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This week,
Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such hair-pulling stories
- Engineering
Humans -
- Does Telepathy
Conflict With Science? -
- Argentina: Close
Encounters in Antarctica -
- The Booms Beneath –
Mistpouffers in Wisconsin -
AND: Labour
Councillor: 'My Real Mother is a Green Alien'
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
issue of
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
The Secret Space Program is among the most
clandestine efforts ever undertaken and the
questions are many as to who is responsible for its
adaptation. Did the aliens establish colonies on the
Lunar and Martian surfaces that we have seen and
photographed despite attempts by NASA to eradicate
them from photographic prints?
Yes, the answers are of utmost importance despite
the fact that the American public is being kept in
the dark about a subject so intriguing, so
controversial, that its mere utterance creates a
frustrating clash among skeptics and those in
opposition who claim they have access to undeniable
Indeed, are scientists and others traveling back
and forth between colonies already established in
space? Have their memories been erased so they have
only dream-like recollections of such adventures?
Even Jules Verne and other early science fiction
pioneers might have hinted that secret societies had
developed advanced technologies that enabled them to
venture beyond our atmosphere.
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Engineering Humans
Whether or not you
believe that climate change is a reality, there
are people out there who are thinking of ways to
assist mankind in surviving any sort of global
upheaval. It is clear that in order for humanity
to survive as a species, we will have to be
adaptable to whatever is going to be thrown at us
in the near future.
It is heartening to see that there are some
scientists who are taking this seriously and
thinking outside of the box for possible
solutions. However, some suggestions read more
like the evil manipulations from soul-less
corporations who are seeking profits off the backs
of the rest of us.
So far, conventional solutions to global warming —
new government policies and changes in individual
behavior — haven't delivered. And more radical
options, such as pumping sulfur into the
atmosphere to counteract warming, pose a great
deal of risk.
There may be another route to avoid the
potentially disastrous effects of climate change:
We can deliberately alter ourselves, three
researchers suggest.
Human engineering, as they call it, poses less
danger than altering our planet through
geoengineering, and it could augment changes to
personal behavior or policies to mitigate climate
change, they write in an article to be published
in the journal Ethics, Policy and the Environment.
"We are serious philosophers, but we might not be
entirely serious that people should be doing
this," said Anders Sandberg, one of the authors
and an ethicist at Oxford University in the United
Kingdom. "What we are arguing is we should be
taking a look at this, at the very least." [Save
the Planet? 10 Bizarre Solutions]
Their suggestions
In their article, they put forward a series of
suggestions, intended as examples of the sorts of
human engineering measures that people could
voluntarily adopt. These include:
-Induce intolerance to red meat (think lactose
intolerance), since livestock farming accounts for
a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions.
-Make humans smaller to reduce the amount of
energy we each need to consume. This could be done
by selecting smaller embryos through
preimplantation genetic diagnosis, a technique
already in use to screen for genetic diseases.
"Human engineering could therefore give people the
choice between having a greater number of smaller
children or a smaller number of larger children,"
they write.
-Reduce birthrates by making people smarter, since
higher cognitive ability appears linked to lower
birthrates. This could be achieved through a
variety of means, including better schooling,
electrical stimulation of the brain and drugs
designed to improve cognitive ability, they
-Treat people with hormones, such as oxytocin, to
make us more altruistic and empathetic. As a
result, people would be more willing to act as a
group and more sensitive to the suffering of
animals and other people caused by climate change.
Engineering the Earth
Frustration with the gap between measures to
address climate change and rising greenhouse gas
emissions has prompted a colorful array of
geoengineering, or planet-altering, solutions.
These include pumping sulfur particles or other
aerosols into the atmosphere to reflect the sun's
warmth back out into space; seeding the oceans
with iron to prompt algal blooms that would, in
theory, suck carbon out of the atmosphere and
eventually tuck it away in the seafloor; and
perhaps most realistically, pumping the excess
carbon into reservoirs and storing it there.
In general, these solutions are problematic
because they cannot be ground-tested before being
implemented, and once implemented, the effects
would be global, according to Sandberg.
"If I want to test out one of those
brain-enhancing devices, I can test it on medical
students. If something goes wrong, I might get a
lawsuit, but it is a localized problem. How do you
test geoengineering?" Sandberg said. "How many
Earths do we have to test on?"
What's more, a change that benefits one country
may hurt another, he said.
Changing ourselves
The concept of human engineering isn't new.
Sandberg studies the ethics of human enhancement,
or "all the tools we have to mess with ourselves
to improve our performance," as he puts it. "A lot
of them are quite controversial, except the ones
we don't recognize," he told LiveScience.
Someone will tell you, "'I think it's horrible
people take pills to become smarter,' but they are
saying it over coffee," he said alluding to the
alertness-enhancing effects of caffeine in the
coffee. Supplementing salt with iodine is credited
with preventing brain damage in infants, and as a
result, boosting intelligence around the world.
Fluoride is put into water systems to protect our
teeth, and we receive vaccines to protect against
disease. Both measures — just like human
engineering measures that could address climate
change — carry risk, but they have been widely
adopted, Sandberg and his colleagues point out.
"Now, we are not that interested in saying the
government should impose any of this stuff. … It
is more interesting to think about what can people
actually do to modify themselves that might be
green," he said. "I am mildly skeptical if
anything we propose is going to happen. I think
it's most likely green changes to human nature
aren't anything we have thought of."
Source: Livescience
Runs Hot and Cold, So Scientists Look to the
Some people call what has been happening the last
few years “weather weirding,” and March is turning
out to be a fine example.
As a surreal heat wave was peaking across much of
the nation last week, pools and beaches drew
crowds, some farmers planted their crops six weeks
early, and trees burst into bloom. “The trees
said: ‘Aha! Let’s get going!’ ” said Peter
Purinton, a maple syrup producer in Vermont. “
‘Spring is here!’ ”
Now, of course, a cold snap in Northern states has
brought some of the lowest temperatures of the
season, with damage to tree crops alone likely to
be in the millions of dollars.
Lurching from one weather extreme to another seems
to have become routine across the Northern
Hemisphere. Parts of the United States may be
shivering now, but Scotland is setting heat
records. Across Europe, people died by the
hundreds during a severe cold wave in the first
half of February, but a week later revelers in
Paris were strolling down the
Champs-Élysées in their
Does science have a clue what is going on? The
short answer appears to be: not quite.
The longer answer is that researchers are
developing theories that, should they withstand
critical scrutiny, may tie at least some of the
erratic weather to global warming. Specifically,
suspicion is focused these days on the drastic
decline of sea ice in the Arctic, which is
believed to be a direct consequence of the human
release of greenhouse gases.
“The question really is not whether the loss of
the sea ice can be affecting the atmospheric
circulation on a large scale,” said Jennifer A.
Francis, a Rutgers University climate researcher.
“The question is, how can it not be, and what are
the mechanisms?”
Some aspects of the climate situation are clear
from earlier research.
As the planet warms, many scientists say, more
energy and water vapor are entering the atmosphere
and driving weather systems. “The reason you have
a clothes dryer that heats the air is that warm
air can evaporate water more easily,” said Thomas
C. Peterson, a researcher with the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
A report released on Wednesday by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the
United Nations body that issues periodic updates
on climate science, confirmed that a strong body
of evidence links global warming to an increase in
heat waves, a rise in episodes of heavy rainfall
and other precipitation, and more frequent coastal
“A changing climate leads to changes in the
frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration and
timing of extreme weather and climate events, and
can result in unprecedented extreme weather and
climate events,” the report found.
Some of the documented imbalances in the climate
have certainly become remarkable.
United States government scientists recently
reported, for instance, that February was the
324th consecutive month in which global
temperatures exceeded their long-term average for
a given month; the last month with below-average
temperatures was February 1985. In the United
States, many more record highs are being set at
weather stations than record lows, a bellwether
indicator of a warming climate.
So far this year, the United States has set 17 new
daily highs for every new daily low, according to
an analysis performed for The New York Times by
Climate Central, a research group in New Jersey.
Last year, despite a chilly winter, the country
set nearly three new highs for every low, the
analysis found.
But, while the link between heat waves and global
warming may be clear, the evidence is much thinner
regarding some types of weather extremes.
Scientists studying tornadoes are plagued by poor
statistics that could be hiding significant
trends, but so far, they are not seeing any
long-term increase in the most damaging twisters.
And researchers studying specific events, like the
Russian heat wave of 2010, have often come to
conflicting conclusions about whether to blame
climate change.
Scientists who dispute the importance of global
warming have long ridiculed any attempt to link
greenhouse gases to weather extremes. John R.
Christy, a climate scientist at the University of
Alabama in Huntsville, told Congress last year
that “the weather is very dynamic, especially at
local scales, so that extreme events of one type
or another will occur somewhere on the planet
every year.”
Yet mainstream scientists are determined to figure
out which climate extremes are being influenced by
human activity, and their attention is
increasingly drawn to the Arctic sea ice.
Because greenhouse gases are causing the Arctic to
warm more rapidly than the rest of the planet, the
sea ice cap has shrunk about 40 percent since the
early 1980s. That means an area of the Arctic
Ocean the size of Europe has become dark, open
water in the summer instead of reflective ice,
absorbing extra heat and then releasing it to the
atmosphere in the fall and early winter.
Dr. Francis, of Rutgers, has presented evidence
that this is affecting the jet stream, the huge
river of air that circles the Northern Hemisphere
in a loopy, meandering fashion. Her research
suggests that the declining temperature contrast
between the Arctic and the middle latitudes is
causing kinks in the jet stream to move from west
to east more slowly than before, and that those
kinks have everything to do with the weather in a
particular spot.
“This means that whatever weather you have today —
be it wet, hot, dry or snowy — is more likely to
last longer than it used to,” said Dr. Francis,
who published a major paper on her theory a few
weeks ago.
“If conditions hang around long enough, the
chances increase for an extreme heat wave, drought
or cold spell to occur,” she said, but the weather
can change rapidly once the kink in the jet stream
moves along.
Not all of her colleagues buy that explanation.
Martin P. Hoerling, a NOAA researcher who analyzes
climate events, agrees with other scientists that
global warming is a problem to be taken seriously.
But he contends that some researchers are in too
much of a rush to attribute specific weather
events to human causes. Dr. Hoerling said he had
run computer analyses that failed to confirm a
widespread effect outside the Arctic from
declining sea ice. “What’s happening in the Arctic
is mostly staying in the Arctic,” he said.
Dr. Hoerling suspects that future analyses will
find the magnitude of this month’s heat wave to
have resulted mostly from natural causes, but he
conceded, “It’s been a stunning March.”
That was certainly what farmers thought. Mr.
Purinton, the syrup producer in Huntington, Vt.,
has been tapping maple trees for 46 years, since
he was a boy.
This year he tapped the trees two weeks earlier
than normal, a consequence of the warm winter. But
when the heat wave hit, the trees budded early,
and this tends to ruin the taste of maple syrup.
That forced him to stop four weeks earlier than
normal and cut his production in half compared
with a typical year.
“Is it climate change? I really don’t know,” he
said. “This was just one year out of my 46, but I
have never seen anything like it.”
Source: NY Times
Telepathy Conflict With Science?
Many are starting to think not
Recently, journalist Steven Volk was surprised to
discover that leading skeptical psychologist
Richard Wiseman has admitted that the evidence for
telepathy is so good that “by the standards of any
other area of science, [telepathy] is proven.” Mr.
Volk goes on to write, “Even more incredibly, as I
report in Fringe-ology, another leading skeptic,
Chris French, agrees with him.”
Mr. Volk might even be more surprised to learn
that back in 1951 psychologist Donald Hebb wrote
“Why do we not accept ESP [extrasensory
perception] as a psychological fact? [The Rhine
Research Center] has offered enough evidence to
have convinced us on almost any other issue …
Personally, I do not accept ESP for a moment,
because it does not make sense. My external
criteria, both of physics and of physiology, say
that ESP is not a fact despite the behavioral
evidence that has been reported. I cannot see what
other basis my colleagues have for rejecting it …
Rhine may still turn out to be right, improbable
as I think that is, and my own rejection of his
view is—in the literal sense—prejudice.”
Four years later, George Price, then a research
associate at the Department of Medicine at the
University of Minnesota, published an article in
the prestigious journal Science that began:
“Believers in psychic phenomena … appear to have
won a decisive victory and virtually silenced
opposition. … This victory is the result of
careful experimentation and intelligent
argumentation. Dozens of experimenters have
obtained positive results in ESP experiments, and
the mathematical procedures have been approved by
leading statisticians. … Against all this
evidence, almost the only defense remaining to the
skeptical scientist is ignorance.”
But Price then argued, “ESP is incompatible with
current scientific theory,” and asked:
“If, then, parapsychology and modern science are
incompatible, why not reject parapsychology? … The
choice is between believing in something ‘truly
revolutionary’ and ‘radically contradictory to
contemporary thought’ and believing in the
occurrence of fraud and self-delusion. Which is
more reasonable?”
So, here we have two skeptics in effect admitting
that if this were any other field of inquiry then
the experimental data would have carried the day
by 1950.
Like Price and Hebb before them, both Wiseman and
French hold that the claim of telepathy is so
extraordinary that we need a greater level of
evidence than we normally demand. Why should this
be so? Most people believe in the reality of
telepathy based on their own experiences, and are
puzzled by the description of telepathy as
It is even more puzzling when surveys show that a
large proportion of scientists accept the
possibility that telepathy exists. Two surveys of
over 500 scientists in one case and over 1,000 in
another both found that the majority of
respondents considered ESP “an established fact”
or “a likely possibility”—56 percent in one and 67
percent in the other.
Polls such as this suggest that most scientists
are curious and open-minded about psi. This,
however, does not seem to be the case in one
field: psychology. In the former study, only 3
percent of natural scientists considered ESP “an
impossibility,” compared to 34 percent of
In fact, the most prominent skeptics of psychic
abilities today—such as Wiseman, French, James
Alcock, Susan Blackmore, and Ray Hyman—are
psychologists. An exception is biologist Richard
Dawkins, but like Wiseman and French, he is also
on record as saying that the existence of
telepathy would “turn the laws of physics upside
Failure to Jibe With Other Areas of Science?
Psychologist James Alcock recently wrote that the
claims of parapsychology “stand in defiance of the
modern scientific worldview. That by itself does
not mean that parapsychology is in error, but as
the eminent neuropsychologist Donald Hebb pointed
out, if the claims of parapsychology prove to be
true, then physics and biology and neuroscience
are horribly wrong in some fundamental respects.”
But neither Alcock, Hebb, Wiseman, nor French ever
bother to explain how the claims of parapsychology
“stand in defiance” of science, or how “physics
and physiology say that ESP is not a fact.”
Indeed, it is rare for a skeptic to ever back up
this claim with specific examples. As I show in my
new book “Science and Psychic Phenomena,” on those
rare occasions that they do, they invariably
invoke the principles of classical physics, which
have been known to be fundamentally incorrect for
more than three-quarters of a century.
However, a number of leading physicists such as
Henry Margenau, David Bohm, Brian Josephson, and
Olivier Costa de Beauregard have repeatedly
pointed out that nothing in quantum mechanics
forbids psi phenomena. Costa de Beauregard even
maintains that the theory of quantum physics
virtually demands that psi phenomena exist. And
physicist Evan Harris Walker has developed a
theoretical model of psi based on von Neumann’s
formulation of quantum mechanics.
Ray Hyman’s 1996 argument (in the Skeptical
Inquirer) that the acceptance of psi would require
that we “abandon relativity and quantum mechanics
in their current formulations” is thereby shown to
be nonsense. Contrast Hyman’s statement with that
of theoretical physicist Costa de Beauregard, who
has written “relativistic quantum mechanics is a
conceptual scheme where phenomena such as
psychokinesis or telepathy, far from being
irrational, should, on the contrary, be expected
as very rational.”
As mentioned earlier, adherence to an outmoded
metaphysics of science seems much more prevalent
among psychologists than physicists. Skeptics such
as psychologist Susan Blackmore are fond of saying
that the existence of psi is incompatible “with
our scientific worldview”—but with which
scientific worldview?
Psi is certainly incompatible with the old
scientific worldview, based on Newtonian mechanics
and behaviorist psychology. It is not incompatible
with the emerging scientific worldview based on
quantum mechanics, the neurosciences, and
cognitive psychology.
But even before quantum mechanics began to
supersede classical mechanics in the 1920s, many
physicists were much more open to investigating
psi phenomena than most psychologists seem today.
An astonishing number of the most prominent
physicists of the 19th century expressed interest
in psychic research, including William Crookes,
inventor of the cathode ray tube, used today in
televisions and computer monitors; J.J. Thomson,
who won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for the discovery
of the electron; and Lord Rayleigh, considered one
of the greatest physicists of the late 19th
century, and winner of the Nobel Prize in physics
in 1904.
Of course, for their efforts in investigating
these and other unusual phenomena, these men were
often criticized and ridiculed mercilessly by
their colleagues.
But modern physics is very different from the
classical physics of the 19th century, and it is
time the skeptical psychologists realized this.
The great psychologist Gardner Murphy, president
of the American Psychological Association and
later of the American Society for Psychical
Research, urged his fellow psychologists to become
better acquainted with modern physics.
Murphy wrote in 1968: “… the difficulty is at the
level of physics, not at the level of psychology.
Psychologists may be a little bewildered when they
encounter modern physicists who take these
phenomena in stride, in fact, take them much more
seriously than psychologists do, saying, as
physicists, that they are no longer bound by the
types of Newtonian energy distribution, inverse
square laws, etc., with which scientists used to
regard themselves as tightly bound.… psychologists
probably will witness a period of slow, but
definite, erosion of the blandly exclusive
attitude that has offered itself as the only
appropriate scientific attitude in this field. The
data from parapsychology will be almost certainly
in harmony with general psychological principles
and will be assimilated rather easily within the
systematic framework of psychology as a science
when once the imagined appropriateness of
Newtonian physics is put aside, and modern physics
replaces it.”
Source: The Epoch Times
Close Encounters in Antarctica
By Carlos
Alberto Iurchuk
Source: Planeta
UFO and El Dragón Invisible
Note: This is the original text submitted to
Brazil’s UFO magazine, edited by A.J. Gevaerd.
The article appeared in Issue 177, May 2011.
The man with the thick beard drank his coffee
slowly. Later he turned to look at me, saying
deliberately: “Around April or May, the cook
remarked casually that around 17:00 hours he saw
a plane flying in absolute silence – at least he
didn’t hear any sound whatsoever, being in the
kitchen and all – approached the center of the
bay, made an abrupt turn, and pulled away.”
It was on a cold afternoon, seated in a bar in
the city of Buenos Aires, that I heard this
story from the lips of Jose Raul Bortolamedi,
who had been stationed at the Almirante Brown
Argentinean Base in the Antarctic in 1981.
Raul continued his story in an almost solemn
tone of voice, ignoring the hubbub surrounding
us: “Its altitude was estimated as being
relatively low, between 100 and 300 meters, and
it turned approximately 45 degrees. The cook was
startled by the silence and abruptness with
which the maneuver was executed. There was no
news about any expected flights, since arrivals
of commercial or scientific flights, or those of
any other nature, were generally announced.”
But that wasn’t the only unknown presence during
his stay at the base. After drinking his coffee,
he continued: “In the summer, while the
necessary arrangements were being made for the
departure of chemists and biologists at the
base’s dock, the presence of an object similar
to a bean, executing a falling leaf maneuver,
was noticed directly over the base. The time it
remained visible is hard to estimate, but it was
between 2 to 5 minutes.”
A Pulsating Continent
Antarctica is a nearly circular continent, some
4500 kilometers in diameter, surrounding the
South Pole. It has a surface area of 14 million
square kilometers, but when the encircling seas
freeze, its surface area extends to 30 million
square kilometers. It is also for this reason
that Antarctica is known as “the pulsating
It is also the last continent on our planet to
be explored and populated by humans. It is hard
to determine who was its official discoverer.
Some say it was Spanish explorer Gabriel de
Castilla, who reached 64 degrees South and saw
land in those latitudes (which could have been
any of the South Shetland Islands) according to
the testimony of a Dutch mariner who sailed with
him. Other historians give the nod to Dirk
Gerritz, also Dutch, as possibly the first one
to see the surface of the Antarctic as he sailed
south to the Mar de Hoces (or the Drake Passage)
in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands in
Apparently, it is easier to establish who was
the first to reach the South Pole. Two
expeditions set out toward that goal in 1911:
one of them was the Norwegian expedition under
the command of Roald Amundsen; the other was
Britsh, and led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott.
Amundsen employed Greenlandic sled dogs as his
motor power. Scott, on the other hand, employed
ponies during the first stage and then human
power during the second. Roald Amundsen reached
the South Pole on 14 December 1911; Scott
arrived between 17-18 January 1913. While the
Norwegian crew faced no further complications,
poor planning and misfortune caused the five
British explorers to perish during the return
Currently, most of the signatories to the
Antarctic Treaty maintain scientific research
stations on Antarctica. Some of them operate
year-round, while others are of a seasonal
nature and only operate during the summer.
The Orkney Base, or Destacamento Naval Orcadas,
located on Laurie Island in the South Orkneys,
is the oldest Antarctic base in service and
belongs to the Argentinean Republic, which
operates it year-round through the Argentinean
Navy. The weather station was originally set up
by William Speirs Bruce, a Scotsman, in 1903,
who later sold the facilities, instrument
warehouse and measuring devices to the
Argentinean government. President Julio
Argentino Roca, through Decree No. 3073 of 2
January 1904, accepted the offer, authorizing
the Oficina Meteorlógica Argentina to
maintain the station.
A Continent of a Thousand and One Stories
As has occurred everywhere else on the planet,
UFO stories emerged from the moment on which man
first set foot on the Antarctic. This
inhospitable land, however, has another type of
story that has achieved great popularity among
those who study strange phenomena. One of them
suggests that at the heart of the continent, at
the South Pole itself, there is an entrance to
the so-called “Hollow Earth”.
This theory basically asserts, as its name
suggests, that the center of the Earth is
hollow, with a sort of internal Sun, and
inhabited by a highly developed civilization.
There would be two immense openings, several
hundred kilometers in diameter, on the surface
of the Earth to provide access to this place,
and these openings would be at the poles. This
civilization would avail itself of the openings
to come to the surface, and its craft would be
the UFOs that we currently witness.
While this theory has been readily accepted by
many, it contradicts the teachings of current
science. And as the reader may well imagine,
none of the expeditions sent to the South Pole
found any openings whatsoever.
One of the few bits of “evidence” shown in favor
of the presence of a large opening in the
Antarctic was the photo taken by the U.S. Essa-7
satellite on 23 November 1968, showing a hole
measuring nearly 1000 kilometers in diameter.
What really happened is that the satellite
“compiled” global images by means of smaller
images that later made up a mosaic, incorrectly
interpreted as an “opening”. The circular black
space is nothing more than the “blind” spot that
the satellite is unable to see during its
numerous passes.
As a curious side note, Jules Verne, the great
author who predicted may technological
breakthroughs and historic events such as a trip
to the Moon, was also correct in stating that
humans would never reach the center of the
planet. The title of his book Journey to the
Center of the Earth is a small trap aimed at
ensnaring the readers’ curiosity, since the
journey in question was only a hazardous tour
“within the Earth’s crust” and the novel’s
protagonists never reached the center of the
While this is not the main purpose of the
Article, one cannot speak of the Antarctic and
its legends without a brief mention of Nazis.
Everyone is aware of the significant technical
achievements of Nazi Germany. The V-1 and V-2
flying bombs, for instance, served as the
foundation for developing rockets by the U.S.
which later enabled man to reach the Moon.
German contributions to aeronautics were equally
significant, including the development of
jet-propelled fighters and the creation of
so-called “Flying Wings”.
In spite of this, some are willing to take
matters a step further and state that the Nazis
were able to develop true UFOs, going as far as
to say that they created major bases in
Antarctica to conceal all of this technology
from the prying eyes of the Allies. In the final
months of the war, when the collapse of the
Third Reich was inevitable, many Nazis fled to
these bases in submarines. Not only did they
find shelter there – they pursued the
development of these vessels. As one can
imagine, according to this theory, all UFOs seen
since that time not only in Antarctica but
worldwide, are German in origin.
And in order to make the theory complete, any
scientific expedition sent to Antarctica, mainly
by the United States, is nothing more than a
smokescreen to conceal its true intentions: a
military expedition to find the Nazi bases and
seize their technology.
Setting these stories aside, let us return to
the UFO sightings.
Official Acknowledgement by the Argentinean Navy
The most significant incident involving an
unidentified flying object, mainly due to its
consequences, occurred on 3 July 1965 at the
Argentinean Naval Base on Decepción
Island. According to the story told by Lt. Cmdr.
Daniel Perissé, who was in charge of the
base, they saw an object moving silently. “While
it seemed solid, there was a certain lack of
precision to its shape, sometimes lenticular and
at others circular. Its visual aspect, of
course, could have been affected by an
atmospheric refraction phenomenon that could
have resulted in an apparent deformation of its
What is most notable is that the Argentinean
Navy acknowledged this event in two
communiqués that were issued
subsequently. The total absence of sound and
variations in speed are highlighted, along with
the fact that “it remained suspended for one
minute.” While sightings of this flying object
occurred at night, the meteorological conditions
for the area, according to the initial
communiqué could be “considered
exceptional for the time of year.”
It should also be noted that it was seen at the
Destacamento Naval Argentino Orcadas, located on
South Orkney, and “at the moment in which the
object passed over that point. Two variometers
(magnetic field readers) in service at the time
recorded disturbances to the magnetic field,
captured on the tapes of both devices,”
according to the second Argentinean naval
I would not like to miss the opportunity to pay
tribute to Daniel Perissé, who retired
with the rank of Commander, and who sadly passed
away in 2008. After the incident, and for the
rest of his life, he participated actively in
UFO research, cooperating with all ufologists
who had the pleasure of knowing him.
Many Surprises Await
It is clear that the UFO phenomenon is global in
reach. By this I mean that there isn’t a corner
of the planet where the presence of these
distinctive craft hasn’t been reported.
Therefore, it can be expected that such
sightings would also exist in Antarctica. No
sightings whatsoever would be truly strange.
Antarctica is the least explored continent,
meaning that there are many things to be
discovered in this corner of the planet. Perhaps
not entrances to the center of the Earth, or
hidden installations decorated with swastikas.
But they will nonetheless be discoveries that
will surprise us all, to a greater or lesser
degree. And why not. Perhaps Antarctica is one
of those places where UFOs go to conceal
themselves (where are the UFOs when they are
nowhere to be seen. Beyond their origin, its
true that the scarce presence of human beings in
the white continent makes it an ideal place to
go unnoticed. But not forever...
(Translation (c) 2012, S. Corrales, IHU. Special
thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO, and
Carlos Alberto Iurchuk, El Dragón
Source: Inexplicata
The Booms
Beneath – Mistpouffers in Wisconsin
Isn’t it interesting how easily accepted a poor
explanation can be passed off? The latest in our
constant stream of paranormal happenings that our
world is kind enough to dish up are the Wisconsin
underground booms.
Now, unexplained underground booms are nothing
new. They even have a term, ‘Mistpouffers‘ among
others, and have been reported around the world
for centuries. Coastal areas are often most
affected, early settlers in the American Northeast
were told by the Indians that the sounds were the
great spirit busily hammering away as he continued
to create the earth. Obviously, this was nothing
new to the Indians either.
They are heard in Canada, the Netherlands,
Bangladesh, Ireland and many other places, most
all covered by various legends as to what they
really are ranging from ghost ships firing cannon
to the more modern underground alien bases
In the United States alone, there have been no
less than 20 unexplained booms over the last
decade. Some near water, some not. Of course some
can be explained by meteorites entering the
atmosphere, and there are many other theories
about just what could create a boom, but this
Wisconsin affair seems most interesting in that
the booms were clearly coming from the ground.
There are far less rational explanations for a
non-aerial boom. And it wasn’t just one location,
we all know about the Clintonville booms, but more
were heard 80 miles away in Montello, WI. And,
there wasn’t just one boom. There were many over
at least a four day period, possibly even months,
some reports saying the booms slowed down in the
morning and went full force again in the evening!
Seasonal or time sensitive booms are again nothing
new. The “Barisal Guns” of Bengladesh were noted
to sound like cannon, ran for years in the late
19th century before stopping, and seemed to prefer
the summer months and hardly ever happened in the
winter. No thunderstorms were ever in the area
during the booms, and in this case the booms
seemed to have stopped completely by the 1890?s.
Clearly, it was not sonic booms from jets.
The most interesting case is the Bell Island boom.
This particular boom did some serious damage to
local homes in 1978. More interestingly, it
damaged the electrical wiring of the homes in a
manner that might be similar to what a natural
EMP, or a weapon, might do.
This specific case was blamed on an unusually
large lightning bolt, though meteorologists deny
that the conditions were present for lightning,
and a ‘crater’ of sorts was pointed out as the
impact zone.
That’s a hard buy, lightning doesn’t usually make
craters, it makes fulgerites which tend to look
like small fused glass tubes going into the ground
with the surrounding soil undisturbed. Big holes
with apparently no fused glass isn’t very
consistent, and wierder still Los Alamos labs sent
a pair of scientists all the way out to the
Island, off Newfoundland in Canada, to
The official story is that the infamous Vela
satellite detected the huge lightning bolt, and
they were sent on that basis, but that doesn’t
seem to add up. Why go out there if you know what
it was? Were other superbolts detected by Vela and
investigated with the same vigor and expense?
So what did the powers that be do in response to
the Wisconsin booms? They’ve called it a small
earthquake followed by an earthquake swarm. The
media, or at least most of it, took the answer
happily and closed the case. Never mind that the
explanation was entirely inconsistent with their
earlier reports.
Witnesses note that the booms began much earlier
than the 1.5 magnitude miniquake that the USGS
advanced as a possible cause. The dual locations
of the booms is also inconsistent with an
earthquake. The shaking alone reported by some
witnesses should exceed 1.5 magnitude from the
reports, which is well below the 2.0 threshhold of
usually being feelable by humans.
Residents in Clintonville seem unsatisfied, and
well they should be. When illogical, inconsistent
concepts are advanced in an authoritative “case
closed” manner, it can be insulting and smacks of
the want to get the whole thing buried and made to
go away.
Despite official explanations, the weird sounds
continue to be heard and felt.
Police in Clintonville were flooded with dozens of
calls from concerned residents on Tuesday night
(March, 27) after the town was again rattled by a
series of booms louder than anything reported to
date, despite official assurances that previous
reports of the noise were caused by a minor
According to authorities, the booms shook the same
part of the town that was hit by a series of
similar jolts over the last ten days, but last
night residents said they were even louder. The
booms occurred closer together and one lasted for
a full 30 seconds, according to reports. City
officials contacted the USGS in an effort to find
Early indications suggest that last night’s booms
did not correlate with any earthquake activity in
the state.
“A preliminary review of seismic activity recorded
at two permanent seismometer stations in Wisconsin
did not indicate even a low-level earthquake at
Clintonville late Tuesday, a spokesman for the
National Earthquake Information Center in Golden,
Colo., said,” reports the Milwaukee-Wisconsin
Journal Sentinel.
Geophysicist Joe Bellini also looked at data from
nearby seismometers which “detected nothing
Tuesday night.”
The lack of earthquake activity suggests that
residents were right to have doubts about
naturally occurring seismic events being to blame
for the booms, skepticism that was prompted by the
fact that the jolts were also heard 80 miles away
in a different town.
In fact, the Wisconsin underground booms remain
unexplained, as do a great many others, and if the
ground of Wisconsin continues to boom, we will not
have heard the end of this story.
Source: Paranomala
Labour Councillor: 'My Real Mother is a
Green Alien'
politician from Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK,
has stunned his town council colleagues by
claiming his “real mother” is a 9ft green
alien with eight fingers.
Councillor Simon Parkes, who was elected to
represent Stakesby ward on Whitby Town Council
last month, said although he has had hundreds
of close encounters with extra-terrestrials,
it will not interfere with his mission to help
residents at the seaside resort.
Speaking on YouTube, Coun Parkes said he first
saw an alien at the age of eight months, when
“a traditional kite-shaped face”, with huge
eyes, tiny nostrils and a thin mouth appeared
over his cot.
He said: “Two green stick things came in. I
was aware of some movement over my head. I
thought, ‘they’re not mummy’s hands, mummy’s
hands are pink’.”
He added: “I was looking straight into its
face. It enters my mind through my eyes and it
sends a message down my optic nerve into my
“It says ‘I am your real mother, I am your
more important mother’.”
He said after contracting chicken pox at the
age of three, his mother went to work and left
him at home to fend for himself when an 8ft
“doctor” dressed as a waiter appeared to offer
As an 11-year-old, he claims he was taken on a
craft by his alien “mother”, and made a deal
with the beings on board.
He said: “The reason extraterrestrials are
interested in me is not because of my physical
body, but because of what is inside me. My
Coun Parkes said his extraterrestrial beliefs
“did not come up on the doorstep” while he was
campaigning recently.
He said: “For many people who don’t experience
it, it’s very hard to accept. We are taught to
only see and believe what we can touch, but
it’s acceptable to believe in religion.
“It’s a personal matter and it doesn’t affect
my work. I’m more interested in fixing
someone’s leaking roof or potholes. People
don’t want me to talk about aliens.
“I get more common sense out of the aliens
than out of Scarborough Town Hall. The aliens
are far more aware of stuff. People in the
Town Hall seem not to be aware of the needs of
Fellow Stakesby ward member and former Mayor
of Whitby, Councillor Terry Jennison, said the
matter had not been discussed by councillors.
He said: “I am completely in the dark about
Source: The Northern Echo, UK
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