Tune in
Saturday/Sunday March 18 from Midnight to 2:00am
for Tim Swartz, Editor of Conspiracy Journal, who
will be this weeks guest on Unraveling
the Secrets with host Wm. Michael Mott.
Rising Sea Levels Seen as Threat to Coastal
About 3.7 million
Americans live within a few feet of high tide and
risk being hit by more frequent coastal flooding
in coming decades because of the sea level rise
caused by global warming, according to new
If the pace of the rise accelerates as much as
expected, researchers found, coastal flooding at
levels that were once exceedingly rare could
become an every-few-years occurrence by the middle
of this century.
By far the most vulnerable state is Florida, the
new analysis found, with roughly half of the
nation’s at-risk population living near the coast
on the porous, low-lying limestone shelf that
constitutes much of that state. But Louisiana,
California, New York and New Jersey are also
particularly vulnerable, researchers found, and
virtually the entire American coastline is at some
degree of risk.
“Sea level rise is like an invisible tsunami,
building force while we do almost nothing,” said
Benjamin H. Strauss, an author, with other
scientists, of two new papers outlining the
research. “We have a closing window of time to
prevent the worst by preparing for higher seas.”
The project on sea level rise led by Dr. Strauss
for the nonprofit organization Climate Central
appears to be the most elaborate effort in decades
to estimate the proportion of the national
population at risk from the rising sea. The papers
are scheduled for publication on Wednesday by the
journal Environmental Research Letters. The work
is based on the 2010 census and on improved
estimates, compiled by federal agencies, of the
land elevation near coastlines and of tidal levels
throughout the country.
Climate Central, of Princeton, N.J., was started
in 2008 with foundation money to conduct original
climate research and also to inform the public
about the work of other scientists. For the sea
level project, financed entirely by foundations,
the group is using the Internet to publish an
extensive package of material that goes beyond the
scientific papers, specifying risks by community.
People can search by ZIP code to get some idea of
their own exposure.
While some coastal governments have previously
assessed their risk, most have not, and
national-level analyses have also been rare. The
new package of material may therefore give some
communities and some citizens their first solid
sense of the threat.
Dr. Strauss said he hoped this would spur fresh
efforts to prepare for the ocean’s rise, and help
make the public more aware of the risks society is
running by pumping greenhouse gases into the air.
Scientists say those gases are causing the planet
to warm and its land ice to melt into the sea. The
sea itself is absorbing most of the extra heat,
which causes the water to expand and thus
contributes to the rise.
The ocean has been rising slowly and relentlessly
since the late 19th century, one of the hallmark
indicators that the climate of the earth is
changing. The average global rise has been about
eight inches since 1880, but the local rise has
been higher in some places where the land is also
sinking, as in Louisiana and the Chesapeake Bay
The rise appears to have accelerated lately, to a
rate of about a foot per century, and many
scientists expect a further acceleration as the
warming of the planet continues. One estimate that
communities are starting to use for planning
purposes suggests the ocean could rise a foot over
the next 40 years, though that calculation is not
universally accepted among climate scientists.
The handful of climate researchers who question
the scientific consensus about global warming do
not deny that the ocean is rising. But they often
assert that the rise is a result of natural
climate variability, they dispute that the pace is
likely to accelerate, and they say that society
will be able to adjust to a continuing slow rise.
Myron Ebell, a climate change skeptic at the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington
research group, said that “as a society, we could
waste a fair amount of money on preparing for sea
level rise if we put our faith in models that have
no forecasting ability.”
Experts say a few inches of sea level rise can
translate to a large incursion by the ocean onto
shallow coastlines. Sea level rise has already
cost governments and private landowners billions
of dollars as they have pumped sand onto eroding
beaches and repaired the damage from storm surges.
Insurance companies got out of the business of
writing flood insurance decades ago, so much of
the risk from sea level rise is expected to fall
on the financially troubled National Flood
Insurance Program, set up by Congress, or on state
insurance pools. Federal taxpayers also heavily
subsidize coastal development when the government
pays to rebuild infrastructure destroyed in storm
surges and picks up much of the bill for private
losses not covered by insurance.
For decades, coastal scientists have argued that
these policies are foolhardy, and that the nation
must begin planning an orderly retreat from large
portions of its coasts, but few politicians have
been willing to embrace that message or to warn
the public of the rising risks.
Organizations like Mr. Ebell’s, even as they
express skepticism about climate science, have
sided with the coastal researchers on one issue.
They argue that Congress should stop subsidizing
coastal development, regarding it as a waste of
taxpayers’ money regardless of what the ocean
might do in the future.
“If people want to build an expensive beach house
on the Florida or Carolina coast, they should take
their own risk and pay for their own insurance,”
Mr. Ebell said.
The new research calculates the size of the
population living within one meter, or 3.3 feet,
of the mean high tide level, as estimated in a new
tidal data set from the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. In the lower 48
states, that zone contains 3.7 million people
today, the papers estimate, a figure exceeding 1
percent of the nation’s population.
Under current coastal policies, the population and
the value of property at risk in that zone are
expected to continue rising.
The land below the 3.3-foot line is expected to be
permanently inundated someday, possibly as early
as 2100, except in places where extensive
fortifications are built to hold back the sea. One
of the new papers calculates that long before
inundation occurs, life will become more difficult
in the low-lying zone because the rising sea will
make big storm surges more likely.
Only in a handful of places have modest steps been
taken to prepare. New York City is one: Pumps at
some sewage stations have been raised to higher
elevations, and the city government has undertaken
extensive planning. But the city — including
substantial sections of Brooklyn, Queens and
Staten Island — remains vulnerable, as do large
parts of Long Island, Connecticut and New Jersey.
Source: NY Times
Fossils of
Possible New Human Species Found in China
For years, evolutionary biologists have predicted
that new human species would start popping up in
Asia as we begin to look closely at fossilised
bones found there. A new analysis of bones from
south-west China suggests there's truth to the
The distinctive skull was unearthed in 1979 in
Longlin cave, Guangxi Province, but has only now
been fully analysed. It has thick bones, prominent
brow ridges, a short flat face and lacks a
typically human chin. "In short, it is
anatomically unique among all members of the human
evolutionary tree," says Darren Curnoe at the
University of New South Wales in Sydney,
The skull, he says, presents an unusual mosaic of
primitive features like those seen in our
ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago, with
some modern traits similar to living people.
What's more, Curnoe and Ji Xueping of Yunnan
University, China, have found more evidence of the
new hominin at a second site – Malu cave in Yunnan
Province. Curnoe has dubbed the new group the Red
Deer Cave people because of their penchant for
venison. "There is evidence that they cooked large
deer in Malu cave," he says.
The Red Deer Cave People present a set of unique
features, seen neither in modern nor archaic
generations of humans. Such unique features
include a very broad nose and eye sockets, a
strongly curved forehead bone, very flat cheeks
indicating large chewing muscles, and an unusually
wide and deep place where the lower jaw forms a
joint with the base of the skull.
"In short, they're anatomically unique among all
members of the human evolutionary tree," said
Curnoe. The research further noted that the Red
Deer Cave people are the youngest population
discovered whose anatomy does not really fit
within the range of modern humans. "We're trying
to be very careful at this stage about definitely
classifying them," added Curnoe. Scientists are
working on extracting DNA from the remains, which
could offer valuable information about
Muddled tree
Exactly where the Red Deer Cave people belong in
our family tree is unclear. Curnoe says they could
be related to some of the earliest members of our
species (Homo sapiens), which evolved in Africa
around 200,000 years ago and then spread across
Asia to reach China. He prefers the idea that they
represent a new evolutionary line that evolved in
East Asia in parallel with our species, just as
Neanderthals did – primarily because they look
very different to early African members of our
There are other possible interpretations. Chris
Stringer at the Natural History Museum in London,
says their distinctive primitive features might
suggest they are related to the enigmatic
Denisovan people, known from a 30,000 to
50,000-year-old finger bone and tooth found in a
Siberian cave.
We know that the Denisovans were living in East
Asia, and from a DNA analysis, that they mated
with our direct ancestors. The Red Deer Cave
people, says Stringer, could even be the product
of that mating.
Long-standing people
Although we still do not know exactly where they
came from, we do know that the Red Deer Cave
people survived until relatively recently. Some of
the newly described fossils are just 11,500 years
old, suggesting that unlike Neanderthals they made
it through the height of the last ice age.
The age of the fossils was established using the
carbon dating technique, which estimates the
radioactive decay of carbon in samples of charcoal
found with the fossils. Stone artifacts unearthed
at the Maludong site indicate they were
toolmakers, while the charcoal further revealed
they knew how to use fire.
They might not have been the only ancient humans
to survive so late, says Michael Petraglia at the
University of Oxford. We already know of human
skeletons with unusual archaic features in south
Asia and India that are just 8000 years old.
The next step is to analyse DNA extracted from the
Red Deer Cave bones, which will tell us more about
their owner's evolutionary history – whether they
mated with any other hominins, for instance, and
if they are truly a new species that evolved
entirely in East Asia, as Curnoe believes, or are
off-shoots of the Denisovan people.
Curnoe says an initial attempt to extract good DNA
from the fossils failed. "We are doing more work
now involving three of the world's major ancient
DNA laboratories," he says. "We'll just have to
wait and see if we're successful."
Source: New Scientist
Disappearances That Have Kept Us Guessing
Recently on an episode of my weekly program, The
Gralien Report, I discussed a bizarre story that
has been kept in parts of my family for years and
years. Sometime back during the early half of the
last century, a distant cousin of mine named
Claude was said to have vanished very
mysteriously… and even more suddenly. He had
literally been talking with his father, the story
goes, through an open window near where Claude had
been sitting on the porch outside. When his father
went out only a few moments later to see Claude,
his son was no longer sitting by the window, and
for that matter, was no longer anywhere to be
seen. This peculiar incident would also end up
being the last time anybody would ever recall
seeing Claude Calloway.
The disappearance alone was pretty strange indeed,
but the really peculiar part had to do with what
had transpired only a few days earlier. Claude had
posed alongside a few others for a family photo,
in which it is said Claude’s face was obscured, as
though he hadn’t been present at all while the
photo was taken. This all took place immediately
prior to his disappearance, lending to the odd,
unsettling nature of the circumstances. Had his
inability to appear on film actually been some
foreboding warning of things to come?
Having remembered this story from my youth, it had
sparked an interest early on in odd
disappearances, and even a casual search on the
web will turn up a number of these sorts of
reports of missing persons that will tend to
incorporate some odd or supernatural element. Some
of them are fairly run-of-the-mill, while others
have outright given us the creeps, thanks to all
the high-strangeness they incorporate. Unsettling
as many of these vanishing acts may be upon
careful review, we’ll examine a few of them here
nonetheless… though you should be warned: you
might want to notify relatives as to your
whereabouts before taking this peculiar foray into
the twilight world of Forteana…
Vanished in Midair: The Disappearance of Frederick
On the evening of October 21, 1978,
twenty-year-old Frederick Valentich had been
flying a Cessna 182L across the Bass Strait on his
way to King Island, Australia. There, the young
pilot had planned to pick up some friends, and
return to Moorabin Airport, but while making his
flight that evening, Valentich found that this
otherwise routine flight had suddenly become quite
unusual; he was apparently no longer alone.
There in the sky, a large, greenish glob of light
began to move in erratic patterns, speeding along
beside and circling around his Cessna. Valentich,
hoping to determine what kind of aircraft was
interacting with him, contacted the air traffic
control station in Melbourne, and began describing
his encounter.”It seems to me that he’s playing
some sort of game,” Valentich said. “He’s flying
over me two, three times at speeds I could not
Before long, the engine on Valentich’s plane began
to experience problems running. “What I’m doing
right now is orbiting and the thing is just
orbiting on top of me also. It’s got a green light
and sort of metallic like, it’s all shiny on the
outside.” Valentich had asked if air traffic
control could confirm the presence of any military
craft in the area, but there was no apparent
confirmation of any such craft in the vicinity.
Soon, the bizarre circling of the glowing green
interceptor that haunted Valentich as he flew
along had begun to be a bit concerning. The
performance of his engine had worsened, and the
craft now seemed to be approaching steadily,
heading directly for him. What follows is a
transcript of the last few minutes of
correspondence between Frederick Valentich and air
traffic control in Melbourne, after which all
contact with Valentich was mysteriously lost:
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, is the
aircraft still with you?
DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet; it’s
(open microphone for two seconds) now approaching
from the south-west.
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet
19:11:50 DSJ: Delta Sierra
Juliet, the engine is rough-idling. I’ve got it
set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger,
what are your intentions?
DSJ: My intentions are – ah –
to go to King Island – ah – Melbourne. That
strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again
(open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering
and (open microphone for one second) it’s not an
FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.
19:12:28 DSJ: Delta Sierra
Juliet. Melbourne (open microphone for seventeen
“It’s not an aircraft,” would be the final
statement Valentich was ever heard saying;
immediately following these words, a loud,
metallic scraping noise was heard across the
radio, and neither Valentich, nor his aircraft,
were ever recovered. Both literally vanished in
mid flight that October Evening as they passed
over the Bass Strait. Had the young pilot been
accosted by some unknown aerial phenomenon during
that fateful evening flight, or were there other
circumstances that may have contributed to his
The Mystery of the Lost Regiment
Though the disappearance of Frederick Valentich is
haunting (if not slightly terrifying), there may
be even more puzzling circumstances that surround
the disappearance of an entire battalion of the
Royal Norfolk Regiment from Suvla Bay, Turkey
during World War I, which was shared with me by
Ken Hudnall, a veteran officer who began his own
inquiry into strange disappearances following the
Vietnam War.
According to the testimony of three soldiers with
a New Zealand field company who claimed to have
witnessed the disappearance, one afternoon in 1915
the members of the soon-to-be-lost regiment had
been marching up a hillside in plain view, toward
the crest of the slope where a low-hanging cloud
had partially obstructed the landscape. As the
soldiers passed through the cloud, they could no
longer be seen; suddenly, and to the amazement of
the New Zealanders nearby, the cloud lifted off
the ground, and moved upward into the sky!
It was later assumed that the battalion had been
captured during their stint in Turkey, and
following the War the British government was said
to have demanded their release. Of course, Turkey
could account for the whereabouts of the so-called
“lost regiment” no better than their countrymen
could, and sparring the odd clues provided by the
New Zealand field company that had watched them
vanish, there were never any leads that surfaced
as to where an entire battalion of the Royal
Norfolk Regiment may have vanished to on that day
in 1915.
Can disappearances of this sort be attributed to
UFO phenomenon? Or, could there be something else
at play? Admittedly, while elements of the “Lost
Regiment” story above bear a certain flare that is
similar to wartime fables and urban legends, the
Valentich disappearance is very well documented,
and by all accounts, seems to indicate a
potentially dangerous interplay between the
missing person in question, and what could only be
described as a UFO that apparently took his life.
Was the death the intentional result of some kind
of attack, and in the event that the legend of the
Lost Regiment were entirely true and factual,
should it present cause for concern? Amazingly,
there was one similar story detailed during World
War II in which a pilot claimed to have witnessed
an entire B-17 disappear after flying directly
into a thick cloud in a similar manner. Years
later, the witness wrote about the account in FATE
Magazine, and even made it through as a caller on
the late-night radio program Coast to Coast AM
during a guest appearance with journalist Leslie
Kean, author of UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and
Government Officials Go On the Record. What was
the source behind the mystery of the “consuming
clouds” or the two World Wars, and do they have
any relevance to the odd circumstances surrounding
Valentich’s disappearance?
Source: Intrepid Mag
with the Wee Folk
MANY CULTURES AROUND the world have their legends
and folklore about "little people" - elves,
fairies, gnomes, elementals, or simply the "wee
folk". In Scandinavia they are the Tomte or Nisse;
the Nimerigar, Yunwi Tsundi, and Mannegishi of
various Native American tribes; the Menehune of
Hawaii; and most famous, perhaps, are the Irish
Some of these wee folk are friendly, even helpful
creatures, but mostly they have a reputation for
being mischievous, conniving, and always elusive
tricksters - seeming to live just on the edge of
our reality.
Do they really exist? Are they merely the
inhabitants of legends, fables, and children's
stories... or are they the products of fantasy and
wishful thinking, stress-induced hallucinations,
or the visions from a shot too much of whiskey?
Like all phenomena of this kind, you'd have a hard
time convincing the people who claim to have
actually encountered these creatures that their
experiences were anything but real. Here are some
reports from readers:
I live in Australia and wonder if anyone has heard
of the woodarjee (spelling? pronounced
wood-ah-gee). I learned of them a few years ago
when relating a story to a Noongar friend of mine.
Noongars are the main aboriginal tribe of
Australia's southwest, and in their lore the
woodarjee are mischievous, sometimes violent
little people.
My encounter happened in Perth in the suburb of
Coolongup in the 1980s when I was about 6 years
old. My brother, cousins, and I were playing in
blackboy bushland (grass tree or Xanthorrhoea) and
I was hiding from them. I heard a rustling noise
to my right and looked over to see a small
aboriginal man about ten feet away from me. He was
about 13 inches tall with a bushy beard and
wearing nothing but a loincloth. I assume he was
hunting as he had a spear notched to his woomera
(a spear throwing tool) and I might have disturbed
him. He looked at me with angry eyes and threw his
spear, which sank into my foot before he, the
spear, and the hole in my foot vanished. Only the
Noongars believe me. - Karl
When I was 6 years old, I'd just moved from
England to Canada. One night I woke up and saw 6
or 7 little men. They seemed so friendly and asked
me about all my toys on the floor and what they
did. But what amused them the most was my Softoy
bunny rabbit at the end of my bed. When I showed
them that it had a zipper and that's where my
pajamas were kept, well, they just cracked up.
They stayed awhile, but my greatest memory of them
is how happy they were. And I will always treasure
that. - tlittlebabs
I do believe in fairies. My daughters and I rented
a trailer in El Cajon, California in 2010. One
morning we were all eating breakfast in the
kitchen, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a
fairy floating in the air. It was a female about
three feet in height sprinkling gold dust all
around her. At the same time, my oldest daughter
said, "Mommy , mommy, there is a fairy sprinkling
gold dust everywhere over by the window."
My daughters and I also experienced some other
unexplained phenomena in that trailer. It was
getting a little too scary for us. We only stayed
living in that trailer for 10 days and moved out
as quickly as we could. I think my daughters and I
somehow attract the unexplained, paranormal,
whatever you want to call it, because we have
encountered several more experiences with the
paranormal that were scary. Thankfully, it has
been almost a year that we have not encountered
anything. We have seen things that no one would
believe. Prayer and faith have kept us safe. -
I grew up in the countryside of southwest France,
and today I am 48 years old. As far as I can
remember, I always saw these beings. We also heard
their music. They are very numerous in the
thickets, woods, and forests. Do not try to meet
them, for they will come to you. I played with
them as a kid. Many are small. They do not live on
the same plane of existence, but in worlds
in-between. Faërie is a reality for me.
Moreover, it changed my life, but I do not care
when I go into the forests. - Wisigothic78
Sometime during the month of August, 2004, I was
at a place called Pymatuning Park in Pennsylvania,
picnicking with my family. I was ten. I had
wandered off alone into the nearby forest and was
looking at all the trees. I was walking around
when I heard the sound of music. I followed it
until I reached a clearing. Like a scene from a
movie, sitting on an old stump on the edge of the
clearing was a little boy. He looked like he was
about seven.
He had medium-length blonde hair and was playing a
recorder made of wood. He must have heard me
because he looked up at me. He had pointed ears
and dark green eyes. He looked at me and smiled.
He asked me if I would play with him. His voice
was really strange, almost like a bell. I told him
I couldn't, and I had to get back to my family. He
looked really sad for a minute, but then started
smiling, and told me that it was okay, and he
would wait until I could play with him. Then he
stood up and walked off into the forest.
I've been back to that area several times. The
clearing is still there, but the stump he was
sitting on is long gone. The second or third time
I went back, I left a slice of apple sitting near
where the stump was. When I went back the next
day, the apple slice was gone and in its place was
a very smooth stone. - Emrys
My father was and still is an avid hunter. He has
heard all kinds of tales through the years of what
others have seen while hunting. He said he has
never seen anything, but had only one weird
experience when he was around 17 years old. He was
hunting for elk with his father and brothers in
Salmon, Idaho in 1965. They had all split up to
chase down an elk herd they spooked by chance, and
my dad was sent around the mountain by himself to
cut them off.
It was a mildly warm day and he stopped to rest in
the shade of some large boulders to strip off some
of his gear and have a drink of water. When he sat
down to rest, he felt a rock zip right by his
head. Thinking it was one of his brothers playing
a trick on him, he yelled at them to stop. That's
when he noticed tiny footprints in the soft dust
under his feet. And again another rock was thrown
in his direction, closer this time.
Now my dad had always been told about the little
people who lived in the rocks and crevices of
mountains and hills, an ancient band of Native
Americans who barely escaped from the white man.
They made their home in the hills and if bothered
would put a curse on you if you failed to heed
their warnings.
Feeling a chill creep up his spine, he slowly
rose, gathered his things and said in very slow
Shoshone, "I am leaving. I'm sorry I disturbed
you." As he was walking away downhill he heard
small feet slapping the rocks behind him, but
being a tad afraid he never looked back. He never
told his father or brothers and could hardly tell
me for fear of me thinking he was crazy. I believe
him. - Alex N.
Source: paranormal.about.com
Prediction Regarding Aliens
By Diane
Time magazine recently featured this headline on
its cover: “2045, the Year Man Becomes Immortal.”
The Matrix and many other science fiction films
and books, are about to become reality as an
influential, intellectual, elite movement grows by
leaps and bounds, with the objective of making
humans and computers, ONE. Enter, the Singularity!
Time magazine defines “Singularity” as the moment
when technological change becomes so rapid and
profound, it causes a rupture in the fabric of
human history. There are immensely wealthy and
influential individuals working hard to make this
happen. They want to see the complete
transformation of humankind into something
different than it now is. While 2045 is the date
given as a best estimate on when humans will
achieve immortality thanks to their having become
more machine than organic, the steps leading up to
2045 are happening even now.
The Singularity movement is actually a form of
eugenic elitism because obviously those who would
be plugged into the master computer in order to
become super-intelligent cyborgs, would be chosen
from – yes – the elite. At least, the elite would
become super-intelligent cyborgs first. The elite
have little compassion for all us regular folk in
the first place, you can imagine how compassionate
they’d be once they are “hooked up,” and the rest
of us are not (yet).
We might have the choice, if we were “lucky,” of
either allowing ourselves to be implanted with the
chip and hooked up, or, face death as one of the
common people who are now utterly inferior. The
non-connected might go the way of the mountain and
lowland gorillas, poached at worse, and at best,
laughed at as stupid beasts.
In case you think I’ve fallen into a science
fiction story here, Time magazine does not deal in
science fiction nor conspiracies. Even today, the
new “iPhone” from Apple is sold out right after it
was launched; humans cannot get enough of high
tech gadgets and of computer access in general.
Therefore, the elitists who are behind the
Singularity movement find it easy to make speedy
progress, because we common folk, for whom the
Singularity does not bode well, run headlong to
embrace anything new which is high tech and
computerized. There is really no opposition to
making computers utterly in charge of everything,
There could be one master computer for all the
humans on the planet or master computers could be
organized by regions. When you look at the
Internet, you see how one network could hook into
every mind. The Time magazine cover portrays a
human with a shaved head, plugged into the
Internet – literally. There is a terminal plug
embedded in the back of his or her head.
Of course there are arguments for making the human
mind and the computer into one being. Humans would
be many times more efficient, thus research could
be speeded up in finding the cure for cancer. But
why worry about cancer when one’s consciousness
could be scanned and uploaded as software inside a
computer forever: Immortality!
Certainly old age would not be a problem anymore,
years before the actual ability to become immortal
occurs in approximately 2045. In fact, many
experiments have been done already involving
hooking the human mind into a computer. By 2020,
it is estimated many people will demand their
iPhones be taken out of their hands and put into
their heads. By 2035, the “information chip” will
turn humans into walking information repositories.
Of course we have to ask, what then will become of
the time and inclination to read one’s child a
bedtime book, to stroke one’s beloved dog, to take
a walk on the beach? In fact, the love and
appreciation of Nature itself, will no longer be
understood or embraced. The power to love might
well be lost.
Will individuals become even less caring, less
empathetic, and more selfish? It seems
unavoidable. And they will not be” individuals”
anymore at all. This will be the new
“transhumanism” which acts as a mass mind,
exchanging electronic information, commands, and
so forth, acting as one.
This is such a huge subject that all the
ramifications and possible scenarios cannot be
covered in one article. So here is one more
question regarding humans and computers becoming
Will humans exercise anymore? Will they eat? Will
they retain their pride in the human form?
With these questions, the fetus-type aliens enter
the picture and possibly “the grays” as well. What
would a human look like who had been a part of the
Singularity for say 200 years? Or 2,000 years?
Would his digestive system atrophy? Would genitals
atrophy? Would muscle structure waste away so that
arms and legs are spindly and excessively thin?
Would he perhaps seem cold and indifferent if he
abducted you? He would not be vicious or violent
like a caveman but rather would behave like a
walking computer, taking scientific readings and
not able to connect to “just a human.”
As I read the interview with Travis Walton by
Johanne Robichaud in UFO Digest, I was reminded
that Travis dealt with human-like aliens after
first being frightened of non-human small aliens.
He felt more at ease with the human-aliens. There
are many other reports of human-like aliens who
might well be human time-travelers, including the
man I encountered in my childhood. He was very
human-like except his eyes were translucent and
there was something slightly different. Perhaps he
was Homo cosmos instead of Homo sapiens (one step
up the evolutionary ladder). He was empathetic and
kind, not cold and indifferent.
Therefore I am predicting that a renegade movement
will grow before 2045 against the Singularity
movement. Humans will dig deep and find the best
of what it means to be human, and some will vow
never to be hooked into the master computer. They
will maintain that to be part of the Singularity
is not to be superior, the same way as eugenic
engineering in Nazi Germany did not ultimately
produce superior beings to the rest of us.
Yes, humans consumed in the Singularity would be
intellectually nimble and informed beyond our
comprehension. However, the old human craftiness,
the ability to “queer the game,” to go against the
odds, to zig when ordered to zag – all of this
would give organic humans a chance against the
So perhaps there was a conflict between the
Organic Renegades and the Singularity in about the
year 2050. Or 2030 or 2080. Who knows?
And perhaps that conflict was eventually resolved
peacefully. The Singularity figured out very
quickly how to travel space and time, and they
could go out there without fear of human frailty.
One of the stumbling blocks to space travel is the
amount of radiation crewmembers would be
constantly exposed to; perhaps that’s where the
fetus-aliens began to really atrophy physically,
along with getting no exercise and forgetting to
eat. However, these traits are great for space
The organic humans, who had been the Organic
Renegades, demanded not to be left behind, so
after the Singularity paved the way, organic
humans went to space and time also.
And so, in Earth skies in 2012, we have fetus and
gray humanoids, and we have human-looking folk who
might well be us from the future. Again, I believe
there are also extraterrestrials visiting us who
are from different planets. However, I do believe
that aliens from time, not space, account for many
UFO occupants and that we should begin to realize
It is easy to write about a hundred variations of
a science fiction story as one reads about the
Singularity Movement, but the movement is a real
one, and very powerful both because influential,
wealthy people are behind it, and because
humankind in general is mindlessly infatuated with
high tech computers.
Maybe the UFO occupants should inspire hope
instead of fear. If they are human-related, they
made it through the Singularity, some still look
and act reasonably organic and human. The others
who seem atrophied and somewhat computerized at
least are not violent or mindless killers. Perhaps
they somehow hooked into the positive human
qualities like love and empathy, even if it boils
down to putting a set of rules into a computer on
good behavior. Myself, I plan to join the Renegade
Organics, except I will be dead and gone by 2045.
Perhaps I need to join the Singularity to become
immortal then rip out the terminal plug and the
chip, and return to the Renegades as an immortal.
Hummm. Back to the drawing board.
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Source: UFO Digest
Emails From Dead Man's Account
When Jack Froese, 32, died of a heart arrhythmia
in June 2011, he left behind a number of grieving
friends and family members. But the BBC reports
that several mysterious posthumous emails from
Froese's account have brought some happiness and
closure to those who were closest to him.
Last November, five months after Froese's death,
his childhood best friend Tim Art received an
email from Froese's account.
"One night in November, I was sitting on my couch,
going through my emails on my phone and it popped
up, 'sender: Jack Froese.' I turned ghost white
when I read it," Hart told the BBC. "It was very
quick and short but to a point that only Jack and
I could relate on."
The email had the subject heading, "I'm Watching."
While the text of the message itself read, "Did
you hear me? I'm at your house. Clean your f***ing
Hart says that shortly before Froese's death, the
two had a private conversation in Hart's attic,
during which Froese teased him over the attic's
messy state. "Just he and I up there. That's it,"
Hart said.
Froese's cousin Jimmy McGraw also claims to have
received a posthumous email from Froese, warning
him about an ankle injury that occurred after his
cousin's death.
"I'd like to say Jack sent it, just because I look
at it as he's gone, but he's still trying to
connect with me. Trying to tell me to move along,
to feel better," McGraw said.
For now, the source of the emails remains a
mystery. But that's OK with Hart, who says that
even if the emails are coming from a cruel
prankster who has hacked Froese's account, he
doesn't mind.
"If somebody's joking around, I don't care because
I take it whatever way I want," he said.
What's interesting and unique about this case is
that the emails all had a personal touch. There
have been several reported cases of emails sent
from a deceased person's account, but those
usually can be easily traced back to spam accounts
that have accessed the deceased person's
Facebook has had somewhat similar problems for
several years, with the social networking site
sending automated notifications encouraging users
to "reconnect" with the accounts of users who have
died. Under normal circumstance, the feature is
meant to help connect users who travel in similar
social circles. In an 2010 New York Times story,
Facebook said it was actively addressing how best
to handle accounts belonging to users who have
And there are even options for those who would
intentionally like to send emails from beyond the
grave. The website Dead Man's Switch, lets you
write email drafts that will be sent to a group of
preselected recipients after your death. The site
explains exactly how they're able to know when to
send the emails:
"The emails are sent at certain intervals. By
default, the switch will email you 30, 45, and 52
days after you last showed signs of life. If you
don't respond to any of those emails, all your
messages will be sent 60 days after your last
Source: Yahoo News
Chinese schoolgirls Commit Suicide
Attempting to Time Travel
schoolgirls committed suicide in an attempt to
travel through time, possibly inspired by
popular TV shows, according to state-owned
newspaper China Daily.
The case brings the issue of time
travel-centered television shows back into the
spotlight in China, which recently implemented
a ban on these types of shows during primetime
hours, between 7 and 9 p.m., according to the
China Daily reported that the girls, both
fifth-graders at East China's Fujian province,
drowned themselves in a pool, and left behind
a suicide note that suggests they were hoping
to become time travelers after death.
One of the girls allegedly wrote that she had
dreams of traveling back to the Qing Dynasty,
and of visiting outer space. The other may
have had another motive: She was worried about
telling her parents that she had lost the
remote control to the garage at their home,
the paper reported.
China Daily didn't name the TV series that may
have influenced the girls to commit suicide,
but notes that popular shows in the country
often incorporate time travel into their
storylines. The plot typically involves the
death of a character, who then goes on to
travel to ancient times.
According to an informal survey by a newspaper
in Southeast China, 14 out of 16 elementary
school students think time travel is possible,
the Wall Street Journal reported. The survey
reportedly did not ask if students believed
time travel was only possible after death.
According to Sun Yunxaio, deputy director of
China Youth and Children Research Center,
young viewers reading too much into what they
watch on TV is still a problem, she told China
"Schoolchildren are rich in curiosity but poor
in judgment, so this kind of tragedy happens
in every era," Yunxaio said.
"I have heard of children jumping from high
buildings after watching an actor flying in a
magic show. This kind of imitative behavior is
in the nature of young children, but it's very
dangerous. So we should give some sort of
warning for children on TV programs."
Source: NY Daily News
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