHz. This is
the vibration frequency of hydrogen, the most
common molecule in the universe.
Everyone agreed that it would be the most widely
intelligible way of saying, 'We're here - are
you?' When the Wow! Signal came in, its frequency
was 1,420 MHz.
But with such a massive area of space to cover,
the SETI programme had adopted the strategy of
sweeping the sky with their radio receivers,
meaning that they could only spend a few seconds
looking at each spot.
They worked on the assumption they may find an
alien 'beacon' or broadcast that was on all the
time, and that all they would have to do is survey
the sky to find it.
Mr Gray, an economist by trade, told
theatlantic.com that he believes the conventional
search for an alien 'beacon' that is always
transmitting is misguided.
Such a transmission would require vast amounts of
energy to operate, the equivalent of thousands
upon thousands of Earth-style power plants.
He said: 'They might use some other cheaper
strategy - brief periodic broadcasting, a sweeping
lighthouse beam, or other methods.'
He added: 'The people who do SETI, who are often
but not always astronomers, have a mindset that
it's sensible to look for the really strong signal
that is going to be there all of the time.
'Because my education is not in astronomy or
engineering, it may be that I bring a kind of
practicality to this, especially as it concerns
the practicality and economics of what it takes to
broadcast a signal like that.'
Source: The Daily Mail
Intensity Warfare: UFOs vs. Earth?
By Scott

[This article originally appeared in Tim Beckley's
Unsolved UFO Mysteries magazine in 1994. The
electronic file was recently rediscovered during a
hard drive scan and we're sharing it with our
readers 18 years later! -- SC]
Captain Charles Wendorf's orders were
straightforward enough: fly his B-52
Stratofortress to the Saddle Rock Mid-Air
Refueling Area to meet a KC-135 tanker. The clear
skies over the Mediterranean coast of Spain made
Saddle Rock a particularly suitable refueling
site. The giant aircraft, an element of the 68th
Bomber Squadron out of North Carolina, was in the
middle of a long patrol of the Atlantic Ocean,
coming as close to the USSR as they dared. But
Cold War tension would be the very last factor to
affect the B-52's fate.
At 10:22 a.m. on January 17, 1966, at an altitude
of thirty thousand feet, Captain Wendorf's
nuclear-warhead laden Stratofortress sighted the
KC-35 some 15 miles ahead in the refueling zone.
The B-52 carefully jockeyed into position behind
the tanker to connect with its refueling mast--a
complex but efficient operation that did not
involve any loss in speed on the bomber's part and
in which remarkably small amounts of fuel were
But something went wrong. An unseen force bumped
against the bomber's underside, pushing it upward
and causing the KC-135's starboard wing to graze
the B-52's cockpit. The bomber's crew felt another
terrible jolt as their plane rammed into the
tanker's fuselage
To observers on the ground witnessing the
refueling maneuver, the tanker exploded into a
ball of orange flame while both military aircraft
disintegrated high above the earth. The long-range
bomber's crew managed to jump clear of the
explosion and were later rescued by Spanish
fishermen after having miraculously survived their
high-altitude jump. But four hydrogen bombs now
lay at the bottom of the shallow coastal waters,
and the efforts to retrieve them before lethal
gamma radiation spread throughout the sea made
headlines worldwide.
Witnesses to the explosion claimed having seen
three objects in the sky at the time of the
explosion, although only the downed bomber and the
disintegrated tanker should have been in the area.
Suspicions arose among the Spanish military
elements assisting with the rescue efforts that
the USAF's frantic search for the missing warheads
was, in fact, a thinly-veiled excuse for finding
the elusive third "airplane" -- the UFO which had
caused the destruction of its aircraft and then
disappeared without a trace.
The USAF had good reasons, perhaps, to worry about
a force inimical to its interests somewhere over
the Mediterranean: Eight days before the Palomares
debacle, a colossal fireball of unknown origin had
flown over the Italian cities of Capri and Naples,
causing a general blackout. Four years later, in
October 1969, two jet fighters would disappear
without a trace during NATO exercises held off
Crete. The previous year, the French air force had
lost two Mystére IV fighter-bombers on
routine patrol over Corsica. The result of the
military inquest was that both planes were lost
due to "undetermined causes".
Incidents such as this one are legion:
UFOs--whether interplanetary or
interdimensional--have engaged in a sort of "air
supremacy" struggle with military aircraft of all
nations since the first foo-fighter encounters
during the Second World War. Fighters, bombers and
transport planes have been intercepted and fired
upon by unidentified objects, while others have
been destroyed during efforts at getting closer to
the mysterious intruders that fly over sovereign
airspace with impunity.
The concept of an interplanetary war in our times,
a thought which admittedly smacks of the Cold
War's "flying saucer" scare, has been seriously
invoked by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the 1950's
and by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980's. NATO
allegedly prepared a document evaluating the
threat posed to existing conventional and military
forces in the 1960's, conceding that "we virtually
have no defense against their advanced
technology." Serious researchers like the late Dr.
Olavo Fontes analyzed the possibility that
northern Brazil would be occupied by a UFO
invasion force in the wake of the attack on the
Itaipú garrison in 1965. But the hostility
between unidentified objects and human air forces
is not limited to our own air force nor to our own
times, as can be seen in the following paragraph.
During World War II, both Allied and German
aviators had close encounters with unknown
aircraft. The following incident appeared in La
Nature, a French scientific magazine:
"It took place in Le Mans at the start of the
summer of 1941...The Luftwaffe had occupied the
old Le Mans airfield at the La Sarthe circuit and
was stationing many Messerschmitt 109
fighters--not very fast vehicles, but highly
maneuverable ones. The German pilots were kept in
constant state of readiness, and I had the
opportunity to witness a number of Messerschmitt
flight squadron maneuvers in broad daylight.
"The weather was splendid, and as far as I can
recall, it was a Sunday. At around 1300 hours, the
skies were clear and only a few large cumuli could
be seen at quite a distance from each other.
Toward that time, the entire city heard the roar
of the airplanes flying at full speed, and I was
able to ascertain at the time that the cause for
alarm appeared to be within one of the large
cumulus clouds, which at the time was slowly
passing over the airfield. One could see the
Messerschmitts flying around the cloud, diving
into it, shooting up out of it, or emerging from
it sideways before engaging in the same maneuver
again. It was a spectacular performance to watch,
but it must have been terribly dangerous for the
pilots. Was this an exercise ordered by the base
commandant or an alert? I never found out, but it
was interesting to see the looks of terror on the
faces of the German soldiers and officers that
comprised the city garrison as they followed the
spectacle from the windows of their homes.
"I was then able to observe how the cloud, whose
base upon its arrival was 900 feet high to a
maximum height of 3000 feet, began to grow, and
when it cleared the airport to move away from the
city, had acquired the shape of a very tall
pyramid with perfectly clear outlines. Its sharp
apex must have been at an altitude of some 10000
feet, judging by its visible height over the
horizon and its probable location over the
terrain. My vantage point was some 2 miles away
from the airfield, and the cloud was some 3 miles
away while I watched its apex."
The Korean War produced a number of incidents
which became classics of ufology and stressed the
inimical nature of whatever appeared to be sharing
the skies with our own aircraft.
A B-29 flying over the Korean Peninsula during the
1950-53 conflict had its otherwise uneventful
mission interrupted by the sudden appearance of a
20 inch wide glowing disk within the cockpit,
which remained immobile and suspended in mid-air
to the shock of the flight crew. When one of the
airmen approached it with a fire extinguisher, the
strange object vanished, only to reappear later
on. The bizarre "probe" inspected the bomber's
interior before returning to its materialization
point and disappearing for good.
A squadron of fighters flew into a cloudbank
similar to the one assaulted by the German
Messerschmitts during the previous war, but this
time, whatever was inside the cloud won: the
fighters never emerged from the seemingly
innocuous clouds.
The air and ground forces of the former Soviet
Union were by no means immune to UFO attacks. In
1961, a giant UFO escorted by a host of lesser
craft challenged the grim defenses of the Moscow
Anti-Ballistic Missile defense system, one of a
kind in the whole world. The commander of the
Rybinsk battery opened fire on the intruder, but
to the surprise of the assembled misslemen, the
projectiles detonated well short of their targets.
Now it was the UFOs turn: all the electrical
systems of the Rybinsk battery were stalled until
the small flotilla of intruders was safely out of
its range.
Apparently, the elements of the elite Soviet
Rocketry Forces were unable to avoid the
temptation of taking potshots at passing UFOs. In
1969, one such detachment was in charge of the
nine brigades of SAMs (Surface-to-Air Missiles)
which defended the North Vietnamese capital of
Hanoi against American bomber raids. The Soviet
artillerymen, stationed at some distance from
Hanoi proper, observed a battleship-sized
discoidal UFO (its diameter was in excess of 1000
feet, according to calculations) approach silently
and suddenly, oblivious to the urgent IFF
("Identification Friend-or-Foe") requests
transmitted by the ground installations. The
battery commander phoned his superiors for
instructions, and after a brief delay, was given
the order to open fire. Three out of five missile
brigades launched a total of ten SAMs against the
aeroform, but as had occurred in Rybinsk years
before, the salvos detonated well short of the
target, to the dismay of the ground personnel.
The UFO fired a needle-thin blue beam against one
of the SAM launchers, turning the entire unit,
which included three launchers, as well as radar
and guidance stations, into a smoking heap of
metal. According to the report (which has been
classified as a hoax by many researchers), two
hundred lives were lost in the process before the
UFO resumed its trajectory and vanished from
However, the Petrozavodsk UFO of September 1977
seized the initiative when, at four o'clock on the
morning of September 20th, it terrorized the
city's inhabitants. The medusa-like craft emitted
golden shafts of light that pierced holes in
windows and pavements. The intruder returned five
or six times within a month.
Another much-publicized incident dealt with the
destruction of a Cuban MiG-21 "Fishbed" by a UFO.
According to a specialist stationed at Florida's
Boca Chica Naval Station, some 90 miles off the
Cuban coast, he noticed that a strange object was
approaching the island nation at some 600 miles an
hour at an altitude of 32,000 feet. Two Cuban
MiG's intercepted the object and attempted radio
contact. The vehicle was described as a large,
featureless sphere. When orders to destroy the
object were
issued from the ground, one of the MiG's suddenly
exploded and disintegrated (in other retellings of
the story, it was "zapped" by the UFO) while the
UFO climbed suddenly to 100,000 feet and continued
its southward trajectory unchallenged.
Other incidents, like the following, have bordered
on the unreal--and in fact, there exists no way of
proving its authenticity. Author Luis Anglada
Font, a World War II fighter pilot who later
devoted himself to UFO research in the early days
of the phenomenon, included the following highly
dramatic account (as told to him by physicist
Raymond Harvey) in one of his books, La Realidad
de los Ovnis A Través de los Siglos. The
case was allegedly "hushed" by ATIC at Wright
Paterson AFB and never included in the Blue Book
Files. Anglada simply refers to it as "The
Steinbeck Affair."
According to the author, this chilling incident
took place sometime in 1953. Steinbeck--no rank
given--was a thirty year old aviator who was
considered among "the best and brightest" due to
his bravery and considerable sang froid. He had
been summoned to an unnamed air base near Las
Vegas to test a one-of-a-kind fighter prototype: a
sky-blue interceptor armed with atomic cannon.
[The narrative involving the pilot "Steinbeck" has
been called a fabrication, given the fact that it
was never substantiated, Luis Anglada never cited
his sources, and "atomic cannon" sound like an
outlandish pulp magazine creation. For the sake of
maintaining the original article's continuity, it
is not being excised -- SC]
A lengthy briefing session ensued, after which the
test pilot, technicians and three high-ranking
officers went on to inspect the interceptor
itself, which was kept in a hangar guarded by an
armed infantry platoon. Steinbeck and the officers
had to present their credentials to be allowed in.
Once inside, a German engineer met the visitors
and proceeded to show off the interceptor. The
test pilot climbed into the cockpit and gave the
instrumentation a thorough examination. Steinbeck
was to fly the plane at four o'clock the following
morning and perform a certain number of routine
maneuvers before opening fire with his atomic
arsenal against an airborne target.
The story relates that Steinbeck and the others
met with the press later that evening at the
officers' lounge. In conversation, the test pilot
revealed that he had studied stenography (!) and
that a mechanized steno pad had been installed on
the right-hand side of the cockpit so that he
could note every single step of the test flight.
The steno pad's housing was equipped with a
parachute that would land it safely in the event
of a malfunction.
All went well the following morning. Steinbeck
took to the dark desert sky in the prototype
without any incident while the unidentified German
technician followed his progress from the control
tower. At one point, witnesses in the tower saw
the foreign expert blanch as he stared at the
radar screen, speaking into the microphone
with a sense of urgency: "Please, come back to
base! There are unidentified machines to your
right! Land quickly!"
The radar had in fact detected an object that
crossed the field at breathtaking speed, followed
by others: a total of eight unidentified vehicles
were closing in on Steinbeck's prototype, sending
the ground control personnel into a frenzy. The
entire base was placed on full alert.
Steinbeck allegedly radioed back that the vehicles
were surrounding him and that he was going to open
fire on them with the interceptor's advanced
weaponry. Two bursts from the atomic cannon [sic]
were fired against one of the intruders, and
moments later, the prototype crashed into the
desert sand at high speed some two and a half
miles downrange from the control tower.
Rescue crews found a twisted heap of metal along
with the test pilot's carbonized remains--the
engines and fuel tanks, however, were intact and
unexploded; more importantly, the steno pad in its
aluminum housing was recovered intact a few
hundred feet away from the downed fighter, and it
told the astounding tale of how a long, flaming
"tube" had been aimed at Steinbeck's plane. The
pilot's final desperate shorthand read: "They're
attacking, I think they're attacking...God have
mercy on me...I'm shooting back."
Anglada's "atomic cannons", the most questionable
detail in the account, could refer to small
warheads expelled by means of a launcher-like
arrangement rather than science-fictionish
"blasters". It is a fact that the military
experimented with different permutations of
nuclear ordnance, ranging from atomic hand
grenades and bazookas (like the "Davy Crockett")
to huge atomic railguns. If true, the case would
represent one of the most significant unprovoked
attacks ever recorded.
Heat weapons appear to be the weapon of choice in
aerial engagements between UFOs and terrestrial
aircraft. One case involving fighters "scrambled"
to intercept UFOs ended with the object pursued
firing a heat weapon at the fighters which made
their wings incredibly hot, forcing them to break
off their mission and return to base.
The Walesville, NY incident, which occurred in
July of 1954, is perhaps the best known of the
heat-weapon attacks: An F-94 Starfire scrambled to
investigate a UFO tracked by the radars at
Griffins AFB was greeted with a terrific blast of
heat issuing from the unknown vehicle. Pilot and
navigator bailed out while the fighter rammed into
a house, causing five deaths.
Carlos Alejo Rodríguez, a trainer pilot for
the Uruguayan Air Force, also found himself at the
receiving end of a heat weapon of some sort when
he approached a large discoidal UFO flying over
the Curubelo Air Force Base. The sudden surge of
suffocating heat caused the startled pilot to
break off his pursuit and return to the base.
Helicopters have, on occasion, had cause to defend
themselves from intruders: In January 1974, the
crew of a Marine UH-1E helicopter from the 3rd
Marine Aircraft wing flying from Quantico, Va. to
Beaufort, S.C. found itself having to stand tall
against a silver-white UFO heading on a collision
course toward the helo. The pilot engaged in
evasive action only to discover that the
featureless object was able to match his dodging
effortlessly and even pull alongside until it
filled the cockpit's view. Disregarding the rules
of engagement, the gunner fired tracers
point-blank at the UFO with no apparent effect.
But to the surprise of all aboard, the huge object
peeled away with a slight wobble before receding
into the distance.
Lest the reader suspect that these incidents
belong to the "heroic past" of UFO research, it is
well worth remembering that the most graphic cases
of UFO-military aircraft interaction occurred in
the late Eighties, when the US Navy lost two F-14
Tomcats while intercepting a giant triangular
object over Cabo Rojo, P.R.. The magnitude of the
incident apparently forced all military flights
over the island to take off with their full
complement of missile pods, and prompted PRANG
(Puerto Rico National Air Guard) to replace its
ageing fleet of Grumman A-7's with F-15's.
The final question is always: does Earth stand a
chance against a bona fide extraterrestrial
attack? There is evidence that terrestrial air
forces have tried to develop deterrents against
this unknown threat since the 1950s. It has been
suggested that the formation of the USAF's Space
Command in 1985 (ostensibly in charge of all
satellite operations) was the first step in
providing a capability against an attack from
space. Upon close inspection, the SDI program
(alternatively known as "Star Wars" or the "Peace
Shield") applications appear better suited to
repel a space-based threat than an atmospheric
one. In September 1985, an F-15 launched an 18 ft.
long missile dubbed "Tomato Can" at P871, a solar
observation satellite, striking it at 30,000 miles
per hour and nearly pulverizing it. While "Tomato
Can" accomplished its mission without the benefit
of a warhead, one can imagine its capability
against "hostile unknowns" if endowed with one.
Model kit hobbyists may recall Aurora's
"Ragnarok", a prototype of a U.S. Air Force
nuclear-powered and laser-equipped interceptor
specifically "developed to
protect the earth from any hostile alien
invasion". The detailed 1/200 scale kit provided
an informative rundown on the ultimate orbital
interceptor, which was 255 feet long and with a
weight in excess of 330 tons (heavier than a B-52)
and capable of achieving its cruising altitude of
200,000 feet in a startling 8 minutes.
The information went on to state that "protection
from alien craft" was provided in the shape of
five nuclear rockets and an ingenious manned
support craft (a descendant of the D-21
reconnaissance drone carried piggyback by the
SR-71?) armed with laser weapons capable of
piercing two feet of solid steel. The kit's info
blurb ended with a price tag of 100 million
dollars for each "Ragnarok".
While the model kit may just have been a fanciful
take on the aviation developments that followed
one another in the 1960s--U-2s, SR-71s,
XB-70s--the fact remains that modeling companies
have often "scooped" the Air Force's official
acknowledgement of the existence of certain craft,
as was the case with the F119 "Stealth" Fighter
and the B-2 Bomber. Another modelmaker, Testors,
recently made the pages of TIME magazine with a
disturbing model kit of a UFO, described as "a
scale replica of one of the ships, based on
descriptions from Bob Lazar." We can certainly
feel confident that there are no Ragnaroks lurking
in secret warrens under the Nevada desert, but at
some point, a design similar to Aurora's must have
been on the drawing boards as a viable response to
the threat posed by UFOs, despite Project Blue
Book's insistence that "no UFO reported,
investigated and evaluated by the Air Force has
ever given the indication of being a threat to our
national security."
Source: Inexplicata
Strange Sounds Globally: Is the Veil
by Diane Tessman

My first
reaction as I read about the strange sounds
being heard across our planet, was, "The veil
must be very thin. This is 2012, after all!"
I too recently heard unexplained strange sounds
toward the back of my ten acres here in North
Iowa, but I’ll save my account for the close of
this article. What amazes me is that metaphysics
and spiritualism have long referred to "the veil
between dimensions or between worlds," and this
concept seems to perfectly reflect the M Theory
which theoretical physics now postulates quite
seriously. Apparently metaphysicians perceived
the concept of the "veil" centuries before
science revealed a similar concept which they
discovered through meticulous research and
What has always been stressed by my guide Tibus,
is that on up the road of our evolved
perception, Spirit and Science do meet and
become one larger truth – a more enlightened way
to perceive reality.
Looking at the scientific perception, the
central idea is that perception from within the
visible, four-dimensional universe is restricted
to a brane (membrane) inside a higher
dimensional space which scientists call, the
"bulk". In the bulk model, there are extensive
extra dimensions (possibly infinite) which we
cannot perceive from within our brane but the
other branes may be moving through this bulk
too. Interactions with the bulk, and possibly
with other branes, can influence our "home
brane" and thus introduce effects not seen in
more standard cosmological models.
This concept can explain the weakness of gravity
compared to the other fundamental forces, a
puzzle which has long stumped physicists,
including Einstein. In this theory, the other
three forces (electromagnetism and the weak and
strong nuclear forces), are localized on the
brane, but gravity has no such constraint and
much of its attractive power "leaks" into the
bulk. As a consequence, the force of gravity
should appear significantly stronger on small
(subatomic) scales, where less gravitational
force has "leaked". Various experiments are
currently underway to test this, including work
at the giant Hadron Collider in Geneva.
So, if our universe sits on a giant membrane (an
idea which has come out of string theory), it is
like a giant piece of bread, according to Brian
Greene, with all the stars and all the galaxies
sprinkled across its surface. The math of string
theory suggests this picture, along with the
possibility that there are other universes,
other slices of bread, all constituting a big
cosmic loaf.
Spiritualists and their age-old "veil between
dimensions" may be slightly less accurate but it
is a lot more poetic! And the general concept is
the same. String theorists feel that they have
found the missing key (which eluded Einstein),
within the specifics of M-theory and the string
theory which spawned it, so the "veil" and the
"bulk between branes" seem to be one and the
What happens when branes collide or, as the
shaman might put it, when the veil becomes very
thin and then becomes non-existent? According to
M-theory, membranes exist across all eleven
dimensions of the universe. One dimension is
time and other ten dimensions are spaces within
the bulk which have always existed. Our universe
may have formed when two extra-dimensional
membranes collided. In this perception, our
universe may not be so special since membrane
collisions could cause big bangs all the time.
The result is a sort of multiverse - universes
acting like bubbles that generally cannot
interact with one another (but once in a while,
For spiritualism, a huge Change Point occurs
when the veil between worlds becomes thin and
eventually disappears. Could this be what the
Mayans saw happening in 2012?
Optimists feel that once the veil between
dimensions is lifted, those beings in both
worlds who can adapt to the influx of strange
new beings (life forms) and conditions, will be
able to survive, eventually flourishing in a new
and perhaps better level of consciousness – a
new world.
For science, a "big bang" (or at least a huge
cosmic cataclysm), occurs when two
extra-dimensional branes collide within the
bulk, and perhaps end up as a new, blended brane
(a new dimension). It seems we arrive at a
similar place, whether taking the spiritual path
or the scientific path!
About the strange noises heard around the world:
Might these be sounds of 2 branes grinding
together? Might they be the sound of the veil
being lifted, inched upward like an old theater
curtain being wound?
I hasten to add that there are other theories
which seem saner! One is that the increased
electromagnetism from the Sun currently
bombarding Earth, is causing these noises. We
would expect electromagnetism to be more of an
electrical hum than a low roar or growling, but
who knows?
Or, tectonic plates could be grinding together
or ripping apart – not much more comforting than
two colliding branes! Incidentally, those who
follow the science fiction series, "Fringe" on
Fox television, can relate to parallel universes
inadvertently getting tangled up, the veil
having disintegrated after one adventurist
scientist, accidentally punched a hole in the
I wonder if our perception of intense
electromagnetic effects overhead and grinding
tectonic plates, is only what our humble minds
can perceive of the actual larger cosmic event
of two dimensions (parallel multiverses)
beginning to collide? In other words, our minds
are filtering agents which only allow into our
perception, that which we can understand. We can
understand EM effects and tectonic plates, thus
the noises they might make, but can we possibly
comprehend 2 branes in the bulk about to have a
big bang?
I wonder, although I am not convinced, if UFO
occupants are beings from the other brane. What
if these aliens-of-the-other-brane from within
the bulk, know that both of our dimensions are
about to collide?
Might they be warning us, on an on-going basis,
in a number of strange and not-so-strange ways,
all these years?
Or perhaps they test the daily change in the
condition of the veil (the bulk), and this
explains some of their strange maneuvers.
Or perhaps they are looking into surviving in
our brane if theirs is completely destroyed, or
taking some of us to their world if ours is
destroyed. There are all sorts of good or bad
possibilities here.
I believe that we are actually talking about the
phenomenon of consciousness and thus perception
rather than talking about gigantic, physical
cosmic collisions. Electromagnetics and
perception are linked; we "run" on Earth’s
electromagnetics and also, therefore (I assume),
the unique electromagnetics of our home brane.
It is the stuff of our perception.
When the veil is lifted (thus when branes
collide), I wonder if an alien electromagnetic
frequency will stream in. I wonder if the aliens
"run" on this alien EM frequency (which is of
their home brane), thus have a completely
different perception of reality. However, if we
can believe quantum physics, they occupy nearly
the same space as we do; there apparently is
only a tiny bit of bulk (a tiny space of
sub-atomic measurement), between branes.
We do know that UFOs have what seems like an
alien electromagnetic frequency, affecting our
minds and also shifting the magnetic orientation
of a car.
So what does this have to do with the strange
noises heard around the world? Maybe nothing,
maybe everything. It does seem that noises from
"somewhere else" or "somewhen else" are leaking
through our not-soundproof veil. Perhaps as the
veil gets thinner, the sounds come right through
from the other brane.
Now, for my own experience: It has been
mentioned that people who live in wooded areas
or rural areas, are hearing strange animal
noises whereas town and city people hear
mechanical grinding or rumbling or humming.
Well, I live in rural Iowa and what else would I
hear than an alien cow!
Yes, indeed, about 2 weeks ago as I was out with
the dogs and cats about 3:00 p.m., there was a
very loud, almost non-organic (?) bass MOOOO
(bass, not tenor). It was behind my old barn,
out of sight. There is not a cow within a few
miles, I have no livestock. I raced back and
there was nothing there. I didn’t hear it again
but it was loud, almost as if given over a
bullhorn (stop laughing).
Then several days later, I distinctly heard –
yes – cow bells! These lasted longer, there were
perhaps 6 or 7 separate noises, almost like wind
chimes but larger bells than are on chimes. They
sounded like the bells on several cows. My dogs
reacted, and we raced back to the same general
area. There was nothing.
There is a corporate farm field behind my land,
and no one, nothing, was in the field; I can see
it plainly as it stretches for miles. So, I can
only conclude there was a herd of alien cows
grazing right by the thin veil, ready to amble
on over here as the veil lifts.
UFology has many smiles if you let it. And who
knows, the joke might even be accurate.
dianetessman@hotmail.com website: www.earthchangepredictions.com
Drop me an email and demand our popular
Exo-Trekking newsletter! Just say, “I want my
free Exo-Trekking!”
Source: UFO Digest
For Rent, One Haunted Flat

young mum has fled her home after claiming a
ghost has been attacking her family. Ashley
Summers, 26, says she fears for her children’s
lives after a series of unexplained spooky
They include mysterious voices, shoes flying
across rooms and even a disappearing crucifix.
Desperate Ashley has even turned to
spiritualists and a priest to try to rid her
home, in Kirkintilloch, near Glasgow, of the
ghostly goings-on – but to no avail. She
believes the restless spirit is trying to
communicate through her four-year-old son David.
Ashley said: “When we first moved into the house
everything was fine. Then, around three years
ago, my ex-partner told me he heard a gasping
voice and he said it swore at him. I didn’t
believe him.
“Then David told me he was talking to a man in
the room, who he described as being a bald man
with an eye injury.
“I ignored him, thinking it was an imaginary
“I am scared it will hurt my sons. The ghost has
told David it will not hurt him – just everyone
Ashley claims on one occasion the ghost told
David to put a cover over a lightbulb to start a
fire. Her older son Lee, eight, removed it but
he developed a mysterious heart-shaped burn on
his hand the next morning, despite not hurting
himself at the time.
Ashley has had the first-floor flat, in Friar’s
Croft, blessed by a priest and organised visits
from several spiritualists but none of them has
been able to help.
They have tried several methods to exorcise the
spirit, including leaving a crucifix in the
house, but it mysteriously disappeared. Ashley
said one spiritualist told her the spirit was
feeding off David’s energy, as well as from the
fear it created among the adults in the house.
The mum finally decided to flee with her kids a
few weeks ago after more strange goings-on.
She added: “We got chased out of the flat.
“When we opened the door it just kept shutting
and the ghost was banging all the cupboard
doors. We just had to leave.
“Once a shoe came out of nowhere, went flying
past me and almost hit my face.”
During another encounter, Ashley felt someone
trying to pull the covers off her bed, although
there was no one else in the house at the time.
She said: “I could feel pressure while lying in
bed. Before I knew it I was pulling my covers to
hold on to them, but there was no one there.”
Ashley has since learned the previous tenant had
to move out after experiencing similar spooky
She said: “The girl who stayed in the flat
before had to move out for the same reason.”
Ashley and her kids are set to be handed the
keys to a new home, however, she faces a 100per
cent hike in her rent just to get away from the
haunted flat.
In the meantime, another family has been offered
the newly vacated home, but they had second
thoughts upon learning of its ghostly
Jaime McCargow and his mum have been homeless
for more than a year after losing their house
after Jaime’s sister Kirsty, 15, died from swine
flu in 2009.
Initially they were delighted to be offered the
smart two-bedroom flat in Kirkintilloch, near
Glasgow – until they read Ashley Summers’s
spooky claims.
Part-time waiter Jaime, 20, said: “We couldn’t
believe it when we found out about the flat
being haunted.
“I don’t really get worked up about many things
but I can’t believe the housing association are
trying to be so sly.
“They obviously knew there was something up but
I think they were going to try and move us in
before we found out.
“If you are on a homeless waiting list for a
house, you can’t actually knock back any
property which is offered to you, but my mum has
spoken to the council and they are going to try
and find us something else in the near future.”
Source: The Daily Record
Giant Alien Makes Big News In Italy

The news of a
approx 13 Feet high ET walking along the road in
Italy is making big news in Italy.Eyewitness
Leonard D'Andrea, on February 11 at 22:30 was
driving his car when, while visiting the
Napoleon of the new roundabout at Mortlake, was
forced to stop.
He said : "I noticed the cars stopped, I queued
- says D'Andrea - I thought at the time of an
accident. But when I fell, I noticed that there
were three cars in front of a strange creature
that walked along the road. It was about 4
meters / 13 Feet high and was silent. "
D'Andrea wanted to tell his father about what he
was witnessing, but the phone was not working.
He added : I took the torch and lit the gray
creature, noting that her legs were slightly
bent forward with the back formed by a sort of
very large tendons. "While illuminated, i noted
that the head had a round shape and ending in a
conical shape.
This creature "walked" on the road, not caring
at all the cars stopped and people - reminiscent
of Andrea - In front of me was a Mazda with a
The mother took the two children hiding behind
the seats, while two girls behind me wanted to
call 113 but the phone did not go. "
Then the silhouette has fled in the direction of
Lestizza, Leonard tried to follow her but
without success. Other people who live in the
area confirmed that they have seen something
Source: UFO Blogger/Il Gazzettino
Nessie 'Sonar Sighting'
Wins £1000 Prize

SONAR image of a large mystery
object deep below the surface of
Loch Ness has netted boat
skipper Marcus Atkinson the Best
Nessie Sighting of The Year
Award — the first time in
several years it has been
presented by bookmaker William
The photograph, claimed by at
least one seasoned Nessie
spotter to the conclusive
evidence of a creature, was a
late contender in the contest
which has been dormant following
several lean years of close
encounters with the loch’s most
famous resident.
However, 2011 proved to be a
bumper year with three “good”
sightings reported to the
Official Loch Ness Monster Fan
Club which first launched the
competition in conjunction with
the bookmaker in the 1990s.
Although Mr Atkinson’s encounter
in Urquhart Bay was not
registered at the time with the
fan club, it was reported to
full-time Nessie hunter Steve
Feltham, based at Dores beach.
The image depicts something
about 1.5 metres wide and 23
metres below the surface.
The entry has now been judged to
be the winner by Inverness
Courier readers in an online
poll along with the views of an
expert panel.
Mr Atkinson receives a
£1000 cash prize and a
free £500 bet while
William Hill will also place a
£100 bet on the Natural
History Museum confirming the
existence of Nessie by the end
of the year — odds are currently
“I am absolutely delighted. It’s
fantastic especially as the
competition has been revived,”
said Mr Atkinson who captured
the image on 24th August while
on his boat, Ness Express,
waiting to pick some customers
up from Urquhart Castle.
The quick-thinking skipper
grabbed his mobile phone after a
long solid echo appeared on the
boat’s fish finder screen.
Mr Atkinson, who has spent about
18 years working on the loch,
both on pleasure boats and
teaching people to sail, remains
baffled by the image.
“I think for a lot of
‘sightings’, there is often a
logical explanation,” said the
43-year-old who believes some
are seals, or stags swimming in
the loch.
“Some sightings could have been
a freak wave which people have
caught in the periphery of their
vision, or a dark shape.
“But I have never seen anything
returned like this on the fish
“It is a bizarre shape to me. I
have shown it to other
experienced skippers and none of
us know what it was.
“Undoubtedly, there is something
in the loch. I think there is
truth behind every myth.”
Gary Campbell, president of the
Official Loch Ness Monster Fan
Club, described the image as
quite exciting.
“From our perspective, it is
conclusive proof there is
something in the loch unlike
some of the other ‘evidence’
which has been produced over the
years,” he said.
Rupert Adams, of William Hill,
paid tribute to the winning
“Having something which is more
specific in showing an object is
very exciting for people who
have an open mind to the
existence of a Loch Ness
monster,” he said.
Mr Adams also hopes it will
encourage Nessie spotters to
take part in an even “bigger and
better” competition, the details
of which will be announced soon.
Other entries were:
* Runner-up Lewiston fish farm
worker Jon Rowe who photographed
a large, dark shape in the water
while working at Dores fish
* Ayshire holidaymakers William
and Joan Jobes who spotted what
appeared to be a head bobbing
above the water 200 to 300 yards
from the shore at Fort Augustus.
* Foyers shop and cafe owner Jan
Hargreaves and her husband,
Simon, who saw a creature while
taking a break from the store.
*Gary Campbell’s verdict on the
sonar image which shows
something about 1.5 metres wide
and 23 metres below his boat:
“This is as good as any sonar
image found in the loch. The
important thing is that someone
else went over the same patch
and what was there, had gone.
“When you look at the size of
the contact, it rules out any
fish or other creatures which
would be in the loch. Because of
the depth, it rules out seals,
deer etc which leaves us with
only one conclusion.
“From our perspective, it is
conclusive proof there is
something in the loch unlike
some of the other ‘evidence’
which has been produced over the
“This shows something moving and
also by the nature of the sonar,
it was certainly something alive
underneath the boat. It is quite
Source: Inverness Courier